Chubby Tackle Talk

In this video, we dive deep into the 2024 NFL Draft and analyze the biggest winners and losers of the event. From surprise picks to steals in the later rounds, we cover it all. Stay tuned for a comprehensive recap and in-depth analysis of all the key moves made by teams. If you're a football fan or just love the excitement of the draft, this breakdown is a must-watch!

What is Chubby Tackle Talk?

Zero Credibility. 100% Hot Takes. All Football.

Big G:

That's who Chicago is hanging their banner. We will take over the world with this guy. And then all this made up. He's a great teammate. He needs positive media to spend all these wacko things going with him.

Big G:

That's your guy. That's your guy that you're going with. But I'll give you I'll give you one shining hope here. Here's your one shining hope. At least it's not Bo Nicks because that does not make sense to me.

Big G:

Give me a worse quarterback room than the Denver Broncos right now, which 2 thirds of it is Auburn QBs. And I know Alabama's QB trackers are not looking really great either.


For a Yeah. Knicks is still working.

Big Bubba:

Nope. Yeah. Knicks is built by Oregon.

Big G:

There we go.

Big Bubba:

Welcome in, my friends, again to CTT. That's Chubby Tackle Talk. We are back with a special audio edition For those of us, and for those of you who've been tracking us on YouTube, we've been cutting the content, but due to technical difficulties, we haven't been able to get it up recently. And so we're we're flipping over to this audio real quick for a little while while we iron those out. Hope to be back, but now we're expanding beyond.

Big Bubba:

We're going beyond just the YouTube. Come look us come check us out on other platforms as we go forward. For those of you who don't recognize my voice, I am the man, Big Bubba NoTruva, BBNT, and I am joined here by my cohost, first of all, the peanut king himself, Dothan, Alabama, but sitting in the Mile High City over there. JT, how are you doing today, JT?


I've been caught a lot of things. Peanut King is not one of them. Great to be here.

Big Bubba:

Awesome. And, of course, the counterfeit, counterfeit, kinda kinda leader of this whole endeavor, big g. How are you doing, g?

Big G:

Man, I'm doing well. For a minute there, I thought you were gonna call this the CTE podcast, but, you know, it may be about as bad on the ears. May have, it's a head trauma for some people listening to this.


And Not to be confused with AB.

Big G:

There you go. And you know what? Speak for yourself. I'm not being able to get it up. I had no issues.

Big G:

So that sounds like a you and JT problem, but glad to be

Big Bubba:

here. Right. I said technical difficulties. Technical, you should have been doing it instead of us. I just left Technically, I'm not doing it.

Big G:

Where you left it, which is not be able to get it up. Sounds like personal problem.

Big Bubba:

Alright. And so we're we're coming in. The big story of the day, guys, we had just concluded the the the time for talk is over. The picks are in. We've just concluded the NFL draft, and we are once again excited.

Big Bubba:

OTAs are starting. Guys are coming in, doing their workouts. I'm excited for the next NFL season. I don't know about y'all. So let's start it off with that.

Big Bubba:

Who had the best draft? Jansen, let's hear from you.


No. No. No, Bubba. We we see you. I know the audience can't see you here in your Paris hat, Just grinning from ear to ear.


You just said you can't wait for it. No way I'm starting this off. I can't wait. You, the Bears, man. Go for it.

Big Bubba:

I I can't wait. Stole


your praises.

Big Bubba:

So it it's it's only right that I start off the same way the Bears started off. And first first of all, let let's recognize 2 very important figures right now that got us here. First of all, Ryan Poles, the draft god. He's made a couple mistakes along the way. Look.

Big Bubba:

No nobody really liked the Chase Claypool. At the time, we thought it was good. And who knew that Chase Claypool was the virus that was bringing down, all NFL teams. But that being said, it got us to where we are today. Ryan Poles, to me, can do no wrong at this point.

Big Bubba:

He's the next coming of Ozzie Newsome. He's the greatest GM in the game. And then the second, I think it's important that we go back and we look at who the real man that got the Bears here is. It's not just Ryan Poles. It's Lovie Smith, the former coach who owned a 4th down and 17 in a throwaway game way, way back at the end of the 21, 20 22 or excuse me, the 22, 23 suit, way back, threw a a Hail Mary into the end zone and then went to 2 for the Texans to win the game and then put them in the number 2 draft slot behind the Bears.

Big Bubba:

From there, all it took was the Panthers doing what the Panthers are gonna do, making a horrible trade, picking a even worse quarterback, and the Bears are sitting there right there at number 1. And, look, Ron Poles has traded away some of his draft picks already. You know? We got we got offensive line help. Most importantly, Keenan Allen coming over from the charges for a 4th round pick meant that he only had 4 picks going into this draft, but 2 of them were in the top 10.

Big Bubba:

And, man, did he nail this draft. Look. What what can you say? Caleb Williams, a consensus number 1 overall, a consensus franchise quarterback, Hopefully, he's gonna save save the bears, but already is probably in the top 5 all time bears quarterbacks without taking a snap. And then they doubled down in the 9, and I cannot believe Rome Odu Odumseh fell One day, you're gonna

Big G:

learn how to pronounce people's names. I mean, it's

Big Bubba:

gonna be I'm gonna hear the announcers call it enough that I can learn at that point. But look, he fell to number 9. So right off the bat, you got the the the key element. Quite frankly, the only offense that USC had last year. I don't know if y'all know that or not.

Big Bubba:

The next closest, USC player offensive player that was taken after Caleb Williams was, like, a 153 or something like that. Like, that's the difference. That's what he was working with last year. And then so you got the number one player coming out of u USC, the number one player coming coming out of Washington because I I think it was Rome catching the balls, not Pinnocks throwing the balls, that made all those spectacular plays. And then in the 4th round, you get the punt god, the number one offensive weapon for Iowa.


Because he was the one the bulk one.

Big Bubba:

Number one number one weapon from Iowa, Tori Taylor, the punt god, to just add to it. And and, you know, here's the thing. I'm over the top. They they ended up getting 2 other picks. Kieran, Omega Omega Jahi, think is how you say it, who's an offensive tackle.

Big G:

That's probably not how you say it.

Big Bubba:

No no clue. He's an offensive tackle prospect out of Yale, so we know he's got a brain on his shoulders. He he's huge. He's just gotta develop some more. Same thing for Austin Booker, who everyone said, if he would have stayed another year, probably would have been a 1st round or next year, but came out early, dominated in the Senior Bowl, looked great.

Big Bubba:

I just think they nailed this draft. And here's the other thing I love. I love already Caleb's leadership. He's he's already connected to Rome. They were throwing balls back in LA before they even left for the draft.

Big Bubba:

They were on the same plane together. They were doing all the press together. Like, they were acting like teammates before he even dropped to number 9. And then the first thing Caleb does, when Tory Taylor gets drafted as the punter, he shoots a text to Tory. He goes, hey, man.

