The Estherpreneur

Join me today as we go on a little adventure, exploring where inspiration really comes from. It's not always from the big moments or grand achievements. Sometimes, it's hidden in the quiet parts of our everyday lives: 
  • Hear the Unsaid: What can the silent moments and overlooked stories around us teach about joy and resilience? Tune in to discover the hidden depths of everyday conversations.
  • Feel the Unfelt: Ever wondered how challenges could bring unexpected gifts? We'll explore how empathy and understanding transform not just lives but also our own heart and faith.
  • Live the Unwritten: How does the word of God transcend the pages of scripture to script our daily lives? We’ll delve into the profound impacts of divine dialogue in our routines.
🔍 Why Listen?
I’ll be sharing stories and insights that have helped me see the world in a new light. And I hope they do the same for you. This isn’t just about finding inspiration; it’s about seeing the inspiration that’s already all around us. 

Was there a moment in the episode that spoke to you? Share your story and join the conversation. Let’s inspire each other and grow together in faith and purpose.

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Join me, Edna Harding, on a journey through spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurial insight, where Timeless Wisdom meets Timely Methods in every episode. 

For more information on our services, visit Favor and Wealth.

#Entrepreneurship #Inspiration #TheEstherpreneur #SpiritualWisdom

Subscribe to "The Estherpreneur" for more episodes where we venture beyond the surface to find meaning and motivation in the most unexpected places.

What is The Estherpreneur?

The Estherpreneur is a weekly chat about doing business and life God’s way. Join your host, Edna Harding as she offers biblical strategies and practical applications to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as she talks with guests on how to thrive in all areas of life. Edna is a Wife, Mother, Growth Strategist, Author, Minister, Certified Maxwell Business Consultant and Executive Coach, an accredited Master Mindset Coach, and Speaker whose message of hope, truth, and wisdom reaches people all around the world.

Edna Harding:

Welcome to Estreprenuer, a podcast for entrepreneurs and leaders doing business and life God's way. Each week we discuss biblical and practical tips to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as I speak with special guests on how to thrive in all aspects of life. Hi, I'm Edna. Like many of you, I wear many hats.

Edna Harding:

I'm a military wife, mother, author, certified John Maxwell business and executive coach, trainer and founder of Favor and Wealth who we help the good guys win. So tune in as we bring on the light.

Edna Harding:

Well, hello, beautiful souls, and welcome back to the Entrepreneur podcast where faith or biblical wisdom meets business, and stories inspire action. I'm your host, Edna Harding, coming to you with a heart full of excitement and a topic that I hold dear, which is my 3 favorite sources of inspiration. This episode is gonna be nice, short, and sweet. I know the previous one was a little long, but I'm excited about, this particular episode because I think it's going to inspire you some more. But first, before we begin, let me go ahead and welcome the holy spirit.

Edna Harding:

Holy spirit, have your way, lord. Use me as a mouthpiece, lord, as a a a messenger of life that's gonna bring hope to my family, lord god, across the stairways, god. I just pray, oh god, that you will be glorified. Meet them where they're at. Lord, help me to speak your truth in love.

Edna Harding:

In Jesus' name, amen. Alright. So today, we're diving into the powerful realms of joy and hope and everyday challenges as well as the, of course, the unwavering word of God. I just wanted to say that I wanted to share a praise report before I begin. I know this is kinda, like, off the wall.

Edna Harding:

But the Holy Spirit had put in my spirit to stem on his word for certain outcomes when it comes to our houses. And this afternoon, after my husband woke me from my nap, basically confirming that word and that everything is good to go. The lawyers and everybody said, all is well. And then he was like, god is great. And he wanted to give me a high five, but I didn't high five him.

Edna Harding:

And I challenged him. It's like, so let me get this straight. You're only gonna say God is great when things happen according to what you want it to happen versus, like, nodding the garden's gate before it happens. And it's not just a challenge to him, but a challenge to you guys, because we as believers, especially those who have been, sons and daughters of God for a while, meaning we're not baby Christians, we can learn from the fathers and the mothers of the faith in the word of God that they gone through so many tests before they received their promises. And I feel like I don't know about you guys, but I feel like a lot of us have been through the fire, and we've been through so much storms and challenges.

Edna Harding:

And my faith muscle has been a lot stronger because I've been stretched, through all these years. I mean, since 2013, I've gone through major, major battles, and I'm still standing. And I feel like that really built my faith up, built my muscle up in preparation for this season that we're walking into the fall. And I truly believe the words of the prophets and the word of the lord that he's been pouring my spirit. This is truly the season of overtaking.

