The Jonathan Kogan Show

Welcome to our latest episode, ⁠"Unveiling Denmark's COVID Vaccine Study: Unearthing Troubling Quality Control Errors and Adverse Events."⁠ Join us as we delve deep into a groundbreaking study from Denmark that sheds light on potentially intentional quality control errors related to adverse events associated with COVID vaccines. Our expert guests provide invaluable insights, analyzing the study's findings and discussing their implications for vaccine safety and public health. Stay informed and gain a comprehensive understanding of this critical investigation that has captured global attention.

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The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
And we're live. What's up everybody. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. Today we got a bombshell study out of Denmark. Super interesting. So many clips. Don't even know where to start. I do know where to start, but I don't know where to go from there. Cause you gotta, you gotta listen to Dr. McCullough. You gotta listen to, uh, Kim Iverson, John Campbell, uh, just a lot of credible sources, um, people who have been in this fight with us, you know, our brothers and sisters. are truth seekers, are apolitical, um, unbiased peeps. Okay. As I like to say, I've never said that before, but now I like to say it. So before we get started, I got to ask, please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show podcast, wherever you get your podcasts. Please subscribe to the Rumble channel. Subscribe to the YouTube channel. I mean, this video obviously probably won't be there because it's too much truth for the YouTube sensors for the totalitarian regime running that software or whatever you want to call it. Twitter at KOGZ, fantastic clips and just massive truth bombs as you know. And let's just get started. So Denmark, there was a huge study that came out of Denmark from scientists out there that have found that there's clearly evidence that batches that the probability of an adverse event with the COVID vaccine that went out worldwide. That it seems like There was a coordinated effort that changed the strength or in fact made the shot a placebo later on because it was too dangerous. So what do I mean? I'm going to have other people explain this better. But it shows that perhaps the original dosage was so high that the first group of batches, there was an adverse event in one in every 20 vaccinations. One in every 20. You heard that right. Okay. And they saw this and they're like, Oh my God, we need to dilute it. So then they dilute it and then it becomes one in a thousand. And then they're like, Oh wow. We have so many adverse events out there, but we got, you know, we still need people to get it. We can't just like pull it off the market. So let's just give everyone a placebo. And then all of a sudden adverse events went to one in never, because they didn't exist. It went to zero. The batches went to zero. So you have the batches of one in 20 to then one in a thousand to zero. Okay. Zero. I don't know, zero. I mean, think about that. Think about that. And that they quietly did this without anybody knowing. And what's interesting is a lot of studies, there was a study that was just published by Dr. McCullough, Harvey Riesch, professor of epidemiology at Yale, you know, very credible doctors. They actually just posted a study. Let's see if I have it here. Yeah, it was a preprint for the Lancet, a systematic review of autopsy findings and deaths. after COVID-19 vaccination and it was already censored. It was already censored. Huge names on this, very credible people. So yeah, William Mackus, Harvey Risch, Peter McCollough. I mean, Peter McCollough and Harvey Risch have an over 100 score. So like people who are the best, most peer reviewed scientists in the world have this score amongst their little community here of like how many peer reviewed publications you have. and how credible you are and McCullough is like one of the highest published scientists ever, let alone alive. And Harvey Risch is really high as well. So these are very credible people and it's being censored. Why? Because science is no longer science. It's now the science and it is owned by the elites. Okay. And in case you didn't know, you are a peasant, so you do not get to read it. So let's just get right into it. You don't listen to me, you know, jib and jab. and talk about all this. You need to hear about the professionals. You need to hear other people. This is unbelievable. We're going to start off with a quick one minute clip. Uh, this is, uh, things this comes from the vigilant Fox on Twitter. It is a clip. Uh, Dr. Mercola discusses bad batches, quote, the side effects are through the roof. Quote, the reason why most people are fine after the shot is because they had low risk batches. So Schmeling and colleagues from Denmark found that 4.2%. of Pfizer shots accounted for 71% of suspected adverse events. I'm going to just repeat that and then I'll play the clip. This study from Denmark found that 4.2% of the shots accounted for 71% of the suspected adverse events. I mean, just think about that probabilistically, statistically, that's very odd. Very, very, very odd. This is from the absolute truth with Emeril Robinson, minute 13 seconds. This is Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most