
Are those boring old movies too tame for you? Have you been yearning for something to keep you up at night? Join your devilish hosts, Natalya, Sean, and Mason, as we break down all your new favorite horror movies. From slashers to schlock, we’ll cover the films that have kept viewers on the edge of their seats for generations, all while providing some insightful (and not-so-insightful) commentary along the way. So grab your pitchforks, don your hockey mask, and join us as we answer the one question on everyone’s lips:

What’s your favorite scary movie?

Creators & Guests

Mason Baker
Natalya Wilson
Sean Ferris

What is Cinemacabre?

Are those boring old movies too tame for you? Have you been yearning for something to keep you up at night? Join your devilish hosts, Natalya, Sean and Mason, as we break down all your new favorite horror movies. From slashers to schlock, we’ll cover the films that have kept viewers on the edge of their seats for generations, all while providing some insightful (and not-so-insightful) commentary along the way. So grab your pitchforks, don your hockey mask and join us as we answer the one question on everyone’s lips:

What’s your favorite scary movie?

Hello, welcome to cinema cub. This is WKNC's new horror Podcast. I'm Natalia otherwise known as DJ Roxy.

I am Mason Baker, also known as DJ crush.

Sean Ferris
And I'm Sean also known as lead pipe.

So to get us kicked off today, we kind of wanted to just go around and lay the foundations for our experience with horror, what we like about it, some things we kind of don't like about it, and just let you the lovely viewers at home, get a feel for us as your devilish hosts

Yeah, and get to know us. Like we're still all getting to know each other. Somehow, we all ended up in this room to record about horror. So it's kind of like how do we get here?

One fateful elevator ride. Yeah,

Sean Ferris
It's like the shining. It's just

And also, what's the movie, devil?

I don't know.

The elevator horror movie

Is there an elevator horror movie?

Yeah. Wow, we're really showing just how much Oh,

Sean Ferris
every episode is just going like, have you seen that? No.

Well, that's like how we come up with like, what else to watch? You know? Like, it's kind of about a journey. Like we're not really like, teaching people. It's just like,

if, if you were coming to this podcast, to get like a better understanding of the horror medium, you are at the wrong podcast.

we are the authority though. Or we'll have our opinions are 100% back and

Sean Ferris
we are about to be


I hope so.

Okay, um, I've prepped a few questions to just kind of get things going with the podcast and really set the stage for like this, this journey ahead of us. So I have 10 And we'll see how many we can get through in our episode length. But starting off, we got the classic. What's your favorite scary movie?

You can Oh, I go first take us away.

Oh, gosh. My favorite movie is gingersnaps. It's a I think, from the year 2000s. Canadian horror movie about a girl getting her period and becoming a werewolf and wreaking havoc on a bunch of people in town. I love it. It's iconic.

Well, I guess kind of what elements of it do you like? Um,

oh, I mean, I guess I could say like I did, like women and gender studies class and I found a way to incorporate it into it because we had a unit on women on month end monstrosity. And I found that and it was like so so women and so monstrosity. I like for my final I had to make a comic like draw a comic out of like one of the scenes. Oh, yeah, I probably have it somewhere. It's not that good. But I don't know I just like have that connection to it since I had to spend so much time looking at it over and over again. And now in time. I'm sad. I watch it.

Alright, Sean, you want to go next Mike?

Sean Ferris
I'm a bit of a basic be my favorite horror movie is The Shining. I watched it super late. Because I watched it for a class last year I took a horror film class. And obviously that was shown in just the visual elements, the actors it's just a like kind of the archetype movie for me for like a horror movie. All right, DJ Crush.

So this is something that I guarantee you. I'm going to mention in just about every single episode that we film of this lovely podcast summer's my favorite horror movie is truly the love of my life. It follows because not even because it itself is the perfect movie. I can level a decent amount of critiques against it, but it truly encapsulates everything I love about modern horror. It is excruciatingly atmospheric. It is so cleverly shot It was done on like a shoestring budget, and still is chef's kiss. So super effective horror movie. Yes. extremely effective.

I remember it very fondly. And yeah, we're definitely gonna mention it in our next episode. Absolutely. So, and I hope that we find a way to fit in our favorite movies into this next question. Um, I just wanted everyone to describe your journey into the horror genre. Like what got you into it? Do you have any like earliest memories with horror? And like, what kind of brought you into this room today? Like, you want to go back around go

the other direction. So yeah, I guess I'll go ahead and get started. In kind of preparing for this podcast, I penned myself as the horror lover who hates horror of the podcast, our scaredy cat, our scaredy cat. The medical term. Look Howard, diagnose, diagnose coward, diagnose coward. But from a young age, I've always just been kind of fascinated with the supernatural and the McCobb. So I, one of my earliest memories is I was at my dearest friend Nick's house, hope he's doing well. And Teen Wolf was on the screen. And we looked up on YouTube. How to become a werewolf rituals.

Did they work?

we're not allowed to give medical advice on this podcast.

I mean, you don't have to drop the tutorial. But like, did you become aware of advice though?

No, unfortunately, ah, but I feel like that was kind of my catalyst moment on just being a little weird kid. Which has now led me into horror as we know it.

