Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice

Welcome to Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice, where we dive deep into the transformative world of hypnotherapy. I'm your host, Gary Johannes, and today, we're joined by the incredible Jennifer Austin-Evans. Jennifer is a leading expert in solution-focused hypnotherapy who transitioned from marine biology and police work to becoming a full-time hypnotherapist. She'll share her riveting journey, powerful insights, and the impact of her online practice on clients worldwide. Discover how hypnotherapy can change lives and challenge everything you know about it. Jennifer trained at the prestigious Clifton Practice Hypnotherapy Training (CPHT). Get ready for an eye-opening conversation.

find Jennifer at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs8yquQB0z_wxo8S2K5vCLg 

What is Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice?

Welcome to "Hypnotherapy Reflections: From Training to Practice!" Join us as we dive into inspiring stories of individuals who chose to train with CPHT as solution-focused hypnotherapists and transformed their lives. Discover how their specialised training empowered them to become successful practitioners, profoundly impacting their clients and communities. Each episode features candid interviews, valuable insights, and practical tips from seasoned hypnotherapists who share their journey, challenges, and triumphs. Whether considering this rewarding career or seeking motivation to elevate your practice, "Hypnotherapy Reflections" offers the inspiration and knowledge you need. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of transformation and success in the world of solution-focused hypnotherapy!

Gary Johannes:

So welcome today to another episode of hypnotherapy reflections from training to practice. Today, we're thrilled to have Jennifer Austin Evans, an accomplished solution focused hypnotherapy, trained at the Clifton practice at CPhT, and really exciting because Jennifer brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, not just in hypnotherapy, but everything she does. And today, we're gonna explore her journey, her unique insights, both personal and those gained from training with CPhD, and the powerful impact she has seen from using solution focused hypnotherapy. So get ready for an inspiring conversation highlighting the transformative power of hypnotherapy and the exceptional training we hope she got from CPhT. So, Jennifer, hello.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Hello. Thanks for having

Gary Johannes:

me. So let's, first of all, introduce yourself and where where you practice, what the practice name is maybe.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. So I'm Jennifer from Jennifer Austin Hypnotherapy, and I work fully online right now. So last week, I was working from Norfolk. This week, I'm in London. Next week, I'm in Estonia.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So I'm very much enjoying, like, the digital nomad lifestyle right now, and enjoying being able to practice from literally wherever I want to.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. That I mean, I haven't even got into the questions. As you know, we normally do 20 questions and ask people all sorts of stuff, but that has brought in another question straight away was I get so many people, particularly people who are interested in training going, can I use it online? Is it effective online? So you're using it online, and it's enabled you to be wherever you wanna be.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Exactly. So I can go visit friends, family, go solo travel, do whatever I wanna do, but keep working at the same time. I've only ever worked online, and it it's fully effective. Everyone enjoys it, and it allows, you know, people to work with me from all over the world. So my clients aren't just from Norfolk, which is where I started, but they're actually from all over the UK.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And further, I have clients in Australia, for example.

Gary Johannes:

So you've got a global business?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. I guess so.

Gary Johannes:

Helping people across the world. I mean, that's amazing. Yeah. So the first question I've got for you is what motivated you to train as a hypnotherapist?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So I had hypnotherapy myself.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, okay.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I was I was struggling with physical and mental health conditions. And hypnotherapy, not only did it really help me, but I also enjoyed the process. Unlike the more traditional talking therapies I'd had before, I actually really looked looked forward to every session. And I loved my hypnotherapist, and I realized that I could be that for someone. Oh,

Gary Johannes:

that's lovely. And it's lovely story. And, again, not you know, it's probably a a real split between the people I've trained, but so many people have had some experience and enjoyed it. So that's really good to hear. So what did you do before you trained with CPhD?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So immediately before, I was working for the police. I was redacting evidence for court, but actually in my previous life, I was a marine biologist.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, wow.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I used to work in the field. I worked offshore in acoustics, and worked in a lab as well, but I lost that job due to my physical health conditions. So, yeah, I was sort of in a bit of limbo, and just got an office job while I was deciding what else to do.

