Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda

 In this episode of "Let's Talk with Leaha and Rhonda," host Leaha Crawford engages with Carol Reid, a resilient and inspiring entrepreneur who launched her coaching business post-retirement. Carol shares her journey from a successful corporate career to becoming a motivational speaker and coach, emphasizing the importance of soft skills, inner peace, and personal growth. They discuss the unique challenges faced by encore entrepreneurs, the significance of having a toolbox for life’s uncertainties, and the transformative power of storytelling and motivation. Tune in to discover valuable insights and tools to navigate your entrepreneurial journey and achieve your goals. 

What is Let's Talk with Leaha & Rhonda?

Leaha Crawford and Rhonda Nolen are business consultants that discuss the current struggles of small business owners and entrepreneurs. Each episode covers steps necessary for smaller businesses and business owners to grow and prosper.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford. And I'm Rhonda Nolan. And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning. Las Vegas. Hey, this is Leah Crawford. You know Rhonda is not here with me this morning. She is out there with bison in Vegas. It is Saturday morning. I know they're having a pool party today. So if you're out and about, you can see where the pool party is. I don't remember. So I'm not going to say. But she is out there by synovate. I know that they had an amazing turnout yesterday, when the job fair. Those that missed you missed a amazing job fair. I know she will do it again next year. So I would encourage you to get involved because it was a way for our young people or young people to meet people that are actually hiring for the major companies and in and around town. Again, my name is Lia Crawford. I am the host of the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. And today guys, I have someone amazing, I'm going to introduce you to I met this woman at entrepreneurial training. So think about this. The new set of entrepreneurs are 55 and older. 55 and older. They are retirees they've had their career. They've done amazing jobs in their careers. And now they want to step out and do their own thing. Miss Carol Reed I met her she was engaged when I gave her but when I spoke to the group, and I thought it would be amazing for her to be introduced to you. And also to talk about what she does. Again, Carol, welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 2:18
Good morning, Leah. I'm glad to be here. Yeah. And I think it was Encore, encore, encore entrepreneur,

Unknown Speaker 2:24
encore entrepreneurs, if you if you're senior. I mean, you're out there. It's not just for seniors, but it's a different. They're teaching people how, what it is to be an entrepreneur, because most of the I think most of the participants are retired, correct? Yes, most are retired. And this a good group, it moves at a different pace, because they just want to find a way to turn their hobbies, into businesses. Yes, hobbies into businesses. But let's talk about your business. So Miss Carol, first of all, is Carol re

Unknown Speaker 2:56
Wow. Carol Reed is a determined soul. I like that a person with tremendous amount of resilience and unshakable belief that there's a solution. So I say that because as many of us have experienced very challenging circumstances in our life, I have also I can claim the trauma, all of those types of experiences that, you know, lead to one being sometimes disillusion, but because of my determination, and my commitment to being just unstoppable,

Unknown Speaker 3:46
unstoppable, I like that word used that word unstoppable.

Unknown Speaker 3:50
Hmm. I just kept going. And so my life has been one of many different experiences. I spent three Dec over three decades in a career role where I was successful in the business corporate world. I held leadership role as well as consulting roles. I lived on the west coast in the San Francisco Bay area, as well as on the East Coast in Hartford, Connecticut, and also did some part of my life in Sacramento, California. So there was movement that enabled me to really experience life on many different levels. Relocating was a challenge, as well as when I worked in the corporate world, being a woman of color. Yes, it was challenging. And we hear that a lot. Yes, we get that. And so I really needed to learn how to navigate that world. And at the time that I was doing that, there were very many people that looked like me. So there was a lot of quiet suffering that no one really was aware of.

Unknown Speaker 5:07
I mean, nice in that way, but nice to be able to talk about Yeah, because I think a lot of women that are in corporate roles really can't have that conversation out openly. Right?

Unknown Speaker 5:20
So you need someone who you can trust, that can be a confidant. Also, you need someone who relates to what your experience is. So, for me, I needed someone that understood the corporate world, where as maybe a friend or family member really didn't understand that, that is

Unknown Speaker 5:41
a huge challenge for a lot of people. Because, you know, your family is your family, right? And everybody has different goals and aspirations. And when you are sometimes the first yes, many times the only right to delve into that world. Now there are some families where as multiple people and they can Bop, you know, it's different. But when you are the first time isolating

Unknown Speaker 6:04
very much so and, and I was the first Yes. And so as I encountered the experiences in the workplace, I just held it in and tried to figure it out. And that actually is what led me to wanting to have a business. Got it

Unknown Speaker 6:25
what Okay, so then let's move right into my next question. What type of business do you have?

