JB Presents: Top Tier

SPECIAL EPISODE ALERT! Jordan Bro welcomes back Diggy D to Top Tier to celebrate the 10th episode of the series. In this special episode JB takes a break from "ranking things" and talks about food and community. Gather round and tune into this heartfelt episode where they discuss family traditions and the Las Vegas food scene.

What is JB Presents: Top Tier?

Starring Jordan "Bro" McCray, better known as JB, as her and a weekly guest entertain the listeners with their opinions on everyday things. JB creates a category each episode and ranks all of your favorite things. Tune in for all loads of entertainment, laughs, and hot takes.

You're listening to locally produced programming created in KUNV Studios on public radio. KUNV 91.5. You are listening to Top Tier. Top Tier. I am your host, Jordan McRae. I find things

and I rank them and I rank them and I rank them. We are live coming to you on the first floor of Greenspun Hall on the campus of UNLV in the beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. You are listening to Top Tier. I'm your host, Jordan. I'm here always and I'm joined by my guest.

Diggie D here.

Yes. Thank you so much for coming back. It's been a minute since I've seen you.

You know, it's kind of weird being back to yarding because when I remember Top tier was a very different idea and I love the growth of top tier and what it's become now Also at the time I was barely starting the voice of Las Vegas and I am diggy D. I've done the whole persona we've been going great at that and You know, I'm excited to be on here once again

Exactly. We've both really just taken a lot of time to just establish ourselves and you know grow our own little podcast. I had Diggy on for Appetizers, which was episode two, and now we're all the way over here by episode 10. I've made it to the double digits, y'all, and I'm so excited.

I'm so excited, Jordan Rowe. Let's give a little hand clap for that.

Thank you. So those of you guys that have been following along, you guys know that this entire season has been dedicated to food. You know my little thing that I do. I take things, I find a category, and things that fall into that category, and then I rank them based on a little tiered system, top, middle, and bottom tier, you know, top tier things, or things that we all love, and that's the name of the show, Top Tier. But today I just kind of decided to do something a little different, something to like culminate the little experience of like, hey, I made it to 10 episodes like this season has been great But I just kind of want to pivot I want to walk away from the little Top tier format and I want to call this a little interlude episode So, you know like when you're listening to an album There's like a little interlude to like kind of connect things and connect stories and stuff like that

or or another great examples in television where they have the Christmas or Thanksgiving episode and if that's the first thing as you walk into Like is this what the show's about? And everybody's like, absolutely not.

Like, this has nothing to do with anything.

It's just there just to be there.

That's so funny when that one TV show does like a one hour special.

Yeah, it's like that.

And they make a plot that's like totally not them, and I'm like, what are you guys doing?

So yeah, it's just one of those episodes. Just kind of want to sit here and talk about food opinions and all things food because I have a passion for food. I feel like I have a passion for a lot of things and one of those things is most definitely food.

So in your opinion, right, because also for those of you that don't know, Jordan Breaux right here has actually been teaching me how to bake. So I am horrible in the kitchen. I am not one that you would call a culinary chef. So when it comes to cooking things, I get really hesitant and I'm like, I don't know really what I'm doing. So, Jordan Breaux has guided me through the things of baking and such, so, and your professional baking opinion, what has been your favorite dish to make, and what is your favorite dish to eat? Like, because you can understand the hard work and the process of it.

Okay, baking, that is so hard. Favorite thing to bake, definitely cookies because honestly for people who bake or just cook in general you know that most cookie recipes are basically the same. You know you cream your butter and your sugar, you know you add in other wet ingredients, you know fold in your dry ingredients, you know sometimes you have to chill a batter you know so you gotta wait on it a little bit and then you just scoop it out and then just throw it in the oven and then once you can smell it, you're done. You know, I love making cookies, especially just recipes that yield so many cookies. Like I feel like you didn't really make cookies if you're only doing like two dozen. Like, no, I need like six dozen. Cause I love sharing and cookies are so shareable, you know, like the perfect serving size of just like people being able to eat, you know, it's like, oh yeah, one cookie is one serving, but whoever only eats one cookie. So I love making cookies, so just, like my snickerdoodles, which is actually the first thing that I had Diggy D make. I'm thinking about making sugar cookies this weekend, you know, just chocolate chip cookies, my family loves my chocolate chip cookies. Secret, it's actually just the Toll House recipe, if you just follow the chocolate chips recipe. That's exactly what my chocolate chip cookies are And then my favorite what was the question my favorite thing to bake for others No, like your that you can like that you Eden. Oh my favorite thing to eat. Yeah Okay, because you understand the work that goes into it. So I'm saying it's like a

Making perspective cooking perspective as for like eating perspective. Okay, so I'm actually not a sweet tooth person.