Sean Ferris
All right, I will take it from there. I think it all kind of started on like, the various cartoon channels that I was obsessed with as a kid. Probably still am a little bit too much. But probably my first exposure was courage. The Cowardly Dog. Great one. It is it's genuinely scary even now. I don't know.

Return the slab! Or suffer my curse!

Sean Ferris
I was so close to saying that.

Does that have nowhere as your dogging turn this?

Sean Ferris
Yeah, but every episode, Dr. Demento. I mean, whenever they do any, like non traditional animation, and it was like claymation or anything like that. It was always so terrifying. It is but it was still so like, fun to watch as a kid and I was I was a scared kid like a nightlight until I was too old. So I don't know how I really latched on to it. But it was kind of like a it was like cathartic in a way to enjoy something that was scary. Instead of being scared by it.

Yeah. All right. Oh, okay. Well, I have like, I have like my whole life span right now. So like, we talked about this a little bit before, but like, around like Halloween the way that like Disney and Cartoon Network would do, like Halloween events. Um, I didn't I didn't grow up with cable. So the only time I like got to like watch Cartoon Network was whenever like, for my grandfather's birthday, we go to the mountains and Cartoon Network would be on but it would be scary Cartoon Network. So like Scooby Doo zombie Island, terrified me as a kid lassic Or like, there's like this episode of Billy and Mandy. Were like, this, like, giant alien. Like, sucks up everyone's brains. And that, like, freaked me out as a kid. Yeah,

Sean Ferris
Billy and Mandy had a weird dichotomy of like, comedy and horror, obviously, like the premise is, if anybody doesn't know it's like the Grim Reaper hangs out with two kids. Yeah, as as you do.

Yeah. You know if you're the Grim Reaper, of course.

So I'm kind of going back to the like you said about Scooby Doo. Very brief tangent. I promise I will cut myself off. Scooby Doo in the witches ghost. The hex girls. Iconic number Wow. It's for me so cute. If you ever want to know what I look like in real life, just imagine a fourth ex girl

so like, yeah, Cartoon Network being terrifying. actually remember my first nightmare? It was after I watched Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet The Wolf Man.

I use To be obsessed with terrified me, like very quickly realizing I have an uncomfortable amount of like a wolf related childhood story, you

should really watch gingersnaps if you're such a big werewolf fan because

of my favorite Goosebumps book was The Wolf of fever swamp. So maybe I'm work quickly realizing

things. I kind of forgot, but like, I loved reading those

We're quickly realizing things about ourselves on this podcast.

But like, my, like, more modern, like horror interest. I was, I kind of like got really into it. around like that time, mostly like 2017 2018 When just like a lot of really good horror was coming out like, kinds that like we're making, like, general audiences be like, yeah, horror can be good. Question mark. So like, that's like, when when I get out hereditary, and it I mean, midsummer was like, a year or two later, but like, I think those three specifically, like really made a lot of money and made people realize just like how good a horror movie can be. And I was, I watched those. And I was like, yeah, these are really good. But like, I went back and tried to watch like, the classics to like, really start to like, fill up, like, my horror registry of knowledge. And like, I did like a horror research project on Halloween. So, um, I just kind of like, led me to keep watching horror, and I've liked to analyze them a lot now, which is why I wanted to start this. Yeah. And I'm happy to be here. Um, the next question I have is, What are your favorite genres or aspects and a horror movie? So like, when you're watching, like, what makes you be like, This movie's Awesome.

Alright, well, I guess I would circle back to you

Oh me first again. Okay. Yeah, I can start that. Um, I, as I mentioned, I really like looking so deep into a horror movie. Like, even if it's like, not like the scariest or like, not like the most interesting thing. I'm like, What are they trying to do with this. And I'd like to see, like the intention that the filmmakers put into its like, practical effects. I love like, trying to see how they do their effects or like, get like their shots, like to work, especially in like some older movies that like are trying to do like, supernatural things, but like, don't have the modern day effects to do it. Um, and also, like, I'm a big fan of like, queer and like femme feminists like subtext in them. Like, it's always so fun to look into. And probably like, most of like, the movies I would consider to be my favorites are all about like, one person, kind of going crazy. Or like, just like one person like going down like a path into horror, in whatever way that means for them. Yeah.

Well, luckily for you, I say like, we haven't already watched the movie we're gonna cover next time. We can talk a whole lot about that next episode. I'm teasing it a whole lot.

We're just so excited. Evidently. Oh, yeah. That is really about a person just ooh, going down going down the shitter. That's a good way to say it. Willow falling into madness. Probably

a downward spiral.

Yeah, but like a downward spiral with a body count.

So I guess I'll take this, I'm so sorry, Shawn. So kind of the aspects that I really look for in order are one, I love atmosphere. Two, I love cinematography, which is strange, considering I am really going to school for it, neither of those things. But how a shot is framed, can convey so much by saying literally nothing. And I'm kind of with this modern wave of, quote unquote, elevated or, you know, there are some gripes to have with that term, but I feel like it applies well enough. It is so clever, and how each and every shot is put together to kind of build this mounting sense of dread that sometimes until the climax of the movie, and sometimes not at all, never gets paid off. Which is what I really love about

like what that what all of those elements coming together like leaves you with?