Big Bubba:

I can't wait to have you, but you're probably not gonna have to work that hard anymore with me. So you gotta love the confidence right there. The Bears nailed this draft. I don't see how you can pick anyone else other than number 1, quite frankly. I'm over the moon.

Big Bubba:

You know, NFC North, look out, because I I think there's gonna be an NFC North champion Chicago Bears this year.


Well well, Bubba, I'm so glad that with the 1st overall pick, the 9th overall pick, that you guys made good picks. Absolutely. Because, man, that's really tough to do when you get the 1st overall pick and the 9th overall.

Big Bubba:

Hey. Listen. Ryan Pace would've messed this up. That's all I'm saying.


Look. Look. The whole NFC North had a great draft other than maybe the Lions. I mean, but the Vikings had a good draft. Green Bay Packers, if you haven't really looked at their draft, and then the Bears.


I mean, that whole division, I think, got a whole lot stronger this weekend. But I'm not gonna go with the team that got the 1st overall pick and 2 picks in the top ten. I think that the draft's about doing something a little different. It happened to be a little bit bold. And I'm going with the team that's been a contender, but, man, they added some defense and a couple offensive weapons.


I'm going Philadelphia Eagles. Back there at the 22nd pick, they grabbed Quinn Young Mitchell, one of the top defensive players coming out of this draft that needed some secondary help. And then what do they do in the 2nd round? They grabbed the kid that was ranked 20th overall, Cooper Dejohn. Two cornerbacks, 2 DBs right off the bat.


Great, great grabs there. And then later in the the rounds, they got Will Shipley at running back. Could be good, could be great, could be okay. Jeremiah Trotter, who I know had a down year but was a really good linebacker, has a ton of potential there. And then in the 6th round, they're grabbing a kid that, you know, has made a little bit of headlines, but maybe not as much over shadowed by some of his teammates.


Johnny Wilson. This kid's like 6 foot 7 wide receiver. 6 foot 7. He can catch the ball. He's maybe not the fastest guy out there out of FSU, but I like what the Eagles put together.


I think they're a team that's already pretty strong, and they grab some great pieces at great value. And I'm gonna go back to my old fantasy football nowadays. It's not about who you get with the first pick overall. It's about where you grab value, I don't see much better value in any of the picks than what the Philadelphia Eagles did there.

Big Bubba:

Well, I gotta tell you, the the thing that lives in my head right now is somebody posted the the old clip from Remember the Titans of, Julius Campbell and Gary Bartier shoving each other, strong side, weak side, left side, strong side, whatever, And said, this is Quinion Mitchell and Cooper DeJon in training camp. And it's like it has lived in my head ever since I saw that, because I thought it was the funniest thing ever. But, yes, you know, it's hard for the Eagles not to screw up with the 10 picks that they had. And, certainly, they were team trade down this year as we went along.

Big G:

I am shocked that we're not talking about the Vikings. I just knew that Bubble was gonna go Chicago, and you were gonna go Vikings. Run through the run through the picks the Vikings had. I know you got it memorized. Just just let's hear it real quick.


Well, let me they had a great draft, man. You know, and and what makes that draft great is that they didn't trade the farm to get JJ McCarthy. So they grabbed McCarthy there 10th overall. They had to trade up one spot to get him to beat Denver out. And this was the key was that they got Dallas Turner there, at 17th overall pick.


They had to trade up to get that one, but you know, then they had a 4th, a couple 6 and a couple 7th. If you're to take what they got, everyone assumed that to get JJ, they were gonna have to trade both their 1st rounders this year and probably a second next year. I'm not look. I'm not the believer in JJ. I hope he turns out okay.


It's a win that they didn't have to trade the farm for him, and it's a win that we got a linebacker that we desperately needed. But just 2 picks alone don't make a whole draft.

Big Bubba:

Well, I'm glad you said that because I was ready to crucify you if you said the Vikings had the best draft. Because what they did is they saw what the Houston Texans did last year and then did the great value version of that. They they did the Walmart version of that. You know, the Texas last year took a took a took a Big 10 quarterback and a superstar in CJ Stroud. And then they took the number one overall defensive prospect from Alabama, Will Anderson junior.

Big Bubba:

The Vikings did basically the same thing this year, except for just a lot lower with a lot worse players. And so maybe it's gonna work out for them because they certainly had a lot more to build around than the Texas did. But to say that they had the best, I I you know, I I'm glad you didn't go that far because, again, it's just, like, a little bit worse. It's like the Midwestern version. It's like they took what the Texans did with worse ingredients, threw in a can of cream of mushroom soup and a pound of cheddar cheese and baked it in a casserole and called it a good draft.


We'll see where they

Big G:

go. Well


He he he's glad you gave him that n g because he prepped hard.

Big G:

I know he did. I was gonna yeah. He wasn't gonna have anything. But I'll hey. Let's talk about the Vikings, though, built by Bama.

Big G:

Right? Dallas Turner, you said Will Anderson Junior. He's better, man. He is better, and you'll see it on the field. And the vikings real.

Big G:

I can't believe went before him. Wait.

Big Bubba:

To be clear, you're saying that Dallas Turner is certainly will Anderson.

Big G:

100%. 100%. Yes. And it'll prove it. It'll prove it.

Big G:

Trust me on this one.


I I love that. I like that.

Big G:

And then and then what? You guys went Kyrie Jackson?



Big G:

Another Alabama product. No. It came from Oregon. Right? Transfer portal.

Big G:

And then the man who is arguably the greatest player in Alabama history, Will Rykert. Right? So just gotta get a little got that gotta get that kid in the weight room a little bit more, but he's gonna be nailing them for you some game winners. So alright. Well, I'll set up enough about that, but you guys know who who where I hang my flag.

Big G:

So you mentioned something earlier, JT. You did not like the Lions draft, but I'm going with the Lions having up there. I'll give it to him, the best draft of this year's draft, because every one of those players have the Dave Campbell brand. They're going to fit into his philosophy. He filled holes with major players.

Big G:

I'm talking right off the board. Terryon Arnold, arguably the best secondary coverage guy coming out of this draft. Rakeshaw, another SEC guy. But my favorite out of the draft, Giovanni Manu, didn't even play American College football. This dude is a beast.

Big G:

When I saw this guy 68352 runs a sub 540. This dude's a machine. And then you go look him up solid. He fits the brand. And then you just look, McKay Wingo at LSU.

Big G:

This is building studs, and he already put together the offensive philosophy a couple years ago. It's building on that. Now he's bringing in the defenses. Look. I know you said our buddy Holmes has already, you know, staked his flag with the Detroit Lions, but, man, there's something special about the Dave Campbell brand, that has been so painful to watch, this is a win for them.

Big G:

Detroit Lions.

Big Bubba:

So painful to watch that Dan Campbell's brother, Dave, has even been coaching, and nobody's noticed it.

Big G:

Did I say Dan? Dave. Funny.

Big Bubba:

Well, hey.


You gotta give you gotta give Detroit one thing. I mean, they said all the records for draft, participation. Oh, the attendance was incredible.

