Becoming Multidimensional

Learn why opening to channel helps you become a better communicator with friends, loved ones and colleagues. Hear the story of the 13th century poet Rumi and his journey to divine union. Learn some history of sacred symbols and how ancient people left us maps to enlightenment.

What is Becoming Multidimensional?

Join hosts Eliza and Christine in a journey of understanding and expanding into our greater multidimensional nature. Learn why expanding into this multidimensional awareness can let the light in and free your mind and body of old programs and patterns that no longer serve you. This is a blend of esoteric, mystical and scientific conversations. Stories and guests that will delight your imagination!

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:00)
Hi everybody. Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode of Becoming Multidimensional. I am so excited. I know I say this every week, but I am really, really, really excited about this episode because we are going to be covering something that is so central to my being. It really is the pulse of who I am. So, and it's changed my life. So I'm hoping that this...

you know, resonates and helps whoever it is meant to. By the way, this is Eliza and

Christine (00:36)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:37)
And we just want to welcome you today because our topic is channeling.

Christine (00:43)
We're talking about channeling today. And just so you know, we are all so lucky to be having this conversation with Eliza. Eliza, for those of you who don't know, is like a world renowned, international, very successful channeler of spirit. She is, she's flatly brilliant. And so having her perspective on this conversation is really, is really a treat. And you should really deeply listen to the words she's about to say about.

this topic, I'm certainly excited to get to hear what she has to say.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (01:15)
Thank you so much, Christine. And I, you know how I feel about you. You are such a brilliant channeler. I don't know if you identify that way, but to me, that's what you are. Because we're going to talk about how channeling is not a very binary subject and how it really is very all encompassing. And I feel like we're going to do a bit of demystifying it, explaining what it is. And also in our explaining.

explain how this is something that is so beyond really our own human understanding.

Christine (01:48)
Yeah. So, and for the sake of today's content, we could talk for like seven hours on this topic. And we know you don't want to listen for seven hours. Seven hours of us talking would be sort of a challenge. So we, this will probably be a two, maybe three part series. So just so you know, today we're going to describe something that is not the word channeling for today. We're going to talk about it in this way of more of a,

union with your higher self, with spirit, as opposed to the trance channeling. And trance channeling is where you sort of step aside in a way and a being may come through and talk through you. I've seen some, I've had it happen to me, where I didn't, that's why I went to Arthur Thinley, because I was so stunned at this experience. And I have seen trance channels, its faces have changed. There's a lot to say about trance.

channeling where you're not as emerged and involved, but their human soul is set aside and some other being is really talking through them. So for today's conversation, we're not diving into that. For today's conversation, we are talking about communication. We are talking about moving to a state of being inspired. What does the word inspired mean? Inspired is in...

spirit. So we're talking about getting into this flow state, this inspirational state of communication. And so how does this relate to being multi -dimensional? Not everyone wants to be a channeler of spirit or do automatic writing or those sorts of things, and that's great. But I think we all want to be great communicators. At least I hope we have an interest in that. And the biggest part of being a great communicator is being a great listener.

And so this is where learning this aspect of channeling, understanding it more. I mean, listen, if you can channel spirit in other realms, like you can read other people unbelievably well. You can hear the energy behind the words that they're saying. You can feel them. You have a much deeper understanding and your ability to communicate is so much more powerful because you're listening skills.

or like the acuity with which you listen is so sharp and so high. So there's a whole range between just wanting to perhaps be a better communicator to I want to be a trance channel. So there's everyone in between. So I think this conversation is really relevant to everybody.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (04:34)
I'd love to add to that there are other categories as well. Like if you look at brilliant composers, you look at brilliant writers, you look at brilliant artists, where do you think that inspiration is coming from? I don't think that there's one answer, right? It's only this or it's only that. But I really do believe that there is divinity in those masterpieces, whether it is a...

a beautiful art piece or it's a symphony, whatever it is, my personal belief is that that energy is coming from beyond our human realm.

Christine (05:16)
I agree. So you mentioned poetry in particular there. I'm compelled to share a story of transformation because it's really pretty amazing. So yes, I also believe that when you move into the state of pure inspiration, the state of flow where you're connecting, you're allowing something to move you through you, that that's where you achieve this incredible beauty, right? So.

