Behind The Bots

Come learn about RealChar, an open-source AI platform that allows anyone to create and interact with AI companions modeled after real or fictional personalities. In this fascinating interview, hosts Ryan and Hunter talk with RealChar founder Shaun Wei about the inspiration behind this project, how it works from a technical perspective, and the powerful potential applications of this technology. Shaun provides insightful commentary on the future of AI, while sharing the journey he has been on to bring RealChar to life. If you're interested in the intersection of AI and digital companionship, don't miss this in-depth conversation.



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What is Behind The Bots?

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by interviewing the brightest minds and exploring cutting-edge projects. From innovative ideas to groundbreaking individuals, we're here to uncover the latest developments and thought-provoking discussions in the AI space.

people can go on your site real Char it's more like a personal connection because they can talk to someone but
they can still query for things so it's like more fun I think you know our our thinking is like for all the comedian
characters we're going to help reveal this like you can create on your own like you do that you know privately
right you can have privileged version I'm okay you create those do you know do whatever you want with that character
but if you want your community uses we're going to see okay in this like healthy or is like encouraging it's a
good work everyone to use it or are you going to share this with your family first president you're going to ask him I'm going to share this with the kids
with your family right um yeah if it's not probably not a good Health Community it seems like you're
creating a great culture too it seems like the developers and you yourself are really embodying a great culture of how
to use this and how to promote this and really having a great attitude about it I think that
and uh I have been working in the tech industry for the last 10 years so uh
before retire I was working on self-driving cars and uh before 700 cars
and I was on I was on Google assistant team building Google Assistant for everyone um so I'm pretty much like stay uh like
on the trend of newer technology and I always want to bring the technology to
everyone so that's why pretty much everything behind the library chart because we have seen so much momentum
for like um you know all the character space AI companion space but everyone is
trying to put uh put the technology behind the paywall so that's why we think okay it's the opportunity for
everyone to use it and why don't we just open sources like everybody will be able to build their own characters and build
their own like AI Companions and you know also add a little bit like have the
same driving heart technology like making it more time right so that's the thinking behind the library chart so that's pretty cool it seems like that's
kind of like a growing Trend right now is these like characters and things like that
um so just to get started for somebody who's never seen your project before somebody who has no idea about it what
is the project and how does it work yes so um Ian that like you you know very
natural is it's a character you can you know talk to you know AI Elon Musk right
you are you or you can talk to uh AI um some ultimate so they have each of
those AI characters have the similar personalities like the actual public
figure and they also have the same similar voice so you can talk to them in
real time asking them questions get their answer back and ask their opinions
also have your like things have your uh questions be answered by them
um this is just like you know being very simple like way to describe what the real chart is so you like like Champion
GPT at most llms don't have a live um data source to to get information
from you guys do like how do you guys do that yes so the limitation for chargeability is
first is term based right you send a text you wait for response the second is
charge a video training data is up to 2021 right so for real chart there are
two things we improved first we allow you to have a natural conversation just like how human like communicated with
human right you talk to them like imagine conversation you listen back you can interrupt them and in the future
like they can interpreview okay second is uh we also enhance this with like a
internet search capability right so we allow the character to search internet get the most updated information to
answer your questions for example if you go to real chart you can ask uh Steve
Jobs right like what he think is on Vision Pro you can ask like some ultimate what's his thinkings on custom
instructions so those are the things we think we won't enable everyone to try it's like given some you know
personality same like those AI characters you can ask their like real-time opinions on the things they if
they give your opinion what do we look like awesome so like how do you who
determines what like what are you straight like how do you get the real-time data is it from Google or is
it from a search engine or how is that how is that done yeah so right now is uh Frontier search engine we use like
there's several tools that we use but we prefer like Google search within Google search to give you the most accurate
data so whatever in the you know when you talk to the character what it happens is when the character does not
know the answer to that question it's going to try to use a tool you know to search the internet get the most ability
information that wants to realize okay you made no answer that it will give you like what's its opinions on that
particular piece of question you asked awesome and who judges how do you judge what is the correct answer from Google
like because you might get you know 10 different results like how do you how does that works chat GPT
right that's a really good question I think um there is definitely several Frameworks you can do like evaluated
into the accurate information but we are we right now we're now just doing that right now like we basically trust Google
like I ask you the question you should give me the right answer right yeah all
right well I mean Google's pretty it got down pretty well so yes