Gary Johannes:

So my next question was gonna be why did you jump from this amazing role of a marine biologist, which sounds exciting and, and it probably is not as glamorous as it sounds, but it sounds glamorous. But what inspired you then to move into hypnotherapy to to to retrain, change your career?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Sure. So I guess, yeah, a few different things. I was missing learning. Like, I wanted to learn something new. I was ready for a new challenge.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I wanted a better work life balance, and, obviously, what better way to do that than to work yourself, really? And I wanted to really feel like I was making a difference. So that was one of the reasons why I went into marine biology. Actually, as you say, like, it sounds a lot more glamorous than it is. Like, a lot of the time when I say I was working offshore in acoustics, you know, I was monitoring whales and dolphins, everyone's like, wow.

Gary Johannes:

It sounds amazing. It does. I'm sitting there thinking, wow. That's just

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. But the reality is I'm sitting on a ship. Normally, the only female on a ship with 30 guys, doing 12 hour night shifts, like, no hot food. And, actually, when the weather's bad, you're just sitting and waiting for the weather. I had a whole month where we have no work.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

We just sat and waited for the weather to improve for a month. And you don't know where you're coming and going. Like, there's no set rotor or anything. You just get a phone call being like, oh, do you wanna go to America tomorrow for we don't know how long? So there was no work life balance, and I didn't feel like I was making a difference.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Like, it's so hard. You even if you come up with some really great data, you know, even if you got that published, it's just gonna sit on the shelf and gather dust, and you hope that it becomes useful at some point.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Whereas, actually, I was hoping that in a hypnotherapy setting, I would feel like it was more rewarding consistently.

Gary Johannes:

Right. I I mean, that I I get that now. Because one, it does sound, you know, really glamorous, but then it's a bit like, I speak to a lot of police officers and things like that. It's like there's not a car chase 3 times a day. It's like you just sit and wait, and that's what I'm hearing.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:


Gary Johannes:

And you never see the outcome of your work, really, the impact of it. So No. I can see where you do that. So what brought you to, you know, train with CPhD in solution focus? So, you know, what was it that inspired that choice?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Literally, I asked my hypnotherapist, where did you train? And I wanted to do exactly what she did because I just loved her, loved her approach. I wanted to do exactly what she did. She was like, this is where I went. And not only did she go through CPHT, but she ended up, also becoming a supervisor and a lecturer and and all of that.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So I could see, see, Debbie, Deborah Pierce.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, yes. Debbie. She's beautiful. Lovely lady. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

But still in practice.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yes. Yeah. She's winding it down a bit now, I think. She's got all sorts of self help online courses. But and I worked with her remotely as well.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Like, all of my sessions with her were online, so I knew that online worked.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And, yeah, so I literally just said to her, right, you know, what did you do? Because that's what I wanna do.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. So it's interesting because you've what you've mentioned I'm gonna jump ahead of some of the questions I've got, but you've mentioned 2 or 3 times work life balance. Yeah. Which a lot of people are looking to get off that treadmill of going to work every day, doing a job, one at a time, having a job, which doesn't fulfill them. Not necessarily sitting a month waiting for the weather to change, but it might feel like that.

Gary Johannes:

So Yeah. Talk tell me about what the what training as a solution focused hypnotherapist now enabled you to do from a work life balance point of view.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Well, firstly, just book a last minute holiday to Estonia because I literally booked that, like, yesterday, and I'm going on Monday. Because I was like, oh, I fancy getting away. So I can, and I will. So obviously, if you like to travel, then it gives me that ability. I've got lots of friends and family, but they're not local to me in Norwich.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Like, they're spread out. So the fact that I can now go and see family when I want to, as long as they've got somewhere that I can work or I rent somewhere nearby, but, obviously, allowing me to do my own hours as well. So

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I when I was building up the practice while working part time, obviously, that was really tough because you are kind of working and training constantly. But once I've enabled myself to go full time, now it's like, actually, I don't wanna work every evening. Why am I working every evening? And I thought, oh, I was quite worried if I if I cut down my evenings. That's they're the sessions that clients really want.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Right? Everyone wants evening sessions, and I worried that that was gonna impact me. But it didn't. Now I only work 2 evenings a week, and everyone just fits it fits in. They go, you know, well, I've got flexible working or I'll do it my lunch break or whatever.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And, also, I set myself an admin day. So I can see clients Tuesday to Friday. On a and on a Monday, I can do my marketing. I can do my social media and finance and all that stuff. So then between clients, Tuesday to Friday, you have a client, and then you're like, cool.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I'm gonna go have a nap now, if you're mean. I mean, I'd like to say, yeah. Go for a run.

