Spanish for Children and Families

Show Notes for Episode 5: Greetings and Colors in Spanish

Welcome back to "Spanish for Children and Families," In this fifth episode, we explore basic greetings and the colorful spectrum of colors. Join us as we lay down the foundational blocks for daily communication and share the enchanting story of Luna la Mariposa, accompanied by printable resources to enhance your learning experience.

In This Episode:
  • The Basics of Greeting in Spanish: Learn how to warmly welcome others with "Hola" and inquire about their well-being with "¿Cómo estás?", along with proper responses to reflect how you're feeling. Practice to perfect your pronunciation.
  • A Spectrum of Colors: Discover the basics of colors in Spanish, including rojo (red), azul (blue), amarillo (yellow), verde (green), and morado (purple). These aren't just vocabulary words; they're your first steps toward describing the world around you in Spanish.
  • Storytime with Luna la Mariposa: Enjoy the bilingual and Spanish-only versions of Luna la Mariposa. This story not only introduces the colors rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, and morado but also incorporates the word "mariposa" (butterfly), enriching your Spanish vocabulary and comprehension skills.
  • Printable Resources: To complement the exploration of greetings and colors, I prepared a special coloring sheet featuring Luna la Mariposa. This fun activity is designed to go with the story we shared and help reinforce the Spanish vocabulary creatively and engagingly. Visit my website at and click on the free resources tab. You will find materials tailored to today's lesson, perfect for reinforcing the concepts and supporting your and your child's language learning at home.
  • Engagement Challenge: Inspired by Luna's discovery of the beauty in rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, y morado, we challenge you to recognize these colors in your daily life. Whenever you see something that matches the colors you learned today, say it out loud! This practice will help solidify your new vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.
¡Espero que tengas un buen día! I hope you have a great day! Hasta la próxima! See you soon!

What is Spanish for Children and Families?

Jenny Corredor Varela is a native speaker, Spanish coach and program creator. With more than 21 years of experience, she has helped children, adults and families learn this beautiful language whether they speak Spanish at home or not. In the Spanish for Children and Families podcast, she shares great tips for language acquisition, overcoming challenges and raising bilingual children. She also shares Spanish lessons and helpful resources.
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Hola amigos! ¡Bienvenidos al episodio numero 5 de Spanish for Children and Families podcast! Welcome back!

So far in our journey, we've looked at reasons for teaching Spanish to children and discussed the advantages of starting this language adventure at home. We also talked about the challenges that families might encounter along the way and shared effective ideas and strategies for overcoming these obstacles, making the learning experience enjoyable and accessible for everyone.

We've introduced the concept of Comprehensible Input, and also talked about brain plasticity, emphasizing how young learners are exceptionally ready to absorb new languages. However, we also learned that parents and adults can start this journey at any time.

Today, we're moving forward with our series by introducing some fundamental Spanish concepts: we are going to talk about greetings and colors. These basics are more than just vocabulary; they're the building blocks for daily communication. We are going to start by learning how to greet each other in Spanish and then we are also going to learn basic colors. We will move to more complex concepts as we build our proficiency. I will also read the story of Luna la mariposa and share with you some printable resources to complement todays concepts. For Luna la mariposa, I will read the bilingual version and also the all Spanish version.

Ready to learn how to greet friends and add colors to your day? ¿Listos?

“Hola” is how we say Hello in Spanish. It is like giving a warm welcome when you meet someone. If you meet someone new and want to know how they are, you can ask “¿Cómo estás?” which means “How are you?”. It's a way to show that we care about how the other person is feeling. By using the expression together, we show a nice way to greet someone and let them know we're interested in how they're doing. Let’s practice together. I am going to say it and give you enough time to repeat after me. The way I say repeat after me is “repite despues de mi”. ¡Hola! _______ ¿Cómo estás?______. Excelent! You did a great job!

So, how do we answer? If you're feeling good, you can answer with “Estoy bien, gracias”, which means “I'm fine, thank you.” Let's practice that. ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, gracias. But what if you are not feeling well? You can answer, “Estoy mal” which means, I am bad. I am not doing well. Now, let’s practice that! I am going to say it and give you enough time to repeat after me. ¿Listos? ¡Hola! _______ ¿Cómo estás? _______ Estoy bien _______ Gracias_______or if you are not doing well you can say, estoy mal _______.

Now that you learned how to say “estoy bien” or “estoy mal”, I am going to ask you and you can tell me how you feel right now, in Spanish. Either good by saying “estoy bien”, or bad by saying “estoy mal”. ¿Listos? “¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?” ______________.