Why would you be interested in taking this journey of transformation? So I'm going to tell the story of the 13th century Persian poet Rumi because I think his story is a really beautiful story and it's a story of transformation and through his devotion, through his dedication to divine union, his masterpieces, he wrote 65 ,000 passages that

were so divinely inspired that those passages to this day, they have like flowed like water through the ages and you feel the essence of him. You're moved in this way where it's like almost a fragrance, right? You always can like smell him, feel him through these words of this incredible divine inspiration. So Eliza, are you okay if I take a minute to share Rumi's story?

journey of transformation.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (06:45)
Of course, and I just have to say that I'm already inspired, Spirit has already inspired me, so after that I have some things I would like to add. But yes, I want you to take the floor and really share this amazing story.

Christine (06:55)
I can't wait.

We're talk about Rumi's story. So Rumi did not begin his life as a poet. He was born like in 12 something. And he was born to a sort of prestigious family. His father was a theologian and he was a jurist. So he gave out fatwas, which is sort of rulings on Islamic law. And although he was a theologian,

and a jurist, but he also studied Sufism. I hope I'm pronouncing it correctly. And that's the mystical aspect of Islam. So Rumi had an understanding. It was in that this mystical arts were in his house. So I'm not sure if his father died or retired or Rumi ends up taking his father's place and he becomes the jurist giving up what was and he...

is like a preacher. And he's reading from religious texts. So he essentially becomes this 13th century influencer. So he's at the celebrity status. Everyone loves him. He goes and he reads from his books. Hordes of people come and gather around him. And after a while, he has this realization of, wait, celebrity? This is sort of a trap. I'm not.

doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I am out here preaching. I'm reading these words from these books. I'm reading to people about escaping from the shell of our human confines. I'm reading about having this divine union with God. And I'm speaking the words, but I'm not feeling it. I think he probably had a little bit of imposter syndrome, quite honestly. So he was feeling very dissatisfied with.

what he was doing and with his life. And he wanted to sort of leave the celebrity behind. And I'm a firm teacher. I'm a firm believer that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. So Rumi is ripe for a mentor, right? And in comes this scruffy, like dagobond rebel in a robe named Shams. And Shams is this like very free thinking mystic.

He travels from town to town and he doesn't want followers, he doesn't want gifts. He's really a much lower status than Rumi. People didn't really love the friendship that they developed. But he was even given the nickname Bird because he would just bounce around. And he and Rumi met and there was this collision of this quest that each were so devoted to wanting to understand this divine union with God.

So Shams is 22 years older than Rumi. And they start working together. And Shams begins to give Rumi these challenges. I mean, even so much where he tells Rumi that he wants him to walk through town carrying a jug of wine. Well, wine is illegal in Islam and Rumi had been a jurist giving out these thought was. So for Rumi,

to walk through town with a jug of wine was him, he asked him to do this. It's like, show me how liberated you are. He was trying to liberate Rumi from the confines of his mind. Show me how liberated you are by walking through town, being willing to give up your good name. Can you do that? How liberated are you? Now, I don't know if Rumi, I don't, there was a story of him challenging that. I don't know exactly if it happened or not. And then he would be talking,

to Rumi and he would say to Rumi, and Rumi would answer him with passages from verses, from texts, and he said, stop. I want to hear your words. I don't want to hear you reading to me from passages. What do you have to say? And so this two -year experience of this devotion and Rumi being willing to transform, being willing to dissolve.

the confines in his own mind led to him, I think, really achieving the state of divine union and letting this incredible beauty pour through him that we still appreciate today, that we're still moved by today. And he called Shams, they only had a two year friendship, he called Shams his doorway to the sun. And what some of the practices that Shams

gave to Rumi to help him do this was one, it was a practice called Sama. And Sama is the practice of deep listening. And that's what we're talking about today. We're talking about this really deep form of listening. And so he learned how to listen deeply. And if you ever read Rumi's poetry or much of it, he calls for something called Kamush. And Kamush,

is in Persian, it translates to silence. So you hear him ask for silence because he said anything worth saying comes from the silence. So I think this idea of his practice of sama to be able to not just speak the ramblings of our mind but to be able to hear into the silence.