It's so funny. I do not have a big sweet tooth. Like I don't just sit around and eat candy, but I just have this like passion for baking. So like my favorite thing to eat baking wise, probably holiday pie.


What do you mean by holiday pie?

There's two holiday pies that come to mind because Thanksgiving I have to have sweet potato pie. I'm typically, actually not the person making sweet potato pie, actually. My aunt makes a great sweet potato pie. If you've ever had it, it's amazing. I like to let the sweet potatoes just shine, so I don't like adding a bunch of extra sugar and all these other ingredients. Some people like to put liquor in their pie, and I don't think that makes any sense.

Liquor in pie?

Yeah, yeah, I think I don't know if it's like a 40 or something like that. I don't know what they like to put in it. But yeah, like I think I say keep it simple. And sweet potato pie is such a classic. Not really a popular dish, especially among like, people outside of my culture, I would say, but definitely very good. And then the second pie that also comes to mind is apple pie, because I typically make an apple pie myself for Christmas time and we actually made an apple pie here in Las Vegas. We took so many hours to like get all these ingredients and then like peel those apples and all that. The pie turned out okay. It definitely wasn't my best pie. Diggy over here was just adding a ton of lemon juice. I ain't gonna lie that was hilarious. I just saw the apples and I was like, oh we got to get it extra zesty.

I just started pouring in lemon juice. I'm like, that's how flavor works, right?

Yeah, I'm not gonna say it was a disaster because it definitely wasn't. But no, we had a pie. We had a pie as the end result. So that's, you know. The crust was flaky. Exactly. The apple filling was apple-y. Yeah, that's a thumbs up in my opinion. And for me, it was the best pie I ever made. But yeah, definitely baking an apple pie for my family during Christmas time and we have people over, that's usually when I'll make two of those suckers so that my family can eat one and we can just serve everybody else part of the pie. And then yeah, people go bonkers for that. And I just love that pie because it's usually supposed to be sweeter from the time that we had it, but it's also a little tart because of the lemon juice. And then like, there's so many apples in the pie. So like the texture of like the apples is so good. And yeah, that, that, that, oh, that was, you know, we had a fancy little apple peeler to just cut time, but like, I do not have one of those back in my hometown of Sacramento. So man, you're putting in labor of peeling those apples, and then also cutting them and dicing them so that they're like thin but not too thin and oh my gosh, yeah, that pie is laborious but it's so worth it because it's so good.

You know, I loved how you brought up the tradition, like how you said like your culture, like if they don't know what a sweet yam pie, or like, what's it called again?

A sweet potato.

A sweet potato pie, you know, I've actually never had it so you were just describing all that to me and I'm like, that actually doesn't sound really too bad. Like I, like, from my perspective, because I never heard of it. I'm like, why would you put potatoes in pie?

Right, but it's not a potato. So like, the thing is, is that there's actually these two different like, vegetables there. I'm pretty sure they're vegetables. There is a sweet potato, which is actually I believe, like a white potato that is sweet. And then there is a yam, also known as a sweet potato yam. And those are orange. So I don't know if you ever had yams before.


Yams are so good. That's just like a Thanksgiving dish, essentially. Actually, I eat it outside of Thanksgiving and it's one of my favorite dishes. But yams is like slice of that sweet potato yam and then you add some sort of sweetness to it, so like brown sugar, and then you just saute it in a pan, get those, because it's a potato, it's solid, and you get it to be soft, and it's so good. It's so good, so yeah, that's why we put it in a pie, because I never had sweet potatoes that weren't sweet. You know it's supposed to be used as a sweet element, okay, so so

