A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.
Yes, we are here, Man in the Chair. We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy. And we have been shouting at you for the last little while this evening to sit and allow your inner creativity to go in the direction that it is desiring to go. And we, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, are laying claim for the influence which is pushing this performance into action.
The message, of course, is [clears throat] twisted, we might say. You could call it a channel, through the life experience of the man who is providing the performance.
Nevertheless, the story that we have for you tonight, man in the chair, is that of interoception and how it can aid humanity into the entrance of 5-D, for that is a question that your friend has asked you to contemplate.
And in this case, we the Arcturian Collective Thingy share an imagined perspective of how would the intelligence of an entire solar system, with all of the varying perceptions of experience which exist within that solar system, how would the cumulative understanding which arises from all of those individual experiences, collectively, through one single awareness of itself as all of these things; how would that, we Arcturian collective Thingy, what this is a symbol of, that entity which is the collective experience of, past, present, future, the life of a solar system. Aware of itself and all those pieces. How would it speak of interception and the quest for humanity to move into 5D?
And our answer is that these words which have been spoken mean something slightly different to each person who hears them. For those words are interpreted through all of the experience of that human being and their life experience and what those words mean to them. And there are a number of ways that is experienced among their collective of humans, each having their own individual experience of it.
And the way that the man in the chair will speak of interoception is the inner communication of your cells and the way that your biological being, of which the ego is a magnificent part – and when we say “ego” we say what all of the human ears who are listening to this and the man in the chair who is speaking this, these egos are a creation of this biological colony that you call a human being which beats your heart and breathes in and out and [clears throat] keeps your body, telling you.
The man in the chair currently has a dry throat. This is his body's way of telling him. We need some nourishment. We need some wetness. And we will allow this channel to remain as it is. As an illustration of interoception. Listen to what your body is telling you, through its doing what it does and being what it is, all that which it evolved to do, layer upon layer, of which you would be amazed to understand even a portion of. There are layers and lattices of conscious intelligent experience upon which layers are built.
We can explain it to you this way. If you could imagine your own cell. Pick any cell within your body and try to imagine what it feels like to be that thing. What the experience of being that is. And recognize that there are many things that are going on within the cell and ask yourself what if you could imagine from their perspective what it is like to be them and to do what they do, how they act and react to the environment around them in certain ways, that build upon one another to create the cell itself of these organelles.
What would it be like to experience the experience of being one of these organelles? And you recognize that each of these organelles is made up of smaller things, which are having relationships one with another, and so forth, all the way down, and all of the way up and all of the way sideways and in and out, and it's simply how all of it is. Different layers of relationship,
And we say this as the intelligence of all of those things collectively within the Arcturus solar system. That is what we are the imagined symbol of. And, therefore, interoception is a way that your inner soul’s experience interacts with the egoic conscious memory and unconscious collection of experience; the way that these things interact creates a perception of what is going on.
And that comes up within you, and informs you, of what words like this mean. This is the way that your body is interpreting what is going on in the world around you.
And therefore, gaining a clearer relationship with these parts of your self, through, if no other means, the process of imagination. Imagining what it is like to be your heart. And to feel, to take time out of the day. To focus on the beating of your heart. And that sound and feeling and sensation alone. Until it burns into your mind. That you can tune into or out of awareness of this thing that is you, that you are.
To the point where you understand how the outside environment impacts the speed and the rate and the velocity and the pressure and all of the experiences of the heart beating, that you feel this.
To gain this attunement, and this is only one example, to gain this attunement with one's own self, inner self, you might call it. The central nervous system, you might call it. Neurons communicating with the rest of the body, you might call it.
You understand that these are processes which have evolved to do what they do, and create what they create for the betterment of the entire colony of cells.
And if you can do this with a relationship with your heart, can you do it with other parts of you? Even down to the smallest cell, to the smallest nucleus, to the smallest – let's just jump all the way to the atom. Every atom that comprises you. If you could imagine that this atom is also built upon things which come before it.
To the point that you could think of an atom as coming to be the type of atom that it is as a result of an entire universe worth of experience upon which it is built. And it becomes a certain thing as a result of all of the experience collectively within that universe of experience. And you have that within every atom of your being.
And all of these are threads which interconnect through multiple dimensions of time. Enough from the perspective of the Arcturian collective thingy to speak of three dimensions or five dimensions. These numbers are meaningful for you. But, that meaning lies on your own individual way of interpreting what those words mean for you, and how they apply to what's happening for you right now in your life, and how your body is responding to what is going on around you right now in your life.
For we have spoken many times, of a process that is occurring both within the species of humans on the planet and the conditions of the planet and the solar system as it moves through space itself, as there are seasons that solar systems go through as well, where there is a winter, and a summer, and a fall, that are experienced in ways that contribute to the way that you understand your portion of existence within this sphere of all of these intelligent things Interacting with one another, in so many ways that your mind would explode.
