Modeling Success

Embark on a transformative journey into the realms of self-awareness, authenticity, and the art of reading the room, all intricately woven into the fabric of selfless success. Self-awareness is the key, transcending mere introspection to a profound understanding of one's core, encompassing strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and motivations. Authenticity, magnetic and compelling, stems from embracing and expressing one's true self genuinely. Learn to navigate diverse environments, from the serene to the vibrant, by syncing with the setting and reading the room's energy. Practical steps include reflection, embracing vulnerability, staying curious, and practicing active listening. Authenticity becomes a superpower, fostering empathy and connection. Add value selflessly, leading with honesty to uplift and empower. In the journey toward success, reading the room and practicing modesty are essential. Success, a collective experience, thrives on the authenticity and selflessness we bring into each moment. Join us on this profound exploration, where success is not a solo venture but a shared, enriched experience.

What is Modeling Success?

Modeling Success is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. Putting everything out on the table, addressing current situations and hot unspoken topics that are happening in the industry that need to change. We will address topics such as the models and brand's point of view on industry topics. As well as discussing success in the industry, what it is to be a model and what agencies and brands are looking for when seeking talent. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is "a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate". A model is someone or something one aspires to become, someone who works their butt off and is someone people can look up to. This podcast is here to assist Talent in learning pride and true tactics for success in the industry.

I, Rian Donatelli, will use my 25+ years experience within this industry to discuss all these topics and more through conversions and panels with other people in the industry from talent to brand executives to the venues and establishments that we are operating in. We are going to find some hard truths that need to be heard on all fronts.

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Welcome back to modeling success. It is me, your host, Ryan Donatelli. And today, we're going to dive into a concept that might be foreign to some that everyone everyone should practice, and that is read the room. Okay? Read the room is a concept that is extremely overlooked that everyone needs to truly understand, and it is in the depth of self awareness, authenticity, and the art of reading the room to foster this selfless success.

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Okay? People are not self aware, and they should be always. You need to leave your ego at the door, walk into every room as if there is opportunity waiting for you. So go be an investigator and find that. Right?

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Be listening. Be on the hunt for it. It is everywhere, but you've got to understand self awareness first and foremost. And self awareness goes beyond introspection. It's about having this deep, honest understanding with yourself.

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Okay? This is a genuine thing. You acknowledge your strengths, your weaknesses, your emotions, and your motivations. You've got to know who you are and what this is. So dive into yourself.

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Don't worry about what everybody else is doing. Dive into you, 1st and foremost, because core confidence is sexy as you know what. Okay? Confidence starts at your core, and this is a genuine belief and acceptance. Okay?

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The authentic core, that is what we are talking about. At the heart of self awareness lies authenticity. It's genuine. It's not just about understanding oneself, but it's about embracing and expressing that true self genuinely. Okay?

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Authenticity is magnetic. It draws people in. It establishes a profound connection both with oneself and with others. So I am a junkie for this. I love to dive into why I am the way I am, what I am doing, what caused that, you know, what could I have done differently, did I do my best?

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Like, I am in competition essentially with myself. I am not worried about what other people are doing. I am not faced by what other people are doing. I do not research that at either. Okay?

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I have goals for myself, and I wanna be the best version of myself I can be every day because it's a gift. That's why it's called the present. So be genuine. You know, when you mess up, own it. I take full responsibility for that.

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When you mess up, say, oh my gosh. No. I am wrong. Okay. I'm sorry.

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And just move on. Okay? Be authentic and be genuine because this exudes you. Then you need to think about navigating environments and reading the room that you walk into. So whether you are in the serene ambiance of an art gallery or vibrant energy of a nightlife spot, You know, being self aware means syncing with the setting.

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It involves reading the room. Okay. You wanna understand these cultural nuances and align with the energy and the prevailing vibe. You don't want to overshadow the host. You don't want to draw attention to yourself by doing crazy things.

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You don't wanna be louder than everybody else. You just want to be in the room, introducing yourself, meeting new people, and truly listening. Okay? So some practical steps become self aware. If all of this is extremely new to you or you wanna revisit this and practice this, think about these five things.

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Okay? Reflection and mindfulness. Set aside time for self reflection. Observe your thoughts, without judgment. Take a look at you and what you're doing and how you acted versus others.

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K? Number 2, seek feedback. Actively seek honest input from friends, colleagues, and mentors. People that are in a room with you, ask them, and then listen. Don't be an asshole.

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K? Everybody can figure out what that means. Don't ask for people's advice and then not follow it or listen to it or at least be open to it. Okay? You you you have to have a positive mindset, and people are not going to talk for their health.

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So if you ask someone what they think of something, they are going to tell you their honest opinion. You cannot be judgmental towards that person or grudge holding. Okay? So if you do find yourself going in that route, automatic forgiveness to yourself and to that person, and then think about what they're saying and see how they could, you know, understand how they could see that, okay, or how they could feel that way. Alright.

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Number 3, embrace vulnerability. Acknowledge and embrace this vulnerability for self discovery and connection. You know, don't bathe in this. Just shower in it. So okay.