Big G:

Yeah. You gotta you gotta go from there. And Dan Campbell, thank you for the PTI correction. But Dave Campbell, we got a little we got a little treat later in the show, so that's where my brain brain was at. My other thing before before we hang up on on Maja's insight here, I was gonna go Detroit Lions or the Cardinals just because they drafted a whole freaking team.

Big G:

What in the world? Yeah.

Big Bubba:

They Well, you know, the the they starting out with Marvin Harrison Junior who who in a different class from may have been the number one overall player. It it's hard to go against them. Another one to throw out there too, by the way. Low key doing what the Steelers are gonna do. The Steelers had a great draft, especially building their line on both sides.

Big Bubba:

And nothing flashy, but once again, you're looking at a team that's gonna have a winning record and gonna go to the playoffs the same way that they always do in a Mike Tomlin Mike Tomlin team. And speaking


of non sexy, I felt like the Chargers was the same way. Like, I know I know the Chargers are getting a lot of hate, but I look at them like, you you got some good building blocks. There's just nothing exciting about your picks. But that tells me that they're really gonna be rebuilding over the next couple of years as well. Yeah.

Big Bubba:

Alright. So we talked about the good. Now let's let's talk about maybe not necessarily the bad, but what was the biggest surprise? The biggest because to me, there were some shocking moments from the draft and and from these teams, especially as you're looking at mocks. And I know we all get sucked in every year to what the mock drafts say versus what the NFL experts actually look on.

Big Bubba:

But the mocks had it somewhat right up until, up until maybe pick 7 or 6 or 7. 8. 8. And then it goes crazy. So, Graham, what did you think the biggest surprise in the draft was?

Big G:

This is not original. But to me, the Falcons, man, you have an opportunity to get hometown hero Brock Bowers. Right? So you've got him, Kyle Pitts. You've got you've got some love going that you're bringing in Kirk Cousins on a $2,000,000,000 contract, and you finally got some pieces.

Big G:

You've got a whole new staff. You're ready to roll. Like, this was the opportunity to to do something smart, and I just cannot fathom the whole panic. I know we're going with this whole tampering thing and how that's going to shake out. Man, I love the memes about the guy, the the player from, SC State that was 48 years old or 46.

Big G:

This is Pinnick's when he finally gets his chance to start. Make it make sense, man. I mean, if you have that opportunity, why not get somebody that is going to give it to you right now? Nobody wants to wait 5 years for that. So that's not not a big surprise there.

Big G:

There are some other ones, but I don't wanna steal anybody's thunder. JT, what was your biggest surprise?


Yeah. I mean, setting pinics aside, I mean, all you did was just create just a ton of controversy in your own locker room. You did nothing to help your team. You had nothing to help the chemistry. I'm gonna go with a positive for my surprise, because this is a team that I give a lot of hate to and rightfully so.


And hopefully you all saw the social media as as, David Tepper was heading into the draft room where the restaurants had to sign and said, please let the coach and GM pick this year. And David Tepper being the hubris that he has stopped in to talk with that, restaurant owner. But man, I've gotta give the Panthers credit. Because I think he listened to that sign. They traded up.


They got Xavier at the end of the 1st round, middle of the second round. They grabbed Jonathan Brooks out of Texas to be their running back. I looked down through what they got there with Sanders at tied in. They grabbed, grabbed some defensive pieces. This is a team that really didn't have any picks coming into this year, had pretty much mortgaged their future on on Bryce Young.


I thought they salvaged this draft in a great way, and got some real pieces, to add to Bryce Young and give him hopefully a much better software. You can't get much worse. I've gotta give credit where credit's due. They took what should have been a horrible situation, a no brainer where they just really were irrelevant this whole draft. And I think they grabbed some good pieces And with as little respect as I have for Tepper, that surprised me.

Big Bubba:

The salvage is the right term because that's what the Carolina Panthers team looks like, is salvaged goods that's not new, all worn out, and and somewhat banged up. That's that's a good description of the Panthers right now, you know? But, you know, to me, the the most surprising thing I mean, I think we're all sitting here scratching our heads a little over Phoenix. You mentioned Brock Bowers, who would have been a great fit in Atlanta, a great fit, quite frankly, maybe anywhere other than Las Vegas who had a lot bigger needs than than than Bowers, and and he's a amazing player. Let's not take away from him.

Big Bubba:

To me, the the shocking thing was the offensive dominance of the first round, and and and the offensive player dominance, especially of the top picks. I mean, when you're looking at it, it was pick 15 before a defensive player went off the board. Almost half of the first round went by without a defensive player being picked. There were 6 quarterbacks, 6 quarterbacks taken in the top 12 picks. So literally half of the first 12 picks were quarterbacks.

Big Bubba:

And so when you see this run on offensive players, it was crazy to me because a firm believer that defense builds champions, a firm believer that that you you have to be able to defend to win, and it's more than just about shootouts and who can who can score the most. But at the same time, that's almost gotta be a commentary on the new NFL. With the hip drop tackles, with the the the roughing the passers, with all these new, rules coming in that protect anybody from getting hit, included, by the way. I don't know if y'all saw this, But they're gonna be able to wear on their head these little fluffy, puffy, whatever helmet covers that are allegedly gonna stop concussions a little bit more. I don't know if they're gonna work or not.

Big Bubba:

But but it to me, it just shows what the new NFL is about. The new NFL is gonna be about offensive weapons, scoring quick, and and taking away from the tackles, because everybody's afraid of penalties right now. And who can blame them? Wouldn't you much rather take a big offensive tackle, like a JC Latham, to protect your quarterback, to get in the way of defender as opposed to someone like my personal favorite defensive player, Byron Murphy the 3rd or the second, excuse me, Byron Murphy the second, who who if he just touches that quarterback, he's probably gonna get a flag at this point. So, you know, guys, I mean, to me, it it's a new NFL, and this is the first draft of the new NFL, the way things are going.


Well and and, Bobby, you touched on something. We had 6 quarterbacks go in the top 12. 3 of those that probably were 2nd day picks. I mean, if we're being honest, I mean, 3 of those are probably 2nd day picks. But you know, the next quarterback didn't go to the 1 50th.


I mean, we had 6 and 12 picks, and then the 7th quarterback didn't go to pick 150. And that really just showed how desperate teams are for quarterbacks. Really just shows the desperation that's out there and how they're stretching. And look, if you're one of those teams that was picking between 15 and 32, what do we see? We saw a great run on defense because you had top 10 and top 15 overall talent available to you where you never have that kind of talent.


I mean, it was a great day to be in the back of the pack and being able to pick those defenders. You had the pick of the litter. It was crazy to watch that.

Big Bubba:

Well and, you know, say what you want, but, I mean, I I just don't think I don't think that the drop off between Bo Nix at 12 and Spencer Radler at, what, 153, 156, something like that, I don't think that the drop off is that big of a gap. I'm not saying there's not a gap. I agree that there is a gap, but the drop off can't be that big. And, by the way, I know that we didn't have the picks, but half of me really wish that we could assign the Bears could assign Spencer Radler to back up Caleb Williams again just because I think it would have been hilarious.