yeah so you talked about a little bit how you how you think that these projects are really cool they're interesting
um they're very Innovative and uh prevalent right now it seems like
um what do you think uh how can this sort of project benefit the average
person yeah I think this is a really good question um I think just like how Chachi BT works right now
right so GPT give everyone a very simple interface to access these information to
access technology but this is not the naturalist way you can access the
information right I think you know as a kid you learn to speak before you can type so that's why we think you know the
conversation based or the like all your conversation based uh you know this type
of conversation will be more easy for everyone to access information so that's why I think in the future everybody will
be very easy to talk to uh those type this type of air characters and get the
information instantly um yeah so then you don't need to know how the technology Works behind the
scene but you can basically you know get a very simple interface to get the information you need
so you are you sort of like insinuating that it gives like going through how do you
is it real Char or real care how do you say it yeah it's a real Char so real
time yeah character right so real Char do you like it's almost a way
like people go on if people want to find a question to an answer right now they go on Google for the most part chat gbt
is sort of replacing that uh in a way but people can go on your site real Char
and it's more like a personal connection because they can talk to someone but they can still query for things so it's
like more fun yes I think you just hit the point I think
right now I just want the technology and make it cool and fun right so I think
everyone needs to enjoy the technology before you know you can make it part of
life right so that's why we want to like we talk to those famous figures you know engage with them you know enjoy the
conversation that's a starting point and this project is only two weeks old so right so like yeah so this is the
starting point we want to give everyone you have the ability to try it out awesome because most of the time like
someone goes on Google they just go for that one answer but yeah if someone's really engaged with Elon Musk they might
ask him a bunch of questions they would have never asked Google because it's more fun yeah exactly I think Randy just
hit the point I think when we use think of some of the use cases people do ask
like some life advice you know based on the information they provide to Elon or Aid Long right so then they get some
advice from him and I saw like you know on Twitter that someone told me okay they asked some products and they're
like AI give him a new product he never thought of that hey I tried and it actually worked so it's really
interesting awesome so what what inspired you to do this sort of thing
yeah so a really good question so I am more a mission driven person I believe
two missions I want to advance technology so that's the first so the
second part is make it accessible to everyone so it's through my my business my career I worked on the Google system
before because I believe all the virtual assistant should be more Universal everybody should be accessed it no
matter how older you are no matter what are the like education level you are you should be able to access the technology secondly is self-driving car same right
I think when I get old like I cannot drive I want a self-driving car to drive
me so I can be like I don't need to depend on someone right I can still have
to enjoy the like Independence so this is the part I believe also like subrama is universal so that's why I want to
build this real Choice IPL a companionship Universal right everyone should be able to access the technology
be able to enjoy technology without like have a master degree right right so this is the part I believe like the
technology is here so I also everyone to access it and you I I don't know if we
got this on recording so I don't know if you want to go over it a little bit but your background sort of supports that right can you go into your little bit
about your background of where you work and things like that yeah so uh I worked on self-driving car
for four years and uh um very interesting like my team uh on 2019 was
the first team launched property Europa taxi in Iran to access allow everyone to try it out and we got like tons of media
coverage on that so that's before pandemic um then um I worked force of rent car for a
couple years but I still think like sales repart is the future but it might take another like five to ten years because like you know the technology is
so hard and there are so many Corner cases um the second you know before that I was
a Google Assistant the work for Google Assistant for four four years and they're trying to like you know we were
building something similar to GPT plugin very interesting like we were so my team
was what's called like actions on Google so the idea is to bring you know Alexa skill type of like or a series shortcut
into Google assistant right so this was before like skills and the like show so
we're trying to help you know if one example is if you want to ask Google Assistant to take you from A to B whole
system does not have the key ability but we can call Ubers back and say okay we're going to order Uber for you so
that was like uh you know what the actions of Google uh are all about so I were on that team for a couple of years
um yeah so like my whole career has been you know basically help can help with the technology to to help
deliver the technology to everyone so yeah so that's why like I started [ __ ]
awesome and what was the car company can you say what that you worked for yeah so the company called upon your AI so
that's yeah so it's uh it's a global company and uh I uh I spend most of time
in Bay Area so we have a office in Bay Area okay so uh talking about
uh your project here can you give us a little bit I mean I want to go too deep into this because
I mean as a developer we can go down the rabbit hole right yeah um but uh can you give us just a little bit of like what's
the back end stack look like what's your tech technology look like and how this works yeah yeah I think this is part of
the really interesting um you know because I I do a lot of kind
