Clydesdale Media Podcast

Live in Knoxville Tennessee and the Syndicate Crown after day 1

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is up everybody live in

Knoxville Tennessee we are

here at the best Western

and I might say the best

room we have stayed in in a

year that Jamie and I have

been on the road

is a little musty in here

but other than that no

bullet holes um seems like

a safe neighborhood I think

we we've hit the jackpot

semi with this one but

super excited to be with

you guys today um

we are just ending our day

we just got some dinner

we're back at the hotel and

before we kind of like

chill for the night we

wanted to jump on and talk

about what happened today

so it's weird with Jamie

behind me but then I can

see her in front of me yeah

but uh Kenneth the lab says

it's the East Coast it's

all a little musty

yeah okay well so we started

the day with a couple team

events and I guess we're

going to jump right into

this dinner was great we

went to outback steakhouse

by the way um got some

steak and chicken it was

really good got some

brussels sprouts jamie got

steak and chicken and stuff

steak we're really

expanding our horizons yeah

Maybe tomorrow night we'll

try something more local.


But yeah, got nourished.

It was a long day without

food at the venue.

We were living on beef jerky and water.

So, but that got us through.


So we started with team

events this morning.

We missed the first team

event as I stepped in a

hole on the way into the

venue and thought I lost my ACL,

MCL and my ankle.

But all is well, all is well.

And we got into the venue,

finally found where we could be for press,

got a tour,

and then event two was lining up,

which was the lift.

So we missed the first event.

We talked to Coach Krispy Kreme.

He said that it was pretty

much an all-out battle

between Peak 360 and 8th Day?

No, 8th Day was in heat, what you said.


they set a blistering pace out

of heat one all by themselves.

And then peak 360 was chasing them down,

chasing their time down.


So Peak 360 wins the event,

which will be probably the

theme of the day.

So we did that event.

Then we got settled.

We found a really cool place

to get some content.

And we were close to the

door to get the ramp,

which you guys saw on our Instagram,

the ramp that they had to

run up to get out onto the course.

And what you saw was the

first part of the incline.

So they came out of the

venue on the loading docks

up that ramp where Jamie

was capturing the content.

Then they made a left-hand

turn and still had to go up

for another 20 feet.


After the turn and then it

levels off and then they,

they would run through

vendor village and,

around that and then down

the hill on the other side

of the venue come around

and then back in at the

loading docks down below uh

so pretty cool little track yeah um

And that has nothing to do

with the second team event.

Yeah, you jumped at me.

Yeah, it's been a long day.

Long drive yesterday.

So our ramp shots were awesome.

Haven't heard anyone else

get any of the ramp footage.

There were other

photographers and content

creators on the ramp.

So I'm sure you'll see more

stuff out there.

It'll be coming.


But they were definitely out

there capturing the stuff.

We were not the only ones.

So let's finish with this

individual event and we'll

get back to teams because I

want to give them their due

because they're only here

for a couple days and then they're gone.

So anyway, we started with the women.


First heat goes out.

Kenneth brings up Ellie Hiller,

said the incline was about

50 paces for her.



I feel like it might have

been more than that.


I would, I would have thought that too.


but we start with Ellie and Brooke

Wells at a blistering pace for heat one.


As well as I want to say

Elena Savage was in that

group for the first two rounds.

Did she have the tape around

her ankle or her,

her calf the whole time?



I have the start and it is

there at the beginning.

okay because she definitely

died off fast and she did

have her calf wrapped so

that it may have been a

re-injury to that brooke to

me never really slowed down

she came in from the run

immediately went to the bar

did her 10 clean and jerks

and immediately left there

was no transition time for

her ellie hiller ran well

but the cleaning jerks ate her up yeah


she started off strong and then by the

end she was getting no

repped on the clean and

jerks and actually a couple

people passed her.


Uh, at the end of that race,

just on the 10 clean and jerks.


which was sad to see.

We were really rooting for her.

Then the big show came out.

Big number one heat with the

battle between Tia Claire

Toomey and Hayley Adams,

and it did not disappoint.

They were pretty much neck

and neck the entire race

until the very end of the fifth round.

Tia had gotten a little more

space on her on the final run.

