Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Friday, September 27th, 2024 / It’s morning show host day! Chantel wants to wear the world’s tallest hat, Chantel is desperately trying hard not to be a fantasy football bully, Matilda is one of Josh’s favorite musicals, our dog tried to burrow her way into my ear, we talked about asking people out, Josh has a sleep hack that involves too much math, and hates when I call him my guy.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Friday, September 27th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

It’s morning show host day! Chantel wants to wear the world’s tallest hat, Chantel is desperately trying hard not to be a fantasy football bully, Matilda is one of Josh’s favorite musicals, our dog tried to burrow her way into my ear, we talked about asking people out, Josh has a sleep hack that involves too much math, and hates when I call him my guy.

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast. And it's Josh and it's Chantel, and this is a replay of today's full show. And it's Friday, September 27th. Let's see what happened on today's show. It's morning show host day.

Hey. Congratulations. Happy morning show host day. Happy morning show host day to you, sir. I wanna wear the world's tallest hat.

You can't, though. It's huge. I'm desperately trying hard not to be a fantasy football bully. How's it going? It's going well.

If you guys would respond to it. That sounded kinda like a thing a bully would say. Matilda is one of Josh's favorite musicals. It's a dance game. Our dog tried to burrow her way into my ear.

We talked about asking people out. I have no riz. Josh has a sleep hack that involves too much math, and he hates it when I call him my guy. Yeah. None that I hate when you call me your guy.

Like, if you're like, and this is my guy. My guy. I don't like it when you go, my guy? Oh, you know, my guy. Thanks for listening to the show.

We do it live every weekday morning from 6 to 10. You can hear it right here on the podcast anytime you want. Thanks for listening. Make sure you subscribe, like the podcast, give it a rating, you know, all that stuff. And, subscribe, like the podcast, give it a rating, you know, all that stuff.

And we're now on YouTube, which is very exciting. So, subscribe there too. Watch our videos. Give them thumbs ups and stuff. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Enjoy today's show. Friday morning.

It's Josh and Chantel. Hey, girl. Hey, girls. Hey, girl. Hey.

Hey. It's, it's a fall Friday morning. It's, Josh at Chantel, and it's chocolate milk day. Chocolate milk is the best. Alright.

I I think it's a a good milk. It's a fine milk. But? I I think there are some milks that are too thick. I just do it.

Yeah. I have to mix in regular milk because I think that some chocolate milks are, too thick. There when I was pregnant with Emery, I had a craving for chocolate milk all constantly. Do you remember this? I don't.

But it sounds like it didn't go away. Because chocolate milk is so good. Yeah. But then I remember right after I delivered her, I was like, I want some chocolate milk. Who's gonna give me some chocolate milk?

Did you, go back to elementary school? K. What day did you get chocolate milk? I don't remember getting hot milk in elementary school. Fridays.

That was it. Chocolate milk only came out on Fridays. Okay. They did it every day now. Every day.

It's available every day now. Lucky kids. Every day. It is national chocolate milk day. German butter brat day.

It's a bread. Oh. It's a little piece of toast. Okay. But you have to do it with a high quality butter.

So you gotta do it with, like, a whipped butter or something fancy. You can't just slap on any old butter on your butter brat. Country Crock? No. High quality.

I can't believe it's not butter. Hand churned, soft, melty, delicious butter. Sounds like too much work. It is Native American day, so you can learn about some rich cultures and the Native American tribes in your area. We have, a couple of those for sure.

National Corn Beef Hash Day. What? I feel like this should be in March. Around Saint Patrick's. Day.

I see. I mean, I guess you could celebrate your Irish heritage any month, really. Sure. Sure. Sure.

That was not nice of me to say. Alright. You can you can have corned beef hash anytime. Any anytime. Also, corned beef and cabbage is delicious.

Okay. This is corned beef hash, which has potatoes in it. Yeah. Delicious. Mhmm.

World tourism day today. So visit that place you've always wanted to go. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Yeah.

I heard you yawning. Oh, that's just me trying to get things going this morning. It is national doodle day. It is cool sword day. Cool.

Cool sword. Cool sword. And a day that we get to celebrate, man, there's so many cool ones. It's crush a can. Oh, god.

It's ancestor appreciation. It's save the koala day. It's no excuses day. Most importantly, not most importantly, but pretty pretty up there on the things to celebrate today, it is morning show host day. Is it really?

It's morning show host day. We gotta do something. We have to do something. Like host a morning show? Yes.

But also something cooler than that. Also, why didn't we know this yesterday so we could have adequately prepared? You have to read these the night before so we know. What what would we have prepared for? I don't know.

What are we gonna do? We've arrived. We're doing a morning show on morning show host day. Do you feel me? I feel you, dog.

It's so Friday. It is so Friday. So I was just reading this story about, why mammoths why wooly mammoths became extinct. Alright. And there's research that might suggest that there was a boom in vegetation at the end of the ice age that it created so much pollen that it blocked the mammoth's sense of smell.

So they couldn't communicate normally with each other because they couldn't find each other very easy because their sense of smell had been blocked. So they weren't able to mate properly. They weren't able to find each other properly, and they also couldn't find food very easily. A really interesting theory. Isn't that interesting?

Yeah. And that would also sort of lend you to maybe understand, like, why well, I I'm trying to figure out because when they find, like, skeletal remains and fossils and stuff of mammoths, they're they're typically, like, solo. Yeah. And we know that, like, elephants, they live in groups. They have a family.

And so you would think that they there would be more in a general area, but but that's as I was thinking about that, I'm thinking, like, if if a mammoth falls down and dies, like, the the family is going to mourn, but they're gonna continue to move on to survival. And so it like, it isn't like they, like, mass died all at once. So that that I sort of figured out in my head as I was thinking about it. But, that's that's interesting nonetheless, though, because it was interesting. I'm glad you thought it was interesting because I was like, maybe this is dumb.

But No. That's that's kinda fascinating. Wouldn't that be, like, the saddest way to die? I mean, it's not necessarily Yeah. What a great way.

With allergies. Yeah. What a great way to die. Yeah. No.

That's Cause of death. Allergies. Well From out like, complications from allergies. Right. Complications from.

Because they couldn't find food. They couldn't find mates. They couldn't oh, it also said that because they couldn't smell, they couldn't navigate easily during migration and evade predators. Poor woolly mammoths. Plus they were being hunted.

