Clydesdale Media Podcast

We talk about the weekend that was with TYR Wodapalooza SoCal and the Adaptive CrossFit Games.  We also talk about the Masters Fitness Championships happening this weekend. Plus Hurricanes affect on Beach Brawl.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what's going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media roundtable we have

moved to Thursday

afternoons now splitting up

our shows half week half

week making a little bit

nicer for everybody and it

fits all of our schedules a

little bit better this fall

um so yeah super stoked

about that hi Holly Holly's

in the chat already yay

that's info and graphics

person yes so what's going on guys

Oh, not much.

Just getting that busy time

of year with the school

starting and all the events

that happened at the front of the year.

So just working.

Have you guys had a full

week of school yet?

Yeah, we've had,

this is our third full week.

I feel like this is the time of the year,

at least when my kids were

in grade school and middle school,

where there was always some

kind of thing.

You're coming up on Veterans

Day and Election Day and

all the things in October

and September where they

didn't get a full week.

Around here,

it seems like nobody's had a

full week yet.


And then Friday we have a,

like a family event.

So it's like, so my day, well,

I coach tomorrow morning

and then I go to work and I

work all day and then we

have a family event from five to seven,

but I don't live super close to school.

So I'm just going to stay.

So my day is going to be real stretched.

You've got a long one.




My corporate job has like an

unofficial Friday policy

where we really kind of

only work until about noon year round.

Really nice.


Like we try to avoid

meetings and things like that.

Obviously you have,

if you have stuff to do to get done,

you know, you work,

but it's very quiet and you

can pretty much set your

own schedule on Fridays, which is nice.

So today's kind of like my

Friday and I'm off next

Monday and Tuesday.

So I kind of have like a

four day weekend coming up.


My employer takes away all

employee benefits that

might remotely be nice for the employee.


Create some work-life balance.


They're just taking

everything away right now.

It's, it's so pathetic.


I'm sorry because I am in

such a good place work-wise

right now with this corporate job.


it's better than I could have ever


So it's really been a

blessing in a lot of ways.

So I do have a funny story

to kind of start us off is

I bought a new mattress

because my back has been

hurting and not like in a bad way,

just like sore every

morning waking up and the

mattress I'm sleeping on

right now is thirty years old.

So they delivered it this morning.

So I woke up, ripped all the bedding off,

brought it down to the basement,

started laundry.

And then Julie went to work.

So I brought the other

mattress down myself, which wasn't bad.

Gravity helps with that.

But the new mattress came.

Oh my gosh.

I thought I wasn't going to

make it to the round table

because the turn on my

stairs to upstairs with the new mattress,

the mattress got stuck

between the ceiling and the

two walls and trying to make the turn.



The whole pivot.

But I'm by myself.

Like I can't.

So I'm trying to like pull

and tug and oh my gosh.

I squeezed down through it and under it.

I could push the bottom part

up into the landing and

then squeezed back up and

under and then did sled

pulls up the stairs and got up.

It was the hardest workout

I've done in like two weeks.

Did you have a box spring too?

Cause those aren't as

malleable and squishy to

get around corners.

Or do you have like a platform bed?

I have a, I have a,

the box springs were good.

They weren't as old.



So just laying it on top of the existing,

but it's now in the room.

I just have to cut the

plastic off and lay it on the bed.

So I think I'm good,

but that thing is so covered with dust.

I was hacking for like the entire thing.


It wasn't,

so it wasn't a mattress in a box

then it was an actual mattress.

We've tried those and they're just not,

they're just not great.


Don't tell me that.

Cause I may have just gotten one,

but great.

We've had them.

We've had a couple in a box

that have been fine.


I just don't think they last

as long as like your traditional one.

Well, they're not as expensive either.

So I guess you would expect that.

I got a Euro top.

It's a Sealy Euro top.

Oh, you got a nice one.

BJ's for six hundred bucks.