published scientists ever, period. Here we go. I mean, this is a massive manufacturing issue. Whatever you think of this at all, this is a massive, massive problem in the production of a medication or a medical intervention that's going out to billions of people. Billions of people. There's clearly whether now the question is, is it intentional, internal quality controls or the quality controls intentionally off? Was it like... You know, did we try to put out too high of a dose? Do we have to lower it because we couldn't pull it off the market and look sketchy? You know, that's a question you should ask. But nonetheless, the quality control, something's wrong. So then we need to look into it. Is it intentional or not intentional? And listen, now everything we know now, I would be thrilled to hear, oh, wow, I got a placebo. I was part of the placebo group. That's fantastic. But think about the people that went there that believe this thing was going to save their life or else. Like this was everything. And then you find out that you were given sailing. Okay. Yes. You might be like, Oh, I'm super grateful now. You know, now everything, no, but wouldn't you be pissed that you went in to get something and you didn't get that thing they promised you they gave you sailing? Like you should be livid. You should be furious. That would make me so upset. I mean, listen, now looking back at history, it's really good that you probably got that. I mean, Kim Iverson explains this part really well. She has a great whole clip on this. I'm just going to play this end of it where she talks about this exact thing that I'm mentioning where, listen, if you went in for that thing, you better hope to get that thing. So here we go. So, right? Very good point, very valid points. I mean, this is insanity, okay? And when I would tell people, when we started this podcast, we would tell people like, you're the experiment, like you're the guinea pig, obviously. We don't have long-term data, people would yell back like, what do you mean we don't have long-term data? It's a hundred percent, like what? Like, sit back, like take the emotions out of it, breathe, you know, preferably through your nose. Don't be a mouth breather, not good for you. Breathe in and out of your nose and think, hmm. This is brand new. Hmm. It's barely been tested. Hmm. The control group, quote unquote, was fully vaccinated after like six months. So now there's no control group. Hmm. Perhaps you are the guinea pig. Oh, wow. And then if you said that, though, people would be furious. How dare you question the science. Science will win. I want to wear my mask that says science will win. We can get through this if you do this for grandma. Oh, it doesn't stop grandma from getting sick. And it might even kill me, but do it for grandma. The science doesn't matter. It's the science. What? Wait, what'd you say? It's the science. What does that mean? I mean, I just want some research and some long-term safety data. It's the science. You question the science. You question God. Like what, what are we talking about here? This isn't a religion. Like this is wacko. This is wackamadoodle. I don't even know what to call it. I'm going to make up a word for it. This is insanity. But it looks like people are getting on their bearings. People are kind of getting back to, you know, I don't know whether we're going to call it homeostasis. I think we're still, you know, tilted quite a bit, but I think people are somewhat going like, questions need to be asked. Perhaps answers should be given and perhaps the people should take their power back. In fact, you got powerful people, quote unquote, you know, like, you know, Wall Street and stuff like that. Bill Ackman, billionaire hedge fund manager. He's looking into, you know, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s claims. And he posts out a very thoughtful tweet, actually. Um, in fact, do you want me to read it to you? I feel like you're saying, yeah, I want to hear it. I didn't really read it. Well, I thought this was a pretty thoughtful, it's long, so we may not get through all of it. But I want you to people that have poll that have audiences that people that listen to them are thinking for themselves and they're questioning things appropriately. Appropriately. Okay. And this is what Bill Ackman said, billionaire hedge fund manager. He goes, I tweeted. Hold on. He goes, I, this is the best beginning paragraph ever. He goes, I tweeted that Robert F. Kennedy Jr raised some important questions about vaccine safety. And now I am being labeled a QAnon conspiracist by some and a member of the alt right by others. That's what happens. You know, the rules, you question the science, you question the government, you question the elites, you're an alt right Trump anti-human want to destroy the earth scum. You know, like Keith said, scum, Russian scum. That's where you are. Okay. He goes, I have long believed that incentives drive all human behavior. This gives me reason to be open to the potential risks and conflicts as more and more vaccines are prescribed for our children, developing a successful drug is expensive, typically about one to 2 billion, and it takes an average of 10 to 15 years to bring a drug to market. Most drugs have a limited market. That is those who have the targeted disease or condition who can afford to pay for the cost of the drug. Even when a successful drug is brought to market, the drug company remains liable for any potential damages from those who are harmed by the drug. The above reasons are why getting profitable drugs approved is challenging and risky. But imagine for a second, however, if, 1. You could create a drug in a much shorter period of time, a year or two rather than 10 to 15 years, and the total cost to get it approved and marketed to patients was a fraction of the cost of a typical drug. The new drug is prescribed for everyone, regardless of health, and therefore the market for the drug is every newborn or potentially everyone on the planet. 