It also says that they when they found carcasses of mammoths, they had pollen embedded in the mummified tissue. Well, that makes sense. Interesting. Yeah. Cool theory.

Go science. Science, man. There's a 24 year old man in Pennsylvania who has just broke the record for the world's tallest hat. Is he the man in the yellow hat with Curious George? That that guy had a tall hat.

That was a tall hat. This man, his name is Josh. He has spent the last 4 years attempting to break the record. How tall guess. How tall do you think the previous record was, and how tall do you think Josh's hat is?

I don't know. I mean, how tall is a hat? A a foot? No way, man. No way, man.

So it's bigger than a foot tall? Oh, yeah. How tall is this man's hat? Okay. Well, the previous record was 15 feet tall No.

And 9 inches. No. Yes. No. Yeah.

15 foot 9 inch half. So then Josh, Pennsylvania, 24 year old man says, I'm gonna break that record. And he did. How tall do you think Josh is tall? Bigger than 15 foot 9 inches.

Yeah. Seventeen feet 9 and a half inches tall. Do you have a 17 foot tall hat? Seventeen foot how tall? 17 feet 9 and a half inches.

That's ridiculous. How are you gonna have a hat that tall? Oh, he did. He did. He did.

Okay. So his first effort, he used stacked cardboard blocks and Velcro. He said it was an utter failure, quote, unquote. So his second one involved wooden dowels. It's a ridiculous hat.

He also tried creating one with chicken wire in a tall cone shape. Eventually, he found success using a couple of 10 foot long aluminum gutters from Home Depot and a modified metal Philadelphia Eagles trash can. What a thing. His final design, 17 feet 9 and a half inches long or tall, weighs more than £26. Yeah.

I bet. But he's able to wear the hat and walk the minimum distance to get the record, which is 10 meters or about 33 feet. You have to wear the hat and walk in it. Yeah. What a hat.

Have you seen it? I haven't seen this stuff yet. At the Guinness World Records website World's tallest hat. From Joshua Kiser. Yeah.

17 feet 9 and a half inches. It's a tall hat. Listen. I want this guy to have a bunch of buddies with tall hats and wide hats Yeah. And all kinds of funky hats, and I want them to have a hat party.

K. I bet that's a sight. I like that he matched his suit to his hat. I can't see a picture. It looks like a big gray chimney.

Okay. His 26 pound A gray chimney. Hat. This one is red. No.

Yeah. Not the not the record. That's his prototype. Okay. It's a big gray, beautiful hat with a matching gray suit with a, like, teal blue vest.

What a look. Okay. I'm gonna have to look at what you're looking at because I don't think that's the right You just Google tallest hat. I did get it. I don't think that's the same one because that one said Tampa, and he's from Pennsylvania.

I know. I'm looking at the guy. Think it's wrong. It's not. I'm looking at the guy.

I'm looking at the Guinness that guy. I see what you're looking at. I think that's a different hat. I think that's a different the Guinness website. That's him.

I'm telling you. Guinness world record, tallest hat, Josh Kiser. Okay. Seventeen foot 9 and a half inch. Gray hat.

I'm at the source, man. Alright. If you see a name and you see it, if you got proof. K? Pennsylvania.

I got you. April 2024. Joshua Kiser, tallest hat. Alright. I get it.

Challenge me telling I don't know how to work the Internet or especially the Guinness World Record website. This is what I'm saying. You wanna break a world record. So I'm not breaking tallest half. Why?

Because Joshua Kaiser has that for a minute. He just got it. Let the man have a tall hat. Well, it's gonna take you some years to figure out what you're gonna do. So he can have it for a couple of years.

Why is it gonna take me a couple of years to make a hat? It I could do it in an afternoon. It took him 4 years. He had so many different prototypes. Yeah.

He already figured it out. Now I just have to make mine taller. You're gonna steal his you're gonna 1701 like The Price is Right? Right. I'm going 17 feet 10 inches.

I'm going half an inch taller. Yeah. And what I'm saying is, like, you're like those jerks on the price. Right? Bob, $1.

No. It's like somebody bets 500 and then the next person, 501. Yeah. Jerk. You're a jerk.

Don't steal somebody's idea. Create your own. No. He already figured it out. He just have to go taller.

And then walk how far? 33 feet. No big deal. A 27 pound hat. Or or or maybe you could make the world's smallest hat.

Is that what wearing that. It's underneath my hat. You have a small hat? I have a little tiny hat. Like a nesting doll.

You just take off your hat, and there's more hats and smaller and smaller. That would be hilarious. That would be a very, very funny thing, but that's not what's happening. Oh. I'm just wearing the one hat.

Oh. And it's a regular hat. A regular? Yeah. Boring.

Sorry. Now I'm gonna be upfront. I have very little details about the story that I'm gonna share for good news. Okay. So go ahead and tell us all about it.

What little you know? This the story comes from the Internet. Most of us do. No. I know.

But where someone posted this online, and so I'm gonna read what was posted online with the photos that go with it. This is what it says. K. An elderly woman in my block taped the first note to the lobby door. And then today, she posted the second note.

Here's what the first note says. Is this is this a local story? No. It is not. I don't know where this happened, but, this is the first note.

Hi, neighbors. Help. Has anyone any spare books or DVDs? I am 72 and live alone, and I'm going around the twist with nothing to read. Uh-huh.

Would much appreciate anything. Please leave outside unit 143. Thank you for your kindness. Keep safe and be well. K.

That's note number 1. K. Has she heard about the public library? Hold on. K.

She's 72. She lives alone in her place. Okay. This is what I know. Alright.

Alright. Alright. Here's note number 2 that was posted the next day. Thank you, everyone. I am most touched and appreciative of your generosity and kindness.

When I have finished the books, DVDs, etcetera, I shall leave them on the little table in the lobby for everyone to enjoy. It will take a while. PS, you have saved an old bird's sanity. Aw. And I think this is so cool.

So the neighbors dropped off books and DVDs for this lady to be able to occupy her time after she posted a 3 by 5 recipe card handwritten note on a door at the apartment complex. Yeah. And they came to the aid. I think that's so cool. Good job.

Nice little sense of community. Nice little neighbors doing neighborly things. I think it's a really nice story. Those are all the details I have. I don't know where it happened.

