Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, July 22nd, 2024 / We recap a bunch of things that happened last week while we were on vacation, Josh is still upset at the neighborhood cat, what’s the difference between a bison and a buffalo, axe murderers in the campsite, Josh helped some kayakers, Luna took a boat ride, and the chicken is so tender.

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Monday, July 22nd. On today's show, we recap a bunch of things that happened last week while we were on vacation. Josh is still upset at the neighborhood cat. What's the difference between a bison and a buffalo?

Axe murderers in the campsite. Josh helped some kayakers. Luna took a boat ride, and the chicken is so tender. I know. Hey.

Thanks for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy ninety seven.

It's Josh and Chantel. Hey. Good morning. Hi. Hi.

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I haven't seen 6 AM or let alone, 505 AM when I woke up this morning in a very long time time. In a very long time.

Looks different than I remember it looking. Yeah. Sun's a little slower. Yep. We've we have been waking up, and it's been very bright.

And you've been like, hey. The the day is here. Mhmm. This morning, it was like, wait a minute. The sun's sleeping in a little bit.

Yeah. You know what that means? The days are getting shorter? Mhmm. Mhmm.

That means that, summer is fading away. It is, it is. It's the 22nd July. I know. What?

I need another vacation. I just got back from vacation. I need another one. Uh-huh. Take full advantage of these summer days.

I see. Well, today is, National Rat Catchers Day. Oh. A catcher rat. Now it has something to do with, the German folktale where the piper came into town and played his flute to catch rats.

Oh, yeah. But then instead used his music to woo all the children into following them out of town. You know, the age old tale. Why did he wait. They said, we've got all these rats.

We need a rat catcher, and they hired this guy. Yeah. And he came into town with his flute to get all the rats Uh-huh. But the rats didn't care. But the children were put into a trance, and the children marched out of town with him.

What happened to the children? I would have to read the whole legend. I don't know. It's a big fairy tale, and fairy tales are pretty creepy. People getting thrown into big vats of soup Mhmm.

Cooked in witches' odd ovens. Like, there's they're not good. Oh, they're terrified. They're not good. More than a 100 children left in this tragic event that took place in 12/84.

Oh my. Yeah. It's a fairy tale. Yeah. It's not real.

It's not real. Sure. Sure. Sure. So let's celebrate National Ratcatcher Day.

Let's not. K? Let's see. It's National Be A Good Teammate Day. Hey.

You're a good teammate. Thanks. You're you're a pretty good teammate yourself. Bud. It is national hammock day.

Hey. I like a good hammock. Remember you put up a hammock once, and then you tried to get into it, and you fell right out. Remember when I told you never fall in a hammock in front of a woman because she will never let you live it down? Ever?

Ever, ever? Only Never never fall down in front of a woman. Only if that woman is your wife Yeah. Josh. No woman will ever let you're that guy who fell down.

Stranger. It'll happen. It's world brain day. I can't. You can't?

I can't brain today. Okay. Alright. Let's see. What else do we have going on?

It's mango day. Oh, delicious. Mhmm. With some tajin? Sure.

If that's what you're into. That is what I'm into. It's kinda what's going on. K. And it's Monday, and we're back.

Hey. The circus music even. We are bad. Alright. Well, good morning.

It's Josh and Chantel. We have talked before about how we're getting older, you and I. Mhmm. And you notice changes as you're getting older. One of those changes is you tried to fish during our vacation, and you were having a heck of a time trying to get your fishing line through your hook in your fishing loop.

Listen. We don't even bring up No. My my total requirement for, cheaters. I said, let me try. Mhmm.

And you'd fidgeted and fidgeted and fidgeted, couldn't get it. And I said, do you need a magnifying glass? I can pull something up on my phone. And he said, no. I said, let me try.

And then I almost went cross eyed trying to thread that fishing line through that little eye hole. So here's here's what happened. Last day of second grade, I was told you're gonna need to wear glasses, kid. So I got glasses. I had cool engineer glasses with a big bar across the top.

Very cool. Cool. Very cool for a second grader. I bet. It was because they're probably the least expensive frames.

My mom also went, this kid's gonna break these frames, so I'm getting the big reinforced ones. And I would fall asleep with them on because he how else am I supposed to see my dreams? You know? So it's just the way it went. I've bent a lot of glasses in my day.

Yeah. And, and so up until, what, a couple of years ago, I wore glasses and contacts forever and ever. I got LASIK, which was a big deal. Now I can see far away very well. I don't have to wear contacts or glasses.

Just go about my day. Mhmm. But now what's happening is the close-up vision is Suffering. Getting old. I know.

And that is, that is something that LASIK does not So I do. I tried to thread that fishing hole. I couldn't do it. I was going cross eyed trying to do it. And then I thought about all the times I have to thread I know.

Thread through a sewing machine going real. What is with these hobbies where you have to take something tiny and thread it through something even tinier? That's not fair. What in the world? Gotta get these old people hobbies earlier.

I know. I I was sitting at my at my fly tying vice over the weekend as well, and I, I was tying up some flies. And I have a big magnifier right there, and I'm like, yes. Now I can see what I'm doing. I just need to carry that around.

Well right. And even with my sewing machine, sometimes that's hard to thread the needle. But I have an automatic threader on my sewing machine, but I refuse to use it because Oh, I use it every time I use the sewing machine. I feel like it's cheating. Nope.