To be able to hear into someone's energy, to be able to hear into the energy of what they're saying to us despite the words that they're saying is a really powerful practice. And you just might surprise yourself by letting this incredible beauty also pour through you. So that's the story of Rumi and his transformation that anyone is capable of if you want to transform and liberate yourself in those same ways.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (13:08)
Oh gosh, a couple key things that pop out at me as you're sharing this beautiful and really impactful story that I could spend probably hours just sitting with. Well, the first thing that I love is that you talked about the sun and before Christina and I get on, we say a little prayer and we just kind of connect in our energies. And I closed my eyes before we got on this recording and spirit showed me the sun.

and was telling me to connect into the energy of the sun. So I just love that little synchronicity there. The next thing that comes up for me while I hear that is the concept of attachment because attachment is something that I would say can really hinder someone's experience of channeling very clearly because channeling really clearly requires a state of neutrality, which is not something that...

really as humans were practiced in or have a great sort of ability for, at least in my personal experience. So that was really the work that I had to do coming from a state of really being an extremist into what I would say is much more neutral. I still have a long way to go, but in that state of neutrality, when you're not attached to an outcome, you're not holding onto something, you're not really,

pushing your own ego or your own will or your own desire over the flow state. And what I call the flow state is really our soul's path that our soul has already laid out for us. That is like the easy path, the path that flows, but it's not always the path that we think that we should be on. So Rumi clearly had to do this inner work. And I believe that that is a beautiful example for all of us. I also wanted to share just because,

This to me is just like a duh about channeling and an amazing channeler who to me is also just the most incredible rock star ever. And that of course is Stevie Nicks because her song Riannon, she wrote, well, she really channeled because she didn't know about the goddess Riannon and the history around the goddess Riannon. But people don't know that they think.

Christine (15:17)
Oh, yes.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (15:30)
she had studied the goddess and therefore she was inspired to write this song, that's not actually the case. So I think Stevie's lyrics to me are timeless and have encapsulated who I desire to be as a person and as a human. And I really believe that she's a fantastic channeler. And I have a lot of stories from my own life, from my family's lives about channeling, but I don't wanna.

monopolize the conversation, so I'm going to turn it back to Christine.

Christine (16:01)
I have to say this because I love you so much. Stevie, if this somehow makes its way into your, on your computer, know that we love you. And Eliza, you have changed her life. So if you ever want to come on and talk about your channeling, I can't tell you how thrilled we'd be. So you have an open invite, Stevie. Come on anytime.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (16:23)
Oh my gosh, I would literally transition to the spirit world. Christine, I'd like, peace out. I've now accomplished everything that I want to in my life.

Christine (16:27)
That would be it. You'd be like, I'm out. I'm out.

Then that's it. That's all I need to do. So, OK. So let's talk a little bit about the history of channeling. Because what we're describing is nothing new. It goes all the way back to the Oracle at Delphi, right? So her history is filled with symbols and texts all about this enlightenment and awakening and channeling to some degree. So.

It's hard to talk about channeling without a little bit talking about your third eye. Your third eye, the seat of your inner vision. Wow. This third eye, directly behind your third eye at the geometric center of your brain is this little gland called the pineal gland. It's about the size of a grain of rice. It's made of these certain kind of cuboidal shapes of crystals that are shaped like a pine cone. Wow.

throughout history, pine cones are known as a symbol of enlightenment. We can go back to a little history of the pine cone and why it's so significant and so sacred. Well, first of all, pine cones come from conifer trees, which are the most ancient trees we have. They are, pine cones are the precursor to the flower. So they're really, really old. They're the Fibonacci sequence. There's a lot to just the pine cone.

But if you look back in ancient texts, the ancient Assyrians, so like 700 something, have texts all over their temple walls. There's one with these four winged gods holding pinecones. Then fast forward a little bit, we'll go to ancient Egypt, the staff of Osiris has two serpents winding its way up the staff heading towards a pinecone. We can look at Kundalini, the Indian traditions.

to serpents held at the base of your spine, that eventually the right conditions arise within you. Eliza may have a story to share today or another day about that. They wind up and they hit your third eye, then activates all of your chakras. We can look at Catholicism. Literally the center of the Vatican has a giant pine cone. The Papal tiara is like based on a pine cone.