It's kind of it's really interesting that you brought that up because for your family could be sweet potato pie for us for Christmas time Right we are big on tamales like right. I grew up Mexican and stuff and well not grew up. I still But no like traditionally like you know my abuelita, my abuelo would come over, all our tias and tios, it'd be one day. We would dedicate a whole day, it'd be a couple weeks before Christmas time. So beginning of December, it could either be the last week of November or the first week of December. That's how it always went. And we would spend a whole day, a whole entire day from very early in the morning, from 4 a.m. because you gotta precook the meat and stuff. It's a process, right? So you go from 4 a.m. and it ends to like 11 p.m. and stuff because you're doing all day, you're making tamales and stuff. So you're doing the masa, you're getting the husk and such and for those of you that never heard of it, husk is basically just a protector layer for when it goes in to cook. It just comes out, you don't eat that part but it's just for it to cook but like the inside part. Oh and there's so many different types of tamales. There's just, you can have cheese, one with jalapenos, you can have it with like you know pork or mole like in that tradition like I Understand what you mean when you bring it up because if you don't know you just don't know like I've had so many fans They're like what's it to mother? I'm like you never had that before so I would always bring like my I tell my mom and she's like oh no We're getting some wants to put him in like a little container Or do just like come bring him over and we bring him over and they look scared like what is it?

I'm like a try it and then I do try it and they're like, oh, this is good Oh, yeah, you never had anybody that was selling tamales

Come on now some places just didn't have it and that's a culture shock. Oh, wow. That's crazy the thing is it's like we

We had like a family friend of a family friend who would always have like tamales around like New Year's time Okay time okay I'm like that kind of lines up with what you were saying of like that's like a Christmas tradition of like you're getting into the holiday season so you're doing all that prep work and I'm like okay we like I would just end up like eating somebody somebody's Tita their boy that somebody's probably did you say Tia she's trying everybody we give her the pass. She's right up there to kind of stuff. Y'all, I worked in a kitchen for like a couple months. Man, I did not fit in. I'm not gonna lie, that life was rough.

So since we're on the holiday subject, so like for holiday foods, is there like a different holiday where you have like, oh, for this certain thing we're gonna have this, and for this certain thing we have that.

It's so funny that you mention that, because I just saw this like post on Instagram that was like, Okay, what do y'all be eating for Easter? And I really thought and I was like, I don't know. Like, I don't really remember what we would like traditionally eat on Easter. I feel like it was just kind of one of those things of like, okay, what does someone feel like making? Like, my grandma was like a celebrator of like, Good Friday, I believe is. Yeah. So like on that day, you know, she would always eat seafood, you know, because you're not supposed to eat like Certain animal products and stuff like that, you know, that was like a seafood day for her But I'm like the day of Easter, you know after resurrection everything. I'm just like, uh, I don't really remember what we would traditionally eat but like other holidays like It's like a rotation of like same dishes, but there are certain things I'm like I know will be there. It's like Thanksgiving, I'm like, I literally call my mom every Thanksgiving now since I'm a college student, I don't live at home anymore. I literally call my mom and I'm like, hey, you're making your stuffing, right? I call it stuffing, I know some people call it dressing, but I call it stuffing, it's a cornbread stuffing. My mom puts like sausage, it's like Italian sausage in it, and like peppers.

Oh, that sounds awesome.

Yeah, and with cornbread. And it's so good. Some people don't like it because they're like, it's kind of wet in texture. I don't care. I love it.

That sounds delicious.

Right. You know, like Thanksgiving, I can expect to eat greens. I can expect to eat corn, basically like smothered corn. So it has bacon, also peppers in it. Obviously my grandpa he's gonna fry that turkey. He gonna fry it and he gonna do good. There's my one aunt, I have this one aunt who we have to buy cranberry sauce for. I don't think anybody else touches that canned cranberry sauce. We always have to buy it just for her just so she can eat it with her turkey. I don't think anybody else understands that flavor profile of eating your poultry with something that's supposed to be sweet. I personally have never tried it, but of course I'm not gonna knock it until I do one day, because I understand how flavor profiles and stuff like that should work.

I totally understand, because cranberry sauce is one of those things where only one family member likes it and yet you still get it somehow, and that's how the cranberry sauce community is still in business. You're going to buy it because you care about your one family member and it's only one. It's never like multiple. Like, oh yeah, you need it. No, it's always just one person.

No, because I know that there are definitely families out there who will like make it from scratch.

I'm almost sure.

Yeah, it is this made scratch type of dish, but I'm like, oh, it's not for me. We're just not them. I'm just, yeah, I don't think that's ever something I'm going to make.