Gary Johannes:

Go to

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

the gym, Gary, but you have

Gary Johannes:

to go now. Yeah. I think I'm I'm on board with you there. Yeah. We can I can tell you the science about napping is so good?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

It is. It is.

Gary Johannes:

So napping is good. It it's interesting because you've mentioned that. I mean, you're you don't have, children and things like that. But what are the things what I often get told and, you know, I supervise a lot of other therapists as you know. And they talk about having control.

Gary Johannes:

So you decided you're gonna work from Estonia, or you're gonna do this, or you're gonna do that, But you're in charge. You're gonna turn your clients up or turn your clients down, how many you see or what day you're seeing. Yeah. Exactly. That's taking control.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. Absolutely. So, you know, at one point, I did really have the capacity. This was just before I went full time because I've only recently gone full time. I actually had a wait list, and I was like, oh my gosh.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

What's happening? That's super exciting. And I could have taken more on, but I looked at what was going on in my personal life, and I was like, you know what? I I don't really wanna take more on. They they can just sit and wait a few weeks, and I could do that.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So depending on what kind of other stress you've got going on in your life, I can tailor my work to what I need it to be.

Gary Johannes:

So has training as a solution focused hypnotherapy with Cpht changed or shaped the way you now work with clients? Has that helped, that format?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. Definitely. So, I mean, I love the fact that, obviously, maybe with my science background, I love the fact that it's all rooted in this neuroscience and that I can actually explain to clients how and why their brain works. And a lot of my clients will have had therapies before, you know, other traditional talking therapies. And then I'll chat them through how the brain works, and they go, why has nobody told me this before?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Like, why don't I do this? So I love that approach of actually explaining what's going on and why we've evolved that way. The the goal setting part is obviously really key because for me, when I did things like, CBT or whatnot, obviously, they have their own benefits. But the goals that I was given in that were too unrealistic for me. They were too much of a stretch that I just didn't do them.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Whereas the goal setting approach in solution focused, I really like that it's baby steps.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And at the time, people are like, how is that gonna help me in the long run? Like, okay. Yeah. Fine. I'm gonna make my bed this morning.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Gonna make any difference. And it does. And every time you see those tiny baby steps add up.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So yeah. And, obviously, trance. Who doesn't want, like, half an hour of deep relaxation? And it relaxes me as well. You know?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I get to read trance, like, 5 times a day. I, yeah, I sleep perfectly fine these days.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Brilliant. That's cool. So I'm really interested in something which really has popped out, stood out to you when you're working with clients, something that surprised and unexpected. And, also, what do you really like working with?

Gary Johannes:

Where is your passion when you're working with clients? What do people know you for?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Okay. So 2 questions there. 1, what stood out and surprised me with the client? Right? I think sometimes what surprises me is how a client comes for one thing, and it ends up changing lots of other things.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. You know,

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

they will come to me, and they'll be like, I'm, you know, I'm really overwhelmed with my job, and I just, my anxiety is,

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

know, off the charts, etcetera. And then, actually, by the end of it, they're like, so I've left my husband. Turns out I'm gay, and, like, you just you have no idea what's gonna happen. So that was

Gary Johannes:

And nor did they. Is that right?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:


Gary Johannes:

And nor did nor did your client?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

