Flippin' Success Podcast with @dazsmithreal

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The conversation covers various topics including reselling, pricing strategies, focusing on quality over quantity, and the importance of building connections. The hosts discuss the benefits of sticking to one platform, such as eBay, and mastering it before branching out to other platforms. They also emphasize the importance of understanding the target market and pricing items accordingly. The conversation provides insights into the reselling business and offers advice on listing items effectively on eBay. The conversation focuses on the importance of niche specialization in reselling, particularly in the context of selling sports-related items like football and rugby shirts. The speakers emphasize the need to focus on quality products and target audiences, rather than trying to diversify too much. They discuss the value of building knowledge and expertise in a specific niche, as well as the potential for growth and profitability in selling football and rugby shirts. The conversation also touches on the challenges of returns and cash flow management in reselling. In this conversation, Darren Smith discusses the importance of finding the best use of your time in reselling. He emphasizes the need to focus on a niche, choose the right platform, and source quality items. Darren also talks about the challenges and potential of selling on Whatnot, highlighting the need to set higher prices and avoid gambling with low-profit items. He shares his own journey in reselling and offers advice to others, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and constantly evaluating the best use of your time.

reselling, pricing strategies, quality over quantity, building connections, eBay, target market, reselling, niche specialization, quality products, target audience, football shirts, rugby shirts, knowledge building, returns, cash flow management, reselling, time management, niche, platform, sourcing, Whatnot, higher prices, quality items, goals

  • Focus on quality over quantity when reselling
  • Stick to one platform and master it before branching out
  • Understand the target market and price items accordingly
  • Building connections and networking is crucial for success
  • List items effectively on eBay by providing accurate descriptions and photos Focusing on a specific niche and delivering quality products is key to success in reselling.
  • Building knowledge and expertise in a niche, such as football or rugby shirts, can lead to increased profitability.
  • Returns are a common challenge in reselling, and it's important to manage cash flow and be conservative with spending.
  • Engaging with the reselling community and learning from successful sellers can provide valuable insights and inspiration.
  • Finding the right platform and audience for your reselling business is crucial for growth and success. Find the best use of your time in reselling by focusing on a niche and choosing the right platform.
  • Set higher prices on Whatnot to increase profitability and avoid gambling with low-profit items.
  • Constantly evaluate the best use of your time as your business grows and your knowledge and network expand.
  • Set goals and have a clear direction in order to make progress in your reselling business.

  • Mastering the Art of Reselling
  • Pricing Strategies for Success Learning from Successful Resellers
  • Managing Returns and Cash Flow in Reselling Finding the Best Use of Your Time in Reselling
  • Constantly Evaluating the Best Use of Your Time
Sound Bites

  • "Quality over quantity is the key to success."
  • "Networking opens doors to new opportunities."
  • "Pricing higher can sometimes lead to faster sales."
  • "Focusing on finding quality items...is going to be based on the quality."
  • "Football shirts don't go down in value, they only go up."
  • "Most people should niche down...but it comes down to getting the supply."
  • "Where does the stock go? So the, that now it's got to be like, if you've got eBay, eBay has got to have its own stock and what not's got to have his own stock."
  • "The best use of your time element will shift as you become more knowledgeable, as your network grows, as you learn more things that will shift."
  • "The best use of my time right now is to go out and find stock. Maybe even the better use of my time would be to be create content to build our brand."

Introduction and Casual Conversation
Opening Up for Q&A and Discussion
Managing eBay and Holiday Mode
Debunking eBay Myths and Urban Legends
The Importance of Listing Quality Items
Trends in Sneaker Reselling
Networking and Building Connections
Focusing on Quality Items and eBay
Exploring New Opportunities and Connections
The Value of Networking and Opportunity
Choosing the Right Platform and Niche
Gaining Knowledge and Expanding into New Brands
Pricing Strategies for Success
Understanding the Target Market and Pricing Accordingly
The Importance of Quality Listings on eBay
The Power of Niche Specialization
The Profit Potential of Football and Rugby Shirts
Managing Returns and Cash Flow
Learning from Successful Resellers
Choosing the Right Platform
Finding the Best Use of Your Time in Reselling
Constantly Evaluating the Best Use of Your Time
Setting Higher Prices on Whatnot for Increased Profitability
Setting Goals and Having a Clear Direction in Reselling

What is Flippin' Success Podcast with @dazsmithreal?

