With a variety of shows, Legion Podcasts brings you discussion on the worlds of horror, film and video games from an assortment of perspectives.
There is very little time or point in an explanation. To be blunt,
the audio came from a timeline and dimension that has collapsed at a
quantum level, rendering it null and void in terms of existence.
Operational time in the dimensional continuum where the beings that created
the audio collapsed in on itself, rendering all of their civilization,
including technology, null and void. Timelines across the entire
continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction has a
nexus that centers on Cinema PsyOps.
10 years. Man 10.
10 years.
10 years. Man 10 years. 10 years.
10. 10 years. 10 years.
What is the most likely way humanity. Will be wiped out? Maybe it's
something from or us. Although the way the world ends
might be because of you. And if this is the case, you wouldn't have
any control over it. The global temperature rise underscores a
chilling reality. Our planet is trying to tell us something, but we
don't seem to be listening. A recent study has suggested that one
third of animals deaths due to heat are directly related to global warming.
On top of the initial flash of thermonuclear
light, which is 180 million degrees, which catches every everything
on fire in a nine mile diameter radius. On top of the
bulldozing effect of the wind, all the buildings coming down,
and more fires igniting more fires on top of the radiation
if they happen to have survived poisoning people to death. On top of all
that, each one of these fires creates a mega
fire that is a hundred or more square miles.
Timelines across the entire continuum are collapsing and changing.
The destruction has a nexus that centers on Cinema Psyops.
A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place.
Biotechnology has been progressing at stunning speeds, giving us
the tools to eventually gain control over biology. Solving the
deadliest diseases while also creating. Viruses more dangerous
than nuclear bombs, able to devastate humanity.
It's man returning to the most primal,
violent state. As people fight over the tiny
resources that remain. What if the world we live in is
just a dream or a simulation? Whether it's a dream or some advanced computer
game you are playing right now, when it ends, you would be what. Causes the
end of the world. Please do us all a favor. Continue dreaming or playing
this game of life. Because when you wake up or unplug, there's a
chance the rest of us will be blaked out of existence. Timelines across
the entire continuum are collapsing and changing. The destruction
has a nexus that centers. On Cinema s 10
years. 10 years.
And welcome to the 483rd consecutive week of Cinema
Psyops. I'm your host, Cort, the guy that is super stoked for the
choice that we're covering this week from my co host, Matt Ghostbuster.
No, that's who you call the Ghostbusters.
That's right, man. Fucking into it, dude. Just finding songs
from the soundtrack which, spoiler alert, we're doing Ghostbusters this week.
Next week is Ghostbusters 2 and I found the soundtracks for both
of them and I was pulling out specific songs from specific scenes.
Yeah. That always just like were like the ones that hit for me or like
the scenes that really worked. Yeah, yeah. Especially Ghostbusters
1, man. In between. Their scenes there. In between songs are awesome.
Yeah. There's a couple of them where they cut out some things. Like, for instance,
the song Magic is going to be one of the songs that's going to be
played. Oh, God. That was the way they used it in the scene that it's
in. It's awesome. Right? But that's like the back half of that
song. So I'm like halfway tempted to only use the back half of
the song because that's the part that I. Everybody knows from that cool scene.
Right. But I won't. Everybody has to suffer through
the front half of the song, which is a lot more poppy and doesn't have
that cool. Like, I believe it's magic creeping after
it. Right. Yeah, dude. I am stoked. I don't
want to really waste the time with the front end palm. Really. I think we
should just fucking get into it because we're going to be talking Ghostbusters quite a
bit. I think we're going to go quite a bit. I also got a billion
clips, so we should probably get going. Yeah. I beat you by three clips.
And some of my clips are like twice, if not three times as long as
some of yours for Ghostbusters too. So don't feel bad. Jesus.
Yeah, yeah. I may be the only person on the planet that
deeply loves Ghostbusters too, I think. I mean,
I like it, but. I mean, I like other ones better, but yeah,
it's still good. Right, Right. That's why I chose to do Ghostbusters 2.
That and they were your picks. And there's no way I'm taking Ghostbusters from you.
That's just not happening. You can't do that to me, man.
No. I may want to cause you pain, but not that kind of pain.
All right, so let's go ahead and take the break here. We'll stop fucking about.
We're going to play the Legion Patreon ad and on the pirate radio edit immediate
following. That is the bus boys with cleaning up the town.
By now you have undoubtedly realized that terrifying elements have
shifted into place. I wish I knew the words to offer you some comfort
in these dark realizations. If my calculations are correct, then Kourt
and Matt will be talking about Ghostbusters for the show. This will intrude upon
Kourt will put on a brave face and pretend while doing the show that he
is not slowly dying inside and covering up his fragile mental state with
what seems like endless tattoo appointments. Matt will obviously say
whatever thing that comes in his mind the second it does until the day he
is no longer alive. This is where many timelines change and diverge
while things seem to get infinitely darker. You will begin to question
just how much more exceedingly stupid your reality can become when this happens.