No. They didn't know either. It so most surprising one was probably, yeah, the fact that someone left their fiance and realized their sexuality, through this process. Because it really enables people to be their authentic self.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And I think that's one of the things I'm known for is I really wanna bring out people's authenticity and build their self esteem. Because when you do that, it leads to so many other changes. But I'm also known for working with people with skin conditions because of my past history. So I'm quite big in the skin community on Instagram things.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you one of the things you're really passionate about is supporting people and helping people find solutions to challenging skin conditions.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. So a lot of people I work with are going through something called TSW, which is steroid withdrawal. And a lot of them are housebound, if not bed or sofabound. And, you know, they're like, well, how can I enjoy my life when I can't do all these things? And they're almost grieving for the life they wish they had had or the person that they were.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I've got a client at the moment who, she used to be a skydiving instructor, and now she finds it hard to leave the house. And her life has completely changed. Yeah. And they sort of think, well, how how how can I still enjoy my life? And working with them through that process

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

To find that, okay, life doesn't look like what you wanted it to look like, But, actually, you can still enjoy it, and helping them deal with pain management as well.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Absolutely. So do you think you're now that you have knowledge of how the brain works, the neuroscience, and the connection between the mind and the body. Does that help the when you're passing that information and knowledge onto your clients?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. A 100%. Yeah. Lots of them go, I kind of I guess I knew this, but you've actually explained it in a way that now makes sense. Like, they know that stress impacts the skin.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Right? We know that stress impacts the body. That's to actually sit down and be like, oh, so stress is causing your cortisol to rise. Cortisol increases your inflammation. It's gonna slow down your wound healing, kick off your histamine response.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

That's gonna cause you to be more itchy, which is gonna cause you to be more stressed. And, yeah, to actually talk through what's really happening on that deeper level. They're like, oh, okay. Right. And the pain management stuff.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

You're talking about the impact of serotonin and dopamine and all chemicals when it comes to pain. People think, gosh. Yeah. You know, they just they don't hear that from other therapies.

Gary Johannes:

So it's really empowering for your client. Wow.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Definitely. And they feel very validated as well because it helps them feel like they've got a bit more control. Because these chronic conditions, right, it feels like your whole life has been taken over. You don't have any control over anything anymore. So it's about giving them a little bit of control back into their lives.

Gary Johannes:

So so I I could talk to you just on that subject for about 2 hours, but I'm gonna move up a little bit. And I was gonna ask you, what you do for self care to look after you. You know, what do you but then you've talked about you're traveling the world and you're napping in between everything you do. So I'm not sure if we need anymore, but is there anything what you do in particular to look after yourself yourself?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I do journal. I I journal, and I think I journal differently now that I've gone through this this training, with CPHT. You know, I I journal in a very solution focused way, obviously. And when I do need to process things, my newest thing is writing poems. Oh.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So, yeah, when I'm going through particular, like, strong emotions and things, obviously, I don't wanna repress them. They wanna come out. But how can I let them come out in a healthy way? Started writing poems, so that's quite cool.

Gary Johannes:

What's that old joke? You're a poet and didn't know it? I mean, that's that's my limit of knowledge of poetry, so we won't go any further than that. But I

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

don't know anything either. I literally I couldn't I don't think I could name a poet to you. I don't read poetry.

Gary Johannes:

It just kind of

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

my journaling naturally turned when I was going through a hard time recently, I just I was journaling and it and a poem just came out, and I was like, this is cool. So I've sort of explored that. So, yeah, journaling, poetry. I'm also in therapy. On and off, I do think it's important.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

You know? Obviously, I've got a network of solution focused hypnotherapists to to lean on, and we can always swap sessions with

Gary Johannes:

each other. Absolutely.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

But not only that, I'm also in what's called Feel Good Norfolk, which is a network of well-being businesses within Norfolk.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, wow.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Started. And we can also swap sessions within that. So, you know, I can say, yeah. I'll give you some online hypnotherapy, and someone else will say, great. I'll come give you a massage or some reflexology or you know?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So really leaning into the wellness community and swapping our practices.

Gary Johannes:

Wow. That I mean yeah. I need to see if they've got some in in Peterborough or other.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

No. It's a really it's a really nice practice. And, I mean, I know it's said a thousand times, but, like, I I do like yoga. Yeah. I did a yoga retreat in Morocco in April, which is really nice.