And when I say a little more space,

maybe 10 more feet.


All right.

They get to the barbell and

Tia's probably got three

reps in before Haley gets there.

But the baller that she was,

she continued to go touch and go,

even though she did not have to,

to completely dominate the,

that event.

Cause Haley could not go

touch and go at that point.

She was consistently doing her singles,

just like she had the entire race,

but Tia went to another

gear and went full on

baller and unbroken 10 reps to finish.


Thoughts on that.

Miss Latimer.

I, I mean,

I feel like Tia did exactly what

we all thought she was going to do.


she's clearly back,

but I am incredibly

impressed with Haley's performance.

I, I thought she looked happy, cool, calm,


She looked like she was

enjoying herself out there.

Um, and we know Haley likes to run.

So it was like,

what couldn't have been a

better event to start the

weekend off with.

And a second, 10 ish seconds behind Tia.


And I would say she was calm,

cool and composed and happy

after the event as much as

she was before.


Uh, waving to the crowd,

really kind of soaking it

in and really enjoying the moment,

which was fun to see.


That whole heat was just so fast.

Like, I mean,

looking back at the leaderboard,

when we got back to the room,

I was trying to like look

back and just digest everything.

And yeah,

I felt like heat one did good.

Like, especially those first like three,

four girls.

I was like, well, they did great.

And then you pull up the

leaderboard and you're like,

this didn't even,

this didn't even go well.


I think only two people are

in the top 10 from heat one,

so it just starts dropping off.

So that second heat was just crazy fast.

Sort of sucks for someone like Brooke.

Could the other heat have

changed that event for her?

Who knows?

She said she started out hot.

It might have been worse to

start out even hotter, so...

I think she,

I think she did ran her own

race and correctly.

And I, I think in my opinion, that,

that kind of transfers

through to the men as well.

I think it goes a step further to say,

you know, we've talked about reseeding.

It matters what heat you're in.

And we saw that today.


Really good people or teams

were completely affected

because of the heat they

had to run their race.

If Brooke was in that race

with Kira Napoli and... Not Kira Napoli.

She wasn't.


I can't...

Danielle and gosh, who else?

I don't know.


She would have been able to

run with them and to go toe

to toe with them on the

clean jerks at the end

because it was really a

matter of grit and who was

willing to try to go touch

and go at the end.


Oh, it was crazy to me.

And I mean,

you've seen this in the other

heats and you know exactly

what's going to happen.

It is crazy to watch someone you were like,


she's got third wrapped up and then

implodes and gets 10th in

the heat just because of 10

clean and jerks and

somebody able to touch and

go and somebody having to

take seven seconds of rest

in between each rep.

Like that time difference is

if you could have slowed

your rundown for 30 seconds

and gotten your heart rate under control,

I mean,

the game planning in that workout

is critical.

Like you can lose a minute

on that last barbell.

So Denise,

she actually beat Amanda Barnhart,

even not being in the same heat.

It was the Danielle Brandon.

And forgive me, I'm down to one screen,

so I don't have like the

leaderboard up with me.

But there was a race at the

end between about two or

three girls with Danielle

Brandon and a few others.

I do have my phone, I guess.

And I think if Brooke would

have been in that race,

she could have done some

damage at that point.

Oh, it was Caroline Stanley, remember?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Caroline Stanley and

Danielle Brandon went

toe-to-toe and just... And

Emily... Emma Lawson.

Emma Lawson, yep.

Yeah, those three.

If Brooke would have been with them,

she had a shot to beat at

least one of them.

But not being in that heat

was really tough for her.

Jess is in the chat.

Hey, wish I was there with you guys.

We wish you were here too.


We need a professional photographer.

Amen to that.

But Holly Dugan is making

lemons out of lemonade that we sent her.

So we highly appreciate that.

What was obvious, though,

and why the heats matter,

heat two was so much faster

than heat one.

So much faster across the board.

It was crazy.

And I think without the

receding at the end of this weekend,

it's going to make a difference.

Who impressed you in that event?

Probably Amanda Barnhart.

I, I didn't,

when I opened up the leaderboard,

I honestly didn't expect to see her.

