The Founder's Journey Podcast

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In this episode, we host Ignacio Carcavallo and discuss his journey and how he built Argentina's largest Groupon Competitor.

Carcavallo's personal experiences and insights provide valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs navigating the complexities of building and growing a successful business. His emphasis on execution, perseverance, passion, and a strong personal board of advisors is particularly noteworthy. By following his advice, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in today's competitive business environment.

🕒 Timestamps:

00:00 - Intro

00:10 - Greg Moran introduces the guest and the episode's focus.

01:22 - Peter Dean Invites guests to share his story.

01:22 - Ignacio Shares his entrepreneurial journey and experience.

04:02 - Ignacio discusses the lessons learned from his experience.

06:25 - Building a support network.

07:25 - Running personal life as an organization.

12:18 - The challenges founders face in seeking help.

14:05 - Loneliness during his entrepreneurial journey.

17:45 - Personal branding and mentorship.

20:36 - Valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and key decisions that determined business outcomes

25:35 - Mergers and acquisitions

28:12 - Crisis management strategy 

28:57 - The difficulty of making critical decisions

32:59 - Methods for managing nightly worries and recurring concerns to facilitate decision-making, including the "parking lot" method.

37:23 - Benefits of deferring problem-solving to reduce stress

43:23 - The importance of not facing big decisions alone, as the podcast concludes.

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What is The Founder's Journey Podcast?

Telling the stories of startup founders and creators and their unique journey. Each episode features actionable tips, practical advice and inspirational insight.

