The Jonathan Kogan Show

In this ā intriguing videoā , we delve into the captivating and polarizing topic surrounding NYC's pizza ovens and their connection to climate change. Join us as we unravel the 'Give Me Pizza or Give Me Death' controversy that has taken the city by storm!

As concerns about the environment continue to grow, the government has set its sights on pizza ovens, citing their potential impact on climate change. This thought-provoking debate has stirred passionate discussions across the city, with pizza enthusiasts, environmentalists, and policymakers clashing over the future of this beloved culinary tradition.

We'll take you on a journey through the heart of the controversy, examining the scientific evidence behind the claims and counterarguments. Discover the viewpoints of various stakeholders, including pizzeria owners, climate activists, and concerned citizens, as they weigh in on the fate of pizza ovens in the face of climate crisis.

With our comprehensive coverage, you'll gain insights into the potential consequences and alternatives being proposed to mitigate the environmental impact. We'll explore sustainable practices, innovative oven technologies, and other solutions that aim to strike a balance between preserving our planet and savoring a slice of authentic NYC pizza.

Join the conversationā  on this hot-button issue and share your own thoughts in the comments section below. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos.
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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
We live we're live. What's up everybody. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host Johnny K It's so good to be back with you man woman, whatever you are. I don't care. We're on the same team man It's been a while. I'm sorry had some personal things. No big deal. Everyone's healthy. Everyone's good Let's just get right into it. Okay, but before we start, please subscribe to The Jonathan Kogan Show wherever you get your podcast Thank you for all these new countries. I'm seeing I'm seeing Kenya I'm seeing all these other places. That's the only one that's coming to mind. I appreciate all of you. I don't care where you are in the world. This is a team human podcast, very few team human podcasts where we transcend the narrative and we show that every single person in every single part of the earth is on the same team with the same rights, the same opportunities and should get a fair shot of everything. I don't care. Like. who you have sex with. I don't care like what you identify as. Are you a human being that contributes to society, adds value, kindness, positive energy, and just a good person? If that's you, we're here, baby. Let's work on this mission together. Enough with the divisiveness, enough with falling for the divide and conquer strategy of the elites. Enough, enough is enough. Break through the matrix. They want you hating each other. You need to let it go. You love one another. Okay. Go talk to people in the real world. 99.99% of them are super nice. Want to help you? I mean, come on, come on. All right. Topic today is pizza. And no, not pizza. Like the FBI list that came out that shares vocabulary of what pedophiles use. They use like secret words and pizza is a big one. They are, they reference kids as pizza, cheese pizza, but that's not what we're talking about. We are talking about real pizza today. Okay. In New York city, NYC, they are going after the coal ovens. Okay. The coal ovens that make New York style pizza. Like that is a trademark of New York city. They're coming after it because of climate change for air quality. Okay. Can we just cut to the chase real quick? I got a video to play of what I'm talking about, but I got a few videos actually. But I got a better idea. They're coming after the food. They need to control. There's not the ovens in pizza parlors or pizza restaurants in New York City is not the primary thing you should be going after. If you're talking about air quality. All right. Like there's not what about Bill Gates' private jet? Maybe that's worse. Maybe that's a little bit more of a carbon footprint. No, no, never, never. They want to take away your food. So I got a better idea. Why don't we just put you and your family in FEMA camps, take away all the food, shut down the farm, shut down everything. Take a vax once a month that cures your hunger and gives you all your vitamins from Moderna, Pfizer, whichever one you prefer, maybe even Johnson and Johnson. And you take it on the first of every month. You need no nutrients. It covers everything. And it also protects you against malaria, which we'll get into it a little bit. How's that? Is that better? That's what it seems. to be the agenda here, okay? So they are coming after pizza in New York City, which is outrageous. It's outrageous, okay? What do you think? Do you have a brain cell left? Do you think it's outrageous? Okay, maybe I'm alone on this, but I don't think I am. So go after bigger things. Go after like massive, like oil multinational corporations that are like drilling and just destroying the earth and- Like, I don't know, probably big farmers factories probably pollute the earth a lot. Why not go after them? You can't go after them because they have their tentacles in