I don't know who the people are. I think it's very cool, though. Sweet. That's very sweet. It's good news to get you going on your Friday.

I was recently told that I was being a fantasy football bully. That is correct. I I wasn't. I wasn't. I'd I've I've also told you that you are a raccoon because of the way that you talk trash.

You just throw it all on the yard and then run away. Okay. So first fantasy football game of the week last night. Yes. I sent a text out to our family chat, and it's like, good luck to everyone this week.

Which was nice of you. And very out of character. Turning a new leaf. K. And then I said, be a good sport.

Yeah. These are great words of advice. Then Emery says, you weren't a good sport when you said you don't care if it's your daughter. You just wanna win. I said that weeks ago.

I said, I've turned a new leaf. I'll be better. And she said, we'll see, you bully. She she you guys are not even giving me a chance to not be a bully. You have sent me actions No?

Actions speak louder than words. I okay. Have I done anything? Not yet. Bullshit.

Also don't have players playing until Sunday. So, no, you have not yet. Yes. I won't either. Really?

Mhmm. Okay. Here's what I found out last night. What'd you find out? I built, I had to kinda rebuild my team a little bit.

Yeah. Because your team was lame. And, I had 2 players on the field last night, and each of them brought me 23 points. He also had some injuries. I know I was gonna get to that.

Oh, sorry. That puts me already at 46 points for the week, which I'm very excited about. Out of 2 players, 23 points each. That's great. Big whoop.

That's great. My players have given me 23 points the last 2 weeks. 3. This is week 4. Yeah.

See how you're bullying me about your team that I'm not even playing against or talking about? See that? See how you're like, cool. Great. Good for your team, but my team's better.

Yeah. It's true. Right. So, yeah. Then in the Q4 of the game last night, toward the end of it, my newly picked up receiver, his name is Neighbors, from the Giants gets a concussion late in Q4, and he's now questionable to return.

You gotta I just added him to my roster. Gotta stop. You have a curse. I have an injury curse. You put on your roster is gonna get injured.

Stop it. You're putting It's what? Putting these players' health at risk. It's crazy. It's absolutely crazy.

Is there now I have 2 for 6 injured players. I have questionables. Is there a way that you can go see, like, your previous week's points? Yeah. Where?

Up in the top. You hit league and then you hit scoreboard. League scoreboard. And then you should yeah. And then it says week 4, and you go to a previous week.

Okay. Okay. Okay. See what I'm saying? I do.

Yeah. I see. My total points for last week were 94. So to to look at this week already being at 46, I'm pretty excited. Okay.

Even though I may have to get another new item. I'm not gonna crush your vibe, man. Congratulations. It's already been crushed earlier when you were like, good for you. No.

I've turned My team I've turned a new leaf. Listen. Feels like the same old leaf. No. A raccoon cannot just not be a raccoon overnight.

You gotta give it some time. If if she's used to throwing trash all over, it I just can't wake up and be like, oh, I I meant to throw this trash, but let me just keep it inside. Just You threw the trash. Have some patience. You threw the trash.

A little bit of trash. I didn't throw the whole garbage can. Yet. Sunday's just right around the corner. I'm telling you, a dumpster's worth of garbage will be strewn about the yard.

No. You don't even know. Give me a chance. You're not even giving me a chance. Less than 24 hours from when you said, I'm turning a new leaf.

I am turning a new leaf. Came at me like a crazy raccoon. Now listen. I already told you. I can't just change into a hummingbird overnight.

Alright. I whatever. I don't know what that means. Nor does anyone else. But that's fine.

It's good. It's it's okay. Alright. May the best person win. Best of luck to your team.

Thank you. I'm not playing against you this week. No. I know, but all points matter. That's not inaccurate.

I know. But you said it kinda like you wanna drop that banana peel right on the floor. But I didn't, did I? So Like, it's in your little hand. Okay.

But I didn't. It's in my hand. I didn't throw it. I put it right back in the trash. Okay.

Swallow that garbage. Here's simple piece of it simple pieces of advice that have significantly improved people's lives. Okay. You have given me lots of good advice. You're a pretty good advice giver.

The one that you have that I love is ask I'm gonna butcher this, so help me. Fearlessly. Ask fearlessly. Yeah. Is there something else I guess along with it?

It's it's, yeah. There's there's more to it. I'm trying to remember it all. I'll I'll see if I can look it up there. Some of the other ones are, if you can't beat the fear, do it scared.

I'd like that one. That's good. Do it anyway, but do it scared. Yeah. It's better to ask stupid question than do a stupid thing.

Sure. Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn't accept advice from. I like that one. I I think, the same would be true for, like, yourself. Right?

Like, don't don't listen to your bad things if you won't listen to your good things. Oh. Oh. Yeah? Same.

Same energy, but in your own head. Don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm. That's a good one. And then this one, try to be the person you needed when you were younger. I like that one too.

Yeah. I've heard that. A lot of people have, have shared that one in different videos and stuff, and I think that's a really interesting line. Like, you you as a parent or you as an adult, the way that you nurture yourself and the way that you nurture your own children and stuff is is the way that you it's the pieces you're missing. Yeah.

Which I think is interesting. And that's just everybody trying to do their best, I would think. Like, that's really what's going on. Everybody's just out there making their way, trying to find their way. I think there's some people out there that aren't necessarily trying to do their best.

You think? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You think there are people that are just skating by? Oh, no.

I think there are people that are just out there to, get what's theirs. Oh. And I don't think they're looking out for anybody. Okay. So I I'm sure you're right.

Here's another good piece of advice. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. No kidding. The second best time Right now. Is today.

Yep. I like that. That. Yep. You did you find the one that you I was trying to find, I was trying to find it, and I found parts of it, but I couldn't find the whole thing.

But, but the the really big takeaway here is to ask without shame. Like, if you need something, ask. Don't be don't feel shame about it. Is something that you have to remind me often because I don't I don't like to look foolish. And so I'm always, Josh, is this a dumb question?

And then you go, no. Ask fearlessly. Here's another one. Oh, go ahead. I was gonna say, here's the one I found.

Eat the doughnut. Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone else's highlight for you. Very good. That's a good one. Yep.

And that, pertains to all social media. So It does. Take that advice. That's really good. And don't compare yourself, because you don't know what's going on behind their scenes.

