The Few Will Hunt Show

Everyone wants to eat, but only few will hunt. In this episode, Joey and Drew share the inspiring journey of @FewWillHunt, taking us from their humble beginnings to their extraordinary 'hockey stick year' in 2020. The hockey stick metaphor has fueled their perseverance through the highs and lows of building their brand. Since 2017, Joey and Drew have been relentless in their pursuit of growth, overcoming countless challenges to reach their current heights. PLUS! Joey opens up about his personal journey towards sobriety and how making conscious choices has shifted his perspective on life. Join us for an in-depth conversation about the origins of Few Will Hunt and learn how you can apply the hockey stick metaphor to achieve success in your own life.

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and Made in the USA apparel brand. Family-owned and operated and headquartered in Philadelphia. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

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Creators & Guests

Drew Beech
Drew Beech is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Few Will Hunt. He spent several years in the sales and marketing industry, grossing over several million dollars in sales. But his love for the entrepreneurial journey and desire to escape the rate race started with his personal training business in college. Today, Drew leads the Few Will Hunt community alongside his cousin and cofounder, Joey in their mission to restore the dignity of hard work through the highest-quality American-made apparel.
Joey Bowen
Joey Bowen is co-founder of Few Will Hunt.

What is The Few Will Hunt Show?

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

Drew Beech:

People want instant results, and you don't get the results without doing the work Yeah. Long enough. And there's, a lot of times, no reward until that hockey stick. That's the crazy part is there's no there are achievements along the way, but a lot of the times, you're too busy doing the work necessary to even know that they're there.

Joey Bowen:

Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show. What's going on, Eagles? I'm Joey. This is the Fuel Hunt Show. I'm joined by Drew.

Joey Bowen:

And on this show, what do we do? We learn how to be one of the few Mhmm. So that we can strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. Mhmm. This is it this is gonna make the intro, I think, moving forward.

Joey Bowen:

Because we gotta let people know what we're doing here.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. I'm I'm begging. I'm begging. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Alright. And that's nice little it's nice little bookend or book start. Bookend. Bookend. For the the sign off too.

Joey Bowen:

So I think it's here to stay. Yes. This is gonna be a quick hitter. Can I use that term? Isn't it a quick hitter, like, something fun?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That is that is power for now. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

I'll partake.

Drew Beech:

No. Yeah. I did at at one point in my life, I did, but Yeah. Not longer.

Joey Bowen:

It's a, yeah, it's a plant. Right? So you're

Drew Beech:

you're go plants. Exactly.

Joey Bowen:

You go plants.

Drew Beech:

Anymore just meat and fruit anymore, so no more plants.

Joey Bowen:

I'm on the same tip, dude. Meat and, berries, specifically.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Real ones now, dude. Real ones now.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I do have a banana from time to time. I do enjoy bananas.

Joey Bowen:

But Wait.

Drew Beech:

So you don't eat any other fruit?

Joey Bowen:

Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, bananas, oranges, and apples.

Drew Beech:

I I I don't discriminate, bro.

Joey Bowen:

And Any fruit any fruit can get it? Any fruit can get it.

Drew Beech:

And, dude, I don't know. I just got put on. I have my first one in 2023, and I've eaten a 1,000 since.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Dates are banging.

Drew Beech:

Dude, they are the fucking best fruit I've ever

Joey Bowen:

had. Figs?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Hello figs. Okay. Well, I I just had them this year too.

Joey Bowen:

You're not a cheese guy. No. You well, you raw how about raw cheese?

Drew Beech:

I Okay.

Joey Bowen:

Well, it's just the cheese.

Drew Beech:

The only I'm not saying she's bad for you. I'm just saying my my Gotcha. Gut health, I assume cheese.

Joey Bowen:

You take a a fig, and you put some gorgonzola on the fig, and then you wrap it in prosciutto. I mean I

Drew Beech:

mean However, I do partake in daily in dates and butter. But I think that's the same the same effect the same effect with

Joey Bowen:

all of

Drew Beech:

my mouth. It's kinda like those

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Fatty.

Drew Beech:

Taste buds. Mhmm. Yeah. The food pairing.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I got you. Yes. Yes.

