You're Wrong

One day we will understand why all of these turn out as racy as they do. But today is not that day.

Show Notes

The first battle royale in months! This time, Chris, Luciano, and Spencer each picked their favourite spy/secret agent (as well as one each for Matt to choose from, as is tradition) to put through Matt's patented Original And Totally Not Copied From Anythingā„¢ scenarios.

The results were, as always, insane. Oh, and smutty. Worryingly smutty. šŸ‘€

Creators & Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire

What is You're Wrong?

You're Wrong is on permanent hiatus, but Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer aren't! They have a new podcast, dedicated (almost) exclusively to movies, called Popcorn & Plot Holes. Come listen to their ramblings at or anywhere you get your podcasts from!

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hello and welcome back to another delightful
recording of you are wrong with me as

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: always i have

[spinner]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: smells like amans

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i can tell from here if

[it_smells_like_almonds]: then

[cobra]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you need

[cobra]: true

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to get closer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just get in just get your

[cobra]: no thanks i'm good

[spinner]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it feels like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: almonds

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we're in your arm pit when you
do that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[cobra]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[cobra]: disgusting

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's too close

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: luciano

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: yeah what do you smell like luciano

[cobra]: i smell like pizza

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: better

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: also worse

[spinner]: how lovely

[cobra]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and as always we have our

[cobra]: h yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: special recurring

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: reappearing guest spencer

[cobra]: the premium guest

[spinner]: so good to be so good to
be here guys long time

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: listener

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cicely you can make it out

[spinner]: just honored honor to that you bring
me back

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: why not what the ell what do
we got to lose

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: maybe

[spinner]: lot a lot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well yeah

[spinner]: everything

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean we're kind of already in
the base and so you can't go too

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: much further than this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: always

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: anyway

[it_smells_like_almonds]: black on black

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh yeah that too

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: this week we have decided to return
to one of our premium games themes

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: format

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: four mats those are all words you
could use pick your favorite

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and we're going with a battle royal
um we decided that we should select from

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the world of spy craft

[cobra]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: there's a lot of a lot of

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in that realm so i don't know
spencer are the guest who what

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: amazing

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spot did you pick

[spinner]: the eagle is in the nest i
repeat the eagle is in the nest spy

[spinner]: spy games have begun

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who are you talking about because that

[spinner]: o

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sounds

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you're

[cobra]: he had

[it_smells_like_almonds]: trying to seduce

[cobra]: had a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: me

[cobra]: had a mini stroke had a man
is stroke there

[spinner]: no that's

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that's that's people the people who know
know yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i don't know

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: so no one um i picked i
decided to try something different and go with

[spinner]: a star trek character outside

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: the wheelhouse

[cobra]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: crazy just

[cobra]: out of your comfort zone huh

[spinner]: yeah and i know and i know
people are going

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ode

[spinner]: what star track what spies are in

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: track and to you i say

[it_smells_like_almonds]: traveller

[spinner]: get fucked

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: like educate yourself i picked not

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: the traveler the petifile with very

[it_smells_like_almonds]: there

[spinner]: tight

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you go

[spinner]: pants

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you know

[cobra]: jesus

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: i picked watch the show and you'll
get it i picked the one and only

[spinner]: garrick from star

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: trick deep space nine great show great

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm familiar with garrick's work

[spinner]: lucia

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: luciano

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: gets it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: lucian tell tell the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: audience a little bit about garrick please

[cobra]: well he is from star

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: track

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah could start

[cobra]: he appears

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: in the deep space nine series

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: going a guess he's an alien given
his name

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow that's races

[spinner]: you're not wrong

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but correct

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: am with aliens i am

[spinner]: species

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow yeah

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: tool

[spinner]: all that's

[cobra]: of the

[spinner]: all

[cobra]: humanity

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean

[spinner]: what race is he what alien

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: race

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: idea no fucking

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: jesus

[cobra]: clock

[spinner]: just take a take a shot

[cobra]: he is a eurodian

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: laughing

[spinner]: you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: too

[spinner]: idiot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: by

[spinner]: you idiot

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: laugh at the man

[cobra]: i have no idea

[spinner]: no that's wrong he's a cardassian you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i sorry trust

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh a

[cobra]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cardashiin

[cobra]: a cardasian

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: better

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he's a kimcardassian

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: one of the same okay great

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: choice or well we'll find

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: out if it's a good choice it
might at a terrible

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: choice honestly

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uhlucinlson do you have no idea with
what he mentioned why don't you go next

[cobra]: well i picked the one and only
stirling mallory archer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: from the series archer obviously

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sorry

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[cobra]: school

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i struggled my

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: voice

[cobra]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is not fully back

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: greatest the greatest spy

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: may

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the world everybody knows

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean

[cobra]: according to himself

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i guess i mean

[spinner]: phrasing luciano

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: are we not doing phrasing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um good

[cobra]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: job

[cobra]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: everybody

[cobra]: ship

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we

[cobra]: spencer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all made fun references chris

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it smells like almonds what you got
for me

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i have got the most shagadelic international

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: man of mystery who often refers

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to his genitals as meeting two vegetables
testicles pills under

[spinner]: yah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: carriage and wedding tackle

[spinner]: yea

[it_smells_like_almonds]: austin danger

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: powersyeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: maybe

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: baby

[spinner]: uh uh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we have picked

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the finest representatives we could find

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: from the spy

[spinner]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: world however

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: clearly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we still

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: have one more we need pick and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: indeed

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for me so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: indeed

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: as we always do all three of
you i selected an

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: option for me to select from so
when i made these questions that are very

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: important and very targeted

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i would not be able to cheat
in any way by favoring the spy i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: had so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: salute

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: let's go on th river

[spinner]: yeah we run a very moral

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sure

[spinner]: ship

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: whatever

[spinner]: here no funny

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shut

[spinner]: business

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the fuck up this is my

[cobra]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: podcast

[spinner]: we follow the rules

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: jesus

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: ma's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: angry

[spinner]: got full dictator

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so angry

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spot did

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you choose for me

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i chose the formerly code named le
o six fictional former intelligence operative of the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: double

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: o seven section also

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: known

[spinner]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: as janis

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: also known as la one also known
as alex trevellyan

[spinner]: from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: from

[spinner]: gold

[it_smells_like_almonds]: golden

[spinner]: ni

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: why my spy has to be the

[spinner]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: one who dies

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i didn't

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: say

[spinner]: for

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you don't

[spinner]: in

[it_smells_like_almonds]: have to die now

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: for england james

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'll see you in hell james

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for england

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: no for

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: me

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: great great

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in

[spinner]: scene

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: gun

[spinner]: is that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i don't

[spinner]: the song

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he's the eyes with

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[spinner]: the gold and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: gold and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeutiful

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great

[cobra]: gold

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: let's just move

[spinner]: is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes please

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: yhyikes

[spinner]: that's the that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we needed

[spinner]: the thief

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we needed

[spinner]: song

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we needed

[cobra]: yiks

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to practice that like like we had

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: had session

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: nailed

[it_smells_like_almonds]: jam

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time okay

[cobra]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: great

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: we nailed

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: really we really didn't need to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: practice or our performance

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: well we didn't go over this because
i was going to pick double o seven

[spinner]: not knowing

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[spinner]: that he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: picked double

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't

[spinner]: six

[it_smells_like_almonds]: reveal your

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like do you

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you

[spinner]: i'll go with double o nine

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who's that

[spinner]: you mamma

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wow

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow got him

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wow

[cobra]: how how

[spinner]: got

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: did

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: started

[cobra]: did this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: get

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mom

[spinner]: far

[cobra]: derailed

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is awesome

[cobra]: in the first ten minutes

[spinner]: um no lucy an you go first
i got to pick up another

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: one because i was going to say
double o seven and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[spinner]: i can't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you can

[cobra]: all right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: stop

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: i don't

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: want one of the options to be
double six or double

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: o seven

[cobra]: i'll pick double weight

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: i picked

[it_smells_like_almonds]: live in the

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: parks

[cobra]: ethan hunt good luk

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: green log yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he sounds

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like a

[spinner]: like a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he sounds like a football referee

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yea

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: listen in

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: his

[it_smells_like_almonds]: love

[cobra]: defense

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it i

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: love it i love it

[cobra]: in his defense

[spinner]: oh my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: he was leaning against a wind shield

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[cobra]: trying to explode

[spinner]: of a helicopter

[cobra]: ship

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: having to explain it to the man
he is about to kill

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: look this

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: i'm going

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: to blow

[cobra]: looks

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: this looks like bubble

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: gum but it's actually explosive

[spinner]: and why

[cobra]: ethan

[spinner]: are we

[cobra]: hunt

[spinner]: referring

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[spinner]: them as lights

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: when they're

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: gum um that's a good

[it_smells_like_almonds]: double

[spinner]: pick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mint

[spinner]: dam it that was

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: that was like my back up big

[cobra]: are you serious

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[spinner]: okay i'm on the spot now think

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sure

[spinner]: of

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: are

[spinner]: another

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: spy

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: code banks

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hey

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: little the first one that comes to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cod banks has played by frankie munis

[spinner]: frankie munis baby

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my my my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow just a marges borg of ship

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: here

[it_smells_like_almonds]: diversity

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah that's a word you can use
right i'm really down on my ethan hunt

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: knowledge i've watched

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: haven't watched many of the new ones
and i have only watched the old ones

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: long

[spinner]: they're

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ago

[cobra]: same

[spinner]: so good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: listen

[cobra]: same

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'll

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: get

[cobra]: have

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to

[cobra]: to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: them but

[spinner]: they're so good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and i did never watched

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: max different

[spinner]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's only five point

[spinner]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one out of

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ten on i m d

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's i think it's just

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: an age a thing me being in
a different

[spinner]: i don't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: think i've never seen

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: decade

[spinner]: it either

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen listen

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what the fuck

[spinner]: i just know

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just

[spinner]: of him

[it_smells_like_almonds]: because

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: jesus

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's thirty eight percent on raw and
tomatoes doesn't mean it's a total

[spinner]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: waste of your time

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean it might

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: hey listen i

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: can give you another option if you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: two thousand and three

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well it seems to to defeat the
game i can listen

[cobra]: all right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shan ben is a narrow and but
i can operate within that band i've seen

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: them moving multiple times

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: classic

[spinner]: basically you can do whatever bond could

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: mostly

[spinner]: except for slight slightly worse

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's got

[cobra]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is

[cobra]: did one thing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: are

[cobra]: that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: his

[cobra]: bon

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: parents

[cobra]: never

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cossacks

[cobra]: did

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is that what it is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[cobra]: is it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wait what

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: more than us

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chapin's parents

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: real

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: already

[it_smells_like_almonds]: life or the character

[cobra]: the act the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: actors

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: parents

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in's parents

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: lilittoknow

[spinner]: makes it clear

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[cobra]: in fact

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: that his last name is actually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh oh

[cobra]: binovski it's not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's not being

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh ah

[spinner]: you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm legit

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: looking

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that up

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i need to know my

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: assume

[it_smells_like_almonds]: reality

[spinner]: his parents

[it_smells_like_almonds]: has been shattered

[spinner]: are yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: she

[cobra]: god

[spinner]: s parents ave got to be scottish
and british

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you looking up saw beans parents looking
up the alex

[spinner]: that's we need to know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uhtrevelin

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no no born

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: vell yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in sheffield yeah to rita tuckwood and
brian bean you go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: brian

[spinner]: you're

[cobra]: been

[spinner]: actually looking

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: brian bean is that is so sad
as a name

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's adorable

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shan't be in sound school or seen
beam but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ryan beam

[cobra]: c n bean

[spinner]: see

[cobra]: or shun bun i mean you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: have to

[spinner]: yeah you can't have it both ways

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: shad

[cobra]: anyway

[spinner]: bon or sin vine

[cobra]: you're picking you're picking

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: then the spy the spite they did
the one thing that james bon ever did

[cobra]: which is die

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep

[it_smells_like_almonds]: talk

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: correct

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to daniel crag though

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he didn't die

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: alice how do you pronounce his last

[it_smells_like_almonds]: trevellyan

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: revlion

[it_smells_like_almonds]: maybe however

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: villa

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you prefer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: was born to a family

[spinner]: call

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of

[spinner]: him

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: double

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: leans

[spinner]: six

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cossacks like the first thing in his
his biography

[cobra]: trevellianyeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i think it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: trevillian

[cobra]: travelin

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we're going with it okay great we
have selected our spies

[it_smells_like_almonds]: can

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: some of

[spinner]: he basically is villain in his last

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: some of them are evil

[it_smells_like_almonds]: look villain

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes with villain in its last name
but that's okay

[spinner]: would have known it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no one said specifically

[spinner]: who

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: saw that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spies

[spinner]: coming

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: were good

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: alex nemesis

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and is the same movie that has

[spinner]: i feel like that was a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i vana

[spinner]: i feel like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on

[spinner]: that was

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: top

[spinner]: a type

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in

[spinner]: of on

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[spinner]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[spinner]: it was like a type on the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: it was like this last name is
the villain it was like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that somebody read it as trvltrvailing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like yeah that's his last

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: jesus

[spinner]: name

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: she's changing a bit

[spinner]: just in brackets in brackets

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: the villain

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we're on the top was already problem
enough so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right let's get into these questions

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: first

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ding

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ding

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: first question um simple what is your
greatest success as a spot and as always

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the random is will random who is
going to answer this question oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: put the

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: the payoff

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: is so sad on that

[spinner]: u

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it sounded

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: don't really

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: expect

[it_smells_like_almonds]: took

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to get

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: song

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spike

[it_smells_like_almonds]: took a ship like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the tiniest turtle head ship at the