you know I was 26 27 years old I had 100 employees we were doing $10 million a year in revenues in Argentina and had no
team for myself I'm like I'm I'm producing like very impactful decisions every single day for my company and for
my life and I have no support whatsoever that this doesn't make any sense got a fun one today with our guest ignasio
kavalo I personally work nowadays with eight coaches mentors and consultants in
each of the are most important areas of the life that I want to Master somehow
eight freaking coaches why because every time that I have a problem a challenge or you know something I need I want to
achieve that I'm pushing limits all the time I have my team my my personal Board of eight players that I consult with
sometimes I even uh link them and we produce a decision way faster welcome to the founders Journey
podcast inspiration education for Founders by found
welcome back Founders Journey podcast uh another uh episode Peter good to uh good
to see you on here yeah I'm excited to be back got got a fun one today and uh
our with our guest Osio kavalo which he just pronounced it with an Italian
pronunciation as opposed to an Argentinian pronunciation I'm doing with like a Colorado pronunciation so I'm
butching it all the mixture the but we're thrilled to have ignasio with us
today um have gotten to know him a little bit through uh through some conversations that we have and it seems
like uh through our our time uh together as both founders of EO chapters and things like that our our sort of Worlds
have circled around each other so really thrilled it it's an incredible story so uh ignasio is the founder of Argentina's
largest group Bond competitor so turned it into a big company we're g to talk about that today now he lives in Los
Angeles and where he's really focusing on helping Founders to really navigate crucial
transitions um which you know if you spent one day as an entrepreneur there's like a crucial transition every day it's
like if you can make it through the afternoon without a crucial transition you're doing that's right you're doing it's
like record record base so ignasio welcome welcome to the podcast thrilled to have you here thanks Craig thanks
Peter to for the invitation yeah thrilled yeah thanks so um why don't you
start off by talking about um you started a company in uh your your native
Argentina became the largest competitor to Groupon and what that Journey was all
about yeah so uh initially I started working for ab inbev I was 2 one years
old I wanted to be the next CEO of you know the next big company you know retail company and man I was wrong I
mean I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur like 20 years in once I was able to be a CEO and when I got into I mean I loved AB right I I have I you
know very treasure in my heart but damn I was not a corporate guy so so I did three years I learned a lot they were
you know providing me every six months so I said okay I'm done I cannot be a corporate guy the lobby the time needed
in terms of acction I was 23 24 years old so when I was around 25 years old we got investment uh from Switzerland and
Germany so we started it back in 2010 want we wanted to become the the largest
group of competitor in Argentina and Latin America also we were partner sister companies with other companies in
Latin America and it was almost a 10 year n and a half years uh experience we sold in total 65
million with a maximum of 10 per year that for Argentina is huge it's like selling around 50 to 70 million in the
US yeah it's a very small country only 40 to now it's 50 million uh population
we used to have two million users out of a 40 million population count so it was it was huge one one every 20 uh people
from the country were users of our platform um we employed maximum of 150
employees in one year so in total over the nine years we employed more than 700 people uh we bought two of the largest
competitors uh one from the second largest newspaper of the country so I was you know 32 years old we were
negotiating with the second largest newspaper in the country was like kind of crazy for us and then we sold the
company back in 2019 if I'm not mistaken uh so yeah quite a journey wow
that's so and you were you were 32 and you sold it 34 I'm about to be 40 next year H sorry
next week uh so it like next year
39.99 I think that it was 34 35 something that's I mean that's that's an
extraordinary ride at that at that age right I mean what you reflect back on it for a second right and we're going to
get into kind of what you're doing today too but if you just sort of reflect back on it for a second what what did you learn what were the biggest learnings
you think that came out of there for you at that age I write daily on my LinkedIn about
the learnings entrepreneurship is uh 90% perspiration and 10%
inspiration I ideas are worth basically uh it's mostly what you do
with those ideas that's why I was always very open on you know new ideas that I had what you're doing know no nobody can
copy your execution and if someone can execute 10 times better than you will then it it will eventually you know win
the market so um I'm U I'm obsessed about execution in life in general I I
love make CH taben and every single founder that I've met throughout my past
almost 20 years of experience the main thing that I've seen that uh that is
what works in the equation is uh execution perseverance and
passion that that's a combo that's a combo that even when I look into investing into comp companies the main
thing that I want to see is the founder and how resilient how perseverant and now how good is in execution in and
doing uh because as you said know every single day is a freaking month in the entrepreneurial life so many things are
happening some are planned some are absolutely unplanned and you have to be
able to be absolutely and conciously making decisions the important decisions
you know they talk about decis decision fatigue well you better not have decision for as a Founder because every single day you're producing and very