It's there for a reason. I know. I might have to use it more and more because It's to assist old people eyes. I know. That's what I have.

So so use it. I'm not gonna use this convenient thing. No. Never. I've never given.

I'll never admit defeat. We have a stray cat in our neighborhood. Yeah. It's not a stray cat. It lives somewhere.

It lives somewhere, but it lives outside. It either lives next door or across the street. Not across the street. You don't think so? No.

Guaranteed. Okay. No. It's it's either next door or the next next door. It's somewhere on the same side of of the street as our place.

K. It needs to quit using my backyard as, a litter box. I am very upset. We've talked about the musking issue. We have.

I've been trying to take steps to, to essential oils and things because I don't wanna harm the animal at all. Right. I just want it to not come into my backyard. That's all. It's a simple request.

We've tried to sick our vicious dog out. Well, She's on a tether. She doesn't get very far. She just barks a lot. And the cat's like, no.

You can't reach me. I know. The cat's like, you're not even vicious, buddy. Yeah. Well, there's that.

So I've tried a lot of things, but now I've got this issue where it's turned the gravel in front of the shed and by the fireplace. And so I just know if I go over by the fire pit, I know it. And it's it's really bug it's bumming me out. I know it is. It's very bumming me out.

Space. We like that space. And then for some reason, it's now decided to leave, dead mice in the driveway. It's like, hey, buddy. Can let's just be friends.

I don't want them. Look what I can do for you, it says. I appreciate that, but it's bringing them and laying them there. Just leaving them in the front of the house. I have to deal with it.

I know. I'm not like, what is the deal with this cat? This cat's like, hey. Let's just be friends. I'm a mouser.

I can get all the mice for you. Go do that. Look at what I've brought you. Don't spray all over my house and my deck and my wood pile, and, also, don't use my gravel as your litter box. Those are those are my 2 requests.

If you and, also, don't eat my birds. Yeah. Because I like the birds. I don't care about the mice. Have all the mice you want.

I don't wanna see them. We haven't seen any dead birds. Just the dead mice. Right. Which I'm grateful for, but that their fear is next.

Mhmm. And I'm not okay with that. Me too. Anyway, I don't know. I don't know what to do about it.

I don't want the presents. I don't want the little cat gifts. Here's a present. Let's be friends. I don't want them.

You're not having any of it. I don't want them. I don't want any of the gifts. You're leaving me stink. You're leaving me litter box stuff.

You're leaving me dead mice. I want none of it. Just the other morning, you looked out the window and said, look at look what's out there. Yeah. That cat just sitting there, like, he owns the place.

I know. He owned the backyard. Get out of here. Go to your own yard. I know.

Please. Why are you in our yard? Shoo. Maybe we have more mice than their yard does? I don't think so.

We do have the chain link across the back of, of the fence where they have a solid fence. Okay. So there might be something to that, but mice burrow. Clear. They go under stuff.

So I don't know about that. Why does he like our yard tonight? Don't know. It's because it's so nice and friendly. Yeah.

We have bird baths. Birds. Bird feeders everywhere. Yeah. That's probably why.

Yeah. It's like, look at all these birds. Yeah. Just go ahead and have some of that. Alright.

Some good news today. Last week, a dog in, Manville, Texas was having a very bad day. Okay. This Labrador retriever was on the run with a plastic bowl stuck to her head. Oh, no.

And the bowl was an issue because it covered her nose and mouth, and there was some fear that the dog wouldn't be able to breathe. Oh. So police, were called in to bring in the dog, and the community rallied to help out before things got worse. They didn't locate the dog. So the mayor, other community members, and animal control officers got involved, and they launched drones Okay.

To try to cover more area search area. And after more than a day of chasing this dog around, they finally captured the dog and sent her to a local vet to remove the bowl and help her get back to full strength. The police department was able to share the good news with the community, which also thanked all of those involved on the, you know, for on the rescue team for retrieving the poor dog and bringing her to safety. The dog is okay. Everything's good.

The bowl has been removed. How did they remove the bowl? Well, they took her to the vet, and then they were able to they were able to do it. How? I don't know.

It's like, it's like I've I've got a picture of the dog with the bowl on on her head. It's it's like, you know that jar that those little pretzel bites come in? The little, like Yeah. Like, what do they have inside of them? Cheese or something?

Peanut butter. Peanut butter. Yeah. That's it. It's peanut butter.

Yeah. The peanut butter little pretzel thing. So it's a it's a clear jar So it's not a cold. Well but it's not as deep. It's only about that deep.

Okay. How much is that? I don't know. It's maybe 5, 6 inches deep, and the dog's whole face is in it. Oh, no.

Yeah. But how I'm curious to know how they got it up. Well, they probably pulled. Poop. It just came off.

I don't think that's how they did it at all. What do you think they did? I imagine they probably wiggled it a little bit, and then it, pop, came off. It's a good popping noise. Good job.

Just that's probably what happened. It's good news to get you going on Classy 97. Air Supply, the band Yes. Air Supply Yes. Are bringing their lost in love experience to the Port of Health Trust Amphitheater, the port in Pocatello.