of uh type of teaching on Twitter right there are a lot of people asking me for my opinions on like what text that I
should use for a larger model so that's why when I started with a chart I want the technical Tech stack really simple
everyone should be able to understand you know the crazy thing is like for the first version of real chart the useful
code is less than 1000 lines of code so you can have a bunch less than one less code and everything just works uh so why
so that's why when I choose a technology like um you know foreign text to like how we
inject data how do we serve in the data how do we like do a large number of concentration how do we do the texture
speech those are very simple Technologies or like swappable Technologies so like you know one thing
to mention is oh I have a like stack like or Tech stack of architecture
in GitHub repo so if you search real chart like go to the game repo there is a really nice graph of all the
components we used um also another thing is like we are thinking of to have a serious like a
tutorials for all the tech stacks for the larger number of days because I think there are so many people interested in this and also my team
wants us to get started but we want to do more for the community awesome and one thing that's really cool is like you
you can make a call to Elon Musk it's not just so you can actually talk to them on the website right now yes that's
really awesome how does how does that work talk to yourself yeah so you know because to make it work
there's so many things how to get to right right because like when you make a call your you know your latency should
be less than couple seconds right otherwise you are just waiting for the response so which means like from the
spiritual text you have to basically stream all the spiritual text and translates into text in real time and
then the text needs to go into the larger model to get first you need to get the relevant information right so
you're going to correct all the chromas vector database right get the relevant information through the context then to
larger model get the stream data coming back from the original model then use that stream by text to send to like text
to speech uh uh engines like 11 loss they use that then have each audio put
like truncated to going to send back to the client side then play the audio so there's everything you know from the
from when you speak to when you listen to the audio it's all like streaming uh
extremely like streaming and it's all like not to confuse our our audience that doesn't have a tech background but
it's all synchronous too right like one thing depends on the other like so yeah you can't do anything until one thing
has been completed pretty much yeah um yeah wow wow that's awesome that's pretty
that's pretty incredible yeah um so would you say like I know that
there's a lot of like if you think about different projects like character Ai and stuff like that
do similar stuff to this what differentiates your project real real Char from those other projects
like it gives you the real-timeness right like uh before I think AI is also
adding some of the audio uh input output so we still we started this like
thinking the conversation should be more natural right like not just a text based so that's like the you know the unique
thoughts we need to make sure our characters are stunt like really cool like sound like them right have the
knowledge like them right also like it will uh have a natural conversation so
those are the things uh I think the character AI they also have those like uh you know math characters
um they're also training their bone I think training their own larger model the good things is like they're already doing a lot of marketing education right
so I don't need to edit people like how the character works right so but uh they
are like training they're a little larger model but we believe you know even with the uses larger model like
charge PT and antheropic you can already have very engaging conversations with
those characters so you don't need to train your own model you know to do like to do a character so that's why like we
open source this like because we believe everyone can have their own character like with I was like turning their own
models because I don't think everyone can have enough money to train their own models oh yeah for so how do you go like
right now there's a few different people on on your site well one thing I want to point out before I go into this is one
very cool thing that I noticed for your demo videos is when you're asking you know it's not just Elon Musk you have a
bunch of different people on there as well um on your site celebrities or anyone that's popular in the US
um but you when you're talking to them like it's it is very natural because you're interrupting them sometimes like they're going on something you stop them
like mid-sentence yeah they pause and then you you ask them and they change topic or answer the question which is
really cool yes yeah I think this is the part is I believe the conversation so I believe AI
should learn how human communicate right how you how like how human acknowledge
each other how human like it have a conversation going so but we are like
trying to talk to AI now right like you you tend to how to like how to speak to AI by prom engineering right how to wait
for the response one you know so those are just like populists like living wrong like so but I believe like
Financial is getting there so that's why I started to allow you to interrupt the AI like I said in the future yeah well
you trust you with those like the context right so then it's like I know
it's a little bit Black Mirror but I still believe that's really interesting like really and yeah so this is the part
that's like I believe what I want to solve the audio part first then we will start slowly adding to the visual part
right how AI going to see you understand you by the video like you know how your
moves and how you acknowledge how you're nodding so those are the things like calming and where I it actively actually
working on those no it was something that definitely stood out it was really cool because you don't see that it's always I ask a question let them answer
and then they ask the next question so it really stood out to be a differentiator on your part so that was
