The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!
The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. There's a different cast for the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's today. Victor had to go on a rescue mission. He had to go get Jade and Tyler, in Arco. Is that what he said?
Yep. Yeah. In Arco, out of all places, they were on their way to hopefully fix the, transmitter. Cabarr has been, I think, off the air since, like, 5:30 PM last night. So we can technically say anything right now.
Mhmm. I don't think we're back on the air. So, Melissa, go right ahead. Tell us, how you feel genuinely. I'm just kidding.
I'm not gonna put you on the spot. Put you on the spot. Words in there. About what? I don't know.
Anything. Just give us your unfiltered opinion. Nobody can hear it besides if they tune in on the Cabir app, which I'm hoping they do. Thank you for listening. I feel like they should.
You've got some pretty faithful K Burr followers. I'm I'm hoping you say something just outrageous this hour. Emma went off the rails in in her own special way on Traffic School powered by the Advocates on was it last Friday or the Friday before? I think it was the Friday before. Yeah.
It was. She made a joke to Victor about being a cat dad. Oh. And it reminded me You know, I heard Melissa say the word ghetto once. What?
Yeah. I didn't Melissa. I didn't even know that was in her vocabulary. When did you say this, Melissa? We were talking I don't even remember what we're talking about.
It was the We were We were recording. About to taste test some bagels for our podcast, and I don't know why I said ghetto. I'm glad you guys brought up the food because that's what I was about to talk with you about because you guys are starting a podcast that Are we allowed to say the name of it on the air yet? Is it officially out there? I don't think it's officially out yet.
We still have to get a bigger library of episodes. Oh, same with me for mine. Mine, unfortunately, only has 2 episodes. I think Big Boss Man wanted 10. Yep.
So that's why I'm like, you know what? I need to get some other other episodes going before. We got a couple people lined up but, you know, it's hard to get hold of some people. I've had a lot of luck because a lot of my friends work food service. So I can hit them up and be like, hey, you wanna be on our podcast?
And then I take them out to lunch afterward. But really, that's all the luck we've had. So And your guys' podcast is all about food. For people who don't know, it's called Suspiciously Delicious, a tough name to say. Who came up with the name?
I feel like that's a Maddie movie. That was Maddie. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.
Well, yesterday is to peach their own question that I had. I came up with that name myself. What food are you addicted to? Do you either have answer? I think I know Maddie's answer.
Taco Bell. Yeah. I'm addicted to a lot of foods. It depends on on my mood, I feel like. I'm really noncommittal when you give me, like, a specific question.
I feel like chocolate and sugar. Now what type of what what brand of chocolate are you talking about here? She handed me a chocolate dark chocolate cinnamon gummy bear once. Yeah. Ew.
What? You don't like chocolate covered cinnamon bears? Gummy bears? No. It's not a gummy bear.
Have you ever had a cinnamon bear before? No. I don't think so. Okay. You might have to go grab I might have to go run and grab one for you to try because it's do you like, hot tamales?
They're okay. They're my dad's favorite candy. He can't handle spice. It's very weird. Like, he'll sweat eating garlic bread.
But then the second he has hot tamales, I'll hear him chewing from the next room. Yeah. He'll eat the whole box. That's funny. Right.
Sweating garlic because of the garlic? He's typical white guy, you know. Oh, okay. I mean, my mom is the same way. She can't eat the the salsa from Jalisco's.
Oh. She likes the bean dip? Yeah. Well, when she gave, like when she had me, she could eat spicy stuff and then while she was pregnant with me and then right after I was born, it has been the same since. You took the spice out of it.
I sure did. You sure did. It's actually her birthday today. Oh, happy birthday to Maddie's mom. I don't think I introduced both of you guys.
We have Melissa and Maddie in here from the Suspiciously Delicious podcast. What what's the official title for you, Melissa? Is it sales assistant? I think there was a whole thing about that recently. Yep.
There was. And then, Maddie, you're like the I heard somebody say about that. Like, what's your official title here? Sales assistant. It's been that for a long time.
I know. But I don't know if, like, if I was snooping in on audio from podcasts or whatever. Oh, like, previously. Yeah. Okay.
And that's where I heard that where I heard that question getting asked and you're like, I'm the sales assistant. Yep. I just look up whatever is on the website and go by that, which is marketing assistant. Marketing assistant, sales assistant. We are the assistant.
Ambassador in here. Yep. That's right. The only people here during the holidays and the, day where everyone else is off. True.
True. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, they'll be in here for the noon hour because Victor had to go on a rescue mission. He had to go all the way up to Arco to rescue Jade and Tyler.
So hopefully, they're staying warm and hopefully, they're safe. And also hopefully, I don't have to go out there in my rental car and go rescue the rescuer and the rescuee team. We could have, like, a little train. Like, you have a tow strap and then the tow straps attached to Victor's car and then On my Chevy Malibu? On my rental car?