The show is August 21st, so it is about a month away. We do wanna send you to the show. We have tickets, to give away, and tickets are also on sale right now. So if you wanna buy them, you can. We've got the link to buy tickets and the link to enter to win a pair of tickets to Sierra's Club.

I know. Right? In the Classy 97 app right now. So you just open up the app. You'll see it says Air Supply.

Tap on that link, and you can enter to win tickets to see air supply, August 21st in Pocatello. If you wanna go for free, go sign up. If you wanna buy some tickets just to make sure you can go, the link is right there. And in the meantime, just prepare singing. Mhmm.

Yeah. You know? There's words. You know? I swear there's more words than just.

I I know. I didn't wanna fully get into it. Alright. Copyright issues and stuff. I don't think there are.

I don't think I think they're probably more upset that you your way through it. I know the words. Okay. Do it again with the words. Yes.

I'm so lost without you. Uh-huh. I know you were wrong. Believe in some So so so so so you got a summon summon summon at the end there. Hey.

Go enter to win. Air Supply, the lost in love experience, the Porton of Health Trust Amphitheater, August 21st. You can win free tickets to show, or you can buy them in the link. It's, in your app. In the meantime, keep practicing those songs.

Which one? No. No. We're good. We were camping.

It was actually so hot outside that we decided How hot was it? It was too hot to do anything outside. Yeah. We thought about going like, we have a paddle board, and we we thought about blowing up the paddle board and taking the paddle board on the water. It was so hot.

And then that just seemed too much effort in and of itself. So we decided for that day to just hang out in the trailer In air conditioning. I know. Miserable. It was so miserable.

I know. And so It was even hot in the shade. Like, that's you go to the mountains. You're you're out camping. You're you're you're trying to just escape.

You're listening to nature, and you wanna be outside, and it's just muggy and hot. You can't do anything. Yeah. It's miserable. So we stayed inside the trailer.

We were playing some camping games. You and Emery were playing a game inside the trailer, and then I was it was a 2 player game. Yeah. And you were just kinda hanging out with the dog. Bed.

Yeah. And then I hear voices outside the trailer, and I go, Josh, someone's here. Right. Yes. Who comes to your campsite?

Nobody should come to your campsite. Well, I'll tell you who comes to your campsite. Who came to your campsite? Brian and Curtis. Brian and Curtis, 2 gentlemen, who came to the campsite soaking wet, wearing, life jackets, PFDs, and, and they had capsized their kayaks.

They're floating the river that was nearby. So scary. And they had capsized a couple of times. And this the the second time, they were like, we're we're not we gotta get ourselves out of the situation. And they were on a scary stretch of river.

I have no desire to float that, and, and I do some floating. And I was not, super stoked to hear that they were riding that part of the river just in kayaks. I people do drift boats and stuff in it. There's a little bit more real estate on those, and I was like, guys, this is a scary stretch of river. And it's running high right now as well.

It was fast too. It's it's a lot of river right now, and they were like, yeah. Yeah. We we probably shouldn't have done that. So they had lost their kayaks, and they had wandered into the campsite, and they were in need of a ride back to the truck where they had parked when they put their kayaks in.

And I was like, yeah. Yeah. Let's go. Let's get in the truck. I'll take you back.

Not a problem. No big deal. And they weren't totally familiar with the area, so I helped them kind of find their way back to I got to their truck, and I said, let's go down river aways. Let's see if we can find your stuff because it was still in the kayaks were still floating down the river. And so, I got an update this morning.

A friend of the show, John, knows these guys. They did find one of the 2 kayaks, which is which is good, but not perfect. Right. That's a 50%. Did it is 50%, but it sounds like after they capsized, and lost the kayaks, they were kinda making their way to shore and trying to get back to their truck and happened upon our campsite.

We happened to be there, and it just worked out that way, which was good. I'm glad I got to, you know, meet these guys and take them back to their truck. That was too. It was it was good to hear their story and to get to know them a little bit there in the 10 minutes we were together. You know what's funny is Ma'am.

They came to our campsite, and you stepped outside to talk to them because our dog was going crazy. And then you came inside, and you grabbed your wallet and keys and said, I gotta take these guys back to their truck. And then you took off. Yeah. And Emery goes, wait.

What? And I go, I don't really know. And then you just, like, we have no idea where you are. We have no idea who you are. Phone and my wallet, keys, and everything is fine.

Yeah. That's cool. Me and Emery were stranded. What if you had been what if they were murderers? Oh, they weren't.

And they were like, hey. We've got a good trick to play in this guy. Let's show up in flotation devices, soaking wet. What TV shows do you watch? Kidnapped this man from his wife and daughter.

Yeah. I'm glad glad they're I'm glad they're safe. I'm glad everybody's safe. Scary, scary situation. Yeah.

They were doing the right thing wearing their wearing their, life jackets. Always wear your life jacket when you're on the water. It's just the smart thing to do. Mhmm. Especially if you're on, you know, raging river water like that.

And I'm glad that they're, you know, topside. That's good news. That's really good news. And they found 1 of the 2 kayaks. Dang it.

That's too bad. So they're still out there a missing kayak that belongs to one of these dudes. So the phone? Did the phone get I don't know if the phone was in the kayak. That was the other thing.

They didn't have a a phone. Fortunately, the guy who, who owns the the truck, I think that's Brian, he, had his keys, so he was able to get good. Into the truck. That would be so bad. And they were he was like, I don't even know if it's gonna unlock my truck.