Big G:

Well, before we get there.

Big Bubba:

Just hilarious.

Big G:

That's a good transition into our next topic. Bubba, if you wanna kick us in that direction.

Big Bubba:

So that brings us into the real conversation. And because this is now, obviously, with 6 picks in the top twelve, I don't think there's any doubt. It's now a quarterback focused league. And so there were several quarterbacks taken. There there are 6 in the top 12, half half of the first top 12.

Big Bubba:

So the question comes in, of the quarterbacks that that are taken, who do you think is gonna succeed? Who do you think is gonna return that value? And who do you think is gonna be the absolute bust of them all? Let's see here, guys.

Big G:

Oh, can I just go here? Like, OG. This to me was one of the most crazy QB frenzied draft that I can remember in recent history. And I know it kinda skews that way every year, just the way the game's going. But to me, there could not been a bigger batch of subpar quarterbacks that got more hype.

Big G:

Prove me wrong, but that's my stance. I think anybody on this list may be outside of Pinnocks, and I don't really think so because he's in the Pac 12 and still to be determined if he's just a system guy. But, Bubba, I hate to say this to you. I think this whole the Bears got the best draft, putting everything into Caleb Williams. That is not the guy that I would put a franchise next 10 years into this dude.

Big G:

Let's look at the QBs Lincoln Riley has put into the NFL outside of Baker Mayfield having this comeback year, which is probably because he actually tried to figure out how to play as a team. They're not good. And I'm not gonna count Jalen Hurts. Right? But even then, Jalen, he he got advanced in in learning how to actually be a QB, but he's trending in the wrong direction, and he had an enormous talent surrounding him.

Big G:

But outside of that, you tack in Kyler Murray, you tack in Baylor May Baker Mayfield. Their record, there's there's a 20, almost a 20, like, lost to win ratio gap there in the NFL. So now we're gonna go with Caleb Williams, a guy whose record is somewhere 23 and 10 as a starting quarterback, 24 and 11, something like that, that's not outstanding. And then you can say, well, he didn't have the team around him. He didn't have the weapons.

Big G:

There was no defense. Blah blah blah blah blah. It's still a team game at the end, and that's who Chicago is hanging their banner. We will take over the world with this guy. And then all this made up, he's a great teammate.

Big G:

He needs positive media to spin all these wacko things going with him. That's your guy. That's your guy that you're going with. But I'll give you I'll give you one shining hope here. Here's your one shining hope.

Big G:

At least it's not Bo Nix because that does not make sense to me. Give me a worse quarterback room than the Denver Broncos right now, which 2 thirds of it is Auburn QBs. And I know Alabama's QB track record is not looking great.


They would they would they would elsewhere. Yeah. Dixie's Oregon. No.

Big Bubba:

Yeah. Nick Nicks is very important. Don't speak weird. Don't know Oregon.

Big G:

There we go. Okay. Well, it doesn't matter. Alright. So he he's tagged by that.

Big G:

But that's, I mean, there I am. Right? And then who knows, man? JJ showing up like he's at Sunday school to the Vikings facility. Maybe that's a good look for him.

Big G:

Maybe that's what they need, but I don't know if that's real or not, but that picture I


just heard all hate. Are you gonna have to any love out there?

Big G:

I don't know. I mean, to me, the best value pick out there here at is Spencer Rattler, and I think he's one of the worst QBs ever, but he went about where he should have gone. That's the only thing that makes sense in this draft. So there's your positive. Over.


Oh, g g.

Big Bubba:

Oh my god. Alright. So to start out, let let let's let me agree. Let me actually agree with you about one thing. Jalen Hurts did get better once he went to Oklahoma.

Big Bubba:

He a 100% got better once he left Bamba and went to Oklahoma. So we can agree about that. But your argument about why Caleb is gonna fail is naming 3 starting quarterbacks in the NFL right now who are products of Lincoln Riley. System quarterback, bro.

Big G:

That's exactly what you got.

Big Bubba:

System Successful. Swing your sword that you swing your sword, baby. The product of Mike Leach, Lincoln Riley has put quarterbacks into the NFL Yeah. That are starting quarterbacks here. Now the one thing that I will say that I think is being overlooked is to a certain extent, I do think maybe Caleb everybody's comparing him to Aaron Rodgers.

Big Bubba:

Everybody's comparing him to the rest of these guys. You know, in a weird way, he's not the runner. He's a little bit more like Cam Newton. He is a guy that plays with the emotions, that's gonna bring the team up around him. And, you know, if Cam hadn't been in that in that car wreck and hurt his shoulder, he might still be a great NFL quarterback.

Big Bubba:

Caleb is gonna succeed because the team is already around him. He's got a much better team than anybody else. He's walking into success, and he's gonna continue to have success. Let's talk about the quarterbacks that are not gonna have success.


Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Big Bubba:

Go for it. No. No. Go for it, please.


61205 player guy. You're you're comparing to Cam Newton.

Big Bubba:

I'm comparing I'm comparing the fact that he plays based on his emotions and that he rolls with the game and that he elevates the emotions of everyone around him.


So does Kyler Murray, and I think that's a much better comparison without the legs.

Big Bubba:

Kyler Murray without the legs, but with an arm. He's got a much better arm than Kyler Murray ever had.

Big G:

Yeah. And


and unlike Get back to your thing.

Big Bubba:

And unlike Kyler and and unlike and unlike Kyler Murray, and like Cam Newton, Caleb Williams has a Heisman.

Big G:

Well, but here here's here's the last thing, and then I'll let you have your I'll let you have your dance. But to me, Chicago must think that there is no greater defense than Utah in the NFL because, to me, that's Caleb Williams' nemesis. Never beat him. So, apparently, somebody's out there thinking that at least the NFL defenses are not as tough as Utah. That's why we're doing this.

Big G:

Here we go. Let's let's franchise player right here.

Big Bubba:

By the way, Kale Kale Williams against Utah was was 3 over 300 yards against Utah and 4 TDs. So I think he did okay. And crying. Receiver.

Big G:

Hey. If he does that in Chicago and you still get the l, are you saluting that guy?

Big Bubba:

We'll find out. We shall I

Big G:

remember him cry crying after every one of those games just like you're gonna be.

Big Bubba:

I I wanna I wanna tell you, I'm ready to be hard again.

Big G:

I know you are.

Big Bubba:

I'm ready to be as a Bears fan, I'm ready to be hard again, and it's okay. But he's not gonna be the bust in this draft class because he's got too much talent around him to be the bust. At least The bust.

Big G:

Here here's the the thing. At least you don't live in the city of Chicago to be a taxpayer that is going to have to fund that new $4,000,000,000 stadium. So at least you get to to kinda ride off in the sunset if this doesn't pan out. At least it's not coming from your paycheck.


I I hear there's a crying room built in.

Big Bubba:


Big G:

There it is. Safety room.

Big Bubba:

There's a there's a safe space. There's a safe space. We all have to have a safe space now.