3. The drug is prescribed for everyone regardless of their age or consent and they need to take it in order to attend school or keep their job and the government pays for it. 4. The patients who are prescribed the drug are of an age where they are incapable of assessing the risk versus the reward for taking the drug. The drug needs to be taken every year, regardless of the health of the individual who takes it. Six, the drug companies who manufacture these new drugs are exempt from liability for these drugs, even if they cause serious harm or death. And last but not least, seven, drug companies are, A, permitted to advertise on TV and on other media, and are one of the largest sources of revenue for the news media who are responsible for educating the public about risks to the public health and safety, and B, The drug companies are also major lobbyists to the government and funders of the FDA. And he says, if one in seven were true and you were a drug company, you would seek to obtain approval for as many of the above drugs as possible. As the above drugs would have the lowest R and D costs, the fastest time to market the lowest marketing costs and the largest addressable market with no liability. You following me here? Couple more. You would be crazy not to develop as many of the above drugs as possible and do everything possible to convince the government to make them standard of care and motivate the public to take them. If you were a citizen, however, you would want the above drugs to receive the highest scrutiny for safety and efficacy, and you would want longitudinal studies to understand the long-term effects and the potential cumulative effects of these drugs, in particular, on children. Now, if the number of doses of these drugs taken by children increased from three to seventy two in the last thirty years or so, and over that same period there was a massive unexplained increase in the percentage of kids that suffer from debilitating diseases like autism and other less debilitating but concerning issues like allergies and eczema, you would look deeper until you understood what was causing the massive increase in these issues. Now, of course, I am talking about vaccines. But instead of going deeper to understand what is going on, the media and others attack anyone who dares to raise these concerns. This is not how we get to the truth. We need to think about vaccines the same way we think about other drugs, particularly when we are deciding whether or not to inject a one day old infant or a three year old child. We need to assess what is the benefit to the child and protecting them from a disease versus the potential risk from side effects from each vaccine. And so that's his tweet. I thought that was very thoughtful and very, very good. That it's just questioning. It's just trying to find the objective truth. This isn't nothing's partisan here. Nothing is, is like, like put you on Republican, Democrat, independent. This is why this is why people just automatically go to that. It makes me think that they make all their decisions based on their emotions. Cause the truth is this right here, what you're listening or watching right now is the number one apolitical podcast in the world. Why? Because there's very few apolitical podcasts because people can't help but be political. It's bizarre. We just care about the pursuit of truth and happiness. If we can, you know, have a pursuit of happiness, do that. Be cool. But truth, we just care about truth. If it's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable. It is what it is. We just need the peasants to get the truth. You, I, everybody. All right. So let's continue here. That wasn't planning on getting to that right away. So a lot more video clips. Let's go back to the Denmark study. So there's a few clips I could play on this, uh, from the actual, uh, publisher from the person who actually did the study themselves. I'll play that video in a second. They did an interview, the scientists did an interview with Dr. John Campbell. But before we get into that, I want to play this real quick clip if you remember this and if you haven't, you're in for a treat, but you've probably seen this. This is old. This is Mark Zuckerberg, and this is relevant. This is from a great tweet thread from Kanakoa the Great, where this was broken by what's it called, Project Veritas. Mark Zuckerberg privately told Facebook execs to be cautious about mRNA vaccines because, quote, we just don't know the long-term effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA. He then censored scientists, doctors, and mRNA vaccine-injured individuals. This is just a minute clip, and it doesn't play