So these pine cones have been as a symbol of enlightenment have been shown throughout history. So what, oh, even the word pineal in the Bible, literally like the translation is face of God. So this is this pineal gland, this pine cone shape is all we could talk even like a whole podcast on the pineal gland in the third eye. But that's just a little background of how we've had this map through the ages.

talking about the importance, right, for all of these cultures to have carved them into the wall, to have written about them, all of these things that they've done. There's something really meaningful there. So I look back at what were they trying to tell us? What are the clues? What are the symbols that are being communicated? And they weren't there for themselves. They put those things on the wall for us, for the people that came after them. So this pineal gland, this...

is where the light comes in. So the light comes into our eyes, the light hits our pineal gland, and it sends messages throughout our body for our circadian rhythm. It produces melatonin, which is why sunlight in your eyes is really important. We'll talk more about things you can do for your pineal gland, but for the sake of not having too long of a podcast today, we probably won't go too deep in the woods on it today, but we will. So having this clear,

vision, your third eye being open and clear so that you're able to receive and transmit clear and accurate information is a really helpful piece when it comes to channeling. Because if there's a lot of chaos and discord, that you're not going to see the world clearly. If you're not seeing the world clearly,

you're not able to pick up on information that is really coming from this more harmonious, it's like a state of highest wisdom. So working on clearing your field in that way is very helpful. So Eliza, do you want to share a little bit about your thoughts on that, maybe your Kundalini story?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (21:15)
Yeah. Well, first I have a funny story about channeling in the pineal gland because I going back, I don't even remember what year it was, but within the last three years I was living in New York City and I was really deep with spirit, which is kind of like, you know, if you called me up, that's pretty much always, but I remember I was really deep with spirit and they were telling me to stop drinking coffee for a time.

And if you know me, you know that I love coffee more than anything. It's like my one vice in life. You know, I'm down to give up anything else, but just not coffee. I just really love the taste. And yeah, and they were like, okay, you need to give up coffee. And I was like, why, why am I doing this? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They led me, the spirit energy was leading me into doing some research. Turns out one of the things that can affect your pineal gland is coffee.

Christine (21:52)
co -assignment.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (22:09)
Fun fact, so Spirit was telling me this and then I loved to play detective and kind of do my own research. So I quit coffee for like two weeks. It was horrible. I was like, there you go, Spirit. I tried, I did it. Now I'm back to my.

Christine (22:26)
So now I have to overcome that horrible thought that you just said because we're going to dispel that because I can't have that in my field because I love it. And I can't imagine that it's hurting my pineal gland.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (22:40)
I know. Well, listen, if my work is a testament to like, maybe it's hurting, but you know, it's not hurting that much. So.

Christine (22:47)
Obviously, you're still drinking coffee. Okay, then we'll get. It's really, really, really good for you. We'll talk about that later. We're just gonna we're gonna leave it there because I can't give up coffee.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (22:50)
I'm still drinking coffee.

But I do have a little story about Kundalini energy because I had never heard of Kundalini awakenings or anything, you know, prior to actually having one. So I literally had never heard of one. And going back to 2020, which was a very groundbreaking year for all of us, I was yet again in a state of deep meditation, deep spiritual work, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And

I was with someone, thank God, because had I not been with someone who knew what a Kundalini awakening was or could really like coach me through it, I don't know what would have happened. But I was in a deep state of meditation and all of these strange things started happening in my body. Honestly, it was like a very out of body experience. So I don't, I remember it and then I also don't.

Like I remember being on my balcony because I was like overheated. And I remember like laying down and feeling my spine activate. And like, it was just wild. And thankfully the person that I was with was very calm and said, you're having a Kundalini awakening right now. I know you don't know what it is, but it's gonna be okay. So I had this very transformative experience.

And I just remember it felt like intense, but amazing, I think, because again, this was such an out of body experience. I can't even, like you're so in your body at the time, but now I almost see it from like a bird's eye view. But it really makes sense to talking about the activation into the pineal gland because after that experience, my whole life changed and my work changed.

Christine (24:51)
I'm just gonna ask you, like what, you had this very transformative, powerful, like you knew like something big just happened. I don't know exactly what it was, but like I just had a bomb dropped on me. Like something really big happened. So what happened to you after?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (25:06)
Well, it also felt like a really intense healing, which was kind of interesting because I don't know if other people have had that experience, but for me, it weirdly felt like an activation and a healing. And I remember just my spine like coming up and it was just wild, my neck, like it was a whole, it was a whole physical experience. And like I said, I just felt very, it felt very out of my control. That was something I also, like there was zero doubt in my mind that I was.

you know, putting this experience on myself, like, I'm sure that would be a question, right? Like, how do you know that it wasn't just you, you know, doing this? And I would say, one, I never heard of a Kundalini awakening. Two, I literally felt like I didn't have control of my body, but it felt very powerful and it felt very intense and it felt very healing. After that experience, I...