Take comfort in knowing that the stupider a timeline is, the longer it
seems to persist in existing. We haven't found concrete evidence
that can survive peer review on this, but there is enough observed evidence
to suggest that the more unstable and downright ludicrous a reality is
malleable enough to become, the more flexibility it is able to
offer in better bouncing back to a normalized state. On a personal
note, if this were some sort of video feed, instead of two hideous
fucking chuds hiding behind radio show voices, we would have done
a demonstration of this reality snap using rubber bands
where one is older and more rigid and snaps, but the other is super
flexible and holds up. We have found that this visual aid helps sell the idea
and tends to make you not question bad ideas and writing. It's like
punching a hole through a piece of paper to talk about wormholes. It is
classic lazy story telling. Sorry I sometimes ramble as
I I have spent far too much time alone processing this
weird shit and it is starting to get to me. The point is that there
is more hope in living through the dumbest timelines possible than what it feels like
while stuck in them. No story is as outrageous and stupid as your
reality, so at least you know there is no author deciding what
will happen. Logically speaking, no self respecting author
would try to write a story as dumb as your reality turns out to be.
So there must not be anyone behind the keys on this one and you
can be sure you are a real person. Like I said earlier,
I have been processing this kind of weird shit alone for too long.
Try not to question your existence too much and enjoy the dim witted dipshits
talking about Ghostbusters. You were talking about that kick ass music
in the in between scenes and I think I Deleted. Right there with cleaning up
the time. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely.
Well, why don't we go to the actual review of Ghostbusters? Let's just get
started. All right, so we start. We open up at the New
York Library. And a woman's going through things. We see books start
moving and shit. And then all of a sudden, the cards start flipping
out, freaking out. She's running. You see this bright purple light in
her face and wind, and she screams. And then we get the Ghostbusters
logo. This leads to Dr. Peter Veikman running a
study where he's having a girl and a guy guess
on some cards what what they think is on there. And the
guy's guessing wrong and he buzzes him and the girl's guessing wrong and
he's not buzzing her. Then he gets out of. The guy actually guesses right and
he still says he's wrong. Buzzes him. The guy gets pissed and walks
out. This leads to our very first clip. It's a kind that
your ability is going to provoke in some people. Do you think I have
it, Dr. Venkman? You're no fluke, Jennifer.
This is it. This is definitely it. See those UV
lenses come in for the video camera. And that blank tape, I need it.
The one you erased yesterday. Will you excuse me for a second? Right in
the middle of something. Ray. I need a little more time with this subject.
Could you come back in an hour, hour and a half? Peter.
At 1:40pm at the main branch of the New York Public Library
on Fifth Avenue, 10 people witnessed a free
floating, full torso, vaporous apparition. It blew books off shelves from
20ft away and scared the socks off some poor librarian. I'm very
excited. I'm very pleased. I want you to get right down there,
check it out and get back to me. No, no. Get right back to me.
No, Peter, you're coming with us on this one. Spengler went down there. He took
PKE valances. Went right off the top of the scale. Buried the
needle. We're close on this one. I can feel it.
I can feel it. We're very, very close. I have to
go now, Jennifer, but I'd like to work with you some more. Perhaps you could
come back this evening. Say it. 8:00. I was just going to say
8:00. You are a legitimate phenomenon.
As a friend, I have to tell you, you've finally gone around the bend on
this ghost business. You guys been running your ass off meeting
and greeting every schizo in the Five bros. Who says he has a paranormal experience?
What have you seen? Of course you forget, Peter. I was present at an
undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration.
Ray, the sponge is migrated about a foot and a half.
Oh, you're here. Yeah. What has he got? This is big, Peter. This is
very big. There's definitely something here. Egon, this reminded me
of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Remember that?
That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me. I'm Roger Delacourt.
Are you the men from the university? Yes. I'm Dr. Venkman.
Dr. Stantz. Egon. Thank you for coming.
I hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly. Let's not rush
things. We don't even know what you have yet.
I don't remember seeing any legs, but it definitely had arms because
it reached out for me. Arms. I can't wait to get a look at
this thing. Alice, I'm gonna ask you a couple of standard questions,
okay? Have you or any member of your family ever been diagnosed schizophrenic,
mentally incompetent? My uncle thought he was St.
Jerome. I'd call that a big yes.
Uh, are you habitually using drugs, stimulants,
alcohol? No. No. Just asking.
Are you, Alice, Menstruating. Right. Know. What has
that got to do with it? Back off,
man. I'm a scientist. Ray, it's moving.
Come on. How much
you want to bet that when he asked her if she was menstruating, it was
because he was about to hit on her? I don't know about her, but I
think it's just because he's, you know, he's Peter Vman.
He's. He's an. He's a pig. He is a pig.
He's an. Does not age well post meet
at all? No, not at all. Not at all. You know,
I mean, there are a lot of people who don't eat well, these.
Yeah, a lot of characters. But Venkman in particular, if he's really
greasy. I mean, he was always supposed to be this greasy, but they were supposed
to also be trying to make it charming. And I don't find it charming.
He just feels really sleazy to me now. Yeah, well, it's Bill Murray, so I
kind of find it charming. So, anyhow, they go downstairs and
they find the slime and they're collected it. And that's kind of a funny
little gag. With Bill Murray, it's always funny.
Venkman, being the cool guy, is the one who has to deal with the slime
the most in this movie, I.
Think he's the most useless scientist. So they always put him
on the collection duties. Like, I think Egon is condescending him when he does
that. Yeah, Yeah, I think so.
So then they find the book stacked. You know,
he's just kind of fucking around. Peter is.
Because he doesn't believe in any of this stuff. No human being stack books
like this, right? Yeah.