the full thing of his audio. The audio is really bad. This is from July 16th, 2020, okay, when Mark did this. A video leaked of him, if you never saw this, then you're way behind, but a video leaked of him telling his closest confidants at the executive level, like, you know, you probably shouldn't take this thing. And then obviously they became the number one propaganda arm of the government. But this says little tidbits from Project Veritas. Just listen to it and we'll get you on the other side. Here we go. So what is the bigger thing going on here? It just makes you think like what is going on? I'm just thinking in my head, these people knowingly, I mean, we knew on this podcast, many truth seekers knew, but these people knew and then took actions to prevent the truth from getting out there. What is that motive? Why, why, why? Are we ever gonna know? I have no idea. But it's just awfully strange that they intentionally were proactively preventing the truth from getting out there and just makes you think is this some sinister plague? It just, I mean, honestly, because we don't know, it makes you just go to the, like the worst place possible because you're a normal human and no one can possibly understand why someone would want other people to hurt themselves. If they could have had that information to prevent themselves from being hurt. Cause you're normal. Currently the world's run by sociopaths, psychopaths, and that's just the world we find ourselves in, but we will get our world back. We're slowly getting there. This podcast, many others, we're getting there. We're getting there. Okay. It's a little, you know, baby steps, millimeter steps or whatever measurement, even smaller than that. But we're creeping. We're creeping. I'm seeing more courage out there. It's, it's feeling very good. I'm seeing more people having the balls to speak the truth, even though it's uncomfortable and even though people, you can get banned and all this stuff. Like, come on, I'll be banned off threads. The new Twitter for Facebook in like a day. In fact, I had a great first thread. They call it. Okay. Best part about threads. It's like Twitter. except the CIA and FBI having full access to your private data. So awesome. It's amazing. OK, so more clips to get into here. More clips to get into. Let's see what we got. One second. So we can go to you know what? We're going to do a little pivot here and then we're going to go to John Campbell. OK, because today Lex Freeman dropped a podcast with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. OK. And there were two clips that I've clipped. This is a three minute clip. Uh, because we were just talking about how the world's run by sociopsychopaths and, but we don't know cause we can't get in their head. So Lex Friedman asks, he asks, uh, Robert F. Kennedy jr. To steel man, the argument and ask, what is the biggest positive thing you think Anthony Fauci did for the world? And this answer is so stunning. You just have to listen to it because it's just, it's unbelievable. This guy, I'm just gonna give you my little tidbit. may have done the most harm on humanity than anybody ever. Definitely in America. I mean, this is so bad. Just listen to him say it. This is just a great segment. I think it's really important for you to hear and then we'll continue on with the Denmark study. I mean, that is, uh, I thought that was a really powerful clip. And if you haven't read the book, the real Anthony Fauci or listen to the audio book, like I did, that is a requirement. You have to go do that. Now it's a tough one. Okay. It's a tough one because it's dark, man. It is dark. It's going to open your eyes to another side of humanity. You don't want to know exists and didn't know it exists, but you need to confront truth and that's just what we have to do nowadays. We are in a different world. We have made it to peak upside down backwards world and the way to get it. back up right is to start learning the truth, exposing the truth, airing it out, talking through solutions, make the world better, having difficult discussions, debates and stuff like that. So go read the real Anthony Fauci. Uh, very, very good. I've recommended here many times. So, uh, let's go back. Uh, let's go back to the batches cause that was the main topic de jour. We got a little sidetracked, but it was very, very important to be sidetracked and that's okay. So this, we'll go with this first clip. This is from John Campbell, okay, Dr. Campbell. This is on his YouTube channel. You know, he's pretty, all he does is talk about science and a lot of stuff around COVID and stuff like that. And he's talking about the Denmark study, which we started with. And I'm just gonna play it from the beginning here where he walks you through a little bit of it. And I think it's important to listen to this background. And then I will play you a clip from an interview with the person who published the study, the scientist behind it. And I think that's very important as well, but just, uh, just stick a list of this, just to get some background and then I'll play a couple other clips to make it come full circle. Yeah. So, uh, let me just kind of sum up what he's saying. He's saying that if I was told the truth, I would have made a different decision. That is exactly against informed consent. That is a direct clear violation of the