It was weird, it was like a lot of fear had left my system. So I felt a lot more connected into my quantum self. I was less afraid even with doing the channeling work. And I have stories about really like intense trance channeling. And there was a lot of fear that I was working through at that time. So it really helped with that. It helped in my personal life. Like it really changed my personal life and my work. I mean, my work completely.

ramped up, I feel like my discernment was better, which we're gonna talk about discernment in channeling, because that's one of the big things that I would share with anyone who's going on a journey of really enhancing their own listening and their own channeling abilities is being able to discern the energies that you're picking up.

Christine (26:52)
Yeah, that discernment is really important because I do think there is this piece with channeling that there is this idea that we are really open, really neutral in order to receive and transmit this really accurate information. However, you also need to have these really strong boundaries and discernment because where is the energy that you're receiving?

and connecting to coming from. So we haven't talked, I'm not really interested in talking a lot about negative energy. I've actually had a lot of questions about it, so we may be forced to talk about it. But this boundary piece is very important when it comes to channeling. Like keeping out the more, I would say, just difficult energies.

leave it there, like the more difficult energies. So really connecting into the highest realm of wisdom and knowledge that you can. But like attracts like. So there is this piece of like this being really clear and really open is important, but coupled with being clear and if you have a pure person who

has a really negative viewpoint of the world. Like that's not gonna be just within you, that's gonna be in your field. So then where are you resonating? Where is that coherence coming from? Like what are you tapping into? Similarly, if you're a person who's like, oh, everything is love and light and you sort of spiritually bypass everything and just kind of pretend that everything is great, but it's really not, right? That's not honest. That's not coming from that honest state. That's also not gonna...

because it's not an honest place to be, that's also not going to connect you into the highest realms for you. So this is a movement, I think, of going sort of expanding, expanding, expanding, tapping into greater and greater realms. But there is this piece of being honest with yourself about what your internal landscape is. Because if you are experiencing sort of,

really unpleasant thoughts. It's not an energy that that space is not where you want to be receiving tapping into other energies, right?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (29:28)
Spirit uses your frame of reference. And so this has actually been coming up a lot in my own work with myself because I'm always on a journey of what is next, which I probably need to just kind of sit in what is now, but really enhancing my own, expanding my own frame of reference expands the work that I do channeling with Spirit. And I know we've been very broad about...

channeling energy, channeling divine inspiration, channeling spirit. So I feel like it's very important that we kind of share a little bit more about what are the things that you can channel. And of course, that is really limitless. Maybe sharing, Christine, what you feel like you channel, what I feel like I channel, and then what are some other great channelers that people can really dive into who have great wisdom to share.

Christine (30:26)
to look to. Yeah, there's so many places on the internet where you can look to tap into people who have gotten really beautiful information. So, Eliza, do you want to talk about your process?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (30:42)
Sure, always. Because, you know, I love spirit. So, and people at my clients and people ask me all the time, they're like, well, so what really is it that you're connecting into? And I, if I told you that I know conclusively 100%, I would be lying to you. But I do know that the energy that I channel, I call spirit. And it is this energy of wisdom and love. So a lot of times clients will say to me, well, how did you know that about?

me and I'll just explain like I felt it or I saw it or I heard it and I believe that the frequency that I'm picking up on is around all of us but it's also connecting in with our field. So for instance if I was you know working with Christine and she was feeling really happy that would be in her field vibrating out and then the energy that I'm reading.

I believe is picking up from her field and then transmitting it back to me. I also could just be getting it from Christine sometimes directly, but that's really how I understand the main energy that I read. But then I also channel, you know, loved ones that had passed away when I'm working mediumistically or spirit guides, I can channel the trees. And by the way, anyone can do this. I just have done this in many lives and...

happen to have practiced this a lot. So that's really my process and I'm sure that'll be ever evolving.