Welcome to the Flippin' Success Podcast YouTube channel! Hosted by Daz Smith, this channel is dedicated to helping you elevate your reselling business on eBay, Whatnot, and beyond. Drawing from over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience, Daz shares insights, strategies, and personal stories to inspire and guide you on your journey to success.

Each episode covers practical tips, mindset shifts, and interviews with top resellers and industry experts. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your business to six or seven figures, Flippin' Success is your go-to resource for actionable advice and real-world experiences.

Subscribe now and join our community of ambitious resellers aiming for the top. Let's flip the script on success together!

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Darren Smith (00:00)
Welcome guys! How have you been mate, you good?

I hadn't seen you for a few days, I've missed you. I'd gone over the weekend, come Monday I could hardly move it. there was no, I'd be sat here like a robot, so all I did was I put some ice on it and went to bed. Went to bed early. And today I'm, I mean it's not right, all right at the minute, it's aching a bit, I've pulled tight, but I'm absolutely melted in this weather.

All I want to do in this weather is get a cold bath and get in the bed. Well, get on top of the covers and just try and sleep. I hate it. How you handled it out in Thailand or something. I don't know. Two words air conditioning. Without that, it would be a nightmare. Honestly, I can't live there without aircon. When we live down south, sorry, up north in Khon Khen for a while.

and there was no aircon in some parts of the house. We had a big house there, but in some rooms there were no aircon and it was a killer. And Pooey's mum and dad, they have aircon in that. They only have aircon in our bedroom. So they only put it in one bedroom, which is our bedroom. And then they don't even go in it. And they're like, why don't you sleep in it when we're not there? Cause we're never there. they were, they just have a

And like it's unbearable at times. I hate it. It's always winter. Who is Mum thinks it's cold at the moment. She's been putting her jacket on. It's too cold for her. It's mad. So hey, Matt. Hey, Beth. Hiya. Brad is in. So yeah, we've opened it up for

Non -members tonight, non -paying members. anybody in the free discord can jump on. We can have a bit of a Q and A, or we can just, you know, do our usual thing and we can talk and have, bring up whatever subject you want. And we'll go into that. But, it's a good opportunity for anybody to ask questions about anything, whether it be what not eBay, reselling in general mindset, gossip.

Whatever, whatever you want to talk about, can talk about, but obviously hopefully it'll be constructive and valuable. it gives a few people who are not used to what we do in revive .team, give them an opportunity to see inside the secret room. But anyways, everybody all right? How's you Matt? You all right?

Yeah, good, thank you. better? Getting there, getting there, yeah. Yeah. It's a bit scary. Yeah, a bit of a nightmare, actually, but you know. But feeling a better, look alright. yeah, yeah, getting there. Come home, I think, yeah, Thursday last week, so yeah, just taking it easy, really.

eBay is letting me take it easy as well, looking at me told at the moment. first time I've ever been on holiday mode because obviously they don't do a hospital mode but yeah that was interesting. But as I say everybody, I contacted everybody and

I'll say 90 % of customers got back to me and say, yeah, we ain't bothered, you know, about the extra day, et cetera. You know, so everyone was fine. and yeah, yeah, that's as soon as I come out, yeah, to go off holiday mode and yeah, just been working on it ever since. Yeah. It's just a bit slow, isn't it? When you do that, when you put it on, on holiday, takes a week or so to get back in, be honest. Yeah. It's why I, you know, don't generally tell people to do that, obviously, but under your circumstance, had no choice.