So it's kind of interesting that you brought up the Easter dish, like you don't really remember, in the Catholic tradition. I know Easter is one of those weird holidays, because normally at Christmas time, even though there's like three or four different holidays that you can celebrate, it's usually the same thing. It's a certain holiday that celebrates time with your family, with presents and food and gathering. Easter is a little bit different because the religion, that's where things can get a little bit divided, and some people don't even celebrate at all that I don't write so in the Catholic tradition Rome There's this thing called Ash Wednesday where you you know basically you give up something to show be until resurrection So whether it be soda a type of food like usually people do soda candy chips or some sort of fast food So I remember one year my little she gave up like she gave up hot cheetos. So when it came to Easter Sunday, oh boy, I remember it so well. She had a whole plate of hot cheetos. I think we had a turkey or something. I didn't mean anything crazy. And I'm like, Amarita, you know what I'm talking about? And her friend's like, what are you doing? Why do you have a whole plate of hot cheetos?

And she's like,


You know, basically she's like, hush child, don't worry about it. I'm like, you know what? Fair is fair.

She sure minds your business.


And you know,

another thing too is like, Easter is another one of those holidays where it's like that Holiday and Halloween as a kid candy was a must like the candy game was going crazy. So Halloween and Easter I remember You know, I would go over to like some family members house and you would do an Easter a con regardless So you dress up in your little your little polo with all that you go to the church and then afterwards, you know You do the Easter a con and then I would I'd be going crazy. I'm like I would I'd be I would get so tactical I'm like, okay, which where's the money?

Especially at the Easter icons at my grandparents house because they would always get like One of the older of the cousins to like hide the eggs really good And you know, it was a egg with money if it was sparkly so like us younger cousins I'm like, where's the golden egg? Where is it? Cuz I'm over here. I'm just trying to get like a 20, but you know like that is like absolutely gold When you're a kid, oh absolutely I'm like man $20 in this economy Actually speaking about that

I remember back in the day, and I can't believe I'm saying back in the day, but like when I was in middle school $20 not only could get myself fed for like a good lunch I can get me a friend and like even even afterwards I can go to the liquor store and great some get like a drink or something

Exactly. You could go get yourself an Arizona tea Pick up yourself some candy and you and a friend could go eat somewhere like man

I remember I remember all the now most of these places like if you want to do some like fast food meal like something That's not your typical drive-thru. It's gonna cost you almost that yeah, basically

Basically, I'm just like I paid $15 for a sandwich today I was like my heart was kind of hurting but it was also I was trying it was really it was a really good sandwich so let me guys I'm gonna take you guys on a little story because I Decided to go get lunch today, and I was craving a sandwich, right? Right, so I when I drove myself to Chiba Hut, but I live here on campus It was just down the street, but I decided to go to Chiba Hut at 12.30 on a Wednesday afternoon. And I did not realize that that was actually a really big mistake because Chiba Hut was packed. They had so many people just sitting at tables and then the line was basically out the door. And I was like, nah, nah, I can't wait half an hour just for my sandwich. So, you know, Chibuha is in that little parking lot with the Chipotle, but on the other side of the parking lot is this Italian deli. It was actually featured on Barstool, like with Dave Portnoy, you know, his whole pizza thing where it's like one bite, everybody knows the rules. Apparently it was actually featured on there, they have like a little sign inside, and I like their pizza. It's called Sujino's Italian Deli and Pizza or something like that. I go there, I try to open the door, it's locked. I look at the sign on the door, it says that they're closed until like all the way until next week for Easter. I was like, bro, Easter was like three days ago, but you guys are closed all week? All week? So I'm already sad, I'm like, dang, I'm like two back-to-back options did not work out for me. I decided to go down the street all the way to Ike's and this it's the soup shop and I had never tried it before and my Bosses bosses boss. So like the big boss at my job. He told me he was like You have to go and you have to go get the beast mode so I'm like looking on the menu and I look at it and I'm like, okay, I guess I'm eating not a Sandwich with fried chicken and bacon and then this spicy buffalo sauce. They're like, what kind of bread do you want? I look, I was like, ooh, let me get some sourdough bread because I'm a NorCal girlie. I have to have it with sourdough bread. You know, I'm sitting, I'm just waiting for my sandwich. I look at the wall and, you know, it has all their locations and I realize, I'm like, oh my gosh, they have so many locations all through California. I'm like, what the heck? Why is this my first time ever trying this brand? It literally says, like, founded in the Bay Area and everything. I was like, oh my gosh, why do I feel like I'm missing out? That sandwich was pretty good, I'm not gonna lie. I wish I kind of got more bang for my buck, you know? Like, I feel like for the same price at Cheba Hut, I can have, like, a sandwich that I can't finish, but Ike's, I guess I just came hungry that day because I ate that whole sandwich.