cool yeah what um right now there's I I mean I don't remember how many characters are on your
site right now but how does a new character get added can users eventually do that can they do that now or how does
that work yes I think uh we just launched our zero zero two version yesterday uh either
before that all the characters we control like what do we which character we want to add no like
everyone can add their own characters we already have like several committee members added their characters like on
the platform if it goes to real chart right now so there is a community like character like section so you can select
the character Spirit from the community we also right now still you still need to do some little coding by the very
minimum coding for that so because we want to have some like little review process right so like we want to make
sure the character is you know is not harmful in a way right but I think for the future versions we'll have even
easier version for everyone to create their characters but right now it's probably five minutes for a very good
like you know okay you know if you know how to code in five minutes you can create your character but now in the
future we'll probably don't one minute right you know from creation to get out background then after running probably a
couple minutes should be able to do yeah the users will be able to do that eventually do you think yes pretty soon
pretty soon like our team is like actively working on on that like pretty soon so you mean people who people who
just to be clear people who do have somewhat coding background can pretty easily make a character right now
and then you're trying to make it so that uh people who know don't know how
to code can eventually make a character yes exactly so that's our goal that would be very cool so so what what other
uh stuff are you working on right now to improve the platform yeah yeah yeah so
we think uh you know the character should be like I said like character should be uh knowing the like the human
world right like to see you understand you but we're constantly improving how
this capability is right how do how do you know not just text not just audio can we add more capability to the
character so that's definitely one thing second is like we want to when you look at the capture make it more alive right
like making you know start kind of reaction you are like you know uh gestures or like movements right so this
is also like we also had a demo so you could go to like also like real child website there's one Committee Member
there's an error type Tech so one of the company we just partnered with them is they are like adding some really cool
like animations for the characters then it can talk and you know you know when your mouse moves then you can see your
mouse movement so it's it's pretty cool technology but so those are the things like several things we're adding so we
are also adding uh you know the camera should be learned you know not just like not just session based just how like
chargeability added like custom instructions right kind of like Global memory so we're also trying to add those
Concepts into like a real chart is when you talk to a character or we'll switch different characters they still
understand who you are like where it's coming from so you don't need to give them the same context over and over
again so you may have went over this um but I just wanted to to go back
um just a little bit yeah um so
in the most basic terms that you can let's say for somebody that doesn't understand how how this would work how
are you pulling this um let's say somebody goes to create a new character yep where's the
information for that character being pulled from yeah so as a very basic terms
oh we there are several ways you can create a character right so if you know
like you know like openly because we use open yeah right so open air has data until 2021. so if you are trying to
request someone who already exist already famous like before 201 it's very
easy to create them right so like you just give them a name you know some additional background if you use them
that's pretty much it all right like it's yeah this is just like really so
that's the part of if you're using learning about the existing other models you can simply create someone you think
it's like uh you know famous but if you're going to create someone like uh building there are some people asking me
like if I want to recreate my loved ones right so then it might need a little bit more data right like how this person
like personalities and how the person used to talk in a certain way so you
have to give it a a way how to talks back to you right so then even those
data shouldn't too hard right like you can easily convert them into text so even convert text because all the things
we need is text you know we doesn't care about the format so you can if you is
everything it protects don't put that texting give it a name it's just magically works so that's the yeah
that's the thing we're trying to do for the return so we're using primarily chat GPT
okay we also use uh anthropic so we support two like really a really
powerful very cool so they have this this sort of capability where they can take a real person or they could do kind
of like an imaginary character or somebody in their life as long as they provide more data yeah yeah yeah
also it can be a iterative approach right so if you think okay there's certain memories like this character
does not have just keep adding more right so then it will be able to like you know so this is also the part like
why we want to open up to more users right you can just keep adding more data as uh you know if you want this more
look like that person um yeah it's really cool we interviewed who was it that talked about the I
forget the the name of the company they interviewed about this specifically but it's really cool like someone in your
family passes away um you could recreate them and talk to them every day I mean it's got so many different implications it's really it's
really crazy yeah yeah so that's what this is also one of the reasons I open source
technology right I believe everyone should have the technology they should be able to do them all right so but if
you trust us we can help you to to host everything so then you don't need to worry about all technology but