Drew Beech:

I'm not big on prosciutto, though, and I'm also not be able to work with Zola.

Joey Bowen:

Prosciutto. I might turn into I might turn into a leg of Yeah. I eat a lot of them.

Drew Beech:

Is it prosciutto more like a salami?

Joey Bowen:

No. It's ham.

Drew Beech:

It's cured in.

Joey Bowen:

It's cured a specific way, but, I get the real stuff. Like, no nitrates, like, none of that. Like, the

Drew Beech:

real stuff. I thought it was more like salami, like salami. So

Joey Bowen:

No. No. This is like a ham. It's like a yeah. It's ham.

Joey Bowen:

Italian ham.

Drew Beech:

But gorgonzola cheese is not my style. That's like that that's like that aged, like, sour cheese. Right?

Joey Bowen:

It's kinda it's a little hard. Yeah. It's a little hard. It hit you. It's hard hard now.

Drew Beech:

I'm not.

Joey Bowen:

Alright. So I can't use the quick hitter. Let's use, just like shorty. We used to use shorty all the time. Now can't you shorty?

Drew Beech:

No. They're all shorty. I'm not talking about, like, yo, shorty. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

I'm not talking about that. Like, shorty with s h orti. Yeah. We used to use that for, like, posts with the short captions.

Drew Beech:

We would call them that internally.

Joey Bowen:

Okay. That

Drew Beech:

was an internal business.

Joey Bowen:

Well, now it's external. Now it's now memos went out to the community. Now I think, it's evident that we need to come up with a a name for this format. So maybe the few can name it for us. They can drop it in the comments in the YouTube show or send us a DM.

Joey Bowen:

This is gonna be a quick one. There you go. Is that safe? I can't say quick e.

Drew Beech:

No. That would be weird.

Joey Bowen:

Right? Not safe. Weird. Right? I can't say quick e.

Joey Bowen:

Alright. This is gonna be a quick one. I, we were we had a call the other day with, Alexander and Samantha from an agency that Nick Long hooked us up with, with respect to growing fuel on RISE. Right? And I had the origin story conversation with them to bring them up to speed, like, who we are, what our community is about, what we do, all that other stuff.

Joey Bowen:

And I told the origin story. I mentioned the hockey stick year. I feel like every time we tell our origin story, we always say, and 2020 was our hockey stick year. Hockey stick year, hockey stick year. And every time we talk about it, we talk about it for one specific reason, Because that was the year that our community, right, and our company went like this.

Joey Bowen:

Exponential growth. We talk about the blade of the hockey stick. Right? So you're you're a hockey guy.

Drew Beech:

I used to be.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Yeah. Same.

Drew Beech:

Alright. Alright, Pete. I'm a jiu jitsu guy now.

Joey Bowen:

Alright, Pete. I'm a jiu jitsu guy too. But you used to be you used to be a hockey guy. I was a hockey guy. You played more hockey than I did probably.

Drew Beech:

Not very well.

Joey Bowen:

I didn't play hockey well either, man. I used to wear roller or foot. I gave them all a try, and I

Drew Beech:

kinda sucked them all.

Joey Bowen:

I'm good at, like, getting stuff pegged at me and blocking it. So, like, goalie kinda worked for me.

Drew Beech:

How do you play goalie?

Joey Bowen:

A little bit. Doing, foot hockey and roller hockey. Yeah. And I could do

Drew Beech:

the one. Foot hockey gets a bad not a bad route. Doesn't get enough credit.

Joey Bowen:

No. It doesn't get enough credit.

Drew Beech:

Like, foot hockey is kind of It's tough. It's it's lit. It's exciting, dude.

Joey Bowen:

Like tough.

Drew Beech:

Those guys are good after it.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So you're a hockey guy. I I know that many in our community are hockey guys and gals too.

Joey Bowen:

When we did our few on hockey tee Mhmm. That was, like, super popular. So Colin

Drew Beech:

Thompson's favorite tee.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. It is Colin Thompson's favorite tee. So I wanted to talk about the hockey stick. The whole hockey stick. Not just the blade, not just the exponential growth piece, but also the stick itself.