Alright. Get on to your phone, Bongo. I'm

Big Bubba:

gonna make I I'm gonna make a bold prediction. Alright? Y'all ready for my bold prediction? Michael Panix junior will not be a bust. He will not be a bust because what?

Big Bubba:

You know yeah. Exactly. In order to be a bust, he had to get on the field. He's never gonna get on the field.


I mean, he's gonna be 29 by the time Kirk does his contract.

Big Bubba:

He's he's right. He's he's gonna retire. He's gonna be the guy in a few years that comes in for a snap on the last game of the season where they're resting a real starting quarterback, and you go, wow. I can't believe that guy's still in the NFL.

Big G:


Big Bubba:

He might throw a 100 passes total in his in his career in the NFL. Like, it's it's gonna be bad. But other than Michael Penick, look. To me, the bust looked no further than number 2 and number 3. I think Jaden Daniels and Drake May are both bust if I'm gonna be completely honest.

Big Bubba:

I think Jaden Daniels is a bust. Did he win a Heisman? Absolutely. Have I been saying that about Caleb? Yeah.

Big Bubba:

But Jaden Daniels won a Heisman with excellent blocking and excellent wide receivers. His top two receivers went in the 1st round of the draft this year, I think in the top 25 picks, both of them. He had the talent around him that just made him look good. And you know what? Washington agrees with me because I'm gonna make a bold prediction again right here.

Big Bubba:

Quarterback Sam Hartman of Notre Dame, the un the undrafted free agent that's going into the Washington Commander's camp to to back him up is going to start at some point this season for the Commanders. The other one, Drake May, again, this comes back to the old RG 3 argument where where the team didn't really believe in him and took another quarterback. Another bold prediction here, guys. Joe Minton, the Tennessee quarterback, is going to be the star Milton, excuse me, is going to be the starting quarterback for the New England Patriots. Right.

Big Bubba:

Because Drake May sucks because North Carolina quarterbacks stuck. All the North Carolina quarterbacks are terrible when they get in the NFL. Every single one of them.

Big G:

Well, and you

Big Bubba:

a good one. It's not miss Trubisky.


Yeah. That's that's the Bears in the there

Big Bubba:

there it is. Not a good North Carolina quarterback. And you know who's learned that there's not a good North Carolina quarterback? The Bears. You know who else learned?

Big Bubba:

The Commanders.

Big G:

Well and so don't forget, sis Sam Howell.

Big Bubba:

North Carolina quarterback. Is that

Big G:

Don't forget Sam Howell. I mean, the the that well, you and I were talking earlier this week that Drake May May and Sam Howell are almost it's like the same thing, and it's gonna end up being the same result. And and yeah.

Big Bubba:

And say what you want, JJ McCarthy and Bo Nix. My my my prediction is both these guys are going to be mediocre, run of the mill, quarterbacks for the next 10 years in the NFL. They'll get contracts. O'Nix is gonna be Gardner Minshew. That's what he's gonna be.

Big Bubba:

Oh, no. He's gonna be Gardner Minshew.


He wishes he had that

Big Bubba:

kind of swagger. I do.


I agree.

Big Bubba:

He's not gonna even He's gonna be guard

Big G:

he's not gonna hold his cleats, man.

Big Bubba:

That's what he's gonna be.


Look. Look. Look.

Big Bubba:

They're not anything. They're gonna be average quarterbacks.


So many things to unpack on what you just said there.

Big Bubba:

That are all completely right.


Look. Alright. First off, looking at this year, let's start with this year. I think it's a 2 person race. Easy.


I don't think any of the others even stand a chance. It's between your boy, Caleb Williams, who has a ton of great weapons around him, and it's JJ McCarthy, who has a ton of great weapons around him.

Big Bubba:

What Those 2 by great weapons, you mean Justin Jefferson?


What else do you need? That's good. We also got Aaron Jones back there now too. Those are the only 2 quarterbacks that I think walk into a great circumstance that allows them to start out the gate and have some growing pains because there's a team around them. 2nd to those 2 would be and and you're hating on them, but I think the person's gonna be the best overall out of this, the best career out of this draft class, Jaden Daniels.


Now I hear what you're saying about the 1 year, but, man, I like what the commanders are building over there. They're they're calling him Lamar 2.0. I'm not gonna go that far in it. I think Jay Daniels has a good arm. I think he's got a good vision.


And I think he walks into a circumstance where they're still rebuilding a little bit, but they still got some pretty good pieces. I think he has the best career out of all of them. Bo Nix is gonna get crushed there at Denver. Denver's got nothing, man. I mean and I think that's my same problem with Drake May.


What's he walking into? The the the the Patriots are in a horrible sort of situation right now. No weapons around them. Broncos have no weapons. These are 2 guys that really need some time to develop, and they're not gonna be given that runway.


And I'm right there with you when it comes to the Phoenix. He's not gonna play, so it's not gonna matter. You can't be a bust if you don't see the field. Just asinine the fact that you give Kirk Cousins 4 years of a $180,000,000, and then you bring in a 24, 25 year old rookie with your 8th overall pick. That that makes no sense.


The guys that all went later, Milton, Radler, oh, there's another kid that wasn't too bad. He landed with the Jets, actually, I think. You know, all those guys are fine and well.

Big Bubba:

Michael Michael Pratt

Big G:


Big Bubba:

You talk no. He no. He went to Green Bay. I'm sorry. Jordan Jordan Travis.

Big Bubba:

Jordan Travis. Yeah. Jordan Travis.


Guy. But none of those guys are gonna see the field for a couple of years. You know, they may make some waves out there. But, you know, give me long term. Give me Jaden Daniels all day.


Give me a good short term career. I'm looking at Caleb Williams. I'm looking at JJ McCarthy. And I do mean short term for Caleb Williams. I don't think he's a long term answer.

Big G:

Well, you're wrong, but okay. Alright. Moves along, Bubs. I mean, you're wrong. Alright.

Big G:


Big Bubba:

guys, that's enough about the NFL draft, but it's time for us to have a draft to roll on. So we're incorporating a new segment here. It's the boys draft, in which we're gonna take a new topic every week, and we're gonna have our picks and see who has the best draft of them all. Today's topic, very simply. Best fast food cheeseburger.

Big Bubba:

And by fast food, I mean, you gotta you gotta go up to the oh, yeah. Listen. In a in a in a group of large men who've all enjoyed a plethora of cheeseburgers all around, I can guarantee you that this is gonna be a hardcore competition here to see who picks the best. We're gonna see here we're gonna do 4 round snake draft style. Janssen, you're up first.

Big Bubba:

For fast food, we're gonna put the definition as this because there was a debate. If you have to go to the counter to get your food, it's considered to be fast food. If they bring the food to you, if you're if there's, like, a waiter or somebody bring the food to you, then it's not fast food. So that is a fast food cheeseburger. Jason, you got the 101.

Big Bubba:

Tell us who you got. Fast food cheeseburger. Go.


You know, to me, when you're looking at that first overall pick, there's not an easier choice. It's 5 guys all day long. Throw on the fries on the side. There's not a better Smash Burger out here. Give me 5 guys burgers and fries.