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my god

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: it's true

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it cut

[cobra]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the rope

[cobra]: true

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and then it was

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just to

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: like a big build up to a

[cobra]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: made a

[spinner]: big

[cobra]: promise

[spinner]: let down

[cobra]: it never delivered

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my god

[cobra]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: never

[cobra]: what that

[spinner]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not

[cobra]: song

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: even

[cobra]: did

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: name

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: even

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: close

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the next bond movie song

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i love it

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it looks like

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: luciano you have won or lost so
can you give us

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: stirling malory archers greatest success

[cobra]: as a pie

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean i didn't say that

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: so definitely bagging katya

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who

[cobra]: i yield my time for himself one
hundred percent begging katia and not dying

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: by barry

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a little

[cobra]: there's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: bit more

[cobra]: that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: context

[cobra]: too

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for the folks out there who have

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no idea what you're talking about

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i remember

[cobra]: all right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: lana

[cobra]: fine

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[cobra]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i don't remember katia

[cobra]: so katie was the russian spy

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: that he ends up marrying

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: or

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and she wore the

[cobra]: almost marrying

[it_smells_like_almonds]: white the white hat

[cobra]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: was

[cobra]: she

[it_smells_like_almonds]: she

[cobra]: had

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a blonde

[cobra]: like the long blond hair yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: season

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one

[cobra]: and then and then i think

[it_smells_like_almonds]: maybe

[cobra]: it's one or two

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: but then and then she dies

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: and then kruger brings her back as

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: a robot

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: and then he bangs her again

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: really it's a two for one there

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: but yeah so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: for those out there who don't know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: arthur is kind of kind of a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: so much so that one of his
alienses is slit

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: his main amis is duchess but let's
leave that alone

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: so he like i think if he
was as a spy would have a harder

[cobra]: time because he actually did some impressive
stuff for

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: archer but if he if you asked
him what he was his his main accomplishment

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: was begging cardie first as a human
and then as a siborgahndrd

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you're not going

[cobra]: per cent

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to talk about how she married robot

[cobra]: well no

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: because

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: that's not a good thing for him

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fair enough no not goin dig into
it not goin to dig too deep

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next up on our randomizer we have
it smells like almond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: indeed so greatest achievement i would have
to say it's see not many not many

[it_smells_like_almonds]: humans on the planet have a mo
jo quotient as high as austin danger

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: powers and so what do you think
about the parallels between this almost chosen one

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like you know

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m how do you say

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uhquantification

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: um i would

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: say i'd say the fact that austin
power has lost his moo like it was

[it_smells_like_almonds]: stolen from him in the past by
fat bastard and that able to get said

[it_smells_like_almonds]: modo back in the future that's kind
of fucked up but the best part is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is that even though like when we
went when i say he got it back

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like it was extracted in this vile
and the vial actually was shattered and like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like you know spilt all over the
ground and like

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the base was going to you know
explode so he never actually retrieved it but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: guess what he never really lost the
mo jo so

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: how do you get something stolen from
you that can't be stolen greatest achievement ever

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i love how seriously you're describing this

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like it was

[cobra]: i was going to say

[spinner]: like the most serious moment

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and when all hope was lost and
his modo was shattered upon

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: the floor

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i would argue that

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: did literally nothing

[spinner]: m and i would agree

[it_smells_like_almonds]: didn't he though

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: didn't he

[spinner]: didn't he not

[cobra]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: are you

[spinner]: spy

[cobra]: saying his

[spinner]: games continue

[cobra]: his biggest accomplishment was not losing something
is that what you're saying

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i would say so but at the
same time when in the past when his

[it_smells_like_almonds]: moga was apparently stolen in the present
his modo went caput and he was in

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the sack with with with you know
with you now a partner

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually and everything

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: came to a grinding halt sexually

[spinner]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and so

[spinner]: m he was able to have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: sex

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wasn't

[spinner]: what a hero

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he wasn't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: any

[spinner]: but now he could

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wow he always could

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay i mean you've just continued

[cobra]: can we

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to walk around that he did

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fuck

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: nothing

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you fuck

[cobra]: you're

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you i see

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: your

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: boot and i raise you a fuck
you fuck you

[cobra]: it's just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[cobra]: like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m yeah

[cobra]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think chris yelsons

[spinner]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm

[spinner]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fired with that

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: was

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: the slowest and longest self burden i've

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[cobra]: seen

[it_smells_like_almonds]: not a

[cobra]: in my

[it_smells_like_almonds]: self

[cobra]: life

[it_smells_like_almonds]: burned bench my funk had to go
on the journey to realize the treasure that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: still lived within but he proceeded to

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great

[spinner]: they proceed to tap that ass

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: love

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i love that for him

[spinner]: what what a spy

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: good job

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: take the recicriss time and explain

[it_smells_like_almonds]: good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: luck

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: me

[it_smells_like_almonds]: garrick

[spinner]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[spinner]: now garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: had a long history as a spy
before the show

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: began

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: that is unknown to the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: audience sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: thank you and but one of the
moments when you realize how much of a

[spinner]: true master spy he was is in
the episode in the pale moonlight spoilers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: for

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[spinner]: episode in the pale moonlight basically i
will wrap it up quickly they're at war

[spinner]: with the dominion

[it_smells_like_almonds]: grocery

[spinner]: and they

[it_smells_like_almonds]: store

[spinner]: need the romulance

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah to chain and they need the
romulance to not join up with the dominion

[spinner]: and cisco is trying to figure out
a way to make romulan's not joined so

[spinner]: he gets garrick to make a forgery
of something convince the dominion the romulus that

[spinner]: dominion were not going to join them
long story short the the thing he makes

[spinner]: that the faith what it called

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: fake document he makes it'sactually holy gram
the forgery doesn't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: pass the inspection so they think that
it's all gone to hell but at the

[spinner]: end as the ships leaving the ship
below up the romulandship blows up and garrick

[spinner]: actually planned the whole time to kill
them and blame the assassination on the dominion

[spinner]: and he never expected the forgery to
work and then that

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: gets the romulance to go to war
with the dominion so he single handedly changes

[spinner]: the fate of the entire quadrant if
you're still awake

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i will add that cisco the moral
captain the greatest victory character was made cisco

[spinner]: bend his morals no other captain does

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: because he at the end he says
he says i could live with it yes

[cobra]: actually

[spinner]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: could live with it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[spinner]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: and that is why garrick

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: is a bad ass moifucking

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: spy

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: love it great

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: answer i'm here for it that leads
me to go the last i'm pretty

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sure greatest

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: achievement for my our friend alex is
faking his

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: death

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: pretty pretty

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: solid desk viking and was really upset
when he died so

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i tink i think that's that's the
one i

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: mean yeah he did some other cool
stuff like

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you know stealing golden eye and drop
on stick and stuff

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but i think i think the main
thing here is

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[spinner]: dropping on stick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: plato

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[cobra]: that took a turn

[spinner]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: actually

[cobra]: or i mean yes

[spinner]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: he dropped

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: on his dick non sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: for a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: change

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his erection was so profound it broke
his fall sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: actually but yeah i think

[spinner]: sexually

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: rocus ball

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: eh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just just imagine

[cobra]: yah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: remember

[spinner]: i survived

[it_smells_like_almonds]: when captain america hurled himself out of
that building and in a winter soldier and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: landed on his shield that's what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: alec did with his sexually and he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well i mean and in

[spinner]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a way

[spinner]: orgasmed

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: then a giant sidelight falls on it
so there's that yeah same

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h m

[spinner]: you're saying he got penetrated

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we're talkin abutrghtnow this is his greatest
success not his

[spinner]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: greatest failure

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and so i really just think faking
is death you know like going to the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chemical factory you know i mean evil

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: russians to like murder him and get
james to run away and not know that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's dead was sets

[spinner]: classic

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: up really

[spinner]: move

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sets up his plan into motion loris
loris player

[spinner]: who would have thought what was his
last name again

[it_smells_like_almonds]: villain

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um let's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: see

[it_smells_like_almonds]: village

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: here tre

[cobra]: the villain

[spinner]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: villian

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: who would have thought

[cobra]: long

[spinner]: he'd turned bad

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: trevilong

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: that's why

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: e's

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: very villainous

[it_smells_like_almonds]: see like

[spinner]: who

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: if

[spinner]: would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[spinner]: have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: phonetically

[spinner]: thought he'd

[it_smells_like_almonds]: break

[spinner]: go

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that

[spinner]: bad

[it_smells_like_almonds]: down with french that almost sounds like
like three well no no that's sorry not

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[spinner]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[spinner]: sounds

[it_smells_like_almonds]: why

[spinner]: like very

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thank you thank you that you thank

[spinner]: very

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: villainous

[it_smells_like_almonds]: there you go

[cobra]: cave long

[it_smells_like_almonds]: see that's why i'm

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: not supposed to live in montreal

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't like

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: now

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i haven't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: get

[spinner]: you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i haven't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: out

[spinner]: living

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i haven't embraced the language

[spinner]: tree means

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: three in spanish

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thank

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you see

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's where i should

[spinner]: where

[it_smells_like_almonds]: be

[spinner]: was i going with

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[spinner]: this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: duckets yeah yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah okay we're moving

[spinner]: good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on

[spinner]: answer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: question to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dose

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: who is your spy idol or

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: as i like to create the portmanteau

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so you're asking

[cobra]: job

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you're asking who our chosen character is
idol is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: general

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: why would why would i care for
yours is i don't care about you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm just trying to understand

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: a big i'm a big berry

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: manolo

[cobra]: it's pretty

[spinner]: guy

[cobra]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: established

[spinner]: oh you

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: mean

[cobra]: we don't

[spinner]: you mean

[cobra]: care

[spinner]: the spy

[cobra]: about

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ay

[cobra]: anything

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah randomizer if you please

[spinner]: dan dan dan dan dan dan dan
dan dan dan

[it_smells_like_almonds]: god

[spinner]: baba baba

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is not the name

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of this song i

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: no that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: was the voyager

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay well

[spinner]: theme song which

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you're

[spinner]: didn't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: welcome

[spinner]: really make

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: any

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: again

[spinner]: sense

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but i remember that

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: looks

[spinner]: but i can't

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: remember the deep space nine

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: theme song

[it_smells_like_almonds]: let someone else go in front of

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i still don't understand this question

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm sorry

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: love

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to understand

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i need it i need it i
need i need an example

[spinner]: who's your

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i randomizeyou

[spinner]: who's

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: your

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: know

[spinner]: spies hero

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the randomizer tells

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: us who goes first it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thank

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: like i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just make this up as i go

[spinner]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm

[spinner]: randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: praying

[spinner]: is our

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm praying to the randomizer for someone

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: give me an example

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fair

[it_smells_like_almonds]: can help

[spinner]: the randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to frame help me frame

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my answer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fair

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's all

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the random ser did random

[spinner]: the randomizer is god

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah well in a way it's

[spinner]: i'll hail the randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: rand miser

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: any who the random aer has selected

[spinner]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: great wisdom

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is a great great glorious wisdom

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so benevolent

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: myself as as the as the first
person so sabine

[spinner]: oh men

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: pital interesting one one might say it
was james bond

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: himself

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but also

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think he may have hated him
um in another way

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so that's that's a whole thing between
the two of them

[spinner]: yes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: that's a common

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: i think you can hate

[spinner]: character

[cobra]: the men

[spinner]: trait

[cobra]: but like

[spinner]: that you look up to

[cobra]: the spy

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: it breeds jealousy

[cobra]: you can you can admire

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: the man professionally while hating him personally

[spinner]: why did he hate him

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: respond

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: they were like rival they were both
like um parentless kids who got adopted into

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[spinner]: or

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: agency

[spinner]: would you say i'm gonna cointheportmanto

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sports fins

[spinner]: spivals

[it_smells_like_almonds]: spirals

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: five

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you're gonna say sport

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fans

[spinner]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: spy orphans

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for find

[cobra]: sporfens

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: almost sounds like spark

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's mighty sport

[spinner]: just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in

[spinner]: rolls

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: time

[spinner]: off the tongue

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's it thought i thought i thought
we were trying to empathize for a moment

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but it's okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you went in a different direction

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: his trades

[spinner]: it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: evil

[spinner]: in time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's for fit

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time

[spinner]: or

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: double o six double o seven

[spinner]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: spy orphans to the rescue

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do it

[cobra]: yeah m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: for

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: england

[cobra]: does sound

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like a like a poor kind of
pop patrol kind of spin off somewhere

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i want to see that please let
me see

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: man

[spinner]: another another million dollar idea

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: yes so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[spinner]: is that your

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: answer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: james

[cobra]: is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: bond

[cobra]: james bond

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's what

[cobra]: that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm going

[cobra]: makes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: with

[cobra]: sense

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah next up we have spencer

[spinner]: so garrick's hero

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: would be i'm gon try and pick
someone in the star trick world

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: good luck but

[spinner]: because technical

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: could be anybody

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what garrick

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: garrick spital is like i don't know

[spinner]: i'm not gonna use the term spital
i won't i just did

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this circle is complete

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: yep

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bless sacrifices

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: you have played

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: yourself sir

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: forgive me randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: another

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one

[spinner]: forgive me for my

[it_smells_like_almonds]: another

[spinner]: sins

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one

[spinner]: i will say that the garrick true
idol is believe it or not is dr

[spinner]: basher he's his

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: unofficial best friend on the show although
he's constantly kind of teaching him things but

[spinner]: for sheers morality is often never broken
and i think he's look he admires his

[spinner]: character so i think he actually looks
up to him in his own way

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is that because

[spinner]: because he wouldn't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: pressers

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: morality

[spinner]: go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is

[spinner]: ahead

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: created

[spinner]: super

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[spinner]: human

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: lap

[spinner]: genetically

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: modified exactly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: star track jokes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: are you running low on morality

[spinner]: but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: try odo's

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: morality

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: vials available now at your

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: local d s nine substation it

[spinner]: yeah i'd get that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: odo's good no thank you

[spinner]: you get some of odo's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's organic