everything is open source so you you can you know so this is I think the trust part is especially for loved ones right
you don't want like yeah you don't want to like give away your data then you don't know what's going on behind right
because you can run you can run can you run this locally as well on your computer very simple very simple like I
intentionally keep it really simple you know if you know basic coding three or four lines of code you get it running
awesome is it just Docker or yeah we have we have a Docker version we have python version right so the talk
conversion even even simpler right two lines of code that you get to run so one thing I want to ask is are you the sole
founder of this sole developer of this or do you have a team and if so how how big is your team grown to now
yeah so I have another co-founder so we pretty much like quit our jobs because
we believe you know this is really powerful technology and we want to really believe or bring this to everyone
you know we also talk about this like you know even even if we don't get any funding we're going to keep going like
we we think this is the future right um then we also have like some Community contributors who help us to be like
front end build our like uh some mobile apps so also like this is a good part to
be an open source right you get people who are aligned with your vision to help you to work on that same vision
yeah it's incredible because if you had to pay these people it looks like because you have uh how many contributors right now in GitHub is it
like 15 or something like that yeah it's like more than 10 I think yeah but if
you got to pay them all salary there's no way you'd be able to survive without funding so right yeah it's awesome what
about the like so all these Technologies like 11 Labs chat gbt
um whatever other kind of back-end uh apis you're calling they all cost money so how are you doing that right now
so right now rather like like we said like we write now as trying to bring fun and
entertaining to everyone right so like uh we think it's like our class is okay for us to to control right now but in
the future definitely we are also thinking about other like business models like okay uh you know how do we
make sure this like we can keep the business running without bankrupt ourselves but we still have some credits
for those companies right so we're going to keep it running for for those products for credits for a while then
like we were thinking about like what what's the right approach uh you know to make it more sustainable can you could
you can you use like llama 2 right now to replace chat GPT do they have an API that would be free or or no no so like
llama two if because it depends on where which uh version or how big the model
you want to host right so if you want to use the most capable models it's like you still need to host
somewhere you still need to have a hosting cost so we compare the cost right so also like internally we are
evaluating halama2 works right so um Lama two is pretty promising in a way
right especially if we're doing conversations it's this really good conversation but in terms of cost
actually calling open as backend is cheaper than we host ourselves yeah wow
yeah so that's probably at one point you know I think I also open I'd be the open
source of community right at one point La Machu might be so small so tiny and really good and can hold on everyone's
mobile mobile or like desktops right then there's no hosting costs right so
uh yeah this is the part like I'm looking forward like looking for the colloquence or Community to contribute
on La material yeah well it sounds like it's only going to get cheaper for the API calls hopefully I mean that's what
it sounds like so yeah so during the creation of this project what has been
the biggest roadblock or the biggest difficulty that you've had yeah well I
think um but during the project there I don't think there's a much like blue blockers
right because like once you get on you know you're starting to work on this like you're really that focused on like dealing with this it's like if it's more
like before the project right because when you talk about when you tell people like think about like if you like at my
position right you're talking to people saying okay I'm going to build a real-time AI character or a real-time AI
companion do they believe you do you think do they think you are crazy like this they will tell you okay there's
already covered in AI right there's already like perplexed like there's so many like people doing this why are you
trying to do this right and you're doing the open source right people think you're crazy so I got a lot of friends
telling me like Why didn't even do this right so it's actually before that like people don't think it is going to be a
big thing and don't think like this is really important yeah so but now you
know no one going to try to me like there's a market whereas what motivated you to keep going
yeah like I said like I'm a mission driven person right I believe the technology is here I believe everyone
should be able to access the technology right not just like someone who is a very advanced technology like expert
right who are able to run like a larger model on your local machine right those
folks like you know who couldn't have a challenge and like to understand this but I want to make it universally
accessible and everybody like even you just just need to you know know how
to communicate then you can use technology right so this is the part Kimmy Ronnie and also like uh you know
in my family I have some like um disabled like family members right so
when I worked on Google Assistant I find that you know like a voice conversation
is really helpful for them right like for think about like for for us it's easy to turn off lights or turn on
lights even for them it's a really challenging work for them to turn on and off lights so that's why I find I should
make like virtual assistant smarter right not just doing simple things also give them a way to access the technology
accessing information you know then I can you know let the Geeks like hand do all the like horror
things behind right so you will be the person just using it right so that's like keep motivates me to keep working
on this pushing you know the technology to everyone so um I wanted to ask you a question about AI more generally so what