Big Bubba:

As usual, you completely blunder your ability to take the first pick and choose completely incorrectly. I should have had no doubt, which is why you got the 101 is because I knew you'd be leaving the best on the table. G, one zero two pick. What you got, brother?

Big G:

Yeah. I mean, anybody who who brands themselves with a greasy paper sack as 5 Guys does, it's not worthy of the number one overall pick. So I'm glad you wasted your pick for there. But, you know, hey. If the Bears can do it, if they can go after a diva, if they can go after a pick that's a little bit unusual Oh

Big Bubba:

my god.

Big G:

And really doesn't fit the mold, then I'm gonna take with my number 2 pick in this cheese burger draft, the Chick Fil A spicy chicken sandwich deluxe. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense, but I'm going with it because if it's got as many calories as a cheeseburger, it counts, and that is my sticky tip.

Big Bubba:

Even a cheeseburger.

Big G:

Hey. Put some cheese on it. It's probably doesn't have pure chicken parts. There's probably some beef hanging in there somewhere. It counts.


That's why he's kinda fit, and we're only fat. Blah blah.

Big Bubba:

Oh my god.


With the chicken.

Big G:

I think it's got more I think it's got more calories in it than a cheeseburger.

Big Bubba:

Let's be for real.

Big G:

The Jesus chicken, if you look at the nutrition facts, it ain't holy, baby. So, anyway


tell tell tell g why he just screwed this whole thing up. But that's okay. Tell him the guy. No.

Big Bubba:

Francis Graham coming Graham coming g coming from left field. Basically, just No. It's dog. In the first in the first round of the NFL draft, he's gonna he's gonna go ahead and go out and pick a rugby player from South Africa who's never seen a football field before.

Big G:

It's it's like picking an offensive tackle from, British Columbia that runs a sub 540 at 6 8352. 10 years from now, he's still gonna be playing. It's gonna be great. It's just like the cheeseburger. 10 years from now, if you're eating those cheeseburgers, you're not gonna be around.

Big G:

So go with the chicken sandwich.


Well, no. There's only 1 burger off the table, Bob.

Big Bubba:

That's all.

Big G:

3rd pick.

Big Bubba:

Go. So so so 5 describes your IQ right now, I think. It's

Big G:

Or maybe the smartest person in

Big Bubba:

the life. Like oh my god.

Big G:

Hey. Right now? Yeah. Sponsorship.

Big Bubba:

The obvious one zero one here, Jansen, that you missed, and I'm, I'm especially disappointed as the guy out closest to the West Coast. Alright. The 101 should have been the In N Out Burger, the double double, if you know what I mean, brother. Animal style all the way is the best fast food cheeseburger that you can get. So much so that I even look when I go out to Texas and plan trips around where I can get an In N Out Burger when I'm out there.


All I can say is bless your heart. The only thing good about an In N Out Burger is the pricing because it's basically McDonald's with a California logo.

Big Bubba:

And and better quality beef and better quality food. Okay? You're crazy. The 101 is the in and out, but that's that's located a little bit out on the coast. So going into the 2nd round, now that I have the pick here, you know, I gotta go we're gonna talk calories, but we're gonna talk delicious.

Big Bubba:

It comes down to the Baconator, baby. Give me Wendy's and the Baconator for the 2nd round pick because you throw on that delicious bacon on top of that cheese and that square patty, which gives you just a little bit more of that meat. Oh, boy. That's the good stuff right here. Man.


You know why they put so much bacon on there? It's because, the beef is such low quality. You eat something to taste.

Big G:

Yeah. There it is. There it is.

Big Bubba:

Alright, Graham. Tell us about your favorite Long John Silvers now.

Big G:

Well, you know, I just gotta keep you on on the toes there, buddy. But to me, especially during the summertime, after a long hard day of work, there's nothing better than a sonic double cheeseburger with bacon. It hits real. And then you can get all these other options to just stack on the calories. But to me, sonic double cheeseburger with bacon for the win.

Big Bubba:

The sonic double cheese. I like it. It's coming a little bit out. You're gonna get it that with tots. Right?

Big Bubba:

Because that's the best part about there.

Big G:

Yeah. 100. Because you get with the tots, you get a you get a couple, like, spare fries in there. Right? So you get both the rest of both worlds.

Big Bubba:

Oh, yeah. I I'm totally totally in for this. Alright, Jansen. Finish out round 2 for us.


Alright. So I can't believe this one's still on the table, but maybe you guys don't know how delicious and smooth a butter burger is. We gotta go Culver's butter burgers. Oh. She gets a round out with those

Big Bubba:

cheesy burgers. Sneak in on that one. Nope. Nope.


5 guys go in 1. I got Culver's going 2. Go ahead, guys. Cram me the champion. I'm winning this day.

Big Bubba:

The the the only thing that's gonna get crowned is your teeth after eating those burgers because of all the cavities you're gonna have at that point. Oh my god. Good pick. Honestly, I thought I was gonna steal that one. I thought it was gonna come down.

Big Bubba:

It is what it is. But you know what? You're back on the clock, my friend. Give us start out round 3 and tell us what you got.


Alright. So I'm gonna keep it kind of in the family on this one. Now this one, I'm not sure if you guys got down south. But, you know, when I don't have a Culver's meal nearby, the next best thing is a Freddy's. You guys Oh, yeah.

Big Bubba:

Freddy's Oh, yeah.


Getting smashed burgers. They're getting them nice and thin. They're them kinda crusty. And again, you're getting to round them out with some nice custard at the end. So give me some Freddy's number number 3.

Big Bubba:

That's a good pick. That's a solid pick. I like your lineup a little bit. Freddy's Culver's a little bit of the same, though. I mean, I'm just saying, you kinda doubled up a little bit on that.

Big Bubba:

Graham, rolling back to you. What you got? 3rd round, 2nd pick.

Big G:

Well, I'm gonna go ahead and move up here, and and do a still that I was gonna draft later, but I think the time is now. I'm gonna go with, everything we've been talking about, I think we've been basing on quality, but we're not talking necessarily quantity. And for that, I'm gonna go with the crystals or White Castle, whichever one you wanna go because how else did I keep weight on in college?


Well, that

Big G:

it was in the quantity with sack full. So give me that in the 3rd round.

Big Bubba:

Solid. All I'm saying is nobody's ever made a movie about wanting to go to Culver's.

Big G:

There you go.

Big Bubba:

But there have been multiple movies about going to the White Castle or Crystal.

Big G:

So Just satisfying it. Just, you know, 2 at a

Big Bubba:

time. Honestly, that's a wonderful pick. Little bit of a steal, I think, right there in the 3rd round. I mean, I I think I think that's a better pick to me than your first your your first round pick of the damn chicken sandwich. That's a solid pick at least.


