What The Flock?

Season 7 focuses on topics that have and continue to cause so much damage, people seem unable to civilly discuss them. The episodes this season will give you the tools you need to facilitate your ability to talk about these topics in a beneficial manner, with anyone, regardless of belief.

This episode approached the topic of LGBTQ+.

Introduction to Season 7 - The Ultimate Answer (Leadership, Grace, Love) - Supplementary Teaching

2-13 Grace
1-15 Love
5-13 Dissolve

Thanks for listening. Remember, you're not alone, we're here for you!

Podcast Email: whattheflock.molc@gmail.com
Pastor Jonathan email: jonathanmfries@gmail.com
MOLC Appleton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molcappleton
MOLC Appleton Website: https://molcappleton.com/

What is What The Flock??

"What the Flock?" is a podcast where we discuss the source of damage done by the church. Unfortunately, people have been hurt so bad by the church that they don't want to go to church anymore. We're here to help you protect yourself from the abuse that has, and is currently happening. Perhaps, you may even learn how to go back to church and help others.

I ask the following four questions to EVERY PERSON. While they are MOST effective in helping religious people interact with people of the LBGTQ+ community, these four questions apply to EVERYONE.

1. Do you hate God?

Romans 1 sees hating God as the cause and ONE of the effects is homosexuality. That doesn't mean EVERY homosexual hates God. However, about half of the homosexuals I talk to do hate God… because they want a family and believe God made them in a way that prevents them from having a family.

If a homosexual hates God, THAT is their biggest issue...not their homosexuality and I believe you ought to stop talking about them being LGBTQ+ and start talking about their hating God. If they don't hate God...

2. Will you do what God leads you to do?

This is known as Biblical Grace. We know Grace according to the Bible is "the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life".

If a homosexual is not willing to do what God leads them to do, then THAT is their biggest problem and I believe you ought to stop talking about them being LGBTQ+ and start talking about their not doing what God leads them to do. If they are...

3. What is God leading you to do?

This is the HAMMER question. WHENEVER you disagree with someone's actions, ask them if God is leading them to do that. If they say "yes", leave them alone immediately. Either God did tell them, or they are going to be coming back to you in the next 24 hours to qualify their answer.

If they don't know, then they aren't listening because God is constantly leading everyone...and THAT is their biggest problem.

If they are being led, it ought to be something that kills their flesh. They could say, "stopping smoking" or "my gambling problem" or "my drinking problem" or "my temper". It is possible God would want a homosexual to deal with an issue other than their homosexuality.

Notice, this question can also be put onto the pastor: Pastor, did God lead you to speak against homosexuals? He's likely going to qualify and justify his response. It is interesting because this question even works with atheists. Even atheists intrinsically know that lying about being led by God when you are doing something wrong is going to result in a world of hurt.

If God is leading the homosexual towards something other than dealing with their homosexuality, then...

4. Are you doing what God is leading you to do?

If they aren't then THAT is their biggest problem. If they are, then you have to trust that God will eventually deal with them.

Notice, EVERY Christian ought to be able to answer these four questions, especially if they are asking these questions of someone else.