Joey Bowen:

Everything that precedes that blade. Right? So like I said, you're a hockey guy. You understand, like, hockey sticks measured in inches, I think. Right?

Joey Bowen:

Anywhere from, like, juniors or, like, 40 some inches to adult sticks. They're, like, 60 some inches. Right? The stick is it's long. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

There's a lot of stuff to the stick other than just a blade.

Drew Beech:

I agree.

Joey Bowen:

And I think that the hockey stick is a great metaphor for success. Right? If you think about what precedes that blade, it's a long, boring piece of wood or fiberglass, right, that you know, Think of it like the path that you've gotta walk till you get to that blade, till you get to that exponential growth. Right? So I wanted to chop that up a little bit today because I think when I start telling the origin story, I wanna add that to it.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. It's not just about that exponential growth here. It's about everything that preceded it to. You know? It was a long go before we got to 2020.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. And in that long blade or that's not the blade, but the the the shaft of the Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

The hockey stick there, it's filled with fear, uncertainty, doubt, ridicule, and a shitload of hard work that you would have to do without knowing if this is ever going to work out.

Joey Bowen:

Yep. Exactly.

Drew Beech:

And that's what ultimately leads to that blade of the hockey stick, but a lot of people want the instant results because of the success they see others have on Instagram.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Or the appearance of success that they see. Like, on Instagram, you see the blade. That's what you see. You don't see the stick.

Joey Bowen:

You know, you don't see what's above that blade. You just don't. And I think that that's, you know, something that we we've always called attention to, but this this actual, like, metaphor, this visualization for success just really made sense to me. Like, taking a hockey stick, laying it on the ground, blade up, and looking at the length of that stick till you get to that blade and knowing that that represents the journey Mhmm. Right, that you have to go on before you get there.

Drew Beech:

And what's interesting too is when you do get to that blade, there's another hockey. So it's laid laid out just the exact same way, And it goes and then

Joey Bowen:

it goes

Drew Beech:

on the hockey stick.

Joey Bowen:

Blow your mind, dude. I was thinking about this. This is the things I think about it, like, 4 something in the morning. So I'm like, yeah. But there's, like, another blade.

Joey Bowen:

I mean, there's another stick right there. You get to the top of that blade, and there's another one right there. Sometimes, like, that jaw on isn't, like, right at the top of the blade. Sometimes it's down here. Mhmm.

Joey Bowen:

Like, sometimes you go through an exponential growth phase Yeah. And you actually fall. Like, you almost regress.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

Then you gotta run this run the stick again, right, to get to that, play it again. You know what I mean? And they're kind of, like, all pieced together. You know what I mean? That's, like, that's the way I look at it.

Drew Beech:

No. I agree. The the hockey's the second hockey's might be broken.

Joey Bowen:

Dude, the second hockey stick could be broken. The second hockey stick could be a junior stick. It's got, like, a, like, a really short run to your next. It could be like a isn't, Gretzky, I guess he had, like, I think he had, like, one of, like, the longer hockey sticks with 65 inches or 63 inches. It wasn't Gretzky super tall.

Joey Bowen:

On feet?

Drew Beech:

I'm I'm very bad.

Joey Bowen:

It's like a pronger stick.

Drew Beech:

I'm very bad at, like, sports history. Like, you know, you don't remember this guy? I'm like

Joey Bowen:

I'm terrible. You guys sometimes will say to me, like, you don't know who this is. I don't know who that guy is. I'm not included. You know?

Joey Bowen:

I have no no clue. One of the important things that I wanted to call out I know I said this was gonna be a quick one. One of the important things that I wanted to call out about the hockey stick is that there's a lag. There's a delay. Like, it takes a long time for success to compound.

Joey Bowen:

And I know that there's many people in our community from personal trainers to accountants to attorneys, and some other professions that they're, like, running that stick right now, and they're like, I'm doing all the right things. I'm doing all the right things, and and and it's not working. Like, nothing's working. It's it's the same. It's boring.