Like I thought she was

further back than that.

So I don't know if it was

that last barbell or what

got her those places.


and I expect her to be slower on the


So yeah, I, she was, I mean,

she's kind of on my like

bubble list of making it like,

I've been curious to see

how she's going to hold up

and I think she ran really well.

So yeah, that's probably my,

my my surprise was paige

demenza even though I

thought she would do really

well this weekend running

has never been like a home

run for her she looked

really good and a shout out

from heat one ashley wozny

he has never been a runner

really held her own in that

heat and looked really good

in the run yeah I would say

she's somebody who

probably practiced this one

enough and was very smart

about her own pacing

because she can move a

barbell well and if she

stayed just calm enough on

that run that she moved

that barbell 20 seconds

faster than everyone else

you can you can slow down

20 seconds fast on that run

and like she she ran that

race correctly and she went

touch and go at the end as

well yeah she yeah

So then we moved to the men.

I think everybody knew this

was going to be the rivalry

match between Roman and Jeff.

Another long run.

What was going to happen?

And Jeff Adler made a statement.

He sure did.

the lead just kept getting

bigger and bigger and

bigger with every run.

And I would say they were

pretty even on the clean and jerks.


But you'd come back the

first one and Jeff was

ahead by one side of the square.

Then he was ahead by two

sides of the square.

Then he was ahead by three

sides of the square.

It just, it was, it was almost methodical.

I would like to see Jeff splits again.


And you got to see him

outside up that hill around the corner.

He never looked,

he never looked like he was tired.

Not really.

I would say he was a little

more labored on his final run up the hill,

but not nearly the way I saw.

There were a lot of people

who were hunched way over,

pushing off their thighs,

basically walking up the hill.

And those were the people that you're like,

oh no, like they have imploded.

But yeah, Jeff, Jeff looked great.

The other thing was the race

for third place was crazy.

Holy smokes.

This is where the barbell mattered.


There were four guys all at the same time.

It was Saxon Pancheck, Will Morad,

Jason Hopper, all going at the same time.

And it was nuts.

And the crowd was going crazy.

And there was a crowd.

It's a pretty good crowd in

there for a Friday.

I mean,

I anticipate it'll be even louder

in there tomorrow.


definitely one side of the venue is

more full than the other.

Hatfield, yeah.

Yeah, Hatfield was in that.

The only person that called

Hatfield that high, Kenneth,

was John Young.

I think he called Hatfield

to win all six events and

be the next CrossFit Games champion,

I think is what he said last night.

Uh, Denise Moore says it's too bad.

The runs are also different, uh,

between all the semi locations.

It would be interesting to

be able to compare how

everybody did an event one

across the entire leaderboard.

I think it's fun that they're different.

There's there's positives and negatives.

I totally agree.

It would be nice to be able to compare.


but it's other than doing shuttles or

using an air runner.

It, you just, you, you can't,

they cannot be identical.


and I much prefer this alternative to

shuttles or an air runner.

So, um, the race between Emma Lawson,

Caroline Stanley and

Danielle Brandon was amazing.

The race between Saxon

Wilmore at Jason Hopper and

Austin Hatfield was amazing.

And we would not have seen

that on an air runner.


There's something to the

tracking someone down on a

run course like that's just exciting.

No, Kenneth, none of the chance today.

Somebody did yell during the run.

But no chance.


like no chance in the stadium during

the run.

There was some do it for

Trump or I don't know,

like while while Taylor was running by.

Um, so let's talk about Taylor.

He wins heat one.

And again,

the difference between heat one

and heat two was monumental.


I mean, he's, he's 12, 11, 12, 11th.

I mean, yeah,

it's kind of a similar story to the women,

even more, even more so.

Um, it's crazy.

It's just crazy how much faster, uh,

I don't know.

Again, same thing.

I don't know how much faster

Taylor could have gone.

I feel like he was at his limit.

I don't know what Taylor's

limit is because I've seen

him push past it.

And I feel like he was right there.

But you just never know.

Every competitor asked,

would you rather have more

rest or be in the top heat?

And every competitor asked, said, yes,

I want to be in the top heat.

Give up the rest.

You want to be able to know

what you have to beat.