¡Excelente! You did a great job!

Now, when it's time to say goodbye, we say “Adiós”, which means goodbye. Let's practice, ¡Adiós! Excelente!

Now that we learned some basic greetings, let's brighten things up with colors! We have “rojo” for red, like an apple. Can you say “rojo”? Let’s try it. “Repite despues de mi, rojo”. Next is “azul”, the color of the sky “azul” is blue. “Repite despues de mi, azul”. And then we have “amarillo”. “Amarillo” bright like the sun. Amarillo is yellow. “Repite despues de mi, amarillo”. And let’s not forget “verde”, “verde” is the color of the grass. “Verde” is green. “Repite despues de mi, verde”. And lastly, for today, we have morado, a beautiful purple like the purple grapes. Repite despues de mi. Repeat after me. Morado.

Now let’s do it all together. Rojo_______, azul_______, amarillo_______, verde_______, morado_______.

I am going to put these beautiful colors into a short story featuring Luna la Mariposa. I have two versions of the story for you! One is a bilingual story and the other version will be entirely in Spanish. Both are great and will help you to develop listening and comprehension skills.

So let's start! Besides los colores, “rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, y morado”, you need to know one new word. The word is “mariposa, mariposa”. Do you want to guess what a mariposa is? Think of a small, flying friend with colorful wings. It starts as a tiny, wrapped-up bundle and then changes into something beautiful. It loves to visit flowers and drink their sweet juice. Its wings look like painted art. Humm what do you think it is? If you guess a butterfly, you are right!

So far we know the colors rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, and morado. We also know mariposa, We know to say “Hola ¿Cómo estás?, and we know how to answer, either “estoy bien” or “estoy mal.” Let’s start with our story!

Luna La Mariposa

In a small town, there was a big, beautiful garden filled with colorful flowers. One day, a little mariposa named Luna decided to visit. Luna was morada, a very rare and special color for a butterfly.

First, Luna landed on a rojo flower, feeling happy and bright. Then, she flew into an azul flower, feeling calm like the sky. After that, Luna danced over to an amarillo flower, basking in the sunshine. She then rested on a verde leaf, feeling peaceful.

At the end of the day, Luna found a group of morado flowers, just like her. She felt at home, surrounded by flowers that matched her beautiful wings. A verde frog passing by asked her, “Hola ¿Cómo estás?” How do you feel in this garden? And she said, “Estoy bien, gracias. Gracias for adding color to my day.”

And with that, Luna realized that every color had its own beauty, just like every new friend you meet can bring joy to your life."

What do you think? Did you like Luna la Mariposa? Now, here is Luna la mariposa en español!

En un pequeño pueblo, había un gran jardín hermoso lleno de flores coloridas. Un día, una pequeña mariposa llamada Luna decidió visitarlo. Luna era morada, un color muy raro y especial para una mariposa.

Primero, Luna aterrizó en una flor roja, sintiéndose feliz y brillante. Luego, voló hacia una flor azul, sintiéndose tranquila como el cielo. Después de eso, Luna danzó sobre una flor amarilla, bañándose en la luz del sol. Luego, descansó en una hoja verde, sintiéndose en paz.

Al final del día, Luna encontró un grupo de flores moradas, justo como ella. Se sintió en casa, rodeada de flores que coincidían con sus hermosas alas. Una rana verde que pasaba por allí le preguntó: "Hola, ¿cómo estás? ¿Cómo te sientes en este jardín?" Y ella dijo: "Estoy bien, gracias por añadir color a mi día."

Y con eso, Luna se dio cuenta de que cada color tiene una propia belleza, justo como cada nuevo amigo que encuentras puede traer alegría a tu vida.

I love my friend luna!

I also prepared something special for our learners. To complement our exploration of greetings and colors, I have an amazing coloring sheet featuring Luna la Mariposa. This fun activity is designed to go with the story we shared and help reinforce the Spanish vocabulary in a creative and engaging way. Visit my website at and go to the tap free resources. The website is listed in the show notes for clarity.

You will find free resources tailored to greetings and colors in Spanish. These materials are perfect for reinforcing today’s lesson and also to further support you and your child’s language learning at home.

I hope you found today’s episode helpful and interesting! We learned how to greet our friends in Spanish, and as Luna discovered the beauty of rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, y morado, I challenge you to do something today …and tomorrow and maybe the day after. Every time you see something that have the colors that you learn today I want you to point it, say it, and shout it out loud! rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, morado!

Espero que tengas un buen dia!
I hope you have a great day!

Hasta la proxima! See you soon!