JB Presents: Top Tier

Tune in as Jordan Bro invites Tairese Hall back onto Top Tier to talk about snacks. They will debate how people of all ages love fruit snacks and what is an appropriate time of day to eat popcorn.

What is JB Presents: Top Tier?

Starring Jordan "Bro" McCray, better known as JB, as her and a weekly guest entertain the listeners with their opinions on everyday things. JB creates a category each episode and ranks all of your favorite things. Tune in for all loads of entertainment, laughs, and hot takes.

You are listening to Top Tier. I'm your host Jordan McCray. I find things and I rank them. We are live. You are listening to Top Tier. And we are live coming to you straight from Greenspun Hall located in Las Vegas, Nevada on the campus of UNLV. You are listening to Top Tier. I'm your host Jordan McCray and I am joined by my guest Tyrese Hall. Thank you so much for joining me So what we do on this show is basically I take a category I find things that fall into that category and I rank them personally I like to go by a tier system because it just makes it so much more easy to like Understand and going 1 through 15 is just really hard, you know So we always start off with our bottom tier which are things that we just don't really like, you know, it's kind of across the board, it wasn't a hit in our, you know, it was actually a miss and we just don't want it. Next up, we have our mid-tier, I like to say incredibly mid. And basically, those are things that just aren't great. They're okay, but they didn't wow us, they didn't knock our socks off. We'll have them on occasion, but definitely not our favorites. And then we have top tier, the name of the show, obviously. And these are everybody's favorites. We love these things, we want them, you know, all of that good stuff. So Ty, are you ready for today's category? Let's do it. All right, so today's category is snacks. So basically these are essentially just things that are handheld, of course, as much of it or as little of it as you want. Me personally, I know that I love me a good snack. So, you know, we might as well just get into it. And of course, we're going to start off with our bottom tier things. So you ready Ty?


All right, let's do it. First up on the bottom tier is going to be applesauce.

Applesauce is cool. It was something that we had back in elementary school and even middle school. High school not so much, but definitely applesauce is something we always saw. We always, they always gave it to us, but we never ate it. So that's, I mean, it's whatever. Nothing, nothing, nothing too good anyways. Exactly. I pretty

much agree with you here. Like applesauce is really nothing special. It's not amazing. The texture of it after eating it for a while is just really weird. It's mushy. It's like wet and it's interesting to say the least. It's like a wet oatmeal. And you know Ty was on the breakfast episode you know where we we were kind of crapping on oatmeal a lot. So you know applesauce is very similar to oatmeal and that yeah you can have it you know kind of an early in the day kind of around lunch but like it's not something that we desire my my heart doesn't desire to eat applesauce not even in the slightest not at all you know it like like I said it's just wet it's it's it's kind of gross when you start thinking about it I think that's all I really have to say about applesauce all right Alright, next up on our bottom tier, it's gotta be Tromix.

Tromix is alright, I mean, the only time I see Tromix really being eaten is like if someone's going on a hike or something like that. If they're going on a hike early morning, they try to get a breakfast in, but not really a breakfast. But like, that's about it. So but like, you never see someone out in public just munching on a bag of trail mix just out of the blue. You just never see that.

For me, the thing about trail mix is really, it comes down to quantity. When you eat trail mix, you can only eat so much of it. Trail mix to me, it always comes in small quantities, you know? And if you take all the pieces apart of trail mix, you know, it's not bad. You know, you got your peanuts, you know? You got a couple M&Ms in there but like one thing that kills it for trail mix for me is raisins yeah the raisins kill it it's a mood killer it's dry it's why are they there exactly why are they there what is the purpose is it for aesthetic reasons there's no way that raisins provide that much nutritional value it's literally a dried up fruit yeah definitely you know, I'm a I'm a NorCal girl. I'm really close to Napa Valley, you know, so I know a lot about grapes and you know, the raisins. Nah, and yeah, trail mix, you can't eat a lot of it. You know, snacks is like you can eat as much of it as you want. And like trail mix is always in a small quantity. Most definitely. It's like, I don't want this. So I think that's all I really have to say about trail mix and we can just go ahead and move on. And next up on our bottom tier, I have veggie straws.

Most definitely veggie straws, something, you know, you always have it around, but it's nothing. Everyone's like, oh, let's eat that. Now, we're not going to eat that. We're going to eat this before we eat that. That's the last thing we eat, even if we eat it, like we don't sometimes, sometimes we don't even touch it.