[spinner]: good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: that makes

[spinner]: but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: it worse

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ask questions

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: been so much worse

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fifty eight credits

[spinner]: but i do think that garrick looks
up to him as not as a spy

[spinner]: but just as a person

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right

[spinner]: m a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: spy you probably look up tosomeone in
the obsidian order

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah that's fair okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is giving you some time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m okay i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: think

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: say you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i appreciate think

[spinner]: praise

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: be

[it_smells_like_almonds]: praise

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: be the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: anise

[spinner]: it's in its infinite wisdom

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: austin's spital i would i would say
is is missus kensington so is his partner

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his spy partner from the

[spinner]: oh the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: ave

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his spy partner from

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the sixties

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: um

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and you know in a lot of
ways she was the one that got away

[it_smells_like_almonds]: from him but at the same time

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: kennington sorry missus kensington was modelled after
miss m a peal the spy from the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: british spy show the avengers so you
know and she was i think i mean

[it_smells_like_almonds]: for the short amount of screen

[spinner]: i think

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time that she had she was

[spinner]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: um like they did that it was
it was less of a parity and a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: little more of like it was closer
to it homage to

[cobra]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: map

[cobra]: know march

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah closer to that

[spinner]: age

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[spinner]: you're in montreal

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[spinner]: goddam it

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: could

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: reject

[spinner]: magehomage

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just just a little

[cobra]: it's a homage

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no i

[cobra]: homage

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thank you with

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just like fromage you know what fromage

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i know it from ages

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bromagebromae

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: it's on

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: u

[cobra]: it's a fromage

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[cobra]: homage

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: want more fromage on my

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[spinner]: peta

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's a frothing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fromage

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to this explanation of the homage

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: could once say that that then aeson

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: powers is spital might just be maple

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you could extend it towards that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: see i will try to keep it

[spinner]: you'd be wrong

[it_smells_like_almonds]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i don't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i don't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: think

[it_smells_like_almonds]: think i answer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: think i like to believe there's a
world where all these spies exist you know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: like i don't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: think

[it_smells_like_almonds]: helpful

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's like

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the austin powers world is separate i
think everybody exists is like all other battle

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: rails everybody exists in the same universe

[it_smells_like_almonds]: interesting okay

[cobra]: some sort

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[cobra]: of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: was

[cobra]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: working

[cobra]: nexus

[it_smells_like_almonds]: within

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: which is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my sphere

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ruled

[cobra]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: by the randomizer

[cobra]: like a nex

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: annexes universe

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: ruled by the

[spinner]: praise

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: iron

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: jesus

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: praise

[cobra]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: be

[cobra]: the iron

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the randomizer

[cobra]: jesus

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: praise

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: men

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thank you for that that that education

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that that clarifies a lot

[spinner]: i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: so glad you clarified

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: that after i answered thank you thank

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: listen open your mind

[cobra]: ah yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h oh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: i don't know

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: my head if that's the case

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: then you know if all of those
spies and not just ours are in this

[cobra]: universe i would have to say

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: another big influence on austin powers was
maxwell smart

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time line at what

[cobra]: hundred percent

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time line did maxwell smart

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: occupy was it the seventies or i

[cobra]: from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know

[cobra]: get from get smart

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: now from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[cobra]: the sixties

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sixty

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: sixties

[it_smells_like_almonds]: interesting and

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: maxwell was american or otherwise

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: american

[cobra]: oh yeah american

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay okay okay

[cobra]: murk

[spinner]: i mean of course

[cobra]: merican

[spinner]: austin powers biggest influence s teams

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: bond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[spinner]: though

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: there's

[spinner]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that whole

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[spinner]: clearly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thing

[it_smells_like_almonds]: at the same time it was

[spinner]: there's that whole thing

[it_smells_like_almonds]: combination

[spinner]: there

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of another peter sellers character

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: evelyn tremble if i'm not mistaken so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: melange

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sellers played

[cobra]: we're getting to it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: james

[cobra]: getting too

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: bond

[cobra]: meta it's getting too

[it_smells_like_almonds]: shut

[cobra]: made

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the book up

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: shut

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you shut up

[spinner]: get off the stage

[it_smells_like_almonds]: shut up

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for for the record

[it_smells_like_almonds]: shut

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: up

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: peter sellers played james bond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[spinner]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: peter sellers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: when

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm

[cobra]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: pretty certain he was the original james
bond they did a casino royal movie yeah

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: it wasn't with peter sellers

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and for yourselves

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[cobra]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't know about that

[cobra]: it was

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: shanconery

[spinner]: in casino royal

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no no

[spinner]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: casino

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: royal is a different

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[spinner]: one

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: very first casino

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: royal they

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: did it

[spinner]: random iser

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: first

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: please

[cobra]: god no he's

[spinner]: answer

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: these

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: questions

[cobra]: his right is correct

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: is correct

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh or

[cobra]: wait

[spinner]: no it's not it was peter sellers
and casino royal

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the first one not the one with

[cobra]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: crag

[cobra]: he was he was evelin tremble in
the original casino real

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm sorry really

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: because

[it_smells_like_almonds]: or is is austin power spital spy
derrick flint from in like flint played

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i yield

[it_smells_like_almonds]: by the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: your

[it_smells_like_almonds]: late

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: james

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: moving

[it_smells_like_almonds]: coburn

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on

[it_smells_like_almonds]: got down i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: luciano i believe

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[spinner]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: still have

[spinner]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to

[spinner]: are wrong

[cobra]: oh my lord

[spinner]: luciano is right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: answer

[spinner]: he did play evelyn tremble

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry he wasn't

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: technically james bond but the

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: inmate

[spinner]: james

[cobra]: but he

[spinner]: bomb

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: also

[spinner]: played

[cobra]: james

[spinner]: by david

[cobra]: bond

[spinner]: niven

[cobra]: it's complicated in that movie

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's very fucked up anyway moving on

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: luciano if

[cobra]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you could

[cobra]: archer's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: move

[cobra]: actual idol is bert reynolds which is
not is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: not a spy but basically his whole
personality is modeled after

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: like very like

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: early on bert reynolds but if i
think if archer had to pick spidel like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: a spider was his idol it would
be james

[spinner]: ard ferguson

[cobra]: bond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: now you'll be james

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: bond just

[spinner]: yah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: from the amount of just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: women he banged everywhere

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so like

[cobra]: in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[cobra]: enemies

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shan

[spinner]: does he ever

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: connery

[spinner]: mention

[cobra]: friends

[spinner]: bond

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: era james bond

[cobra]: yeah exactly exactly just womanizing

[spinner]: does james bond exist in the archer
world does he ever mention him

[cobra]: i don't think i don't think so

[spinner]: you know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: think you ever mention any other spies

[spinner]: what a

[cobra]: um other than the

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: spies

[spinner]: think his hero

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: is a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: mock turtle neck

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m m

[cobra]: for sure well no that's that's just
his best friend

[spinner]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: true

[cobra]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: when your neck is cold you got
the mock toodle nat et your bad friend

[spinner]: good

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i like if i had to if
i had to guess from just the way

[cobra]: that he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: is it would be james bond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: not because he was a great spy
or he was like you know good at

[cobra]: his

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: job just because he was like that
man knows what a spy is supposed to

[cobra]: do bank checks

[spinner]: so all three of your characters heroes
was james bond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: talk don't speak for me

[cobra]: i mean it makes sense

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't

[spinner]: do

[it_smells_like_almonds]: only the randomizer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: do you want to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: speaks

[spinner]: awesome powers

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: do you want to change your answer
for garctjames vaughn

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm not changing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: i think i should

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: if garrick could pick from anyone in
any wore s got to be james bond

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: moving on

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next question what is the coolest gadget
you're views

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: that is a good

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: question

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we're gonna we're

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: goin t hit the randomizer here

[spinner]: hm

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to the

[spinner]: o

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's the same

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: note

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: diversified

[spinner]: that's that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: diversify

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that's the theme from austin powers don't
you question

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[spinner]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: trust

[spinner]: randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i quest you're not the miser

[spinner]: i'm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no you're

[spinner]: not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: one is the randomizer

[spinner]: how dare you speak of the as
if i were a god

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: praise you randomizer

[spinner]: brazebyahman

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay the randmasers came up with the
well looks like chris lost this round since

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he begged for forgiveness in the first

[it_smells_like_almonds]: um austin doesn't

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: use a lot of gadgets

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: mean

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mean

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he wrote a book about one gadget
in particular

[cobra]: u

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i mean if you if you want
to think about it sequentually

[spinner]: that is

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: definitely the correct

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sequenually

[spinner]: answer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually then his swedish pump and the
warrant foresaid swedish ump and the manual swedish

[it_smells_like_almonds]: pumps are totally my bag baby as
told by austin powers austin danger

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: powers

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i could see that chain you know
supporting that statement and so and you know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you are actually on to something because
in the final sort of scene of

[cobra]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: off like the first movie when he
and vanessa get married nd they're on their

[it_smells_like_almonds]: honeymoon random task

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: knock up of knock off of odd
job come and tries to kill

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: him he uses the pump on his
dip to hold him at bay until they

[it_smells_like_almonds]: can knock him out t so

[spinner]: great answer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: and the right answer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is it there's something

[spinner]: no need

[it_smells_like_almonds]: else

[spinner]: to elaborate

[it_smells_like_almonds]: there's something else

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is it better no but there is
another there is another i yield my time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: though

[spinner]: is it oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: he leaves us

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well

[spinner]: on the edge of our seats

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you won't believe what s empowers use
this as his favorite gadget

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: time on

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[spinner]: click

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wrong

[it_smells_like_almonds]: favorite

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: podcast

[it_smells_like_almonds]: gadget then it's the swedes swedish pump

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: coolest i said my favorite get out

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we'll see

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: up

[it_smells_like_almonds]: keep switching

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the rules up

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on me

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you've yielded your time spencer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i did

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what you got

[spinner]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i stand by that

[spinner]: garrick's favorite

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: slash coolest

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: device is

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: also the swedish pinus pump

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: makes sense

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah baby

[spinner]: for obvious reasons m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: jesus

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is that a helicopter

[spinner]: garrick gets garcknouhyeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh gar calls that's what he calls
his dick he calls it the gara

[spinner]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: garrock

[it_smells_like_almonds]: because as

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: god

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: and he's already kind of made of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[spinner]: her skin look like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: rocks

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: and that

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: ladies and gentlemen how you kill

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ye

[spinner]: a joke in its tracks now

[cobra]: he got

[spinner]: my actual answer garrick doesn't use a
lot of tools or gadgets he uses he's

[spinner]: a taylor

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is he

[spinner]: yeah that's his

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: undercover

[cobra]: his favorite gadget is a needle

[spinner]: like a needle and like sowing

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his

[spinner]: get

[it_smells_like_almonds]: favorite his favorite gadget his coolest gadget
is his sense of whip t

[spinner]: style

[it_smells_like_almonds]: style

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: fashion

[spinner]: fashion statement

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i don't think that

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: collar suits you my dear step over

[spinner]: i'm gonna say the coolest gadget he
uses is a phasor because he does use

[spinner]: it sometimes and they're pretty cool because
they go blow actual tha's not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[spinner]: how they

[it_smells_like_almonds]: exactly

[spinner]: sound

[it_smells_like_almonds]: how it sounds it was like

[spinner]: bow

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm sorry that's

[spinner]: no it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[spinner]: it's more like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the sound from bucking what's that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: movie with the dreams were they go

[spinner]: inception

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: inception yeah

[spinner]: inception

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's the nterception sound

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: broyeahyeah

[spinner]: fired the phases and it goes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay almost sounds like a harpoon

[spinner]: that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: being shot before

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: before it connects to something to

[spinner]: oh yeah definitely his favorite gadgets the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: gun

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dig it

[spinner]: i yield my time

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thank you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: luciano

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: do you have for

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: archer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: so i have to go with his
cane after he comes back from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: the coma

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: as like every episode that thing does

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: different

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: and he still manages

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: to like fuck up in every one
of them but like there's a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: lot of cool stuff is like it
has like

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: rock it has like sword inside it
has a grappling hook i think at one

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: point

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: kreger creep creeps keeps up grading

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: it and he keeps sucking it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you said it

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: correctly

[cobra]: he's not a blood he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: someone's

[cobra]: a creep

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sucking a

[cobra]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cane

[cobra]: a creep

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: well i mean if

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[cobra]: someone would it would be archer um
m but

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: yeah i think it's the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: because before

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[cobra]: he does use some gadgets but it's
nothing super special and i don't think he

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: has a favorite but then when he
gets the cane like he uses that a

[cobra]: lot so it's the cane particularly i
think the rocket cane is the one that

[cobra]: you would like the most

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[cobra]: because

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fair

[cobra]: he is he's really easily amused by

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: explosions so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep defined by explosions

[cobra]: twould be it

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm up not a lot

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of options for our boy below six
this webster looking at carabine um as

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: one of the gatchets in the movie
but that's got lost

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: also by the website listening so we

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: use it

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think i'm gonna go with that
the tiger helicopter

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: they stole the one that was posed
tobe all resistant to electra magnetic ready

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: radiation and interference because they use it
to high jack the golden i

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: from

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: from siberia it's probably the coolest thing
and they also

[spinner]: pronounced

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: try to kill james in it so
you know double duty

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: it's pronounced radii

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[spinner]: not radiation yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay yeah

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cool

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: anyway i yield my time

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next question

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um okay let's go with

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i don't know

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: say

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: say

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you you need to stop

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a corrupt farmasutcol

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: corporation from profiting off

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of fake cancer medications

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um m maybe you were diagnosed with
breast cancer

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um and and you only start to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: care

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: about this

[cobra]: nice

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: after you need

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the medication

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but how would

[cobra]: as

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[cobra]: you do

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: as you do but how you stop
this crufarmersutl