Joey Bowen:

Like, I don't feel like I'm making progress. And the reality of it is you just haven't done it long enough. I mean, that's what it comes down to. You gotta run the full length of that stick, and it's different for everybody before you get to that exponential growth either personally or professionally. Would you agree?

Drew Beech:

No. I agree. And and to reiterate, like, it's just people want instant results, and you don't get the results without doing the work Yeah. Long enough. And there's a lot of times no reward until that hockey stick.

Drew Beech:

That's the crazy part is there's no there are achievements along the way, but a lot of the times, you're too busy doing the work necessary to even know that they're there.

Joey Bowen:

You're too entrenched to to see the achievements. You're too entrenched to see the achievements. Mhmm. And that's why success looks like it's overnight. Mhmm.

Joey Bowen:

You know, because you're doing the right things for so long, and you're just doing the work and you're just grinding and you're bleeding and you're crying and you're sweating. And then one day, it all clicks. And that doesn't mean that one day is all it takes. It takes a 1000 times that. You know, 10000 times that to get to that point.

Joey Bowen:

We were mentioning on an earlier show, like, we say 2017 is our kind of our start year. Right? But there were rumblings in 2016. Like, you and I, late 2016, were working. So you you and consistently, this wasn't one of these things where we're like, oh, if you want, sounds cool.

Joey Bowen:

Like, it sounds cool to build a community. Let's do it for a month, take a month off. It's it's the holidays. We ain't gonna apply effort right now. We'll get back to it after the holidays, or it's summer, or, you know, I'm having a, you know, baby.

Joey Bowen:

You're having a baby. Whatever. Like, it wasn't and, you know, no disrespect, but we did the work regardless of our circumstances. And we did it for 4 years. 4 years to get to that blade of that hockey stick.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

You know what I mean? Almost 4 years. For a little, almost 4 years.

Drew Beech:

But I would argue though that even our first couple sales felt like a hockey stick though. So there might have been there might have been a blaat. But again, that's

Joey Bowen:

what dude? You know, there's little mini ones you used to get. They're little mini hockey sticks.

Drew Beech:

Well, like, that's what I'm saying. Like, there are we were so excited when that that those first orders came through on the on the site, and, like, I would get a notification on my phone that was, like, literally the best part of my day. And then the hardest part was just trying to figure out how to make that happen and up to sustain us

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Full time.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I remember we were so perplexed. One of our first orders from was from South Africa.

Drew Beech:

I think it was a yeah. It wasn't I mean, your mom

Joey Bowen:

of her first. Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. And Gina was definitely our our first order.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's an that's another lesson. Like, whatever you're building, if there's real ones in your life or in your family that are actually supporting you with their dollars and not asking for anything for free or a discount and saying, like, hey.

Joey Bowen:

I see what you are doing. I see how hard you're working. And it's just silently, they support Yeah. With their dollars. They're real ones.

Joey Bowen:

If if you've got them in your life right now and you're building something, man, give them a hug. Tell me you're

Drew Beech:

grateful. Has Angie always been that way with anything you were a star in? She was always just like Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Or else?

Drew Beech:

Or just if you want to speak to her more than anything?

Joey Bowen:

No. I mean, my parents are super supportive, but, you know, my my mom is so special. But, there was a big or else factor with her. Like, you know, she was just like, yo, look. Like, you've gotta work hard or else.

Joey Bowen:

Like, you know what I mean? There's some there's a you know? But I wanted to because, you know, I wanted to give her back everything she gave me. You know? But, yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Shout out to, mama b.

Drew Beech:

Hey, Gina.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Hey, Gina, mama b. Shout out. Yeah. The hockey stick.

Joey Bowen:

What else, man? What else?

Drew Beech:

I was just thinking about, when you brought this up, the how long that hockey stick actually is and and and the things that happen along the way, like the bumps in the hockey stick of the negative bumps too. Like Mhmm. The people telling you you can't do something. Mhmm. Like, they'll they'll they'll tell you a million reasons why you can't before they ever Yep.

Drew Beech:

Support you and tell you why you can.

Joey Bowen:

Yes. It's so odd. It's come up a couple of times today, on some of the shows that, we've done. Like we said earlier, we film multiple shows in one day because we're actually real people Yeah. Running a real business with a real community behind it, so we got shit to do.