Nuremberg code. Like that is, I don't know how that's debatable. I don't know how it's not being talked about. That is a direct violation, which we have gone through. Go listen to the previous episodes. I went through the whole Nuremberg Code on this podcast many, many months ago. We've been through this. That is a lack of informed consent. You're the experiment or maybe you're not part of the experiment. I don't know what you decided to do, but they were telling lies. They were being dishonest. The people who were telling the truth were not only being censored, they were being deplatformed. Their careers were getting smashed. If you didn't take it, you would lose your job, your career. It's unbelievable what has occurred. and that there's been no reckoning of truth or like accountability. In fact, the person who led this in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who led this upside down world attack on the on the people is actually promoted and is now a tenured professor at Georgetown, which we've covered on this podcast as well. So nothing makes sense. And if there's no accountability, why wouldn't the same group of people do this again and try and get more totalitarian control, lock you down for climate, for something else? You know, make you take something else so they can profit billions and transfer more wealth from the middle class to the elites. Why not do it again? They can't get in trouble. You know, people who steal from stores, the ones who don't, you know, don't get in trouble if they're if a cop saw someone walk out of the store with stolen goods and goes, ah, whatever, we got to go do your thing. You think they're going to go steal from another store again or not? I mean, come on. This is why accountability is vital. And people should demand it. We demand it on this podcast. And I think a lot of people are demanding it, whether they're saying it out loud. They know something's not right. They know something isn't right. So, um, it's unbelievable. They quietly changed the formula. This is illegal in so many ways. It's like mind blowing. It's absolutely mind blowing. Um, so, you know, I'm actually going to play, uh, the clip now. Uh, this is from, uh, the person who's behind the study. I'll pronounce her name wrong, but Vibheke Manashe, MD, PhD author and lecturer. Uh, let me share this, uh, this clip, uh, again, it's from John Campbell, but it's from Chief Nerd on Twitter. Great, great, uh, Twitter follow. New Dr. Vibheke Manashe explains her new peer reviewed Pfizer vaccine safety study, which has gone viral quote, 4.2% of the batches are associated with almost 71% of the report of side effects. You would usually expect. that if the batches were the same quality, you would expect more or less the same amount of side effects. Yeah. Cause it's the same thing. This is a huge difference between the batches. Why did something change along the way? Listen to this clip. It's about a nine minute clip. We'll see how much we play of it, but very, very important. Take a listen. So this is unbelievable. So I don't know about you guys, but I am livid. And I would probably be furious if I wasn't even myself. Just hearing this, no matter what you decided to do, no matter how the cards fell, this is insanity. The very people that are supposed to protect you and look out for your best interests are on the same side as the manufacturers and the people trying to profit as much as possible. It does not make sense. They cannot work that way. That cannot function that way. This will not work ever, all right? And that's why there needs to be accountability because these same people, they profited tens, a hundred billion dollars. They're gonna do it again and again and again. And you're just gonna sit in your little pod and you're just gonna, you know, life's gonna go on and you're just gonna get, and then you're gonna be like, oh wow, we didn't give you all the information that you had. You're gonna say, oh my God, that's not really fair. And they're gonna say, well, you can't sue us. And then they're gonna say, okay. And then that's it. And the next time it goes, What? You didn't tell me all the information. Where did my leg go? Oh my God, I don't know. I can't hear on my right ear. Well, that sucks for you. There's no liability. Like this is what happens. It just goes forever and ever and ever and ever stops. So this is why we need to stop this stuff now. All right. Very, very important. Now I want to end on a good note. And before I say that, please subscribe to the John and the Cogut Show podcast, wherever you listen to your podcasts. Thank you very much. Nice plug. Last thing I want to end on a very positive note here. And here is the positive note that I'm going. This was all over New York Times. I'm going to pull up one of their articles from New York Times health. If you're not, if you're listening, it says this fall Americans will be asked to roll up their sleeves, not just for flu shots, but for new inoculations against COVID and RSV, all causes of respiratory misery. So let me just click this real quick. Um, Oh, this is fantastic. So federal officials hatch a three prong. defense against another triple-demic. This fall, Americans will be urged to get shots against the flu, COVID, and RSV, baby. So, New York Times, the officials, the pharmaceutical companies, the politicians, they got