Oh, seriously.




Not bad.

Maybe I wasn't a smart shopper then.

Yeah, not bad.

Did you guys,

that was my workout for today.

I may hit the bike later tonight,

but do you guys get anything into today?

I did.

I actually ended up coaching this morning.

I was filling in for somebody.

So if I'm there, I'm going to work out.

And so today we've been

doing like this whole

week's themes has been

following like CrossFit Games workouts.

And so today's one was the

push pool and ours was

heavily modified because we

didn't do sleds or any of that.

So we did row.

So it really was quite a quick workout.

I think it had like a fifteen minute cap,

but it was handstand pushups, pushups,

strict handstand pushups

and then some rowing.

So it's like a thirteen or

so minute workout.

And then we have a little

body pump back and biceps afterwards.

So it was good.

I love the backs and by.

I know I do.

Well, I'm working from the gym this week,

as you can tell.

And so I have been doing box squats,

strict press and some

shoulder flies sort of like

every fifteen minutes.

I go back out into the gym

and I'll do like a set of

everything and then I'll

come back here and I'll

work a little bit and then I go back.

So I'm doing like a lazy,

lazy weightlifting workout today.


That's not really lazy, but yeah.

Well, yeah.

I mean, not super structured.

I won't be getting my heart

rate up too much.


Do you notice a difference

in your work production by

getting up and getting

blood flow throughout the day?

That's a good question.


I feel as though I get more work done

when I'm like super laser

focused and I don't move

from my desk for hours.


I have a hard time walking away and then

getting refocused when I come back.

I think I need to,

I need fewer distractions,

I think to do that.

But today's not a crazy day.

I only have a couple of meetings.

So, and I've been super efficient.

I've worked a lot yesterday

and the day before.

So yeah, it depends, I guess,

but I'm that kind of person.

I need to focus.

Uh, Corey says, I like quick workouts.

Speaking of Corey, that's what she said.

He did the Legends qualifiers.

If people have not been

following his story, his goal,

big goal from this year was

to take a step up from MFC

to Legends and make, qualify for Legends.

the elite division uh he

went rx mfc last year now

he's trying to go elite

legends and the submissions

were due last night at

midnight uh leaderboard was

out this morning and he is

in the top twenty currently

they take what top forty oh

easy is that even hard

And they did give automatic

bids to the top five at the games.


So it's really thirty five

unless people did not

decline the invitation.

That's awesome.

Super excited.

And it's in it's in the Sun Devil Stadium,


It's in their athletic complex complexes.

So it's where the swim swimming pool is.

And let's read this.

Andrew Sten,

I'm going to single out

Corey's videos when he

helps with the video review.

Please no.

Andrew, he's always in the controversy.

You know,

he no-repped Emma Carey at the

end of the Lunges at Granite Canyon.

Oh, yeah.

I'll never forgive Andrew for that,

I don't think.

We love you, Andrew.

He's always in the middle of it.

Broke my heart.

But Corey's response, please do.

That's confident.

I like it.

I know he was very meticulous.

Last year with MFC,

he was kind of laissez-faire.

And if you remember,

he didn't measure his wall ball target,

but MFC let him go back and

measure it after the fact.

Legends doesn't allow that.

So he was much more meticulous this year.

Andrew is a no repping machine.

So super pumped for Corey

and can't wait to see him

for sure out there doing that.


Well, this is probably mean to say,

and I'll probably hear about it,

but like MFC is like a

great starting point for

the Masters community.

Legends is a step up.

The competition there is much more fierce.

There are much more games

competitors at Legends,

and it really is a true

test out there to see where

you stand going into the game season.

So, and I am,

I think I'm going to drive up

to MFC this Saturday.

Oh, fun.

No media, just walk in.


With my camera, take some pictures,

take some video, talk to some people.

Because I really have now

become embedded in this

Masters community and know

a lot of the people going up there.