Held that one out for the 4th round, man. I just

Big G:

did tell you, look. You gotta go you look. Come on. There's no stronger brand, especially in the south. So you gotta you gotta take a while while it's on

Big Bubba:

the table. Except for except for on Sundays. So, alright, so it rolls into me. I gotta tell you, to me, this to me is a little bit of a steal. I get it.

Big Bubba:

But sometimes, you just want consistency. Sometimes, you wanna know that the hamburger that I'm getting in Dallas, Texas is the same as the hamburger I'm getting in New York City or Paris, France. It's a

Big G:

little low. It's a little bit of a steal.

Big Bubba:

I'm gonna end the 3rd round by just taking a good old fashioned McDonald's, baby. Because I know what it is. I know it always is gonna taste delicious across the board. I'm taking McDonald's. I don't even care about it.

Big Bubba:

To me, that's the easy pick at this point because I know what it's gonna be, and it's gonna be good.


It's gonna be garbage like you're In N Out. So look. At least you're saying consistent too. I've got 2 great Smash Burgers. You've got 2 great crapp Burgers.


So, hey. We're we're staying consistent here.

Big Bubba:

I'm not look. I'm taking consistency, baby. I wanna be able to get what I can get wherever.


So go with one of my least favorite yet, but I know one of you twos gonna pull it out. And it's horrible, but everyone

Big Bubba:

loves it. I'm probably gonna pull it out here, I'm guessing. Be because I don't know. I'm I'm gonna pull out the most random of them all. And and even though we're talking to a national and international audience, I gotta go close to home right here.

Big Bubba:

Alright? There is something special if you're from Birmingham, Alabama, and only if you're from Birmingham, Alabama, because the imports don't get it. God help me. I'm taking the Milo's Burger. And and I know those of y'all that don't know, but the Milo's Burger is this this amazing thing in Birmingham, Alabama that is this tangy barbecue sauce, all little smashed burgers with the cheese and the grilled onions and the toasted bun, all melted together in one ooey gooey deliciousness.

Big Bubba:

I can't help myself. It's a local brand only, but I'm taking it. Give me a Milo's burger for for my final pick.

Big G:

That's a solid, solid pick. And the the fact that 90% of the audience will never taste the Meyers burger.

Big Bubba:

Delicious it is. It's amazing. I can't help myself.

Big G:

Yeah. That's a good one.

Big Bubba:

It's more than just tea. The fries are there so side note, there was actually someone in Gardendale, Alabama that the police suspected and eventually convicted them on a murder because their alibi was that they went to Milo's, and then they waited for their fries to get cold before they got home and ate them. And the police said no one in their right mind would let Milo's fries get cold before they ate them, and that's how they investigated this. Check it out. It's on 2020.

Big Bubba:

This actually happened. That's how good Milo's fries and their burger is.


Not not to mention their sweet tea ain't too bad either.

Big Bubba:

Oh my goodness.

Big G:

The fries, man. That that's that's where we're at. There we go, Bubba. You're back. Alright.

Big G:

So is it my pick?

Big Bubba:

It's your pick. It's your pick. In this out of the 4th round, what you got?

Big G:

Well, to to close this out, I think the fan vote would be the to go with something mainstream, like the double whopper with that fake charbroiled taste that they inject into it. Right. I I don't even know where they get it, but it's not I don't

Big Bubba:

I don't like that. It's

Big G:

not real. But there's no room for that on my team. We're we're already pure with number 1 with the Chick Fil A sandwich, leading it in a cheeseburger draft. We've already talked about quantity, so we got some quantity game there. Wait.

Big Bubba:

How can you say a chicken sandwich is pure in a cheeseburger draft?

Big G:

I'm just letting you say, hey. Everybody

Big Bubba:

That's purely idiotic is what that is.

Big G:

People about to drop that in the comments.


He likes having pineapple on his pizza.

Big G:

You know what I'm saying? It it it's but where I'm gonna go, similar to Bubba, but it is more in the south. It's a little more widespread. There's just something about it. Everything is a little bit pure.

Big G:

It's not the greatest, but it's pure, and it's good. And it is a Jack's double cheeseburger with bacon.

Big Bubba:

It's too solid.

Big G:

You'll go back, back, back to Jack's Jack's Jack's for more, more, more, and that's gonna that's gonna it's gonna close


the team now. I can't hate all jacks.

Big Bubba:

It's it's a small but wait. You know the rule of jacks, though. There's a rule. The rule is the smaller the town, the better the Jacks. 100%.

Big Bubba:

Like, if you go to a Jacks in a big city, it is awful. But if you're driving out in the sticks of Alabama, Georgia, places like if you're in the middle of nowhere and you pull into a a a a town that has no other restaurant, not even a Subway, and all they have is a Jack's, you're about to have the best hamburger of your life right there.

Big G:

All about the South.

Big Bubba:

The smaller the town, the better the Jacks. 100%. All about the South. That's a solid, solid 4th round pick right there.

Big G:

Feeling good about that. Feeling good about my team.


I am a little bit shocked that we had, crystals, which I like, that we had McDonald's come out, that that we had, several of these, and no one said Whataburger, but I'm proud of you boys because Oh, no. I hate it.

Big Bubba:

I hate a Whataburger. I'm sorry.


And I thought for sure one of you boys would pick it. So with my 4th and final pick, you know, I've got 5 guys, which we all know is hands down the best cheeseburger. Getting quick service fast food out there. I've got

Big Bubba:

Hands hands down because you can't touch anything because your hands are so damn greasy.


Which means it did its job. Culver's and Freddy's, which are just incredible great different ones. I'm going opposite end of the spectrum. I'm going with one of the the chains that does a gourmet burger. If you're looking to dress it up and have something a little different, give me Burger 5 for my 4th and final pick.

Big Bubba:

Okay. I've I've had a Burger 5. It's pretty decent, you know. That's I didn't think about it. It's on the list you can customize.

Big Bubba:

That's the great thing about the burger fight.

Big G:

Yeah. I I'm glad JT is is out there on on we'll call it the West Coast Denver area. Right? It is the West Coast because you're diversifying our burger offerings that are not here on the southeast where it's Hardee's and not Carl's Junior, which did also not make the list. But hey.

Big G:

I I I'm I'll tell you this. One one thing here. There was a time when Hardee's and Carl's Junior were going under, and they launched and relaunched their burgers a little too bit extreme. You know, it it bordered on the pornography, side of eating cheeseburgers. But they had a run there where that was a really good burger, and it's kinda lost its its way.

Big G:

But that that would've that would've been out there 10 years ago.

Big Bubba:

It goes back to the consistency. Like, again, that's why, like, I had to go McDonald's Wendy's because the consistency of the burger, I know what I'm getting. That Arnie's burger, it can be great. It can be awful. There there's no telling what you're gonna get depending on where you're at with it.

Big G:

Yeah. Any

Big Bubba:

That's a good call.

Big G:

Any honorable mentions out there? I was gonna go so you but you, you know, you you kinda laid in with some Smash Burgers, but Shake Shack. Right? Like, that's your your Steak and Shake, one of those. They they they kinda get some


My my kiddos love Shake Shack, and I don't know. It's kinda I mean, I I like it better in In N Out. You know, probably it's so funny.