Ike's is good, though. So I think the difference between Chibahead and Ike's is Chibahead you get more for your buck, but like that Beast Mode though, it is different. For those of you that have never tried it, it's literally on campus and you're not from California, well, that's tough. You know, West Coast over East Coast, I always say that to the day a day. But like, it is a trip that sandwich, man. Like I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. I'm stuffed, I'm already stuffed right now. But that brings me to my next question I wanted to ask to you Jordan So when it comes like food that you never tried before like what usually doesn't have to take for Because everybody has their own strategy when it comes like trying new foods like do you just have to go with friends? Do you have to like trust somebody's recommendation? Like what is the process when you're like I? Never had this before but should I waste my time because it's such a scary feeling when you never had something before Because you're like I don't want to waste my money and not like it.

You know, I feel that.

But the thing is, is like, I feel like I was just raised a certain kind of way where like, I didn't have a choice. Like I just couldn't be a picky eater.


You know?

So like I, there's so many different types of food and just things that I like, like I've grown up eating seafood all my life. So of course I love seafood. There are certain things in seafood that I don't like, you know, like clams and mussels, but I'm like almost everything else.

I don't know.

Clams, ugh, they're just, yeah, I can't do it. I can't do it, but I love shrimp, I love crab, you know. Give me a scallop. Scallops are a little fishy, but man, give me a scallop. Like, I grew up eating catfish. Like, you ask some people, they're like, that's a bottom feeder fish. I'm like, look, my family's from the bayou, so we eat that all day long. We eat crawfish, you know. But the thing is, when I want to try foods I feel like that are outside of my culture and outside of things that I've grown up with personally, I usually do go by a person's recommendation of like, oh you should go to this place, you know, they serve this type of food and they're really good, you know, and then I'll probably end up going with that person. Or, you know, just trying it out on my own time. I feel like in this past year I've recently tried Thai food and ate Pad Thai for the first time. I'm like, oh my gosh, this is really good. I've had curry and I was like, oh, this is also really good. I'm like, oh, this is... I'm really adventurous with the way that I eat, but yeah, I really do. I look at review sites. Man, I love looking at Yelp. And yeah, I trust people's recommendations of like, ooh, you gotta go to this place. Because people are usually gonna try and point you in the right direction. They're gonna try and point you in at least something that is authentic.

Right, so funny enough that you brought that up as well, because I have tried so many different foods since I've moved down here, and I think it's great. I think the way I've enjoyed foods, in my opinion, because if I'm spending money on it, I'm gonna try something new. Like if I want the same old, same old, I know where to get it, you know? So when I do wanna try that new factor, I think the most satisfying feelings, and I'll give you a story right now. So me, Jordan Rowe here, and a couple of our friends, we went to this pizza spot that our operations manager suggested to us. He was like, oh, you gotta try it, da-da-da-da. And I'm like, we walk in there, it's this hole-in-the-wall bar. If you weren't looking for it, you would easily miss it. Like just snap your finger, you could drive right past it. You have to go out of your way to find a spot like this.

Yo, I'm telling you, the theme of this bar was like tiki punk. It was so random.

The place inside, it looks like it doesn't know what it wants to be. There's this giant bar in the middle that serves alcohol. There's a couple booths on the very far left corner, and then like a table or two on the far right corner, and then there's a live band that plays. Like I said, it doesn't know what it wants to be. But it's cool though, because you're sitting in there, and you're enjoying the live music, it's not music that you're going to typically go out of your way to find, but when you're there you're just like, alright cool, let's see what's up. And they only serve one type of food besides all kinds of alcohol. Like it's a bar, so alcohol is their main thing, but they only serve one food, which is the troit style crusted pizza Man, we both none of us were at this place before we only got off like a light recommendation And and with the reason we tried it is because we're like we're all friends none of us ever tried it before and I think this Be cool experience trying food together for the first time boy when we ate that thing I don't know we were just hungry too, but then we tried it a second time So we know it's not it was just the foods that bus we took the first bite We recorded it too because we want to send it to our you know to a friend that recommended to us Boy, that was busted. I was like man It's it's such a crazy feeling trying food for the first time and just having that feeling a lot Wow

I was really good, especially when you have so much experience with that food itself, you know It's like we all know the classic types of pizza, you know, I feel like there's obviously that New York style with that big triangle slice, you know, everybody's aware of like Chicago style, that deep dish, super saucy. I feel like here on the West Coast is really like trendified, you know, like flatbreads and like thin crust, you know, but we're all looking like Detroit style and you're like reading the definition, like fluffier crust, toppings all the way to the end. It was like sauce on top of the toppings and then like cheese also all the way to the edge.