It's soaking wet. Ugh. It did. So that was good news. But, they've found 1 of the 2, kayaks as of this morning, my in my my latest update.

So glad they're good. That's that's really good news. Adventure. Scary. Yeah.

Scary adventure. We, we did some camping last weekend. Beck had to work, so he couldn't do the whole camping trip with us. But we we last weekend, to kick it off, we went out and did some camping in Yellowstone, and then we spent a couple of days there. And then we came back, dropped him off so he could go to work.

And then you and me and Emery went back out camping. Mhmm. And then we came home and spent the weekend with our boy again. Sometimes, as much as you love people and like spending time with the people that you love Where is this going? Oh, there's just a time where you realize that you've been spending too much time together.

Is that right? And then there comes a moment where you go. When was it? Was it about 5:45 this morning when you were like, I I gotta go now to work with this guy? No.

No. When when, when did that happen? I think it happened on Saturday when we were all just a little bit cranky, and we were all just a little bit too much. We need to separate. And we all had a moment where we all kinda just went and did our own thing, and it was kind of lovely.

Wasn't it nice to see I guess I didn't notice it was happening. Oh, it's What what did I do? I don't know what you did. Is that when I was tying flies? Yeah.

Probably. Okay. I just too much time together. We were spending way too much time together. That's what, what a family, weeklong vacation is supposed to be like, isn't it?

Yes. But you still need some downtime where you go decompress for yourself. And even Emery, because I don't like to see my people bored. And it was so hot the one day that we just stayed inside and played some games. And I said, I just I just wanna read my book.

Mhmm. I'm tired of entertaining everybody. I'm tired of making sure everybody's happy. Can I please can I please can I please just read my book? And she we were all kinda sitting there just bored.

We were kinda scrolling on our phones. We were all kinda casually like, what do you guys wanna do? It's too hot. Do you wanna go on the pond? No.

We have to blow up the paddleboard. It's too hot. Anybody want a nice cream cone? Yeah. I'll have an ice cream cone.

And then finally, Emery said, can I just hang out on my bunk for a little bit? And I went, yes. There was a nap? Thank you. There was a nap moment.

There was a nap moment. I was very good with the napping moment. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah. We all needed just that break where you guys all took a nap.

I got to read my book. It was lovely. That was the Lovely. It's my favorite. That was your favorite part.

The only thing that could have made it better is if I was in a hammock and it was about 20 degrees cooler. Right. For sure. Then it would have been really magical. But, but other than that, other than than the one little, like, rough moment there that led to nap time, Is there any other times where you were like, I just really wanna be on my own right now?

Or were you pretty good? No. I was pretty good. Good. I felt pretty pretty good.

I didn't feel like anytime in there, I was like, man, I wish these people would leave me alone. I was I was in it. It was all good. You it was funny because you guys took a nap, and I was reading. And I was like, oh, I should take a nap because I am kinda tired too.

But I couldn't put my book down. And then I finally I finally put my book down, and I was like, okay. I'm gonna take a nap. And then you and Emery woke up. Yeah.

Now it's time to now it's time for Chantel to entertain us again. I'm letting this You were reading you were reading your book, and your your book was sad. Yeah. And you kept saying, I can't even read this. It's too sad.

Like, the whole time you read that book, like, you chose a book that was sad front to back. Yeah. Yeah. Why? Because it's good.

It was Why? It was a good story. Okay. It was very well written, and it was beautiful, and it was lovely. But it made you cry the whole time you read it.

And you're like, I can't even read this book. I'm too sad. There's lots of books I read that are too sad. K. It's because they're good.

Alright. A good sad story. Yeah. Alright. I'll read happy books.

Well, I've read those Like, Danny and the dinosaur. Have you read that? I am. That's a great book. Not for a long time.

Riding the dinosaur around town, taking him to school and stuff? It's fantastic. It's a good book, Josh. I do like, is that a golden book? No.

Are you sure? It might be a little golden book. Maybe. We don't have it in the little golden book form because we own it. But We do.

We have Danny and the dinosaur. Yeah. I need to read Danny and the dinosaur. Okay. I'll get it out of storage.

It's it's a happy story, front to back. We went up to Yellowstone last weekend. Yellowstone is in our backyard. I know. We haven't been there in a very, very long time.

I was there last year, which was very, very cool. I was excited, about backpacking through Yellowstone. And then this year, I was like, hey. I wanna take you guys to explore some of what I saw. Now I'm not gonna make you walk 40 miles over 5 days.

Yeah. So we kinda did some driving around, but we went to parts of the park I've never been to. Like, I've I've been to the park a handful of times in my whole life, maybe 4. Yeah. Same for me.

And until this last time, we'll call it 5, maybe 6 tops that I've been to to Yellowstone. And it is right here. Like, that's the that is the crazy part. It's it's not that far to drive. The last time we were together there as a family, Emery was just little.

Like, she was probably 4 or 5. It was 10 years ago. And she we kept talking about Old Faithful, and we're gonna go see Old Faithful, and it's a geyser. Right. And when we got to Old Faithful, she is a little 4 year old goes, well, where's the old guy?

Right. She thought there was a guy. It was an old guy. We're gonna go see this old guy. The geyser?