And he had no clue.

And on the last lap,

he stretched his lead so big,

he did not have to push to

win that heat at the end.

I don't think he could have moved to the,

I mean, he,

he didn't touch and go because

I don't think he could.

So I don't know that being

in the other heat would have helped him.

Saxon Pancheck moves so fast

on that touch and go.

And he went from like sixth to third.

Like it was,

he was the last one in first

one done in that group.

It was amazing.

Will Morad was right with him.

The old man still has some chops.

And speaking of old men,

Ben Smith ran pretty well.

He was in that slower heat,

but it was funny.

I was sitting beside Coach Krispy Kreme,

and he said,

you telling me that young boy

Nate Ackerman is going to

let dad bod shuffle pass him?

He sure did.

So Taylor moves up to the

third heat tomorrow.


They'll recede for tomorrow.

And he'll be held the center lane.


Because he'll be in 11th.

And then if he can make a move,

they'll reseed again for Sunday.

They reseed again after the fourth event,

but they do not reseed

after the fifth event.

Still don't understand that at all.


But it was crazy fun in the

venue tonight with those two races.

so let's talk about some

teams their second event

was the big lift it was the

barbell complex by each

team member that they did

at semi-finals in 20 20 22.

2022. yeah that yeah 21 was

the max snatch to start the

weekend 2022 was the uh barbell complex

So, um, uh, people love a big bar.

They got to see a couple of them.

Um, Tolo Moracchio led the men with a 200,

345 pound complex.

Did not look like he had to

push too hard to get it.

And looked really good and

put it up pretty easy.

I think Noah complimented that with a 315.


And then the women didn't

really have to do much after that.

They ended up winning that event.

Ocean State something, something.

That's the Christine Best,

Christine Middleton team.

They came in second because

Christine Middleton is a

boss with a barbell with

245-pound complex,

tying Hannah Black's record

from West Coast Classic.

Yeah, she made that look easy.

We saw at least one other woman.

There may have been two

other women try that 245.

The Mayhem,

I cannot think of her name

right now off the top of my head.

But yeah, the second, the Liberty team.

She tried 245 and missed the

jerk right at the end.


right after Middleton tried in her

lane on the far side.

I got video of it,

but she missed the jerk as well.

So a couple people went for it.

Middleton went for 250.

Oh, did she?

She did.

Did not make the jerk.



I take that back.

She missed the clean.

I think she was spent.

She had to go back too quick.

And it just was.

She did like two cleans on

the third clean.

She just let it kind of roll.

Rebecca Devine.


That's the name.

That's who failed on that clean.

Or the jerk at the end.


So many people,

so many people got to the jerk.

I know.

All that work.

Expand all that energy with three cleans,

two front squats, and then miss the jerk.

I mean,

that's what happens when you do all

that work.

You're a little bit tired.


So, um,

Really awesome there.

Fun to see that.

The only thing I hate about

everybody going at once,

it's just a cluster on the floor.

And no broadcast is going to

clean that up.

You couldn't see the weights

on the plaques.

It was just tough.


I think what they tried to do this

week is fix the broadcast

so everybody was facing the camera.

But the only people sitting

there are friends and family.

So everybody else got a side

view with the way this arena is set up.

So the spectators in the

house didn't get a view of

the weight placards and

that to be able to kind of

tell the story.


Yeah, I mean,

the alternative is to do the

20-second lift portion and

rotate around the floor,

and that takes forever.

So it is what it is.

I mean, if you're going to throw a lift in,

this is probably how I want to see it.

Kenneth, attendance was pretty good,

I would say.

For a Friday,

I think it was pretty busy in there.

I anticipate it's going to be...

Not a full house.

I mean, it's a huge stadium,

but I think seats are going

to be pretty packed.

So what they did that's

super smart and why Wilson

Pack is so good at this,

they roped off the upper

section until the lower section filled.

So they made everybody sit.

It's all elevated seating,

and there's a lower bowl that's, what, 10,

15 rows?



And it goes all the way down

one side and all the way down the other.

They roped off all of the

seats above that until those filled.

So that got pretty full.

And on our side,

that got full enough where

they opened up the upper

section and then that began

to fill as well.

