Guided Prayers by Grace CMA Church

As you position yourself in front of the first painting entitled “Hope,”  look carefully at the image and think about what the word “hope” means to you.

What is Guided Prayers by Grace CMA Church?

A companion podcast to guided art or prayer experiences & initiatives at Grace CMA Church.

Advent Painting Number 1: Hope
As you position yourself in front of the first painting entitled “Hope,” look carefully at the image and think about what the word “hope” means to you.

As the artist, Brian Bailey, was working on this piece, he pondered the connection between hope and prayer. He says: “To me hope and prayer are synonymous. We go to God because we hope that He would hear us. There’s this humility of going to God and hoping that He would answer us.”

As Christians, our prayers are infused with hope because we know that God is trustworthy to fulfill His promises.

Take a moment to silently thank God for his faithfulness.

Now in the next breath, knowing that He’s faithful and that He cares for you–ask Him for something you long for.

Linger in front of this painting for another moment.

1 Peter 1:8–9 explains that our faith in Jesus infuses us with joy-filled hope:
Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

[Brian] “I take hope and I take solace in knowing that Jesus will come and He will return and He will bring justice with Him and we as Christians ought to live with that hope.”
In what ways is this joy-filled hope expressed through this painting? Notice the emotions provoked by the colors, the warm reflection on the man’s face, his facial expression, the space created by the colors in the background, and anything else that stands out to you. As you allow yourself to experience the emotions of hope in a fresh way, thank God quietly for the hope we have in Jesus.

When you’re ready, move to the next painting and push play on the next episode.