Old faithful. She called it Old 5th ful. Old 5th ful. Old 5th ful. So we said, okay.

As a 14 year old, we're gonna go see Old faithful, and then you'll see maybe it'll make sense to you. Guess what? We didn't go see old faithful. You know why? Because there was a 2 hour wait Yeah.

To see old faithful, and we said, we're not we're not gonna do that. Because it was 7 o'clock or so in the evening. We had already been to the a lot of the park. We had seen a lot of other things. Right.

The Grand Prismatic. We had been up to Mammoth. Which I'd never been up to Mammoth before. What was it called? Mammoth Springs?

Yeah. Whatever. Mammoth. Some I've never been up to that part ever, and that was really cool. And that that whole little, like, town that exists right there Yeah.

Like, what is this? It was very cool. That was way cool because I'd never been up that that part. And that was that was cool. And then we went over that incredibly, scary bridge.

That was scary. And then realized that we couldn't make that loop down because the flooding stuff that happened a year ago or so still working on construction. Closed, and so we weren't gonna be able so then we turned around and drove back over that scary bridge. And then went kinda back down toward, yeah, Grand Prismatic and, Old Faithful. We drove around the lodge area for Old Faithful and then went, yes, isn't it?

No. This isn't it. There was way too many people. It was a 2 hour wait to see it erupt again. And we said, do you guys wanna I said to the kids and to you, do you guys wanna wait 2 hours or do you, like, hoping, crossing my please don't I can't do it.

I just wanna go home. What would we have done at the lodge for 2 hours? Nothing. And you could have walked around and but, again, it was hot. There was a lot of people.

So sorry, Emery. She, as we entered the park because we were you know, I said, watch for wildlife. We're gonna see some wildlife. And we didn't I mean, we had gone 2 hours. We were driving, and we still hadn't seen anything.

And she said, I thought this was gonna be, like, bear world. You just drove through and saw Yeah. No. It's the atmosphere. It's just outside wilderness nature.

Yeah. That's that is she has probably no memory of going there No. I don't when she was 4. Mm-mm. Yeah.

To see the old guy. Yeah. The old 5th full. The old 5th full. That old guy.

We did see we did get to see some elk and some We did see elk. Bison, and we did see a baby bear Which was really cool. Leaving the park. Our dog saw the bear. Right.

And was very on alert. From our car. Yeah. From inside. It was like, there's something up there.

Because she was just looking out the window and then was, like, perked up, and that's when we saw the little bear cub wandering around, which was I've never in all my times in Yellowstone, the now 6 or what whatever it is. Mhmm. I've never seen a bear until this time, which was really cool. It was Then we had a lot of debate about what kind of bear we saw. But it was grizzly.

It was a bear. It was a bear. We saw a bear. Yep. And then some people behind us had to stop, and they got out of their vehicles.

Say, listen. Listen to me when I say this. If you are a local East Idaho resident Guaranteed they weren't let go. They were. Were they?

They were. And and I'm just gonna say, even if it's your first time in the park and you've never been before, you've heard enough of the stories Yes. About people and animals and how to behave and people getting hurt and all that stuff, you should know better. He got out a tripod. Dude.

Stopped traffic. Stopped traffic. Got out of his car with a bear a baby bear, by the way. Which means there's there's mama bear somewhere nearby. We said we gotta go.

Yeah. I'm not gonna watch somebody die today. No kidding. So once we got around that corner, whatever happened to you is your own business, but you blocked traffic to get out a tripod in the middle of the road, which is not the thing to do. To capture our baby bear.

Right. Oh, that mama's gonna be so mad at you. We're all mad at you. I saw some very horrendous driving in Yellowstone Park, and I was cranky about it. I was quite quite quanky.

Quite quanky? Quite Quite quanky. About Twaffing. Anyway, Yellowstone's great. If you haven't been in a while, if you haven't been in 10 years, go back.

It's still cool. Yeah. There's all kinds of things. Place you haven't been before because that's exciting too. Also, yeah, that was neat.

But, we we also had a conversation about the difference between bison and buffalo. Yeah. I don't know. I still don't know. I still don't know.

We call them buffalo, but they are just American bison. But because of when you said what's the difference between a buffalo and a bison, it showed you a picture of a bison and a picture of a water buffalo. Yeah. And there's a big difference between that Yeah. And that.

So but what is the difference between a bison and what we call a buffalo? I don't think they're I think they're the same. No. It says they're different. Two different animal.

Buffalo and bison. Two different animals. No. I know. But when we call a bison a buffalo, we mean a bison is a buffalo.

I don't think so still. You don't? No. Bison have a large hump on their backs. Buffalo do not.

Bison have large heads, while buffalo have smaller, more cow like heads. Yeah. I know. That's because you're looking at water buffalo. No.

It's not water buffalo. Bud. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel. Hey there.

Hey. We work, excuse me, like I said, camping. Yeah. Well, this was the first trip or the second trip. Which trip are we on?

1st trip. 1st trip. K. I think. So This is where we were camped when we went to Yellowstone.

Yes. And we're all sleeping, slumbering away, and then I wake up because I hear sounds like somebody chopping wood. And I look at the time, and it's 12:30 In the morning. And I go, who is chopping wood? Is that even chopping wood?