meaningful decisions know every decision is like do I need to cut part of the team do I need to invest this money
I need to sell my company through for you know amounts that I've never seen before do I need to you know close this
deal with a huge competitor it's huge and usually we don't have the past experience once you're seed or you have
the the right as I call the personal Board of a players coaches consultants and mentors that can help you for your
own organization not only for the company then becomes a little bit easier you know to execute you know decision
making but when you're younger many I there was so many months that I I knew I
was making huge decisions and I knew that I didn't have the experience thinking like I'm not sure if I should
go left or right and that's when when we started EO Argentina you know this
entrepreneur Community because I needed my community I needed peoples I needed mentors that I needed to talk to because
even when I realized that I you know I was relatively intelligent relatively good at executing many of those
decisions had no previous experience and the impact was huge so you said for your
own organization and your company talk about the distinction because that's really important thing you said I don't
want to get lost in there absolutely so it's interesting that you know when you talk to every founder and I talk to
Founders every single day with you know right now I'm coaching Consulting and it's very always that
that a Founder needs to build their their um team of eight players you know you want you want the best marketing guy
or or woman the best sales guy the best customer service but then when you uh check their
own their lives and I I treat my life as an organization as a project you know as a company whatever you want to call it
most of Founders have no uh no board for their own organization
they're absolutely alone extremely lonely I personally work nowadays with
eight coaches mentors and consultants in each of the are most important areas of
the life that I want to master somehow I have my either coach consultant or Mentor that I that I talk weekly
bi-weekly or monthly for business performance hormones and biohacking
nutrition and weightlifting spirituality sexual intimacy personal branding
and ontology that is when being certified to be able to coach in the US eight freaking coaches why because every
time that I have a problem a challenge or you know something I need I want to achieve that I'm pushing limits all the time I have my team my my personal Board
of eight players that I consult with sometimes I even linked them and we produce a decision way faster before 10
years ago it was absolutely alone I had a great team Below on the company but
not for my own organization we we we've got to go like we got to go a layer deeper than that I mean that's that
honestly it's the first time I've ever heard this on this podcast it's it may be actually the first time I've ever heard this in general and that's almost
like never happens on this right you built this the basically you've built a team of you said eight right eight
coaches yeah some nine sometimes is seven depending on month right now we brought a ninth because we're working on
you know very important things with u my my partner my J my fiance and we brought a a couple Council that we're going to
be working for four months uh for the next stage we want to get married we want to you know have kids we moved to
the many years ago you know we have some things that we want to master before we get into this you know very important
stage of kids so we brought this counselor and we have the our ninth coach so is this are they are they
rotating in and out are they like what I'm just fascinated by like what like what does this structure look like
talking about this organization yeah your life organization right what what is the structure of that look like so
the structure is like uh as as the company has its own areas and verticals you have marketing customer service Etc
I have M my own areas that I want to master I want to master nutrition for myself right excise my hormones and you
know personal well-being my spirituality Etc so I see that those as areas of my
company my my my my my fiance Etc and I
and I try to be uh the best coaches mentors or Consultants or counselors from around
the world that I can consult depending on the schedule sometimes I have it's
you know once a week once every two weeks or once a month depending on you know the the Cadence of the the topic or
the situation that I'm in if if I'm in the middle of an m&a of course with my business consultant I'm GNA be working
closely now I'm working closer to the intima part and the sexual parts and the the couples Parts just because we're
more focused on that um and many times we do meetings that we you know we link
two of those Consultants because I want to produce a decision that has you know two sides and usually when you talk to a
business consultant it's like business business business when you talk to you know your own therapist or or coach it's
like no you got to balance more and you know be more chilled and you know so I I
I link them I tell them okay we have to produce a decision as a as an organization because if not everyone is
its own Silo right right so we create that team sometimes it's like my doctor
and and my coach it's like we want to push forward you know we want to accelerate the growth of this year but I
need more support on this side and it's a it's way easier to produce uh results
uh decisions constantly and you know decide on the changes that we want to uh go forward so that the team is usually
integrated and I feel absolutely supported the same way as you're a solopreneur versus having a huge team
below you it's like oh great that you I don't need to be the the most expert guy in in marketing in sales in customer
service you just hire the best that you can either external consant or or in a
