Armchair Genealogy

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Creators & Guests

Genealogy Guy UK
Presenter & producer of Armchair Genealogy

What is Armchair Genealogy?

Advice, articles & Podcasts to get you started

Armchair have joined together with Broadcast Media UK to bring you the Armchair Genealogy Podcast!
The aim of the podcast is to share information in a fun and entertaining way.
Explaining how technology can be used as a tool. Making the most from gathering and creating archives, storing them, and sharing them.

Tips on how to enhance, store, back-up and share giving all your digital files added longevity and making them accessible to the next generation of genealogists.
The podcast is aimed at amateur genealogists who are just starting out to those with loads of knowledge to share.
Getting started and creating a family tree can be very confusing and over the years technology has developed at a tremendous rate.
There is no right or wrong way how gather and collate information on your journey, whatever works for you is fine just remember to cite all your sources. The main thing to keep in mind if you wish to share data is what are the best file formats to use that can be accessed by others easily.
So why not join us and share your journey through the Armchair Genealogy Podcast?