Edna Harding:

This is truly the season of the overflow. This is truly the season of his promises fulfilled. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting so excited to see the manifestation of his promises in my life, in my business, in the ministry, in my podcast, in my book, and everything that concerns me, including my health and my children and my husband. So, anyway, I just wanted to open that up, with that because I really think it's really relevant right now. The the courage the encourage the encouragement I wanna give you guys this morning is that don't focus on what's going on in the world, but focus on, what god says.

Edna Harding:

Focus on his truth, and I promise you he will not stir you wrong. Alright. So let's go ahead and start with the first source of inspiration. Okay? So I want to say this.

Edna Harding:

So whether you're sipping your morning coffee, a rundown by a bustling day, I want you to relax. Just listen to my words, and I pray that the spirit will penetrate these words deep down into your soul. K? Oh, by the way, guys, I know this is kinda off topic. I'm, like, going offing.

Edna Harding:

So every time we move, I always get a new piece of art to as a backdrop for my office. So in Colorado Springs, it was like a contemporary splash of different colors. It just kind of reminds me that there's beauty in the midst of the mess. And so when people look at it, they're like, what does that mean? But to me, I see art.

Edna Harding:

I see beauty, and I see creativity, and I see innovation. And and it reminds me of the of Joseph's journey and how in the midst of darkness, he truly shined. And I believe that that was the season that I was in. And then this season coming up as we're actually, I'm literally sitting down in my office, looking across a box bunch of boxes, because the movers came here to start packing our stuff. We're moving to Alabama this weekend.

Edna Harding:

I can't believe it. But God worked it all out. And my point is now I'm able to breathe a little because it got a lot of the heavy work done. It's just a matter of driving across the country. But having said that, so I got this new art for my new office in Madison, Alabama that's where we're gonna be moving, and it's a picture, a beautiful oak tree that the leaves are multi cultural multicultural, multi colors, and it just reminded me of kind of my process.

Edna Harding:

And now I'm strong as an oak tree. And,

Edna Harding:

and I don't know.

Edna Harding:

I just feel like there's many of you guys who may feel like giving up and may feel like quitting, but just want to to meditate on the scripture about the oak tree and that we're gonna be oaks of righteousness and that we're really gonna have lasting fruit because of the we're deeply rooted in our relationship with the word of God. So that is my new art. I can't wait to show you guys. When we get to Alabama, I can do more filming for my podcast, thank god, because I miss being live, with you all. But, again, you just have to bear with me for this audio only for now.

Edna Harding:

Alright. So let's get to it. So one of the most vibrant sources of my inspiration comes from listening to people share what brings them joy and hope. You know, to me, there's something incredibly uplifting about hearing others, find their light in their lives. And when people are like, truly, an example.

Edna Harding:

So one of my clients and dear friends, Darasita Odom, if you're listening, I love you. She has from the very get go, she told me she wanted to write a book about unforgiveness when we first side started our relationship. And long story short, it's finally done. And she got her copy of her book that she literally bled through in the spirit. It's dealing with unforgiveness, specifically when it comes to the murder of her brother.

Edna Harding:

And I don't wanna share all a story, guys. Her book is called Journey to Overcome. Please get it on Amazon. Read it. I think especially if you know anybody just dealing with unforgiveness.

Edna Harding:

She has gone through so much. Her I know her story. I'm not gonna steal her thunder. But she's an incredible woman of God, and I truly believe that that that book is going to change you, especially when you're dealing with unforgiveness because it was downloaded to her by the holy spirit. And seeing her light up in her video, opening her book, just so excited about what she, and the holy spirit created in The Secret Place, and seeing it live, like, like, seeing her getting her first copy and opening it, that just brought so much joy to me.

Edna Harding:

And to me, that's really, really inspiring because I'm like, wow. My clients are getting results. My friends are getting results. Like, seeing what inspires them, seeing what brings them joy, seeing, like, people get excited, that really encourages me, because I don't know. This is contagious.

Edna Harding:

Right? Joy is so contagious. Right? And so, I wanted to say that, like, if you are having discouragement somehow in your life, the first thing to start is to go and look for people who are experiencing joy. But you do have to have a heart check because sometimes jealousy can creep in.

Edna Harding:

You'll be like, oh my gosh. Like, look at this girl. It's blessed. Look at this girl. It's blessed.