No, but yeah, it's better to even keep just a longer dispatch time or something like that rather than put it on holiday mode. But, you know, you just get back to listing consistently and a few days it should start picking back up again. Yeah, pick time. All the YouTubers, I think it was last year, all the year before, all the YouTubers were telling you put it on holiday mode for three days and then take it off and it kicks in this surge of sales and everything else.

that they say with Pinterest. So yeah, yeah, there are the myths out there. This is this is what it is. There's so many urban myths flying around and about eBay and, know, do this and do that. I saw one one YouTuber that was saying, take everything down every, I think, day or two days and then relist everything and you get a massive spike

things, no showing the analytics and that, and yeah, you did, you get a spike in views because she's listening, but you, there wasn't really getting that much more sales. Maybe a slight, a lot of work, a lot of messing around to try to get a few extra sales. but they were convinced that it was working, but I don't think they're doing it anymore. So obviously didn't work forever. They put that kind of title in and it gives them more views.

the earn off YouTube. So that's more what it is. It's just getting, getting people following them on watching them on YouTube rather than actually what works on, on the eBay or vintage or whatever it is. If you look cycle of YouTube videos, his title was art. I've cracked the algorithm and then I was have gone down again. Every week it's up and down, up and

Yeah. Here's our, here's our very much like that. I don't really follow him that much, but the only ones that I've seen, it's like, yes, this is what you need to do. And this works and I've done it over and over again. And then like, next thing it's constantly on my sales are rubbish. I'm trying to do something new. It's constantly coming up with ideas when simply all you've got to do is list quality items, list them consistently and just do all the right things

that fundamentally what eBay say tell you to do. If eBay are not saying do this, then it probably ain't going to help you. You know what I mean? But eBay are saying, yes, after 90 days, you know, take your items down and relist them because they're going stagnant. Yes, list consistently, but you don't have to list every single day because that don't matter. That's not what they're not looking for that. They're just looking for some consistency in the algorithm, consistency in

what you're doing so they can, the algorithm can form a pattern on your behavior. And there's going to be all different people doing different things. So as we talked about before, you know, if you're listening Paul Smith, you know, church, then the algorithm is going to send the people looking for Paul Smith shirts to you. If you're all listing that type of stuff regularly, if you list the Paul shirt, Smith shirt wants in a blue moon is going to send it

The guy who's listing them all the time first. It's not that you don't get a chance to sell it. It's just that, you you might not be top of the list when it comes to the algorithm search. and that's why we, you know, of course they put, they want you to promote the listings. Unfortunately, as much as we don't want to promote the listings, if eBay is saying we need to promote the listings, then we probably need to promote the listings. You know, I mean, it's just, it's hard to escape unless you've got something.

really collectible and rare one -offs, then you don't need to. But if you're listing what most of us are listing, which is middle of the road type items that other people have got, it's hard to set yourself out from everybody else. It's just knowing them few keywords that might make a difference, presenting it in a professional way, which maybe other people don't do.

providing customer service that there's better than other people get the ratings, the algorithm get that'll feed you a few more things. But overall, as we've said before, eBay's algorithm is fairly democratic. will evenly distribute views to everybody, despite with them being a big seller or a small seller, representing the amount of listings that you've got. So,

It's just a matter of either list amazing items or list more items or list more amazing items. That's the key to eBay. It's not that difficult finding stuff that has some kind of relevant keyword or relevant thing that's on trend right now, like we talked about last week. they're the things that you've got to think about.

All these conspiracy theories and urban myths, 99 % of them are just that. They're just not going to work. they might work for a day, you know, this idea of continual circulating your listings, tech them down every day, relist them every day. I'm sure it does give you a boost in search, but it's not, it's not creating more, more sales, especially for the amount of effort and time and prying around.

the text to actually do that. You're better, you'd be better off as we talked about before, opportunity cost. Is that the best use of your time is, or is the best use of your time going and finding better quality items, amazing items that sell straight away. So we've been able to actually see that in real, real time this last few weeks, because we haven't really got much time to listen on eBay anymore. Cause obviously

focused on what not now. The items that I am listing on eBay are higher end items. So as an example, I'll list a pair of brand new Burberry slides on eBay.

the day before yesterday, and then they sold within six hours. They sold straight away, 200 and odd, 220 quid, which was what I, when I looked at the price to my right on market where others were selling, sold within six hours. I mean, immediately. some of the shoes and trainers. again, we've been talking about the stuff that we sell on Wattnaught, the Brooks, the higher end stuff.