Gary Johannes:

Cool. Yeah. I I mean, that's you know, that you you're always looking at supporting yourself, and I think all good therapists are really aware that just because you help other people, you've also got to be practicing what you what you you preach.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Oh gosh. Yeah. And, you know, having sessions is really good for my own mental health because I struggled with my mental health before. When I first sort of said to some friends and family, this is what I'm gonna go do, obviously, they're all supportive, but a couple of them were like, well, what if you what if you struggle? And and now you're running your own business, and there's no kind of real people to get out, you know, out of bed into the office.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

But, actually, firstly, my clients mean a lot to me, and I will turn up for them, if I if as long as I can do. But, also, as you said, it forces you to go back over all of this information of why it's so important and to practice what you preach, while also recognizing at the same time, we can't always therapy ourselves. So go and get support if we need to.

Gary Johannes:

Absolutely. So it's interesting. You mentioned your family, and it sounds like you've got a very supportive family. But I hear a lot of people talk about skepticism, which they get from all sorts of people, but also from potential clients, but definitely the general public. How do you handle those misconceptions and skepticism?

Gary Johannes:

Do you have anything with you?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I I chuckle and I nod, and then I correct them. Yeah. So, yeah, I sort of I say yes. Mhmm. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I understand. I've I've heard that many times before. Here's the truth. And it's something I do a lot on social media. So, you know, I've done a short series of reels recently in frequently asked questions.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So it's like, you know, can, you get stuck in hypnosis? Can hypnosis make you do things you don't wanna do? All those things that we always hear.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And so I think just putting that out on social media regularly is quite important. And then, yeah, just gently correcting people and being like, yeah. It's not like you see on stage. It's completely different. This is this is clinical hypnotherapy, and, actually, it's based in science.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And trying to explain it to them if they're willing to listen.

Gary Johannes:

So so how do you deal with somebody who is opposite to solution focus? So I've got to sit and talk and talk and talk about my problems. I've got to revivify it. And you're going with solution focused. How do you deal with the purse the people who believe that there's only one way?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So to be honest, by the time you explain the science behind it, they're normally questioning.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Oh, okay. So by the time I actually explain the brain and the stress bucket, they do start to think about, oh, okay. Well, maybe I haven't really considered it like this before.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

But also I do think you are gonna come across some clients who they do really, really wanna talk about the problem. And actually, that's okay, but then you're not ready for solution focused hypnotherapy yet. Go do some traditional talking therapy. Get all that stuff off of your chest.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Ready to move on. You know, I have said that to a client recently. I've only had that one consultation just the other day with someone who was like, I really wanna talk about this. And I was like, well, that's not really what we do. This is what I can offer you.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Otherwise, go do the traditional talking therapy. And then when you're ready to move on, come back, and we'll work towards the life you want rather than talking about the past. But, yeah, once you explain the brain and the science, most people go, okay.

Gary Johannes:

Cool. So you worked with a solution focused hypnotherapy, loved it, found that you loved it a lot, so you then found us to train with us. But during that training, because obviously, you learn everything about why you did what you did when you were doing the therapy. Mhmm. Was there anything that leapt out at you?

Gary Johannes:

What was a breakthrough for you when you was going for the training? You went, oh my god. This is it. It doesn't have to be, but can you is there anything in particular that stood out?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Couple of things that stand out was learning more about the medication side of things was completely new to me. So I think that was Claire talking through exactly how antidepressants and various medications work. That was really interesting and really important, I think, for me to know. Obviously, a lot of the clients I see are on various

Gary Johannes:

medications. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So that was really good to learn that we don't, you know, produce our own it doesn't produce serotonin for us. We still have to produce our own and and help it. That was really key. And also grief. I've I've never, really dealt with anything to do with grief before, and it didn't come up in my sessions.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So when we talked about grief in training and, I can't remember who it was, someone drew, like, the ball in the box, metaphor for grief. That side of things stood out to me, and I use it regularly with my clients now. You know, even if they're they haven't it's not because they've lost someone. Actually, if you've lost a relationship or if you lost your health, the same applies.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Absolutely.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. The 2 things that stand out, which were kind of completely brand new to me, was sort of grief and medication. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. So you came from being a microbiologist, which is sounds amazing. Even if you tell me it's not, it still sounds amazing. Worked within, the police community and took up training with us to become a full time, as you are now, full time hypnotherapist. What sort of help did you get from the course to prepare you for that?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So I think one of the most helpful things about the course was that we were seeing people from week 1. The fact that we were literally working with live volunteers from the 1st week. Because one of the big things about this course is your confidence. Right? Oh my gosh.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Like, I'm gonna have to help people who are in a really bad way. You know? What am I gonna say? Am I gonna run out of things to say? What if I say the wrong thing?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