where do you see uh the direction of AI as a whole going right now so like in my
name like AGI right so um I work in the tech industry for the
last 10 years uh what I used to see is like the AI was a fancy tool only for
the large companies you know think about like meta Google you know they were powered by AI but it was never a
consumer like functionality it could be here but the way you accept you but you
were a product or AI right but you were not using an air product think about all the recommendation systems like hold on
Facebook works and all those things right try to get your hooks so you are a cons you are a you know you're an AI Pro
so you understand like what I mean so but now with the newer AI Trends you
know everyone can finally use EI on their daily life and this AI is going to
accelerate and uh this is the you know used to call I used to call this like
narrow AI right so a and I so artificial narrow intelligence so this this type of
AI was like before this year right like it was only for certain use cases for
recommendations for like uh engagement or for those type of things but in the
future will be AGI like artificial general intelligence which means the AI can do most of things for you right so
that means like you can understand the words understand like the you know understand who you are on the sense
worrying coming from I understand what you are doing right it's a general intelligence then the next step will be
the aisi right artificial super intelligence so this is a part like open AI really scared of right so that's why
they have this super alignments right so they want to make sure you will we have
that like super intelligence that are beyond the human intelligence right like that's like our goal level right you can
beat human level that type of intelligence we can still make sure that
the Teen Titans aligned with the human right try not kill us so this is the
part is like yeah it's fascinating it's going to be I think it's going to accelerate and uh probably within a one
year or two we might have ATI and how long for super you think Super intelligence
so this is part is I remember someone told me is like human is really bad
predicting the future when they are on a exponentially grow curve right so the
thing is we are on a exponentially growth curve right now right so I don't
know the thing is I don't know if right now it's all the things is like it's still AI kind of a at night larger
models getting close to the AGI but once you have HDI
you know if you stuck all the agents together right
um yeah I think I will I'm really looking forward to the gp5 I think that's the first promise we might have
an AGI yeah it sounds like they're not working on it right now I mean right
well you know like Google's like Gemini is coming right Gemini is coming soon so
once you know what I heard at least like the Gemini will be more powerful than
tp4 but is well it's a reachable level of gp5 which the level of ATI I don't
know but it's definitely going to be like GPT 3.5 oh 4.5 type of work so then
once it's out then we can starting to you know evaluate if it's getting close to AGI it's gonna be a fascinating few
years ahead I mean that's the very least yeah well it's like
right so I think it's you know Cuban the Technologies is on exponentially growing
curve right now it's really interesting moments in the human history you know to witness all the things happening around
us yeah and especially like we like humans are bad like you said bad at predicting
technology like this kind of Technology where it's going to go but you're running a business as well right so yeah
like a little bit like what's your what's your you you tell us a little bit about what about what you're working on
right now like being able to have users uh upload their own characters or create their own characters what else is on the
horizon for for real chart in terms of like what you want to release yeah I'm definitely thinking ahead right
like I'm thinking I had like when the AGI comes like what real term what a real chart will you know what value
which I can bring to the to the user right so like this is the part like I find it's really interesting is like
oh how do you make so how do you build a digital
partnership right you don't sound like you're the physical partnership you know you you and your wife right but there's
how to put what about like digital partnership like you with a a companion so this is the part I'm constantly
thinking right what would be that relationship would look like you know who will be knowing everything about you
in digital life but your wife were doing everything your physical body right so
this is the things I'm currently thinking you know uh this is the part that's going to like psychology like the relationship or the whole human building
trust uh yeah it's really fascinating like also like kind of Westworth type of thing right like yeah so
um yeah it's really fascinating like when I you know I have some wild thoughts but like sometimes when I talk
talk to people like it's more like two black mirror like they get scared oh I
talk about this well yeah I know we like one of the things is like while you're talking
about this stuff it's like we're gonna come to a point where your AI character that you create that you're sort of best friends with he's gonna you're gonna be
closer to that than your wife because you can tell the character how to act whereas your wife doesn't always it's
not gonna listen to some of the things you're saying some of the time so um like that that aspect of what what
else do you uh we can dive into your wild uh yeah analysis what do you think
so this is part of it's like how do you live forever right or do you
live forever like how do you clone yourself in a digital world right does
that mean like when you or first born born then if you keep track of all the
data right understand all the data trying to do alignment cross you and the
Clone you right are you the same like in the future
right so if you know also like you know all the larger model right so once it
gets enough data it can mimic right the media card part is whether charger VT or
what the GPT and you know larger mode is good at so giving enough data of the
visual sound text you know then are you going to live
forever in the digital world right because you are really synchronized with that like your clone