It's possible in a Chevy Malibu. That's right. So Melissa brought in her chocolate cinnamon bears, real chocolate covered cinnamon flavored candies. Are they are they gummy or are they just chocolate candy? They're just chocolate, aren't they?
No. It's kind of gummy. Like a gummy inside. A gummy inside that's okay. But it's not like a gummy bear.
They smell good. Where did you get these at? Costco. Costco. Okay.
They would have the weird candy like that. Mhmm. In the industrial sized bags. Yeah. Okay.
So it's not like a gummy gummy bear. It's it's pretty good. That's good. I'm glad you like it. Yeah.
I thought it'd be a whole lot worse than this. We tried the, Doctor Pepper meat sticks. Mhmm. And I'm a thought. You're you're a fan of soup, aren't you?
I think we've talked about that before too, didn't we? Did you see the progresso soup drops they just released? Mm-mm. They're like cough drops, but they're filled with soup or they're flavored like soup. And it's chicken noodle as their first flavor.
Espresso released cough drops. Essentially. But they're soup they're soup drops. I don't know how I feel about that. Yeah.
I don't I I don't Although, when I do get sick, I will get, like, just like a bouillon cube and make some broth and drink it. So maybe that's what they're going for. I just throw back a couple shots of NyQuil and call it a day. Well, I was wondering who who doesn't have time to quickly heat up soup to the point where they need it in the cough drop form. That's true.
That's really sad. At that point, you just need to go home and like take your mom, call your grandma, have her, you know, wrap you oh. Yeah. Maddie's seen the photo of them here. They're in a can.
I think they're being sold for like $2.75. I mean, fantastic packaging. Right. But Can you put can you put them in the soup? Well, that's just like a bouillon cube at that point.
You know, like Now what exactly is chicken bouillon? Because I I've seen that everywhere. I'm a I'm a novice cook, so I'm learning this stuff. Well, I don't actually know what, like, the cube or the powder is. I'm assuming it's dehydrated Chicken?
Broth of some kind. Dehydrated broth. Mhmm. I don't know if that's a thing. That doesn't make sense.
I don't know. I mean, there's like evaporated milk. Maybe. It maybe it's similar because, like, we never in our household growing up, we never had, you know, you get, like, stock, like, chicken stock, like, the liquid actual stuff. Yeah.
We always had the powdery cubes because that was cheaper. Oh. And you could store it easier. But see, I would use chicken broth for, like, my pressure cooker. Mhmm.
And it makes it better than just using water in a sense. But But the bouillon cubes are just like powdered powdered broth. I don't know. That could be another episode of your suspiciously delicious podcast. I know.
And you can just find it. That's right. We do episodes about Taco Bell. That's right. That's right.
Me and Maddie talk about Taco Bell quite a lot. Not as good as Elise goes, but Taco Bell's there. Yeah. You know? It's just the food place that's the closest to the building, that's the most convenient to drive to.
Closest? I'd say so. I mean, you could head down Ammon, but that's a whole that's a whole deal. And you could head down to kind of on the more west side of Idaho Falls, but Taco Bell, easy in, easy out. It it's great.
Just be careful when you're driving in, you know, Snake River Parkway and Sunnyside Road. Watch it for the 16 year olds that could potentially rear end your car. Watch your back. You always gotta watch your back. Especially if it's slick outside like it is right now.
It's colder than Antarctica out there, legitimately. That's not fair. You know what? My computer has been doing me doing to me. Sorry.
It's, you know, I don't know if you guys get the, like, screensaver pictures. They, like, rotate. It shows you the weather on the bottom right? It doesn't show me the weather. Well, it probably does, but it just shows, like, a picture, a nice place, and it changes every once in a while.
Oh, I see what you're saying. Yesterday morning, it was, like, icy Eastern European castle, and I was, like, okay, that fits right now. And then later in the day, it showed me a tropical beach. And I was like, that's just mean, computer. And this morning, it was still there.
And I'm like, I need you to show me my life because that just makes me mad. It's dangling it in front of your face like a carrot. It's like, oh, oh, you want you want warmth? You want summer? No.
It's January. My mom said she had a blanket on and it was 70 degrees in California. And I I wanted to yell at her on the phone, but she can't do that because she's, you know, she'll yell at me back and get me in trouble. But And she's your mom. Right.
Right. Well, she I'll do, like, every night, I'll be, like, big hug, mom. She'll, like, big kick, and she'll pretend to kick me through the phone. Typical mama peach behavior. My mom does the same thing.
How nice. The new hour of madness in mayhem powered by Jalisco's. I think Maddie and I talked about this question when Melissa was about to enter the studio. People who live in small towns, what is the hot local controversy right now? Maddie also loves the Life in Idaho Falls Facebook acknowledges them quite a lot which is just mostly me and Victor liking to make fun of what people post in there.