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I can see how that person says that, or I can see why so and so would feel that way. You know? But ask people that are in the room with you in that setting. Don't go ask your mom who only sees you on holidays where there's wine flowing and, you know, just a bunch of, you know, charismatic behavior. Ask business colleagues in a business setting how they view you at the boardroom, how they view you at business meetings, how they view you at happy hours.

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Ask the people who are qualified to give this advice. Okay? Don't ask your boyfriend or your significant other how they feel you act at work when they're never with you. Alright. Take advice from people qualified to give it.

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Alright. Number 4, stay curious. Cultivate this curious mindset. Challenge assumptions and be open to learning. Challenge assumptions with yourself, though.

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Okay? Ask people questions you're asking advice from and then take it within and just do a deep dive. Act like you're a fly on the wall in your own setting, and then practice active listening. Engage of active listening to others and your inner dialogue. Okay?

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I constantly see people talking at people. Let me tell you about me. This is what I'm doing. This is people will talk about themselves endlessly. You will be surprised if you go out and all you do is ask people questions.

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How many people will not ask you questions in return? So be the one out there trying to serve. Lead to serve. Be, you know, inquisitive. Learn about people.

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Learn about the room. Talk to people. All the things that are out there at your disposal is, you know, an opportunity, and it's right in front of you. So just walk into a room, be self aware, be open minded, think about what's going on, think about the setting and the vibe, and then blend in with the vibe. K?

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If people are not drinking, maybe you should have a limit or don't drink at all. Maybe it's not that kind of party. Alright? Definitely don't be the one that gets drunk and obnoxious and steals the show because you were invited to this. Okay?

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So be aware of what's happening, and then be authentic. K. Authenticity is magnetic. We discussed this. It draws people to you.

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It establishes a profound connection both with yourself and with others. So genuine listening becomes a superpower, and it creates a space for empathy and understanding. So introduce your pea yourself to people. Ask people about themselves. Ask people what brought them to the room.

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Find the connection to the host with this individual. Find out why they're passionate about this environment that they're in. Think about your shared, you know, hobbies, interests, etcetera, but do not one up them with their story. Okay? If they say, oh, I'm a big art fan, do not respond with, I'm a big art fan too.

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I have a lot I I have more art than you. Okay? Nobody cares. Nobody cares. So just say, yes.

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I have a passion for art as well. And where did you start your passion for art? And just continuously ask questions versus information about yourself to either, you know, stay relevant or to gain acceptance. Alright? When you are calm and confident at your core, this will automatically come to you.

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You will command a presence in a room that people just like your energy and want to meet you and want to vibe with you. So I promise you. Alright? And then add value selflessly. Like we just said, in your response, deliver your thoughts honestly, free from pretense, be selfless, and always be leading to serve.

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So add value to the environment, you know, lead not to dominate, but to uplift, empower, always be offering a connection to connect somebody with something that they're in need of. Ask, are you looking for something specific at the moment to help your your career, yourself, your whatever it is you're working on, like, you know, foster and culture a collaboration. And, again, lead to serve. So when you read the room modestly and as we navigate different environments, like, remember the art of reading the room. Evaluate your surroundings and add value accordingly.

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Avoid overshadowing and, you know, be the sunlight that enhances, not blinds. Okay? Compliment the host and the environment sincerely. If you lead to serve and are just every room you go in, you are here to connect someone to something they need because you have a contact that can help them. Maybe that's your goal in every room you walk into is to help at least one person.

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But just always be honest and listen. Always have follow through. Never ever, ever say you will do something to help someone and do not follow through. If you have to connect them via email right there and then at that exact moment because your phone is in your pocket, take your phone out and do that. Get their email address, show them the email address, verify that it's them, send the email, and then ask them to check that they received it, and introduce them to the person you just committed to introduce them to.

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That way, you don't even have to worry about it, but have follow through. Okay? The journey towards success, you know, and as we embark on this journey of self awareness, authenticity, reading the room, selfless success. Remember, success is not a solo venture. K?

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It's a collective experience enriched by authenticity, selflessness that we bring into each moment. I'm super passionate about this. I appreciate and love my energy that I can provide to a room. I always do receive. It's my biggest compliment that I receive that people love my energy, and I work on this.

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I work on being self aware. I practice being self aware. I'm always listening and learning. I'm in the world of branding, so I identify consumer behavior. And the only way for me to be epic in what I do is to be able to identify consumers, how they respond, how they act, what they're into, where to find them, where to go.

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This is what makes my business successful, is truly understanding people. But in order to understand people, you've got to be listening. You have to be paying attention and you can't be paying attention when you're talking about yourself. So be listening at all times. Be out there asking questions.

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Be out there leading to serve, help people, connect people, let the universe give you gratitude back with what you need and what you're working on because you're out there constantly paying it forward. So that's a wrap on something that you can clearly tell I'm passionate about, reading the room and being self aware. Thank you for joining on this episode of modeling success. If you loved it as much as I did, then click that rate review subscribe button for me, and I encourage you to embrace your authenticity. Be selfless in your actions.

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Read the room, please. I beg you to read the room, and let the genuine beauty of your soul light the path to your success. Okay? Until next time, keep modeling success, and I will see you on the other side.