Public Sector Executive News

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Daily News from Public Sector Executive

And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 20th August 2024.
The government’s plans to make the UK a clean energy superpower are to be given a major boost today, with collaboration between the Prime Minister and the Welsh First Minister bringing investment. In order to support the ways that homegrown energy can drive the economy, create jobs, boost skills and strengthen energy independence, the two leaders are pledging to cooperate closely to ensure that the benefits of publicly-owned energy can be realised. Part of this will involve building on the work that the Welsh Government has already done in this area.
This drive comes as the government is committing £8.3 billion across this parliament to deliver Great British Energy, allowing the nation to own and invest in clean power projects across the UK.

Residents in the Liverpool City Region are being given a first look at the new vehicle that will be improving their journeys around the region, thanks to the combined authority. This comes as Mayor Steve Rotheram has pledged to deliver new rapid transport links for communities, including connecting Liverpool with John Lennon Airport, and the city’s world-famous sporting arenas.
The new vehicle that will support these transit improvements is an articulated ‘glider’ that is able to carry around 30% more people than the average double-decker bus can and is currently on-loan from Translink in Northern Ireland. Whilst part of a 34-strong fleet, the glider has already reduced car trips in Belfast by 2.5 million, as well as reducing journey times by up to 25%, proving its benefit to communities around the city.
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