We're listing stuff, ASICs trainers, New Balance, Brooks, them type of things that like we've said on our stream and we're not saying it just to sell stuff, New Balance shoes and ASICs shoes right now are bang on trend. Bang on trend. Way above like Jordans and Nike, ASICs and New Balance right now are taking over where Nike have been for a long time dominating the shoe market.

People have got a bit tired of Nike and the amount of drops that they have and the amount of kind of shoes that they're producing. So the sneaker community are moving over to different brands. again, listing them stuff and then they sell straight away. literally sold, I put a pair of New Balance shoes on eBay and I listed them on Go, which is a similar type of StockX type.

place. don't know. I'm sure Kenny, you'll be familiar with go right. I was selling shoes. So go is not so, you've got stock X, you've got go and you've got a couple of others. Goats, quite a good platform selling, selling shoes and it's very similar stock X, but it lets yourself used on there as well. Where stock X is specifically new dead

but I listed them on there and I listed them on eBay. They sold on eBay straight away within a couple of days. And then the next day they sold on go the same ones, which I had to cancel the sale on go cause I'd already sold them on eBay. So the point is, is that the, these things that are bang on trend right now will sell really, really fast. And the more we focus on what we've talked about self -rule rate, quality items.

You're to move that stuff a lot quicker. And, you know, we're selling them. I sold them at retail, you know, I think them Burberry slides retail at like 250, I put them up at 220. They sold within within the first, you know, I'd say five, six hours and a couple of days. And we've had that a lot recently. Finna Staircoat brand new with tags sold straight away. I put an Arc Tirex jacket

hasn't sold yet, but we've already had offers on it. I'm just holding out for some top money because I know it'll sell. So we're now listing them higher quality items around the volume based model. And we can see if you list the right stuff, it will sell really, really fast. And then it's strong money and you're talking 100, 200, 300 pound sales. You don't need to make as many of them.

as what you do 10, 15 pounds sales. So again, it comes down to what your business model is, but for 99 % of people, it wants to be quality over quantity.

That makes sense.

So yeah, definitely go and check Go out and StockX if you're not familiar with it, because even if you're not going to use it as reselling, which I don't recommend you do, because I think you should stick to one platform. Hey, Paul's in, welcome Paul. Stick to one platform, that's my advice for everybody, because it's way confusing if you start moving into too many directions.

But go and check StockX out and go out because you're going to get a really good view on what's on trend right now. Cause they're hypey type platforms that are really going to be focused on what sells through really quick. So brands like you might've seen on our show, Broken Planet.

They do the same as thing as like Nike trainers. So they'll drop a hoodie design, but there'll be a limited amount of them and they will sell out the first day. They'll sell out within an hour, within probably half an hour. So as soon as they drop that hoodie, everybody's on there and they will buy them out instantly. So then that's it. That's the last time you get a chance.

So they will immediately go back onto the resale market or more than what Broken Planet were selling them for. So you look on the Broken Planet website and think, how is it possible that people are selling hoodies the more than what the website saying? Why? That's what East Apple is supremely. As soon as the Supreme drops. It still does. It still does. is what Supreme is obviously one of the brands that does that. But there's obviously lots of other brands doing it.

So the point is just looking on StockX and seeing what's trending, having a good idea of what's on fashion right now. And you'll see that in the sneaker category, A6 and New Balance are overtaking Nike right now. Nike is always going to be strong, but where the sneaker heads were only looking at Nike, now they're filtering out into other brands and you know, going

Things so in these and these brands are realizing that as well. they're dropping limited edition shoes, which she can make a lot of money on. So not saying doing that, but just be aware of what's going on on the whole kind of fashion scene. If you're in the fashion scene or the Pokemon scene, if you're on the Pokemon scene or the Funko pop scene, if you're in the Funko pop scene and actually a lot of that, you can still get information on stock X.

because they have the collectibles on there as well. So it's worth just downloading it and just going on and having a nosey and getting familiar with new brands. Asics has always sold well though. Yeah, it's a great, it's a good brand. It's a quality shoe, but from a sneaker head perspective, not really that well sought after. It's more of a strong running shoe. People know it's good. Well for them to say

for the target market that we normally have on eBay, ASICs, mid range and above. Very good. There's a couple of others as well. Basically the running trainers that have always sold well. But when you know, when you know that the bang on trend allows you to be able to put your price up a little bit. So for example, we have a pair of ASICs trainers, probably saw them on our stream in the background. There was a green pair of,

that was 125 quid retail. We sold them for 200 and 225. So 100 over a hundred pound over retail. So because there was on trend and they were hard to find.

