National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Thursday the 14th of March 2024
NHS England has announced that 10 more trusts will benefit from an innovative AI tool that can predict missed appointments and improve clinical efficiency. The solution was originally piloted at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust where it cut the number of ‘did not attends’ by nearly a third.
NHS data shows that, of the 124 million outpatient appointments last year in England, eight million were not attended by the patient, which cost the health service around £1.2bn over the year. This latest roll-out can help avoid missed appointments, save money and reduce waiting times.
A landmark new policy framework means NHS staff will receive up to 10 additional days of paid leave in the event of a miscarriage. Women who experience baby loss in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy will be offered the extra time, while their partners will also be entitled to an extra five days.
The national launch follows a trial within the NHS in Birmingham which had a positive impact on staff retention. Health leaders hope the policy can be adopted in other sectors across the UK.
The UK Health Security Agency is partnering with the Pirbright Institute to improve pandemic preparedness and boost global health. The new collaboration will focus on developing a vaccine against henipavirus (he-ni-pa-virus), which is a genus that includes Nipah virus.
Nipah virus can be transmitted from animals to humans and is considered as having the potential to cause another pandemic. Rather than focusing on one virus however, the researchers want to develop a vaccine against the entire genus to maximise protection.
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