yeah so this is the part is like it also like think about this like you are not generating tons of data right your your
eyes your ears it's not like a you know every day is
only probably gigabytes of data maximum terabytes of data right so your
whole life is pretty much better data right like that's small right so it
doesn't mean like in the future like everyone can have your digital clone
and live forever yeah it's fascinating it's like that's pretty crazy
yeah oh gosh the only difference is like our idea a human's idea of a conscience
we have and we think AI wouldn't have but I mean that you can jump down a huge
rabbit whole philosophy on that one yeah yeah yeah yeah it's a very interesting question of yes yeah it is it at least
be alive for the next generation and the Next Generation right from like something else would be like being able
to I think it was some really cool use cases like people are always so scared about AI until they learn about the use
cases that can help them in their lives so one of the things is like you know someone's dying of cancer someone has
terminal illness they can upload their entire life onto character uh real Char
and or a similar service and be able to live on and talk to their kids I mean it's like that would be fascinating you
know my father passed away when I was little and it would be amazing if I could talk to him now you know and I
think that is going to happen very soon because yeah it has such a such a good application for for people have to go
through grieving and things like that yeah yeah right but then there's another like people will ask you like
then are you actually talking to you know to him right like now you're talking to AI right what AI is going to
play the role in that the thing is like I don't know right like there's so much things we don't
know yet um but I'm just happy you know there's people there's ways we can help you right like if it's so this is like the
intention right like we want to help you in any way I think AI should be helpful in any way we can right uh within the
legal definitely within the legal like uh Edition right but in a way so that's why like I'm open so that's why like
open source of Technology right so even if they're legal telling me like I cannot do this you can still do it on
your own right I can help you do this so then I'm not liable for that but as long
as you think it's useful for you you can use it so I wanted to ask you like
I imagine you have like some Discord or something like that where you see these use cases right yeah what are what are
the majority of people using real Char for yeah so uh it's very like I think when I
build this project I want to be really fun and entertaining project right like you know we are tired talk to Elon Musk
right getting inspired or like or like crypto Sam ultimate about like AGI asking him what he what he thinks about
AGI right all the questions you ask me like you ask them right so they were on a kettle like they are going to response
in your ways similar to their thoughts but still like kind of get a second opinion or sometimes right it's really
helpful right um another thing is like we want to make this uh
however so I want to make this is more uh close to the user right so that's why
I give it the sound effect right so you can hear them so you get here really close to them you know where and they
also if you go to real child they also Express their emotions so I'm also trying to experiment how you how human
interaction with the EI that's more real time right do you accept the type type
of Technology like what type of conversation you are having with those AIS I definitely have people come back
telling me it's like oh I'm not using Target AI why do I use to use a real child right but for those people I were
telling them as like give it a try because I was not a character AI user when I build real-time but why build
this like I found like well I'm tired I'm actually pretty interesting when I talk to like I was talking to Loki right
so like he has a really interesting way to tell you like you know how things is
happening right um yeah so like that part of like uh you know just talk
to someone like um really help you to like be a fight stay positive
one theme that keeps coming up with uh are the people that we interview is like
everyone mentions they have similar products projects to yours or even not similar projects but they're all AI
related is that there's a huge like loneliness factor out there so this could help in that terms because all
these kids are brought up the like the next generation of kids the teenagers kids in high school everyone's attached
to their cell phone and they're sort of disconnected from Human um human interaction now ai is not going
to make that better but at least they can maybe talk to somebody that feels like a human whereas if they don't if
they don't have that many friends it will help in that aspect yeah I think this is also another part I find is really interesting I think alone in this
is definitely something you know we want to help right
um like especially for like senior house those type of scenarios like it's
actually really helpful for them to talk to someone right and also like when we
build these products we also want to make sure like the Catherine we're bringing uh healthy right like are like
stay positive right but there's definitely you know a a a direction is like not safe for work
right I think some of the platforms they are getting tons of traffic for those
but we don't think that's well they you know they have their own youth right
just like uh all the like like only fans those type of words so you do have like fans of followers but for us we want to
be more like healthy and helpful and and you should be able to easily share this with your kids right
easily share this like probably share this with your family so this is the part I want like this should be
something like you know you find it fascinating and look at everyone to use it and without worrying like what's
going to happen yeah now are you gonna so that brings up a great Point are you you guys are open
source you can sort of do whatever you want on your local um computer if you want to make any kind of characters you want but say if
someone wants to create a character based on like some sexual conversation like are you do you guys