team so you don't need to be the best in marketing the best in sales you just delegate so I'm not the best in
spirituality I'm not the best in sexual intimacy and not the best in personal branding I have my own coaches consultants and mentors that I can
consult in a regular basis so that my my life organization or company is also
thriving the same as my personal companies you know when you talk about Founders right one of the biggest challenges I think you you probably see
it all the time with Founders as well is you know they they they struggle with asking for help right and what you're
talking about is the exact opposite I mean that's it's you you couldn't get more opposite you know from what you're
talking about right where it's it is literally The Other Extreme from the
founder that loneliness I've I'm carrying the burden of the world on my shoulders
no one understands me I have no help I'm trying to do this all on my own right
when I'm in in front of people that that love I say that that's the the stupidest
uh mindset that you can have as a Founder it's the same the same mindset as you would say like no no no I should
never you know hire employees I have to do marketing I have to do sales I have to do
finances sure if you want to be a solopreneur if you want to be a a freelancer then you may if you want to build a sustainable company that thri th
over time and scales there's no freaking chance that you can do it all by yourself yeah are you stupid or weak
just to get help from a marketing guy from a sales guy no of course not you're building your team right but for some
ego reason they most people don't do that for their own life yeah do you really think that you're the best in
sexuality the best in as a doctor the best nutritionist the best weight Mier of course not it's obvious but it's
easier to sit on a doctor rather than on experts on other fields how did you get to that realization was
it part of your journey that helped you learn that and what was that Lely
AF yeah say that again you were what I I was lonely
a you can you can say as on the podcast
in your journey as a Founder you were that way okay absolutely because
here's the thing you know we had know very big shot investors from from you know ex early stage Skype and Facebook
but then after one or two years we did a management buyout because some other countries you know like Brazil or
Australia were growing way more than Argentina so there was an opportunity for us to do the management buyout but
then we we we didn't have any more of those you know that smart money that was teaching us and helping us uh my my
co-founder amazing guy I love him but he wasn't my boss so I wasn't I mean I was
learning as you know as a co-founder uh and you know my father comes from
education so um I wasn't learning that much I don't have any older brothers you know I was very lonely and I and I knew
I you know I was 26 27 years old I had a 100 employees we were doing $1 million a year in revenues in Argentina and had no
team for myself I'm like I'm I'm producing like very impactful decisions every single day for my company and for
my life and I have no support whatsoever that this doesn't make any sense right it's like giving a junior guy a huge p&l
and tell him like okay you know go the pnl makes no sense you need a you know a CPA or a finance consultant in order to
learn so I saw that as my whole life an organization and I said okay this this doesn't make any sense I have to it's
like imagine tomorrow you will be the president of the United States and you have no Consultants no advisers you
gotta deal with yourself you say like this is freaking mental right deal with that whole country you know you got a
lot a huge team of consultant it's it's obvious so for me it was as that obvious for my own life and Company so I started
creating teams I said you know we co-founded e Argentina okay I have my entrepreneur entrepreneurial Community I
need a business Mentor so I I went to yo I got know was a guy that I really admire and said I I want I want you to
be my mentor I will also Mentor other uh folks you know to to give back and then
so I started you know I started with a coach then I started seeing a doctor and then I went for performance then I you
know I started developing my my spirituality meditation Buddhism so I said said I need a like master or
something you know this is too big for me so slowly and steady I started building my own team and that's why
nowadays I have you know this amazing team I'm super supported and you know
because I'm pushing my limits on every single area of life like relationships my personal life and moving through
countries or sometimes continents we used to live in Indonesia five years ago you know so many things we're trying to
achieve that now every that I need to solop I just go to the team you know
produce a decision and execute it's not that it's easy but it's way easier than having to figure it out by myself right
right there's a huge amount of personal accountability in that um you know
because I think it is and certainly I've been there I still continue to get there
occasionally right where you fall into that rut of you know um I'm alone right
I don't have anybody to to help me when I think you know what what's powerful
about what you're saying is that's just like you're doing it to yourself right if if that's
where you are look around there's a world of people willing to help you
so right so if you don't if you don't take advantage of it that's on you you
see that I'm I've been developing my online branding and my personal branding for two years you know that's usually
you know my best uh lead generation strategy where people know what I'm do you know they contact me and we start
working uh I was doing Instagram I was doing short form reals it wasn't working that much I mean because I was running
ads I wasn't putting so much attention on on on on the content I was just doing it to be there but it wasn't high