Christine (32:22)
Yeah, and I think that we're gonna probably dive in a little bit more later at another episode, maybe next week, we'll talk even more about it. So for me, it's similar, right? So you don't know fully who always I agree, like who you're connecting to, it could be a guide. I think quite honestly, a lot of time, it's really an aspect of myself. It's really this aspect of mine, I'm getting information from my soul.

And it's like this, what happens, it's like the distance between me and my soul collapses. And you feel this sense of union where it's not really me channeling them or this aspect of myself, but it's like we're together bringing through this because the time and space has collapsed in some way.

So I know that I sometimes feel that. I also can feel sometimes like they'll be like spirit doctors. I know you work with spirit doctors, you know, and that's a whole conversation, especially if I do hands -on work. I can really feel like they'll show me where to go, what to do. And I don't even sometimes know exactly what it is. I can just feel the work that's happening through me, right, using my hands. That work is coming through.

And it's sort of these cosmic beings, right? That maybe they've lived, maybe they've been sort of earth shalmans, maybe they're these cosmic healers. I know I definitely can feel a sense of collectives that come in. And that's a really interesting energy when you, like, Esther Hicks channels Abraham, which is a collective of energy, right? So you can sort of begin to feel the difference, like, oh, this is a collective. And they may give themselves a name, like, you know,

Eliza Aaron Cohen (34:17)
I love, by the way, sorry to interject, I I love when those collective councils and frequencies and groups come because it is totally, you can feel the like, the plural of the energy.

Christine (34:32)
Yes, yes, you can feel like that you can feel it's not like one being. So I sometimes listen to Darrell Anka who channels Bashar. I think maybe he's just a being actually, I may be misspeaking. He's another person to look at. He has really interesting information. Maybe he's on a collective. There's lots of others. Lee Harris, I think he's another one. He channels someone called the Zs.

So there's lots of channelers who channel these collectives and you can feel the difference. You can feel it if it's sort of someone's relative. If it's, I can tell if this is really me. I can feel if it's like a cosmic kind of healer. So you get sort of accustomed to what the different energies feel like a little bit as they're moving through you and inspiring you in spirit, inspiring you.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (35:25)
It's like meeting people. So if you haven't met someone before, it takes a minute for you to get to know them and their energy and their vibes. But then the more you get to know someone, you don't have to kind of take a second to go, wait, do I know you? Your face looks familiar. Your voice sounds familiar. It's just you become really oriented with that person, that being that collective. And that's why too, I love working with, I have some clients that I've been working with for years.

And we're able to go so deep. And it's because I'm so familiar with their energy that it's just like a friend, right? The more you know a friend, sometimes the deeper you can go. Not always. Sometimes you have a one -off experience with someone that you meet on a train and it's like the deepest experience you've had in your entire life. And then you have friends that you've known for 20 years and it's not like that. So it really varies, but that's also why building discernment is so important.

And what I would say too is to start with channeling your soul because our soul and going back into the multi -dimensionality of these conversations, our soul is multi -dimensional and our soul really has this path for us. And this is going back to the flow state and this divine path that is really central to who we all are uniquely as individuals, again, all connected into that source energy and working to

uncover that path through channeling really helps you live the happiest and most fulfilled life. If you would have asked me 10 years ago, if I was going to like be a spirit channeler, I would have been like, that is so wild. Like I literally can't imagine that whatever happened. And I have this, I wasn't even.

Christine (37:15)
We're giving prophecies on the school bus. So we have that wasn't totally out of the realm.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (37:21)
Fair enough, I was giving prophecies on the school bus and my dad found this sign that I made when I was like four years old that says Eliza's psychic shop, which I don't recall making and like how did I even know about that? So that's all wild, but I was going to NYU. I was planning on going back to NYU to get my masters. I was gonna be a therapist.

Christine (37:43)
You're gonna be a therapist, right? Studying psychology, right? Yeah.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (37:47)
And basically, spirit and my soul and the universe just kept throwing me onto a different path. Had I not listened and said, you know what my plan is to go be a therapist and go, you know, I had gotten in for my masters twice and I both times didn't end up going, which also was so out of character for me because I'm not really someone who would ever, Christine knows that we make a plan. I go, I execute like I'm not one to defer.