So I think it was actually

really good for a Friday.


Really good for,

because traditionally

people are working on

Friday and the whole event

was over before five o'clock.

So everybody was out.

Everybody was heading home

before work hours were over.

So I think that does,

that makes pretty good sense.

And I liked doing that

because then on the broadcast,

the cameras usually only

catch the lower seats.

So when you catch the lower seats,

it does appear to be way more full.


and I do believe there are

way more people here than

there were at west coast

now we'll see tomorrow

three individual or two

individual events tomorrow

two team events tomorrow uh

it's a saturday nobody's

working we'll see but we

walked through vendor

village twice that looked

pretty full too that's

where the community event is going on

And they plopped that right

in the middle of Vendor Village,

which was so smart because

all the people that are

watching can walk through Vendor Village.

They're buying their protein cereals.

They're checking out the two food belts,

all that kind of stuff.


So, yeah.


so then we go to the final event for

teams and that is where the

heat individual.


It was their version of the

run clean and jerk only.

It was run and worm thrusters.


So, uh,

So with that, Lynn says,

tomorrow is going to be packed.

Vendor Village already has

some stuff sold out for Northern Spirit.



Vendor Village was packed every time

we went through.


Usually, like,

FitAid is putting out tubs

of extras that they give away.

They had five cans left when we walked by.


um so yeah so this one was

the run worm thruster it

two of your team members

leave 20 seconds later the

other two members leave and

then you cannot work the

worm until everybody's back

um eighth day crossfit was

in the first heat yep again

obviously set the time to

beat they beat everybody in

their heat by a couple

minutes like they were done

they were getting their

picture taken their family

was down there taking their

pictures on the finish line

they were posing doing all

the stuff before the next team finished

They beat everybody in the second heat.



Then the third heat comes

and Peak 360 and Mayhem

Independence were pretty

dominant in that final heat.

And it came down to between peak 360,

Mayhem Independence,

and eighth day from the first heat,

it was seven seconds from third to second,

and like another 10 seconds to first.

And eighth day didn't get to

run their race with those two others.

And they took another second today?

They took second in the

first event from the first heat.

So no reseed.

So they're stuck in heat one,

even though they took a second.

They did really well in the lift.


So they should be in the top heat.

And because they weren't,

there was no reseed today.

They had to run that race

all by themselves.


And it was a shame because

that would have been so

much fun to watch.

Three teams battling it out

on those worm thrusters to see who won.



I would have liked to seen them push.

I think they probably had more in them.

I would have liked to seen

them push 360 and possibly

see them not win an event.

I feel like that was the

workout for them not to get

a win and just didn't line up that way.

So let me ask you this.

With the way that that is designed,

you're pretty much at the

will of your slowest runner.


So it doesn't even really

matter about the first runners.


we saw there was a team where the

girl would basically sprint out,

get ahead of everybody, come in first,

and just stand at a worm and recover.

For 45 seconds.

Waiting for the other three to get back.

I think it had a bad look.

And I know that no rule says

you can't do that.

But I think I like the rope

runs where you all have to

hold a piece of the rope

and kind of run together.

It just, it adds some synchronicity to it.

It adds, you know,

maybe you can pull the one person.

Maybe you're not a good slow down runner.

Like it just affects the whole,

the whole team a lot more.

but I do think the biggest

crime was eighth day,

not getting a chance to run with the big,

with the big guys.

Totally agree.

But they're crushing it out

of the first heat.

They're in third at the end of the day,

two events to go tomorrow.

I'm liking their shot.

That shout out.

That's my, that's my Michigan team.

So shout out.

Peak three 60 is killing it.

They are killing it.

They have swept the three events.

The synchronicity is so good

with that team.

And you could tell that it

was Tola and Lena and Noah

and Mathilde ran together

and they were not going to

leave each other's side during the run.

And then it turned out for

the last three rounds,

they all four pretty much

came in together.



They did a great job staying together,

which if you anticipate down the road,

there being a rope run of

some sort or having us together, you,

you might as well work on that too,

because Denise's Denise's

or Lynn is right.

Some good runners get more

tired running at a slow pace.