quality it wasn't working then the ad stopped working and I got into a crisis because you know the online branding was
uh wasn't working what did I do I went to Matt gray one of the best uh you know
for me yeah around personal branding he became my mentor now I'm part of a
Master man I'm learning a lot from him done switch to LinkedIn uh you know past
six months I've been growing my my following a lot I've done like multiple six almost seven figures in uh in in
deals and I went to an expert the guy has you know build a a community of for
millions of followers in one year he's a freaking expert I'm less than a tenth or a 20th of his knowledge easy I go to the
guy right I need to figure out by myself like I already have to figure out by
myself so many things like make myself easier I I would say I mean with doctors is very easy if you break a bone in half
and you have like an exposed fracture would you be like okay today I'm gonna walk slowly and then next week I'm gonna
put a bandage no you go freaking Doctor it's easy well making harder than it needs to
be it's already hard I have a feeling that Peter and I are both laughing at the exact same thing which is it it's
it's so funny right because you say it it is it is so absolutely obvious right
what you're saying and it's also so profound at the exact same time right it is there is nothing about what you're
saying that isn't completely obvious completely true will work 100% of the time and
yet that's right and yet we will wander around in
circles endlessly right sleepless nights insomnia Non-Stop and
and not and just not do it so we've been talking about yourself right we've been talking about how this is um this has
been your journey but you're coaching now and you're talking about helping
Founders navigate curs transitions how do you apply this to them how do you how do you take these
lessons that you've learned and instill this impart this knowledge instill this into your coaching Lily I've been doing
this for two years I had have more than 350 sessions with founders I have 100%
success rates and people are like absolutely mindblown because suddenly I I become what I call an unbiased partner
suddenly you have a business partner and also a life partner in that case that
has no bias that knows you know what what you are going through and you what you will be going through and my only uh
goal is your success I mean the only way that I can be successful is because you you are being successful uh so they're
absolutely mindblown because they have been working on so many areas and and and Topics by themselves and many of my
clients I implying my own Consultants are or coaches you know let's say that you know we start you start sing your
company it works better now you realize that you have a problem with your marriage I start doing some coaching but
of course my limitation is is very obvious if you know we have two kids you've been married for 15 years I plug
the the the couple's therapist and then you you started working on your hormones and you know I can help you sleep better
and do some hygiene but of course I'm I'm not a health expert so I plug in my my hormones doctor and
suddenly you start having my own personal board and you start seeing that your life is so much easier same as if
you were completely Lo your company and you start hiring the marketing guide the sales guy and you have a team it's so obvious that the company is going to
grow it's easier you can delegate so the way that that we work is no I specialize in crucial transitions yes a Founder
that is scaling and moving you is usually constantly in a crucial transition but you know there are some
more crucial Transitions and what I've seen is that you know I I talk about natural confidence and EAS and the
concept that I'm developing uh kind of like trademark natural confidence means that I only partner up with high
performing Founders High performing founders of course are confident it's not that people are shy they you know
they shy about they have achieved great stuff but something has happened right now in this crucial trans transition
that their confidence and their Clarity is affected why is this because uh uh
this comes from the book flowing in business from miali 60 something sorry I don't know
that when the challenge level is too high versus your skill set it creates a huge anxiety and
impostor syndrome that's where imposter syndrome comes it's not that you're super it's not you're imposter but the
challenge Lev level you are right now versus your Cent skill set creates the
lack of confidence imp syndrome and the lack of clarity so I become uh this skills
accelerator and support to help you bridge that Gap so that you are able now with extra
resources and support to to navigate this challenge so for example you had a thriving business the pandemic hit
things like stores are closed the whole world is upside down suddenly it's a you know a completely unknown know challenge
where usually most many people didn't know what to do so by having this uh Team of of
supports it's easier to develop action plans and to give you the skills that you need to breach that Gap and re re uh
uh feel again that uh that confidence that natural confidence that a Founder
has uh have absolute Clarity because I've seen that usually Founders when
they have Clarity nobody can stop them like you know they they execute like crazy but men when we don't have Clarity
in what to do oh we dread the decision it can take weeks or months we pay huge
cost we don't sleep should I do this or that but what if this and what if that
it's terrible and with one session we can absolutely determine have Crystal
Clear Clarity on what to do so that then you can go and execute and that's when
the East part comes we start creating action plans you start being supported I give you all the tools and resources
that you need and suddenly that huge like very difficult problem or challenge that we were
facing it's just one more thing you have an a clear action plan and then we start