and they're sold quickly, you know, within a week or two. there's, there's areas of reselling that people are not familiar with and there's loads of different places that you can make money. Obviously we're, we're, see what not as a, as a great opportunity for the people that want to do that. eBay is still a great place. Like I said, I put them New Balance on a hypey type website go and eBay and eBay got the sale first, even though it was within like

six, eight hours, but eBay got the sale first. So there's still plenty of scope on eBay, but you just got to be picking the right items to sell. Really, really focus on your sourcing and where you get your items and what's on trend and what's not. Quality over quantity is going to be a great way to do it, but that means you've got to spend a lot of time researching and sourcing. That's probably a better place to spend your time than listing, which is what we did at the beginning, to be fair, you know, for the first

Not the beginning until we moved on to what not our model was just a list, list, list, list, list. and we didn't get a really an opportunity to go, well, let's try it the different way. And now doing it. Not, having a focus on eBay and just going, well, that is going to be, we're not going to get the money from on what not for this particular item. But I was like, then not buying it. Cause I was so focused on what not. I was

Well, that's not going to sell on what not because it's too expensive. So I've got like a brand new belt staff jacket, for example. And I'm like, how am going to sell a 600 quid jacket on what not to the customers that we've currently got? You know what I mean? If I started at like 200 quid, it's going to be like, it's going to be, it's, you know what I mean? It'll be like wild west, tumblewoods flowing back, rolling past.

So I'm just not gonna list that on there, but I was not picking it up because I'm thinking, well, you know, we're selling on whatnot. Well, I started buying these things and I started putting them onto eBay and you know, they're selling really, really well.

What you smiling at it Beth? I'm behaving I'm behaving I'm not I'm not doing it Just cuz we've got new people on dot not be Beth No, I'm good. I'm good

I was just going to be my normal misbehaving self. So has anybody got any questions? So open it up for questions. Cause we said we'll do a bit of a Q and A. You can drop questions in the chat if you want at the bottom, or you can just shout it out. It's up to you guys. I don't have a question, I smoked at smoke. I spoke to a big

sneaker supplier today and he is giving me his supply list i don't know what the price range is yet i've got to talk to him but there might be something you might be interested in because he's doing he's doing no like adidas and all them they do like what you said like certain drops

He's got a supply list what gets them certain drops and he gets so many of them items, but he he gives it out in wholesale Right. So I don't I won't be at that position yet. But once I get the details I can pass them over to you if you want Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, of course. We'd be interested in any kind Yeah, cuz it's all like he said it was all sportswear but like Pacific drops like you were saying I'm and I was chatting to him today and he was saying that

for me just to like, we'll have a proper phone call over the next few days and he will just give me all the details. So he said, just pass them on to anyone you want to pass them on. And I was like, there's someone in particular. I was like, I don't know if I would be able to afford it, but I definitely be able to pass you over to someone who'd be in a better position than I am.

So that's definitely something I've been taking obviously more of an interest in trainers, sneakers, like just, just the brands that are really on trend right now, because what funnily enough, what not has allowed me, even though I was, I felt as though I was quite knowledgeable on, on a lot of brands and a lot of stuff. it's opened us up to a load of new brands that quite honestly I'd never heard of.

Yeah. And then you go, actually, there's a lot more brands out there and then they're actually more hypey and more in demand in maybe a small niche of people. But then these are people are the buyers. They're the ones that want this. Yeah. So this stuff is like what I would say would be more of a premium stuff or a super premium. So it would probably be more of a Sunday show. But it's all brand new with tags and all that type of stuff. And it's like,

special drops like if Adidas does one with Gucci, they would get so many clothing items and so many joggers like different things. And it's a little bit more on the pricier side, but still under retail, if that makes sense. I'll do a bit of networking and

I was like, sounds amazing, but I'm not in that situation, but I'm building this connection. definitely. need to talk to people and keep them connections going. You know, you're the, the revive team networker. She do talk to everybody, but that's good. It's good. That's what you need to do. You know, make connections, talk to people, you know, we might not be in a position now, but there's no reason why you can't be.