No. True. True. Our dog, Luna, is it Jack Russell? Luna the wonder Jack Russell.

Yes. Terrorist. Oh, right. Terrierist. Terrierist.

Alright. She likes to she doesn't have any personal boundaries. No. She doesn't understand people's personal space. No.

More specifically, their face. She really likes to be in your face. She really likes to be in your face. Now I like dogs. I don't like dogs in my face, especially your mouth and tongue.

It's mouth and tongue out of my face. Which a dog's face is mostly mouth and tongue and cold wet nose. Luckily, she only weighs £15, so it's pretty easy to keep her at bay. Although, she is a little springy little thing. Yeah.

She's wiry, and she's fast. Yeah. So try as you might to keep that little 15 pound dog at bay. She's like, no, man. I'm coming by.

That you can try to hide your face. You can put your arms there, whatever. She gets in there. Oh, yeah. She's she's a digger too.

Yeah. So she is she's got some fox genetics in her. Something for sure. She's not a wolf. No.

She is a fox. Is she she'll she'll dig out those rodents. It's funny because, it's it like, she'll do it to Beck, and Beck laughs and laughs and laughs when she does it to him, which I think is fun. She does it to you, and you go, stop that. I don't You have a totally different reaction.

Don't like your face in my face. And then Emory and I both go, no. No face. No face. What I do too.

No. You go Well, I'm battling. I know. You So last night, I was hiding my face, and you were encouraging her to give me. Because So she's trying to weasel her way in there underneath my arms, and then she starts digging.

Yeah. She did. She, with her hands, started digging on your head. My head. Yeah.

My hair spilled everywhere. She got inside my ear, scratched my ear with her long toenails. Might I remind you that you were the one that encouraged this behavior? Yeah. Was it a fun time?

No. I think I me and the dog had a great time. The dog didn't act. The dog yelled at her and said, quit it, and then she got in trouble. And she's like, wow.

I was just doing what I was encouraged to do Yeah. By you Yeah. Who did not get in trouble. Right. I'm missing the the whole problem.

You're encouraging bad behavior. You're a bad parent. What? No. You're encouraging the bad behavior.

But it's so much fun. For who? For you? For the dog and me. I don't know if the dog is having fun.

She looks like she's having a great time trying to get your face. I like that the other day, you were taking a nap, and she, still no personal space and just came up and licked your face. I didn't care for that. Put your guard down. She's like, are you alive?

Lick. Yeah. She licked me and then ran away, and I was like, oh, I think I went, Luna. That's the noise. That's the one you make.

Get out of here. It's the best thing ever. We did something super cool last night. We went to see live theater. I like live theater a great deal.

A very like, a lot. It's a it's it's awesome. Movies are great. Concerts are great. Live theater is so good.

It is so good because it's people just doing what they love to do. What? Go ahead. No. I was just gonna say, and you get to see, people from your community, people that you know, people that you went to high school with, people that you've known for a long time.

I see anybody that I went to school. I know I did, which was cool. You get to see, friends and neighbors in the crowd. You get to see people that you know through, you know, network and stuff. It's fun.

Strangers that are sitting next to you. And now you had a great time doing that. I did. We went to see Matilda last night Yeah. Which is a local production.

It was amazing. Yeah. It was so, so good. That musical's gotta be a top five musical for me, and they nailed the performance. It was so did.

So good. The the majority of the cast was children. Yeah. And those kids did phenomenally. Yeah.

Yeah. It was great. Really good. So good. And, and you had a treat.

What did you have? I had teary eyed a couple of times. You. Yeah. I had I had a popcorn treat.

I had popcorn. I was getting, in trouble. Emery was mad about how much popcorn I was eating as quick as I was, and she said, you're gonna get snacky in the middle, and you're not gonna have any popcorn left. So I don't know. About 5 minutes or so before intermission, I leaned over.

I said, I'm kinda getting snacky, but I don't have a popcorn. Do you have any? And she said, no. I ate all mine. Oh, really?

Yeah. So she wasn't even willing to share. I don't know I don't know if she had it at all. When we eat our popcorn early in the movie too. Like, you go, why are you eating your popcorn already?

I'm like, because it's good. I get this. It's warm still. Am I eating your popcorn? Yeah.

Right? You got your own box. Do what you want. Leave me alone. I'll eat my popcorn when I wanna eat my popcorn.

Come on. But what a show. It was incredible. Yeah. I highly recommend.

If you, if you get a chance to go, you should go. Do you know how long that thing's running by any chance? I do not. I'd go back and watch again. Because they they change out, Miss Honey, and they change out Matilda.

I'd like to see the other ones just to go see. Yeah. Plus, it's a great show. It is fantastic. It was so good.

Yep. Well done. And I would go see it again. I'm I'm trying to remember when it when it runs until but I don't know. But a while, anyway.

And I'm at a lovely noon I know. Yeah. Seat mate. You you had a friend, a neighbor in the, in the aisle who was sitting next to you, and you guys were chit chatting it up. And then she kept telling me, do you have to notice this about that actor?

Yeah. I go, yeah. This is so good. I think it's great. You're having a good time.

So, anyway, yeah, live theater is the best. What's next? What do we what are we seeing next? Do you know? I don't have anything planned to see next.

We gotta get that set. Well, I've got we've got tickets to a Boise State game Yeah. That's which is kinda like live theater. Kinda. Kinda.

But I have no have no theater tickets on the horizon for a minute. We're gonna have to figure that out. We will. For now. Because we like to go we go all over to see stuff here in town, in Utah, and Pocatello has good theater.

Yeah. All the time. It's the best. Well, it's kinda disappointing, big because I just don't think it's gonna be any good. What are we talking about?

I'm talking about 7 Up rolling out a new holiday flavor. Oh. 1 of the the world's most famous mocktails is the Shirley Temple. Okay. 7 Up said, we should put that into a soda.

So they are, for the holidays, rolling out a Shirley Temple 7 Up. Yeah. Pomegranate and cherry soda. It's gonna taste like cough syrup. I think it sounds delicious.

I think it's gonna taste like cough syrup. You don't like cherry flavoring, though. I'm not particularly fond of of Pomegranate. Pomegranate, especially, and black cherry is the worst. Black cherry flavoring is just cough syrup.

No. It isn't. Yes. It's good. It's cough syrup.