everything. Everything. Okay. So they come after the middle-class, the lower middle-class. They come after the pizza shop owner who's trying to make a living, trying to make pizza for people, pizza. pizza. We're talking about pizza. OK, it reminds me that Alan Iverson. Well, we're talking about practice. I'm talking about practice. Yeah, we're talking about pizza. We talk about pizza. Yeah, it's insane. Trust me, I know. So this is this video went viral. This is how it all started. And this guy, Scott Labato, shared this video June 26, 2023, the New York Pizza Party at City Hall NYC. And he films this and he tapes himself. And this is how this all started. And this is real. This is absolutely real. It's unbelievable that they're coming up to pizzas. I'll share the sources after just take a listen to this. Wait, hold on one sec, one sec. For some reason I make a full screen, it's all messed up. But let's continue. And now, so he's on the street in front of City Hall, he's got a box of pizza, he's taking out slices and he's throwing it over the gate. Just launching it. Just slices of pie, baby. Thanks for watching! It looks good. Another, he's got four pizzas. He's throwing it over. And now the cops are here. the cops get him. But he said he didn't get in too much trouble. But I have to say on this podcast, we defend free speech. We defend the everyday peasant, you and I. And this is by far the most important thing. You give us pizza or you give us death. Okay. If we don't have pizza, we have death. Okay. There's nothing, namely one thing that's more important than pizza. Your family, your kids, your job. None of it. Give us pizza or give us death. So this has gotten the attention of so many people. OK. And rightfully so. All right. We cover everything on this podcast way ahead of time. OK, way ahead of time. We break things six to roughly, you know, eight, nine months ahead of, you know, when it comes out in the news, a.k.a. the propaganda networks that you should not pay attention to in written form, video form. None of it. And that's probably why you come to this podcast. But this is so important. And this is real time being reported everywhere because we need to amplify it. We need pizza in New York. This is serious. This is no game. If they're coming after coal ovens for New York pizza parlors, when do you think they're going to put you in a FEMA camp? Step one, go to pizza parlors and shut down their ovens. Step two, put you in a FEMA camp. That's how it always works throughout history. The fourteen hundreds, again, the sixteen hundreds, the eighteen forties. It's how it always happens. Just like Stalin did, he came for the pizza and then he came for the people. Hitler took the pizza and then came for the people. They all lead with the pizza. If we don't see the signs now, we'll never see the signs. So a lot of people chimed in and I'm very grateful they did. And one of them and he's got a big presence online is Dave Portnoy, who is the founder of Barstool Sports. And he gave a comment on this, shared a video which got a lot of attention, which is really good. And here's what he said about it. So I think you can't say it much better than that. Do you disagree? Do you disagree with anything? If we can unite, I've been trying so hard for the past year to find something that everybody can unite on because everybody is falling for the dividing Congress. Like everybody, it blows my mind. Nobody uses the critical thinking skills. Everybody acts on their emotions. Everybody has these extreme biases with political affiliations. And I just realized that I guess I'm lucky that I don't have emotions and I'm a sociopath and that I can just be objective. I'm very fortunate that I don't act on my emotions. I just look for the truth, whatever that may be. I do not care because I don't see politics because it's not real anyways. I just see truth and I identify it. And I never knew my entire life. how many people either twist the truth or just straight out lie or have some sort of moat. Like everybody has a moat. It's unreal. If you just tell the objective truth, it's like it's an anomaly. It's unreal. Hence why you come to the John The Coghan Show. Again, please subscribe, like the podcast, leave a five star review. And that's the last pitch I got for that. So this is real though. I mean, this they're coming for the ovens, which means they're coming for the food. They're doing that in the Netherlands. Go listen to that podcast we covered a long time ago. They're shutting down the farms. They're doing it. This is an intentional plan. How long is this gonna go on? So maybe pizza is the one thing we can unite on together. Please, please. This is from Fox News. NYC threatens pizzerias with coal, wood fire ovens to cut carbon emissions. Really? This is where you start? What a joke. Restaurant owners will be forced to install a filter to the ovens and then hire an engineer to regularly inspect, spend more money. So you know how recently, before I get into this, you know how recently in the US, I think they're doing it in Canada also, the Biden administration, they're saying, you know, we don't want you to pay late fees. You shouldn't have to pay anything. If your airline, if your flight is canceled, the airline should cover everything. We care about you peasants. We care about you, right? We're