Commons Church Podcast

Commons Church Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 18 Season 10

Picking Up New Habits - Scott Wall

Picking Up New Habits - Scott WallPicking Up New Habits - Scott Wall

Opinions have a way, over time, of being fossilized, and that's a real danger as we enter into a new year, imagining all of the possibilities for change and growth. When your opinions get stuck, they become narratives, no longer just statements about how we view the world, but now stories that tell us how we must view the world. And this is why the practice of continually letting go is far more difficult and, to be honest, I think, far more important than we often realize, because sometimes we're not just letting go of unhealthy practices or even unhelpful ideas or just old hurts. We're letting go of all the stories that we have allowed to define us, opinions that have become fossilized and fixed. And often letting go of that is the prerequisite for all of the change that we hope to actually see in ourselves.
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