I mean, it just,

it throws off the cadence

of your footwork and,

Yeah, 100% agree.

Just to let everybody know,

Jamie informed me that if

she was doing this,

she would have run as fast

as that girl did and get

back and sit down on her

lawn chair waiting for her

team to get back so she

could get some rest.

Yeah, because I don't like thrusters.

I would have needed a break.

Without apology, she was like,

that would be me.

Yeah, so I understood that girl for sure.


Lynn says in peak 360,

we're running together the whole time.

Even held each other's

elbows to maintain pace

after the first two rounds.

They did.


We were talking about this

because Noah oftentimes up

the ramp would have his

hand on the back of Matilda.

Or Tola.

Or Tola, yeah.


There was one time he pushed Tola.


Like I saw him physically push him.

Let's go.

But with Matilda,

it was a much more gentle, like, hey,

I'm here.

I got you.

Let's get this.

It was really kind of nice to see.


That they work that well

together as a team.

And man, were they happy afterwards today.

I mean, it's fun to win.

It is.

So we come tomorrow with the

final two team events.


They will take the podium tomorrow night.

We then have our next two

individual events.

Let's give our shot caller picks,

which I haven't even made yet.

Oh, goodness.

You're the one that brought up this idea.

All right.

So event two.

See how she does me people?

We got the double under, total bar,

front squat, five rounds.

I want to not pick Tia,

so I'm trying to rack my

brain for who I threw second in there.

Did Jamie end up getting to do the comp?

Well, I will tell you this.

We got back from the airport last night,

well after midnight.

That's true.

Because of the musty air,

I snored like a savage.

So she may have gotten three hours sleep.

I'm not even that tired right now.

I'll probably be tired tomorrow.

Maybe I'll sleep really good tonight.

I was looking to Ken.

I was trying to find a partner.

So this morning was the individual,

which I would have been willing to do,

but I didn't want to

reserve a spot for that because honestly,

I wasn't sure when I could get here.

Um, and like my flight got delayed.

So probably a good thing.

I didn't pick that one.

I was trying to find a partner,

a male partner to do

Sunday's community event.

It's male, female partner.

work out and nobody wants to

work out with me so I don't

know scott said hell no and

literally I mean I made a

post no nobody nobody wants

to work out with me um dang

event two travis

Event two, Travis.

He'll be good at that.

He does have one of the

fastest cycle rate on double-unders.

And being smooth there,

like I can see him not

really having any trips and

gaining seconds there.

But it's kind of a total bar workout.


I think, men-wise,

I think Hatfield's going to do well.

And I can see Taylor doing well.

I don't like the squats on Taylor's knee.


but like Tristan said when you had

him on.

I mean, had he got, what, third,

fourth in that workout by

doing six-four a couple rounds?

Like, Taylor doesn't,

and I don't know if that's

going to hold true with the men's crowd,


I don't know that he has to

squat blazingly fast to be

top six in this workout.


But we're picking the winner.


So I am between... I'm

between Austin Hatfield and Will Moran.



I mean, we saw it with Colton, right?

Like the...

the shorter levers are going

to have a huge advantage in this one.

And if you can move that weight quickly,

Jack Rosemont could do good.

He could.

I don't know what his toes are like.


Will Morehead's a veteran.

He just isn't going to make mistakes.

He's not going to make

mistakes on the dubs.

He's going to be fine on the front squat.

Guy's a powerhouse.

And that amount of toes to

bar for him will be nothing.

That's a good call.

And he looked so good today.

He looked so good.

It gives me confidence going into two,

which is probably where

I'll make my mistake.

I'm going to say,

I think I'm going to say Saxon.

i thought about him it's

just the range of motion

worries me on the front

squats I feel like he's a

pretty fast water okay but

okay honestly I'm thinking

when you say that he squats

below depth so yeah over

like hey maybe they'll be

really strict and some

people won't be in and

there'll be some notes on

the floor and go to his favor so ladies

um I think fee could do

really well at this one and

I think I think she needs

to have a good event um my

dark horse for this is annika greer


Great pick.

She needs it.

She is a fast squatter.


She's really good at toaster

bar and she's really good

at double unders.


But I mean, good gravy.