I feel like veggie straws were that chip that you had to pretend to like. Like, I don't understand those, like, people who would, like, bring those and that was just the snack that they chose to snack on. Like, I feel like it's one of those mental things that you had to, like, trick yourself the entire time. Like, oh, these aren't that bad.

No, they're very bad. Even if you add something simple as ranch, it's still bad. It's just bad overall.

It's like, yeah, there's just so many other things that you should eat before it. So many. You had a world amount of choices and this is what you chose? I don't think anybody chose this.

other things that are like appetizer style, but they're really like considered snacks in like overall perspective, but you chose to pick veggie straws, my guy. What is wrong with you? Is you going like a vegan health style or what?

Exactly. And like, that's the thing. It's like, we're not just like

hating on like the healthy lifestyle and like healthier options. It's like, there are really good snacks that are also healthy that taste so much better. Most definitely. So yeah, that's just my whole thing about veggie straws. Like if you like it, that's your business, but I can't help you at that point, you know? So that's a personal problem. Yeah, so that's all I have to say about it and that actually wraps up our bottom tier. For those of you guys that need a reminder of what was in our bottom tier, it was applesauce, trail mix, and veggie straws. Next up, we are going to talk about our incredibly mid category. Our snacks that we like, but we don't like them enough. And first up, we're gonna talk about, it's gonna be pretzels. Pretzels, I would say,

it depends because I had pretzels before, like it's nothing to eat. We had someone give me back pretzels, you know, munch down, they'll hold me until, you know, I go get something else. It's a little, it's a little in between snack. And even then, like, other people would take pretzels as like a serious thing and that actually like helps them and stuff because it has like the salt along with it. So it kind of helps them with like the blood sugar and balancing whatever else they need, you know.

I think pretzels are a good salty type snack, but it's also like, I think the combination of pretzels being so salty and them also being so dry, it's like you're kind of in the Sahara Desert where you're just trying to reach for some water or at least some type of liquid to balance it out. You can't eat a hugely large quantity of pretzels. I just don't think you can do it.

Well, you have the regular pretzels that you see everywhere but then you have like the pretzel sticks so but the regular pretzels like sometimes those can be dry I've had dry ones I've had I've had some fresh ones but one thing about the pretzel sticks is that I've never really had like a dry pretzel stick and even if I did it was only like one or two maybe in out of the entire bag. I think

pretzels are cool and the fact that they come in various forms. Like you brought up, like there's the pretzel sticks, of course, you know, those are cute. You know, you got the pretzels that are like traditional, they look like a bow, you know, those pretzel chip bows. My personal favorite pretzels are the ones that have like peanut butter inside, because you get a fun little surprise. And stuff like that. But like, it also is like, the peanut butter will also kind of dry out your mouth and will just kind of stick to like your teeth, you know? It's like, pretzels are convenient until they're not. Until I feel like I'm dried out.

Once you feel like you're in the desert, okay, time to stop.

Right, so that's pretzels for me. It's not the best. Pretzels could do better, you know? So that's that for it. And the next thing that I have in the mid-category is gonna be granola bars.

Granola bars, I mean everyone knows that it's just a bunch of crumble at the end of the day at the end because it's in your bag, it's being thrown around, it breaks apart real easily, it's super dry, it's just

bad, it's just super bad. I feel like what you're talking about is specifically the Nature Valley ones that come in that green packaging, that is That is just just crumbs Like somehow some way you can buy it whole but like it doesn't even have to go by the time you get to it It is actual crumbs. It is crumbling in your hand And the thing is that there are good granola bars that are out there but the thing is I feel like granola bars are Fake healthy because a lot of granola bars are actually packed with the ton of sugar. You know, you can't eat multiple of them. Like, at most you're eating two. You're not eating any more of that. And that's if you get to the second one. Most of the time you're eating one. And yeah, like there's variety in granola bars. You know, you can have chocolate chips in them. You can have peanut butter, you know. There are different types, you know. Different brands, some brands are better than others. Like, I don't know about y'all, but like there's some granola bars that I enjoy. You know, it's a quick snack, something you can take on the go pretty easily, but it's not that ideal snack. Like I said, you can't eat too much of it, obviously, you're not going to keep going back to a granola bar.

No, never go back. You eat it once and you're done.

Exactly. You know, granola bars at the end of the day are pretty forgettable, and like I already mentioned, they're not a very good, healthy snack. At all.