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: corporation

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and and make sure but against the
correct medicines

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: they need to

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: survive their breast cancer diagnosis random

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: followed

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: er if you please

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that

[spinner]: archer theme song d d d d
d archer theme song do

[cobra]: i don't remember actually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: good enough

[spinner]: that's how it goes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's that's that's a great job brand

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right looks like let's see luciano
you have won this round

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: have i have i really

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well we'll

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dante

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: find out

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: oh luciatta

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: come on down

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: oh oh

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: okay i'm not going to copy this
from what happened actually so i think archer

[cobra]: realistically speaking given all the troubles that
isis was in yes that that was the

[cobra]: name of the agency

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep

[cobra]: that's my fault oh he

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: would either

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: they invade the thing and then like
steal all of the pharmasutical

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: companies like stock and then

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: sell it himself on the black market
to make money

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: kape

[cobra]: buy more whiskey

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[cobra]: or

[spinner]: m do

[cobra]: or he

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: would like like cell cyril

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: exchange for the medicine like it's one
of the other really

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's fair

[cobra]: like you would go in guns blazing
like exploding explode like a side wall will

[cobra]: go in probably we'll use one of
cregers like completely illegal and likely probably you

[cobra]: know fatal gadgets and just go in
and steal everything and

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: kill everybody inside or like cell zero

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to the

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: owner the pharmasytical company

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: because he found out as the good
spot that he is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that he has some sort of a
middle man fetish and then he sells

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: zero to him and gets like only
for himself though

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: he doesn't help

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: with like reducing the prices or you
know making it more

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow

[cobra]: no just for himself

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you don't want to put a good

[cobra]: think that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: american

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: company out of business just

[cobra]: the business

[spinner]: you're

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: of course ye

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: not a monster

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: you're

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: not a communist

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah no

[cobra]: i got to say if he really
found out that there was a way that

[cobra]: he could tell cyril he would do

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it makes sense i didn't ask that
question but you know so zero i got

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next up

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris from the english very very english
part of montreal

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how would i

[spinner]: yea

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: empower solve this problem

[cobra]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it would require the most elaborative plans
you see first

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we disguise

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ourselves and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in lab coats fashioned after

[cobra]: at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: that's cancer

[cobra]: yeh ask censer yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah you must you must you must

[cobra]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: become the enemy in order to thwart
the enemy

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and then

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dressed in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: lab coats sexually

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: because funk cancer you've got to you've
got infultrate the

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: formal company and live codes made of
cancer and once you you you you get

[it_smells_like_almonds]: close enough to

[spinner]: me wait a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: minute made of

[cobra]: let

[spinner]: cancer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[cobra]: cots made of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[cobra]: darts

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: um

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like you won't turn heads fast enough
you you you step into you know you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: step into the the facility

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: while there's a tour being

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: conducted in your cancer lab coats and
then you

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just proceed to proceed to sidle up
to one of the tour guides

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and just nod you know nod and

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: agreement as they evolve certain useless facts
we also make rubber bands slip your two

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fingers inside their pocket and steel access
card proceed to move down labyrinth of hallways

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and checking doors to see which doors
open you

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: try the first door wait it's unlocked
inside you will

[spinner]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: find several cabinets filing cabinets open up
a few

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: magically find

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[spinner]: a cancer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cancer care and with your

[spinner]: it's out

[it_smells_like_almonds]: extra tiny

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: camera that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: can be concealed between your buttox

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you snap all

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the pictures you need to help thwart
the evil court oration

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and then you can scape through the
ventilation system into a hot air balloon

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: love

[it_smells_like_almonds]: laughing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: quietly to yourself the mission well done

[spinner]: shaped but the balloon shaped s a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: well no it's it's

[spinner]: and then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[spinner]: someone

[it_smells_like_almonds]: shaped

[spinner]: goes look at that it looks like
a giant

[it_smells_like_almonds]: tally whacker

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: johnson

[spinner]: exactly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: where

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[spinner]: over there in the tree

[it_smells_like_almonds]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: if i'm not mistaken that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: looks like

[spinner]: just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a giant will it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah got

[spinner]: little

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: him

[spinner]: little

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: pick on the farm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next up is below six himself

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: listen

[spinner]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm i'm listening

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's relatively simple

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think what would happen is you

[spinner]: he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uhinfultrate company

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: would transfer all the company's money to
various different offshore accounts

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: shell corporations

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all co operation if you will

[it_smells_like_almonds]: show

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: steal

[it_smells_like_almonds]: games

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all of the

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you know the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cancer coates

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the serums

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the drugs

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: cancer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: they can keep the cancer just taking
the cars

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[cobra]: it was

[it_smells_like_almonds]: keep take the

[spinner]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cancer

[cobra]: mol

[it_smells_like_almonds]: coats

[cobra]: therapy drugs

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh okay

[cobra]: chemotherapy drugs

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we'll take all the drugs

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just all the recipes or whatever for
the drug

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and then we'll just vaporize not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: vaporize well e's to a little golden
i p

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to white about

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all the computers and hard rifts and
stuff so

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: silencers

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no traces of us ever being there

[spinner]: no traces of the cure

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no no no we took

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cure with

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: us

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fire

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's fine

[it_smells_like_almonds]: some would then get the chelton

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we took to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we took all the money

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and then we'll sell the real

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: jug at a much hire mark

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: up since i actually run

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: an evil corporation good corporate but hat's
not important to the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: rest

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wow

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of my plan

[cobra]: i have

[spinner]: let's

[cobra]: i have a question

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: for you though

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: so double

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: six is played by sabine so how
does he die

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: in this mission

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it doesn't die on this mission

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he gets he gets cancer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's done he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: will die by the end of this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: like

[cobra]: gotta

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's allowed to stay

[cobra]: make sense

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: alive

[cobra]: makes sense

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: until at that

[cobra]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: point

[cobra]: has to he has to complete the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: and then die

[spinner]: yeah the cancers

[cobra]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: or get close to

[spinner]: slow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: completing

[spinner]: moving

[cobra]: die sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: actually he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sex

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: does actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexual

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: don't worry yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: well i mean zena was a partner

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: of it so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah can't trust

[cobra]: there you go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: can't trust

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think spencer your left correct

[spinner]: yes that is true

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: well garrick

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: likes to be a little more subtle
in his

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: i honestly don't get the question we're
trying to steal

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: the cure for cancer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean that's an option

[cobra]: something like that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you're gonna you're stuffing

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: yah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you need to stop a corrupt pharmacy

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: local corporation from profiting off

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fake cancer medication

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how you do

[spinner]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that

[spinner]: fake so they they don't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: even have the cure

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: so all your plans are

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[spinner]: terrible because all yours about stealing the

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: cure

[cobra]: was basing my answer in a different

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: two

[it_smells_like_almonds]: loud noises

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: two

[cobra]: i was placing it on the on
the episode

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: so just to be clear matt

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: your your your plan was to steal
a fake cure

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: and sell it at a market value

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[cobra]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: evil

[cobra]: i mean that's what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but

[cobra]: that was

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: also

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i took all their money they re
not of the business

[spinner]: ah got it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: got

[spinner]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: him

[spinner]: thank god

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: thank god

[cobra]: because

[spinner]: for the cheaper

[cobra]: because

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sir

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: your

[spinner]: cheaper

[cobra]: character

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's thank

[cobra]: because your character s

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: trave you long

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[cobra]: you're going to put it out

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[cobra]: of business

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[cobra]: of course

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's thankrandomizer

[cobra]: that makes sense

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not thank god

[spinner]: oh thank

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mis

[spinner]: praise the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i see

[spinner]: um man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: as

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: garrick would go find the lead stockholder

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep

[spinner]: of the company

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: go into his room at night

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: and say hello o m johnson

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: no way british

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: he's not british on the show

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: your family has been

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: taken somewhere

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: until the cure is lowered in price

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: their heads shall remain nameless

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry

[spinner]: does that make sense

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in this scenario

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you're just mad that it's still

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: expensive you're still

[it_smells_like_almonds]: boo

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: goin to sell

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: boo this

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fake cure

[cobra]: you're

[it_smells_like_almonds]: booboohimboo

[cobra]: if you're gonna if you're

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[cobra]: gonna

[spinner]: fuck

[cobra]: if you're

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: gonna sell

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: if you're goin to sell fake

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: fake drugs at least do it at
a reasonable

[spinner]: give

[cobra]: price

[it_smells_like_almonds]: take

[spinner]: it a deal

[it_smells_like_almonds]: off my imaginary hat and throw it
down thus

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: lee bois man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: fuck you fuck you y yeah because

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: you know they got to make money

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: i'm not i'm not i'm

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: not a fucking communist

[cobra]: you know okay so let me let
me get this straight

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: you want for

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: there fake drug racket to not be
predatory is that what you're saying

[spinner]: yes well

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: hold on

[cobra]: that makes sense i guess

[spinner]: i just want to be clear here
in none of these scenarios is there a

[spinner]: cure for cancer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: available

[cobra]: there

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: you guys

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: all stole the there is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: can

[cobra]: there is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: the irish

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: mob has it but that's a different

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: well okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: so garrick goes in and says listen

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: garrick

[cobra]: was the question

[spinner]: goes in

[cobra]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: answered

[spinner]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: selective

[spinner]: let me be clear

[it_smells_like_almonds]: selective dissection answer

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: yeah yeah oh

[spinner]: so garrick goes into the

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: the home of the guy who runs
the company

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: and he says i have taken your

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: and i've given them cancer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: now and now you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeh

[spinner]: must

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: better

[spinner]: cure

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: the cancer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: better

[cobra]: modified

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: real

[cobra]: try colder to give people cancer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[spinner]: and sell

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: it to the public at a reasonable

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: and then we will business will be
concluded i will be

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: back

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: and give you cancer again

[cobra]: just glad i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[cobra]: just glad garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[cobra]: didn't turn into like galam or

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[cobra]: george r binks or ellen rickman i'm

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: grateful

[spinner]: name is

[cobra]: for that

[spinner]: my name is

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: garrick

[cobra]: can't even

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: garrick to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: keep me jifenoveesalen

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mis named garrick

[cobra]: it's all it's all one

[spinner]: ruckman

[cobra]: accent no it's all one voice

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so the

[spinner]: hello

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: same

[spinner]: my name is eric berkman to it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: sorvances

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my god oh my god

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: they've met

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: y

[cobra]: gosh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: they've created

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a hive

[cobra]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mind oh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right moving on

[spinner]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next question tell me about we'll call

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: greatest enemy maybe your nemesis

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so let's go with randomizing this i

[spinner]: little

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: little

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: evil

[spinner]: little

[it_smells_like_almonds]: villains

[spinner]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: coming et you

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right and the winner is

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: or the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: loser is chris

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes yes

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so austin powers villain i mean there's
there's a lot of evil in the world

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but did you know

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you could get a ph d n
or dordctrtand evil

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and evil tivities sign up

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: now and visit w w w dot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: devere dot com back slash evil

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one of those those those

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: magna cum loud graduates happened to be

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dr evil primary i guess you would
say that is that's his number one nemesis

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what else would you like to know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you want to to

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: identify and then just like share with
the audience

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah like

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a little bit

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: like like why is he your greatest

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: emesis

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh yeah he's he's definitely austin's greatest
nemesis because he makes everything personal he takes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dr evil takes things very personally and
exacts his revenge on a personal

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: level so like even going so far
as to to

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: somehow

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: somehow

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: turning his

[cobra]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my gosh like the ramifications are
kind of fucked here but anyways in the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sixties austin's like like side kick but
partner missus kensington apparently had a daughter and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: played by elizabeth hurley but in the
long run apparently she was always a fambot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and so in the beginning of the
of the next movie dr evil

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: switches on the fen but and she
tries to kill austin and then dr evil

[it_smells_like_almonds]: has a recording in the fnbouts head
before she explode he's like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i hope you like my present it's
not my i don't have a very good

[it_smells_like_almonds]: impression anyway the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: point

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is is that he

[cobra]: why

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the whole

[spinner]: nailed

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thing

[spinner]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is that he orchestrated somehow for them
here what the hell happened to the original

[it_smells_like_almonds]: vanessa is pretty fucked up pretty fucked
up that's pretty fucked up

[spinner]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah i mean i guess

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: maybe he sounds like a bitch

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hey

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer don't think garrick would neutralize

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: door evil

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: um care could go like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: seem like quite an evil i'm not
going down rickman

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: um well it looks like you're quite
the individual

[it_smells_like_almonds]: at spit

[spinner]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i got a whole bag

[spinner]: and then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of zipp

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: yep

[spinner]: then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: when

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the problem comes along

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you mzippit

[spinner]: that's no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: devil is more like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right yeah

[spinner]: okay yes and then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you got

[spinner]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: you're going to put you're going to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: now

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: yep

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hey guys

[spinner]: you're going to do you're going to
do what to me

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hey guys what

[spinner]: and then

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[spinner]: garrick is going to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thank you

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: garrick's going to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: say

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: have you ever seen one of these
from my time that's called a phase that's

[spinner]: a real

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh a

[spinner]: boy

[it_smells_like_almonds]: laser yes

[spinner]: gonna

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[spinner]: go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: it's got to go

[cobra]: where is the shark

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: where is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: the shark

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[cobra]: for the laser

[spinner]: i only see layzers and freaking heads
freaking sharks

[cobra]: raking yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean i guess

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: garrick's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you have to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: head

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hold

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is kind

[it_smells_like_almonds]: your layers

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of like a shark head

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh yeah

[spinner]: what are you some

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: a little

[spinner]: sort

[cobra]: bit

[spinner]: of walking shark or

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: something

[cobra]: ye

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i like it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: interesting interesting take but i think that
would definitely neutralize lucian can you tell me

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: about

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: tarling archer's greatest nemesis friend of my