And just going to go up and

say hi for a couple hours

and then head back.

It's only a two-hour drive.

So that's not bad.


I've got, um,

parents weekend this weekend

at both of my kids' colleges.


Well, I'm going to, uh,

I'm going to do Eliana's.

I don't think I've ever been to Braden's.

Braden could care less.


he probably doesn't want to see me


So, um,

they're doing Eliana and her

roommates are inviting all

the parents over for dinner

on Friday night.

And then there's the tailgate at the, uh,

football game on Saturday.

So I'll be doing that.


Corey never made dinner for

me on dad's weekend.

She just took me to bars.

I made the mistake of,

I texted her earlier and I said, you know,

do you need us to bring anything?

And she's like,


if you want to bring an app or a dip

or whatever.

And so we've been back and

forth about what I should bring.

And now it's turned into like,

I'm making a crock pot dinner dish.

Bring the main course.


I'm like, do you need me to bring a meal?

Like what's going on?

So we'll see what happens.

That'll be fun.

Cooking tomorrow.


It'll be nice.

Fun fact.

One of her roommates,

I think I may have said this before.

Her roommate is the daughter

of one of my best friends

from grade school and high

school that I haven't seen in decades.

So it's just super cool that

the two of them,

they didn't go to school

together prior to this and

they met last year and

decided to be roommates.

And I think it's kind of neat.

So I'll get to see her and

her husband at some point

this weekend too.

So yeah, it'd be fun.

Very cool.

What wasn't homecoming at OU

just like last weekend or this weekend?

I don't know about homecoming,

but it was parents weekend

last weekend and I didn't go.

I wasn't, we had stuff going,

actually it was, I don't know,

two weeks ago.

We had stuff going on.

And plus I'm like,

I'll come visit anytime.



You don't have to,

it doesn't have to be

parents weekends kind of

overrated to some time.

I mean,

I think it's more for people that

are way out of town, out of town.

I mean, Eliana's college is.


So I get it for like first.

For first time students who haven't,

you know,

like it's something that kids

can look forward to,

to see their families, but yeah.


Corey says you could bring an app,

some dip, a six pound pork roast,

you know, whatever.



Or all of the above.

I'd probably be asked to

bring like a case of Truly

or something is what I'd be asking.

Oh, yeah.

That's a common request sometimes too.

When I'm going to Costco.

Hey, mom, when you're going to Costco,

can you pick me up the

giant eight pound bottle of vodka?

And then I get the Alani

energy drinks too that we

need to pick up at Costco.



parents weekend at OU,

the town is so small.


There's no place.

Parents there.

It's utterly.

And I've,

we got to the point like sophomore year,

like Corey,

we don't need to come down any weekend.

It's not a special weekend

and hang out where we can

actually get into a restaurant.



Cause you don't really want

to go to the towns outside

of the college town because

that's just a different, different life.

I feel like that's like that everywhere.

Even William and Mary, like, you know,

it's in Williamsburg and

it's very kind of bougie,

the historical area, lots of tourists and,

you know, very sort of affluent.

But you go you go like four

or five miles down the road,

not even to like Richmond Road.

And it's sketchy, very sketchy.

Amy, have you been to Little Fish Brewery?


It's outside of Athens.

Oh, I think.



I remember.

I haven't been there,

but I've driven past it.




It's up on a mountainside.



It's an outdoor seating.

So you're looking at the

mountains and the brewery is really nice.


And they usually have food

of some sort there,

either a truck or something, but yeah,

it's nice.

So a little bit of CrossFit.

Did you guys talk,

did you guys see T or what

a Palooza SoCal?

I watched a decent bit of it.


It was,

it reminded me of grid a little bit

or like every,

every rep counts or it was just,

the format was, was different.


I mean, I, I liked,

I liked that format of the

team and subbing in and

subbing out and having

strategy of who is our best, this,

who is our best that, um,

I thought it was without

the funky movements.