So, that is basically all I have to say about granola bars. So next, we're gonna move on to, I feel like Ty, you're gonna be a little heartbroken with this next one, so are you ready?


My next item in this category is gonna be popcorn.

How are you gonna put popcorn in the midsection though? That's my question.

The thing about popcorn is, yes, you can eat a lot of it and it is probably everyone's go-to movie snack is addicting yes it very is you keep going back for more there is that quality to it but it gets stuck in your teeth and I just absolutely despise that.

okay that's just a kettle you if you okay okay look look look you yes you have the kettle it's just how it is because everything's about kettle corn, especially the ones from What is it Costco the big purple bags people know that people know exactly what I'm talking about I go through those like it's nothing. Yeah, I get the kettle and stuff But hey, that's why that's why you got a brush and floss your teeth. Take care of your teeth. I

Would like to give popcorn credit because there are different types and flavors of popcorn. You can get real creative with it. Obviously you're saying a really good snack for you is that kettle popcorn. You know, when I think popcorn, I immediately think of just like your buttery popcorn, whether you made it yourself in your microwave, you made it stove top, you're getting it at the movie theater, but like, and it's like three different types of popcorn Those are usually your yeah, you know those are usually your three your kettle your butter, and then your cheese

I don't even get the butter popcorn like the butter popcorn is cool. I don't give a run like it's you know Everyone uses it microwave Stovetop you know put it let it get into a pan whatever at the movie theater Whatever the case is but that's like the

common one but it's not really the best one. For me I feel like you're not eating popcorn throughout the day like I know that you are like a popcorn fanatic but like us normal people I'm not eating popcorn at 11 a.m. that that like little after breakfast but before lunch even before dinner and between lunch and dinner like I'm not eating I'm not snacking on popcorn I'm snacking on other things and I feel like that's the main thing that I can't get past with popcorn It's like popcorn to me I immediately think either I'm at a movie or it's a late-night snack Like it's that little guilty pleasure that you have at night. No, that'll get me started through the day

It'll get me through the afternoon and it's gonna get me through the night time because all my people know when that popcorn here and you think about popcorn There's only one or two things that you are right now, and you're probably listening to music at the same time So let's get that popcorn. I put that popcorn in a top tier personally

It saved my life a couple times too. I'm just saying I feel like there are other very popular snacks That you can eat throughout the day Popcorn for me at least it's just not that snack. It is very good but Popcorn on a movie theater is so overpriced. I feel like for what you get popcorn can be so expensive I mean you could pop it depends on you know you go to a movie theater of course

It's gonna be expensive you go to Costco get a big bag, but get the big purple bag

You can get two or three of those pretty for a decent price it's gonna last you a while but also think you have to think about it also being in its worst form so have you ever

ate stale popcorn yes I have eaten stale popcorn that is not good no okay but that's fine but that's why you heat the popcorn up and then you eat it within at least a couple hours because you know the next day you wake up you want to go downstairs eat some more popcorn it's not gonna happen. It's gonna be stale, it's gonna be dry. Don't even get me started on dry popcorn. But popcorn's still that top tier, it don't matter.

Alright, I've said my piece on popcorn, have you Ty?

Popcorn's the best.

Alright, alright, I think we should just move on. in the incredibly mid category, it's gonna be Cheez-Its.

It depends, because sometimes you'd be craving Cheez-Its, you want something sugary, but you want something that's addicting at the same time, and you're just like, all right, I'm gonna go. Sometimes, even if popcorn's not there and you don't have anything else, but even the crackers that you use on s'mores, even if those aren't available, but somehow, some way, you always have cheeses. Cheeses are the clutch. Anything

else you eat a bag of cheeses. The thing is is when you look at like the types the different types of crackers I feel like Cheez-Its I don't think Cheez-Its are really anybody's first pick. I think of like other things before I get to Cheez-Its. And also like the classic Cheez-Its are really good, but I feel like the other forms of Cheez-Its aren't. Like the jalapeno type Cheez-Its, or like the white cheddar parmesan one.

Some people like those, mind you. Some people like the white... But it's an acquired taste. And that's the thing. I'm like, for the entire general masses, I don't think so, but like if you have it around and it's in your pantry or in in the container, some people put cheez-its in a little container, you know, seal it, you know, try to preserve it or even if it's in the regular box, a regular bag, you know, you have something, you don't have popcorn, okay, let's get a bag of cheez-its. You want a little party thing, okay, get a bowl of Cheez-Its. You wanna bring it to a birthday party, bring a bowl of Cheez-Its.