Like if,

if you're not picking Tia for

everything at this point, you're just,

Yeah, to be fair, I have Tia, and he won.

So I'm just trying to give alternatives,

like throw out some top threes or fives.

I think Emma Lawson is an

interesting look here, too.



I don't know that she's the fastest




I almost wish Tyler would

bring back the cap of... Two?

Yeah, they talked about that a little bit.

Especially in a Tia case.


And I think I'm already

going to lose the prop bet.

She's winning more than two

events this weekend.

I think I wrote three.

Maybe I wrote four.

I don't remember.

I did not write five.

I know that.

I picked two.

I may have done four.

um I picked her for I think

I picked her for three and

he won I picked haley for

the first event just so I

had someone to root it root

for um and when I can I

like to try to pick someone

other than tia all right so

I picked just you know okay

I did pick jeff and tia for

event one same because oh

no I picked haley and jeff

big so I told you last week

I'm done with these wild

outlandish yeah I think I

know something yeah

Going to be smarter.

I got to beat Lex.

So there it is.

I think DB's range of motion

is just so long.


I think she'll do great top seven,

eight easily.

But I don't,

I don't know if I'd pick her

for a top three.

Kenneth picked Pepper for the first event.


Oh, Ken.

Dallin did good for Dallin.

Dallin did good for Dallin.

He did.

He's just not going to do

well against Roman or Jeff.

What did you tell me before

we went on the air?

I don't know.

What did I say?

You said Roman and Jeff won

by over a minute.

Oh, yeah.

Roman and Jeff by like a

minute and Tia and Haley by

like a minute.

It was,

those two athletes were in their

own class.

Yeah, it was crazy.



so then we go to the rope climb event,



rope climb event with echo bike,

rope climb, box jump overs, rope climb,

and then start over again.


Six and three quarter rounds.


Of that.

Um, who, who you got for,

who you got for the men?

trying to think who I put in

my heat one I may have put

hopper in this one and he

won yeah yeah gosh see this

is the one I'd want to pick

saxon on he is an amazing

rope climber he is an amazing box jumper

I don't think he has enough

on the Echo Bike to keep up

with Dallin Hopper, Roman, Jeff.

So my pick for this one on

the men will be Roman.


And you know that takes a

lot for me to say that.

Pick Ken.

I think Taylor's a fine pick.

I don't know that... I don't

think if I'm being completely honest,

I don't think he can win it,

but I think it's an okay pick.

I think it's the same problem with Saxon.

That Taylor on the echo bike,

I think he's good,

but there are guys in this

region that are on another

level on that echo bike.

I see Lynn and Ken...

talked about.

Yeah, we'll talk about that.

All right.

After we're done with this.

All right.

So ladies, ladies.

I mean, it's Tia, but other than that.

I think if the echo bike's not there,

Haley could get her.

Haley's great on the rope.

That box is going to be

nothing for her and her height.

I don't know.

I mean,

but the echo bike makes Tia the winner.

I think there's other people

that would even be Haley in

a legless rope climb workout.

Um, but yeah,

that bike is going to throw a wrench into,

into this workout for those people like,

like Shelby, Neil, like a fee,

like that's a lot for them to overcome.

It is.

Now, Fee, according to Kenneth,

said that this is the one

she would pick for herself.

I love that.

I love that.

I think Emma will do really well.

She'll be right up there.


Should be a good event for Alexis.



Maybe that's who my non-Tia

pick would be is Alexis.



Let's go with that.


I like it.

Because we could be boring

and tell you Tia for

everything and that isn't fun at all.

So my non-Tia pick is Alexis Raptus.


And hopefully you can still hear us.

My indicator is that our

Wi-Fi here in the hotel is

not at optimal levels.

Best Western.

So hopefully you can still

get this broadcast.

So let's talk about the

disappointments from today.

On the men's side,

it's already been brought up.

Jack Farlow came in with all this promise.

Still has a chance.

This does not take him out

of the running by any

stretch of the matter.

But man, he looked rough after that event.

He sure did.

Medical had to help him off the floor.

It just was,

hopefully it's just cramps and

a little dehydration.

But he looked really fatigued.

It's not even,

it's not even that warm out.