So all of these experiences, it was like my soul was nudging me onto this other path. Had I not listened, who's to say, but I probably would have come up with some, against some blocks and some obstacles. And my path definitely has not been easy, especially in my personal life, but professionally, like it has, I'm so abundantly grateful because I've experienced so much flow that I can only credit to spirit.

Christine (38:47)
Yeah, well, look, I mean, these, I think this path is not, is not, is sort of designed to have some challenges, right? And a lot of people who do this work will have, I mean, a lot of them have a dark night of the soul, right? It's, it's because everything is so transformed that it takes a minute to re -stabilize yourself when you kind of go from one way of being in the world to a very different way of perceiving the world.

communicating with the world. So that's not an easy transition for most people, I think. So.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (39:26)
Well, thank you, Spirit, and thank you, channeling, because it has given me more than just a career. I feel peace in life, and that was not something that I ever had.

Christine (39:40)
Yeah, moving like, yeah, it is. Well, and so that is, I mean, that's, so this is the main part of the why, right? So Eliza, in her journey of transformation, had to sort of remove all of these obstacles within herself, these constructs that were built within herself, these attachments that she had, to dismantle this framework within her because she was.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (39:40)
It's worth it. It's worth it to do the work.

Christine (40:08)
She was sort of forced by spirit in a way to do this, I think, right? It wasn't like you had a choice, but you kind of didn't, right?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (40:14)
Totally. Because every time I tried to choose something else, my friends would joke, used to crack me up. My friend would always say, he would say, Eliza's had 72 careers. He'd be like, what's the bigger number? And he would say something that was like a giant number or Eliza's careers. And it was so true because I tried to do everything else. Literally, you name it, I've done it. And every time I would come up against a wall,

and be thrown back into spirit. And probably my personal life was like engineered in such a way that I needed my own spiritual evolution and my own spirituality to really dive into for myself. Otherwise, like who knows if I would have survived. And then it really gave me the framework for my work.

Christine (41:06)
Yeah. So you dismantled all of these structures within yourself and then you became clear. You became open. You became open to channel, right? To have this clear communication that can flow through you from this flow state, through inspiration. And you see how spirit sort of opens up the world in front of you to make it possible, like clients coming in from all over the world, right? So yes, you're on the right path. It's reflected back to you that you're on.

you're on the right path. So I think what I would say to people listening to this is if you're interested in developing your communication is looking at the areas within yourself where you have these very rigid attachments, where you have this very rigid framework, how can you open, soften a little bit more, bless you, to be, I know you're so brave to be like not feeling well and still be on a call and to,

Eliza Aaron Cohen (41:54)
I'm sorry.

Christine (42:06)
to connect so deeply into other realms, other communication, to become a really great listener, bringing this practice of sama to you, of deep listening. So one of the ways I think when you're starting out that can be really helpful is automatic writing. And automatic writing, because for me, pen to paper is...

Your computer's fine. For me, pen to paper is fine. I wasn't sure if I was going to read this, but Eliza, if you're okay, we can wrap up with this. I had this experience that I'll share. And this was when I first, I don't even know what year you were born. This was from October of 1999. What year were you born?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (42:52)
I was born in 1996.

Christine (42:56)
Okay, so you were three. You were three when I wrote this. So.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (42:57)
I was through.

I'm so excited. This is like the biggest treat ever. Are you kidding me?

Christine (43:04)
Okay, so this is what happened. My husband and I went to Machu Picchu, to hike Machu Picchu. There's a whole other story, like there's a lot to talk about this particular trip to Machu Picchu. Eliza knows some of it. But.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (43:15)
Yeah, some of best stories ever happened in Machu Picchu.

Christine (43:19)
So I was an anthropology major. I couldn't wait to go to Machu Picchu. I studied all about it. I was so excited to go. So we go with our best couple friends who I love so much. He at the time was studying to be a pediatrician. This guy, by the way, is so amazing. He graduated from USC with a literature degree and went backpacking through Africa.

And he was so moved by what he saw. He's like, oh, I want to help. What do these people need? He's like, they need a doctor. I need to go back to school and be a doctor. So he literally went back to all the biology, everything else to become a doctor. He's like over the top. So we're getting ready to go to Peru and we have a meeting before we go. And he sits me down. He's like, listen, we're going to go to Peru and there are a lot of kids on the street and you cannot.

give them food and you know, you can't give them money. And he said it hurts them because their parents will keep them out of school. He had done a lot of research, like this is coming from love. He prepared himself. I mean, he had like a million school supplies. He had backpacks of supplies, clothes and supplies, right? So, and he's sat me down to say no money, like no food, like supplies and clothes. I'm like, okay, I'm like, all right, we're there. So we get there and.

