
David (he/him) introduces his character. Meet our gnome Sorcerer, Oom (she/he/they).

What is Chromythica?

Two gnomes, a tief-elf, and a talking dog walk into a bakery. This is their story.

Chromythica is a Pathfinder 2e actual play campaign about belonging, community, and the process of making meaning out of complex situations. Come for friends having boisterous fun, stay for the journey we go on together!

David: Hi, I'm David.

I use he/him pronouns, and I play Oom, our party's gnome Sorcerer, who uses any combination of
she, him, or they pronouns and Oom's pseudodragon familiar Nommie, who uses he/him pronouns.

Oom is a gnome Sorcerer.

She's around, two feet, eight inches tall, kind of short for gnome, also kind of young.

She's around her mid twenties, where the typical adult age is 40.

She has wild red hair.

It's not uncommon to find grass or twigs in it because she's very
used to just lying down in the grass and looking up at the stars.

Nommie as a pseudodragon familiar of Oom, but Oom really sees
Nommie as more of a friend and basically a trusted companion.

And so she's worked really hard to both give Nommie more independence and also, the
ability to speak Common or Draconic depending on what Nommie wants to do at any given time.

But Nommie tends to prefer to just be silent and just
to basically be more of a familiar where possible.