Yeah, the thing about this is like, I try to curate my little tier list very carefully, and I feel like the things that are in the top tier are like things people are not skipping over. And Cheez-Its just happen to fall just outside, because I think there are some other ones that are just like they're just above Cheez-Its. And to me that's just that. Cheez-Its, you just kind of got the short end of the stick. That's all. Nothing personal. Nothing personal for all the haters. Stop hating on my Cheez-Its and my popcorn. Oh my gosh. Chill. Chill out. All right. For those of you guys that need a reminder, was Cheez-Its, popcorn, pretzels, and granola bars. Now, we move on to what everybody was waiting for. We are gonna start talking about the top tier. And first on the top tier list, fruit snacks. Fruit snacks A1.

I got multiple boxes of Welch's.

A lot of people in the music industry rap about Loach's grapes. Shout out to Biggie. And so, Loach's, you know, it's something that's always been around. It's an OG snack. It's something that, you know, you don't want to eat something like popcorn or anything, but you get a couple bags of fruit snacks, you're good to go. Nothing to complain about. The thing

about fruit snacks that really sells it for me is it does not matter how old you

are everyone enjoys fruit snacks. When you get a fruit snack even like a little bag because I haven't had one since I I've had one I have them in elementary school and then there was a period of time I didn't really have any and so then I think I got it in like middle school like seventh grade or something so it was like a whole year I did I didn't see it and then someone was like oh you want to you want a pack of welches I was like some fruit snacks he was like yeah I was like hey where did this come back from I want to get some more and then all of a sudden you know everyone started getting it everyone started bringing it back and then it is where it is now up in Costco and all around the nation pretty much. The last thing

that I have to say about fruit snacks is to if any parents are out there listening you know good and well you are not buying fruit snacks for them kids. And my black people buying fruit snacks for sure. You know those fruit snacks are for yourself you know that you be going into the pantry like yeah I'm gonna have some of these. Nah see me and my dad have this

thing going on about about even the popcorn sometimes but he'd be having his little Oreos and stuff and we've been going back and forth about it so we were going back and forth he'd be like oh let me get this I was like no you get it I was like I got these for me but no you got it for me no it's a little banter

it's fun. Like I said it's top tier these are things that you're fighting with your kids for like not as mine and this next one this next I am this one that you're gonna be fine with your parents for his chips any kind of

chips Sun chips like Funyuns hot Cheetos for my Mexican friends. Any type of bag, Lay's, the wavy Lay's too. Any type of chips you're kind of throwing hands for just because it's your bag of chips. Chips are so good.

And you got your flavored chips, like Doritos, like your Fritos, but there's nothing wrong with a plain potato chip. And another thing that chips are well known for that I feel like they don't really get the credit for is that you use them for dip. Come on, a chip is like the perfect vessel for like your French onion dip, for your spinach dip, for your buffalo chicken dip, you know whatever type of dip that you have what you gonna use? A chip. For the most part makes

sense. Even Doritos, like Doritos, I say Doritos are like my number one bag of chips that I would get just because Doritos has some of them some of those chips be just powdered and then in the and if you know those chips that are just fully powdered on both sides and you eat them and the flavor just explodes in your mouth compared to like the other chips that aren't as flavored, it's completely different. Those ones are the rare ones. Blue Doritos is definitely like A1 for me.

Yeah, I'm also a blue Dorito bag type of gal. I know some people, they like that red bag. Some people, they're a little spicy, they like the purple bag of Doritos, but my personal favorite is the blue bag. But like I said, there is nothing wrong with a plain Lay's potato chip. But if I'm going for a flavored tip, I'm either going for Funyuns, which are clutch. Funyuns are so good. So good. Terrible for your breath, but I don't care. You eat a piece of gum after that. Right. Just deal with it. And then another one of my favorite chips are gonna be like those honey barbecue Fritos that look like twists. Oh, yeah, I remember those.

They still have them around and those those ones are the best ones because they have the they have the biggest quantity So instead of like so like all the other bag of chips check this out all the other bag of chips They have like that little big old air pocket that makes it look full But it's really not and then you have you go to the barbecue Fritos Style the twist ones and that's just just you open the bag is full to the brim like no airspace and it's a lot. It's a lot. I don't know how they do it, but they got away with it. And I believe they still get away with it.