Yeah, because I think the best thing that a piece of art can do in general is make you think once you stop watching it. Yeah. And that is like the number one key to that for me.

I think or like, especially should be like the genre that sticks with you. Just that like makes you kind of scared to go to sleep that night

gives you a new phobias.


Sean Ferris
I think I think I might just have to reflect what you guys have been saying because you guys have just described all of my favorite parts.

Well, that's awesome for I mean,

Sean Ferris
you guys have covered like, the absolute best aspects of it. Because when you're, you said, when you're left with like left thinking, when you're left feeling a certain way after a horror movie, you know, that movie, you know, changes a little bit.

Alright, so I'm also going to steal your partner Natalia, my part kind of segwaying on from the things that we really liked about horror movies. Let's talk about some things that we liked less or would change about the genre in general.

Um, do you mind if I started this off? So like one thing that I forgot to say with the previous one? And like this is this will lead into like, my least favorite parts of horror, but like, some Gore is kind of sick. Absolute, like, it's kind of fun to see see, like, what kind of like nonsense they'll pull. And like, how they'll pull it off? Yeah, but like, I'm definitely not a big fan of like, excessive Gore or violence in a movie. Like, especially if it feels like targeted towards something. Like, there's like a difference between like, horrifying you and just like being like, you this seems targeted because that's a woman or something of the like,

it gets to a point of excess. Yeah, no longer becomes fun. Like,

I feel like a, you gotta be a little bit tasteful with it. Or like, if you're gonna go crazy. Have it be like, the payoff to like a whole movie, you know? Like, Have either of you guys seen cabin in the woods? Yes, yes. Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. You guys know that scene where they're like, they've gotten into the facility, and they let all of the monsters out. That's a good payoff for like, excessive vi like that is awesome. Because

up until that point, that movie was not Gore free, but it was relatively tame. Yeah,

it was like, Oh, it's just like the zombie hillbilly torture family like and like they're just like targeting these college students. But like, seeing like a whole facility get massacred. That's awesome. Yeah. But like, and I try to avoid movies that are like more excessive, like when we have a good example of like, what would be Oh, actually, I have one. Um, there's like a scene in terror fire. The world woman gets sawed in half. And like, I don't I don't want to watch that verdict. Not a fan of it.

Sean Ferris
I was gonna say I feel like if you if your favorite movie is Tara fire, if your favorite horror movie, God forbid if your favorite movie is terrifying. We're probably not going to review it. So

probably not both Ari, both for the sake of good taste, and also for the sake of telling our audience that

they have bad taste.

Absolutely not.

Yeah, we're we're actually the only ones with good taste.

You're so very valid.

Sean Ferris
Do we have microphones and a podcast? Absolutely. Yeah.

Shawn, would you like to answer I would love to.

Sean Ferris
Again, I hate to piggyback off of you. But excessive Gore, I'm a very squeamish person, if I could be a doctor. Or if I was a doctor, I'd throw up every day. And so excessive Gore is like, really too much for me. But that's more of a personal thing. I think. What I really don't like is when that is all that scary about your movie. It's that and if your entire movie is jumpscares Yeah. Which both great tools and a horror movie. But they are not standalone aspects.

They have been used excessively. Absolutely. Well over a lot. You

Sean Ferris
almost get desensitized to it after a while if it's not built up. Because like a jump scare is only as scary as the energy that was placed before it. Yeah, if you know what I mean. Yeah. So yeah, and the terrifying again, any kind of like, gross, like, god forbid like faecal horror that's like, Is

that is that in that movie? It's I believe the first one. Yeah, that's great.

Sean Ferris
I don't want to describe what the clown does, but it's it's very good.

I assume it has nothing to do with fecal matter.

So, to piggyback off my answer was also going to be jumpscares. While I There are elements that I definitely liked about this movie, I think one of the The biggest offenders in this category would be the movie sinister. You don't like sickness? No, I do like her. But at a certain point, baby girl, we need to tone it down. Because it's, it gets to a point where it's not even effective. It's just kind of annoying.

I'm gonna try to like remember like, which jumpscares like you're talking about sinister

is a weird example because it builds up a lot in kind of the way that I like. But it also the payoff happens too much to the point where it feels it's almost exhausting

Sean Ferris
to have to keep experiencing over

and over again, like those tapes. Yeah, I love those tapes. Those tapes are so cool and has eaten hot. I love him.

Second, I confused Ethan Hawke was Tony

he's a pro skater isn't movie. I think that movie would be fixed if like he could just skateboard with I forgot the name of the the demon and the Grinch. I don't think that's

well think that's a good segue into our next question.

Oh, I actually I have one more thing that I, I would add. I have like, I have like notes written down. But like, I don't. I don't read all of them. Whenever I'm answering. I'm just like, Oh, these ones are like what I'm feeling. But like, one thing that really angers me when I watch a horror movie is when like, all the character actions are just so stupid and like, not believable. And like you're just watching it. And it's like, so frustrating to see them make all of the wrong decisions. Not even like oh, like they're like, stressed way. Just like a no human person would do this. This is stupid. Yo, um, that definitely brings down my enjoyment of a movie. Absolutely.