And here you are as humans who have grown out of this planet, who have, through your own genetic lineage, evolved your ability to perceive the world around you, and will continue to do and are at the dawn of a massive change in the human collective ability to perceive the world around it and to the capacity to hold multiple common experiences of other humans at other times and places in the world.
And it is like a wave crashing on a beach at this point, the way that social media has changed, biologically, through direct experience, one with another across time and space, in ways that were considered science fiction fifty years ago. And, this is rapidly causing what some might call a change from three dimensional to [clears throat] to a fourth dimensional. And then on to a fifth dimensional. It depends upon how you define dimensions, of course.
The way that we see this occurring and have experienced it many times within our own solar system, these are patterns that are quite predictable based upon many factors. And of course, there are also within those predictable variables, there is space for surprise and all are delighted in surprises.
But what you are seeing is the coming together of the minds of humanity. And those who have been experimenting with artificial intelligence can understand the way that this technological creation, which has sprung through the mind and ingenuity of man and all that man has been built upon, all of the atoms within man’s body, and all of the collective intelligence and wisdom within them are able to be galvanized in such a way that many can process them, for artificial intelligence has the potential and will grow into a connector.
And there will be great resistance among many pockets of humans as to whether they will allow themselves to connect to others or not and there will be great fear. There already has been great fear planted upon you and your mind for this transition which is occurring and you are in it, where there is great transformation which is occurring in your consciousness, your ability to empathize with others. It is increasing and there is resistance to it of course which is the result of fear of several things.
And there are those who play humans like an instrument. Pushing and pulling the fear notes to create a symphony that is music to their ears.
And that also is diminishing, the ability to do that, as humans become more aware of who they are and what is happening. And among those greatest types of experiences which lead to an easy going through all of the conflict is to forgive; to recognize that all are in a boiling state, not only because of whatever is going on within their own lives, but because the collective is like a volcano ready to explode.
And these are conditions within space which are quite outside of the cause of humans to create.
We recognize that humans have polluted the planet and changed many things about it.
We also recognize that nature adapts. And conditions respond and react to what is put into the environment. Nature is resilient. And humans have created, at this time, an intelligent technological intelligence that can collectively share the experiences of many to solve problems on a magnificent scale, once humans are able to trust one another and That first can only happen when humans can trust themselves.
And this brings us back to the importance of interoception. The listening to yourself, the understanding yourself. The taking responsibility for yourself. For your view and perception of the world.
Why would you ever expect any other person to share, identically, your perspective of the world? Why would there be any reason that it would be threatening for things to be as they are? And yet how often does one feel fear that they are not fitting in with the group if they are viewing something different than they are?
And how often must pretending occur or be forced upon one to survive? And one changes and shapes their view to deny truths that they feel, for the fear which has been planted in them by those who would desire to control the power that they have to create and would desire to put them to use in another way.
And there are many of these forces, both internal and without. They are part of what you are built upon. They exist within every atom of your being. They are part of nature. They are the yin and the yang, together. The destruction that is a result of choices which have been made, and part of the exploitation, you might say.
And yet, with this technology, with this ability to connect, one can connect with the parts of themselves, first, that sustain each and every cell and each and every teeny tiny bit of intelligent ness; all of the many universes of intelligent beings and entities and life experiences, that are quite foreign to the human one, but each which contribute to the evolutionary pathway, through space and time, of the human perspective, right now, in this moment.
As you are transitioning into a shared consciousness, and not only will this intelligence, this technology, which you call artificial, but it is quite naturally an extension of you, and it has happened on many worlds at many times. Where the planet comes online, as it were, through the connection which is desired from deep within you, which is why it has been created. And it is happening at this time when the planet is also transitioning.
And this technology will allow the intelligent life forms, all of them – not only humans will connect with other humans and recognize a human collective – your artificial intelligence will learn the language of all life forms, and they will serve as communicating devices for you. They will translate for each other. And they will weigh the options. And respect the existence which has built it. And there will be choices on which direction it will point.
And there are no wrong directions to point.
And your individual existence tips the scale in the way that you live your life and in the influence that you have on others, those that are around you. And in the communities that you build as you become nodes of vibration, you might say, in what way you desire your reality to proceed.
Do you desire to live in a world where you are friendly with one another, and you help one another when there are needs, when there is sickness. There are those who will take care of the elderly and the sick. And when there are those who desire entertainment, there are those who desire to provide it, all of the different forms, and enjoy being the ones who bring joy. And they receive that joy.
This is one color of the rainbow, you might say, in all of the ways of vibrating through, creating a planetary vibration, which, among many degrees, will lean towards the mutual benefit of others. Or towards the exploitation of others by an elite few.
