Modeling Success

Learn the #1 reason businesses fail and the game-changing benefits of a 90-day plan. Discover essential strategies, tactics, metrics, and budgeting tips. Uncover the power of a morning routine to boost productivity. Tune in and take your business to new heights!

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What is Modeling Success?

Modeling Success is created to bridge the gap between talent and brand. Putting everything out on the table, addressing current situations and hot unspoken topics that are happening in the industry that need to change. We will address topics such as the models and brand's point of view on industry topics. As well as discussing success in the industry, what it is to be a model and what agencies and brands are looking for when seeking talent. Just because you get paid for pictures does not make you a model. A model is "a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate". A model is someone or something one aspires to become, someone who works their butt off and is someone people can look up to. This podcast is here to assist Talent in learning pride and true tactics for success in the industry.

I, Rian Donatelli, will use my 25+ years experience within this industry to discuss all these topics and more through conversions and panels with other people in the industry from talent to brand executives to the venues and establishments that we are operating in. We are going to find some hard truths that need to be heard on all fronts.

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Welcome back to modeling success. I am your host, Ryan Donatelli. And today, we are going to cover the number one reason businesses fail. And the number one reason businesses fail is due to lack of having a plan. So, yes, you can say that it is capital or it's lack of customers or it's lack of marketing or sales, But the end of the day, if you do not have at least a 90 day plan, you cannot get to where you're going.

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So why you must have a 90 day strategic plan and what key elements should be included, we're going to cover today. So as everyone knows as an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is an incredibly exciting and rewarding endeavor, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. And one of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face is staying focused on their long term goals while also dealing with the day to day demands of running a business. That's where a 90 day strategic plan comes in play. We are going to explore why all entrepreneurs need this 90 day strategic plan and describe the key elements of a quarterly plan.

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So why all entrepreneurs need a 90 day strategic plan? 90 day strategic plan is a document that outlines goals, objectives, strategies that an entrepreneur intends to achieve within this 90 day period. This plan is crucial for several reasons. It helps you stay focused on your long term goals. One of the most significant benefits of a 90 day strategic plan is that it helps you stay focused on your goals by breaking down your larger goals into smaller, more manageable chunks that you can stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

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So if you take your business plan, if that exists for you, and you look at that and you break it down into a quarterly increments, then you can obviously attack things in smaller chunks, and it allows you to stay focused on the main goal. It also allows you to adjust your strategy. As an entrepreneur, you're likely to face unexpected challenges and opportunities. This 90 day strategic plan allows you to adjust your strategy as needed based on the feedback, the, transparency in your marketing so you can see what your clients are opening, reading, receiving, etcetera. But it allows you to based on the feedback that you receive from your customers, market trends, and other factors, it improves your decision making.

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A 90 day strategic plan, will help you with a clear road map for your business, which makes it easier to make decisions. Instead of relying on guesswork, you can refer back to your plan and determine the best course of action. So key elements of a quarterly plan. Now that we've discussed why a 90 day strategic plan is essential, let's look a little closer at the key elements of this plan. So there are several critical components that you should include in your plan.

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Your goals. Your plan should include clear, measurable, yet ambitious goals that you want to achieve in that 90 day period. These goals should be aligned with your long term vision of your business, AKA your business plan. So these goals can and should be based off of data, facts, and what's possible and attainable. Okay?

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So if you know that you have a 100 contacts, 10% is the average of the closing rate, what will happen. Now you know 10% is achievable, but it also needs to be ambitious. If these goals do not scare the living shit out of you, they are not big enough. End of story. So make sure that they are achievable, but you need to truly believe that anything is possible.

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And based off of data, it's possible. Based off of what you know you're capable of, it's possible. You do not need to know at this moment how you are going to get there. But you know you can do it. You know data is showing it's possible.

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So let's make them big enough that they scare you and keep you driving and striving for these goals. So for me, I operate off of, what I've been coached with my mentors, and that's personal, professional, and financial goals. So I have 3 categories in the plan. Strategies. Your plan should outline these strategies that you intend to use to achieve your goals.

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These strategies should be specific and actionable. They should be based on a deep understanding of your target market and your competition. K. Tactics. You should plan to include specific tactics that you will use to implement these strategies.

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These tactics should be measurable and you should have a clear plan for tracking their effectiveness. K. Metrics. You, your plan should include metrics that you'll use to track the progress towards your goals. These metrics should be specific, measurable, and relevant to your business.

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And budget. Your plan should include a budget that outlines the resources that you'll need to implement your tactics. This budget should include both financial and non financial remember, a lot of assets to reach your goals are free. It may not be like, write down your dream 100 list. Write down your contacts.

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Your contacts may not necessarily be your buyer, but they may have access and reach to your buyers. So if you are in real estate and your contact list includes mortgage brokers, people at the bank, people in the business, title companies, These people may not be your buyer, but they sure have access to the reach you are trying to get in front of. So when you are drafting your dream 100 list and you're drafting contacts list, remember, you can get in front of these people with $0. Social media is super impactful. Emails are impactful.

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Asking your contacts for resources, help, introductions, all impactful, and it can be all free. So you need your strategies, your tactics, your metrics, and a budget to go against it. The budget can be 0. The budget can be a $100. It does not have to be a massive source of revenue or income that is needed for this.

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You can lean on your free resources in the beginning and then grow as you need to. Alright. Also, you need a morning routine. Get yourself into a routine and stick to it for 45 days and measure the difference in yourself, in your response, in everything about your life and your business. So first things first, when you wake up, water, meditate, write down your goals.

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These are written in present tense always. So if you don't believe about the $30,000 revenue goal you're trying to reach in 30 days, Say that you're grateful that money flows to you. Do write down something that you can believe in and that it's present tense. It's already happening. K?

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Then you wanna work out every day. You wanna take care of your body and your mind. Breakfast is important. So whether it be a protein shake, grapefruit, something, but make sure you have your workout and breakfast in the morning, then dive into work. You will be most efficient if you have accomplished these things.

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Knock out your day in an effective way. Turn off your notifications. Do the things you need to do, in your daily environment so you can be focused and stay on track. And then reading. Reading is very valuable.

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They say at least 20 pages a day of some sort of book that is motivational, focused on your business, your mental health, whether it be any of these elements above that you can do. Books on tape are great. There's a lot of great people out there. You've got the Andy Frasillas, the Ed Mylett, the Tony Robbins, the Grant Cardone, Garrett j White. Bedros has a great book, Man Up.

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It's I read it, and I'm a female. So, you know, stick to what you are attracted to. Learn from some of these people. Social media is a great resource to find the mentors that you need, and pick up books that are recommended for whatever it is you're working on. And then at night, look at your goals against your metrics and against the budget and track your progress.

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There's a lot of platforms out there in today's world environment that entrepreneurs have the access to sales, anyone, you know, and very affordable. And you can then see what is working and what isn't working and do your pivot plan. So to wrap it all up, a 90 day strategic plan is essential for all entrepreneurs by breaking down your long term goals into your smaller, more manageable chunks that you can stay focused and on track. When creating your quarterly plan, be sure to include goals, strategies, tactics, metrics, and a budget, and a wealth with a well thought out plan in place, you will be well positioned to achieve achieve your business objectives and overcome the challenges that come with entrepreneurship. And, again, the number one reason why businesses fail is to lack of planning.

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So create your plan. If you have any questions, just DM me, ryan You can find me on Instagram, ryan Donatelli, and shoot me a note. So I am always watching my DMs. Please do take a look.

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Get a template if you need one. I have one for you, but make sure that you have a plan. That is it for today, and we will this has been modeling success podcast, and we will see you on the other side.