But because you're working with people from the beginning, you build out that confidence. And by the time the course finished

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Like, I was hitting the ground running. I was really confident. I was like, right. Where can I go give a talk? Right?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I'm gonna, you know and now I'm booked to, I'm gonna be giving a talk in London next month at the, allergy and free from show. And I give sort of monthly talks in Norwich as well. And it's just like yeah. That confidence that seeing people all the time throughout the course gives you, is really invaluable. And also the the support network of the other students.

Gary Johannes:

Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

You know, we still have a WhatsApp chat going, and we often put in there, oh, does someone have a, like, a an idea of what to do with this particular client or, hey. How are you guys dealing with SEO on your website or whatever? And we're always there. Everyone always replies. They had unfortunately, I couldn't make it, but they had a a reunion, dinner earlier this year.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So, yeah, I the group I I guess it depends who you get, but the groups that I

Gary Johannes:

Well, I think many of the calls I've been part of delivering training to has had that, peer group, and and I think that's really helpful. Do you did you get or feel like you've got support an ongoing support from CPHT as you've went on through your graduation and since then.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. Definitely. I mean, the supervisory sessions are, like, absolutely necessary, not just from a legal point of view. Right? But absolutely as a new newly qualified hypnotherapist.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I mean, I qualified in July, so I haven't even been going a year yet. But to meet up with your supervisor regularly continues that confidence, continues to grow, and the fact that other people bring these questions. Right? And you think, oh, you know, that doesn't apply to me. And then finally enough the next week, it applies to you.

Gary Johannes:

And you're

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

like, I already know what to do because that person had the problem. So the continuing support from group supervision is great, knowing that you can have one to one supervision if you want to. The Facebook group is really valuable. Yeah. Just swapping an email now and then.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Just just be like, oh, okay. I wanna do a a reframe. I haven't done one in a while. Can you just, like, answer these couple of questions? Yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And someone will always come back to you really quickly.

Gary Johannes:

So it feels like you're part of something bigger than yourself? There's

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

always There's always someone.

Gary Johannes:

Whether it's peer peers from your training, whether it's somebody in supervision or, like, your supervisor, you can always you're never on your own.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

No. No. Absolutely. I never I never sit there thinking, oh, who can I ask? Or I need help.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Who do I go to? It's more like, oh, okay. Who do I choose? Because there's too many people for me to ask. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

So a couple of more questions then. So what would you or do you find most rewarding from your work as a solution focused hypnotherapist?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Definitely when people say you've changed my life. And I know I remember you telling us, Gary, in training, you were like, you will have people that say to you, you've saved my life and you've changed my life. And, you know, you will have that happen time and time again. And when you sort of sit there and train it, I mean, you think, yeah. You know, that would be really nice.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

You know, I wonder if that'll happen to me. And it really does. And the first time it happened to me was before I even qualified. And just realizing that you you have that impact on someone to really, yeah, make a difference to not only them, but also their loved ones.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

You know, one of my sort of standout clients, if you like, that I remember well, She never allowed herself to be in family photos because she had such low confidence and self worth, and she wouldn't, well, she wouldn't do so many things that were kind of based around her family.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

And, you know, she she messaged me. Even, like, 4 months after working together, she took the time to message me and say, I bought a sparkly dress. I'm gonna wear it at Christmas, and I'm in all these family photos. And, like, her whole family have benefited from that, not just her. So yeah.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Just yeah. Hearing hearing that. Getting the reviews always. When a new review comes in, you're like, oh, I got a review.