And, and the cherry flavoring that they use is so dang sweet. Delicious. It's so dang sweet. It overpowers. So I'm pretty confident I'm not gonna like 7 Up Shirley Temple soda.

Are you gonna try it? I would definitely try it, but I'm I'm pretty confident it's gonna taste like cold syrup. An attitude like that, of course, you're gonna hate it. Yeah. We're going in hating it.

You are. It could totally surprise me and knock my socks off, but I bet it doesn't. You ever had your socks knocked off? No. Wouldn't that be something?

You just you'd take a drink and you're like, poof, socks gone. Woah. This is delicious. My socks have been knocked off. Anyway No.

It's supposed to be, coming out late October. That's sort of the speculation anyway. K. I'm I'm okay for it. I'm ready to try it.

You get the, pomegranate and cherry flavors Yeah. But then you also get the lemon lime of the 7 up. Yum. So I'm I'm hoping lemon lime is the part that throws me off. I would hope that it tasted kind of like a lime Ricky, which is delicious.

But if they throw in too much pomegranate, it's spoiled, and it's gonna taste just like cough syrup. I'll try it, and I'll tell you if it tastes like cough syrup or not. They're supposed to be doing the cans and 2 liter bottles. They will also be putting out a zero sugar option. They have that Oreo Coca Cola.

Yeah. I've heard about that. Do you wanna try that? I didn't really wanna try it. You love Oreos.

I haven't had Oreos ever since I got called obese. Nobody called you that. The the doctor said I was borderline obese, and then the kids accused me of eating an entire thing of Oreos. And the 2 got coral coral what's the word I'm looking for? Correlated?

That's our it doesn't feel like the right word. Line? They got connected in my head anyway. And so, they they are, forever, like, associated with one another. My obesity and my love for Oreos.

So you'll never eat Oreos again? Not never. I just had to really take a back seat. I was going through Oreos pretty quick. And the kids were other people were eating them in the house, but the kids were like, dad, eat all the Oreos.

And I went, fine. I'm never eating Oreos again in this house. Showed them. And I still, to this day, have not eaten Oreos in our house. You really showed them.

Yeah. Well, now when the Oreos are gone, it's not my fault. They can't blame me. We haven't bought Oreos in a very long time. Yeah.

Because I quit eating them. You know what happened? I switched to Biscoffs. That's so bad. Else likes the Biscoffs, and those are my favorite.

You're borderline obese. Eat these Biscoff cookies instead. So good. And then you know what they did? They said, what if we put these, these cookies into a spread you can put on bread?

Yeah. So you can put cookies on bread. What a great idea. They've made cookies out of them too. It's called cookie butter cookies.

That's you can't take the cookies and then make butter and then put butter cookie all over the cookie. Can because they eat the you haven't tried it. It's too much. You don't know. It's too rich.

Come on, borderline obese. Give it a go. How could you? How could you? I am obesely offended right now.

Who said it? Not me. Wow. You think you know a person, and then they go calling you borderline obese to your face. You called yourself that.

No. The doctor told me that. The doctor called you that. Be upset at him. Now you paid him.

You paid him to tell you that. Paid him. That's an abusive relationship. Yeah. Pizzee.

Man, what a thing. There's a thing I was reading that says, things I don't understand, things people do that I can't, it makes no sense to me. For example, I don't understand when people can swallow a pill without water. I can't either. You just swallow with with no kind of moisture in your mouth.

They get stuck sideways every time. If I don't have an like, I have to take a drink of water first to get the things, like, slip and slide and then take a drink with the all warmed up? Yeah. I cannot I don't know how people do that. People who take huge bites off the top of an ice cream cone, you just bite your ice cream cone?

I I would do it as a goof. Why? Just because people would go, what was that? And I think that would be fun. What about people who chew ice?

I hate it. I don't understand that either. I hate it so much. Well I understand that it's an iron deficiency. I because I've done that before.

I've chewed ice before. I don't I don't wanna say I don't understand it because I've done it, but good luck trying to understand me. Are you on this list? I could be. Things I don't understand.

Myself. People who wake up and are instantly chirpy and perky. I can I can do it? Get them attitude. You can?

Every day. Every day. Oh, no way. O'clock. I turn on the microphone.

What's up? You're not you haven't just rolled out of bed at 6 o'clock. You've been awake for at least I get it. A half an hour. Yeah.

So it's like when you roll out of bed and you're like, boop boop boop. I felt pretty boop boop boo this morning. You did? I felt Why? I feel rested.

Ugh. I'll It's Friday? I'll never out of bed. I boop boop boop boop right out of bed. I made the bed.

Everything's just crazy that I what did I do the other day? And she thought it was crazy. It was kind of along the same lines as this. If you have a Kit Kat bar and you eat the whole You just bite it. You don't snap them apart.

Just bite the whole thing. String cheese. Yeah. That's that's it when we eat string cheese the way we eat string cheese. Because I don't I don't peel it.

I just bite it. I'm I'm a peeler most of the time, but occasionally, I'll just bite it. I don't I don't peel it at all ever. You never peel it. That takes too much time.

But I kinda like, like, putting it on my top teeth and going and pulling the little strings out. I kinda like that. Okay. You don't. I feel like you'd be into it.

No. If you did it with the teeth thing, you might be into it. Actually. Peeling it with your fingers. Yeah.

I get that's not the thing. I was watching a lady yesterday on TikTok, and she was eating this giant I don't I stumbled onto a weird TikTok algorithm. K. And she was eating this big bowl of ramen, and the ramen looked really delicious. But and this is typically how you're supposed to eat ramen.

She had it, and then she was just slipping it up. And at first, I was annoyed, but I could not stop watching her eat this ramen. And then she all you did was watch her eat. Yes. That's the whole video.

Drove me crazy that she was slurping her ramen the way she was slurping her ramen. Yeah. I I don't know that. Typically how you're spun. Like, that's the ramen etiquette.

Is it? It had a quail's egg in it. What in the world? Yeah. I was into it.

Now I'm gonna get all kinds of ramen videos because I've watched that one. I need to say out loud. I don't like how it feels. Customary to slurp ramen. It is.

I know. It out. I know. Cooled noodle noodles. It cools the noodles.