Yes. It's chopping wood. At 12:30 in the morning. And then the dog hears it, and then the dog starts to bark. Mhmm.

And then you hear it, and you wake up. Mhmm. And you go, what is going on? I go, I don't know. Maybe they'll stop.

No. They didn't stop. Chopping wood. Just chop, chop, chopping wood. And I and I thought to myself, it's 12:30 in the morning.

What a great time to split a cord of wood in the dark. And it never ended. Like, they just going on. Chopping wood. Yeah.

And so then I we look out the window to see if we could see where they were. They were just a campsite away from us, and all you could see was their headlights. The headlamps? Their headlamps. Yeah.

And you could see them, like, walking across their camp to get more wood and then chopping more wood. And then all of a sudden, we see I see their headlamps coming toward us. And I go, Josh, they're coming into our campsite. K. So we're in a in a campground Yeah.

Where campsites are real close. Yeah. And yeah. And he was. And they were a couple of sites over chopping the wood, and, and then they got done chopping the wood, and so they had to carry the wood back to wherever they came from.

Don't know that. Correct? We don't know. It was dark. Listen.

Listen. Here's my theory of what happened. Okay. I think Hold on because you are skipping this story, Josh. You're moving to the end too fast.

Go ahead. So I see their headlights coming into our campsite. I go, Josh, they're coming into our campsite. Again, headlamps. That's their flashlight.

Headlights are on a car. Oh, sorry. They're Go ahead. Headlamps. Yes.

They're on foot. So you jump out of bed, and you're looking out the window. And I go, should I turn on the light so that they know that we're awake? Like, let's turn on the let's turn on the porch light. And you go, hold on a minute.

Relax, you crazy woman. And the dog is barking and, like, good. They need to know that we have a dog. K. They need to know that Right.

We're on alert. We know that you're here. Yeah. I think they knew that they woken up the whole campsite. The whole campground was awake at 12:30 because they were chopping wood.

And here I am. I'm thinking you're, like, just watching. You're kind of on alert, and I'm I'm here on the campsite going, okay. My phone is dead. If I need to call 911, whose phone the kids are still asleep.

I don't know how they're still asleep. You had your phone. I don't know what you are prepared to do. You're quiet. Wouldn't let me turn on the porch light.

What was your plan? Did you have a plan? Observe. That was my plan. I'm locked inside the trailer.

Yeah. I've look. I got I got way more protection right now than they than they even need to worry about. They had an ax. Oh, woah.

Okay. Listen. Here's the deal. They're not they're not they were chopping wood. Their campsite was in a crowded camp area.

Yeah. And so I think they thought, we need more wood for our campfire because we're still having a campfire. We're being quiet. They weren't making a noise. They didn't have a bunch of music going or anything.

And they thought, we need more wood. We should go chop some more wood. Let's carry a bunch of this down the road. So they walked a few campsites away from the last trailer that they saw, which happened to be us. Us.

And so we heard it more than anybody else. And because here's the deal. The dog was going nuts. The things were happening. I'm sure they were aware that they had woken up our campsite as they walked their wood back to theirs because they came back to cut more wood, and they went even further away.

Yeah. They did. Couldn't hear it that so I really think they're like, oh, no. We've we've not gone far enough away. They had to have known they were gonna wait at home.

Like they were chopping wood right next to our campsite. Because I think echoes in the mountains. Sure. But also, as I sat there and went, oh, this is how we're all gonna die. When more sense came into my head, I went, I don't really think axe murderers are gonna chop wood to wake you up before they murder you.

I don't think that's 3rd grand plan. We'll sneak up on them after we chop this cord of wood. Let's put this axe to the test. It's fine. We're alive.

Your imagination is wild. Here's one other camping story. I got one other camping. More. We were sitting down to eat 1 night, and because sometimes campsites are a little bit closed, you hear what's happening at the other campsite.

And the other campsite had made chicken in their Dutch oven, and I hear, hey. Come get come get your chicken drumstick. Come get your chicken drumstick. Do you want a chicken drumstick? I have chicken drumsticks.

I probably heard chicken drumstick at least 10 times. Why are they called that, do you think? I don't know. But then I hear then I hear, I'm sorry the chicken is so tender, and then another person say, I know. It's a chicken leg.

It's not a chicken drumstick. Oh, but did you miss what I just said? Yeah. I did. Because I I'm sorry the chicken was so tender.

I know. What? I'm sorry the chicken was so tender. That's something you don't apologize for. I'm sorry this dinner was delicious.

That's what I'm gonna start doing instead of because people don't ever say thank you enough. Yes. So I'm just going I'm gonna slide in the thing you should have said thank you for as a as a an apology. I'm sorry I helped you push your cart back. I know.

That's I know. Not even the correct response. This is a weird response. The whole conversation. And we were quietly eating, the 4 of us, kind of over I thought I was the one the only one eavesdropping.

But as they said, I'm sorry. The chicken is so tender, followed by, I know. Both the kids and I looked at each other and just started laughing, like, what conversation is this? I said, somebody needs to start talking so we don't have to listen to our neighbors' conversation anymore. Or you need a hobby.

Or that. Or we need to not be in the campsite and go somewhere else. So you can eavesdrop on some other conversation. I kind of wanted to go over and have the chicken drumstick just so I could see how tender the chicken was. I heard it was too tender.