It's not.

And it's,

maybe it's the shock from going

32 degrees inside the arena

to 70 degrees outside the arena.

It is freezing inside.

Hold the mic to your mouth.

It is freezing inside.

um yeah it is so cold I am

never ever cold I was

freezing today freezing so

maybe that's it was a shock

Our very own Carolyn Prevost

seemed to have hobbled up

with a cramp at the very end as well.

And she was helped off by medical,

hoping that it was just cramps.

Hopefully she's back better

than ever tomorrow and doing her thing.

And Kenneth, I did not shave.

I just trimmed it up because

it was getting a little bushy.


If I'm coming back to semis in person,

I wanted to be presentable.

So there's that.

A couple other

disappointments for me today.

I was really hoping Anika's

run had improved in the offseason.

Didn't seem to come to fruition today.

That was a bummer.

I don't know.

That's probably it for me.

That's probably it.


There was a crazy thing that

happened where one of the

teams had a member pass out twice.


Once in event one and once in event two.

Passed out in event one,

came to in time to finish the workout.

Then passed out after the lift.

But then was their best

runner on the last event.

So who knows?

Kenneth wants Prevo to win everything.

We all do.


It might be it's a hard

field to show improvement

in because the field is crazy.

It is.

That's fair.

And actually,

when you look at the leaderboard,

she wasn't as... Even Jack,

because of the speed of that heat,

wasn't last.


Like he was 33rd or 34th.


I think that's...

that's the people who get

caught up in that, in that race.

And it's just,

it's just too fast of a pace for them.

And yeah, they redlined even in, I mean,

even in teams, you saw people,

it's a lot of volume for the teams today.

And they were, you could tell,

you could see the leg

fatigue on some of those people.

I mean, having to walk hobbling,

like they look miserable.

uh kenneth said I know it's

not the same run but top

times in the east destroyed

the west well you got to

look at the third time

because I wouldn't like I

said like we said both the

men and women the top two

were a minute ahead of the

competition so I would look

at the third time of east saxon and emma

Yeah, I thought Caroline Stanley got her.


Caroline was fourth.


Yeah, because I will take Tia, Haley,


and Jeff in any run race in the

world straight up.

No matter what stairs, hill is involved,

I'm taking those four to be

the top two in each side.

And I already apologize, Emily Rolfe.

I just realized what I had done again.

I don't know if I ever

shared that on here.

I was going to.

But last week,

I had called Emily White to

beat Emily Rolfe on the

Heat One app at West Coast.

And Emily Rolfe called me

out on that and said,

you picked the wrong Emily.

Yeah, sure did.

And I sure did.

Kenneth says Lawson was third,

just creeping in the shadows,

waiting to pounce.


She looked good.

She looked smooth.


And then there's a point I was, I was over,

I overheard some coaches saying like,

you don't need to push it here.


Well, yeah.

What did it matter if she was up?

You're not going to gain any

points on the two of them, right?

The minute behind was fine.

It didn't matter.


So take your time.

Don't overexert it.

Take your third.

Because even going touch and go,

you're still third.


So I think that's everything from today.


wishing Carolyn all the best

hopefully we see her back

on the floor tomorrow

crushing it and hopefully

Jack Farlow's back better

than ever and all of that

so it's the first live

competition of the game

season athletes want to

show out yeah Tia sure did

I think Tia wanted to make a statement.

I think other athletes are

here with a goal of doing

something at the games and

they're not trying to show out.

I think there are different mindsets.

That is not Tia's.

I think Tia's here to

destroy everybody by as

much... I think she was

getting annoyed that this

blonde girl was right

behind her the entire race

and wanted to go big baller

at the end and make a statement.



Well, with that, guys,

thanks for jumping on with us.

We'll be back at it tomorrow,

throwing out some content.

Hopefully this time I

remember my camera battery

so that I can actually use

the new camera I bought

instead of my iPhone 15.

But there we go.

And Kenneth says, Tia is Matt,

but turned up to 11.

And we are the original.

Thursday, Friday, Sunday night,

CrossFit Talk Show.

With that, we'll see you guys next time.

Thanks, everybody, and see you tomorrow.