It's supposed to aerate the liquid, allowing, allowing you to taste more of the flavors. Slurping is a sign of respect to the chef and shows that you're enjoying the food. And in Japan and China, slurping your noodles loudly is considered a compliment to the chef. I'll tell you it's considered annoying to the person next to you. Well, was annoying to the person who was voluntarily watching the video too.

Well But I couldn't stop. You can just swipe away. And then it was a lot of I can't. I I can't. I just can't with it.

I can't do it. It's too much mouth noise. So if I slurped my ramen, ate my pills without taking a drink of water Yeah. Boop boop boop boop ed out of bed Yeah. Chewed my ice, bit my Kit Kat bar all at once, while also eating my cheese stick in one bite, you'd be fine.

Right? I'd be fine. Yeah. Just fine. So whenever, an actor from the Harry Potter world passes, there is always a very, very special tribute that happens at the Harry Potter world.

Is that at Universal, I think? Yeah. Is where that's at? I think so. And, and, they everybody gathers around and they do a wands up Yeah.

Salute, which I think is really, really special. And, unfortunately, they're going to have to do another one. As we just learned this morning that Dame Maggie Smith, professor McGonigal has passed away at 89. Is that right? 86, I think you said.

I don't remember. Now I have to look again. And let's be real. Professor McGonagall was the only one winning his sense at that Hogwarts school. You've you've been playing the, Harry Potter Lego, Harry Potter video game.

Yeah. And every time, you rescue a student in peril or you're walking around going like, these kids, why are they even in the school? Like They're parents just They're reading the books. Send them away. Oh, you almost stylized.

You're at this school. Let's send you back. Have have a better year this year. But if you watch those movies, professor McGonagall is usually the one that's like, this is a bad idea. Yeah.

Everybody, like, am I the only adult in the room here? There's she's the only one with any sense. True story. She's the only one I would feel safe with. What else?

You were talking about some of the other things that Maggie Smith did. You said she was the old Wendy in Hook? Yeah. She was in Sister Act. She was in Downton Abbey.

She's done a lot of different movies. She was in Nomeo and Juliet? What was her role in Nomeo and Juliet? I don't know. I was just looking at her.

I mean, she was a voice, I would assume. But, anyway, sad news this morning. British actress Dame Maggie Smith, has passed away at 89. 89 years old. So earlier this morning, we were talking about good advice.

Yeah. And one of your best advice is ask fearlessly. Ask without shame. There you go. Yeah.

So there is a subreddit on Reddit called no stupid questions. And this is a place where people and there's been countless questions that people ask. One was, I've never been to Subway. Am I Yeah. In social anxiety, and I don't know I don't know how to order a sandwich at the moment.

Told me about this, particular group because this this has been so nice. Yeah. This has been, like, where people, like, with legit, real questions about things in life or struggles can go, and they can go, look, I know this sounds silly. I just don't know this, or I don't know how to do this, or where can I find more information about this? What you got?

Well, so I it's anything from I want some nontoxic makeup. Where's the best brands to go to? Hey. If you filled a balloon full of helium, like, you take the tank full of helium Yep. And fill an entire balloon with that helium, will it lift the tank?

Will it be enough helium to lift the tank? So it's silly. Well, the answer is no. The answer was no. Because if it was enough, it would have already lifted the tank off the ground because it was already inside the tank.

But the tank has too much weight. Another one was, how do I sign documents online? It's my first time. I'm so confused. So it's it's stuff like that.

So this one, I stumbled across, and I like this one. So this is a gentleman, and he says, I I've never had a girlfriend, and I have little experience with women. There is a girl who works at a store I frequent. We haven't had any personal conversations, but she always seems like she's in a good mood when she's helping me, and we've joked a little bit. How do I ask her out?

Oh, man. And some of the advice is great, and it's pretty standard advice. But then I, like, made me wonder, I've never had to ask anybody out. How did you ask people out? Boy, you've never had to ask anybody out?

Well You've never been like, well, you should go out. No. I've never done that. I don't know. I say that like it.

I've never had to they've always asked me. I get what no. I know what you're saying. I just never went on that. You know, I I don't know that I like, I'm not the the king of Riz, as the kids say.

Like, I am not think you are. I I don't know about that. I don't know that I'm, like, the guy with all the game. So I'm just I'm glad I met you. Have you ever asked somebody out and they turned you down?

Yeah. In the 9th grade, I asked a I asked a girl to go to the freshman dance, and she was 15 and was not allowed to go Oh. Because of that. Okay. Well, that's an easy turn down.

Right. That's not like a personal life. End up going to that dance. I just did something else with my friends or something. I don't even remember.

But that was a that was a a bit of young rejection. But that's, again, that's not necessarily you. It's not a you problem. That was a I can't because I'm not over that. No.

No. It wasn't like a I mean, I got up the guts to to go ask Thank you. To to ask her to go to the dance. That happened. Yeah.

It's pretty gutsy. It takes some guts. But as far as, like I'm trying to think of of other times where I've been like, you wanna go get something to eat? That's probably it's probably like, you look hungry. We should, you're gonna eat.

I'm gonna eat. Well, maybe we go eat. I'm trying to even remember how you asked me out the first time. I think it was I said on the phone, stop being dumb. Just go to the fair.

That was different. That wasn't a date. Oh, I see. That. After the first meeting and then when we went bowling on our first date.

Oh, I think I sent you an email and said, let's go bowling. You wow. You really do, Alfred. There was probably more in the email than let's go bowling. Meet me here.

I'll be there. I'm waiting. Or don't. Either way. I'm sorry.

It was way, way, way more thought out than that. I don't care if you show up or not. I'm I'm just I'm going bowling. If you wanna come, I'll be there bowling. You know?

If you want, I'll be there. But I don't care if you do. Yeah. No. You don't have to.

Yeah. I'll be bowling by myself. It's so hard. I don't it is. It's such an awkward thing.

Yeah. Right? You gotta put your heart on your sleeve a little bit, and that's hard. It's a risk. Well, I don't know if this gentleman ever asked this woman, but I hope it works out for the best for him.

Yeah. Or at the very least, maybe they can still be friends. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.

How many hours of sleep are you supposed to get a night? 6 to 8. Okay. Right? I guess.

Sure. A lot of people try to get 8 hours of sleep. If you do the math, that doesn't happen often for us because the bedtimes and wake up times are all weird all the time. I typically get about 6 to 7. 6 and a half ish is pretty standard for me.