Joey Bowen:

We can't just film episodes every day, but it came up, you know, many times with some of our other guests. And, you know, I think that most people that do that have good intentions. They just want you to be safe. They wanna have your safety in mind. And, you know, they look at it as, like, you're about to walk off a 10 story building.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

You know, it's life or death when they see some of these risks. And as a risk taker and a hard worker, because they're 2 different things. As a risk taker and a hard worker, you know you know the deal. You you see clearly. You know it's a a requirement.

Drew Beech:

It's funny too because a lot of times it feels like I mean, this just applies to entrepreneurship or potentially even, like, fitness and exercise. A lot of the times I feel as though they ridicule and try and hold you back because they don't want you doing better or doing something more than they can or some they aren't able to do. Like, I remember when I was at my old job, I would always skip the the vendor lunches. Like, when they were bringing the pizza, every day, there'd be hoagies or pizza.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

And I got my own, like, chicken chicken and rice. So I'm good. And and they would always do there's always shit to say.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I'm kinda going through that. I I've had a couple instances of it with alcohol since, you know, I'm, 5 months sober now, which is crazy. Right? Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. Which is crazy. And it just, like, off a whim decision. You know?

Joey Bowen:

It's, I definitely, like, drank a lot and made stupid ass decisions when I was younger. But, like, later on in life, it wasn't really a factor to me until I realized it was a factor, meaning, like, total human performance optimization. Like, for me, I believe it can happen if I have alcohol in my life. So, but, anyway, like, I

Drew Beech:

crazy that alcohol is the only poison they ask you why if you choose to not drink it.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

It's literally poison.

Joey Bowen:

Well, I feel like even, like, when I say, hey. Like, I'm 5 months over. Like, I'm proud of that, dude. Like, because with how stressful our lives are, like, it would be very easy for me to have a beer while I'm grilling steaks for my family at night. But, like, I'm making another choice because I don't want a crutch.

Joey Bowen:

You know? I don't wanna say to myself, well, I'm gonna have this beer so I can relax. You know what I mean? Because I had a stressful day. Like, I don't want I don't want crutches.

Joey Bowen:

I want competence. And it's uncomfortable, but, dealing with the stress in other ways. You know what I mean? But, anyway, I've I've even had that with a few instances where I was like, oh, well, like, you know, you're too good for us. You don't drink or whatever.

Joey Bowen:

I'm like, no, dude. It has nothing to do with that. Like, you know, I'm just making decisions for my health and my longevity so that I'm here for the people that I love. And that includes the community. But it's it's the same thing.

Joey Bowen:

Like, I don't think a lot of people do it nefariously. Like, I don't think they're evil people.

Drew Beech:

I think they were.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I don't think they have bad intentions. There you go. I don't think they have bad intentions. I think it's just, like, we hate what we ain't.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. People like people like familiar, and that's that's just that's how we're wired as humans. So, like, somebody going against the grain, like, you're gonna make some waves. People are gonna have some comments. You know?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah. I do hope hope that our podcast and this episode and all of our episodes will help remind you and motivate push you Mhmm.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

keep going because it doesn't matter what people are ridiculing, we're trying to hold you back because we are living proof and as are everyone we've had on this podcast to date that he was living the life of their dreams or

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Just living, not everyone's a millionaire or a celebrity or you know what I mean? But they're living a life of their dreams, doing what they love Mhmm. And what gives them purpose.

Joey Bowen:

Everybody that we've had on this show as a guest, including the hosts of the show, you and I. Right? Have at least 3 of the 4 freedoms locked down. Right? Freedom of time.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Freedom of purpose. Freedom of relationships. Many of them are working on financial freedom.

Drew Beech:

Financial freedom is definitely

Joey Bowen:

Yeah, man. But that's the last one.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. That's the last one.

Joey Bowen:

That's the last that's the last unlock.

Drew Beech:

It's because a lot of times you're and I I think we do come back to entrepreneurship a lot because we're just in that space.