[cobra]: it's it's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: no braine it's barry bartholemy

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: louises dillon

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: who

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry

[cobra]: royally fucked

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i just want to make sure my

[cobra]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: his initials are bad

[cobra]: yeah of course

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay just checking

[cobra]: did you feel it in the head
you feel in that waked up the head

[cobra]: ok yeah so he was he was

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: spying in the vo agency that basically
every time they ran into each other archer

[cobra]: sucked him up for no reason until
he almost died and then became a side

[cobra]: borg in

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: the service of the k g b
and then proceeded to fuck archer all the

[cobra]: way back he stole his bionic wife
fuck in front of him

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: as they were fighting him that fight
turned into a population session for the two

[cobra]: he he imprisoned him he tortured him
he i think at one point threatened to

[cobra]: cut off his nipples i mean gets
personal and just generally made his life living

[cobra]: how after he became basic because it's
basically invincible as a as a as a

[cobra]: sideboard and arthur is such really such
a dick that he actually gave the robot

[cobra]: multiple personality disorder

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: so there were two berries inside the
same barry

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: and one was like i forgive you
and the other one's like kill

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: kill kill so yeah this is one
instance where you you look at what the

[cobra]: arch miss did

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[cobra]: and you go yeah okay i understand
i empathize

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: but yeah there's no there's no one
that comes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: near

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: barry barry's is the arch nemesis and
argument wins in the end

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah i mean maybe

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes sir

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: son powers has a lot of experience
with dealing with robots

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this is true this is true

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: let's just what if we just said
barry was a fan bot of some sort

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how dawson powers take care of him

[it_smells_like_almonds]: well

[cobra]: oh behave

[it_smells_like_almonds]: first he would if barry was a
fnbot and barry was trying to put the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: moves on

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on austin i mean at first i
think austin would be quite flattered and if

[it_smells_like_almonds]: barry is trying to seduce austin and
i guess if there's there's a berry like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: abrupt shirt opening like austin would probably

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: be like oh i see i see
you're you're also a man of

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sensual

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: carisma i see you and i raise
you seductive seductive gyration of the hips and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: then you see

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it be sexually it's all like it
pretty much be like a modo sexual dance

[it_smells_like_almonds]: off on more likely it

[spinner]: like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: would get pretty close because if barry
is a fenbot and he's a side board

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but he also has human memories that
he could probably remember what it was like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to try to you know try to
to woo the object of his effect and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so it would be quite close but
i think austin would still win um because

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm not quite sure how far berry
is willing to go with you know nipples

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and so i think it will be
you know a done deal by the time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: austin

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: rady says

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just like unsheathe his legs from his
pantaloons and

[spinner]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: barry would still ably end up mouth
functioning and probably his arms would explode

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay you that

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: makes sense

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: probably

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: somewhere think it would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: work spencer who would you say gareck's
greatest nemesis

[spinner]: um i mean

[it_smells_like_almonds]: promise

[spinner]: probably

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[spinner]: goal do cat

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh wow

[spinner]: i mean

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: is a another cardassian who works with
the cardassian

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: empire and they don't like erik

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[spinner]: very much because rick was banished from
the cardisian empire for reasons that too much

[spinner]: to go into here but galt cat
he's a real he's a real jerk now

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a boo

[spinner]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: caught if you will

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: real real book what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: o cot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah go

[it_smells_like_almonds]: poocathis

[spinner]: more like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: man

[spinner]: more

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: more like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: dull boo cot

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: yeah so that would be his greatest
nemsince i guess i mean a real spy

[spinner]: doesn't make enemies he kills them

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ste

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fair enough

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm pretty sure if

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if

[spinner]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: tray's evil over here had to take

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of gulticot

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he would just strap him

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in a helicopter

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and then i guess wouldn't be a
helicopter for him strap him into a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: carpet

[spinner]: shuttle craft

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shallow craft great and then just fire

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: pot

[it_smells_like_almonds]: pio

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on i was gonna say proton torpedoes
and i knew that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: was

[it_smells_like_almonds]: imagine

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in correct

[it_smells_like_almonds]: they have proton

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: potes

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on torpedos

[it_smells_like_almonds]: times are hard

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that but i think what the use
is you know how in undiscovered country how

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: they make that like whatever seeking torpedo
because of the

[spinner]: yep

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the ship is close to the sea
it's just like they're

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: gonna use that on the shuttle for
old cat so they're gonna fire out and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: then streaked back and then blew gold

[spinner]: how

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: up

[spinner]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[spinner]: hell

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[spinner]: does deblosixsix

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: have access to twenty fourth

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: century technology goddamn it matt

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: listen just

[cobra]: yeah that's that's the problem

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time

[cobra]: with

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how

[cobra]: this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: travel

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: else

[cobra]: plan

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how else

[spinner]: this whole yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how else you gonna kill call cat

[spinner]: with a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i

[spinner]: little laser gun

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: like you couldn't get it done so

[spinner]: with with a lazar wrist watch

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i didn't see garrick

[spinner]: but to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: getting it done

[spinner]: oh garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: could have got done he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he

[spinner]: just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: didn't

[spinner]: doesn't want the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: moving on

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: he he doesn't want the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: doesn't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: want the attention

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: moving

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think we all know who

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: raz evils

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: nemesis as it is james bondum

[it_smells_like_almonds]: life

[spinner]: m yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you know you raise

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a good point let's let's unpack this
a bit

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: because

[cobra]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: life

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: found a way

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to kill

[cobra]: oh yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: r trades evil

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and so i think if you really

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: about it that is his greatest nemesis
he was never able to stop the life

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in james

[spinner]: it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: bond and life was able to kill
him so i have to agree with chris

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that

[spinner]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in

[spinner]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fact

[spinner]: beautiful way with words

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i do

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i follow that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: professional

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i follow it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: lucian how would stirling sure

[cobra]: yeh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: stuff life

[spinner]: oh you've got

[cobra]: oh how would he stop

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: life how does one's top life do

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: when i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: get philosophical here

[spinner]: yeah you die

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my do

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it

[cobra]: well then sterling

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what if

[cobra]: did that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[cobra]: twice

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if you stopped life

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: well that's

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: right up archers ally

[spinner]: david cared sale too

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[spinner]: much

[cobra]: oh i saw

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what you stop life

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: i think i think archer would engage
in some audiorotic fixation

[spinner]: again

[cobra]: specially he feels looking in the mirror

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: sexually

[cobra]: so i think i think spencer nailed
it i think he would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actual

[cobra]: hang himself sexually from a ceiling with
a belt

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: sexually

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and then end his life

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: sexually

[spinner]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to stop

[cobra]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: life from defeating

[cobra]: stop life he would

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: me

[cobra]: kill himself

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: killed yeah makes sense

[spinner]: yeah i mean it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: makes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: story

[spinner]: total

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: tracks

[spinner]: sense

[cobra]: well yeah what part

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: you want me to explain in smaller

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: it's perfectly logical

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no i

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just want to make sure the audience

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: premacy where

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: were laying

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: up for them okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no that's

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great okay

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: next

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: question chris this might sound familiar to
you but don't worry about it too much

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: let's say

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: generically that your your spy found out
that their wife or husband you know whatever

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you want to do ended up being

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: robot bent on killing them

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: mean we've heard the term fenbouht

[spinner]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: throwing around here t's just go ahead
nd throw it around again it's

[spinner]: ye

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: bo that's trying to kill him how

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: would they

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: stop the fen bout from from killing

[spinner]: they prefer to go by machines

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: my bad my bad that's fair that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fair

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fmfemtamatons

[cobra]: is bought a slur word

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fantomaton

[spinner]: yeah femtomaton

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: is a

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: slur

[spinner]: also accepted but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: is a slur

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well this is that's my

[spinner]: russian

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: bed

[spinner]: bots

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: it's their word it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[cobra]: their

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: there

[cobra]: word you know

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: or a lot to use it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thanks to your the patriarch

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[spinner]: is that

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: his

[cobra]: walked

[spinner]: name

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: into that one didn't i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you did can we get

[cobra]: i walked entirely didn't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: can we get a cane get a
randomizer for this fall

[spinner]: ye

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get eated

[spinner]: and you come from the land down

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no i was very was the song
every time i

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: think about you i

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: touched myself anyways

[cobra]: this

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: was

[cobra]: is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[cobra]: this is an

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[cobra]: upside

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the song

[cobra]: this is an upside down random

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes it

[cobra]: miser

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it seems to be

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: anyways the random iser has selected that
i i will go first

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a tough one for chenbin he's not
good at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not dying um

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so does does

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: your character

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: is double six that's john ben

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm sorry alex

[spinner]: double six

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i want

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: trace evil yan or double six as
well short formal listen total six hess died

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: which is more i can say for
any of the rest of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the people were talking about but i
think if he wer to get

[spinner]: we

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: himself out of this he has some

[spinner]: i ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think that if the fembogt tried
to kill him he would just sick zanaanatoh

[spinner]: m oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on the fen

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: bot and zona sorry fem

[cobra]: watch and watch

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah he would watch sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to aton

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[spinner]: you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: watch

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and he just enjoyed

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the show

[cobra]: famtomaton

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: tell em tom thank you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: some

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time

[cobra]: that is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on

[cobra]: the yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: send

[it_smells_like_almonds]: down

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: essentially one fifth hometon to bill another

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and watch the action

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m sexual

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yields his time

[spinner]: fair play

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[cobra]: archer

[spinner]: i respect

[cobra]: approves

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: archer

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: approves

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah ah

[spinner]: feel like gar oh no have

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: to wait

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh look pence your next weird how
that work out

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: so i foresaw

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: the will of the randomizer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the living will of the

[spinner]: he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: randomizer

[spinner]: speaks he speaks through me

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: praise

[spinner]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: be

[spinner]: speaks

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: i'll

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: praise

[spinner]: didn't want

[cobra]: his

[spinner]: to assume

[cobra]: numbers praise his numbers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m m

[spinner]: zero

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: one

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: one zero zero

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: the garrick would just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: i mean this is they have technology
erick would just re program this computer to

[spinner]: continue to have sex with him willingly

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: as it has done sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: willingly

[spinner]: just sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: of sex

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: with him

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and yeah you just free program the
stay the same but not kill him

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: i mean you can program computers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i don't think you should

[spinner]: you can program computers sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i don't think you should

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just you're

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: saying you're going to take away the
femtomaton's free will who are you luciano

[spinner]: no the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: febtomaton doesn't have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah o

[spinner]: if it does have free will doesn't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[spinner]: have free will it's a fucking

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[spinner]: femtomaton it got

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: program to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: does

[spinner]: kill

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: data have free will

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but data data is sentient

[spinner]: don't you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: are

[spinner]: bring

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[spinner]: data

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: more

[spinner]: in this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the m tomatons sentient

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i thought that the femtmatns were were
just had a directive

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and they were carrying out orders

[spinner]: kay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you know well i'm gonna

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: go ahead and just to make spencer's
life hard

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the sentient

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: fully

[spinner]: garrick

[cobra]: sentient

[spinner]: wouldn't

[cobra]: beings

[spinner]: care

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: with thoughts

[spinner]: i would care

[cobra]: and emotions

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[cobra]: and in at once and desires

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and loves yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one zero one hero

[spinner]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one er

[spinner]: garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one

[spinner]: would garrick wouldn't

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: be really

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he'd just be like what does what
does garrick want what's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: best for garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: nobody ever asked about erick so garrick

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm

[spinner]: put

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: asking

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: himself

[cobra]: just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: about him

[spinner]: first

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right now

[cobra]: switched to speaking about himself

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[cobra]: and the third person

[spinner]: why does anyone love derrick

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: what did garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and that's

[spinner]: ever

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[spinner]: do

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he does when he when he before
he goes he goes to sleep

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he does some affirmations and he writes
in third person in his journal

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like

[cobra]: garrick is good

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: garrick

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: is worthy

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of learn

[spinner]: garrick

[cobra]: garrick

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of love

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: is okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: ergaricis capable of love garrick would take
out the program that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: makes the robot program to kill because
if the if the femtomadon was sentient the

[spinner]: killing of garrick would be programmed into

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: it would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[spinner]: be part of that sentence so we
take out that part so the femtomaton is

[spinner]: fully sentient

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[spinner]: and then if she didn't

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: love him he would then take away
her sentience

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: god that sounds

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like

[spinner]: then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that sounds

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: holy

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shit

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a solid was

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: did you make it worse

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my god

[cobra]: how the

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: fun did you make

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[cobra]: it worse

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[spinner]: he'd first find out

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sterile

[spinner]: if she

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and

[spinner]: loved

[it_smells_like_almonds]: clinically

[spinner]: him for real

[it_smells_like_almonds]: still search

[spinner]: garrick's amon

[cobra]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: or let's not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: let's not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ship

[spinner]: mince words

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: clearly

[spinner]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: he's a monster sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: but he'd prefer

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean

[spinner]: if he'd prefer it was

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: all willing

[cobra]: wow

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he wants

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wants to take

[cobra]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[cobra]: like

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he wants to take them

[cobra]: he no he gave the famtomatan a
choice either you

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: willingly love me or i will

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: make you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we

[cobra]: love

[it_smells_like_almonds]: can

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: yeah that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cool

[cobra]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think

[spinner]: yeah he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: he's not a good guy

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm gonna go ahead and

[spinner]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yield

[spinner]: i'm just playing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: gerreck's time

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: playing to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: as

[spinner]: i'm just speaking on behalf of garrick's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: this is

[spinner]: evilness

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: character

[spinner]: he did just murder

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: two

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[spinner]: people a moment ago

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: erick

[spinner]: in the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i've got

[spinner]: first story

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i've got a great question coming up
here and i think this will really help

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: clear the air about garrick

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well the random decide who goes

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: first but what do you think is
the biggest thing that people get wrong

[spinner]: my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: about about your spy