K. Let me, let me break this down because there's this, this sleep hack. Now this is not new information, but this is going viral online. People are talking about this, and so I felt like I needed to break this down because I wanted to find out realistically how effective this might be. Do you know how long a REM cycle is?

No. So, we sleep in 90 minute cycles. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, has scoured social media and they have found that a bunch of these, Gen z folks, Zoomers Yeah. 1 in 6 of them have tried to break down their sleep into 90 minute blocks, which is how long a REM cycle is. And so the idea is that rather than say, I need to get 8 hours of sleep so I have to go to bed at this time in order to wake up this time, you start when you need to wake up and you work in reverse in 90 minute windows.

And so then you can say, alright. If I'm going to wake up refreshed and at a at a complete REM cycle, then I need to be asleep for 90 minute blocks. Does that make sense? So if you have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning, 4 AM is 1 90 minute block. Okay.

Right? Yeah. So if you fell asleep at 4 and had to wake up at 5:30, you would have completed 1 cycle, and you would wake up feeling refreshed because you went through a full cycle. Now I don't know if this is true for every person. I don't know how that could be, but it seems that seems way too static a number.

I think so too. But I don't know. Maybe it is. But if you look at your smartwatch Yeah. Like, pull yours up.

Can you Yeah. I mean, I can on my, on my app here. Yeah. So then look at your sleep. Uh-huh.

So mine tells me when I've been in a REM cycle K. Right? Because your deep sleep is your REM cycle. I don't know. Mine mine actually shows me REM separate from deep.

So I have deep light, REM, and awake. Oh, I do have REM. Okay. Hold on. Okay.

But it does go in cycles. Like, mine is very, very, like Yeah. I'm Consistent. I've got 3 cycles of my reps. Right.

55 minutes total is what I've got. Of REM? Of 6 and a half hours of sleep, 55 minutes of that is REM. I had 90 minutes of REM, but that's that's like your cycle ends at a REM and then starts again and then ends at a at REM. Like, REM is the almost waking up part.

So you you go deep sleep, you almost wake up, then you go deep sleep, then you almost wake up. That's what I'm understanding. But so I did some math anyway. Okay. And I found out, like, 5:30 AM, if you were gonna wake up at 5, 4 AM is 1 cycle, 2:30 AM is your 2nd cycle, 1 AM is your 3rd, 11:30 is your 4th cycle to wake up at 5:30.

10 PM is 5 full cycles, but you have to be asleep at those times. I was gonna say you can't just be, like, in bed scrolling your life cycle. Well, you could you could try to put yourself to sleep, like, you know, you could turn off all distractions and lights and do the mask and put in earplugs, whatever it takes to put yourself into a comfortable place where you have to sleep. But if if if we went to bed at 10 to wake up at 5:30 Okay. We would complete 5 full REM cycles, which would be a lot of rest.

Again, if I look at my sleep time, it my REM cycle is not gonna be the same every day. Correct. It's just not. So I don't get what you're trying to say. I'm just trying to show you.

I can't force a REM cycle. No. I I know. I know. But when you fall asleep, if you woke up 90 minutes later, you would have completed a cycle.

That's all. That's all there is to it. Okay. Break your sleep into 90 minute blocks is the sleep hack. No.

I think Think about don't think about it as 8 hours. Think about it as blocks of 90 minutes, and how many of those do you need in order to wake up at the time you need? Work backwards. I need to wake up at 6. Okay?

That means 4:30 is your first cycle of 90 minutes, and then you work backwards. Okay. Okay. I'll probably just keep doing what I'm doing. Alright.

It's a sleep hack. You can wake up refreshed. That's the idea. That's the whole point. Alright.

The whole point is wake up refreshed. Okay. Because you said you wanna wake up and be sprightly and cheery and ready to go. I didn't say that I wanted to do that. I said that's never happened to me.

Because you're not doing REM blocks. Gotta sleep right. Fix your sleep. I'm still confused about it. It's math.

I know. That's why. That is why. Go ahead and ask the question. The question is, what was the first thing you use the Internet for?

So I really quickly gravitate. We got a computer, what, 94. So I was, like, 11 or 12. You guys are so rich. No.

No. I've told you this before. I had, my dad's super into electronics and sound systems and, like, all that kind of stuff, so and technology. So it it it was a little 486, little tiny, little beige computer, and, you know, a little CRT monitor. It was it was nothing fancy.

I had a friend who, his dad worked at the, INL or whatever it was called at that time, I n e l or whatever. N n l? I n n n l. It was it was a different abbreviation then. I don't know.

But he he was one of the first people I knew that had a Pentium, computer, and he had it set up at his house. And I remember we turned it on, and you hit that big mechanical power button, and it'd go. And then and we just watched the black screen count numbers for some reason because that's what it did when it booted up. And we were like, wow. Right?

But it was like early, early, early computing. So it was it was years later that we got the one that we had. But I mean that little 486 was cool, and I learned how to do some cool stuff. Like, I was learning how to code HTML and build web pages, and I was doing that kind of stuff. And then it seemed like the Internet just took off, and it was eBay and PayPal.

And, what was the website that had the the bubble popping game that you played all the time? AARP? No. No. That's later in life where you've played that one more recently.

But it they they had a bunch of games. It had a little cactus man and some balloons. Oh, yeah. What was that? I know there.

Something like that? Anyway, like, early websites went crazy. I remember my parents were not your parents. My parents have been and have always been very technologically not savvy. Yeah.

So I've met them. So I was using a typewriter to write notes in high school still. When when most of my friends and family members had computers, I was still using a typewriter or using my sister's computer. Oh, I had a word processor forever. It was it was So we time frame that.

Computer in when I was a senior in high school, I think. So 99. 8, 99. Yeah. And the first thing I did was log on to get pictures of Insync.

I was like, I wanna look and see pictures. I mean and you saw what they look like because there was magazines and stuff. But, yeah, it was like, I gotta see pictures of my celebrities, and then you would print them off. And and then I also would use chat rooms a lot. Sure.

There's a lot of chatting. And then there was a lot of Napster. I used Napster quite a lot. So your computer was infested with viruses. Yeah.

Because I was illegally downloading music. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, at the time, it wasn't illegal.

It it I mean, the lawsuits hadn't been filed yet. Haven't. So, you know, Metallica wasn't all mad at the Internet yet. A lot. I was every time I was on the computer, it was Napster.