Right, right, right.


Let's stick with the

positives for a second

because we could probably.

Oh, awesome.

I love it.

Most of it was positive in my book.


I thought the workouts were

a little boring until they

got to the lift.

My favorite event was when

they had to move all the

equipment from one end of

the sand pit to the other

end of the sand pit and then back.

I thought that was,

and you couldn't be

released to start moving

until you got forty

unbroken double-unders.

I missed that one.

And so then you had to pick up sandbags,


You had to roll the D-balls.

You could not pick them up.

And then they had worms, sandbags,

and sleds.

And they all had to be moved

from one end of the floor to the other.

And the drop jaw moment was

Jeff Adler moved the worm by himself.

And then when he did that, then like, okay,

well, I'm not going to,

so I'm going to move one.

And then who else was out there?

Pat was like, well,

if you guys are doing it, Justin go,

I'm going to do it.


So they're all like moving

the worms by themselves.

That's awesome.

and by the time the world

figured that out it was too

late yeah the world I liked

um I liked how the guys and

girls got to work out

together like team up you

know because um they don't

really have much

interaction at the games

they're always sort of

separated and I just like that dynamic

that the guys and girls are

definitely was like, I mean,

water blues is always a fun vibe,

but this was definitely just awesome.

Just an alternative fun vibe to it.

You know?


Their interactions.

I liked it was a little distracting.

Oh, sorry.

Go ahead.

No, no, you go.

It was a little distracting

having Tia in every frame,

like when she was coaching everyone,

that was a little bit, um, I don't know.

I just got tired of seeing her.


I think there are people

that have Tia fatigue.



maybe that's what I'm suffering from.


You know, she's won seven times.


We get it.

You're the greatest, you know,

and then some of the coaching,

I'm not even sure it was coaching.

It seemed just like yelling.



Sometimes that's a usable

tool when you're coaching.

Sometimes it reminded me a

little bit of Scott.

Do you remember West coast classic?


And there was a particular

team from a particular gym

in Southern California that

were screaming and yelling at each other,

like abusively.

So it was, it was like cringy.


It reminded me of that a little.

So the big event where Tia

was really yelling was the

monostructural workout

where it was Emily Rolfe

versus Gracie Walton.

And then it was Dallin

Pepper versus Brent Fikowski.

And they had to do echo bike,

burpees over a bar, and then a,

a five hundred meter sprint

on an assault runner.

And Emily and Gracie are

going on the bike and Tia is like,

almost like she's whipping the horse,

like, come on, like just yelling at her.

But what I found,

what I found funny on that

was they get to the burpee

over the bar and, you know,

Emily's known for not tiring out, right?

She can go for long distances.


And she pulls way ahead on

Gracie on the burpees.

But the last five,

it was like every muscle in

Emily's body must have cramped up.

Her last five burpees looked

like rigor mortis had set in.

She could barely get over the bar.

Rigor mortis.

And then she had to recover

in time to do the run.

And it's amazing how fast that she was,

like how fast she recovered

and then went all out

sprint on the air runner.


I agree.

Corey says,

I'm not saying Tia should retire,

but I would love to see

literally anyone beat her.

And maybe this is a little

foreshadowing of her being

a coach and her moving into

more of a coaching role with Proven.

I mean, that's got to be part of her plan,

I would think, at some point.

And then someone will say, oh, no,

Tia would never coach.

Just like someone said that

Matt Fraser would never

coach when I said I think he would coach.

And here he is coaching.

Or at least he was for a bit.




barbell spend did this thing where they

asked each person, like,

what are two changes you

would make to it?

Cause everybody was pretty

positive just like this.

Like what are two tweaks you'd make?

And I'll go first.

Cause I've,

I've been thinking about it since then.

And my two tweaks would,

I would like four teams, um,

initially I said like Australia, Europe,

Canada, United States, but,

but spin had an idea of, Hey,

we pick four captains.

