North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers

North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 1

Beekeeping with Janice Mercieri of White Mountain Apiary

Beekeeping with Janice Mercieri of White Mountain ApiaryBeekeeping with Janice Mercieri of White Mountain Apiary


The bees teach us something new everyday. Beekeeping can be a viable enterprise on a small scale farm, but there are some considerations to take in before diving in.

Show Notes

Beekeeping has become a popular hobby for the backyard gardener, as well as an opportunity for commercial farms to diversify their business. Janice Mercieri of White Mountain Apiary has been successfully caring for bees and selling bee products, nucs and packages in Grafton and Coos Counties for many years. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience about raising and caring for bees, as well as skill in running a business in New Hampshire’s North Country.

Before getting into raising your own bees, it is helpful to know what skill and knowledge you will need to become a successful beekeeper. We created a ‘skills and knowledge list’ to help you decide if you are ready to become a beekeeper:  
White Mountain Apiary  
NH Beekeepers Association 
North Country Beekeepers


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What is North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers?

University of New Hampshire Extension specialists interview seasoned growers in northern New Hampshire who share insights into creating a successful agricultural business.