I gotta get I gotta get free music. Right. That was that was my thing to do. I did that, and I did a like I said, I made Internet. I was I was making stuff.

I I don't know. For some reason, that is how my brain worked. I figured out how to run the software. I I spend about 10 minutes going like, oh, that's how you install a program. Okay.

Cool. And then, you know, let's go. I'd done a little bit of computing stuff before that, like some gaming stuff, but that was all on, like, those big size b floppy disks that you had to load in. Okay. Like, that was Yeah.

That was the thing. Right? So I had done some of that, like the game Doom. I'd played some of that with a with a friend. But, yeah, it was it was not a lot of much of anything.

No. I I did a lot more Nintendo than I did a lot of probably a lot of did Wikipedia exist back then? Because I used it for school to do reports. Reports. You had you had a CD ROM encyclopedia.

Oh, yeah. Is what you had. Yeah. Like, that's where everything was. Yeah.

You're right. Newton's Encyclopedia, I think. I don't know. Something like that. Anyway, by the way, Pogo, the website, Pogo Games Still exist?

Exist. You can still go play pop it with the cactus guy. They have Wordwomp on there still. They still have that stuff. The mahjong safari.

I used to play all that stuff. It's still there. Still there. You can play pop it. It's now pop it HD, and there's a 172 people playing right now.

Can you you can count them all. You don't even have to really take your shoes off to get that high. 172 people playing pop it. I've been catching up on pop it over here. Catching up Yeah.

For the last 30 years? Yeah. It's been a minute. Popping balloons. Oh.

Would you rather this or that? Would you rather have dragon wings or butterfly wings? I think dragon wings. Why? Because butterflies don't actually fly, do they?

Do? No. They flutter. That's kind of their thing. Okay.

But dragon wings are huge and bulky. They're gonna get in the way of everything. You're gonna be knocking trying to go? You're gonna be knocking stuff down everywhere. Well, our house is not big.

You're gonna be you won't even fit in the door. Tuck in. What are you talking about? No way. I'm going butterfly wings.

Okay. Here's the here's the other part about a butterfly. What? It gets wet. It can't fly anymore.

Well, if we don't fly, they flutter. That's what I'm saying. I there's way more versatility and Well, like a butterfly sting you like a bee, all that. What? I don't know.

I mean, yeah, that's a quote. I've heard it. That's a thing people say. But, also, dragon wings. Like right?

Can we just for a minute? Like, how cool? Way cooler than butterflies. Maybe not as pretty. There's a pretty factor.

Okay. I get where you're going with yes. You could you would be able to fly long distance for sure. Like, you're actually gonna be flying. They're actually useful in aiding I'm not just like, I'm fluttering around.

Like, I'm going places. But, again, how are you gonna sleep with bragged things? I'll sleep pretty well. Where? Outside.

You're gonna have to sleep outside. Why? Because we won't you won't fit in the house. I will too. They're just wings.

Like, how big is a dragon? Are you just gonna have little tiny butterfly wings on your whole back? Oh, you're not even gonna flutter at all. You're right. If there's They're proportionate to a body.

Crazy. Would you rather this or that? It's dragon wings. Alright. They're I might change my mind.

Too bad. No. I But you made your choice. No. I can change.

Don't get them wet. Well, well, well. That's it, my guy. We find ourselves at the end of the show on a Friday. You hate it when I call you my guy.

It's just it's too casual. That's the problem with it. I know, but it's not, though, because you are my guy. No. But I know.

But the way that it is said, like, my guy, is like, it's a dismissive thing. And here's here's the thing. Say that to anybody else. But it's it's it's too it's it's just not like like we're a couple. It's it's too disconnected Okay.

Is the issue I have with my guy. Like, people say that when they're streaming online, like they're playing a video game. Like a say to their bros? No. They'll say it to somebody they don't even know.

Oh. And somebody will say something in the chat, and they'll respond to it, and they'll be like, oh, yeah. That's a good point, my guy. Like, it's just too disconnected from it's it's lower than acquaintance. But that's not how I say it.

No. I understand that's not what you mean, but when you say it the way that the that it's said in in that particular sort of vernacular, the way that it is said and you say it, oh, it's The Weeknd, my guy. Like, it's the same disconnected, less than acquaintance presentation. You are more Even if behind it, you mean my guy. You are more than an acquaintance to me, John.

I would certainly hope so. 20 years and 2 children later. Right. That's why when you call me my guy, I go, I don't like that. I don't care for it.

It's like you don't even know me. It's like we were walking past each other in the grocery store and there was one avocado left and you were like, no. You can have it, my guy. And we don't know who each other are, and we're never gonna pass. But I would never say that to anybody else.

I but do you see what I'm saying? Kinda. Like, that's the feeling it has. Alright. Like, oh, you can have it, my guy.

I'll get it one next time. But I will. This one's yours, my guy. I would let you have the last avocado. That's fine.

And that's a generous person who's talking to someone they don't even know. My guy. That's why I don't like it. Alright. K.

It's just there's so many other things you could call me. What? I don't know. Something else? Give me an example.

I don't know. Just not that one. I'll think of something. I'll think of something else to call you. Yeah.

And you'll present it in the same way, and I'll feel just as weird about it, my guy. I don't know. Oh. So as I was saying, it's, it's It's been a day. Friday.

Now it's time for the weekend. So we're gonna wrap up things here on the show. Hope you enjoyed. If you missed any part of it or if you wanna listen again, it is available as a podcast. It's Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast.

Everywhere podcasts are available. It's the podcast. The podcast of this show. It is the one and only podcast of wake up classy 97. I just remembered that yesterday was love note day.

What about it? My guy? Need I remind you? My guy. Alright.

Well, we got some, counseling to go to me. Some relationship counseling. Because you think of me as less than an acquaintance? And you will never leave me a love note. Write you a love note.

You're right. Equal. Equal things. All things equal, we're equal. Hope you have a great Friday.

Have a great weekend. We'll be back on Monday. Follow us on socials at classy97klce everywhere, including YouTube. You get behind the scene looks in the studio. Sometimes we post video clips of things that happen during the show that you can hear on the podcast.

There's all that stuff. So, thanks for hanging out. Have a good weekend. Yeah. We'll see you Monday.

Bye. Be safe. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.