For real, like those Fritos, very underrated. And like once you describe it to people, cause people will be like, honey, barbecue. But like, once you describe to people, they'll be like, oh, you so right.

Those are nostalgias, right there.

So right there.

Nostalgic chips right there.

So good and highly underrated, highly underrated. But I think that's going to wrap up our little conversation in our little chit-chat that we have about chips Everybody loves them some chips. Everyone loves some chips and next up. We're gonna move on to our next item in the top tier It's gonna be goldfish

Goldfish a1 you have the regular goldfish. You have the colorful goldfish You have the all one all one color goldfish any type of goldfish you have is just going to be A1. It's the top tier. It's like you have the A, B, C, D, E, F tier. You have that S tier that's just like it's undefeated. It's in its own category. That's

that S tier type of snack. And yeah, I feel like Goldfish is another one of those things that's kind of for all ages. Everybody loves them some goldfish. Everybody can remember in preschool getting a little goldfish a little paper bowl the class, you know and Like I like goldfish. They don't have a bad iteration No, you know like there's obviously the colorful goldfish which just tastes like the original one But they're just kind of for the eye, you know, it's a little cognitive being a little I pleasing but another thing you ever had the extra cheesy goldfish the extra cheesy goldfish was sometimes good but sometimes a lot of times they'd be too cheesy sometimes it's a little overwhelming but if you get it on that right day but i already know they had like the goldfish extreme extra cheese those ones were good actually crazy those were good went crazy but like anytime you get it anytime you get goldfish around anybody kids adults teenagers old people, it's gonna be something you go to, even if like, even after you eat like a party, let's say you're at a party, right? And you eat already, you get the main course meal, those goldfish and those chips and stuff like that, you're always gonna go back to periodically, you're gonna catch yourself going back periodically

and just eating them constantly.

I completely agree. That's one thing, that's one big reason why I put Goldfish in the top tier is because you just can't get enough. You just find yourself, you just can't stop. You're like, oh, this one little handful, let me get another. I'm gonna need another.

I'm gonna need another.


And then your little brother come over, and be like, hey, big bro, can I get one? Sure, you give him a little bit, you grab some more for yourself. And I even remember when they had commercials about it.


I remember when they had commercials about it. That's how old it was.

Yeah, the little goldfish running around.

The goldfish running around, yeah.

The goldfish running around, yeah.

The adventures and stuff like that. Exactly, exactly. So nostalgic. So nostalgic.


All right. We're actually going to move on to our last item in the top tier category. And we're going to have a little conversation, a little powwow about pork rinds

pork rinds, uh It's a it's a hit and miss i've had it before I have and it's It's all right in my opinion. I've had good ones. I've had a couple bad ones I have a couple i've had a couple medium-sized ones but um I haven't really had enough to be like, oh, okay, like this is definitely like one of my top tiers Like this is something that like I would bring to almost any event that I would have to bring a snack to.

Don't even get me started about some chicharrones. Alright? Now, snacks, I feel like pork rinds are very much that guilty pleasure. I'm not bringing these to share. This is solely for myself. Me, myself, and I. It's a puffy type of chip, but it's own thing because it's a pork skin, you know it's like that puff and I'm gonna tell you a quick little story because we are running out of time, but my family in the south They would have these microwavable pork rinds And you could just pop it in the microwave like it was popcorn and you could just warm it up And they puff up and you're just eating pork rinds like it's popcorn And I just thought that was beautiful and I had to share that with the audience But yeah me personally, I think pork rinds. It's it's a different type of chip, but it's so Freaking good. It's so good. And they're a little spicy You know, I think that they're a good texture and you know I feel like you can go through a whole bag by yourself. Like that's one of the things I'm not gonna share. Alright so that is for those you guys that need a reminder and our top category I had fruit snacks chips goldfish and pork rinds. Medium fire for me. Fire for me. That's all I'm gonna say and that's actually gonna wrap up our episode on snacks I want to thank my special guest Ty thank you so much for showing up and showing out and being on this podcast with me. I want to thank the listeners. Thank you so much for listening. You can catch me on air every Friday at 6 p.m. on the Rebel HD 2 and thank you so much for listening. Catch me next Friday and I hope you guys all have a great evening. Thank you so much for tuning in to this hope you guys all have a great evening. Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode. I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo