Traffic School

Traffic School with Viktor Wilt and Lt. Marvin Crain of the Idaho State Police. Topics discussed include the Judas Priest concert tomorrow night at the Mountain America Center, flying cars and sky troopers, proper pedestrian and jogger etiquette, animals on the roadway, what happens if you bring something that is legal in Nevada yet illegal in Idaho here and vice-versa, window tinting, trick or treating, dressing Peaches up for Halloween as Princess Peach, the Life In Idaho Falls Facebook group, marijuana laws, driving under the influence, Cybertruck cop cars, the Greater Idaho Initiative, pursuits

What is Traffic School?

The official replay of the weekly KBear 101 live call-in show featuring Viktor Wilt and Lieutenant Marvin Crain of the Idaho State Police. Join the show with your questions live every Friday morning at 8:45AM at!

Cops are in the house. Oh, buddy. He was calling me to let him in. We got new procedures around here. Well, I tell you what, top.

That's right. Notch. Procedure. That little panel out by the front door? Beautiful.

Very classy. Looks like a big screen TV. I know. I wanna know who's looking at me when they're looking at me in that camera. Anybody that wants to, probably.

Probably anybody that wants to. Yeah. I would assume, you know, Jade was staring at you, maybe Bill. I should've said it went like this. Yeah.

Maybe we shouldn't tell listeners there's a camera. Inappropriate things might start happening. But you are on sunny side, listeners. So you need to behave yourself. That's an, you know, pretty busy road one.

Now you just put ideas in people's heads that they didn't have. I didn't mean to. You did too. You did it by going maybe I should do a little twerking in front of the camera. What are you all dressed up for?

You. Well, you could've chose a better tie. I'll tell Cash that. I don't know what's up with this brightly colored. It's, kinda I don't know, off kilter for you.

Is there a meaning behind the scene? That was handmade in Ghana. Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. I mean, it it does look, like different material. But if you wanna if you wanna diss my family and our stuff, you feel free. Well, it's fun. I didn't say it was a ugly tie.

I said it was unique. You know cash has a complex as it is, and now you've even you're you're striking below the belt. Cash, you you did a great job with the tie. It looks wonderful. Well, I'm glad that you dress up to come to this program.

Well, I Somebody has to. What do you mean? Look at me. A zipping suit. Zip up hoodie.

Yeah. It's it's getting cold out there. Getting a little bit chilly. So thankfully, the show we were talking about before we jumped on air is going to be inside of the Mountain America Center Judas Priest. Oh, yeah.

Breaking the law. And it's funny that song was scheduled to play here in a few songs. As a matter of fact, I I would have guessed that's your favorite. I I told you. That's the only one I really remember.

Let's see. What about living after midnight? Oh, yeah. Do you know that one? Yep.

I do remember hearing that now. What about pain killer? That's a, you know, a little bit Little bit more here. No. You I love it.

I I ain't gonna try to hit those notes. Yeah. It should be a fun show. Those those eighties shows, they're always wild, man. I I hope to see lots of big hair.

You know, you gotta have the big hair out for the eighties bands. Even if it's Judas Priest, I wanna see people get that aqua net going. Get the hair poofed up. You know, some, jean jackets with some cool patches on them. Let me ask you this.

You and I both were raised in the eighties. Right? How old do you think I am? I mean, I was alive in the eighties. So, you know, so my point being is if they were singing in the eighties, what do they do to maintain their hair?

Because I sure couldn't have the same hairstyle I used to have. Well, I know that Rob Halford, the vocalist, he has the same haircut as me. So So the other guys, I guess they're just lucky. Yes. Or it could be a wig.

Could be a wig. Be kinda sad if your favorite metal band trying to stay looking young was wearing wigs. Well And that fell off during the performance. Yeah. You know?

Just shave your head, dude. Just shave your head. It'll look cute. So 208-535-1015 is the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. This program is powered by you and your call.

So if you want it to happen, you need to call us and take part in the show. Peaches had a question. You know, and I think we might have talked about this before, but I'm not sure. Flying cars. Alright.

One, do you ever think flying cars will actually be a thing? Because it's not a technology problem. We could clearly have flying cars right now. The reason we don't have flying cars is because people are stupid. They can't do roundabouts.

Exactly. If you can't do a roundabout, we can't have people flying all over in the sky. It'd be a disaster. They say flying safer than driving. That would have changed immediately.

Yeah. Overnight. Everybody, like, I can't wait to get on the road. The actual road. But then you have things falling out of the sky.

Yeah. Dude, people would be crashing into people's houses. You'd have drunk drivers in the sky. You don't need this. People texting while flying?

No. Humanity is never going to be in a state that I think we could have flying cars. Right? But would you like to be a sky patroller? Oh, yes.

I could see you up there flying around, hiding behind clouds. Have my Jefferson's jet pack on to walk up to the car. You know how fast you were flying, sir. Yeah. I think jet packs are another thing we're never gonna see because people are too dumb.

You're gonna have to have it to go from your car up to the other car. But now, also, how do you guys pull over to the side and park while you're waiting to be talked to? Yeah. I it it's just not reasonable to think that we could have flying cars. I mean, there are enough issues with, like, airplanes.

You know? We got air traffic control, one of the most stressful jobs you can do. Imagine if there were cars in the sky too. Oh. You know, it it's just not gonna happen.

Watch out at center and main. Linda just piled her up again. And then when people crash in the sky, that crash then Comes down. Comes down and creates a new problem on the ground. Alright, Peaches.

We got your, update there. Lieutenant Crane would like to be a sky patroller. Also, Jay Miller from sales has a question too. Where where is he? He he was like, I'm gonna wait till they get to break.

And I'm like, they're not gonna go to break till, like, 9:15. Yeah. Yeah. No. If you wanna ask a question, I wouldn't stand out there for a half hour.

Jay Miller, everybody, coming to the studio. Jay Miller. I guess listeners who don't wanna call will rely on Jay Miller and the Peaches to power Traffic School powered by the Advocates. Nobody's calling? Not yet, but we just got going.

It's usually how it is. We gotta kinda yell at them a bit, jabber on and then Not we. Okay. I yell at them and jabber on and then eventually it picks up steam. So That makes sense.

Yeah. That makes well, I was gonna stand out there. So I'm glad Peaches came in here because I didn't wanna be standing there for another It would have been a long time till we took a break. Nice. So Why am I getting cold?

I I do have a legitimate traffic school question. Great. Yeah. So I'm a runner and I Can't hardly tell. And, I run I know.

I run against the grain of traffic on main streets like, say, Pancari or 17th. Right? On a on a main thoroughfare. And, as I'm running against with traffic, when I come to a light, cross four way intersection, four way light, I wait until the light turns green in the flow of traffic, which I'm running. And so I had a situation the other day where because I don't always hit the button for the crosswalk light.

Germs. Because I'm running. Right? Germs. That too.

And so I was the light was green for the flow of traffic in the direction which was I was running, but I'm against traffic, and there was a guy coming at me, and he was making a right hand turn with the green light. I was running straight through. He got all mad at me because I'm in the middle of the intersection, and then I got mad at him and I'm throwing my hands up. And then when I got to the end of the intersection, I'm like, I don't I don't actually know if I technically had the right of way on that one being the pedestrian. So when you have a controlled light, it sounds like you're at a controlled intersection with controlled light.

The only time that you can cross that is when it's giving you the walk signal. And when it's giving you the walk signal, you have to be within the crosswalk. So you may have been in the wrong. I don't wanna point fingers. Well, that's okay.

That's okay. But see, I thought pedestrians always have the right of way. Like, you could just walk out into the street. And So you went to college at BYU Idaho too. Where do you think where do you think, oh, if I go get hit by a car, my tuition's paid.

Yeah. I mean, I've I've driven down 4th Street And ISU and 5th Street in Pocatello many, many times, and that's clearly what they think down there. You can just walk out on the road. Yeah. No.

We've seen a lot of windshields get broke out by college students that End up on the hood. End up on the hood and the windshield. And the the fact of the matter is you have to be in a crosswalk to cross without. So I'm I'm always in the crosswalk. Yep.

But you gotta have the crosswalk side. Flow, like, with the green light. I just don't always push the button to get the crosswalk sign. So the crosswalk works where the sign says you can now cross. Yeah.

And gives you the little walking person. Man. Alright. Well, then I owe that guy an apology. I'm sorry to whoever you are that I threw my hands up at you.

You aren't only number 1. You're not only number 2. I'm sorry. I did not do that. There was no number ones and number twos, but but I did.