doing this for you. So now the airlines have to cover everything. They gotta cover your everything. There's no late fees. They gotta cover that. They cover your hotel. They cover transportation. So you shouldn't have to be hassled. The truth is they want the prices raised, okay? Cause they're gonna have to increase prices if they have more expenses. And then they price you out of flying, period. They don't want you to travel. They want you to price you out of everything. They want inflation, which crushes the middle class and lower class, crushes them. And then raise prices out of good virtue. We don't think you should be paying fees. If your flights canceled, boom, flight, flight prices go up. And then what now you can't afford flights. Most of the population can't afford it. Most of the United States, most of Americans, the United States of America today, couldn't get their hands on $1,000. If there was an emergency. Wake up, please. Let me continue. New York City may soon force pizzerias to pay thousands of dollars in renovations to keep their coal and wood fire ovens over environmental concerns with air quality. According to report, yeah, they really care about the air quality. Yeah, they care about the air quality. Right, right. Literally, as we speak, Ryan, it feels like a it's a wildfire from Canada. They do not care about your health. If there's anything we've learned over the last three years, the last thing they care about is your health. The first thing they care about is totalitarian control and just putting you in your place and then silencing you if you're a dissenter like the John at the Coke and shove, but we come back and we come back and we come back. We will never not come back. Well, unless they get me, you know what I mean? Like eight bullet holes to the chest and then they're going to rule out a suicide. That sort of thing is what I'm talking about. Happens all the time with the Clintons. So they say they're going to come after. I just want to read this one quote from the people who supposedly care about your health. Quote, all New Yorkers deserve to breathe healthy air and wood and coal fired stoves are among the largest contributors of harmful pollutants in neighborhoods with poor air quality. DEP spokesman Ted Timbers said, if someone's named Ted Timbers, don't trust them. Quote, this common sense rule developed with restaurant and environmental justice groups requires a professional review of whether installing emission controls is feasible. And then it goes on and asks this pizza store owner, He already spent 20,000 on an emission control air filter in anticipation of the DEP rule. And talking about it's a big expense. Most people can't afford it. Things are not, the business is still not the same prior to the pandemic. Well, it's cause mostly people move to like, I don't know, freer places, Texas, Florida, but then half the country will say those are fascist split. It's just bizarre. I don't know what's going on, but they're coming up to pizza. So I asked you again, and I asked you to ask other people, can we all, no matter how you identify? politically, spiritually, sexually, biology. I do not care. I don't give a shit. All I care about is do you respect pizza? And even more than that, do you respect New York pizza? And can we unite behind this together and protect the pizza ovens? And I still think there are people that are so mind controlled by whatever the mainstream media comes like whatever happens, right? It's it's COVID, COVID. Then Putin invades. Boom. Putin cured COVID. Now we have Putin, Putin. Now we got climate change, climate change, climate change, common language. Then we get pizza ovens, pizza ovens. It's just like a robot. It's unbelievable. Like think people think you're good. Think about how weird it is that you happen to align perfectly with what the mainstream elites want you to align with. If your alignment is perfectly in sync with what mass media just pushes out and you always agree and you never think differently. You need to think for yourself. You need to take a step back and be like, wow, what are the odds that every single thing they push out? I agree with. The odds are like zero. They're literally zero. Okay. That means you are brainwashed and that's okay. Share the John the Coke and show. That's what we're here for. All right. So that's the, that's the main topic today, but we got some really, really important stuff and I want to put this one plug in, which is The Jonathan Cogan show is evolving. So yes, we're going to continue to do these podcasts because you love the podcast. A lot of people love the podcast and people need the truth, but we're going to do something else. We are going to start streaming for hours a day. We are going to stream daily, not daily, but hopefully eventually daily, but it will be. And we're going to have real time Jonathan Cogan show on top of the podcast for hours. Come join the live stream, whether you're on Twitch, if you're on YouTube, if you're on Rumble, we are going to live stream and talk about the truth and wake the masses up. Apparently we need to dedicate more time to waking people up. Apparently, because people are still asleep at the wheel, which is bizarre. So I talked about the malaria earlier. Let's talk about malaria. So I can't believe this is