It's too this chicken is so tender. This chicken drumstick is so tender. Why is it called a chicken drumstick? Did you know? I'm trying to find out.

Because it doesn't look like a drumstick. No. It does not. Drumsticks don't look like that. No.

Someone said it it's because it resembles the dark meat on fowl, meaning birds Yeah. Known today as drum sticks. Someone most likely most likely a musician put 2 and 2 together and started calling the leg on a turkey or a chicken a drumstick and the name stuck. I don't buy it. I don't either.

Hoot. Doesn't look like a drumstick at all. Apparently, early drumsticks were more mallet type than the long skinny ones we see drummers have today. So old timey drumsticks. Okay.

I'm gonna I'm gonna look that up. Old timey drumsticks? Early drumsticks. Let's see. Yeah.

Wooden and brush form. Yeah. It does kinda look like a chicken drumstick. That's that's accurate. Okay.

It looks like those ice cream cones that you like, those drumstick ice cream cones. Also in inappropriately named. Inappropriately, in incorrectly named? Accurately named if you go by the old timey drumstick. It looks like it looks like one of those.

The things we learn, don't we? We, took our boats out yesterday. By boats, I mean, a paddleboard, a kayak, and a pontoon. That's correct. Those are 3 different kinds of flotation, boats.

Yes. That is true. That happened. And we floated the river, and we decided that we it would be fun to see how Luna, our new rescue dog, would do in a kayak. Okay.

Let's rewind a little bit. Sure. Because earlier in the week, we went camping, and we were near a river. And, we took a walk. And I went and floated, and we had the paddle board, and we did a thing on the river, and, the dog stayed on the shore and on the dock.

Was a little bit crazy about the water and the people and the other dogs around, but but swam and looked like she was having a good time in the water. Yep. And so we thought, you know, let's see what happens. And there was too much going on at those docks and that and that boat, dock where we were at. And so, I think she was distracted, and we said let's let's hold off from putting her on a boat till we can go somewhere a little more quiet.

Let's make sure we have a flotation device for her just, you know, in case. Yep. We don't want her to get, you know, in trouble. So through the week, we acquired those things. We found a new spot to go.

Went and floated. Got her alive jacket. Jacket on. She was in the kayak with you. Emery was on the paddle board.

I was fishing in my pontoon. These are the things that were happening. How did I end up with the dog is my question. I don't know the answer to that other than you said I'll put her in the kayak with me. Because I feel like it was you were in a blow up device.

So I feel like she would have popped your inflatable, tubes. Yeah. That that that's how it floats. I feel like she would have popped your pontoon boat. I feel like the paddle board is too open, so she woulda jumped off at any point.

Like, that's uncontrollable. Alright. She's uncontrollable. Like, because the the kayak's a sit in, not a sit on. And so you said, I'm gonna be floating in the in the sit in.

I can put her by my feet. There, and at least she's a little bit encaged. Mhmm. That was the worst time of my life. That was awful.

It was it was we were on the water for a lot of hours. It was so long. And, you pulled over. You let her kinda wander for a little bit, stretch her legs out, a couple of times. And the last time when she got back in, she kinda settled down.

Well, I put I managed to put a life jacket on the bottom of the boat, and so I think maybe that was a little more comforting for her feet. K. And then I think she had just worn herself out from hours and hours and hours of just being so high strung that she just couldn't she was like, I got I need a nap. She had her hands up on the edge of the kayak with her head laying on it asleep. She was tuckered out.

Yeah. And then we were passing other boaters, and they're like, oh, what a good dog. I'm like, do not even be fooled because this dog has been chaos from the moment we put our boat together. The most adorable cute things to ever see. It was not in the beginning.

That dog was crazy. I'll never do that again. My legs, I couldn't tell if they were sunburned, red from being sunburned, or red from her claws just marking up my legs. What did you decide today? I think it's still a mix of both.

It's still a mix of scratches and sunburn? Yeah. Yeah. Well, what did we learn? I'm happy that the life jacket has a little handle because that came in handy much too often where she would just jump.

She tried to jump onto Emery's paddle board when Emery would get too close, and then she would fall off. So then you'd have to grab her by that handle and put her back in the boat. So that was super handy. I was fishing. Yeah.

I know. You just were living your best life. I was catching fish. Stuff was happening. Good for you.

In the zone. I'm so happy. Having a good time. So happy for you. What so glad one of us had a good day.

Me and the dog had a great time. No. The dog did not have a great time. The dog had maybe a good half hour when she finally wore herself out out enough to sleep. She was high strung, anxiety ridden.

She didn't like being trapped in that boat. She didn't like being on the water. Every time I don't know about that. I think she kinda did. Bro.

I saw her sleeping with her little hands. Every time I paddled, she would try to bite the water. Yeah. She saw dogs. She hated the dog.

She hated everything. She hated Emery bring being in front of her. She hated Emery being behind her. She hated hated everything. She did not have a good time.

I think And she passed out the second we got in the truck Yeah. Out. I think we should try again. I don't want to. I think maybe next time, I will do some fishing, and you can deal with the dog.

How about that? How about them apples? How about that? How about it? Did you have a good time?

No. Oh, I couldn't tell. Hey. It's time for would you rather this or that? Summer edition.