We do a live draft and then

it's just four teams against each other,

which I,

I kind of like the drama behind that.

And the other tweak I would

make is Mike up the, the, the as they go.

Yes, that.

Yeah, I like that.

I do like the two changes I

would make to this because

I really did like the format.

And I think they should look

at this for the team affiliate cup.


by like subbing people in,

like have six athletes and

four go or however you want to run it.

But I think it adds way more

interest and you can,

if you go like two on two,

it's easier to see on the

floor as opposed to like

just a cluster of stuff out there.



Yeah, that would be fun.


my only concern the whole weekend was

how were people's feet

holding up with sand and socks and shoes?

That was like the most

uncomfortable thing to

watch when everybody was shod on the,

on the beach, especially on that run.

I thought to myself,

I can't imagine like I was,

I was in PFA a mode like, Hey,

wait a minute.

What do you, what are we doing here?

So they only were in the

sand for the morning event.

So that was only Saturday

and Sunday morning.

So the move,

every object was in the sand and the run,

run was in the sand.


That was, that was concerning to me.

It was like a two thousand meter run,


Or three thousand meter run?

Three thousand meter run.


Well, if you want to talk in safety,

the nighttime events,

the floor was soaked.

Well, yeah.

With dew and like they were

chalking everything.


I mean,

that's the thing when you do

outdoor events, it's,

there's a lot of elements to prepare for.

And yeah.


Especially on the beach.


I thought it was funny.

I thought it was funny on

the run when there were

like people on the beach,

just like random people

taking walks and you know,

they're running, excuse me, pardon me.

I'm trying to race here.


Do you guys have any

suggestions for making it better?

I like the mics being mic'd

up that I would get really

entertained by that.


And I think,

I think having more teams on

the floor at once is probably doable.

This was definitely sounded, you know,

seemed like some kind of

proof of concept that they

were working on.

And I think by all, you know, accounts,

it seemed like it was pretty successful.

Corey is correct.

There was a surfing event up

the beach where they ran to

going on at the exact same time.

You could hear the announcer

talking about the surfing

as Brian Friend was trying

to keep up with the athletes running.

I do want to just take a

second to shout out our

photographer who was there

posting for us all weekend,

which was awesome because

we couldn't be there.

And since he could,

it gave us a presence even

though we weren't there.

So if you are not following Yzma Captures,

he is our photographer.

He was our photographer for

West Coast Classic semifinal.

and uh for this event and

probably he'll be doing a

lot more events for us but

if you didn't see some of

the stuff like he did these

reels of like emily getting

on the echo bike uh annika

greer at the reps ahead

event all these pictures so

we really did have a

presence but this is him he

is yeah he did a nice job

I got about two hundred new

Brazilian followers on

Instagram because of these key posts.


He seemed like he had a lot of fun.


I'll tell you what,

like he the first two days,

he was the most impressive

athlete on the floor.

But it because there were

special specialty events,

gymnastics and lifting,

which he's good at both.


like he couldn't really

highlight nominated in

those yeah we go rep for

rep with with pat velner

and a gymnastics event just

shows like how good he is

at certain things so but I

wanted to give give him a

shout out because he's been

awesome for us and he just

posts and asks to

collaborate so that we can

share everything out there and it's been

been a good relationship uh

with him because he lives

in la so it's easy for him

to get to the west coast

events for sure it's

perfect uh adaptive games

did you guys catch any of

that just the highlights I

didn't get to see any of

the actual events I had a

few friends that were there

so I saw like by virtue of

them posting I saw some

things but I didn't spend a

whole lot of time watching

You know,

I thought that like the masters

having the same event over

all those divisions was

tough and is something you

have to kind of overcome as a,

as a viewing experience.

Bill Grundler and Jamie

Austin calling the adaptive

games and the number of

divisions they have,

which is more than the

masters and all the

different adaptations to,

to the equipment, to the event.