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: car's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: randomzer

[spinner]: not such a bad guy guys

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: rent randomizer

[cobra]: ye

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: can you you randomize please

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: at

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right let's know you are first
answer what do people get wrong what's the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: rest think people get wrong about starling

[cobra]: yeah i think

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: where they get wrong where archer

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: is really like really done dirty and

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: misunderstood really is in the in the
notion that people have that he gives a

[cobra]: ship about the missions that he does
he doesn't

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: just he just cares about looking cool
and getting chicks and drinking whiskey

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: hopefully all three at the same time
so i think when people put that much

[cobra]: pressure on him complete your mission save
the diplomat

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: you know

[spinner]: its right

[cobra]: prevent the assassins whatever yeah whatever you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: stopped the pharmasidical company from selling faith
cancer medication you know that

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: puts an undue pressure on our char
because all that he really wants to do

[cobra]: just be cool

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and get the chicks and drink very
good whiskey

[spinner]: feel

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: i think

[spinner]: what they

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: think

[cobra]: missie

[spinner]: of him

[cobra]: i think no i think people put
all of these you know expectations on him

[cobra]: that is going to be you know
a good spy and do

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: the ry thing and all those things
no he almost died doing the right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: thing when

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: he saved lana just because she was

[it_smells_like_almonds]: lana

[cobra]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right

[cobra]: with his

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: own baby

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay that's a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's an answer

[cobra]: i think

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: that's that's the biggest misconception he doesn't
really want to be a spy is just

[cobra]: being spy is

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: school so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: his whole identity yeah isn't an

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris

[cobra]: listen we

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: don't go deep into

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we won't

[cobra]: that's dangerous

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what do you think what do you
think people what do you think the biggest

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thing that people get wrong about awesome

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm well well while he's you know

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a product of his his generation he
seems confident and he's a total swinger and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he's all about the montre being shagadelic
and you know making sure that that you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know gets as many opportunities to get
on the good food and do the bad

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thing with as many saucy minxes as

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but check this out

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i think that a lot of people
think that he's

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: loving and and and kind and and
you know creative and a intinternational man of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: mystery but he's actually really terrified of
true love and commitment and so he's more

[it_smells_like_almonds]: comfortable he's more comfortable sort of sort
of reaching for sort of like the warmth

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of the sun as opposed to putting
some sun glasses on and staring directly at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it it's too bright for him the
concept of true love and the pursuit of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it is way too and that's why
he prefers to you know be as to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: live a life of promiscuity as he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that answer sucked it

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: was way too serious

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bois man

[cobra]: so what you so

[spinner]: get off the stick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: o him

[cobra]: what you're saying

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: is he

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: would rather his relationship shallow for fear
of the depth of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: indeed

[cobra]: love

[it_smells_like_almonds]: indeed

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: not quite

[cobra]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sex sexually

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is

[spinner]: now

[it_smells_like_almonds]: as

[spinner]: you should

[it_smells_like_almonds]: deep

[spinner]: have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: as

[spinner]: added

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he goes

[spinner]: an emotionally there

[it_smells_like_almonds]: emotionally

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: he wants something real

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: emotionally

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m sexually

[cobra]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he wants

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: and then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: need

[spinner]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he needs to believe

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that he can be

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: safe within

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: within the freedom

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of love like you know

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: well sexually comes

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: easy but uh

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what is love lady lady don't hurt

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: baby

[it_smells_like_almonds]: me

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: moving on

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: maybe don't hurt me

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: erick

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: explain yourself

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: a lot of people

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[spinner]: think that garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: is selfish a monster evil and

[cobra]: sorry wasn't this about misconceptions

[spinner]: and lying

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: and lying about being a taylor

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: but the truth is he's actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that garrick

[spinner]: he's actually quite a good tailor

[cobra]: ah m m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: that's it he's

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: just a good tailor that parts wrong

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[spinner]: likes

[cobra]: see

[spinner]: it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: you killed

[cobra]: he likes

[spinner]: my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: joke

[cobra]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: but he's

[spinner]: luciano

[cobra]: bad

[spinner]: you beat me to the punch

[cobra]: that's what

[spinner]: uck

[cobra]: that was

[spinner]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[cobra]: okay that's what that was

[spinner]: well

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: sorry

[spinner]: fucking undercut it let me say that
again guys

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[spinner]: i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: just gonna start from the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: do

[spinner]: top

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it again right from the top

[spinner]: a lot of people a lot of
people think that he's a monster he's selfish

[spinner]: he doesn't care about others

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i likes going

[spinner]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to sleep a sleep like

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: again

[spinner]: bad taylor

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: but the truth is a good tailor

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: everybody

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: laughs oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you like this

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: race

[cobra]: you're you're right you're you're

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm sorry that i stopped

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: that joke in its tracks

[spinner]: well this time chris

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: killed it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: i mean try again let me take
it from the top

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't know

[spinner]: let

[it_smells_like_almonds]: little

[spinner]: me take

[it_smells_like_almonds]: woman

[spinner]: from the top

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: woman

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hey spencer

[spinner]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what do you what do you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: think is the biggest misconception about garrick

[spinner]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we

[spinner]: a lot of people

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: think

[cobra]: it's great

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: hog day

[spinner]: that a lot of people think that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: he's a monster that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: he's a bad taylor

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: really

[spinner]: he's selfish

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you think

[spinner]: races

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bill berry

[spinner]: but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: will

[spinner]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: show

[spinner]: a good

[it_smells_like_almonds]: up

[spinner]: but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: he's a good tailor

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: tell her

[spinner]: he's a good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: tale

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i like it i love

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: actually all those other things

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i love it when

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: spencer's

[spinner]: those

[it_smells_like_almonds]: camera

[spinner]: things are

[it_smells_like_almonds]: fails

[spinner]: true

[it_smells_like_almonds]: spencer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: spencer's spencer's voice magnifies

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: even i love it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so if i could if i

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: got to capsilate what spencer is trying
to say is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ye

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: actually a monster and a terrible person
but he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is a well trained taylor make you
a nice

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: actually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: space suit ladies and gentlemen we have
replaced spencer with jared letdow's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: joker

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for the remainder

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of the podcast

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: apparently

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: jarred

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: jerry lite's joker

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: with like blank cancer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[spinner]: don't know i

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: got these scars away that's he's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: led or

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he's lost himself

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i'm gonna

[cobra]: my god

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he's

[cobra]: this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: lost

[cobra]: is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: himself

[cobra]: this

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: is like watching watching

[spinner]: i'm not gonna

[cobra]: a train wreck

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this

[cobra]: and slow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: descent

[cobra]: motion

[it_smells_like_almonds]: into madness

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh yeah

[spinner]: i'm not don't worry i'm not gonna
hurt you i'm just going to hurt you

[spinner]: really

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm not going to kill

[spinner]: really

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: bad not gonna killing

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: god

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my god spencer has descended

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: all right let's take that one from
the top

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: let's take that on i'm

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[spinner]: i'm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[spinner]: not going to kill you i'm just
going to hurt really really

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: bad

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm going to go ahead and

[cobra]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yield

[cobra]: real real bad

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yield the rest

[spinner]: real real

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of

[spinner]: but let

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer's

[spinner]: me take

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it from the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what you the rest of spenser's time

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: because

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he needs it

[cobra]: i think i think it's a good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: taken a back and

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: shot like old daler anyway

[spinner]: now

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hey

[spinner]: look

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: guys

[spinner]: at me look

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i don't know

[cobra]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if you've

[spinner]: he's legend back

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you've heard

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: double six double six biggest conception is
about double six

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's had a long

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: life to live

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's not british

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not british at all

[spinner]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not even his parents

[spinner]: chinese

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: parents were cossacks

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who

[spinner]: cossacks

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: physically cossacks

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: sexually

[spinner]: where

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: where are cossacks from

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the cossack

[it_smells_like_almonds]: where

[cobra]: russia

[it_smells_like_almonds]: how

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: mountains

[it_smells_like_almonds]: where do babies come

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: from

[cobra]: the classic region of kosaka

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah yeah i don't know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: oh he's from casexertland

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cause that stand

[cobra]: is from class extend

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: nailed it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: h and take about everybody

[cobra]: six times the charm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[spinner]: don't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you can

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if you really want

[spinner]: don't have

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to

[spinner]: to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: know

[spinner]: take that one from the top

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: anyways moving

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: on

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: if you have any

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: listeners from osaka

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: or cosactant

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: les hit

[it_smells_like_almonds]: please

[cobra]: us

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry

[cobra]: up

[spinner]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry what we did

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: represent

[cobra]: we're

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sorry

[cobra]: sorry also we're sorry

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i got one more question let's

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: say

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you need to capture and extract information
out of an evil leader i don't know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: like it's like somebody's father maybe like
cardascan goals father

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and we had a name the

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: goal i guess e'll call

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: them gulo cat just to make it
easy but like it's not really important but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how would you extract information

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: out of that person and you know
would you kill them with you

[spinner]: that's not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: as

[spinner]: a good way of getting information

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no like

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: after you got

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: would

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you know

[spinner]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[spinner]: would you kill the information out of
him yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i don't want to ell you how
to do your job i'll let you

[cobra]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: answer

[cobra]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[cobra]: known

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: question

[cobra]: well known information

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[cobra]: exaction

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: technique

[spinner]: shoot him in

[cobra]: fucking

[spinner]: the head and take

[cobra]: blow

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: their brains out

[spinner]: and take the brains at

[cobra]: go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: the back

[cobra]: go searching into the brain to find
i'm going to read this person's brain and

[cobra]: find the information

[spinner]: like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: like a jig saw puzzle

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[cobra]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: asked

[cobra]: can

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: her

[cobra]: see matt

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: study to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: be as high as a young man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: listen it's not for me to tell
you how to do it you answer how

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you want

[spinner]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: random

[cobra]: h man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if you please

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah i

[cobra]: random

[spinner]: think the

[cobra]: miser

[spinner]: random

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: iser

[cobra]: running

[spinner]: needs

[cobra]: out of

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: voice

[spinner]: drink some needs to drink some water

[cobra]: yeah it's a drink some

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: water

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no the random eris going through puberty
praise be

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chris

[spinner]: it's gaining sentience

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how would you would you handle this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i think

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: austin powers

[spinner]: not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah i think austin would would make
sure that that that he appeals to this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this this leaders

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is it the leaders son or the
leader themselves

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um well it's

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's the father

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thank you so he would appeal to
this to the you know the carnal charms

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of the leader sexually

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: um but

[spinner]: good luck

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't worry

[cobra]: did

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't

[cobra]: you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: worry

[cobra]: have to you actually have to

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ask actually after

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: you said cardinal like

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[cobra]: other ways it cardinal

[it_smells_like_almonds]: boo

[cobra]: i'm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this

[cobra]: going to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: man

[cobra]: carve a piece of

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: him out

[it_smells_like_almonds]: boo this man you sit there with
your red shirt and your head phones and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: your chairs with the wheels on it

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: at me and your camera no one
asked for your opinion in

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: answering this question

[spinner]: don't forget about

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who this man

[spinner]: don't forget about

[it_smells_like_almonds]: o

[spinner]: the watch

[it_smells_like_almonds]: anyways appealing to

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this this leader's carnal

[cobra]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: desires sexually

[cobra]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: austin would

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: would just

[cobra]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like just just saunter over to the

[spinner]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: crushed velvet three cedar and you now
proceed to just like signal that come sit

[it_smells_like_almonds]: by me for a moment let's have

[spinner]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: have

[spinner]: leaders

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a drink

[spinner]: crushed velvet coach

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the leaders crushed velvet

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: everybody has a

[spinner]: he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sofa

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: crush

[spinner]: had

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: velvet

[spinner]: one

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: couch obviously

[it_smells_like_almonds]: exactly exactly

[spinner]: yeah exactly

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and

[spinner]: what do you

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: eat

[cobra]: kind of a leader are you if
you don't have a christ

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you're

[spinner]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: not

[cobra]: couch

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a good one

[spinner]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and so

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: austin would begin

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to just check in with him how
are you feeling do you do you do

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you feel like you're you're on your
a game and the leader would suddenly just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like no one know never asked the
leader how the leader is doing and suddenly

[it_smells_like_almonds]: athens like listen

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: you heavy lives

[cobra]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: the crown

[it_smells_like_almonds]: exactly austin proceeds

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: quite frankly just listen would you like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sensual massage

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and and

[cobra]: ye

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like it's a big gamble

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: for austin because

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: free love is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: free love sexually but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the leader is like you know

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[spinner]: how sexual is this sexual message

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's a sensual messiah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: sexually

[spinner]: how

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sex

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: but

[spinner]: sexual is the sensual

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: will you

[cobra]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: see

[cobra]: a sense it's a sensual

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: message

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[cobra]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and so

[spinner]: essentially

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you know since the leader

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: feels safe

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in this

[cobra]: ah yah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dynamic

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he's like you

[spinner]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know what i you know normally i
wouldn't do this but and then he proceeds

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to take off his his sports jacket
crushed et sports

[spinner]: hm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: jacket and and he's ike you know
i'm just going to lay down thusly sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and

[spinner]: naturally

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and athens like

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: thusly

[cobra]: thusly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually and also like i don't do
you any

[spinner]: i don't

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oils and leaders like actually no i
don't it's like listen i've

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: got in my in my in my
cravat what is it called

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: cravat

[it_smells_like_almonds]: frilly

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cravat yes i've got some tooth pay
it's menti like it will probably like help

[spinner]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it will

[spinner]: that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: probably

[spinner]: awful

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen don't worry about it let's just

[spinner]: face

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen just go with

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it leader and the leader is like
okay i

[spinner]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: don't

[spinner]: burns

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know and then then listen

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we'll put some water

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on it yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's a card as an for all

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: know mint

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is the most erotic sexually

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you don't know exactly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: smelling

