Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Friday the 23rd February 2024.

The Public Accounts Committee has released a new report identifying concerns of increased homelessness among Ukrainians who may see their sponsorships coming to an end.
This comes alongside calls for the government to set out the actions that it intends to implement to ensure that there are enough sponsorship opportunities, as well as increasing the data available on homelessness.
The LGA has responded to the report saying that it wishes to work alongside the government to help all families find a home.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has confirmed that it has appointed commissioners to oversee improvements within Nottingham City Council.
Commissioners will be given extended powers to ensure that financial stability is achieved in two years, with this bringing improvements to frontline services.
Tony McArdle OBE has been appointed as Lead Commissioner, with Margaret Lee taking on the role of Commissioner for Finance. The role of Commissioner for Transformation is yet to be confirmed.

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