executing during the months and you know that every single week or month you have you have an unbiased partner that will
work with you that is supporting you along the way and every time that you feel stuck or there's an obstacle
because you know you execute something happens MVP style you know you have to iterate you have something to work with
someone to work with that understands what you what you're going through and that has some extra tools easy same as
with a doctor you start a plan you start a medicine then it works it doesn't work you adjust eventually you you know you
get out you get rid of the disease see course easier said than
none yeah that's crazy um so re like
reflecting on your journey as a Founder what decisions or actions did you make
that really determine the outcomes of your business and your boundary Journey like
okay I think one of them you kind of answered for us but there was uh I think that the toughest the toughest toughest
of decision and this this brought idus for my co-founder and I you know the ear
buzzing maybe for or whole time our lifetime is that 2015 we have bought two
of the largest competitors with six months of difference it was it was huge it was our first m&as we did two in one
year with one we we brought in 25 employees with the another one we brought like 50 employees so we were 150
employees three cultures kind of like three companies in one it was crazy we're doing 10 million in revenues uh we
had a technical problem and suddenly even when we were uh you know improving our office because we're absolutely
jammed um we lost 50% of sales almost overnight um and for like two or like
two months we were like in the in the war room with my co-founders saying like the heck are we going to do it was very
difficult to turn around it was you know our IPS were banned in Hotmail and we were very reliant on newsletters 65% of
our newslet our revenues came from newsletters we're selling sending a billion uh emails per month so you know
it was a very intensive operation yeah and um we went to you know a very good
friend from from EO someone entrepreneur that I respect a lot and we did a a
immense strategy session and he told us you have right now an elephant like a Titanic that is sinking and if you don't
cut uh 75% of the cost and the people you're gonna die this is like SED and
and we were like what the heck are you talking about we just bought the companies we just hire people my worst
nightmare ever and of course we were like verying to people like cor values you know right like we we we paid all
our salaries in white we're all correctly registered that for Latin American countries you know there's a lot of informality
like I need to uh you know let go 100 people that this is freaking mental for me I couldn't
even uh but after a long discussion with my co-founder we we said you know if if
we want this company to thrive and to survive we need to take care of the other 50 families that we have so uh we
made for me there was a hardest decision and then it was the hardest decision for nine months because over nine months we
had to negotiate we didn't have the money so we had to negotiate one to one with each person a lot of tension a of
Crisis lus you name it the worst nine year the worst nine months of my professional life we both developed
tenos we had insomnia gastritis you name it and then next year we were 45 we had
worked on our core purpose our values implemented us we had amazing PE people
completely aligned we got back to10 million but with a third of the team it was the best year of our professional
life but men it was hard and it was that day that we decided to you know start
this cut cutting plan that was violent for us violent of course for the people
that's um it's those it's those kind of decisions right that I mean it's that one decision that you have to make that
is um that is so brutal you know I think so many so many of us who have built you
know Peter's been there I've been there and those things but you know you kind of get to the other side you look at it
and it's like oh my God had I not done that like what kind of a disaster well
you just wouldn't be there right you just wouldn't be there and you know so I'm gonna I want to change the question a little bit right on it so if
you think about your own Journey because that was a that was a really big decision that you had to
make but so many Founders spent so much time and you alluded to this before worrying about that never actually
happens right so if you kind of think about your own Journey like what's the biggest thing you think that you sort of
spent time agonizing about that in retrospect it didn't didn't actually matter at all
right going bankrupt that was your wor I think like
for nine years every single day yeah because it was it was a huge company $10 million in your revenues but of course
like more margin huge overhead we had like 100 to 150 employees no service
based company um but you know I I I did some investing over the past years in
the stock market and in crypto and they tell you the day you know there's a a good phrase the day the day that you
stop wearing is the day that you lose your Investments because you got to be paranoid and worried for the market you
know to up to the news and you know the movements and you know Investments and everything so I think it's kind of like
a double edge sword on one case on one side uh you know it's it's real the
first five years first seven years depending on size of a company you it's still a baby it's the company still a
baby or a toddler it can die almost any time like there almost any disease out there
can be fatal and there's so many diseases um potentially for the company
so it's a mixture between like being worried because of course money was tied and cash was tied but on the other side
you're a little bit more defensive and you know you're you're checking all the potential scenarios to avoid that and
the reality is that you know the statistics more than 80% of the companies go bankrupt in the first two