real. I can't believe, if you're listening to this, I'm pulling something up on the screen. This is something I tweeted out at KOGZ. I wrote how it started, how it's going. So I took a picture of this article from May 5th, 2021. Bill Gates funded firm released 150,000 genetically modified mosquitoes in the wild. A biotech firm funded by Bill Gates has released 150,000 genetically modified mosquitoes in the U.S. to curb mosquito breeding and gain control of the spreading of diseases like dengue and malaria. Now I found a more recent article actually this morning that it's... Wait, it's like, wait, what was it? It was like 400 million mosquitoes or something. It was like some ridiculous amount. I swear it was like 400 million. I gotta get, I gotta actually check that. It was a much higher number than 150,000. It was insane. Now the next article, that's how it started. Now how it's going. Ready for this? This is yesterday or today even, yesterday. CNN Health, malaria cases in Florida, Texas are first US spread in 20 years. CDC warns. June 27th. 2023. Okay. So let me get this straight. You have a guy who invests heavily in mRNA vaccines. And then all of a sudden we have a pandemic where you need mRNA vaccines and they're mandated by the government. Then you have a guy who's saying he's curing malaria that even though we don't have it. Okay. And he's going to create mosquitoes that are genetically modified and released in Florida and all over the place. And then all of a sudden Couple years later, malaria is in the country. And not only that, they're in the final phases of a malaria vaccine. Let me get that straight. And if you question it and say, this looks suspicious, you're a conspiracy theorist and need to be deplatformed. Is that about right? Now, if you listen to that and you think that is normal, I think you're missing a brain cell or maybe a million brain cells. That is not normal. This is bizarre beyond belief. And people like... How people aren't outraged about this. Maybe, maybe. And if you say, oh, perhaps the mosquitoes that were preventing malaria, maybe caused it. No, can't be, can't be. Just like the third side effect of the inoculation, you know, of the virus from the past three years, the third side effect from Pfizer is COVID. That's the third side effect. Maybe perhaps. The side effect of the malaria preventing genetically modified mosquitoes is malaria. I mean, this is just insane. Let me get the exact. There's actually, you know, I wasn't going to share this, but this is actually a much better, better thread on this. And luckily it's getting attention. But if you question this, you're the nutcase. Like, this is just crazy. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Just losing my mind. All right, let's see if we can pull it up here. Unbelievable. So we do, we adjust things in real time. Oh.

Jonathan Kogan:
All right, so this thread is just stunning. Absolutely stunning. All right, here we go. This is from on Twitter from Texas Lindsey. Um, I mean, this is crazy. This is unbelievable. Let's read her whole thread on this. I wasn't going to do this, but her thread basically kind of answers all of it. So this is great. Oh, it looks like she'd lead the first tweet. I don't know what happened. Very weird, but let's just get into it. So it's a Twitter thread, Texas Lindsey. She said roughly 20 plus years ago, JFK Jr, son of the late president, founded a political lifestyle magazine called George. John F. Kennedy Jr. interviewed a number of celebrities, politicians, and culturally significant figures, one being Bill Gates. JFK Jr.'s interview with Gates was published with a rather sensational, yet seemingly accurate headline. Bill Gates talks to John Kennedy about Murdoch, money, and world domination, published February 1997. At the time of the interview, Bill Gates was 41 years old and in 1997 was already holding the title of the richest man in the world. So when JFK junior asked him about his goals, aspirations and politics, his answer back then is more relevant than ever today in the 1997 article, 41 year old Bill Gates said, I fund population control. There's pictures supporting all this fast forward to approximately 20 years later. And Bill Gates wrote an op-ed for the W of Wall Street journal in 2019, which we've covered on this podcast. And he states that the. The best investment he ever made was vaccines. Two decades ago, Bill Gates told JFK Jr. He funds population control. Two decades later, he and Melinda put 10 billion into organizations for vaccines and global funds. It's apparent from his endless sea of interviews where he puts his money that Bill Gates is obsessed with two things more than anything. Vaccines, we know that. And number two is mosquitoes. Obsessed with mosquitoes. OK, so when the news broke today that malaria had been detected in both Texas and Florida. And those that contracted hadn't traveled outside the U S it's worth noting what Bill Gates funded in these two states in recent years. And here it is from CNN health on August 20, 2020. I told you it was a huge number. Ready? This is the title. 