They kept up with all of

that and did marathon

yeoman yeoman's duty,

getting through all that

and deserve all the kudos in the world.

And it was really fun to watch.

I've only ever seen it at the games,

like the five divisions that they brought,

having like all eighteen

divisions or whatever it was.

It was really fun seeing how

they adapted everything.

And then the one-armed

people cleaning more than I can was like,

these people are phenomenal athletes.


Do you think that the

adaptive division will

mature enough to warrant a

master's adaptive divisions?

I mean,

I know it makes my head explode to

think of.

Right now, if you watch it,

most of the master's athletes are older.

You mean adaptive athletes?




By definition,

master's athletes are older.

So that's interesting.


Or I wonder if there will be

a crop of younger athletes

coming up in it where it

will necessitate having to split them up.

I think the way they talked

about it on the commentary,

because I'd let it run on

my computer every day so

they would have the view

and the watch time just to support them.

And I would bop in and out

watching as I was working

Thursday and Friday for

sure and a little bit on the weekend.

They talked about it as

there's not enough of the

adaptive community who know this exists.

Like their push is getting

it out to the adaptive community that,


you're not stuck in a chair in your home.

You can come do all these

cool things and do this stuff.

And I think their biggest

thing is marketing to that

community of what is possible.

That you don't have to give

up on your dreams of being

a competitive athlete.


And it was really well done.

Did Amy Bream compete?

She did not compete.

She was a sideline reporter.


And she was awesome.

Okay, yeah.

Which I thought,

because she knows what

they've gone through, right?

She's done it herself.

She gave great insight from the sideline.

Sure, that's great.

So I love that they hired

her on to do that as well.

Yeah, yeah.

But, you know,

I was really mad when they

split everything off,

but I wouldn't have sat and

watched the adaptive games like I did.

And the opportunity that

eight team divisions got

instead of five was really good.

So that's all I got to say about that.

I like that.

See, little positives right there.



the last thing I want to leave you guys

with, um, well,

first episode four is

coming out Monday of the

behind the scenes of the

masters CrossFit games.

Trust me, as these episodes go on,

it gets better.

Like day one,

I was feeling my feeling it out.

And that is episode four is

the last episode of day one.

And just a little asterisk beside this,

because of the way it was

set up with three floors

and people rotated,

even though it's episode four, or I mean,

event three,

not everybody did that third.

Some did it first.

So when you're watching it,

it was the first event for

the younger Masters athletes.


so you hear them talk about

was my first event and I I

got done with that now I

can move on even though it

was event three in the book

because they rotated floors

you know but super excited

about it um I have it all

put together just waiting

for the leaderboards from

holly and the mashup from

ortega and then we'll have

that one in the can ready

for monday release

Um, and then we move on to day two,

which I get better.

And then day three, I get even better.

So, and I, I think Ellie does too.

So I think it's a good hang in there.

These are good.

I think they get great.

Mm hmm.


The more reps and practice you have,



And I'm really loving this.

Like I'm having so much fun,

even editing it.

Like I don't usually have

fun editing this.

I'm having fun editing.

So it's a, it's a lot of, a lot of fun.

The last thing last night on Savan,

they did it and we don't

need to go in depth like they did,

but they did a, like a quick live show.

Who is the most popular male

CrossFit champion?

And they ranked them from ten to one.

Because there are ten champions right now.

James Fitzgerald, Jason Kalipa, Miko Salo,

Graham Holmberg, Rich, Ben Smith, Matt,

Madaris, Adler, Sprague.


So when it wasn't like,

who do you like the most,

or who was the best athlete?


It is, who was the most popular?

Most popular...

So it was pretty unanimous

who was most popular.

One dissenting vote in the

group they had on said Matt.

Everybody else says Rich.

Rich, yeah.

Yeah, Rich for sure.

I say Rich for sure.

Rich for sure here.