I got the solution so that this never happens to you again. What's that? If you had shaved your head like I told you, you would've looked so scary, he wouldn't have done anything. That's true. I'm like, I ain't messing with that guy.

It's becoming a thing. I am. I got a solution. Stop running. Treadmill.

That's also or run on less busy roads. Yes. Yes. That's go to the park. I had a guy ask me one time.

I was leaving my office to go run. He goes, oh, you going running? I said, yeah. He goes, you leaving from here? Yeah.

Where are you running to? Oh, I don't know. I'm gonna run down. Where are you gonna end up right back here? Then why are you going?

You're supposed to be running from something. Right? That's the that's the key. There's that line in Back to the Future 3. Run for fun.

How fun is that? I or, I think they call it yawging. The the j might be silent for for Anchorman. Alright. Well, Jay, be careful out there.

I mean, Jay Davis almost gets hit on the road trying to cross at the crosswalk with the walk sign almost every day. I know. Well, now I know. I have to wait for the walk signal. So thanks for slowing down my time.

Yeah. You got it. What you just did. You you have to jog in place. I have to.

Yeah. Appreciate appreciate the insight. Thank you. Jay Miller, everybody. Jay Miller.

Alright. Now we'll get to you callers. Kboo, you are live on Traffic School powered by the Advocate's Injury Attorneys. Who's this? This is JD.

Good morning. Love you. Love you so. Oh, thank you, JD. Excellent.

What's going on, man? Wanted to I just wanna put in a word to the lieutenant there or sergeant or captain or, you know, the boss. I, I hit a coyote last weekend about 1:45 in the morning or so. And, the state trooper that responded, I just wanna say he was a great guy, nice guy. Super helpful.

Real professional. Didn't even look at my long hair and blink. Time to search your car, buddy. Yeah. What you what you doing out at this time of night?

Get your hands on the hood, pal. Yeah. Didn't even me coming home from a bar playing music. You know? Well, that's why it's good to be the good to be a sober guy if you don't reek of whiskey.

Like, yeah. Alright. There is And they're starting out with the, statement. You got a problem with me. There is that 28 years of soberness that, helps a little bit sometimes.

Absolutely. Yeah. But I just wanna let him know that, the officer was a great guy, and I really appreciate his help and him being there. Right. Well, thank you so much.

Good good good job, state troopers. Thank you so much. And Yourself. Both lieutenant Crane and I will see you tomorrow night at Judas Priest, JD. Yes.

You will. Yeah. I'm headed down I'm headed down to Jackpot to mix a band tonight. Nice. So I'm on the road now.

Alright. Well, have fun in jackpot. If you get pulled over coming back into Idaho, don't be surprised. But Well What happened to that boss trooper? You're done with magic magic.

Do you still want me to get that big order from the dispensary? No. What are you talking about? I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Victor.

I'm sorry. How dare you? So you're trying to tell me that it can be legal in Nevada but it can't be illegal in Idaho. That's what you're trying to tell me. I bet you guys hear that a lot.

You don't know what you're doing. I have a medical card. Yep. I got a medical condition alright, but it has nothing to do with that. Hey, JD.

JD. JD. Oh, you're usually so good. Leave it. Leave it.

Leave it. I did. I did dump. Hopefully, the dump button is working. I don't know.

They've been doing a lot of work in that engineering room. I hope it worked. Alright. Alright. Well, guys, have a great weekend.

I'll see you guys tomorrow night. Alright. Thanks, JD. See you. Peace.

Thank you. Bye. Alright. Everybody else who was calling, you can call us back 208-535-1015 for traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorneys. I think that brings up a good topic that we haven't talked about for a while.

Alright? Just because something's legal in another state doesn't make it legal in our state, and just because it's legal in our state doesn't make it legal in their state. Right? So when you're doing certain things, you may want to check the surrounding states that you're traveling through and make sure it's legal all the way through. Yeah.

Like, for example, concealed carry. Yeah. I would assume, Idaho's a little you know? We're we're pretty relaxed on that. Relaxed on that.

Everybody can do it. But, I mean, as far as the states surrounding us, are there even any others right around us that allow everyone to consume you? I don't have. I don't have. You should know.

We know you're hiding at the billboard on every state border. Come on. So, yeah. I, you would think people would be aware that just because something's legal elsewhere that Idaho might might not be, but yeah. I bet you guys deal with that probably like daily.

Yeah. Yeah. You were, you willing to lose your job over this? K Bear, your live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this?

This is Jake. Jake, what's up, man? What's happening? Question. So I know you're bringing other states kinda into the mix.

So, like, with window tint in California, super no go. But here, it seems kinda a little lax, I guess, is the word you'd use. Yeah. So we we're 35% on the front passenger and driver's window, 20% on the rear passenger driver's windows, and then 35% on the rear most window. Now if we hear this all the time from folks coming out of Arizona, I live in Arizona, but if they have limo or blacked out tint, we can still stop them here in Idaho.

You guys get all the excuses to pull people over, don't you? Well, that's really nice to hear, sir. I bet it's nice down there in the sun, isn't it? Boiling. Why don't you step out here in the 20 degree weather and stand for a while while I seat your car?

Oh, you did bring a jacket? That's the suck, nerd. Nah. We we try to be kind when we have to do those things. We'll put them in a heated car.

We'll try to take care of them. But, yeah, just know that there's certain laws you have to abide by when you come into Idaho. Okay. So X nay on the the windshield tint too? Yeah.

Nothing under the AS one line. Oof. I mean, okay. I'm just glad you know what an AS one line is. Yeah.

Yeah. I do. I wouldn't know if it wasn't for this program. So what? Well, I do because it covered it up.

I mean, I drive a Toyota Tundra and I'm no hold. Yeah. Wait a minute. Don't be trying to put attention on Toyota Tundras What's wrong with you? Alrighty.

Well, you guys have a good one. Appreciate the answer. Hey, thanks, man. You have a good one. Peace.

Bye. And again, 208-535-1015 is the number to call for traffic school powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Doesn't look like we have any online submitted questions recently. So callers, we are relying on you. Doesn't look like you went through your email recently.

My email makes some people, heads explode. I have, let's see, unopened emails, 187,000. That's no lie. And I keep all of them because there could be a situation where you have to find it. Yeah.

A few years down the road, I'm like, oh, I wonder who the contact for that, you know, that group would be. And then, oh, thankfully, I've got that email from 8 years ago. Since I built such a good relationship with them. Now, wait a minute. So, we've got Halloween coming up, lieutenant Crane.

He has a mailbox handle of 187,000 unread emails. Are you out of storage? Not yet. I don't know. I'd have to talk to our IT department.

They haven't yelled at me yet. They just keep expanding it. I promise it's important that I have all these emails every single one. Have a phone system because all our money's going to your storage. Yeah.

See, the problem is that I'm the music director for all 12 stations. Problem. So it it is part of the problem. I didn't wanna say it, but you did bring it up. So most of it is, like, here's about 10,000,000 terrible country songs and 10 here check out our new awful pop tune and here's some awful rock songs.

And I'm like, oh, yeah. That band sucks, and I just don't open it and move along. No. It's it's pretty much a bunch of junk. It really.

It really When we say that, people we do business with, we mean it in the most concerning way. Halloween. Excuse me. Halloween. Are there any rules about age when it comes to trick or treating?

You know, if I wanted to put on a costume and go get some candy, is that against the law? No. It's not against the law. You may get turned down. Why would you do that, though?

If somebody is willing to show up at your door in this day and age and ask for candy I think most people would be happy. I think so. Now if peaches showed up in a costume, that would scare people. But there could be kids. They should be a big peach.

I agree. I totally agree. I wonder how much a peach costume is for a very large alright. XXL peach costume. Let's see what we got here.

By the way, listeners, if you wanna oh, it's princess peach. That'd be just perfect. Perfect. I wanna see peaches in a pink dress, a giant pink dress. That would be pretty amazing.

We're going to the haunted meetup out in Manan tonight. Peaches, you need to slap on the princess peach costume. Alright? There's gotta be one available around here somewhere. You might have to really squeeze into it.

So I've been around a few Halloween productions in my time. I'm really interested and curious about how is peaches gonna get through a lot of these events where things are kinda small and tight and Oh, yeah. You wanna see peaches get mad? Take them to a haunted attraction. Take him to, you know, the haunted mill in Teton.

There were numerous moments where you need to, like, duck down and crawl and things. Bam. Peaches peaches don't like that. When Peaches ducks down, he's normal person height. Same thing at Lost Soul's Attractions and Shelley.

It gets really cramped in some parts of that. And then at the end well, should I give spoilers? At the end, you have to, sit in something. I don't know if you've been through this. You have to, lay down in something.

And that thing is, you know, it's about Peach's size. So, he was very terrified of, of dealing with that part of the the attraction. So, yeah, Peaches is not. I don't think he's the biggest fan of haunted attractions. He does like the haunted river, but you don't have to crawl through anything.

You're just walking, like, endlessly through the woods. So now when are you gonna bring back your haunted attraction? Because you told me about your haunted attractions before, and you had some of the wildest moments in haunted attractions I've ever heard of. I'm amazed you're still allowed to be a law enforcement, obviously. Never.

I would imagine it's a lot of work, but, I would think you do a pretty good job at scaring people. You know? It's my size. Yeah. You you ever been to a haunted attraction where they got the little creepy clown?

That's what I did here. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Peaches. Yes. Have you been listening to the show?

Yeah. I just heard the past, like, 10 minutes. Okay. That's why I walked in here. Alright.

So I don't know where we're gonna find you princess peach costume, but we need to we need to do some looking around maybe, I mean there's a place or was a place called the party palace in Pocatello that had a wide variety of halloween costume because to find a princess peach dress that will fit you it I know I know the struggle you have trying to find shoes. So, have you ever shopped for a Halloween costume at the grocery store? No. I haven't. No.

No. No. You should hit up Walmart and see if they have a very large pink dress. That That's really a bit. I'll just go Walmart, start asking, do you guys have pink dresses around here and see what they say?

Or maybe if it if it comes down to it, you might have to splurge. But there are stores that sell really fancy dresses for like prom. I thought you were gonna say pink table cloths, and then we can just That one works. Pink table cloths. Do we have anyone out there who, you know, what what what do they call it when you make clothes?

Seamstress. Seamstress. We need a seamstress for peaches because the funniest thing ever would be princess peaches. Princess peaches would be wonderful. Alright.

Kay Bear, you are live on Traffic School powered by the advocates injury attorneys. Who's this? Morning. Love you guys. Love the show, Stewart.

Hey, Stewart. Did you get done crying yet? Oh, jeez. That's right, Adam. Welcome.

You we already talked about it. Welcome back to the show. This is from earlier Yeah. Earlier content today. Kick it while you're down.

Yeah. I've moved on. Alright. I was just wondering if you could get me in touch with JD. Uh-huh.

Just kidding. Just kidding. Oh. For that for that delivery. That's great, buddy, Stuart.

Just wanted to thank you guys for, your service to the community. And, if there's any way you get your show on the live in Idaho Falls page so they could just quit asking stupid questions. I wonder if I can go I wonder if I can go live in their page. I have, posted about the podcast version of the show there. I I don't know.

There's somebody got this phone number somehow. That's what I was wondering too because a listener was calling me once on that phone. Can I hackle? Jill, stop giving out the phone number to the private phone, and let's heckle them. Person who's calling, apparently a different number, call 208-535-1015, and you'll get a hold of us.

I don't know what's I've I I've had a few calls show up there and I thought it was because all the lines were lit earlier. But, yeah, I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. You did.

David. Yeah. Stewart, feel free to jump into that group and post episodes of the podcast because I see people in that group fighting about the law all the time. Where we talk about? The group coming back from Nevada or the group in Idaho Falls?

Oh, the group coming back from Nevada. They're not fighting. They're relaxed. No. The life in Idaho Falls people are unhinged in life in Idaho Falls.

They're not getting on board with this trip to Nevada. They need a trip to jackpot, everybody. Let's see. Let's see. Many of the questions would be answered if they just listened to your show.

I totally agree. I've I like I said, I've posted about the show in there a number of times and, hopefully people are tuning in and checking it out because, yeah, I see straight up disinformation in there all the time and I'll jump in like that's not true. And then people argue with me and I'm like, I know I hang out with a cop every week whether I want to or not. That's right. Maybe you shouldn't break the law then.

Alright, Stewart. Well, good to hear from you, man. Hope you have a great rest of the day. And, oh, look at this Peach's, XXL princess peach costume. I found it on Amazon.

You can get distracted very easily, Kenny. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. There are WNBA players as big as me. The there there are interest card.

The K Bear card. Card and bill it out as an expense for, Halloween. The K Bear card's an IOU note. What are you talking about? Jade, we need a large pink dress.

Get on it. Well, thank you, Stuart, and, hope you have a great weekend, man. Good to hear from you again. Yeah. You too.

Have a good one, guys. Right on. See you. I like the way you talk to your boss with kindness. Well, if you had to deal with him, you'd talk to him that way too.

You were honest with him though, Victor. Like, most other Californians, they're nice and calm when they move out here. It's the Idahoans who, you know, can't they're angry all the time because of a, you know Well, I got it. Lack of access. Yeah.

They oh, okay. Well, you can always take a road trip, everybody. They'll be careful on the way back in. The lieutenant's waiting for you. Alright.

We'd like to be the first to welcome you to Idaho. I was welcomed to the way out here. When I first moved out here, a Pocatello police officer pulled me over. It was going 90 on the highway. They'll pull you over in Pocatello if you're speeding.

I I can vouch for that. Yeah. That that's the only spot. We're not gonna do it anywhere else. No.

No. Alright, people. 208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school. If you wanna keep this going, we'll keep it going. If not, we'll get ready for the awesome weekend ahead with Judas Priest.

Breaking the law. Breaking the law. Breaking the law. Is that your favorite, cop related song? No.

I, you know, there's several that was fun to play on. All of a sudden, it just happened to come on the radio while you're transporting somebody. I fought the law on the the law one. I'm surprised you don't have a mixtape Yeah. Of those songs that, you know, you got an irritable, passenger.

You just put that on and crank it up. It would be funny to see a lieutenant crane blasting NWA. Do you guys get, pretty good sound systems in those things? It just all depends. We get low bid.

Right? Yeah. Alright. Kay Bear, you are live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this?

This is Ken. Ken, what's up? Oh, not much. So my wife just looked in Google and says if you go to drag, you can find a pizza dress. Yeah.

I I got it in there. Are you telling us that was your wife, or are you being serious? That was the wife. That was the wife licked it up. Sir, you are lying.

I just went to that website, and that is not a real website. Did you misspell drag? I know how to spell drag. But, why are you marking that as your favorite? I I we needed a new Why are you adding to your cart?

We need one on your home. We needed a new home page on here. So so thank you for that. Have a 2 part question for lieutenant Crane or sergeant Crane or captain by now. Yeah.

So when they do make marijuana legal, you still get to pull Some of them happen eventually. It will. It'll happen eventually. Peaches. You still get to pull people over and give them DUIs, right, for driving under the influence?

Absolutely. It doesn't alcohol is legal. Right? But if it it affects the way you're driving, you can be cited and arrested for DUI. So, yeah, if you're driving under the influence of any kind of prescription drug, illegal drug, illegal drug that may become legal, any of that, we can arrest you for DUI if it affects your driving.

Well, and I remember this from about 10 years ago, the legislature, didn't they approve, like a thing that said they they would never ever legalize marijuana in Idaho? Wasn't that put on the books? Well, I don't know. Never is a big word. It is a big word, but these are Idaho politicians.

You know? We will never change. No flying cars. And then the second part to that is with, with all that extra money, would you guys finally get the raise you deserve? I doubt that.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, come on, man. You see how they spend our time. Probably have to hire extra law enforcement for the problems that comes with it.

That's true. Alright, man. Well, thank you for the questions today, and, you enjoy your weekend. You too. Alright.

Peace. Now did I see a story somewhere that some, police departments were having the Cybertruck as their new vehicle, or is that was that just was that just, like, an online joke? That might have been an online joke. What if you were to I I heard that too. I don't know it for a fact.

But within town, it might be great. Right? But, for the Idaho State Police where we gotta run up to Island Park, and there's no place to plug it in. True. I keep going to police chase me to charge my vehicle.

Or the salmon. Well, it looks like, Tesla is trying to, sell Tesla police cars. Yeah. They are the, cyber truck. I mean They they they just went through their, like, their 5th recall.

I saw that pop up yesterday. Yeah. I I think you might wanna wait till the technology is a little bit better. Like you said, with the charging stations, you're in a per se. Oh, batteries.

Now I will tell you this. In, the the years that I've been in this job, which will be 36 this year, there has been a time I I was gonna push, but Good for you. Job. Even with combustion engines, I've seen people run out of fuel in in that pursuit. Always top it off, officers, before you start your shift.

Why is it important that I start with a full tank of gas? K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Who's this? Hey. It's Zach.

How are you doing? Yeah. Pretty good, Zach. What's up? Hey.