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes approved for release in the Florida keys. And it also, the article also notes that Houston, Texas was also approved. Now here's the punch line. The article says Houston, Texas was also proved to have Oxitec release their genetically modified mosquitoes in 2021 as well. Unsurprisingly, Oxitec, the company altering mosquito DNA is funded by Bill Gates. And during the last few years, they've since released billions of genetically modified mosquitoes into both Texas and Florida. Wow, what a coincidence. Also worth noting that Oxitec is a proud partner of the World Economic Forum in addition to being funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So. Let's continue to skip that. Here we go. The new soon to be quote safe and effective BioNTech vaccine began clinical trials in December of 2022. It will without a doubt get FDA approval. BioNTech is funded in part by the Bill O'Minney Gates Foundation, I believe he made 500 million off that. And this is from Reuters. BioNTech starts human trial to test malaria vaccine. Lastly, just three weeks ago, the Gates Foundation dropped this podcast. Ready? This was on June 7th, 2023. Here's the quote of the podcast. Make me care about malaria. Timing could not be more perfect since news of the first local malaria outbreak in over 20 years in the U.S. just broke today. June 5th, 2023, Novavax announced plan to share vaccine tech with the Bill and Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute. Biotech spun from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation five years ago to develop shots for quote, major health threats like malaria. I mean, come on, come on. What are we, what are we, what are we talking about here? We got a dude releasing hundreds of millions if not billions of mosquitoes that are genetically modified in two states that now have the very disease that those supposedly were supposed to prevent all of a sudden now we got. over a billion mosquitoes flying around that we don't know what the hell they're going to do or like, I mean, it's over now. I don't know how you get all those mosquitoes out of the wild. Now, what are they just inject malaria in everybody? And it's in the two places where they were released in the United States. And in those two places, in every case, those people did not leave the United States of America. And that if you, and then in the same breath, the person who released these mosquitoes. has a vaccine for the disease that the mosquitoes are supposed to prevent, but apparently given people, which will be released soon. Oh my God. I feel like I'm losing my brain. This is unbelievable. What are people really just zoning through life? Like everything's important. We have a maniacal maniac that is releasing viruses right and left, gain a function, boom, vaccine. It goes disease vaccine, disease vaccine. I mean, what a great business model. I got to respect that. I absolutely respect that. Cause the problem and have the cure cause the problem, have the cure, do it over and over again until people like wake up, which apparently they won't do. So can't fault them for that. Now, if people can open their eyes and be like, there is no way. And if you question this whole series of events that I just went over, if you question it, You're a conspiracy theorist, you're the whack job, not the person releasing a billion genetically modified mosquitoes that are giving the disease it's supposed to prevent and then also having the vaccine planned for the following year. That's not psychotic or conspiracy theorists or insane or sociopathic. No, no, no. The person who questions and raise awareness and creates Twitter threads and creates podcasts on this stuff, that's the nutcase. OK. Well. If we're on that topic of nutcase and who's the whack job, the elites are laughing in your face. Why do I say that? Because let's continue to another whack job and best friend of Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dr. Anthony Fauci is June 26th, 2023 on Dr. Anthony Fauci to join Georgetown faculty as distinguished university professor after dedicating 54 years of his life to public service. Dr. Anthony Fauci has chosen Georgetown University to play a major role in the next phase of his career. I'm not even gonna, oh, it says, quote, "'We are deeply honored to welcome Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, "'a dedicated public servant, humanitarian, "'and visionary global health leader to Georgetown,' "'says Georgetown's President John J. DeGoya. "'Dr. Fauci has embodied the Jesuit value "'of being in service to others throughout his career, "'and we are grateful to have his expertise, "'strong leadership, and commitment "'to guiding the next generation of leaders to meet the pressing issues of our time. Okay. So let me get this straight. This guy becomes the head of the NIAID, like the head of science, the science trademark in the United States of America, right? And throughout his tenure of like many, many years, you know, 30 plus years, the children born since he has taken office are the most unhealthy. 