It must have been a new

person that's new under CrossFit.


they were saying newer people to

CrossFit don't know who Rich is.

That's a lie.

Like with, because of Haley Adams,

because of, um, Roman, because of,

and Angelo,

because of all these people

that are around him and him

and him owning mayhem,

people know who he is.


his podcast still gets as many views

as anybody else in the space.


But some of the interesting

arguments were like,

they had Ben Smith is three.

And I think they're

underestimating the

popularity of James Sprague personally.

That kid is wildly popular.

And I think Justin Medeiros

has a huge horde of fans.

One, because his family.

There's always cameras on

his family and him,

and they're out there in

the campground with the fans,

and they're doing all this stuff.


I would put those two ahead of Ben Smith.

The only thing Ben's known

for now is coaching Laura.

I mean, I would... Yeah,

Ben's... I would say one of

the least interesting...

or at least, I mean,

maybe people know his name,

but I remember when he won,

we were all saying like, wow,

I bet CrossFit wished

someone else had won

because he's just not very

charismatic for the brand, you know, to.

We, he just, he's not a talker.

He doesn't do what he,

he tried to do a podcast.

It was actually pretty interesting,

but he just didn't keep up with it.

Like it just doesn't,

He's just kind of vanilla.

Lex energy, yeah.


Corey says you either love

James Brigger or you're wrong.

But I wanted to get your opinion.

And they really fought over the back end.

Like, who is the least popular?

And some of the votes,

one was for Miko Salo,

who they convinced to change.

And then it was really

between Graham Holmberg and

James Fitzgerald.

I'd say Graham.


He's definitely become a lot less popular.

Lots of other things, you know,

in the space and Jason

Kalipa is going to be my number three,

like without argument,

just because of all this

stuff that he's into in

terms of popularity.

Crossfitters even know who he is.

Unless you're in California

on the West coast.

But he still shows up in

CrossFit spaces regularly.

on YouTube and things like

that from time to time.

You know, if you were to,

if you were to just do like

a CrossFit search on, on Google,

I think he'd come up way

more than Ben Smith.


But Madaris,

like he has his own YouTube channel.

He's dating another CrossFit athlete.


I'm trying not to have like a recency bias,

but I mean, I,

you can make the argument

for that for those two as well.

I'm saying of the older ones

between Fitzpatrick, Miko Salo,

Graham Holberg, and Kalipa,

Kalipa's got to be the most popular.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Miko has a legend about him

and a documentary that helps his cause.


And is why he shouldn't be towards,

it shouldn't be last.

But I don't think he jumps

up into the upper echelon either.

Yeah, Corey makes a good point.

This is,

I always forget that Holberg was a

champion as well.

The only thing Graham's

known for is beating Rich.



He's the one person... And

being my friend Becky's ultimate crush.

That's also what he's known for.

Yeah, and Kalipa's still around.


but he's... Way more popular than


oh yeah yeah yeah I I mean I

would have I probably would

put graham last yeah and

that's tough because he

lives right here and anyway

I yeah it's an interesting

discussion though something

to think about now I'll

have to do the ladies yeah

they're doing the ladies I

think next week

I could talk to Corey a lot

about this one.


his gym is local and they don't allow

people to take their shirts off.

So a bunch of people have left his gym.

And joined Amy's gym.

That's one of the gyms.

A lot of people joined.


I was still there then.

It was a nice influx for Shred.


Although it was,

it's people love comparing

pictures because all the

pictures of Graham,

like doing CrossFit are without a shirt.




Jay Birch says if they had

posted the video of me

showing Kalipa how to calf

rope at the games,

there would be no question.

Can we talk about calf

roping for a second?

Cause I went to the rodeo

over the weekend and while

I love bull riding and Bronco riding,

and I think barrel racing is bad-ass.

I hate the calf roping.

And I noticed this for the first time.

I've been to a handful of rodeos,

but those calves get like

choked out during that

process where they get

roped around the neck and

then they get pulled.