And it's in a square.

Yeah, and it's also in a square. And we're just like, what? But man, it blew our minds. We were eating that fresh, hot, straight out of the oven. Me and my one good friend, we like shared a pizza and it was kind of like a meatlovers pizza but it had this like sweet smoky ham that was on it and like typically I don't really like ham on my pizza but I was like hmm it's sweet you know it's like sweet sweet you know so I'm like huh but like man it absolutely changed it I was like man

that it was to die for it was so good. I think another great factor about Las Vegas is that since there is you know the strip there's Fremont. There's the local spots There's all this stuff all kinds of food And it's so crazy too because all throughout this week in my classes and stuff all my professors been talking about food

Specifically obviously their culture specific foods Yeah

but still it's foods of like all these different places and I'm like man this list is never going to end because I don't know I Just felt like I feel like when you're in your little neighborhood or your little circle. You're like oh, yeah This is the only foods there is like what

else is there and like that's where the world opens up. No because I feel like Vegas gets a great and a bad rap for their food at the exact same time because I feel like there's so many travelers that only eat on the strip and they're like oh this isn't even that great all these restaurants are so expensive and it's like no no no you gotta go a little further. God you gotta come out a couple like two miles and then you're just in food heaven. Because just here in this little college area, there's so many great spots and so many deals and just so much different types of food. It's really kind of food heaven. Me and Diego are both from NorCal, so we're kind of spoiled with our fresh products and just all of this high quality food, but like you can kind of get there that out here in Las Vegas And this is a desert right where everything is imported and nothing is like grown here

Which is crazy like down here. I've tried every single cuisine like soul food. Um italian Uh, um curry like indian food middle eastern food pakistanian food european food Um, max, of course mexican food, uh, chinese, uh pad thai, you know, Japanese food, you name it. I've tried it down here and like, they kill it. I'm like, how do you guys still have food that's just as good that like that shouldn't be this good in the middle of a desert? I just, I just love it. I think it's great. I love hole in the wall spots like, oh, you know, it's just as little on the wall. Usually hole in the wall spots means absolute banger. That's all that means. It's all that really means and you know to counteract with the tourists when they're like oh I hate it at a look you see that you see that street you guys are on yeah if you go anywhere past northeast south or west but just a little bit past that street I promise you you'll have a decent price food that will change your life that's where it's

at like I'm so sorry I really hate to say it but like if you're ordering through like a glass window at this food spot Best believe it's gonna be so good If they have like a little speaker and they have like a little box for you to put your payment in man It's crazy

It's either the person speaks a whole different foreign language and this is not even race like if it's a different language You don't even know or or you have the one friend that could speak it you're like oh, it's gonna be absolutely bussin or or when they go What you want? Oh, I'm gonna be Busted I know it's like when they when you're just like I what you want You're like oh, and then when you ask what is there? It's like what you want Yeah, you want we got it. Yeah, like I love how there's like a menu at these hole-in-the-wall spots And then they don't even know what's on their own menu Is it like yeah, I guess you can have it sure why not it's a little your combo. What they don't know their own menu

That's hilarious, but it's so good. It's like it's busting every time right and honestly the secret of Good food really is just like the people that are preparing it the people that are cooking You know and the people that they're surrounded by you know because a lot of people that cook you know me Included you know we just want to share it with other people. You know, that's why I bake, that's why I bake in such large frickin' qualities, is you know, I want to just share the wealth and like give them to people. And actually, I think that is going to wrap up this little interlude episode. This is an episode that was very special to my heart, you know, I was kind of just experimenting with this, and I just kind of wanted to just talk, you know. I love my little talk to your show. Thank you so much, Jiggy, for coming on and hanging out with me today.

This was so much fun.

Thank you all listeners for listening and supporting my show. I'd so appreciate it. You guys can tune in live on the HG2 app at 6pm every Friday. And that's going to end it for today. Thank you so much. Have a great night, y'all. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo