Get Clear with Crystal Ware

What it takes to make the money you deserve in 2024! 
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As we near the end of 2023, Crystal is here to equip you with the tools to claim the income you truly deserve in 2024. Prepare to delve into strategies that unleash your full financial potential as Crystal guides you through recognizing and addressing the gender pay gap, mastering the art of negotiation, and making smart career moves. With actionable tips, Crystal empowers you to amplify your income and stride toward financial triumph in the upcoming year. Key points Include: 
  • Make 2024 the year you get paid what you deserve  
  • Your money mindset: What is holding you back?  
  • Shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset 
  • Knowing and owning your value and worth  
  • How to position yourself for better opportunities  
  • It’s your time to make strategic decisions and achieve financial success 
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What is Get Clear with Crystal Ware?

Ever wish you had a mentor to help you become who you were meant to be? Crystal Ware is redefining what it means to become your best self, in business, life, and love and sharing everything she she knows to get YOU there faster.

Are you stuck? Feel like you are meant for more but not sure how to breakthrough? Every week, we will explore all of your questions on building a path to true happiness, achieving success and creating our dream life. Brick by brick, we will work through the issues and mindsets that keep us stuck, dive into finding our passion and how to take ACTION. Clarity (vision) + Confidence (Owning your worth) + Courage (to live life on your own terms and become your own CEO) propels you to your destiny. And the good news it: its all within you!

Each week, host, Crystal Ware, will bring you all of the practical wisdom to grow every aspect of your career and life including mindset, vision, goal planning, social media management, financial acumen and so much more. You'll also meet top business leaders, entrepreneurs, mompreneurers and innovative thinkers who invested in themselves and found their way success and happiness by leading on their own terms.

You were made for more, so start living like it today. Join us as we take action, grow together, and get inspired to reach for your dreams.

Crystal Ware 0:00:00
You welcome to the Get Clear with Crystal Ware podcast, the place where we get clear on our goals, own our worth, and learn to be the CEOs of our own lives. I'm your host, Crystal Ware, lawyer and former Fortune 500 corporate leader who found the confidence to say goodbye to a lucrative career and start my own business. Now I'm opening up the playbook and sharing everything I've learned to get you there faster. It may not be easy, but it will always be worth it because you are made for more. So put on your big girl pants, jump on board, and let's reach for the stars. Are you ready to get clear? Welcome back to another episode of Get Clear. I'm your girl, Crystal Ware. Talking about one of my favorite things to talk about again today, and that is money, money and how to make more money because we are on the precipice of 2024. A brand new Year, a brand new you, right? Trite, but true. Okay, we never have to start on the first year. It's just like a good, clean time to start. But also it's time to think about your reviews. You may have just had them or they may be coming up really soon.

Crystal Ware 0:01:16
And that is the perfect time to talk about getting paid your worth and getting the money you deserve. Because 2024 can be and should be the year that you are getting paid what you deserve. Okay, so how are you going to do that? The gender pay galap is no different than it was 5810 years ago. Okay. What we are seeing and diving deeper into the pay gap is that the gap actually widens for people of color and also for people that as they age, as women age, the paid gap widens. It goes from seventy nine cents to sixty five cents to sixty two cents to like fifty eight cents. I don't have the statistics right in front of me, but that's approximately what it is. So if you're still working in your 50s, then likely the pay gap is even larger. What are you going to do about it? You got to go after it. You got to go ask for it. But how do you even start? Well, to get paid what you deserve, you need to start with a money mindset makeover. Okay?

Crystal Ware 0:02:29
You got to think about what are your money mindsets? What are the unique set of beliefs, thoughts and feelings about money that either are propelling you forward? And if that's you, good for you, girl. I love it. I had to become that girl. Or what are the money mindsets that are holding you back? Ultimately, when we talk about all the money mindsets and the language around money that we may be thinking about, they ultimately can kind of be combined into two buckets, which is one of my older episodes. Scarcity mindset or abundance mindset. Go back and look for that one. I talked all about that and how we can shift gears from one to the other. But generally speaking, what this is, is like. If you have an abundance mindset, you're thinking, I always have enough money to pay for my bills. There's plenty of money to go around. I don't have to worry about lending a few dollars to my friend when they're in need, because I have enough. I don't have to worry about it.

Crystal Ware 0:03:22
I'm in control of my money. Money makes the world a better place. Money makes my life better. These are all positive, abundant connotations. Whereas if you look at Scarcity mindset we're thinking about, I never have enough money, there's not enough going around. I cannot afford that playing in your mind over and over and over. It goes down to cultural things that we may talk about, that our culture in America varies from Africa, from Europe, from other areas, but things in America that we may be talking about is money is the root of all evil. Money doesn't grow on trees. Think about things like this. Are negative connotations of money that there are not, that they are not plentiful, that they ware not readily available to us. And we have to stop these negative mindsets, and we have to think into the positive. Yeah, you might be living paycheck to paycheck. It seems like, I don't know, 40 or 50% of Americans are actually living paycheck to paycheck. But that doesn't mean that you cannot find ways to stop yourself from thinking that and start leaning into more positive mindsets around how you can get unstuck when it comes to money. So if that's you, if you're ready to grow, if you're ready to get the paycheck that, you know, you deserve to get a raise or get a promotion or otherwise start growing money, you need to think about, what are the mindsets holding you back.

Crystal Ware 0:04:52
Secondly, you need to know your worth and your value, and you got to own it. We have many episodes on that. I talk about that all the time. How can you do that? How can you feel worthy? How can you talk about what you're doing that is so positive and unique and better than the other person? You don't necessarily have to play competitive games with that. You don't have to be competitive with other people. You just need to know your value, your worth, and be able to succinctly communicate that to other people, to position yourself for right opportunities and for more money. Worth is inherent. We are all worthy. Our value is different for each of us because we have a unique blueprint of our skills, our abilities, our talents, and our experiences. So you are worthy. Let me repeat that again. You are worthy.

Crystal Ware 0:05:47
What your value is, is up to you. Okay? And my value is not going to be the same as anybody else's value. It's not going to be the same as my boss's. It's not going to be same as the person working with me or the person working below me. That doesn't mean our values are not aligned. And it doesn't mean that the compensation for those are necessarily different. Our value is just different. And how you hone into that and how you bring nuance to that and how you communicate that to others is going to position you for either a higher, an average or a lower salary, okay? And when you have the worth and the value that you know, and you are very clear on that, clarity brings so many positives. Getting clear that's the name of my podcast for a reason. When we get clear on what it is we want, what it is we do, and what value we have in doing those things, then we can be comfortable asking for what we're worth and negotiating on our own behalf. I just want to pause and say thank you to all the amazing people tuning in and making this show a success. And to share some exciting scoop I am opening up for the first time ever, one on one coaching. We have two options available, the executive Edge two week program and the Career Catalyst Six week program, which will use my proprietary earn it framework.

Crystal Ware 0:07:29
If you're ready to propel your professional journey, crush your salary goals, or need someone to coach you through a big career decision, let's conquer it together. Limited spots for unlimited empowerment links to sign up will be in the show notes and in the link tree on my Instagram and LinkedIn site. See you there. There's been a lot of talk about some articles that came out recently about how women actually do ask as much as men for higher salaries or in negotiating more, but they're just not as successful. That has to do with how we position ourselves, how we talk about ourselves, and how we communicate our values to others. We have to promote ourselves. And by the way, when we say that the women ware asking as much as men, that is true. But it still isn't everybody. It's not enough. We all need to be asking for more more frequently. That doesn't mean go ask for a raise every six months. It just means when you are at that opportunity to look for a new job, you should be negotiating. When you are going in for a promotion at your company, you should be negotiating. And if you feel like you're underpaid because of your experience, your talents, your skills, or for market reasons, when it's your time for your annual raise, your annual review, or just whatever time of the year it is, you should ask. I'm not saying you should ask every six months or every year though.

Crystal Ware 0:09:01
Okay? You got to understand what the broader concepts are, but we need to negotiate. You need to negotiate. Okay. The benefits of paying negotiation ware vast. So you need to prepare yourself. You need to understand what you're doing. You need to understand the value that you bring. Assign values to your accomplishments if there aren't monetary values to be assigned to them, and other skills. You need to work on growing your financial literacy. You need to work on skill set investment. So if you are looking to make a big jump, what upgrade of your skills do you need to do? How can you evolve and grow in a demanding industry to make yourself indispensable and deserving of higher pay? How do you tie yourself to revenue for your company? Again, I've worked in insurance and risk management.

Crystal Ware 0:09:51
And how do I tie myself to the income? I showed savings. I showed value in what I considered to be areas that I had to assign values. I showed my value by explaining how many KPIs I had hit. There are a number of ways that you can do that. And if you see ones that tie yourself to the revenue, how can you make that more concrete and more sound? Those are things that you can work on all year long. And you can then strategically network to cultivate a powerful professional network that will open doors at your company and beyond. And not only that, but a strong network will provide valuable insights into what people expect. What kind of jobs are hot, what kind of positions are going to elevate you, what salary expectations can you expect? The more you know, the more power you have and can leverage. So these are the ways that you can make 2024 your year to get a big raise, blow it out of the water and make the money that you deserve. Okay? You have inherent value. You have inherent worth.

Crystal Ware 0:11:15
You need to set your sights intentionally. You need to make strategic career decisions. Not just for today, not just for a dollar, not just for short term gain, but long term thinking. Strategic thinking skill sets can grow. It may take you time to build up the skills to patchwork together, to get the really big jump that you're looking for. Have a long term plan in mind and you can lead where you want. So start today. Start with your money mindset. What scarcity thoughts can you shift to abundance thoughtS? How can you think differently about your worth and your value? Journal it if you need to, and move forward. Move the needle and love yourself. You deserve to make money doing what you love with people you love, and you deserve to make what you're worth. So make it clear, abundantly clear, who you are, who you serve, what your value is and what you want to do long term, okay? Because it doesn't matter if you're just making a lot of money doing something you hate.

Crystal Ware 0:12:34
The beauty is, in making the money you're worth doing something you at least moderately enjoy. Let's not be delusional and think every day is great, okay? It's not. But you can enjoy most of your life and most of your career if you're strategic and thoughtful about where you want to be and who you want to be with and the kind of money you want to make. So 2024 just around the corner, you can do it. You can make this your biggest and brightest year. And I can't wait to hear back from you about the 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% or even 50% raise that you're going to be seeking out over 2024 and think that's crazy. It's not, because I've seen it happen and it's not that rare. Honestly. For people that really do a good job and learn how to communicate their values and really get serious about taking it to the next level and being a great employee with great skills, that is making great money, they can get 40 and 50% raises. I promise you, it is not as rare as you might think. That can be you. When you get intentional and you get serious about you owning it, owning everything that you've done, everything that you are, you have to take it into consideration. And if you don't see the potential now, invest in yourself, in the right skills and the right marketing and watch it grow over one, two, three year period. Okay?

Crystal Ware 0:14:01
It doesn't always happen overnight, but if you know that you really have a lot going on, it may just be the small things of tweaking the communication. How do I look at myself? What are my money mindsets? It's all within your power, and I know you can do it. Keep getting clear. Keep loving yourself. Keep building your skills and value, and keep aligning and meeting new people to bring into your network and finding ways that you can work with and align with people that are meaningful. Until next time, we will keep bringing you much more insights to break free and own 2024. See you later. Keep getting clear. Thanks so much for tuning in. If you want to create a career you love, get the salary you deserve, and build the confidence to live life on your own terms. Sign up for my FrEE newsletter where you'll get actionable tips to raise your worth, build your wealth, create freedom, and create a life you absolutely love. Head over to to sign up or click the link in the show notes and join thousands of others making their dreams a reality. Whether you are just embarking on the journey or well on your way, the Worthful newsletter has something for you.

Crystal Ware 0:15:20
See you next week.