Unknown Speaker 6:31
So right now, I offer coaching on one on one basis, as well as group coaching. I conduct corporate training. And I also am a motivational speaker, motivational speaker.

Unknown Speaker 6:44
I love it. I love it. So it is Miss Carol Reed, Carol Reed speaks.com. Carol. Reed is R E. D speaks with s.com. So Miss Carol, Miss Carol? What, for you to have this type of business? When did you start it? So did you start it like immediately after you retired from corporate America, or was this like a lapse in between?

Unknown Speaker 7:12
So I actually planned and I'm very intentional about what I do. So I knew that I would be retiring five to 10 years back in 2017. And so I decided that it would be best to get my business up and running, learn as much as I could, and then be able to execute on it when I retire. And so that's what I do. So I started it in the Oakland, California Bay Area in 2017. And I launched it, and at that time, I really invested in developing my skill set around coaching, I had always provided that service in the corporate world. So I just expanded it. And I started doing coaching with individuals as well as with groups. And then I put together a couple events for myself. with clients, I created workshops. One of my signature workshops back in that time was live your dreams. Oh, and that actually came as a result of me doing some training with Les Brown. So I was also I'm a motivational speaker. So I became involved with Les Brown as a result of my desire to learn how to tell stories to tell stories. So yes, so I started in 2017. That was when I joined the Les Brown team. And I just developed my knowledge I did some other classes to just increase my skill set. Alright, so

Unknown Speaker 8:52
I love that because when you talk about motivation, a lot of times motivation is the one thing that can pivot or change your trajectory. I love it. I love it. Again, you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. And we have Carol reed here in the building with us. She is How long have you been in the Las Vegas area? Only

Unknown Speaker 9:22
two and a half

Unknown Speaker 9:23
years? Okay, so she's, she's, she's out of the newlywed phase. Right, right. We're still newlyweds but she's you know, been here for more than a year. How are you handling this? This hot summer.

Unknown Speaker 9:34
I actually liked the heat. You liked the heat. I like the heat. So I'm okay. And it's only what three to four months out the year.

Unknown Speaker 9:43
Give or take. It's so funny because the acid I mean this week, I'm just sitting there and I'm like okay, all right, this bipolar weather Okay, right. Okay, so we hot now. Okay, got it. I can do hot. I can do hot for a minute. I know what's hot so I know how to dress and act accordingly drink a bunch to water. So yep, everybody, please drink your water because it is it is extremely hot outside. And I know we're carrying cell phones and laptops, just a public service announcement, please take it out of the car, because it is too hot in the car to leave your cell phone in the car to leave your laptop in the car, it is too hot. Don't leave, you know, take everything with you out the car, take it in the house because you want you know, you don't want your equipment, or know to get damaged because it is extremely hot. I think the heat warnings came out this past week. Yes. So it is extremely, extremely hot. So Miss Carroll, a session with you say I contact you and I am interested in a session. What does that look like?

Unknown Speaker 10:43
So initially, we have a complimentary console. That is a time where we meet virtually. And just learn a little bit about what your current state is, what's going on with you what your aspirations are. And you also get a chance to hear how I partnered with you. So my role is really to help you by asking those probing questions. And I believe that my clients have the answers within them. And it's my role to just help them to get it up and out. Get it up and out. And so I asked a lot of questions, and I partner with the person. It's not like I come with a lot more knowledge, we have different experiences. But I want to honor and respect the person also. And I want them to know they bring value to the the connection that we will have with me as their coach that I want to get them to express themselves and just get get it up and out. Because I believe that the answers are within us, I may be able to provide some insight because of my different experiences. But you have value also from your experiences. So this is an opportunity. And during my first session, I like to learn about the person what they've experienced where they are. Because where you been has a big effect on where you're going. And so that initial session is just getting acquainted. I

Unknown Speaker 12:27
love that because you said where you've where you've been, where you've been, has a huge impact on where you're going. But you can also change that road, you can change, you can change that road and change that road, because you can analyze because you can't change the past. But I've recently learned if you look at it a little bit differently, because maybe the glass was half full, and it wasn't half empty. But your perspective just made it a little bit different.