It's good content. Right. And people are whiny. You guys think it should be illegal to keep your pet outside during winter weather like this? Yes.
Melissa, you're kind of contemplating that one. I feel like you have a hot take with this. I feel like it depends on your pet. Uh-oh. Like, well, no.
You should definitely have an indoor warm space for them, but I know there's some, like, dogs that are I was hoping Melissa would have some sort of crazy outlandish super furry and, like, the what are those ginormous white the Malamutes? Or maybe? Huskies? Like the Snowboy? I don't know.
Chow Chows? No, not Chow Chows. I think the one you said first. Malamute? They're like ranch dogs.
Mastiff? No, that's not furry. No. It's super white and fluffy. Yeah.
Malamute. And maybe huskies too. But I feel like you still need them to have a warm space. I'm not They do enjoy the, But, like, let them go out and play in the snow. But, yeah, but unlike the Idaho Falls, there's been people, like, posting pictures of, like, dead dogs that are frozen in the snow going, do you want this to happen to your pet?
Oh, no. And it's like, why would you want to post that? It's going to ruin everyone's day. You're supposed to do crappy photos. Well, but also take care of your pets.
Yeah. That's what I'm advocating for. Take care of your little buddies, your little friends. Yes. Do you guys have any pets?
Yep. We have 2 dogs and 2 cats and they are inside when it gets cold. Melissa, what about you? I have a cat back home with my parents. Ah, gotcha.
Gotcha. Because you live with a roommate, don't you? Yeah. She's highly allergic. So Yeah.
My nose will go off sometimes, but other than that, it's fine. I mean, I grew up with tons of different animals. Right now my parents have Sheldon the tortoise that my sister likes to dress up in costumes and then Luna the cat who we found at the front door she weighed 8 ounces she was a tiny little kitten cat distribution system that's right CDS CDS that's how we got our cat too well she wasn't a kitten but she showed up and adopted us. But going back to that Life in Idaho Falls Facebook group, have you guys seen it? I mean, Maddie likes to I'm not gonna say what Maddie does in there because it's she has a burner account, and this is so she'll participate.
That's what I do to get me through the window. You gotta make a post. That that that's what we should do. We should have you start making posts about all the channels in the building. I could do that.
Like, have Is it? What? Is it recording? Yeah. Melissa, you're not focusing here.
I'm sorry. Melissa, you gotta lock in. Yeah. Come on. You gotta learn how to be a DJ.
You gotta learn to you're on air presence. You gotta project your voice. I mean, you're usually the shy anxious one. Not the anxious one. The the shy one.
The quiet one. I am I am anxious. Okay. You got this. But you guys were talking and I interrupted.
So you were talking about the Idaho Falls Facebook group. Live, laugh, life in Idaho Falls. Yeah, that's exactly it. That's what it's named? No.
But are you a member of it? No. You gotta join. I'm Ammon. I'm in Ammon.
I follow this City of Ammon Facebook page. They're kind of, like, merged into 1. There's a lot of people because, like, you know, the 17th Street Bridge. Have you gone over that? Yeah.
It's Yeah. No. We had a problem with that last night. They have barricaded our route to our church building. There's, like, 2 ways to get there now.
There used to be, like, 6 See, now this is something to talk about. This is impeding on your day. It makes me kind of cranky, but we forgot we were going to an activity and we forgot that that 17th was closed right there and we were like, no. We got kind of angry and then, we just cut through Walmart. So you you were a part of the problem?
How was I part of the problem? Life in Idaho Falls right now is talking all about the people cutting through Walmart and how it's extra dangerous. Cutting through Walmart? Yeah. Imagine getting run over by Melissa out of all people.
I was not driving. I take that over. I texted him. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, that's that's she comes out, sorry. Sorry. That's not what we normally do. We weren't intending to do that, but we would have had to make a u-turn somewhere and turn back around and go all the way down to Sunnyside. Yeah.
The And then on to Ammon Road and then turn on to Avacet. You could find people who share the same exact feelings as you were on there. Luckily, I don't have to go within their within 10, you know, mile pole. I also do wanna go over the fact that you think there's a difference between Idaho Falls and Ammon. Back in my day it used to be a 5 minute drive to Idaho Falls Ammon.
I have I did not live here during that time. There isn't really a difference but it's okay. I do love the people that often say like well Salt Lake City used to be great back in 1980 and now it's transformed into this crime ridden madhouse. Salt Lake. It's like a Salt Lake City out of all places.
Yeah. I would much rather be in Salt Lake than it would be in, like, SoCal, maybe Chicago was a little scary at times. New York City at night? That too. Right?