years and then 80% of the the rest of those 20% of the companies left go also bankrupt over the next two or three
years so the reality is that the probability of having a successful company over five or 10 years it's
extremely low yeah so you're not being paranoid you're being actually realistic yeah yeah so is it healthy is
it was that worry healthy so uh what what i' what I've seen is that H by creating these teams
of consultants and coaches and stuff it reduces the anxiety and you can plan more ahead because not like you're
worrying you have no you have no not much experience or you going through an m&a you having good experience on an m&a
you go through you know a downside of a company you don't have exper perious experience so uh of course some kind of
uh you know attention to the potential problems is important but the extreme
sense that we always all feel that we really feel that we're gonna die every single day with with a company especially the first years right can be
mitigated by having a great team of consultants and sometime if you don't have the budget you can ask you know you
can always find mentors that are willing are going to be willing to to give you a hand and if you can pay for them I try
to pay for the best around the world that I've seen that that reduces drastically because suddenly you know
you go to someone that has had this experience they paint you the picture to tell you you know this can happen or if
you're afraid of this these are all the things that you could do where I can present you with someone that can fix this problem so suddenly you feel more
supported because if not you feel that there's no safety Nate right there's no safety Nate then well then then when the
anxiety kicks in there's a there's an interesting exercise um that somebody
taught me not long ago probably about a year ago um I don't know if you ever used this or anything before but where
this person who explained it to me is like they they explained it as the evening worry dump right I don't know if you ever heard of this before but it's
like it's a really inarticulate way of saying it but um but it's basically like actually physically before you're going
to bed at night to write down the stuff right write down the words take them out of your head put them on a
piece of paper yeah brain dump that's right and if night after night you and
it really is amazing when you do this for several weeks it's the same stuff
right over and over and over you're just ruminating on the exact same thing and the advice was look if you see those
things appearing sometimes it just appears and disappears and it's because something happened that day or whatever it's fine right but
that stuff that you're that is showing up day after day after day after day
that's where you need the support that's where there's a trauma that's where there's a fear that's where there's
whatever it is right that's where you need to then start to Target it if for
me I don't always do it and I get in Spurs where I do it for you know a couple months and I kind of stop and
forget or whatever um but it's enormously powerful when you start to think about those those constant you
know those worries that just don't go away yeah I mean with my clients I use what I what we call like this comes from
EO the parking lot tell them exactly every time every time that you feel that there's something repetitive that You'
like to have a breakthrough you have to have Clarity you have confidence you would like to make a decision plan you would like to make an advancement write
it on the parking lot right it's a brain dump take it out of your system and you know that you'll have the space to
support have that support and they know that with one session we solve
we have an action plan they have Clarity they have confidence so it's easy now you have a place to get it out of your
mind and you have a place to address it also because you're not evading it El so well you're also not forcing I think the
power in that too and you know being I mean I was you and I talked about this before I was an EO member for 15 years
YPO member for bunch more um I I I am not 39.99 years old um so the uh you
know but I think that the power in parking lot right was is also you don't have to solve it right now just get it
out of your head right because I think the other and I would I I mean I was like freaking worst when it came to this
like if it was in my head I had to solve it right like it had to be done because
actually forget about I was gonna forget or it was gonna get worse or whatever so like needed to be needed to be handled
right now and by doing that by taking out it's the same thing as that kind of evening brain d right by taking it out
you're seeing it it it's there it's memorialized now I'm going to go solve it but I don't have to do it this second
it's it's it's relatively similar to the calendar if I tell you okay you know on Tuesday you're gonna have this meeting on Wednesday you're gonna have this
meeting at 10 a.m. remember remember your your mind is gonna be oh my God I need to remember all these things right
put it down the calendar you know it's there easy and you will address it when the time comes so I'm not saying that
just by you know writing it down the problem will disappear but you're telling the brain hey we got you you
don't need to remember this constantly I got you it's it's printed here and then next week we're going to have a you know
a setting where you can address this so all good like all is well yeah yeah and it really reduces by like let's say 80%
the times that is repeated because most of the times that is repeated is because you think that you're gonna forget or you don't know when are you gonna solve
it but when you have a plan you have certainty yeah yep we have one question that we like to ask but I'm going to
change it a little bit for you because I think you answered it so um and we usually ask like what actions or
decisions you wish you had made back before um do you think when you were