To like, to a certain extent, I understand. Because if everybody made the right decisions in the movie, then there would be no movie. But like, I see conflict. It's scarier, but especially one thing that makes it extremely effective. Is somebody making the right decision? And it's still not working. No,

that's like, the worst thing. It's like the hopelessness. You have to be hopeless and a horror movie. Absolutely.

Sean Ferris
Cool. If you're nothing that's just a drama.


Like, that's just boring. I'm like, oh, no, you're sad. But it's like, oh, no, you're just starting. There's a monster.

I guess airy probably filled us into like the horror thriller zone. Ready or not? That's a horror. Yeah. Basically, are scary. Absolutely. The protagonist in that movie does literally just about everything, and only ends up getting saved by a shock of sheer luck at the end, which is like kind of an extremely terrifying thought. You can fight tooth and nail and still, you know, I

think that one plays into the class aspect of it. Definitely where this? I don't know if she's like, lower class or what but she's definitely not well, she's

not that yeah, she's

entering a very wealthy family. And she only survives, no matter how much she struggled just because the ritual and happened to be getting left over by something else. So

Sean Ferris
um, that's very reminiscent of like parasite. Definitely. Yeah. And I can

which one I would consider less of a horror actually.

I would still say it falls into the horror category.

Thriller. IMO blood.

Sean Ferris
Yeah, but there definitely is quite a bit with

the, the climax of the film. Yeah, sure. Sure. But

like there's like a lot of movies a lot blood but like, it's fair. That aren't horror. Like

genres are a marketing tactic anyways, yeah, they really are, is whatever we want to car is

whatever we decide is scary enough. And or we just want to cover on the podcast we'll just call for, um, which maybe some of these movies will be picked from this next question. So like, Why, yeah, here I'm asking What scares you the most. And are there any movies that you're too afraid to watch because of that? Okay.

I will take this one first. Yeah, because I have got to awesome. I also have to I do not mess with spiders. Or eyes. Okay. That's a weird combination. It really is. What spiders have a lot of eyes. True. But not like exponentially scared.

No, very to the eighth power no things

like with a lot of eyes but I PORTER I tweet elation. Yeah. Like I'm the movie Would you rather love it? Oh, the poster is like skip. That's no i because otherwise, it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. It's kind of like,

you know? And I hate to like, bring my answer in here. My question I'm sorry. Um, but like, if you're ever watching something we're like someone's like hands are getting messed up and like you like when satis

other one was gonna be fingernails. Yeah. Oh,

God, no. But like, at least like if your hand you can, like hold it can't hold my eyes. But to watch the movie, your eyes have to be open. Seeing them get hurt.

Sean Ferris
I didn't even think about like, your instinct is just like, squeeze your eyes closed and

I'm like, oh my god, like, it makes my eyes hurt thinking very, yeah. Um, that end um, that one death. I cannot remember what Final Destination movie it is. But, um, so this lady is going in for some kind of optometry thing. Probably, I think to get LASIK which is something that I have a whole lot of experience with because I have very terrible eyes and have been considering getting LASIK. And, um, the optometrist leaves while she is like strapped down, because you know, they have to strap your head on so you don't move. Yeah. And then the laser starts going off. And then she finally manages to, like, wring herself out of after getting her I just just a real messed up. And then she slips and she is on a several storey tall building falls out the window. crashes onto the floor below. And the final scene of her is her eye popping out. Ooh, and then getting

run over. They ran over the i

i know this donation is not very good for I don't know, I kind of love like the I will talk about it more in a later question.

Okay, um, Shawn are there.

Sean Ferris
I don't know if there's any I wouldn't be willing to watch. I'm definitely avoidant of the saw movies just because of my whole like gore thing. Yeah. It's definitely like, not my favorite aspect of horror, I think. To kind of go more into the question of like, what scares me the most? It would definitely have to be like, a an antagonist or villain that is not bound to any reason. Or oh, like, physical laws if you feel me.

Oh, to like, to quote, perhaps the scariest line and all of her. Why are you doing this? Because you were home? Terrifying. I think I might have hit the nail on the head for Natalia.

Yeah, no, that is what I was going to talk about a little bit. I think that my it's like, so fun, like realizing like how many of like, our things are similar. Because like, if we ever like, do decide to like cover, like something that includes this, it's gonna be like, I was so scared. And we were also terrified. So I'm very afraid of home invasion movies. So bringing up the strangers terrifies me and the fact that like, they do all that horror, just just because you're home with no real reason, like, most of my comfort, like whenever I leave a horror movie is that won't happen to me. Like that was supernatural. Or like, I'm not gonna do something that like prompts this on me. But just like a random act of horror against me.

Home. Oh, scary. home invasion was probably the most realistic thing that could ever happen. Yeah, because it does happen. Probably not to the extent of the strangers Yeah. But like, why would they choose my home? Because your home? No.

But the other one I was going to bring up was also going to be like, very, like specific bodily mutilations, including eyes. And the movie I wrote down that I actually really want to watch, but it kind of freaks me out as audition. I've heard good things about it. I've also heard good things about it. But I've also heard about the kind of torture that's in it involving faces and needles and wires. And that kind of freaks me out.