There's a lot of terrible places compared to Salt Lake City. I think I have all, like, the major metropolises I would choose Salt Lake. Plus, anyways, they have, you know, Build A Bear and Trader Joe's and it's easily accessible. That that's what attracts Maddy is Build A Bear and Trader Joe's. Yep.
Those that sounds great to me. And Lagoon on the occasion. Wrapping up the new hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's. Maddy brought up off the air about how you have pet fish. You have like 10 pet fish.
Yes. You're like the home the home of the East Idaho Aquarium. Of course. Part 2. And Rescue.
Rescue. I have a problem with accumulating fish that I people pawn off to me. When did this all start? It was March of 22. It started with me going down a TikTok rabbit hole and then I set up an aquarium and got my first fish.
His name was Swim Shady. He had some Excellent name. I know. He had some, like, bladder issues but I took care of him and I I I raised him up, and then I got another fish. How do you find that out, first of all?
I was about to say, how do you know that a fish Was there bladder issues. I don't wanna go into detail about this, but does he, like Well, they Is this a tank? Does he just keep going? Well, like, there's, like, a swim they have something called a swim bladder. I'm gonna, give you guys a lot of information here.
Okay. And it helps them go up and down, like it inflates, deflates, and stuff. And they but a fish also, don't breathe underwater. They breathe oxygen up at the top. So anyways, after people knew that I got a better fish and I got another one and then someone gave me theirs and then I got like 4 from someone and the collection grew and shrunk a little and grew some more.
And now I have, a lot of fish. I just love them. They're all in your room, aren't they? Because I think you told me about that off the air. Yeah.
If my mom, if my fish collection over leaked into my, out of my room, my mom would probably not be very happy with me. So, we are all nice and snug as a bug and rug, But it's Do you hear the filters at night really loudly? Yeah. I feel like that that would be annoying. But then I feel like you would also get used to it.
That's true. And then afterwards, when they're gone, you're like, okay. I can't sleep now. Yeah. White noise, like, people who like white noise when they sleep, fish tanks are fantastic.
Because you have, like, the the hums, you have, like, the little, like, water trickling. So if you wanna save money on, like, your Alexa Do beta fish need a filter? Mhmm. Yeah. And a heater and, a 10 gallon tank.
Probably in this weather, don't they? Because Oh, yeah? I wasn't used to the I had beta fish when I was when I was younger, but we didn't have a filter for them. We just gave them the little, like, almost shoe box with rocks at the bottom and said, here you go. And then we had a beta fish for, like, in every room.
It was, like, 4 or 5 of them. My dad goes to clean their tanks, uses too much of this certain chemical. Next thing you know, all of them are dead. And my sister is really young at the time, and she starts crying hysterically. And my dad's, like, internally angry with himself because he just killed all the fish.
It's tragic. When a fish dies, it's so sad. The worst thing is that we used to bury them in the backyard. Right? We used to put we used to, like, put them in a little box, give them, like, a proper funeral and all that.
Our dog digs them up and brings the box out. And so I I decided to stupidly open the box, and I was freaked out and seen just a a deadbeat of the Your poor sister. Did she see that? No. She didn't see it.
She she was in another room or something somewhere else. But, yes, like, that was You have to shield the innocent. Yeah. That hysterical. Oh, she did she 15?
16? She's a 4 and a half years younger than me, so she wouldn't she wasn't too young, but she she That was dramatic. She she's a criminology major. She'd she's seen some stuff. Yeah.
Psychology major on top of that too. So she She's desensitized after a while. My beta fish tried to set my, desk on fire. Oh. Okay.
What? That sounds like an emo song, first of all. That'd be a good vanity. No. I guess the fish didn't really the sun tried to set my desk on fire.
My beta fish sat on this really old vanity thing And my windows blinds were closed. Curtain was closed. The little opening that the string comes through, the light was shining through that, went past the curtain, through the water and the glass fish tank, and it was there was a little fire. It became a jet ray. A little smoke ring was starting on my desk, and I didn't even notice it.
And my mom walked in. She was like, why does it smell like smoke in here? And then she saw it, and she was like, oh my goodness. And now she has a fear of all glass being left out when you leave the house. So she has to like put it in the even if it's like a dirty glass, she like rinse it off really fast and like hide it in the fridge or the pantry.
So that's how my betta fish Interesting. That's how I would die. That's how I would die is you know, my beta fish becoming a death ray and, you know, going down with the flames. Going down with the ship. Going down.
Do you do you have any extra tanks? Because I might get a beta fish. I have plenty. So I might be be like, Maddie, could you, loan me one of those tanks so I could get huge. So They are.
Okay. But I got you. I got you. Okay. Thank you.
We'll be cahoots. There we go. The noon hour of Madness of Media powered by Holly's Ghost is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, wow. I swallowed my spit wrong while I was still talking.
That's funny. Alright. Okay. Where was I? Oh, for more information or to contact the show, visit