Edna Harding:

Like, I like seeing the successes of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ because to me, I look at it as if God can do it for them, he would do it for me. And for those of you guys and I feel like this is such a rough I I have feeling in my spirit that there if you are not feeling that sense of joy or that sense of encouragement when you see other people succeed, this is a time to humble yourself before the lord and ask the lord to reveal those roots, the deeply rooted things that's causing you to be jealous over other people's successes, because you will never be blessed until you deal with that jealousy. So, learn to celebrate people's successes. And until you get to that point, you're not gonna be inspired. And and you're in public.

Edna Harding:

Well, how does that inspire you? It's not about you. You know, the joy of other people is not related to you. So why how would that inspire you? It's because it reminds me of the faithfulness of God.

Edna Harding:

It reminds me that God answers prayers. It reminds me that God is so good. I remember I was watching a video of this lady named Jenny Weaver. She came from witchcraft, and, she used to be a drug addict, and she used to live in a trailer. And now she has, like, I don't don't quote my own.

Edna Harding:

That's maybe a 100 acres of land, build transition homes for women, single moms, and they have their own farms, and they have their own properties, and they have their own schools. I'm talking about that inspires me because seeing the hand of God move from his children really encourages me that at some point, it'll be my turn. It'll be my time. Does that make sense? Alright.

Edna Harding:

I wanted to say that in Zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17, it says, the lord your god is in your midst, a mighty one who will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you by his love. He will exalt over you with loud singing. Okay, in 79317.

Edna Harding:

You know, like, Terracina, you know, when when we engage in activities that unite and uplift others, meaning that's gonna bring encouragement to others, that's gonna bring hope and joy to others, including Jenny Weaver who's building, you know, that new who who has that new property to bless all these people, we're embodying that scripture. Because when we create in joy and hope, not just in ourselves, but in our communities, we bring glory to the name of Jesus. Alright? Alright. Now I do wanna say let us go to the second point that I wanna make.

Edna Harding:

Life isn't all about the highs. Right? Life isn't all about the highs. How many of you guys can agree to that? Right?

Edna Harding:

It's all about navigating the lows. So to me, understanding the challenges that people face is crucial, and it also grounds us and reminds us that we're all in this together. So this is another source of inspiration for me, not just the highest, but the lowest of people. So take, for example, Mark, a single father of 2 2 who shared a struggle with balancing work and parenting. He said that every day feels like walking a tight rope, trying to be there for my kids while keeping their lights on.

Edna Harding:

Right? Like, that encourages me. Why? Because these aren't exactly the people that I wanna help. The single moms, the single parents, the veterans who lost all their retirement, the ones who've dealt with abuse and trauma, like, the ones that people have given up on, the drug addicts, the homeless, like, those that rejected, those people that had dealt with the hard knocks of life, like, those are the people that I wanna help because why it encouraged me because when I see god take people from the pit to the palace, meaning seeing them overcome everything that the enemy set against them that would supposedly cripple them and stop them from moving forward and progressing to all that God has for them, that encourages me.

Edna Harding:

To seeing people who come from humble beginnings, not the ones who are, you know, spoon fed success, but really seeing them using, you know, wisdom from the word of God and truly persevering through every type of circumstances that you could think of, the worst circumstances, and still be able to overcome, those things inspire me. You know, in second Corinthians 1 4, it says, we're reminded that, you know, god comforts us in all our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with a comfort comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by god. So when we listen and truly hear the challenges other face, we not only develop empathy, but we also have the capacity to aid and comfort them just as we are comforted. Right? And so having gone through bankruptcy, having gone through abuse, having gone through divorce, having gone through postpartum depression, having gone through, you know, being a young, not being I was older.

Edna Harding:

A older mom with very young children, you know, seeing failure after failure after failure, at least in my eyes, like, that helped me empathize with my clients who've gone through similar situations, and I'm able to speak life to them because of those circumstances. And, also, when I see other people gone through so much trauma and challenges and still overcome and still succeed, that also encourages me. So it's a vice versa type of thing. So I just wanna encourage you that if looking at other people's highs doesn't inspire you, Look at other people's lows. Look at the people.

Edna Harding:

And one of the things that I can say is when you see people who are worse off situations than you, and it encourages that your life is not as bad. Right? So for example, when I was going through that challenging time dealing with the commercial real estate in the past years and the scam, I volunteered a lot with homeless shelters. I volunteered a lot with underprivileged kids. I volunteered a lot with, single parents, single moms, just helping them.