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: send

[cobra]: he can

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: also

[spinner]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: be definitely

[it_smells_like_almonds]: pheramones

[cobra]: allergic to it but

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he's not this is christmas story

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right and so he

[spinner]: can

[it_smells_like_almonds]: squirts

[spinner]: also

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[spinner]: burn his skin

[cobra]: my

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: bad

[spinner]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: squirts

[spinner]: venom

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[spinner]: of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: squirts

[spinner]: alien

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually he squirts the tooth

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep

[it_smells_like_almonds]: paste on to the leader

[cobra]: he's square

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[cobra]: sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: squirts the tooth

[cobra]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: paste

[cobra]: happens

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on to the leader's tripesiust muscles and
then you know sprays because

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: there happens to be a plant mister
near by and he just rubs it in

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just rubs it in and he's like
once the last time

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you talked about those launch codes and
like suddenly

[cobra]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like

[spinner]: at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the der just can't you know what
i don't know just

[cobra]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: everybody's at me and you know like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i don't even know

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: if i remembered

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: anymore one zero one four five one
for her cardashian and so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: from that

[spinner]: kardashian

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: do

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a launch code

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is a launch code it's part newmeric

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: altho new american part verbal and then
it was like

[spinner]: it ends with cardashian

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen and

[spinner]: because he's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: a big fan

[it_smells_like_almonds]: exactly sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: verbal semantic

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah i

[cobra]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: got

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a hybrid right and it's like you

[cobra]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you feel how do you feel
i'm almost done how do you feel how

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you feel

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: leader and the leaders

[spinner]: i'm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like

[spinner]: almost i'm almost

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm

[spinner]: there

[it_smells_like_almonds]: almost there

[cobra]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i'm almost there and the leaders like

[cobra]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: stop don't

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: stop austin you you are

[cobra]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a man out of your

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: time sexually and then austin

[spinner]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is like you know what

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i hope you know

[spinner]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i hope you have a long last
up and knocks him out kay

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: was

[cobra]: so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: really

[cobra]: just to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fast

[cobra]: see if i got

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[cobra]: this

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: concise

[cobra]: correctly

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: so what what you're saying is

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: the that austin

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: powers takes his mint cravat tooth paste

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[cobra]: and messages

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: the leader

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: thereby

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[spinner]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: inducing some sort of like um

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: suggestible

[spinner]: arousal

[cobra]: states

[it_smells_like_almonds]: talk

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: longer

[cobra]: aros

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: as

[it_smells_like_almonds]: talk

[cobra]: well

[it_smells_like_almonds]: longer luciano like

[cobra]: listen

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: words are hard

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: and and that that's how he gets

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: up

[cobra]: code

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a

[spinner]: as we

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: all saw coming be a little more
creative next

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: time

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: the easiest

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: low hanging

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: fruit

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[cobra]: pain

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you goose ball

[cobra]: pain by numbers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the next time

[cobra]: that was so paint

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i haven't

[cobra]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: seen

[cobra]: was so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: any of

[cobra]: pained

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you try

[cobra]: by

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to

[cobra]: numbers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: implement any tooth face

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you owe this man

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you bow this man

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: mad

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i give you many boohoo

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah i'm going to have

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to yield to chris's booing time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: because we need to get to our
other spies answers

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i have to go off next in
this scenario and our good

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: friend double six he has many many
skills and abilities

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: in his tree

[cobra]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexual

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexual murders

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexual birth

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and so i think

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think what he would

[cobra]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: do

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ball crushing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is um

[cobra]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he would probably just kill him

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: take his brains

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: have

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah right right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: have them analyzed

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: codes he needs

[spinner]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: extract those codes

[cobra]: a right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: gold the whole area just so no
one knows what happened

[spinner]: its golden

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: night like a verb or

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[cobra]: it is now

[spinner]: an

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: now

[spinner]: adjective

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just brow

[spinner]: or whatever

[it_smells_like_almonds]: just broad strokes just

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: go

[spinner]: just golden it that ship

[cobra]: golden

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: in all

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: over the place

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you think

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all night

[cobra]: golden it on the couch

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you think

[cobra]: and golden ight on the walls

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this

[spinner]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i just

[spinner]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a little shack

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all

[cobra]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: obviously

[cobra]: just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you think

[cobra]: us just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that

[cobra]: fucking gold

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[cobra]: everywhere

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know i

[spinner]: just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: love

[spinner]: fucking

[it_smells_like_almonds]: god you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: bust

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: up that mint

[cobra]: ah m

[spinner]: that meant tooth paste gold

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: not all over

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[spinner]: the place

[it_smells_like_almonds]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: who

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: austin powers has has an enemy that
would like that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: very much

[cobra]: gold member

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: would

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[cobra]: like that

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: i be shot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: it's so

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[spinner]: it's pretty good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually just just put

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it in the box and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to keep her were you know just
a broad

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: goal that i trow all over the

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sexually and we're good

[spinner]: but you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: gone

[spinner]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah my time

[spinner]: great

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: luciana

[cobra]: as you should

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i would

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hardship take care of this

[cobra]: so here's what would happen archer

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: would hear you know the briefing of
this mission as he usually does have drunken

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: from somewhere some other place he would
hear the words cardassian and the word goal

[cobra]: and he would think oh it's a
cardassian girl so he would ambush this cardassian

[cobra]: girl that he thinks is

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: coming with the information

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: by being probably

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: fully naked except for a g string
on her bed

[spinner]: that's not fully naked

[cobra]: waiting with like champagne and you know

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: probably drugs cocaine maybe list and when
he saw that it was actually a alien

[cobra]: man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that arrived and not a cradacian girl

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hm

[cobra]: he would just plow through intended

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what

[cobra]: with

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: his plan

[spinner]: hero

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry the

[cobra]: actually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: person okay actually thank you yes yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah and he would just try to
austin powers him he he can probably produce

[cobra]: some sort of cravat tooth based from

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's

[cobra]: then

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: fine if you're gonna gonna steal with
chris that's great we'll just yield

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: your time

[cobra]: no no

[spinner]: i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: surprised

[cobra]: because i

[spinner]: at

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: how

[cobra]: going

[spinner]: many

[cobra]: to change

[spinner]: answers

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: involved seducing this straight alien lizard man

[cobra]: how do you know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: he's strait are you

[spinner]: because

[cobra]: by you

[spinner]: he has a

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: child

[cobra]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what does that mean

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: could

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: been

[spinner]: wife

[cobra]: it could

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[cobra]: have been it could have

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: been

[spinner]: a female

[cobra]: no it could

[spinner]: wife

[it_smells_like_almonds]: so

[cobra]: have been could have been a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: side

[cobra]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: piece

[cobra]: peer have been

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: per pressure

[it_smells_like_almonds]: let's

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get

[cobra]: not

[it_smells_like_almonds]: him

[cobra]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get him get him

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: he's a leader

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this man

[cobra]: he's a leader he has a perasysto

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's right

[cobra]: keep

[it_smells_like_almonds]: digging

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: like he maybe

[it_smells_like_almonds]: light his

[cobra]: maybe

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ass up

[cobra]: he loves the ball he loves

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: maybe he loves he

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: loves

[spinner]: sorry

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: you know

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: people from his

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: own gender from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: other

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you shouldn't

[cobra]: genders

[it_smells_like_almonds]: have got

[cobra]: who

[it_smells_like_almonds]: out

[cobra]: knows

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of bed

[cobra]: how

[it_smells_like_almonds]: today

[cobra]: many genders

[spinner]: listen

[cobra]: the cardansians have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you shouldn't a had that toast

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: guys

[it_smells_like_almonds]: whole

[cobra]: now

[it_smells_like_almonds]: week

[cobra]: he has this sham marriage

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: i'd

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: has

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: to keep up and he just fucking

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get

[cobra]: keep

[it_smells_like_almonds]: him

[cobra]: it up because he doesn't love

[spinner]: can't

[cobra]: his

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: right

[cobra]: wife

[spinner]: keep

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: doesn't

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: love

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dat

[cobra]: his

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is

[cobra]: child

[it_smells_like_almonds]: as

[cobra]: even

[it_smells_like_almonds]: look at that

[cobra]: know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: look at that

[cobra]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: he wants what he's one it's some

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[cobra]: know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: tag

[cobra]: other

[it_smells_like_almonds]: me

[cobra]: male

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in

[cobra]: kadachan

[it_smells_like_almonds]: tag me

[cobra]: to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: tag me in i want to get
this mud

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: spencer

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: have you ever my fun have you
ever had k

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: f c

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: answer the question

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ye

[cobra]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bitch have you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ever

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: see

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: chicken

[spinner]: yes i have

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: yes i have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do you know what a side

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: piece is bitch

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: you know the worst part of this

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: is he is

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: the one laughing the most

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: at his

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm

[cobra]: joke

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: gonna go ahead

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm gonna

[cobra]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: go

[cobra]: know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ahead and re rail this

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i yield my time

[cobra]: anyway anyway

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: cravat

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: means tooth base ball massage that's all
i'm going

[spinner]: got

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: got

[cobra]: to say

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: i use my time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: at

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hopwood garrick handle

[cobra]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: extracting

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: information

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: from

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a random person whose name is

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: galdicots debts

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: son

[spinner]: and i'm an i'm not allowed to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[spinner]: mint filled cravat

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i mean i'm not going to tell
you not to but i feel like

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you're

[spinner]: well

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you're

[cobra]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: above such

[cobra]: that cravat is in file

[it_smells_like_almonds]: my

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: such

[cobra]: now

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the tooth

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: such

[it_smells_like_almonds]: paste

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: stations

[it_smells_like_almonds]: came from the cura you're just tellin

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i just

[spinner]: sorry

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: mint tooth

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: face filled cravat

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: okay i'm going to try

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: do or do not

[spinner]: i think h garrick would create

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: a ruse of sorts where he would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: out the commander at some point secretly

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: m

[spinner]: without being seen

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wait is

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it a secret

[spinner]: and then

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to the commander that he's knocked

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: out

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[spinner]: yes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: it's a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: secret

[cobra]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[spinner]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he

[spinner]: secret

[cobra]: mean

[spinner]: to garrick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just

[cobra]: yes it is he

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: doesn't

[spinner]: witnesses

[cobra]: know he knocked him out

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: no witnesses

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: even

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: himself and then he would put him
in a hollow deck and then convince him

[spinner]: that he was like back on his
home world and garrick would be playing the

[spinner]: role of his wife as

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: hank

[spinner]: a hologram

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you right

[spinner]: he'd be like honey how it's work
and he'd

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: s

[spinner]: be like oh was terrible i can't
i can't talk you know i can't talk

[spinner]: about straight security the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: beden order but have my head and
then she because i know i know just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: lay down

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: no you're tired i'm going to give
you a smooth just a short message just

[spinner]: to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ycrovading

[spinner]: get

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: get you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: where have

[spinner]: nice

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we

[spinner]: and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: heard

[spinner]: comfortable

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this before

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and then

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you will

[spinner]: no and then i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: don't know if

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: we're calling you now

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: on the cardassian

[cobra]: cravating

[spinner]: planet

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: they have a neck piece goes around
their nectantucin to the front of their shirts

[spinner]: it's like a claw

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: scott

[spinner]: and it's some say it's like a
cravat but

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: i wouldn't use those

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: words

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: eh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m ah

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: reductionist thinking

[spinner]: and they

[cobra]: saying

[spinner]: say

[cobra]: it's a cravat

[spinner]: and then

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: you know the wife

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: let me get out the massaging oil

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: what kind

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: or

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oil

[it_smells_like_almonds]: past

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is it oh

[spinner]: i'm glad you asked it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yep

[spinner]: peppermint

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: penetrating

[spinner]: tooth paste

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm m

[spinner]: exported

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sorry

[spinner]: from the planet

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: when

[spinner]: earth

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you say tooth paste

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is it made of human teeth

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: formed into

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a mint

[spinner]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: paste

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: oddly enough they collect human

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: teeth but they buy this to clean
the teeth

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: so it looks good

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: on their mantle

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay okay

[spinner]: so they have it in abundance

[cobra]: i for some reason thought they had
like would steep teeth in a mint oil

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: of some sort and that

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: would make the tooth

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: paste

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: what i thought but you know i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: sorry

[spinner]: that's a

[cobra]: your

[spinner]: stupid

[cobra]: your

[spinner]: thing

[cobra]: idea

[spinner]: to say

[cobra]: makes a little

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: bit more sense

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: and and low and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: low

[it_smells_like_almonds]: man

[spinner]: and behold lo and behold they found
out that the tooth paste has a natural

[spinner]: jack to the cards once applied to
the back

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: olding

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the back the dick

[it_smells_like_almonds]: back

[spinner]: back of

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: the back

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what's the

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: back

[cobra]: back

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what's

[cobra]: of the

[spinner]: of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[cobra]: dick

[spinner]: the

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[cobra]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what's the back of the dick like
is the back of the dick

[cobra]: it's dealer's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: choice it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[cobra]: dealer's choice

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dealers

[cobra]: chris

[it_smells_like_almonds]: choice

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: it's dealer's

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[spinner]: good question

[cobra]: choice

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's a cardassian

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: dick so i can't explain

[spinner]: it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it to

[spinner]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you

[spinner]: balls

[cobra]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: eh

[cobra]: it's really

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: it really depends on the angle of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: which wins

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: the back

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yah

[spinner]: um anyways

[cobra]: i mean it's

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: trying

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: wrong

[spinner]: to be i'm trying to be serious
to you guys

[cobra]: i'm sorry

[spinner]: as she's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: rubbing

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: in the mint from the cravat i
mean sorry

[cobra]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: back of his neck

[spinner]: the cardascian

[cobra]: on the back

[spinner]: neckware

[cobra]: of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[cobra]: his

[it_smells_like_almonds]: back

[cobra]: neck

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: cravat

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sounds like the back of the cravat