But I want to watch it. So be prepared for a potential future episode, dear listeners.

Yeah. Um, the next question I have for you guys is what's your so bad? It's good horror pick. And please elaborate why it's so bad. It's good. So

mine, which is partially why I brought it up earlier, the final destination franchise because I am much like Sean, I don't like a lot of gore. It is certainly less. Saw gory, but it's like, you know, It's not exactly squeaky clean. No, definitely not. But I feel like the entire draw of those movies, much like the saw franchise is how increasingly elaborately and stupidly can we kill someone? La? Yeah. Which, in a kind of a hedonistic sense, I can certainly appreciate.

Exactly squeaky clean.

No, definitely not.

But I feel like the entire draw of those movies, much like the saw franchise is how increasingly elaborately and stupidly can we kill someone? La?


Which, in a kind of a hedonistic sense, I can certainly appreciate.

Like, you know that you're coming in for the kills. You're like, what's gonna happen this time? Like,

you don't go into any movies like saw or like Final Destination being like I'm gonna get really attached to these characters because I guarantee you with saw most with Final Destination all of them will be dead by the end.

Like I mean the only difference I would say between those two is like saw it's like, what are what's gonna how creative is Jigsaw gonna get today? What's he gonna decide to play with people's lives with?

Sean Ferris
Yeah, unless you're attached to Jigsaw himself. I think you should not get attached to any of the character. Yeah,

let's like you. I mean, I really like I really liked the little puppet like jigsaw. Like he's so cute. His name's Billy. Yes. Yeah, sorry. I'm a big fan. I've only seen the first movie that

I'm that will this will lead me on a very brief tangent. I haven't actually seen the movie. But it is, in my opinion, extremely clever to set solid 10 Like, following John Kramer as the protagonist, because that is kind of the main critiques that's been leveled against a franchise like there's not really much of a plot. No,

they just keep giving him other reasons to be upset at people for like not taking their lives or taking their lives for granted.

Like that one dude. In saw one who's big crime the thing that he was covered in flammable jelly for in May to walk across broken glass was that he called out sick to work. Literally, honestly, I

thought that was that was scaring me out of calling out sick the work. They

Sean Ferris
you know, the executives were like, there we should know we should put

in there was really good to keep our morale high.

Sean Ferris
So So capitalist pill, man, he's so

I guarantee you there was one employee who kept calling in and they were like, We're gonna show you.

This is what happens to knotty employees who call out of work.

Literally one of the most like, excruciating deaths in the franchise, because he called out work.

Done in the first movie, you said yes, I think it gets a lot more excruciating.

I would say being poisoned having to carry a tiny little tea light while covered in flammable liquid and having to walk on broken glass to find a combination amid several combinations around the room is probably pretty bad. There's someone

who like, and like this might so I know a little bit about the franchise, but like, I haven't watched all of them. But like, at some point, there's like a fake jigsaw. Um, yeah, that's like a poser. So he gives like, impossible things to like, actually win. But like one of them has, like hooks put through like their Achilles tendons that they have to and his

jaw. Yeah, no, I can't just rip off your jaw just be fine.

No, like some that might be a little bit more excruciating. This is I'm no offense to that first guy. Another

one of like, my embarrassing to admit, one of the things I was very obsessed with as a child was saw. I, to this day, have not watched a football movie, but I couldn't tell you every trap probably in order. Really? Yeah. Because I was obsessed with them. So it's really not.

No, it is. Weird, though.

It's very strange. Like, up

to what movie? Because like, if you were a kid, like a lot of them would have been out yet.

Probably. Probably up until solid 3d. Okay,

if you couldn't get to like soft seven. Sorry, not to put down your accomplishment. But like if you get to get up to saw seven like, I'd be like, Oh my God.

I don't think I could tell you the ones and jigs. Oh, I think I could tell you the ones in jigsaw. I couldn't tell you the ones in spiral and I couldn't tell you the ones. I

guess we gotta study. Oh, evidently,

Sean Ferris
the whole jig? Oh, holesaw abs.

I mean, that'd be

probably we will probably do. Yeah, counting how many times a second? counting how many times we throw up won't binging 10 movies? Yeah.

You just put them all at once.

Perfect. They'd be like layered on the screen.

Yeah, we're just like, surround ourselves in monitors and just like spit out a circle.

Sean Ferris
What saw does.

All right, so I will take one through four. Natalia will take

the Okay, well, the good one. Yeah. I heard the newer if I take the middle ones I'll get the schlock and you can get the newer ones which are apparently like people consider them really good. Now

Sean Ferris
the newer ones I've heard they were like, just very average horror movies.

But it's back.

Spiral and jigsaw. Were both like pretty average apparently saw 10 is actually quite good. All right, well, um,

so um, what's your least favorite? Oh, sorry,

I sufficiently lied when I said that would be a short tangent. So Shawn, what's your least favorite?

What's your so bad? It's good horror movie. Peck? Yes.

Sean Ferris
That is the next question. Yeah. My favorite. So bad. It's good. Is arguably not horror at all. Actually, I might have to but my, I would say my official favorite is probably the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

That is we have we have a love it episode idea.

