The Meat Mafia Podcast

In this episode of our Mafia Moments series, we are going back to our original episode with Dr. Ken Berry from episode 22. In this episode we discussed Dr. Berry's nutritional philosophy and dove into the science behind what the proper human diet should look like. As you'll hear in this clip, Ken talks about the nature of our biology and how we're not designed to overeat. Here's a summary:
  • Most mammals, unless exposed to processed human food, naturally regulate their hunger and eating based on hormonal signals. They eat when hungry and stop when full.
  • Big food corporations employ tactics to break human physiology and override natural hunger/satiety signals, leading to overeating and obesity. Humans are the only mammals that routinely overeat.
  • Eating a proper human diet of whole, unprocessed foods allows the body's natural regulatory systems to function normally again after a transition period. Hunger and satiety signals will normalize.
  • Ken recommends a low-carb whole foods diet with under 100g of carbs per day as a good starting point. The optimal level of carb restriction varies by individual.
  • Self-experimentation is encouraged to find the optimal diet. Eating more whole foods and fewer processed carbs will lead to improved health for most.
  • After adapting to a clean diet, occasional junk food indulgences will lead to noticeable negative effects, discouraging frequent "cheats."
  • The deliciousness of unhealthy foods is not worth the long-term health consequences, similar to how the euphoria of drugs like crack is not worth the outcome of addiction.

Creators & Guests

Brett Ender 🥩⚡️
The food system is corrupt and trying to poison us... I will teach you how to fight back. Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod 🥩
Harry Gray 🥩⚡️
Leading the Red Meat Renaissance 🥩 ⚡️| Co-Host of @themeatmafiapod

What is The Meat Mafia Podcast?

The Meat Mafia Podcast is hosted by @MeatMafiaBrett and @MeatMafiaHarry with the mission of addressing fundamental problems in our food and healthcare system. Our concerns with our healthcare system can be drawn back to issues in our food system as far back as soil health. Our principles are simple: eat real foods, buy locally, and cook your own meals.

When you listen to our podcast, you will hear stories and conversations from people working on the fringes of the food and healthcare system to address the major crises overshadowing modern society: how do we become healthy again?