You know, yeah, share the love around if you can't do it yourself. Figure out. that's the thing. Like, I'm sure, like, but they seem really, really legit, but it's a door opening because this, cello is known for sneakers. However, they are the one more everyone else looks up to. So it's sort of like you go to the top person. I've gone to the top person and then suddenly.

All the sneaker people were like, Beth, how are doing? was like, Hey, I need to my knowledge up a bit here, but let's, let's just do it. Let's just roll with it. Yeah, but it's surprising. It's surprising, you know, like how many doors that opens when you do start talking to people. as long as you're in the right way, you know, thoughts will open for you. So, that's the way to do it. You know, make connections. There's a, there's going to be.

quite frankly, a lot more money to be made in business in general, in the networking rooms than there is in the actual listing rooms on, know, listing stuff on eBay. The generic work that it takes that we've all got to do at the beginning. You can't get from doing the notes and bolts. You've got to do that. You've got to every aspect of the business, but there's a lot more room.

What more money made in them rooms where you're networking and talking to people than there is in the actual listing of the items and the fundamentals. And a lot of people get stuck in the actually work, the work and forget about the opportunities that's there for them. So you're looking for opportunity because one opportunity can change your life. Literally. know what I mean?

And you've seen that on multiple occasions with people, one opportunity changes the whole direction of the way that the business going or the lights going. So you need to, you need to be open to opportunity. Yeah. So you're not going to have a life changing opportunity, just listing every day. You are going to be able to build a strong business doing that, you know, over time compound, compound, compound, compound. But that is, you know, that grind approach.

and what you're trying to do is grind toward to a time when an opportunity arises, you know what I mean? And then, and then you can, you blast forward. Yeah. And I definitely agree with that. And obviously one of my stronger points is building connections, which is quite funny because it's getting me into trouble at the moment. But, but I am, it was, it was good to today. was just like, right, okay, we've got that.

which, but I'm just slowly doing that while I'm a bit of a standstill at the moment on the selling side. I'm just trying to build all the connections I've I can. So when I get going, I'm going and even doing like Q and A's, I've started getting a bit more comfortable. Like last night I jumped on and did too. So I'm slowly getting there again. I'm slowly getting my confidence back up to running at the pace I want to run.

And then it's just getting the stock behind me to do it. So obviously I'm like, I've started dotting stock everywhere. then as soon as I say I'm ready, I'll be like, right, everything just get together, just pull it all together and go. So that's what my aim is at the moment, but more connections are built. Hopefully better it will be. Yeah. Yeah, definitely.

So Bradley's put in the chat, think I need to start pushing myself of products and really try eBay. So as we said, know, pick, pick a lane, what you're comfortable with, and then try to master that one thing. I think eBay is the best starting point for most resellers, to be honest. mean, vintage is obviously popular at the moment, for example, and people are doing fairly well on it.

As we know, there is a limitation of what you can do on there as a reseller right now. You know, I know they've been talking about bringing the business side in and everything, but as of right now, hasn't. eBay's old school, the place to be, it might not be hip and trendy, but it's still, you know, there's plenty of people shopping on there. It's the biggest platform with the biggest amount of customers and the biggest amount of sellers.

It is a little bit more complicated, but as a business owner, that's actually better. You want it to be, the barrier to entry to it be a little bit harder because that puts other people off. If everybody can just. Wap stuff on vented. That's why you get all them things that are so cheap. because it don't take no time to just throw some up when it takes a little bit of time and effort to do something. People are less likely to do

So especially consistently. So the actual barrier to entry to actually start eBay is, is a good thing for people who actually want to start a business. But I would start, I've said, want to reemphasize that if you're doing eBay stick to eBay, by all means do a little bit of whatnot or whatever it is to throw a few things on vintage that you think is going to sell on there or even stock X or thing, but don't be.

kind of juggling your time, trying to put everything everywhere, cross -listing everything on every platform. It's going to absolutely drive you crazy. The amount of effort and work it takes to be jumping from one thing to another. And you'd be far better off concentrating and putting all your efforts into one thing than having eggs in loads and loads of different baskets. And I know people think that there's like a safety option by doing that, but honestly, I think it's more, more, there's more negatives than there are positives.

in doing that. And if the worst case was to happen and you get chucked off eBay for whatever reason, they close your account as a reseller, you've got skills. You can just move to Etsy. You can move to Vinted. You can move to one of the other platforms, but stick to one platform, master that one platform and then move to the other. That's why even though how successful we were on eBay, we were doing really well on eBay when we moved to whatnot. And again,

went against our own advice really, which was to start doing what not. but we thought we'd just give it a try and then, but as soon as we did try, then our attention was completely diverted to the new platform. I felt that we'd built up enough. Go on then go on, on, go on all of you.

upstairs upstairs upstairs. Yeah. What was I saying? When we're down, when we're back diverted to whatnot, we, we soon realized that we had to go all in on whatnot. And I thought that we could still continue to do eBay at the same level, but we couldn't, know, was too much of a split of our attention to try to focus on.

two different platforms, completely different business models. We were splitting ourselves in half and trying, and it just wasn't working. We were going to be successful. Luckily we'd built an eBay business. The eBay business still is fairly strong for us, even though don't, I spend like half an hour a day on eBay, but we've built the business. So now it's still doing six figures a year, even though we're not putting that much work into

but it's definitely slid from where it was. Bradley has put on, I'm currently on vintage, but my knowledge is football, but trying to learn brands. And I've learned so much from you guys in your lives. And then Pools per, I agree, but I have no clue about sports side of selling NRL, et cetera. So I agree. The lives have helped me massively.

Yeah. Whatnot's actually a great place to learn. watching the lives, learning brands. said, we, my knowledge has grown so much in the last six months on brand knowledge and, that kind of stuff. more, one of our things is we've been handling so many items and we did that with eBay as well. Was that just handling so much stuff, seeing brands, seeing tags, seeing, something and seeing how quickly it sells, getting that experience of, I got that, that's all fast. I'm going to get that again. You know?

I've had that for ages. It didn't sell. I'm not going to buy that again. Or is there a reason why that didn't sell quickly? You know, gives you a chance to look at that. But yeah, from Bradley's perspective, I would say having that knowledge in football, staying in one niche is actually a really good thing, but obviously you got to become super knowledgeable in that niche. If you're going to do that. Alternatively, you can try

You know, obviously we want to get more knowledge, which is what Paul's saying, that didn't have a clue about sport. So getting to know about other things is always going to help you having knowledge. But I still think like I said, the same as I said about sticking to one platform, kind of having a niche like football. If you just did football shirts and become like, you know, what's the guy on what? No, football 101. All he does is football. Right. And there's an absolutely brilliant business.

And the market for football is so huge worldwide that you don't need to go outside of football if you don't want to. You you can just stay in that realm and absolutely smash it and become the guy that does all the girl. Like I've seen Paul's vintage and he's gonna hate, he's probably gonna hate me saying this, but he's only started it three months ago and he's absolutely smashing it already.

and most of his stuff is all brand new with tags from your lives and a few other lives. And, I don't think he gives himself the credit for how well he's actually doing on that. So it does show that vintage can work. I do have a question. This is something me and Paul have spoken about. He says his pricing, if he prices too low, he doesn't sell the item, but if he prices higher, he sells the item. Why is that?

Well, people, people, first of all, they might think it's fake or it's dodgy or why is it so cheap? And, it puts people off initially. If you're under pricing something quite dramatically, people are suspicious about why is it so cheap? So, again, it depends on a customer. You're always going to sell things at a cheaper, cheaper, rate, but the target market that you're looking

generally knows the price of what things are worth. You know, I'm prepared to pay for the right price. So sometimes actually pricing higher makes things sell faster counterintuitively. With vintage, vintage, would it be better to price a little bit higher and take an offer than to price lower and not take an offer for an example? Sure, of course. You give yourself more flexibility. As long as you're not pricing too high, you know, you want to be looking at what market is.