have to moderate that or how are you gonna how yeah so I think you know our our thinking is like for all the
community characters we're going to help review this like you can create on your own like you do that you know privately
right you kind of have a privileged version I'm okay you create those do you know do whatever you want with that
character but if you want you the committee uses we're going to see okay this like healthy or is like encouraging
is it good for everyone to use it or are you going to share this with your family first question we're going to ask you
I'm going to share this with your kids with your family right um yeah if it's not probably not good
for the community okay that's a good litmus test right there so yeah it seems like you're creating a great
culture too seems like the developers and you yourself are really embodying a great culture of of how to use this and
how to promote this and really having a a great attitude about it I think that that trickles down throughout the the
use cases as well yes yes um yeah I think there's very interesting there are so many people ask me like um
are you going to create you know more like AI girlfriend yeah boyfriend typo like intimacy Edition
I tell them like it'll potentially eventually like when your companion like it's become really close to you maybe
but you know right now I still want to focus is like bring value to the community like everyone should be able
to use it like safely um at the beginning of the interview you mentioned funding and you guys are sort
of self-funding this right now are you looking for VC funding right now are you waiting for for later are you going to
self-fund it what are you what are your what's your roadmap look like in that yes yes um we you know we do have some inbound
interest on the on the lazy funding part uh we are like also uh uh we're not
actively looking for funding like uh but we do like on our map we will need
funding like uh this year definitely awesome yeah I wish you the best of luck
I think it will be an easy sell to the to the VCS so thank you was there anything
um that we hadn't asked you so far that you wanted to share with people or that you wanted to share about your project
or yourself yeah I think you probably to all your audience like we have a really interesting Discord
right hey so if you are also passionate about a potential yeah character AI companions I share a lot of my thoughts
in this course and I'll share also a lot of the progress and what other things on
the roadmap and we also give also like an incentive to be a part of the community is we give them a like a
something to try before we launch to the public so they're going to like test something really cool stuff before
everyone knows it so uh yeah so like so that's why we you know we already have
600 like members like within the last two weeks like so like the community is growing and you know everybody is like
you know you have a lot of like-minded people like in that it doesn't need to be technical like it can be any level
there's not such new people telling us okay this can be helpful in this way and there's like yeah all kinds of different
uses it's pretty fun and your Discord is just real Char yeah so
um you know in the on the realtor like uh uh landing page there is a Discord
button so you can click that they should be able to join and we'll put a link uh in the comments down below too for for
all for a real Char the Discord your Twitter all that stuff so yeah that sounds awesome it sounds like the
community is really what's driving this the community yeah and human Innovation is really what's going to drive this
project forward that's really cool yes yeah I said there's a lot of people thinking about this we want to like make
a companion a big thing and we also need to compete with the big companies right so like yeah so that's why like we want
to have a community that's be able to you know build a companion for everyone that's great that should be your model
right there hahaha thank you very cool Ryan I think that's all all
I've got we're getting close to an hour here anyways so very cool um yeah but we're super uh except we were super
excited to have you on thanks so much for coming on again we'll be sure to um list out all those links in the in
the comments below and then Hunter if you want to uh have anything else to add yeah so thanks Sean if you want to uh
check out more of Sean's project you can go to real Char uh that's real and then
see oh he's got it right there c-h-a-r dot a I so you see that if you
go to that it'll take you right right on their landing page like you said it's all their social media everything like that uh you can chat with characters and
create your own characters and imagine your own use cases go to their Discord uh hundreds of uh people you can chat
about it um very exciting project we're super excited about it we're excited super excited to see where it goes it seems
like it's just being born so super exciting um and then right if you want to check
out our newsletter uh the newsletter it you can be found at fry
50:30 uh it's a weekday newsletter we provide uh uh usually
three stories uh each day that are groundbreaking um or really interesting in the world of
AI the AI space we also provide some tools um some different AI tools for all
different kinds of uses whether you're a developer whether you're just someone who's mildly interested in Ai and we
write it in easy to read simple to understand way so anybody can check it out we got some fun stuff the fry AI the
fry is just for fun because Ryan's daughter loves french fries so that's how we got the name fry AI we'll have to
post one day if I came home and I my daughter she's only a year and a half old she's eating french fries and all of
a sudden she just goes nuts she's like five years fries like lifting her arms up screaming at the top
of her lungs uh so I gotta get that video posted that can go viral hard sort
of the background and why we uh put the fry AI on top of things just to make it fun nice yeah very good and then be sure
to follow real Char um and Fry AI on you know social media platforms Twitter and so forth but thank
you so much Sean for coming on we really appreciate you um and uh we'll be in touch for sure
okay yeah yeah thanks so much Sean good luck awesome project thank you