The Power Life Coach

In this week’s episode “How to Transform Midlife Crisis into Joy”, Sabine Schoepke, the host delves into the concept of viewing life as a game rather than a chore. By shifting our perspective, we can transform daily tasks into engaging activities, excitement and satisfaction. Join us as we explore how approaching midlife as a game can lead to increased motivation, personal growth, and a more fulfilling existence. Learn practical tips on how to play and level up for success in all areas of your life. It's time to embrace the game of life and thrive within it! Start today and have fun with the journey ahead. 

Stay tuned for a mindset shift that can truly change the way you approach each day. Make life a game worth playing!

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

I’ve been working with a wonderful client who has been overwhelmed by the amount of responsibilities she has on her plate. I realized that she is in the position that she is in, because she actually thrives on being challenged. Even though it stresses her out, she really wouldn’t want it any other way. So, I came up with the analogy of looking at her life in general and her tasks in particular, as a game. She thought about it for a moment and started smiling while she was nodding her head in agreement. I knew I had to change her perspective on what was going on and she liked the idea.
After my session with her, I realized that most areas in life lend themselves really well to approaching them as a game.
So, let’s go over this concept. Life can be seen as either a game or a chore, much like the difference between PLAYING in a sandbox versus CLEANING it.
When you view life as a game, each day offers a sandbox full of possibilities where you can shape and mold experiences, learn through playful exploration, and revel in the joy of discovery. Challenges become part of the game, puzzles to solve, and opportunities to level up.
On the other hand, if you see life as a chore, it’s like being tasked with sifting out the debris from the same sandbox. Every task feels tedious, necessary steps become burdens, and the vibrant, playful sand seems nothing more than a box of duties. How we choose to approach life — either as a delightful game or a relentless chore — can profoundly influence our enjoyment, our growth, and our fulfillment in every moment.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
One important hands-on hack for this perspective change, is changing our language from ‘have to’ to ‘get to’. When we do something and reframe what we do as an opportunity versus a chore, it becomes exciting and enjoyable. For example: “I have to make dinner for my boyfriend.” Feels very different than ‘’I get to make dinner for my boyfriend.” One is a chore that makes you think of a relationship gone bad and the other one makes you think of preparing a loving and romantic candlelight dinner for somebody you love. How one little word can make all the difference in the world, right?
This analogy beautifully captures the essence of living life, because it highlights not just the goal, but also the journey. In a game, winning is often the ultimate objective, but what keeps us engaged and coming back is the enjoyment and the various facets of playing. We relish the challenges that test our skills, the strategic thinking that pushes our limits, and the social interactions with other players that enrich our experiences. Similarly, life offers us countless opportunities to strategize our next moves, collaborate with others, and embrace the thrill of unexpected adventures.
Viewing life as a game encourages us to find joy in the process, to appreciate the moments of connection, and to actively engage with our environment. It shifts our focus from merely surviving each day to thriving within it, by leveraging every opportunity to learn, grow, and influence the outcome. In doing so, we transform routine tasks and chores into engaging activities, fostering a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This approach not only makes our daily lives more fulfilling, but also allows us to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience and a positive outlook, much like a gamer adapting to new challenges with excitement and strategy.
When life is viewed solely as a sequence of chores, each day can feel like an endless to-do list. It’s horrible. As we know, this perspective can lead us to burnout because the focus is constantly on completion rather than engagement. It’s like running in a hamster wheel. Chores, by nature, are tasks we often feel obligated to do—they can be repetitive, predictable, and no fun at all. It’s a grind that drains our energy, leaving us feeling bored, exhausted and disconnected from the excitement and spontaneity that life can otherwise offer.
On the other hand, approaching life as a game transforms our mindset. In games, challenges invigorate us; they are opportunities to innovate and experiment with new strategies. Each obstacle or setback becomes a chance to learn and adapt, not just something to endure. The game mindset fuels our creativity and invites us to explore different paths. It's about 'leveling up'—gaining new skills, achieving and actually celebrating personal milestones, and seeing tangible progress in our abilities and in our lives.
This approach isn't just fun; it's energizing. It’s the antidote to exhausting and meaningless business that we are all so familiar with. It infuses everyday activities with purpose and excitement. It encourages us to connect with others, to share strategies and victories, making our experiences richer and more meaningful. Just as a well-designed game provides a balance of challenge and reward, viewing life through this lens helps us maintain motivation and enthusiasm. It makes the journey—not just the destination—worthwhile, ensuring that we are not only surviving but thriving and enjoying each moment to its fullest.
For this week, I challenge you to find one area of your life or business where you can be more intentional and look at it as a game. Start small, but start today, and have fun with it. Because I am convinced that we are here to have fun. Life is not meant to be an endless struggle or a list of chores. It is meant to be lived and played.
Wishing you all an exciting and fun week!!