54% of them have either have some sort of allergy, some sort of autoimmune disease, autism, obesity, the most unhealthy children in the richest country ever, in the richest place that has ever been around ever in all of life, the most unhealthy children are born and the citizens of the country are morbidly obese and unhealthy and it's like the most unhealthy population ever has been. Then add onto that. There were two crises he dealt with, which is the HIV AIDS and then COVID. And in both scenarios, he did the opposite, the inverse, the 100% inverse. Of what is supposed to be done. If you're trying to protect people's lives and save them, you did the exact opposite. You did what kills them. Put them on ventilators, run deservers, stuff we knew would kill people and lock people down, which has now created like one in four adolescent girls. tried to commit suicide since like 2020. People are depressed, anxiety, we got shootings, we got SSRIs up the ass. It's unbelievable. And this guy has a choice of what college to go to, to be a distinguished professor, and they're honored to have him for his public service of killing people. So not only is he becoming an distinguished professor, but he's not even being prosecuted. I mean, this is insane. You have someone who told you the inverse of what to do over the past three, the inverse. Okay, it's hard to get a hundred, it's hard to get things a hundred percent right. It's equally as hard to get things a hundred percent wrong. He got things a hundred percent wrong, which means it's intentional. All right? And he's being rewarded and no one's being held accountable. And at the same time, we got the WHO creating a pandemic treaty that's gonna give them more power after they got everything wrong and no one's being held accountable. And everyone's just, that's fine, no big deal. So if another pandemic happens, which they're cooking up, they've already run simulations, we've covered it. No one's being held responsible. What do you think is going to happen the next time? They're gonna lock down harder. They're gonna do things stronger. Why wouldn't they? I mean, this is just unbelievable. I don't even know how to comment on a story like this. I feel like I am just like in the Twilight Zone. I don't even know what to say because it sounds so psychotic and so crazy saying this right now. I feel like I'm just in outer space. I don't even know where I am. I can't believe this is the world we live in. And in my case, in the United States, the country we live in, we are rewarding someone who has done. the inverse of what's best for people's health, to be a distinguished professor for health. I mean, oh my God, talk about societal reckoning that we need. This is crazy. This is peak clown world insanity. I don't even know what else to say. That's all I got for that story. I really have nothing else to say. I just, I'm losing my mind. I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. It's just insane. And just to prove, just to prove you can't trust anybody, how, get this, this is also happening. This is so crazy. Ready for this? First from Harvard behavioral scientists faces research fraud allegations. Okay, fine. What was the research on? Allegedly falsified data found in already retracted paper about dishonesty. The person was doing a study on honesty and dishonesty or was doing a study on dishonesty and manipulated the data was dishonest on the dishonesty study. Oh my God. I, what, what is going on? People, people, somebody help me. Somebody tweeted me at KOGZ and like pinch me digitally. to make sure I'm not losing it. This is real. A person at Harvard did a study on dishonesty and manipulated that data. The most dishonest thing you could do on a study of dishonesty. First the pizza, then the mosquitoes, now dishonesty. I mean, come on. I honestly have no idea what else to say about that either. I'm just losing it. We're gonna end on a good note, but before we get to that last note here. What we have in this country and in the world is a crisis of courage. If more people were just courageous and spoke out, like 99.999% of you agree with what I'm saying because it's just common sense and normal. It's just like, it's just saying. And if we all talked in a little circle, a little powwow circle, we would all agree. We'd have differences in how to do things and whatnot. But like for the most, we would agree, oh, you know, it's letting out a billion mosquitoes, giving people malaria. is probably a bad idea. And then the person who releases that, having the cure, probably suspicious. We should look into that. We would all agree. It's pretty normal, okay? We should let pizza shop owners have coal ovens if they have coal ovens. That's not that crazy. Not that wild. We all agree. Well, since we have a crisis of courage, people are finally starting to become courageous. They're seeing people, they're seeing shows like the Jonathan Koch show and others. I'm seeing people pop up. Okay. Even people like Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist, he's, he's having, you know, open discussions about, you know, transgender athletes and not, you know, just, just learning about, just talking about it, bringing aware, all this stuff. Just people are talking about difficult subjects that people have been silenced for the past few years, and I'm seeing people pop up everywhere. And one of those people is Ice Cube. Ice Cube, the rapper and actor, all right? He posted this video. And this is a good example of what more people need to do. This is a fantastic video that represents what I'm hoping more people will do. The reason I do the Jonathan Cogan Show is to inspire you to either share it, clip it, share a video somewhere else, get, start your