And as they're pulling,

they're like urinating themselves.

and then getting hogtied,

and they have to sit there

for six seconds.

And then the guys that run

the ring have to go quickly

and un-noose them and

agitate them to get them to

gain consciousness again.

I was cheering for the Cavs.

Every time the lasso missed, I was like,

yay, go.

It was so bad.

I don't...

It bothers me so much.

And here's my other pet

peeve at the rodeo.

Every time any of these

riders are announced, the male riders,

It's, oh, this guy's got, you know,

thirty dollars left until

he makes the pro tour.

And this guy's been doing

this for thirty years.

And this guy's out of Oklahoma.

And this one is this all the things.

And then you get to the barrel races.


And it's females doing the barrel races.

So impressive.

They're like super fast

zipping around these barrels.

And it's everybody.

Welcome, Emily, to the ring.

That's all they say.

Like they barely give a last name.

They don't say where they're from.

They don't say how old they are.

They don't say how long

they've been doing this.

Like nothing.

The announcers don't give

any like color commentary

on the women in the thing.

And I'm like, you know, not like super,

super feminist, but like, geez, look,

give us a little bit of credit.

That bugs me.


Anyway, sorry.

That's my man.

I like your calf roping and

no steer wrestling either.

Like you're breaking their

neck to put them on the ground.

That's dumb.

If you want to ride bulls

and jack up their balls to

make them jump or whatever, that's fine.

But, and if you want to barrel race,


Yeah, exactly.


And, but, but, you know,

show the women a little bit

of respect and at least

like say their last name

and maybe talk about where they're from.

It was crazy.

But we just got all the

rodeo subscribers to jump in.


If you're a rodeo fan,

hit that subscribe button.

Tell me about it.

Let's talk about it.

I like the episode.

I've never been to a rodeo in my life.

That and you know what else

is making me mad lately is zoos.

I went to a zoo and it's like...

I can't stand.

The poor little lion is just

like running around and, you know,

like making a path,

dirt path for himself.

And oh, so sad.

The otters still make me

very happy because they

seem really happy otters.

But a lot of those bigger animals don't.


they are from Africa and they walk

miles and miles per day in real life.

And they just turn around and spin.


Sounds pretty miserable.

Jenny says that my mom barrel raced.

so cool that's that might be

my new I might that might

be my new endeavor oh my

gosh yeah I'm always trying

something new because you

tore two hamstrings trying

to pull right I'm sure this

hand can handle holding on

to a set of rings real hard

and oh my gosh I have to

tell you real quick because

I know you have a one

o'clock meeting I think I

enter do you remember um I interviewed

Shana, Shana, Shana Bunce.


She won legends.

And then she was in the

games and in the behind the

scenes after the whole

thing's over and she didn't

finish where I thought,

I think she thought she was

going to finish.

And she looked in the camera.

She goes, I'm taking up pole vaulting.

I've been,

and I'm taking up pole vaulting

and I almost lost it holding the camera.


Oh my gosh.

It's it's Kat's mentor.

I mean, I let's let's be honest,

I have not given up on that dream.

Just so you know, I haven't given up.

My coach said I could

compete in the Masters if I

could keep my hamstrings healthy.

So dreams still alive.

So it'll be in one of the

episodes of behind the scenes.

But Jenny goes on to say my

stepdad was a stock

contractor for the PBR.

Those are just big babies

until you strap a flank

around their nuts.


Never give up on your dreams.

Thank you, Corey.

I don't plan to

Well, on that note,

this was a fun show about the rodeo.

If you love the rodeo, like, subscribe,

hit that notifier.

And we'll be here on Thursdays now,

from now on, for a while anyway.

And just chatting about

anything and everything.

With that, guys,

I hope you have a great rest of your day.

It was a great lunch with the crew.

We'll see everybody next

time on Clydesdale Media Roundtable.

Bye, guys.