Joey Bowen:

But a

Drew Beech:

lot of the times, the people that have financial freedom don't have the other 3.

Joey Bowen:

It that could happen or sometimes, like, folks that unlock financial freedom last. Like, this is an extreme example, obviously, but, like, lottery winners. You know how most lottery winners' lives go because they haven't, and not for any fault of their own, but they haven't passed through the gates many times that you have to pass through to learn, become wise when you're unlocking the other three freedoms, time, purpose, relationships. Mhmm. So when that last one unlocks, it's like melee mode.

Joey Bowen:

You know what I mean? They don't, you know, they don't understand.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

yeah, I don't think people do that. Like I said, like, you hate what you hate. Where were we? We were talking about that, but then we took a little bit of an, of an aside. Oh, yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Everybody on the show. Yeah. And we go back to entrepreneurship. Like, we're we're talking about entrepreneurship and the hockey stick, but the hockey stick relates the stick and the blade relate to whatever your goal is. Could be weight loss.

Joey Bowen:

It could be, side hustle to main gig. It could be jujitsu. It could be entrepreneurship. And I know that the we got some of the smartest, smartest, dopest people in our community. So, I know that they're able to take what we're discussing in the entrepreneurship realm and apply that to them running the business that is their life, You know?

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. You know? These lessons are all transferrable, man. Like, I'm on this whole unbeatable loss kick.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

And it might come up at BK live when I speak there. Like, there are just certain core concepts and certain unbeatable laws of the world and the universe, and they transcend careers and everything. And that's what we talk about here, and that's what the rules of the few are rooted in. You know what I mean? The rules of the few apply to business, life, relationships, everything.

Joey Bowen:

There's just certain ways that the world works, and they seem mysterious until they're not.

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

You know? So Yeah. Took a little bit of a departure from hockey. You got any cool hockey stories before we tie this up?

Drew Beech:

No. I mean, shout out to the few, our professional roller hockey team and

Joey Bowen:

There you go.

Drew Beech:

And the OG. Not not the only professional rock art are met my men's league team were back in the day. We were some of the first ever, like, Nick Largo and Cox, American guys that

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Literally still support Fu Han to to this day and and believe them Fu Han before anyone else did.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Real ones, man. Real ones. You know what I mean? Never asked, for a handout.

Joey Bowen:

We're always there. Got the original fuel hunt crest tattooed on their body, shout out logs. Yeah. You know? Like I was saying earlier, you got somebody like that in your life.

Joey Bowen:

Like, send them a gratitude text message or give them a hug. Next time I see him, I'm gonna give you a hug, dude. Yeah. I'm gonna give you a hug. But, you know, give him a hug because it's, it's rare nowadays.

Drew Beech:

Very rare.

Joey Bowen:

It's rare. It's rare. So, you know, for the few, like I said, I understand where you're at. I understand the long nights. I understand the early mornings.

Joey Bowen:

I understand the stress and the anxiety that comes with the dream that you're chasing and the risk that you're taking. And we understand it not because we've been there, but because we are there. Like, we're doing the same with you. Just because there's a camera in front of us, doesn't mean shit. We figure some things out, but we're still right there with you.

Joey Bowen:

So in this episode, that was the main message, and it was kind of wrapped up in this, you know, hockey stick visualization and metaphor. But, hopefully, that helps the few. You know, while they're walking this path, while they're on this journey, they can think of the hockey stick, and they can see the blade, you know, in the distance and know that everything that they are doing, all the hard work that they've put in, it's gonna be worth it in the long run. Yeah. It's gonna be worth it in the long run.

Joey Bowen:

Anything else to add? I'm gonna sign this off. This might be our shortest episode ever.

Drew Beech:

I don't know. I think we do have another 20 minute one out there.

Joey Bowen:

Do we?

Drew Beech:

Yeah. I think so.

Joey Bowen:

Alright. Well, I don't like to lose, so next episode, I'm gonna make the shortest episode ever. Alright. I'm gonna leave you with something. Remember, always choose hard work over handouts.

Joey Bowen:

Always choose effort over entitlement. No one owns you, no one owes you. You're one of the few. Now, let's hunt.