own podcast, do your own video sharing. I don't know, telling someone else who would be great to create videos and stuff, for them to share, for you to talk to people in real life. I mean, that's the purpose. It's not just to listen to this and then move on. It's to like spread the word. It's to bring society back to sanity and bring the people together and protect the pizza. That's not too much to ask. Okay. So ice cube created this or made this video and I want you to listen to it. And I think a lot of people need to listen to this and realize that. Listen, a lot of people can do this. We're not alone. This is, um, it's three minute, four minute clip, but, but take a listen. I might not play all of it, but this is very important. Here we go. 13, almost 13 and a half million views. sure it loads. or let's continue, I mean. That is an awesome video. Awesome video. That gives me so hyped. We need bigger names and people coming out and talking, speaking truth against whatever you want to call it. We call them elites. He calls them gatekeepers. It's the same club and you ain't in it. And I ain't in it. And we don't want to be in it. That's what's crazy. We don't want to be in it. And that pisses them off. And that's why this podcast is going to the moon. That's why truth is going mainstream. That's why people are opting out of the matrix and building their own communities, making themselves excellent, individual excellence, making their mind right, the body right, their spirit right, and everybody is making a change. It's a special time right now. It's an ultimate time to be alive. This is one of the most, you know, there was just a video actually, I mean, just listen to the elites messages. They know this pivotal crossroads that we're at in history. The World Economic Forum created a new meeting or whatever, conference, and it was in China, in Beijing, and the foreign minister or whatever just gave a speech. It came out yesterday, literally. And the Chinese, the guy who's number two at the CCP was like, we're at a historical crossroads for humanity. And this is the... So what you're feeling, what you're seeing is chaos. There is massive shifts happening in culture, in society. It's not a figment of your imagination. This isn't normal. This is an inflection point for humanity. And you're alive right now. You got AI coming out, right? You got governments trying to clamp down on free speech. You got people really, you know, elites trying to, you know, force medical procedures on you, letting out viruses from everywhere and then suppressing the facts. It's crazy. None of this is normal, but that's okay. Because you're alive right now and you can contribute to either, this is the crossroads. We go down and become a neo feudal system where you are a nothing peasant forever and your kids will be nothing. Or you start talking, you start sharing, you start getting the word out about what's going on and we go the opposite way and we become more free than ever. The fourth stage of human civilization, the information age, where we become more free, more sovereign as individuals than we ever have been. That's up to you. You need to share this info. And I'm not just saying that to promote the pod. Sure. I love it. And I do want you to promote and share the pod, but it's literally a fight for humanity. That's how massive this is. This is it. And I'm not crazy. I mean, literally the stuff that is just happening is crazy. Me talking about is not crazy. It's actually normal. Okay. It's a historic crossroads, special time to be alive and um, The last thing I will end on before we say goodbye, because I want to end on something good and juicy and very, very interesting to say the least. Get this, ready for this? News, astronomers have discovered the largest black hole ever. And it's over 30 billion with a B times the size of our sun reaching the upper limit of how large a black hole can theoretically become. So they just found a black hole that is 30 billion times the size of the sun. Holy shit. I can't even I don't even know. I can't even think I can't even picture how big that is 30 the sun's gigantic. This is 30 billion times the size of the sun. I try and picture that try and picture what that means ready think of the Sun and how a huge it probably looks right and then something that's 30 billion times larger. Can you picture that I can't that is so big. I think that's cool. And I think you should know about it because you need to know what's happening in all areas of life. You need to know the most important news, the most important information, the most important facts, unbiased, unfiltered, pure truth, no propaganda, no biases, no political affiliation, just truth in a fun, sincere, genuine way. And that's what the Jonathan Cogan show is here for. That's why I asked you to subscribe. That's why I asked you to give it a five stars wherever you listen. That's why I asked for a review. That's why I asked for you to share because we're in this together. And it's one love baby. This is a one love world. We are all one. Let's come together now before it's too late. That's all I ask, man. That's all I ask. So what are you going to do about it? I'll leave that up to you, but until tomorrow, peace out from John the Cogan show, I'm your host, Johnny K. And I'll see you later. Bye.