Edna Harding:

Like, those really helped me see that I'm truly blessed, and that there's always someone in a worse off situation than me and inspired me to go and we keep going forward and create solutions for problems so that could ultimately help these people who I have found, just, like, I have a heart for them. Does that make sense? That the father's heart for them, and I wanna be part of showing them the father's heart or showing them the father's love, if that makes sense. Alright? And, finally, my 3rd source of inspiration, and go figure.

Edna Harding:

This probably doesn't surprise you. It's my daily cornerstone, and that is the word of God. Integrating scriptures into every day is like having a conversation early, early early early in the morning and before I go to bed, and throughout the day as much as possible, because it really helps me get through the day, and helps inspires me to when I say get through, because we know that there's always hiccups, help me have the faith that I need in order for me to finish the things that I need to finish. You know? And and one way I do this is through a practice I call scripture before screens, which is not always easy because a lot of times I like to read prophetic words from prophets just to kinda encourage me, just to see if I'm hearing from the spirit of God, meaning the Lord put something in my heart, and I'll look at the prophetic words to see if it's in line with what the spirit of God is telling his prophets.

Edna Harding:

And a lot of times it does. And so before I check my emails or social media in the morning, I read a passage from the bible. I read a passage from the bible, not just in my Bible, but also from, screens, meaning, like, Instagram. Like like, basically, prophetic words in the media in the media. Sorry.

Edna Harding:

In social media as well as scriptures in the Bible. I try my best to start with the bible, but that's not always the case. But sometimes when I wake up in the morning, and I don't know about you guys, you get, like, brain thoughts and imaginations right away, and all of a sudden, you have all these negative words that's filling your spirit. Like, I need to counter that really quickly, and I a lot of times, I need someone to just do the thinking for me. And so that's why I read a a prophetic word from, not so much a well known prophet, but a prophet because sometimes they're I kinda wanna go there.

Edna Harding:

We have to be discerning on which word is truly from God and which are basically, false anointing. Right? And so I asked the holy spirit. Like, I'll go through because even sometimes on Elijah list or not to say okay. Never mind.

Edna Harding:

I don't wanna talk about that specifically because it's not the episode. But bottom line is every prophetic word I read, I ask the holy spirit to reveal to me if this pertains to me or my season or if this is not a not true at all. And so I try my best to read the Bible, but a lot of times sometimes, especially in difficult seasons, I'll go straight to the prophetic words, and that usually helps encourage me and inspires me throughout the day. Right? And it helps me get through again the hiccups because knowing that, I do hear from God, especially when the the prophets confirm the word the Lord put in my spirit, that really inspires me to keep going and and the assignment that God has called me to do.

Edna Harding:

And so I wanted to share a scripture that really impacted me, and it's Psalms 119105. It says, your word is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. This scripture reminds us that God's word isn't just his a historical text. Right? It's a living, breathing guide that lights our paths in the darkest of times.

Edna Harding:

And I can honestly say from you, from across the airwaves, that this is exactly what got me through the the most difficult seasons of my life. Alright? Alright. So as we wrap up today's journey through inspiration, remember that each story, each challenge, and each scripture isn't just a lesson. It's a stepping stone to greater understanding and deeper connection.

Edna Harding:

You know, I encourage you to find your own sources of inspiration. These are my 3, but God can give you 3 other things. Right? So I'm just sharing with you to kinda encourage you to, you know, maybe use these steps if you're not inspired. Right?

Edna Harding:

Listen deeply to those around you. Make the word of God a daily part of your life, and I promise you, your life will dramatically change for the better. Because it's these elements that transforms ordinary days into extraordinary testimonies of faith and growth and god's grace. So, again, thank you guys for tuning in to The Estopreneur. I'm so excited if you guys are new.

Edna Harding:

Please subscribe. Please comment. Please like. Let me know or message me. Let me know how you found my my podcast.

Edna Harding:

I truly wanna hear from you as far as what you want me to talk to talk to talk about in the near future. And if today's episodes touch your heart, share it with someone you know who could use a little inspiration. Right? Don't forget to, again, like, comment, subscribe to more weekly content. Until next time, keep walking in faith and living with love.

Edna Harding:

Blessings, my friend, and keep shining.

Edna Harding:

Thanks for joining us this week on Estrepreneur. Make sure to visit our website,, for more information on our services. While you're at it, if you found value in this show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Or if you simply tell a friend about the show, that would help me out too. Also, check out my book, The Old New Side of Sales, available on Amazon, where I share 7 of my secrets on how to win and grow business the right way.

Edna Harding:

Until next time, keep shining.