Would you rather eat a pickle flavored snow cone or a spinach flavored ice cream cone? Gross. Spinach is so good. I'm picking that one because spinach is good. I can't eat I enjoy a pickle, but not in a snow cone form.

So I'm You you say it like it. 1, that it exists, and 2, that you didn't make it up. I'm sure it exists somewhere. Are you kidding me? With all the pickle craze that's happening lately, they've got pickles in Diet Coke that's happening in all of them.

It doesn't matter. Same. Not the same. There's pickled everything. Everything.

Pickled chips everywhere. There's a pickle craze happening. So I'm not I wouldn't be surprised if you rolled up onto any of these snowshacks and been like, do you have pickle flavoring? They'd say, 100%. You want a pickle flavored snow cone?

No. Thank you. Would you do the we we've not tried the Doctor Pepper Doctor Pepper with the pickles in it. No. Gross.

You don't wanna try that? I don't. Would you do the snow cone if it had Doctor Pepper and then just pickle juice poured on it as well. Okay. Here's what I will do.

I will try those things. I don't wanna spend my money to try those things I see. Because I know that I'm not gonna enjoy those things, and I don't wanna waste my money. If it's the best thing you've ever had? If it's a free sample, I will try it.

What if it's the best thing you've ever had? Then I'll buy 1. But I don't wanna buy a whole one and just waste it. You see? No.

Just give me a sample so I can try it because I'm absolutely willing to try it. I don't wanna waste my money on it. I think the spinach gets blended into enough smoothies that it's probably not really gonna taste like spinach in the ice cream, so I'm going with that. That's why I picked it. And, also, spinach is good.

I like spinach. Unless it's like ice cream, chocolate ice cream with a handful of just limp boiled up spinach on it. That's it. That's it. That's what it is.

Gross. Like sprinkles. Spinach sprinkles. Yeah. Except no.

It's just a big old like, somebody just took a handful of wet leaves and just went. But it's not even the spinach leaves. It's gonna be the spinach stems. Oh, gross. So you have to chew it.

No. It's Josh and Chantel. You're better today than yesterday daily challenge. That's right. It's us.

This is something you can do today to make today better than yesterday? Yes. It's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Got it. Understood.

We've talked a lot about journaling. The this comes up pretty often because it's a beneficial thing that you can do, and you do kind of an art journal thing. Yeah. But do you also write stuff down? Do you also have, like, a journal, and occasionally, you write things?

No. I used to. Duh. Okay. I used to, but then I thought I mean, I have a gratitude journal.

Yeah. But, I mean, it's mostly you write down some things. Yeah. Write down some stuff. Yeah.

Sure. Sure. But I don't write, like until today, I did I mean, I did in years past. I did. But Whatever you write in there is up to you.

That's your own thing. Today is to buy a mindfulness a mindfulness journal. Good grief. Mouthwork. Today is to buy a mindfulness journal and make today day 1 of a 30 day journaling habit.

Oh. So you're supposed to spend the next 30 days writing down something mindful, And it could be a quote that you heard or it could be, just a moment of reflection, whatever it is. You don't have to, like no one's gonna see this. This isn't like something you gotta write down, like, I better write 4 pages today. It's just a mindfulness journal.

Okay. Something for you to write down your thoughts and make them real and maybe, find some breakthroughs. That's kinda the idea. Well, that's kinda what my art journal is. I kinda because I don't necessarily draw, but I like to it's people call them junk journaling a lot.

Sure. You just kinda put some stuff down, and then I write, like, some quotes I've heard through the day that made me feel good. Use some mod podge. Yeah. Leave a paintbrush in the bathroom downstairs.

Yep. You know, as you do. Put some washi tape in there. Cool. You get it.

You get the idea. Whatever whatever that means. That's the idea today, though, on your better today than yesterday daily challenge is to get yourself a mindfulness journal and make today the first of 30 days of a journaling habit. Good luck. You make it sound like it's a big daunting thing.

Do. If it's 30 days, that's and then you have to do it every day because I don't just I don't do my art journal every day. When I have the opportunity or I feel like it, yes. Do I feel better when I do it? Of course.

But if you say you have to do this every day for 30 days, then it would lose its sense of fun for me. The idea is that today, you make the first day today. Okay. That's it. Okay.

What you do with that after that, make today the first day. Be mindful. Write down some thoughts. That's all. Okay.

You're making it sound like this big project that somebody's gonna be grading you on, or you but you're gonna have to turn that in in 30 days. No. It's just be mindful. Write something down. I got it.

I understand. Pressure off. There you go. That's gonna do it for us. Have a great rest of your Monday.

We'll be back tomorrow morning. Well, actually, before we go, here in about 10 minutes, we are going to unwrap the second Do do do do do. Christmas in July present. So we aren't leaving just yet. We've got one more thing to take care of.

I got ahead of myself. And then once we do that, we'll take off. But, if you wanna enter to win mystery present number 2, you can enter right now in the classic 97 app. You can enter to win mystery present number 3 that will open tomorrow at 10. You can.

You sure can. You can enter to win the gentry Christmas that was announced But we've already opened. We already opened that present. But you can still enter to win tickets. That's right.

So, anyway, coming up here in 10 minutes or less, we are going to, open that up. So Hoo wee. Get yourself ready. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.