We're outside of the store and there are all of these kids and they are clearly hungry. And so I cannot help it. I'm like, I went in the store and I bought him food. He's like steam coming out of his, he has good intentions, right? Because he doesn't, he thinks it's ultimately gonna hurt them. He's like, you're making yourself feel better with this. Like you're not really helping. I feel like, and by the way, I don't disagree with him. I love him. It was like coming from love, but we had this clash. We had this moment of.

But I can't, right? So it wasn't even an argument, but it was the only disagreement in a way we've ever had. And so we go to bed, we get back, we go to bed. And I get in bed, and I'm so bothered by the whole thing. And also my body is vibrating like crazy. I am like everything in my body is buzzing, I cannot sleep. And we're in Cusco, I'm getting ready to acclimate to go do this big hike.

I'm like, oh my gosh, I can't, like, I have this huge hike ahead of me. I can't sleep. Like, my whole body is buzzing. I'm like, aggravated about these kids. Laying in bed, finally it's like crack of dawn. I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm just gonna get up. And I have like some paper and a pen. I'm like, I'm just gonna write. I'm just gonna see what flows through me. Like, what? Like, spirit, I'm saying spirit, help me out here. Like, I don't under, like, I'm bothered. I'm sort of upset. I need a little help here. I need a little guidance.

And so this is the message from Spirit that came through me on October 2nd of 1999. And by the way, this is pre -internet. This is pre, like there's barely any spiritual books or anything like that. Some of the things that are written in here, like sound more common, but at the time it was really an uncommon thing to read myself. So this is what...

when I sat down to do this automatic writing, which anybody is capable of opening up to allow what's gonna flow through you. This is the message from Spirit that flowed through. Good morning, Divine Spirit of Love. Thank you for reaching out to us this morning. We are excited to have you here in this Mecca of spiritual energy. And yes, you did not sleep because every cell in your body could feel it. Take this opportunity to raise yourself to a higher level. The problems that you see are not what they seem.

The greatest gift you can give is to be, in capital letters, love. You are correct in that we choose our own paths, honor the divine light in all you see. This experience has the power to be transformative. Believe you are ready to walk through the door. There is nothing to fear. There is only love in all its mysterious disguises. Feel with your heart and not with your head.

for that is where truth lies. There is beauty all around you, revel in it, reveal your true being. You can shed the layers that no longer suit you. You do not need to look outside of yourself to achieve this. The power is within you. Choose your path and do not be afraid to walk it. It will lead you on a grand adventure.

So that is an example of automatic writing. You may have a moment where you feel upset. You feel confused about how to move forward with something. You can sit down with pen to paper and see what comes through. You may just get your question answered by opening up to a higher power.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (48:27)
Wow. Wow, wow, wow. I also just have to add that Christine Automatic wrote, backslash channeled, backslash used her mediumistic abilities to channel a letter for me about two years ago at the Arthur Finley College. And I have to tell you and tell everyone today that it is to this day, one of the most prized possessions that I have.

And if there was ever God forbid a fire, like that, my leather jacket are coming out of the house because it was so profound. It was a letter from my grandfather and every word just, I can't even tell you, I've read that letter so many times when I really needed it. So I just want to speak to the power of automatic writing and also that Christine's amazing at it clearly. And what a gift you just gave all of our listeners. So thank you.

Christine (49:01)
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.

Well, thank you. So listen, this was part one of channeling because this is an ongoing conversation. We'll probably touch back several times on this topic because it really is. This was sort of an overview. There really is so very much to say. I think there'll be some live channelings. There will be a lot more with this topic. And again, we are so excited to have you here.

I know some of our people who have subscribed and some of our listeners and we're so, I can't even tell you, we feel your energy. We are so thrilled to have you here with us on this journey and building the energy around this discovery that we're on together. We're the guides here, but this is a journey that we're all taking together.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (50:10)
Absolutely. So I'll see you all next week.

Christine (50:14)
See you next week. Thanks for staying with us. Bye bye.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (50:17)