Gary Johannes:

So I've got another question for you. You know, I sent you the questions I'm likely to ask.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:


Gary Johannes:

I saved a couple.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:


Gary Johannes:

So I would like to know if you were to write a book about your experiences as a hypnotherapist Mhmm. What would the title be and why?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Oh, what would the title be? Maybe things I wish I'd known or, like, why why didn't I know this before?

Gary Johannes:

Why would you call it that?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Because the key information that we learn on this course, you just think, why is this not taught in schools? You know, why have I not known this earlier? How different would my life have been if I knew all this stuff earlier? And, you know, better late than never. And I'm pleased about, you know, my previous careers, and I'm pleased on about this one.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

But, yeah, it's probably something to do along those lines of, gosh, why didn't I know this earlier?

Gary Johannes:

Why didn't I know this earlier? That's what your your book's gonna be called. Yeah. Oh, wow. So lastly then, to finish up, what would you what advice would you give someone considering a queer as a hypotherapist?

Gary Johannes:

And, you know, what do you think they should do?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Well, I mean, probably listen to a few podcasts, but not just your one, obviously. But, there's quite a few podcasts that I found, and they are by hypnotherapists. You've also got, is it Ali's one about building hypnotherapy business? You know, there's a lot of those resources out there. And if you listen to those, you'll get a bit of more of a feeling as to what that life would look like for you.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Ultimately, I think the people who want to become a hypnotherapist, they have that gut need to help people.

Gary Johannes:


Jennifer Austin-Evens:

A lot of them have already been through something difficult, which helps you then relate to your clients.

Gary Johannes:

Yep. And

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I think you also have to have a little bit of, an understanding of the business side of what you're taking on because, most people that I know out of this course are doing really, really well. But then there's the odd few that are like, oh my god. The hypnotherapy side is fine, but actually, I don't know if I can run a business. Yeah. So absolutely, if you're interested in hypnotherapy, I'd say go for it.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Just also bear in mind, you're gonna have to deal with social media. It's not just being a hypnotherapist. Social media manager. You're a marketing person. You're a website designer.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. All those an accountant. All those things come with it.

Gary Johannes:

To surround yourself with the right people. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds of it. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Fantastic. So to finish up, particularly as you've got such a passion around so many things, particularly skin conditions and well-being, Make sure let's make sure people know who you are and how to find you.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Absolutely. So

Gary Johannes:

Because you're blow drying the whole time, we need to know how to contact you.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Absolutely. I am going to buy a flat at some point, probably in Norfolk, but I'll enjoy the nomad in a life until then. So you can find me on Instagram at jennifer austinhypnotherapy and also on my website, which is jennifer austinhypnotherapy.co.uk. And also on YouTube. I'm new to I'm new to YouTube.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

I'm also on here. So that is also Jenna Frost in hypnotherapy. Yeah.

Gary Johannes:

Oh, Facebook?

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yeah. I am on Facebook. I'm more active on Instagram, but I'm on Facebook under Jenna Frost in hypnotherapy. And I also have a monthly newsletter. So I send out a monthly newsletter, and that will have all sorts of positive news from around the world and what I'm up to and any upcoming events.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

So I do, like, monthly live trances on Instagram, for example, and any talks. And, I am in the works doing a collaborative retreat in Cornwall potentially, and an online workshop with a yoga teacher. I did a half day, retreat with a yoga teacher and, like, a somatic movement coach. So, yeah, there's always some people that I'm doing.

Gary Johannes:

But we gotta remember Jennifer Austin hypnotherapy because

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

That's the one.

Gary Johannes:

Whatever platform we go on, we'll probably find you.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

Yep. I hope so. And yeah.

Gary Johannes:

What I'm gonna do in the bio and everything to do with this and everything, I will put that in so people can click on you and find you. So to finish off, thank you so much for giving us some time, in your middle of your globetrotting. Enjoy Australia. And I look forward to seeing you in the future. So thank you so much for sharing your story.

Jennifer Austin-Evens:

No. Thank you so much for having me. It's also nice for me to reflect back over, you know, the training period and and what I've achieved.

Gary Johannes:

Thank you. Bye bye.