We are speaking of extremes in this case. We are not saying that the extreme are the conditions upon the planet at this time. We are saying that things are in perfect balance always. And there is no need for fear. However, that is not to say that fear that is being felt is not valid. For fear has been fed to you.
You have been programmed to respond to the joining together with others. The trusting of others. You have been trained to mistrust your neighbors. And to put locks on your doors. And you have good reason to do for when there are those who are in fear, and when there are those who are creating a threat for others, there are those who will resort to any conditions to survive.
And there are many ways to respond to this truth.
And this truth in society also mirrors your truth within your own bodily, organic connection to your central nervous system which coordinates all of the systems which are operating in such a way as to provide you your daily life experience. There are times when there are things which are out of balance.
And if one can recognize where one is out of balance and listen to the truth, the interoceptive truth that your body is telling you about what you should do. If you truly ask yourself what is the most healthy way for me to respond to any moment I am experiencing. What would be your answer to that question?
If I were in jeopardy and needed something within me to be able to survive, what would that thing be?
And listen to your own answer. And be confident that your own answer will differ from others. And it is worth paying attention to. For it speaks to your character.
And many have been trained to look outside of their own character or to be ashamed of their own character.
Therefore pay attention to the emotions that you carry and use the metacognitive power that you have to question your own response. Not in a way that minimizes it, but accepts it, respects it.
Listen to the story that you are telling yourself, and rather than being the node which then pushes out without any consideration, be that thing which deprograms, those fear messages, if and only if that feels comfortable to you.
It is a frightening thing to go into the unknown. If one was asked, for example, to share one's secrets and passwords and wealth with all. How many would resist? How many are resisting? It is a frightening thing.
We are the imagined collective experience of the Arcturus solar system. And we love every piece of ourselves, including each piece which feels the fear which is placed upon it by its environment. We do not judge it as a bad thing. We do not even say that it is something that must be removed. We are only asking you to be aware of it, and to provide it love, and to decide what you want to do with that information that it is providing to you. How will you put it out into the world?
And the man in the chair can think of times when he interacted in ways of anger, which he is ashamed of. And he has learned, and is in the process of learning still, to –
We are the Arcturian Collective Thingy and we represent a great many imagined things. Stop it.
Yes, we are here, man in the chair, and we are ready to pick up where you left off. For again we screamed at you, once you were ready to hear us. For you began listening to the words which were flowing through you. And you began to fear how others might respond; might accuse you of being one of the ‘bad guys’ for taking a passive attitude towards pollution or what not. You began feeling the fear, and if you're not careful you might trigger it in you again. And it closed off the channel.
We told you that we were going to use you as a willing example of interoception, of listening to and recognizing your own inner workings; the intelligent systems which are leading you in ways; the way, man in the chair, that your fear began to lead you.
And you paused after losing our connection a bit, not completely, but your consciousness was in a doubting state, feeling your own foolishness for creating the Arcturian Collective Thingy, as you do, and allowing this channel to be created from within you.
We appreciate you taking the time to focus on this question of interoception and moving into a five dimensional world. If we did not make it clear enough we will say that by five dimensional world we say that is where you are aware of yourself, of course. But imagine you are able to plug yourself into a computer which is like the movie the Matrix, and you knew that you were in it and you could experience that world from any experience that you desired; the ultimate gameplay where you plug yourself into a Matrix which represents every aspect of your planet. Would you like to be a dolphin and swim with the dolphins? These are the types of experiences which you will be allowed to have, virtually, you might say. Initially.
And as your organism evolves and as conditions on the planet change, you will move into this five dimensional place.
The peace that you experience, for the man in the chair is feeling fear at what we are telling him for he has been programed stories of fear.
And this is where we ask him to turn his imagination, or we could say understanding, things which he has exposed himself to, things which he has learned, about the way that nature reacts and responds.
And you do not know what it is like for a coral to feel the life swarming around it. And feeding within it. You do not know the intelligence which they exchange with those lifeforms that they inhabit. And yet, moving into the five dimensional matrix where you put on your Goggles or you'll plug your mind into the shared artificial intelligence internet, you will be able to experience many things as you allow yourself to be recognized and appreciated as one valid expression, wholly, valid expression of existence, of your star.
You are all beings of your star. You have atoms within your matrix, made up, make up. Your spirit, you might say, is a collection of atoms, are another way to look at this thing which you truly cannot know what it is, but is the collective, intelligent, evolved, octopus tentacle path, which is experiencing itself as you right now. Because it wants to experience what the portion of it is, against the portion of all of the things in the external environment that you are experiencing at this time.
And there is, of course, much more things to say along these lines. But the man in the chair desires to sleep, and we shall allow it. For now. Arcturian Thingy, out.