[spinner]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sounds like the crack of his ax

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: listen we

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: don't need to get into the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: h

[spinner]: dirty details but there's a finger

[cobra]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to

[spinner]: um

[cobra]: it's perenium cream

[spinner]: m and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: anyway so then garrick pretending to be
his wife creates a scenario where he's comfortable

[spinner]: enough to like these secrets

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you that

[spinner]: and

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thing

[cobra]: lak

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: you say

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: leak

[spinner]: obviously the guy

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: doesn't

[cobra]: the word you're going with

[spinner]: go

[it_smells_like_almonds]: ah

[spinner]: with it because he's like why are
you rubbing tooth pace on my back this

[spinner]: is weird and then

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: once he says that garrick shoots him
on the head and extracts the information from

[spinner]: his brains

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: as is tradition

[spinner]: as any normal human would do

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: correct

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right

[spinner]: so i think that's the most obvious

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[spinner]: answer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think we've done congratulation to everybody
i think we

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: nail all the questions

[spinner]: m

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i do have

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: a speed rather in want

[spinner]: oh i forgot

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: eh

[spinner]: and then when when he sees the
dead body fall to the floor he goes

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: this body

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the guards proceed to rush

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: into the doors and what does he
do next i don't know

[cobra]: and boo and they all

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the

[cobra]: boo

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: guards

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all point

[spinner]: they just

[cobra]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and

[cobra]: mean

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: boo

[spinner]: boo

[cobra]: he was

[spinner]: him

[cobra]: asking them

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: to boo

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you were a terrible

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: leader

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hated

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you you had no benefits this job

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: was crap

[cobra]: your

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: your back is all mint

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: all that stuff

[it_smells_like_almonds]: serves

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: you

[spinner]: your

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right

[spinner]: brains are out of your head the
brain should be in your head

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: idiot

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: know two pace works

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: listen

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you know

[cobra]: that kind

[spinner]: how

[cobra]: of stuff

[spinner]: brains work

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you can do whatever you want in
the hollow deck

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's fine i have a real

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: speed around i want to take us
or just because

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you know

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spying

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: why not

[spinner]: i

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: much of spying is

[spinner]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: murdering and robbing tooth paste on people
there is a seduction

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: aspect i think we just really

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: need to capture

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: because we haven't touched

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: on

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: no

[cobra]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: we

[cobra]: at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: haven't

[cobra]: all

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: touched

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: today

[it_smells_like_almonds]: deep enough

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so i'm just going to i'm going

[cobra]: actually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: give us each a

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: list of two hundred famous people and
i'm going

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to random

[cobra]: jesus

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i'm

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: gonna use a different randomizer to give
the randomizer time off the randomizerjust going to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: randomize who goes and then i'm gonna
pick a random name from this list that

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you will then have to describe how
you would seduce said person as hers by

[cobra]: kay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[cobra]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: randomizer if you could pick who is
going to go for and out of the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spots

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bull

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bull this man

[spinner]: that was the best one

[it_smells_like_almonds]: this radebisis

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: nothing

[cobra]: why

[it_smells_like_almonds]: like the other radebizer

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bull this rat i say

[cobra]: it's a different

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it's

[cobra]: one

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a different

[cobra]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: one

[cobra]: a different

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is just

[cobra]: one

[it_smells_like_almonds]: the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: he's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: radeviser

[cobra]: a

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is radevizr

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: if randomizers

[cobra]: listen

[spinner]: are god

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: that was

[cobra]: do

[spinner]: satan

[cobra]: not do

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: not do not mock the randomisers identity
crisis okay

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: that's not nice

[spinner]: that was sounded like a bird

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: wow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sounded like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: dying

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: someone

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sounded like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: murdered

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a l

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it was not great

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: o l like a ol disk

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: used to get in like magazines

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to try to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: help

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: their bottom life

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: anyways

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: um

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the randomizers done the random iser

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chosen

[spinner]: that's right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: randomizeras chosen

[cobra]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: done it's done

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: randamiseris

[cobra]: yes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: chosen

[spinner]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: spencer garrick

[cobra]: it's come to completion

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: garrick how

[it_smells_like_almonds]: uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: are you going

[spinner]: garrick as i ad you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: to

[spinner]: spent spencer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sit

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how is

[it_smells_like_almonds]: h

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: garrick going to the due clnteastward

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: um

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: wow

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: try to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: quick with this one quick answers

[spinner]: okay well he takes the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: mint and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: puts it in the

[spinner]: no

[it_smells_like_almonds]: basket

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm not you never seen one of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yah

[spinner]: cold gate

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: pippamint

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it

[spinner]: know um how do go clinteastwood the
same way he jintroduces everyone else knocks him

[spinner]: out put him in the hall deck
and then

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: makes himself a hologram of whoever the
person wants to fuck done and done

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great job

[spinner]: yeah no problem

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i have one clarifying point

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: garrick

[spinner]: yer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is

[spinner]: yes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: not a hollicram

[spinner]: es

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so

[cobra]: what

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how does

[cobra]: all this time

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: how does

[spinner]: come on

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: garrick convince he sort of have sex
with him if he's not a holocram he's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: just garrick

[spinner]: no he can put like a halo
gram over him

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: it's just the woman

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ye

[spinner]: would look like a large woman

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: so it's a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: larger woman

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[spinner]: version

[cobra]: wait

[spinner]: of the woman he

[it_smells_like_almonds]: clint

[spinner]: likes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sure

[it_smells_like_almonds]: likes his

[spinner]: it's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: meat

[spinner]: just to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on

[spinner]: be

[it_smells_like_almonds]: his

[spinner]: big enough

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on the

[spinner]: to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bones

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: even if she doesn't it's just going

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: to be like larger

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: version of

[it_smells_like_almonds]: while

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: your grip strength

[spinner]: in shape

[it_smells_like_almonds]: is

[spinner]: woman

[it_smells_like_almonds]: off the charts tammy

[spinner]: yeah your thighs

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and your penas are so

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: swollen

[spinner]: fain

[cobra]: wow you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: say

[cobra]: have a large pines for a woman

[it_smells_like_almonds]: wow taddy

[spinner]: ye

[it_smells_like_almonds]: worse the girls were built like you

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: such

[spinner]: they don't build

[it_smells_like_almonds]: are

[spinner]: them like they used to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexalbelieve

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: taddy with all due respect sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right great job great quick answer
spencer love it chris

[spinner]: you feel like scales

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: awesome

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yes

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: paris

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sir

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: is next

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah baby

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think he's really got he's got
a knack for this so let's get the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thing here going on it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the name ah

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: riana how would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: awesome power seduce rena

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: i actually could

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: see

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: that

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeahsoftball

[spinner]: working

[cobra]: what a soft ball

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen it's

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: quite easy

[spinner]: compared to garrick that you sing of
sucking clip eastward

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually it's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: never

[spinner]: ucking

[it_smells_like_almonds]: too

[spinner]: lizard

[it_smells_like_almonds]: easy

[spinner]: man

[it_smells_like_almonds]: t's there's always an element of unpredictability
when it comes to wooing the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: object of your affection and i

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: think the scenario

[cobra]: are you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: serious chris is come

[cobra]: are

[spinner]: to play

[cobra]: you saying that austin power would have
to work work work

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: to

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he

[cobra]: seducer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: would work

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that

[cobra]: is that what you're

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he would

[cobra]: saying

[it_smells_like_almonds]: work that boy

[spinner]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: into

[cobra]: i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: into

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: d

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he would work

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that boy into into into submission

[spinner]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on the

[cobra]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: dance floor you just make sure

[spinner]: what

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and he knows s austin knows how
to activate the hips

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right so on the dance

[spinner]: would

[it_smells_like_almonds]: floor

[spinner]: they do it under

[it_smells_like_almonds]: what

[spinner]: under an umbrella

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[spinner]: under an umbrella

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that's bad luck so in the

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: in the club

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: right in the club rien s doing
our things she

[spinner]: that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: might

[spinner]: a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: be

[spinner]: fifty

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: cent song

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen keep your your

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: agas

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: references this is speed round

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bow bo

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: bates man

[it_smells_like_almonds]: bo this man

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: h

[it_smells_like_almonds]: anyway

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: we've booted him to death

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: point that's how garrett

[spinner]: uh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: gets down so yeah they would lock
eyes across the dance floor and then

[spinner]: yes

[it_smells_like_almonds]: austin would would would gyrate and gesticulate
and an essentially charm you know charm rere

[it_smells_like_almonds]: to to to a meeting of a
meeting spot like on the dance or they

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get down and then they get down

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: great

[spinner]: i have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you yield your time

[spinner]: that was like that

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: what's his name the fucking wrapper yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: little john

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: little john

[spinner]: i was like little

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: john meet off about

[it_smells_like_almonds]: listen

[spinner]: yeah baby

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah yeah they

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: get

[spinner]: austin

[it_smells_like_almonds]: along

[spinner]: bowers meets little john

[it_smells_like_almonds]: for real

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: moving on lucian here

[spinner]: eh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ready for your option

[cobra]: i don't think so but let's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: go

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: here we go

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: princess diana

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: jesus

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: christ

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh my

[cobra]: wow

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay okay

[cobra]: the implications

[spinner]: i mean i feel like

[cobra]: alone

[it_smells_like_almonds]: okay

[spinner]: i feel like it wold be that
hard now

[it_smells_like_almonds]: actually

[cobra]: yeah it would be hard now

[spinner]: i said

[cobra]: unless gregor

[spinner]: i mean yeah

[cobra]: rebuilds out into a robot but i

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: or cure

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: would probably try to disguise himself as
prince charles

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: hal

[spinner]: that's awful

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: a sale

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: and then he would like kidnap her

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: bring her back to his apartment

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: then drug the hell out of her

[spinner]: this is supposed to be seduction not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: this is ripe

[spinner]: full

[cobra]: have you met

[spinner]: on

[cobra]: archer

[spinner]: right

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: rape

[cobra]: met

[it_smells_like_almonds]: no

[cobra]: have you met archer have you met

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: archer

[cobra]: archer

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: archer doesn't

[spinner]: i don't think arthur

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: rape

[spinner]: is a full on rapist

[cobra]: i i never said he was going
to rape

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: her

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: so far

[cobra]: i said he was going a drug

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: and then

[cobra]: he's just drugged her

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: okay

[cobra]: to make her more pliable and then
you will get an agreement from her while

[cobra]: she is

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: that's

[cobra]: drugged

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: rape

[cobra]: that's not

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: rape a text book rape

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: nice job you're

[spinner]: you

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the patriarch

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you just

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[spinner]: you just defined rape like in a
definition let's move along from there

[cobra]: no i think you would

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: be having an easy time to ducinghery
non honesty because

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: her husband was

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: prince

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: charles

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: so

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: think i

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: think he'd

[cobra]: much would he need

[spinner]: i think

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[spinner]: more realistically he'd like meet her and
then like behind the scene she's like way

[spinner]: chiller and she's like these fucking stuffy
parties suck and he's like yeah let's just

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: let's

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: go

[spinner]: have some

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: fun

[cobra]: get out of here

[spinner]: let's

[cobra]: i have

[spinner]: get

[cobra]: some

[spinner]: the fuck

[cobra]: in

[spinner]: out of

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: here

[cobra]: pace

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i have

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: some

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: into pace let's get out of here

[it_smells_like_almonds]: he's like

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: she'd be like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah like funk these guys

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: good job

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i like

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: everybody

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i like it

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: did moving on i'm last

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: person

[cobra]: you do

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: double

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: double six

[cobra]: thank you chris i appreciate

[it_smells_like_almonds]: i like

[cobra]: it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: it

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: o six is co with maryland monroe

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: let's just be

[spinner]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: honest and frank

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: maryland monroe would have to seduce him
if anything was to go down

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: he yields to his time

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[it_smells_like_almonds]: oh

[cobra]: i see it

[spinner]: he'd be like

[cobra]: you know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[spinner]: e'd be like i'm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ye

[spinner]: double o six she's like you're this
you're the double o seven be like yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: sure

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it's me

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah that's

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: that's

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: y

[cobra]: the number

[spinner]: me

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for england maryland

[spinner]: yeah exactly i don't know

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: all right that's it that's all our
questions we've got a little over time but

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: it was important to get our seduction
round in and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: i think we're all worse for it

[it_smells_like_almonds]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: thank you

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for listening to whatever this was

[it_smells_like_almonds]: sexually

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: if you'd like to boo us sexually
or not sexually

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you can do so on the twitter

[cobra]: oh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: at

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: at your wrong cast and

[spinner]: as

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you can also

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: email us your own cast at g
mail dot com and

[it_smells_like_almonds]: hm

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: you can even hit up our website
w w

[it_smells_like_almonds]: w

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: w

[it_smells_like_almonds]: w w

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: dot you're wrong cast

[it_smells_like_almonds]: lave

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: dot c a

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m

[spinner]: don't forget to who do you think
is the best spy

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m m

[spinner]: a as

[it_smells_like_almonds]: m yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: at at spencer specifically but try to
pick from

[spinner]: no

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: the four spies

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: we we talked of if

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: possible

[cobra]: i don't want to be involved with

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[cobra]: this any more than i already am

[spinner]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: if you think

[spinner]: exactly

[it_smells_like_almonds]: and if you think

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: ah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: that your favorite spy could thwart all
four of our spies

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: overdoing this again i don't want to

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: no i don't i

[it_smells_like_almonds]: a

[cobra]: don't want to

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: for now i am met

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: luciano

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: but

[cobra]: yeah

[it_smells_like_almonds]: on the ending

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: i'm

[it_smells_like_almonds]: of this

[spinner]: spencer

[it_smells_like_almonds]: episode

[spinner]: uh uh

[moohhppeettt_whrangeleheluuurr]: yeah

[spinner]: m