I think I found like a screening of it. I was going to help it on Halloween.

Sean Ferris
Oh my gosh, at the Rialto?

I believe that there is I think the one

I saw was that Ruby Deluxe. They

Sean Ferris
have somebody is somebody in rallies doing a shadow cast of it. Which is how you should watch it. I want to say first time, you should go to your local theater that was playing it. There are just people in lingerie. If you live near a university, or a college, they are probably they probably have it. I will be the one to start it here at NC State. The character that Tim Curry places like iconic Rocky, Rocky,

Rocky. No, I live in Santa Frank. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Here with a bunch of

friends. He plays rocky boba.

Sean Ferris
Yeah, okay. So we're like yeah, just

in case you all didn't know Rocky Balboa is in Rocky Horror Picture Show. He's the rocky in the picture show.

Yeah. So I'm so silly.

Sean Ferris
We are this is a completely factual podcast. Yeah,

we are authorities on her. Back checked. We are so DJ independent fact checkers.

Sean Ferris
Also, it is technically a double feature. There is a sequel. I've never seen it. Another remake there is a sequel. It's called like high voltage or something. We are our computer guys.

Can you fact check them for us? I say as we are both typing. Because like there's shock treatments. shock treatment. Yep.

There's a sequel. Remake with a Victoria Justice victorious. Who

does she play?

Sean Ferris
Really? Yeah,

she plays Rocky.

Sean Ferris
She is not Rocky. She is Rocky Balboa Yeah. But yeah, you gotta go. Don't watch it in at your house go to like a live showing because it is clinically insane.

isn't like a big part of live productions? audience interaction? Absolutely.

Sean Ferris
It's the callbacks. You throw things on stage. Sometimes they'll let you have like water guns and stuff. Like it's ridiculous. They

let me throw a dumbbell on stage.

Sean Ferris
No. It like a foam one? Or like a real one.

can't fault them. Bill. You think I can throw a full demo? I'm done.

I need my lawyer present before I answer these questions.

Sean Ferris
All right.

My so bad is good horror pic. Um, I also feel like is a bit of like, I don't think this movie is actually bad. I just watched it with the wrong crowd. It's Reanimator Oh, that's good. Reanimator I already know her. I don't really I think it's an 80s horror movie. Um, I think so. And a lot of it is them, like trying to figure out like how to have like their horror effects on a much lower budget. Um, and so watching it, it was just like, so fun to like, notice everything that's like, oh, obviously, like, that's not a real severed head that's talking. But like, it's just so clever. Like how they find ways to shoot it to be able to depict that. Um, so like, you know, more low budget horror might not be as effective but like, I just love it as a movie. And I think that people I watched it with were just wrong. The movie was awesome.

I haven't. This is kind of going back to least favorite parts of the genre. I do not like anything that's paid off. I hate horror movies. I do not like horror movies or just movies in general for that matter. That go in knowing it's a bad movie. Yeah, because like kind of as the adage goes, the only true campus unintentional camp, you Don't

Sean Ferris
try to be can't, like be a labor of love given to that movie for it to have any kind of like, pull. Yeah, because if it's meant to be bad, like, it's just another Sharknado movie like

we're not doing Sharknado three. Yeah, like, it's like, it

has to, if it's bad, and you watch it, and you can tell how much they put into it, then it's good. Like,

I'm like the room like, I mean, Neil Breen film, you know that they go into that, and they're like, I'm going to make a masterpiece. And then that comes out of it. And I love that.

I don't think I've ever actually seen the room. There is always I've only seen the disaster artists. Which, as one of my favorite actors, Josh Hutchinson, oh gonna be in finance later this month.

From trapped in the island with Josh Hutcherson. That's a reference that maybe two people listening to this I

don't know what you're talking to people or

not. And I will not elaborate. I just thought about like a second island in that if you know, you know, and if you don't, you should know. Okay,

I'm sorry for not knowing next question. Next question. This one is which horror character would be your dream role to play? And like this is kind of open to like, villain, main character, just like anything and whatever movie or archetype i

I've got one. I want to be Aaron from your next. She I could not pull it off. This is let me get that out there. Immediately. I could not pull this roll off. But I would desperately want to be here because she is so cool. She is basically the nightmare of any home invader. Because she grew up on a survivalist compound. And like she's the final girl who just brutalizes them in the latter half of the movie girl boss like she she is so cool. I love her so much. She is one of my favorite horror characters ever. So I would die to play a role like that. You want to be Girlboss want to be Girlboss slay I feel like this onslaught start like

learning those survivalist skills to like become her do it in real life. I mean, you never know.

Sean Ferris
Boy Scouts it helps yes you I will say that mine is a bit of a cliche as most of my answers probably have been. But I would think it would be really funny if I was Patrick Bateman because I know you don't know what I look like but I kind of just look like a white guy.

I'm very can confirm Yeah.

Sean Ferris
And I beyond me just like loving that movie like not in a you know a white man kind of way but

not in a you are inspired by the way No, not in that kind of way. It's

my inspiration.

I just think just like me for real.