Unknown Speaker 12:57
It's so very true. I just had an experience this week where someone approached me and I didn't realize they were a little socially awkward. Okay, and so I misinterpreted their conversation with me. And I had to step back and think, okay, they really were trying to be friendly with me, but they were socially awkward. And so a lot

Unknown Speaker 13:27
of people are socially Yeah, want to know what, and that's a that's a that's a socially awkward, socially awkward, because I don't know, if we talk about it a lot. You know, what do you say, when you're uncertain? How do you greet someone? How, you know, how do you get to know someone? What are questions that are appropriate? And what are questions that are in and maybe that's not a topic for discussion, right? But I know a lot of people that are so I'm socially awkward, and

Unknown Speaker 14:00
so am i I'm socially awkward. And so because I am also I have empathy and understanding for the other person, right? And so in that particular situation, I went back to the person and I just said, you know, it was good to see you today. To let them know that they are welcomed in their connection with me. I didn't need to say much just say that and with a smile. And with the non verbal communication is body language is more important. It says more than your words. So the smile and just the welcoming spirit. And these are actually Liad. These are some of the areas that I touch upon when I'm coaching. I touch upon soft skills. You know, hard skills are if you're an engineer, you learn how to be an engineer, right? But how do you interact with your team? How do you communicate with your colleagues? That is what I work on.

Unknown Speaker 15:02
But you want to know what though Carol? I think what I'm not think I know, communication is everything. Yes. And whether it's telephone, email, text messages, right, right, because a text message can be taken the wrong way depending on where the receiver is. It might not necessarily convey the the sender's message Exactly. And I've learned because I want you to know I'm going to beat the PhD program and sometimes a simple conversation with the professor beats emails going back and look at your let me just call you and let's talk about this. Because how I'm reading this and probably what you want to say two different things. So let's just have a conversation so we can get a clearer understanding, and we can move forward. Communication is huge. Okay, you're listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. Miss Rhonda Nolan is out there today. In the streets. Yes, bison in Vegas, I can tell you, she's having a good time making amazing connections, if you are not in and about and if you miss it out next year, is the second weekend in June. She know it's a consistent event. It's bison in Vegas, but welcoming to everyone. Because we just want people to get out and have a good time to have a good time, especially for us a little bit older people as they have because I know me I go and I'm in bed by 10. So I'm leaving at about eight so I can go home. But it's a good day. In the afternoon with a whole you have amazing conversations, amazing conversations. But Miss Carol Rebeck back to you well being, because what you're talking about as well being Yeah, well being everybody's well being and being socially awkward. You can learn to have social skills. That's right, you can learn soft skills. Yes. I don't know if we talk about soft skills enough. I mean, I know in the past couple of years, you hear a little bit more talking. Because I was watching Real quick story. I was watching hearings yesterday, congressional hearings yesterday, you're talking? Well, it was a replay of what happened a couple of weeks ago to get the report came out FDIC. And they're talking about just all the things that were happening in the FDIC, and one of the things that they were talking about is employee well being in the federal government. So how do we interact with each other? How do we when bad news comes? What do we do? Do we throw temper tantrums? Or do we sit back analyze the information and and get into a solution? You know, what do we do? How do we process right?

Unknown Speaker 17:43
And that really is part of what I do? Because what you're talking about? Is the issue of do we have tools? Yes, right? We need a toolbox for how to navigate life, especially in today's world, with all the changes that are occurring. With all the uncertainty that exists. It's important to have a toolbox. How do I handle this? What do I say? Who do I say it to, and by having a coach and someone that who has experienced life in a way that they can bring you some value and help give you tools that that enables you to be more successful? As well as finding more peace with yourself.

Unknown Speaker 18:33
Inner Peace? Yeah, that's something else. Hey, does it is it hard to achieve inner peace?

Unknown Speaker 18:39
Yes. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 18:42
Okay. You see, the short answer is yes.

Unknown Speaker 18:45
I said yes. But there's always exceptions, right. So nothing really is black and white. There's the gray. But it does require using some tools and doing some work. And it makes it so much better when you have someone that is on that path, and can help bring you along. Can

Unknown Speaker 19:06
I ask you this though? Because they tell you to grow? Growth is uncomfortable. Can you have inner peace? And uncomfortability?

Unknown Speaker 19:16
You know, I guess it's everyone's definition, but for me, sometimes I'm uncomfortable. And I still have peace because I have tools to help me navigate. And that enables me to be able to have peace it's like just knowing that all is fundamentally well, but my in my current circumstances are a challenge. But I know that I have tools to help me navigate this. There's there's discomfort. And I've learned to own that say I'm uncomfortable. I'm in fear. I'm I have uncertainty. There is some comfort in just getting that up and out versus keeping it a secret inside and worrying and having doubt. So when I get it up and out. It's like a glass that is full of that which is dark, right. And you want to get clear water. Let's say it's a glass full of water. So you pour that which is brown that's dark out. And you put in that which is clear, it dilutes it. So that getting it up and out when you're uncomfortable. That enables you to dilute take the power away from the darkness. Whatever the circumstances, I love

Unknown Speaker 20:29
it because my biggest thing is now just just though the thing I watched last night all over again then is you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Why? You know, just put the baby to the side though the bathwater our wash it out, and we gonna start all over again. It's good. Because I and it's funny because you say tools and depending on the situation, like I have a girlfriend that will call me and I will be like, you know, stand on your head and think about the problem. She was like leave, stand on your head goes up against the wall, put your head down on the floor, think about the problem and put your legs up against the wall. She was like, just try something different. Because maybe how you're looking at it? Yes, you're not getting, you know, through the problem. Because sometimes talking about is taxing.