your back. They are coming with more injections right into your arm, baby, right into your arm. You know, the end of this game, you actually turn into the Pfizer logo. That's what's awesome. You... Eventually, after a few years, you just turn into the Pfizer logo. You're just a walking logo. You, in fact, when the lights turn off, your stomach glows Pfizer. It's the ultimate branding opportunity ever. So you're in this movie theater and all of a sudden you're like, why is everything glowing? It's just Pfizer, and it blinks. And then you see someone else and his back is lit up. You're like, what is that? It's like Moderna, Moderna. That's where we're going, baby. That's where we're going. That's fantastic. That is fantastic. No, it's awful. We need to correct this very, very soon. Okay, so, you know, we'll end on a bonus material here. We got a lot of people watching. So we'll do a little bonus, little bonus right here. One more clip from the Lex Friedman with RFK, tweeted this out again, at KOGZ. This was in relation to why do you think Peter Hotez rejected the offer to debate on Joe Rogan's podcast? Two minute, 15 seconds, we'll end on this. You know, take it or leave it, whatever you want. I'm just playing it for you because it's information that you need to hear. As you know, We didn't cover that on this podcast because it went so viral. Everyone knew about the Joe Rogan and the debates and what was going on. And you know, Hotez running and RFK asking, and then Bill Ackman coming on. So here is, uh, what you said, this is today. This just happened a couple hours ago. It was done over July 4th weekend. So why do you think Peter has rejected the offer to be on Joe Rogan's podcast? Here's the whole clip. You know, it's funny when you start talking about this topic, and I was talking about this years ago, the only time it's only this topic when people will answer, you'll answer something that's like really damning and like all the evidence is there. And then they say, I'd like to think that everything like it's not about what you like to think it's about what is there. Let's just observe evidence or like, I would hope that all scientists are good. Or I like to think that our agencies are protecting the people. You know, I would hope. that the scientists have our best interests at heart. Okay, that's fantastic. I hope for the same thing. I hope everybody on earth is a fantastic human being who wants me to be a multi-billionaire and live freely and nobody affect my life whatsoever. I hope that everybody agrees with that, but that's not what this is about. This is about what is the objective truth and let's search it. Just like I read earlier on Bill Ackerman's tweet, it's in the pursuit of the truth. Whatever the answer is, is what it is. Okay, this is it. People on this topic, when you talk about vaccines, all of a sudden it's emotions that come into play. Like, you know, I hope that everything I was told my whole life wasn't a lie. Well, I've yeah, I hope the same thing. I hope the same thing. Or I hope no one misled me. Guess what? So do I. Is that what we talk about? What's the argument here? Are we discussing what we hoped? Are we discussing what we wish for? Are we discussing what we pray for at night? Are we discussing the objective reality of the truth? What are we doing here? What are we doing? And people get confused. It's the only topic where people get confused. Like we're debating emotions and opinion or we're debating objective truth. Other scenarios, no problem. Like law and all that, you can do, just search for the truth. Doesn't matter how you feel. Vaccines, I feel that it should be this way because otherwise I'd been lied to. Yeah, well, the feeling sucks. Wait until you realize you're in an upside down world. It's a tough pill to swallow, but once you swallow it, you'll be much better off. It's fantastic. Because then we can start fixing everything. So that's what I got for today. That's The Jonathan Kogan Show at your service, telling you uncomfortable truths. sharing with you information, you know, and for you to make your own decisions, for you to use your own God-given critical thinking skills, use your own brain, your cerebellum, your amygdala, all that stuff. Use it, baby. Use it. Okay, it's awesome. Use it. We're making critical thinking amazing again. All right, that's what we're doing. We're making critical thinking great again. And that's what I got. Listen, I could have played some more videos on the studies, but you get the gist. You know what's going on, and it's a bombshell. Go check out the study yourself, the Denmark study. I love the name of the Denmark person, Schmeling. I love it, Schmeling and Colleagues. What a name. Hey, did you check out the study from Schmeling and Colleagues? Yeah, I shmelled them on the Schmeling. I love that, Schmeling and Colleagues. I'm sorry, I can say that all day. What do you think of Schmeling and Colleagues? I think they are fantastic. All right, subscribe to the John Tacoga Show, subscribe to the Rumble channel, like the Rumble, whatever you call it, give it a Rumble, like on, oh, this won't be on YouTube, obviously. And follow on Twitter at KOGZ. This will obviously be on Twitter because there's free speech there at the time being. And that's all I got for you today. I'll see you tomorrow. John at the Kogan show. I'm out. Bye.