Sean Ferris
Somebody losing their mind and not knowing if something is real or not is such a fun role because what you you basically have no baseline for your character. Yeah. unreliable narrator Exactly. So you like even as an actor, I don't even know if they gave the actor like a like the true story. Like is this what actually happened? So like, it is just what is going on in his head? And I feel like maybe I live that every day if we all are chill, but it's

a little bit of Patrick Bateman and all of us Absolutely.

Sean Ferris
It would also just be nice to be forced to get that jacked for a role Oh

yeah. No like getting that motivation you I mean it probably really hard to keep on though is like when your job is to just work out

because time like the entire premise of the Patrick Bateman character is that he is ridiculous. He is ridiculous. And like no real person could do. ATM. I do actually have a secondary character that I just remembered. Kind of on the topic of not knowing if things are real. I would actually like to personally thank her dearest hostess Natalia for introducing me to this movie. Lily from Black Swan.


she is so cool.

I didn't even think about Black Swan when I was brainstorming this.

You can steal my answer.

I'm not gonna steal your answer. I don't think I could pull off like I don't remember what Natalie Portman's character's name and that is she's not Lilly Lilly is me. Also Ukrainian rap love her.

Sean Ferris
Also star of hit movie American side Good

to know. That movie is just so bad. It's just bad with

them with Lily. Really, everything that I love about her was embodied in the scene after, let's say, a steamy night home in between two characters. That didn't actually happen. When confronted about it, Lily's first and only reaction was, was I good?

Same thing, love her. I also came up with two answers for this. My first one is, I really want to be one of the zombies in The Last of Us. Oh, that's a good one. Like their makeup effects and like the way they move. I want to do that

Sean Ferris
the acting would be fun. But with the prosthetics would really bother me.

I just I want to wear I want to look standing around. I don't know if they have like eyeball if they can actually see themselves. But like, I would love to just like see myself like that. I'm like, looking in the mirror. And I'm like, Whoa, I look cool. I feel like infected. I feel like that

was something that you would have to do in one take. Because God forbid you have to do that makeup toys.

I would I think I would love I

would hate because, like, sometimes you hear specifically in horror movies, because prosthetics are just such a big deal and just how long it takes. Yeah, get into makeup every day. I would hate it. Because you just have to sit there. Yeah,

I could like put on some like, some TV shows.

Movie. Do you think you'd be mad at me if I just slept? No.

I'm sure people do it all the time. Probably.

Sean Ferris
practical effects are always worth it. I'm just gonna say that they are. And

that's why I appreciate the last of us so much for having all of them be. Absolutely and like does like the physical movement of them. It's so cool. It's

Sean Ferris
like actually restricted to what a person like an infected person would do. Like,

I want to do that so bad. My like, if I could play a character role. Um, I don't know. I feel like I could pull off needy from Jennifer's Body. Like I feel like if I was gonna be like a star and girl that's who I would want to be. I

feel like I could honestly see you as either needy or Jennifer. Oh, thank you.

Oh my god. I'm gonna play both of

Liv and Maddie. Like Liv and Maddie does like Liv and Maddie. Yeah,

it'd be so funny.

What is you in like a very god awful blonde wig? Like party study.

I have one of those.

It's not blonde. It's yellow. So the next question, the next question, take us away.

Our next question is who's your favorite horror icon?

Sean Ferris
I write which one?

Rocky. Okay. Yeah. And Bullwinkle. Pocket.


WreckIt Ralph.

Sean Ferris
The big aliens from WreckIt Ralph. I am going to have to be another basic be again. Jack torts from The Shining. I wouldn't say it is but like he, Jack Nicholson's acting in that movie is so ridiculous. And I love it. Not ridiculous in like a bad way. But like, he's just so exaggerated. And you're like, This dude is crazy. And, like, hit like, I mean, just that movie alone is obviously I've said to be at the top of this podcast, favorite horror movie. And honestly, I'd go back and say I'd play Jack Nicholson's character because I, if I, if he could just teach me how to make half those faces. I'd be happy. Honestly.

I mean, I don't know if that was the origin of but the Kubrick stare? Like, that's just such an iconic part of that film. Yeah. When

Sean Ferris
he gets slid like a whiskey and he's just like, looking at you. Like,

y'all couldn't see that but I just did my best attempt at the face. Which again,

Sean Ferris
no, oh, you do for the mic?

Because I didn't see it sucks. Ah. Who's your favorite or icon Mason?

Oh, that's a lovely question. Um, unfortunately, it's not named. So I can't say that character from a follows. But um, the st demon?

Not actually no, it really would say amen.

In terms of sheer icon likeness of design. Billy the puppet.

Amazing choice truly. He's so cute.

He's, he really toes the line of like, I could kind of see that being cute. But also what? He does put people in

traps. I

don't think Billy the puppet No,

but like he is he is John Kramer's persona. He's like, this is me. This is my little guy. I'm gonna He's, he's gonna be my voice.

Believe the puppet, at least within the lore of song was originally made for John Kramer's unborn son. Which Why would you give that to a child?