So question for you guys. Haven't heard about it in a while, but a while back, there was that Greater Idaho plan going around. And, if that actually happened, how would we get the guys, like, from Oregon and such over here without legalizing weed? Well, once that boundary would be set, they would fall under all our rules and regulations. If Then that would never happen.

If it was ever to happen yeah. Once they drew the boundaries, then whatever fell within that boundaries would fall under our jurisdiction and our rules and regulations. And I really hope that never passes because, like, if we're going to take part of Oregon, could we take the parts that don't suck? Like, Eastern Oregon's terrible. Well, we've already got enough desert.

Give us some of that beachfront property. Come on. If it went from greater Idaho to greater Oregon instead, would we follow their rules? I guess. I mean, I I don't think these things will ever happen.

It's Yeah. We're talking about the government getting something done. How many years they've been saying they're gonna get rid of daylight saving time? We gotta deal with that in a few weeks. Right.

But we're doing something with it, though, to help our listeners with that. And and that would, like, it just seems like that would impact the tax burden really bad. You know? We're taking on this huge chunk of Oregon where not a lot of people live. That's a lot of land to have to deal with as far as I would think.

Yeah. You don't wanna be land rich. That's for sure. Well, I I heard in the VP debate, they got some plans to, you know, work on opening up some lands for sale. So you never you never know.

There might be some prime property available. Somebody's selling. Yeah. You you just gotta get rid of those public lands. We'll try to get Victor to be quiet.

Thanks for being patient, listener. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One more question for you.

Wondering, do you think Idaho will ever take up, like, a no chase law like Texas did? And so it's trying to go really fast down the freeway. Yeah. I I I know it doesn't. I'll tell you this.

You never say never. Right? But we have a very stringent, pursuit policy now, and, the pursuit has to justify the pursuit. If it doesn't, if it's just a speed violation, we're not chasing you. And I I hate to say that because I don't want everybody to take off, but the consequences are great once we get you.

Right? We don't have to chase you to have you feel the consequences. How fast do your cars go? Enough. But what's even faster is the radio.

Right? Oh, yeah. But, no. So depending on what the situation is, as long as a pursuit doesn't justify the pursuit and we can justify the means, we're gonna we're gonna pursue. And, but, yeah, it's very stringent, and and we look every pursuit that we have, we do armchair quarterback review on that after the fact.

And it's always easier to see things after when you have time to set and ponder than it is before. So, now we scrutinize those. We wanna make sure we're keeping the public safe, and we're not just gonna be chasing somebody to be chasing. Them. Gotcha.

Alrighty. Appreciate you guys. Hey. Thanks for all the questions, man. Hope you have an awesome weekend.

You too. Have a good one. Peace. Lieutenant Crane, have you ever driven a Cybertruck? I didn't drive when I sat in it, and I got offered to drive it.

I didn't do it. It there have you ever been around 1? I I I drove 1. A listener brought 1 over because we were I just wanted to see 1, and they were like, well, do you wanna take it for a cruise? I'll admit it was fun to drive.

It was weird because, you know, they they don't make sound. Yep. And, boy, do they get up and go. Yeah. They roll.

You push the gas, and it's like, woah. You know, it's like a spaceship. It was cool, but It's like a flying car. Pretty close. But yeah.

I don't know. Radio radio, salary doesn't really Hey. I tell you. Work for a cyber truck. There's a producer in LA that just bought the Cyber Beast.

So I'm wondering how much he gets paid. And he's the producer? He's the, yeah, executive producer of the show. Content? Yeah.

Oh, he's he's in charge of the, the cartonarcs. You know that that segment online. Hey, guys. Go do this. Okay.

Give me my money. Producer is the easiest job in radio. And I wonder why you're set home alone. Hey. I hang out with 2 cats.

Alright. I'm not totally alone. He'll he'll invite me over to help, you know, move big things. Yeah. To help move things like a mattress or whatever.

Yeah. You know, actually, I do need to put my lawn furniture away. It's hard for him to do that when he's got a beer in both hands. Can't wait a minute. Well, JD comes over from that strip to jackpot.

Get you you guys with your accusations. Accusation. I'll pass I'll pass a test any second. I'll walk out this score. Oh, I'd love to help you with that, but my hands are full.

Alright, everybody. Traffic School powered by the Advocate's Injury Attorneys catch it every Friday morning, 8:45 AM, only on KBA traffic school is a production of river bend media group to get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website,