Photo Breakdown

Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of a magical beach proposal? Get ready for a heartwarming story that's as unexpected as it is inspiring. Perfect for anyone looking to learn more about the unique world of proposal photography!

"A moment of joy for everybody. Joy as well for the kindness that came from this couple. It was a really cool, really exciting day." 


Photo Breakdown does not currently have a sponsor, so I thought I would give a shoutout to partners of mine. Thank you to Spider Holster, Think Tank Photo and Imagen for your continued support.

Creators & Guests

Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Father, Photograper, Community Builder, Podcaster

What is Photo Breakdown?

Photo Breakdown is a podcast in which we explore the world of photography with a trusted guide, host Scott Wyden Kivowitz. His expertise and passion bring the industry to life as we explore the stories, trends, and ideas shaping it today. Join us as we dissect everything from incredible photographs and creative techniques to the latest gear releases and hot topics in the photography community.

In each episode, we break down what’s happening behind the scenes - whether it’s making a powerful image, a candid discussion on industry trends, or a reflection on the tools and technology changing how we make photographs. You’ll get insights, expert opinions, and a fresh perspective on what’s top of mind for photographers right now.

Anticipate short, engaging episodes brimming with ideas and inspiration. Be part of the conversation by sharing your thoughts, voice notes, and comments. Your participation is what makes our community vibrant and dynamic.

It’s more than just photography - everything that makes photography tick.

A Random Couple's Kindness Adds to Beach Proposal Story

[00:00:00] Scott Wyden Kivowitz: Something happened recently, that was. Kind of funny. really, really cool. quite fantastic, actually. So. If you know me. You know that. I do a lot of proposal photography. In fact, during the pandemic. My. Photography work, when I take on photo clients, It shifted organically from families and headshots and cake smash sessions to proposals. And I love it. it's a lot of fun. And. Anyway.

[00:00:37] So I did a proposal. I'm recording this September 5th.but this was done in August, like early August. It was at the beach. And. I love proposals at the beach. It was a, it was a really hot day. I was set up to go. I was there like an hour and change early. Like I tried to [00:01:00] do. And I'm walking around this beach town and, quite often I'm getting asked. You know, Paparazzi, you know who you're waiting for?

[00:01:09] What celebrity. And. I reply saying just waiting for my client. a proposal is going to be happening. And I just keep walking around and whatever. Scope out the whole area. And I'm going to go grab a bite to eat. Cause I did have some time. Wound up. Going to a place that was too busy and didn't have time to eat.

[00:01:30] So I actually had to cancel my order. so I didn't eat that day, but that's okay. That's besides the point. What was really interesting. I was hiding. And.

[00:01:41] at one point, this couple walks by. Going to the restaurant walking towards the restaurant. Where my clients were having their celebration dinner with all the parents.

[00:01:54] And the proposal itself was happening. Very close to this restaurant. So I'm waiting this [00:02:00] couple was walking by. It's not my client. And the woman. It says to me, You know what celebrity you're waiting for? You paparazzi. And. Again, like I got a seven times that day while I was walking around and hanging out. And I replied no proposal there that are arriving right now. And I hear all and they keep walking. Well turns out. Of that the. Guy in this relationship said to the girl. Well, why don't you video? For them. Meanwhile, they didn't realize that I had a. Insta 360 Go3S clip to my hat recording video that entire time, by the way, I got them on camera too.

[00:02:42] But, and. I always do this sort of like behind the scenes point of view, type of V a. Video as like an extra bonus for my client. So they have something on video. Because I'm focusing on the stills. And, so they did [00:03:00] not go to the restaurant. And they waited a little bit. I guess they waited for me to start doing my thing so they can see what the couple was and they videoed me. Photographing the client.

[00:03:10] So while it is a video of the proposal, it's actually a video of me photographing this. Mike. My client is really cool. So anyway, I, you know, the video was texted to us, got the video and I'm using Pic-Time to deliver the galleries. And I will link to Pic-Time in the description of this, by the way.

[00:03:28] Fantastic gallery solution. And not only do I have a slideshow that Pic-Time made for me with beat matching everything. That is in the gallery that they can view they can download, et cetera. But I have my behind the scenes hat cam, what I call it, cause it was clipped to my hat. And then I also have the video from this woman also in the, in the. In the, Pic-Time gallery.

[00:03:50] So anyway, Great story. It was a moment of joy for everybody. joy as well for. You know, the kindness that came [00:04:00] from this couple that say, you know what, let's not go to the restaurant when we were supposed to go to the restaurant and instead. Record this magical moment for this couple, because they may not have a video and yes, they have stills, but they may not have a video. And so anyway, that was a. That was the fun story.

[00:04:16] A lot of it was really cool. Really exciting. And, but I would share it with you.

[00:04:21] Aye. Just a quick note, as I said, I'll have the Pic-Time link in description also link the Insta 360 Go3S in case you're interested in that. and of course I'll link to my proposal photography in case you're interested in seeing that too.