Unknown Speaker 21:12
Yeah. And then you can also write Yes, journaling. Journaling is very, it can be very therapeutic. But also, it's amazing what can be revealed to you, from yourself from writing.

Unknown Speaker 21:29
All right, you are listening to the less talk with Lea Rhonda show. So if you didn't have tolls before, Carol just dropped a lot of little nuggets for you on you just to help you, you know, the put some tools in your toolbox, you know, journaling, meditating, just sometimes taking a walk by yourself, right? You know, and allow your thoughts to process and then get it out. You might not have to say it to someone, say it to yourself, just get it out, speak the words, speak the words, it's get it out, just get it out. Get it out to you. Get it out of you. All right. So Miss Carroll Amin, I have this initial with you. Do I what do I do afterwards? After we had a conversation? What do you do I contact you again, if I want additional conversation? Do you require me to write out but I believe the high points are of our conversation. What do I do after I meet with you?

Unknown Speaker 22:31
Great question, Leah. So I actually have a new client questionnaire that I provide. And the person completes that I give them like a week to go through because it's thought provoking. And it enables you to figure out where you are right now. And what you would like to how you would like your life to look going forward life by design. And that's exactly what we do. And then I review that. And we discuss it and we determine what next steps we should take. So there is a process. And it's amazing how revealing it is. And also think about how often do most of us sit down and really think about what it is we want to do next, and how we're feeling and you know what, what direction we want to go. Just to sit down and focus on what the we want our lives to look like going forward. So it's a chance to do that. And just be with yourself and get some clarity

Unknown Speaker 23:39
and get some clarity and get some clarity. All right. Okay, so again, it is Carol Reed re I D speaks with an S on the n.com. Carol Reed speaks.com. So I would go to the website and I would just click a button. Yes. Read the website, click some button. Yes. And then had that initial conversation. And both take it from there step by step. It sounds great step by step. So one step, what I can tell you is when you start any journey is one step at a time. You don't run you don't walk. It's just one step at a time. Definitely, you know, it's one step real slow steps.

Unknown Speaker 24:20
You know, it's about progress and not perfection and not

Unknown Speaker 24:25
work and excellence. Yeah, perfection. Work and excellence, not perfection. You've been listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. So any closing things you want to say to the audience? I mean, what brought I mean, you're here now you're in Las Vegas, you have this new venture, any closing remarks you want to make?

Unknown Speaker 24:46
I love Las Vegas. I've only been here for two years and a few months and it's been good to me. I love the community. I've gotten out and met a lot of people and I'm excited about this opportunity. Nice to meet more people. And I love helping people. I have really sacrifice a lot in my life. And as a result of that, I've learned a lot. And I love like I had a, I just tell this one story I had a client about six weeks ago I started with, he's 17 years old. It was with him and his dad. And we first started, he said that he was hopeful about change. And I thought that was wonderful. When we fast forward to five to six weeks later, and he said, I'm optimistic. There's a significant change in those two words. Yes, that means that he'd experience some positive changes. And now he's optimistic. And that's what I experienced with my clients. So I would say in closing, if you are hopeful, that's great. And if you'd like to shift that to being optimistic and achieving your goals, and the

Unknown Speaker 26:04
website again, is Carol car or read our E ID speaks SPE a que es.com Carol Reed speaks.com. And if you ever have any questions about someone that we had on the show, please contact our office 702-382-5737. Again, 702-382-5737 anyone that we've had on the show, we know how to get in contact with so that we can make sure that you know you can you can interact because these are everyday people they want to interact with you. They they want to help they want to help. Well Until next week, until next week, I have someone special coming on next week, a lot of energy, a lot of energy. My name is Leah Crawford. I am the host of the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. Y'all stay hydrated. Take those electronics out of the car out of the car. Trust me when I first moved here, eons ago, left my phone in a car and I paid for it. You don't want to do that. Take those electronics out the car. Stay hydrated, stay well. And as Rhonda was say, find a way to work out even if it's early in the morning and touch your toes. Do something active with your body with your body. Until next week. Peace and blessings.

Unknown Speaker 27:19
Thank you

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