going through that moment you described if you had more of your full team that
you have today that you yeah developed over time that would have changed how you felt or the the outcomes of what
happened to you personally as a person my selling point on on my company
nowadays with coaching and Consulting is if if I could only coach myself 10 or 15
years ago man my life would have been so much but you needed someone like you is
your point like you yeah and I and I and I you know it brings me so much joy when
uh some people come with some maybe less age or less experience on on so many things and I and I see myself
represented you know 10 15 years ago five years ago and I'm able to help them and they know avoid all the mistakes
that that I made it kind of it's kind of like healing you know yeah I can impact
them uh so yeah of course and for for example if I had a great uh business
consultant when we had our the first offer for our company that that we didn't uh accept uh the the main problem
was you know was a bigger offer than the last one that we sold and because we had gone through this terrible experience we
turned the ship around now we're doing $10 million with 45 people super align da da da we said no now the company we
went through the worst hell now the company's worth way more and we had a good a great offer from a great party
and we said no we're good and we didn't see we weren't focusing on the macro and the country was you know starting to do
really bad and then the past five five or eight years everything have been like terrible last year we we went on the
number one podium in the world of inflation 270% number one in the world
so imagine like where it was going to and I wish I would have sold uh back then and we were greedy same as
with the investing we got greedy uh we we thought that we could do way better and now I regret and I and many times
that you know clients come and they have a really good offer and they get greedy I share my experience and I'm not I'm
not saying that they should sell I try to paint the picture of my own experience to really assess if this is a
good offer and depends if they want to sell they should versus no I just want more I just want more yeah and maybe
they're burnt out they don't want they don't really want to you know continue with the company so we really understand
if they actually are not willing to sell right now because then you pay huge costs yeah
even when you say and you have a a better valuation it really you have to really see on how much stamina have you
got because usually we pre predict the future by seeing the past events and that's uh a fla in the entrepreneur
world yes you have more experience but you may be more burnt out with this business with your co-founder with the
business model and maybe the way that you were hustling and executing the past four years may not be the same way that
you will execute the next four years maybe it's better but you need to assist that that's and that's where that
transition starts right I mean that's where yeah that's that point of transition to figure out you know what
is what it maybe you know I think a lot of times and I know you know this I
exited my last company in 2020 and um stayed on as the CEO for about 18 months
and and I know you know a lot of times you're just kind of hanging around the hoop right because you don't know what else to do and I I think you know that's
that become that in itself right that it's that transition that if you can start to think about those things a little bit in advance right maybe just
having that little bit of a plan it's the most important decisions that you're doing in your whole life why on Earth
would you do them do them alone right right I uh that is a perfect way to end
this ignasio I think uh this this was super I mean look Peter and I are unbel
bless because we get to do these interviews all the time with people and we we talk about all the time that like
the the the most fun part of doing this podcast has nothing to do with like other people listening or something this
is just our excuse to talk to really amazing people like it like we could do this without recording it' be just as
cool but this is really uh I mean it really what you're talking about today
is super unique and I think um enormously valuable so thanks for uh thanks for sharing it if you don't
follow ignasio on LinkedIn there are a few people out there that I would say this about but there but it's a handful
and ignasio is at the top of this list he is an absolute must follow if you're a Founder entrepreneur and um so uh
we'll stick your the link on on LinkedIn um at any other social otherwise how
else do people reach you if they want to talk to you about coaching anything like that what uh L L is my main social media
noway I mean Instagram all so and some others but LinkedIn is the main got it and uh so just just hit you through DM
if they want more information on L my team is there within my my DM so cool cool I have to say one thing um Greg
used to fill like three of your slots that you had for for I just fired him
for two of of as my friend Mentor F kind
of three of what you ate I think he we'll have to have this discussion later but I think I'm going to have to go find
more people you may not though say which ones I won't this is this
atast because there were a couple I'm not sure I'm the I know yeah so well we're just gonna leave we'll
leave it at you could figure out which ones those are but it's not uh we did couples counseling with my co-founder
for one year yeah yeah wow amazing well this is that is so cool
this is awesome Osio thanks so much for joining us um if you lik the episode as
always if you're listening you liked it share it like it comment um what whatever platform you're listening on
and uh and help us continue to and write a review um if you haven't done that and
uh just so we can continue to push this out there so thanks again we'll see you on the next edition of the founders Journey podcast