My favorite horror icon is probably some aura from the ring. She just like embodies because as a kid, I used to be so afraid of strange little girls with long hair covering their faces, including the grudge, but like, I just feel like Samarra like so well encapsulates that. And my runner up pick is Sam from trigger treat wounds. Because I really like how like spirit Halloween has like, adopted him. Like they love that little guy. And he's everywhere now. I'm just so happy for him the

lollipop cycle I have to say is I love it so slow. It's like, literally,

he just wants everyone to love Halloween. And if you don't,

we are, we are considering doing an episode where we compare the original and remake American remake of the ring franchise, where I will get very heated, because I like Rinku more than I like ring.

I like the ring so much. I just love like the like the Pacific Northwest vibe to it.

I like the the 90s Japan vibe. Okay.

That's really just like a battle of the vibes watched either. So I will be we're gonna be like, we're gonna, like have presentations set out. It's like, here's why even though I versions better, the audience

Sean Ferris
can also you know, just for me just for your shot. I appreciate that. Recording. No, just, it's just Sunil.

Um, so we have one more question to wrap this up. It's what horror movie do you want to make everyone watch?

You all at home cannot see this. But I'm holding up my notepad and tapping where I wrote down it follows. Because again, I feel like that is just such a great encapsulation of the quote, our our motto at the school thing can do attitude that can go into horror, how you can make something from nothing. With just like a green screen and a dream. You can make something absolutely perfect in my opinion. So if you want to get into horror, I would suggest it follows. One it's not extremely scary. Like it's not jumpscare scary. But it is extremely tense.

And like I would say it is scary. Yeah, like having something constantly following you and not sure how or when it will manifest into your life.

It is another one of those things where it will kind of like we mentioned at the beginning of the podcast, it will have you thinking long after and very paranoid about anybody walking in a straight line.

Sean Ferris
Alright, Natalia, what is your recommendation for everybody?

Um, and I hope I can get you guys to watch this one. I want to make everyone watched Mandy.

I'm a big Nicolas Cage fan. So

is in fact, a Nicolas Cage movie, but he is so good at it. And the good

actor when he wants to be he just doesn't want to be very often.

I think also just like

Sean Ferris
he also just has like one really good character. And when you can use it you say that one really good character is Nicolas Cage when he is himself wooed away

in the hit video game Dead by Daylight. Nicolas Cage is a character and he plays essentially a caricature of Nicolas Cage. I would say probably one of my favorite roles of his in this

movie. He's a recovering alcoholic whose wife is taken from him. Tragically

Sean Ferris
is it oh taken like her life is taken. Yes. Like he's getting her back.

She's getting revenge. Oh, it's awesome. And like that movie has like the it's it's very visually striking like lots of like, pinks and purples even though it gets tight takes place mostly at night. And off the walls bonkers violence.

That is what Nicolas Cage does best. He goes full throw Oh, it's so good. Mandy is a perfect movie to kind of actually show that off in a good light.

He's amazing in it when he can scream.

Sean Ferris
It's great screams a lot. I guess that leaves me, unfortunately. I have two recommendations, because I couldn't settle on one

more the merrier.

Sean Ferris
I know, my first recommendation to you all would be the classic Night of the Living Dead. Just because it's a good foundational kind of good foundational movie to watch. That's kind of like the it is one of the only super old horror movies that actually kind of holds up. You know, it attacks a lot of good themes. I mean, in the end, it's very tragic. But it like definitely has a strong commentary on like, race relations and sexism. And it's it's very weird to have that in a movie from like the 60s. Yeah, it

was like one of the progenitors of the horror genre as we know it today. Yeah,

Sean Ferris
so I can't recommend that enough. And I think the movie that I'm going to make these two watch that I always recommend to people and I have another best hit rate, but that's almost why I tell people to watch it. It is the Blair Witch Project. i It is such a hit or miss movie for people. Not that it is inherently good or bad. It is just such a stressful movie, that if you watch it for too long, or too many times, you're just like, When will this end?

We have some very special and perhaps very impractical plans if we do if we're what's episode.

So I've never seen the Blair Witch Project, but I've seen the Scooby Doo version of it. I have Scooby Doo. This is a new version that like Cartoon Network put out

I can also quote a scene from that from memory.

Which one

is it my fault that you wore high heels on a hiking trip? At least I tried to look feminine. And then Velma just stands there gagged. I wouldn't

Sean Ferris
be part of that movie that I know about.

Please watch our future episodes for more accurate impressions. That's so good.

Well, I mean, I think that was like, I think that was a pretty effective introduction to all. Yeah, hope.

Sean Ferris
I hope people I hope people made it through. I know that was a thriller. I would sit down near a horror movie to listen to. But if you lasted this long, we really hope you tune into us next time. We have a very special movie for you. We

can we can probably say what it is

Sean Ferris
right and Yeah, cuz

you're really gonna go record it now.

Sean Ferris
If they've listened to it. Listen this far. You guys deserve it. You gotta treat who'd

like to say we will be watching. Drumroll please. We will be watching the Babadook. Yeah, movie that none of us had seen going into it. But I think we all have some very strong opinions have many thoughts. Absolutely. Yeah. Well, thank you all so very much for listening. I hope to see you again next time. On

the next episode of cinemacabre.

Bye bye

Transcribed by