Big Bubba:

You're so crazy. I love it.


In N Out around me, I've been once. I'm like, that's why I don't know.

Big Bubba:

Shake Shack Shake Shack to me is such a Shake Shack is an overrated burger. I do not like the Shake Shack burger. I thought about it. I'll tell you another one, and I and I just I can't figure it out because we used to have we used to have one. I used to love going as a kid.

Big Bubba:

It still exists in some places, but I remember you going up to get the burger, but it's it may kinda borderline not be fast food, but a Fuddruckers. Do y'all ever been to a Fuddruckers?


Yeah. It

Big Bubba:

is a


service. Yeah.

Big Bubba:

It like, it's it's kinda right there on the borderline of it, but I just love that you could go up to the little burger fixing bars and kinda fix it your own way and put the nacho cheese on it and the the shredded, like, you know, like I did like a Fudd Fuddruckers. I don't know. Graham, to me, I gotta tell you, like, to me, the crystals, I completely have forgotten. But what crystal's White Castle, I think, was a great pick.


Feel like they've all closed down. Like, I'm trying to think of that's the last time I've had one and where there is even is one.

Big Bubba:

Yeah. I can't find one either. It it kills me because they're so good.

Big G:

In reality, what has happened is you are in the season of life where you have responsibilities, and you're not out until 3 AM and your your guiding star is a True. A, you know, is your alcoholic memory kinda like a beer fest where you just kinda walk down the back alley? That's how you find the crystal. Right? That's just the guiding star of being intoxicated that that leads you there.

Big G:

So that's the

Big Bubba:

that's Our yeah. Crystals aren't even open in the daytime. Right? There's this magical thing that magical thing that doesn't open till 9 o'clock at night. Here here's another one


that was borderline,

Big Bubba:

but I


think at

Big Bubba:

the end,


I have to say it's a server even though they're behind the counter. Waffle House is patty melt.

Big Bubba:

Oh. Oh, yes. No. No. I thought I thought about that, but I thought it was too



Big Bubba:

Too close because there is a way but, like, no. That the Waffle House patty melt is a solid burger, and I agree with you on that. I did think about that too.

Big G:

Blast from the past here. Johnny Rockets. Johnny Rockets.

Big Bubba:

Definitely a table side, but it's a good front. It's definitely table side.

Big G:

I agree. It's it's we'll put in the Fuddruckers cabinet, but it was close.

Big Bubba:


Big G:

It it was close.

Big Bubba:

It's a good burger.

Big G:

Yeah. So


we all agree, side guys wins. I have the best draft.

Big Bubba:

So, anyway, we're gonna take it to the comments. We're gonna take it whoever wants to comment here. By the way, if the comments aren't open on this individual platform that you're listening, feel free to shoot us an email at chubby tackle talk Chubby tackle talk at g mail dot com. Let us know what you think about the show, about the comments.

Big Bubba:

Let's run it down real quick. Jansen, give me your draft real quick. Give me your give me your 4 all of a sudden.


Alright. We're just kicking off with 5 Guys burgers and fries, Culver's, Freddy's, and ended me with burger 5.

Big Bubba:

Alright. Graham, your turn with your stupid picks.

Big G:

Oh, right out of the gates, the Chick Fil A spicy deluxe. Alright. Maybe throw some bacon on there, then go in into the drive through with Sonic double cheeseburger with bacon. Then late night, keeping it real with crystal slash white castles, either or. I know they're different, but put them in the same category.

Big G:

They're all original. And then you're gonna go back, back, back for more, more, more to Jack's.

Big Bubba:

And I'm rolling in with the best burger that is out there, the In N Out, baby, followed by a couple of consistent contender contenders, Wendy's with the Baconator, McDonald's just for the the quarter pounder, the Big Mac, the consistency, and then ended it up with the special burger from the South, the Malo's cheeseburger. Let us know who won. Let us know who had the best draft, and we'll let you know next week as we continue the boys draft. Dun, dun, dun, dun. Alright, guys.

Big Bubba:

Well, listen. It's been a great time. It's been a great episode. Let's end it with final thoughts. Start with you, JT.

Big Bubba:

What has been on your mind this weekend? What do you wanna talk about?


Alright. So, you know, as we end in April, there's another sport that I really enjoy out there. We still can call it football even though we know a better as soccer, and I've gotta put something on your radar. Where else do all 20 teams on one league play at the same exact time with everything on the line? Talking about championship Sunday coming up on May 19th.


Premier League, it should be a rundown for a lot of teams. Again, we can change football into a number of ways. It's a fun sport to watch, a fun day to watch. There's nothing else like it. Put it on your radar.

Big Bubba:

And thank God my my West Ham United is sitting there at at 9th and or 8th in the table, and and I don't have to worry about relegation this year. Because championship Sunday has been nerve racking many a times before, let me tell you. Alright, gee. What are your final thoughts about

Big G:

Well, now that we've established that this is not the CTE podcast, but drop it in the comments if you think that this hurt your head to listen to this and and maybe we'll make some adjustments. No promises. You know, the whole Dave Campbell comment, but obviously the whole burger draft got in the way of that. So thank you for the correction on that one. You know, I'd just like to bring it home.

Big G:

I'm really curious knowing that this is the audio only version of the podcast, how much greater it is going to do than the video knowing that we bring a lot of bandwidth down when people watch it, and, we were made for radio. So it's, my closing comments.

Big Bubba:

Alright. No. Let me let me tell you about the greatest thing flashing back to the draft, the greatest thing that I saw in the draft. And I've already let you guys know about this a little bit, but it's still the greatest thing I've ever seen. I can't get over it.

Big Bubba:

Tony Khan. Tony Khan is the son of Shad Khan. Shad Khan owns the Jacksonville Jaguars, the Tottenham Hotspurs, and Tony Khan is the head of player analysis. He's the guy that gets into computers and everything for the Jacksonville Jaguars. But, also, Tony Khan owns the number 2 or number 1, depending on how you look at it, professional wrestling company in the world, All Elite Wrestling AEW.

Big Bubba:

And on Wednesday night, live on TNT, Tony Khan took a spiked pile driver on live TV from the Young Bucks, and then turned around on Thursday night in the Jacksonville Jaguars war room as they were drafting their players, as they were making trades, and wore a neck brace to sell the pile driver. He could've easily just blown it off. He could've appeared like nothing. But Tony Khan went old school pro wrestling. He went old school Andy Kaufman and sold the injury.

Big Bubba:

He sold it really poorly. Nobody actually believed he was hurt, but he did interviews on the NFL Network wearing a neck brace and telling people his neck was hurt from the Young Bucks. This is a billionaire and a son of a billionaire who's a high level executive with the Jaguars, granted nepotism, but still, the man wore a neck brace to promote his wrestling company during the NFL draft. And I think that's incredible. I cannot, you know, pro wrestling lives.

Big Bubba:

Kayfabe is dead, baby. Give me some more of that because it's the greatest thing I've seen all week.