got that much experience with vintage, I'll be honest with you. So I don't know what analytics are in place. Can you look at souls? Can you look at what the trends are? You can do that on eBay using therapy cues in sold comps. So you can get a good gauge of where the market is. And if you just price, if you're prepared to take lower than market price, just the under market. Yes, you can do that invented. You can't see so

You can see your own soul. can't see anybody else's soul. Bradley saying you can. Bradley, what app do you like? How do you do it? Or is there a certain app that you can use? When you list on Vinted, comes up with recently sold prices. They're usually all over the place. So that's not really a good gauge, but it does come up with the last like 20 sold. Yeah. I'm not saying that I was listening on there tonight. didn't see that. It does come up. It says like recommended price, I think it's something like that.

Right. yeah. I've seen the recommended price, but it was telling me to sell a pair of Levi's at two quid. Yeah. That's the thing. It's like people clean another house. So it's not really accurate. That's a value of them nowadays, Pam. Didn't you hear like? You can use eBay in order to set your pricing for vintage because the market's the market. People know what things are worth. You

And I've heard a lot of people saying this, all right, it's just like for cheap brands. But I think that if you put things up at the right market value, the right type of customer will find that stuff. There's a market for fit people that want things for nothing. And there's a market for people that want quality items at a good market value, you know? Plenty of items on there that are at eBay prices. Palo Raffalo in Spain.

or Brazil polo shirts are 60 quid and they're getting it. Car hot dungarees are 70, 80, 90 quid and they're getting them. I was looking at the polo rafferet jackets and they're all around 50 quid. Yeah. yeah. People are getting proper prices on there. Yeah. When I had a quick look on there and looking at certain kind of higher end stuff and the pricing, it's same as what the price on eBay, you know, it's the, it's the

run of the mill stuff that's cheap. And again, you know, it's, it's kind of what we've been talking about on what not as well. If we run run of mill, run of the mill items, then they don't fetch, they don't fetch much money because it's run with the mill. If we, if we run something that's high pay, a lot of people want, especially in an auction format, people are bidding against each other and they will bid, bid it up. So the better the quality of the item, the better price you're going to get as well. You

In comparison to lower priced items. And again, it's a target market. going, you want to find a customer base that understands that this is a good deal. And it's a, it's a win -win for both parties. But if you want, if you, if you're aiming at a customer base that just wants everything for nothing, then you're never going to make any money from that. You know, I know we use that extreme example of you, of you selling, private jets.

You you only need to sell one private jet a year and the people who are buying private jets understand how much private jet is. They're not trying to haggle the price on a private jet. So, you know, the higher you go up the scale of the quality of the items that you get and the more niche you become and the more knowledgeable you become in that niche allows you to be able to set a better price because the target audience that you're dealing with understand what the value of that

And this is why we're moving on, what not away from the lower end, even brand new with tag stuff. We're selling that stuff now because obviously we bought the job lot and we've got to sell like, you know, the Puma and the, feeler and all that kind of stuff, which is all good stuff. mean, I was in Puma today and Puma, a pair of Puma joggers is 55 quid, you know, and we're selling for seven quid. It's

You know what I mean? It's like, but that's because it's Puma. And if it was represent, it would fetch, you know, close to retail. If it was Adanola, would catch close to retail. Same thing, pair of Adanola joggers, you're going to get close to retail or even more than retail because of that hype element that's on that brand right now. if ASAP Rocky or Travis Scott starts wearing Puma, then price of Puma will go up.

It's all about what's on trend right now and how much you can get where the market is. That's where the market is right now. We want to put a pair of Puma joggers up, you know, we get a tenner for them. That's, know, even though in Puma, if you go in the Puma shop, it's 55 quid, but it's like we talked about last week on Monday, even, you know, the prac, the retail price doesn't dictate the market where the market is right now.

As a reseller, you know what mean? We're, we're resellers, not retailers. So we've got to look at the resell market and what can we get for a pair of Puma joggers, right? Or Puma is not on trend. Somebody will pay maybe 12, 14, 15, 16 quid knowing that they're getting a good deal if they want them for themselves. But as a reseller, of course you want them for seven quid, because you're probably going to stick them on eBay for 20 quid. Brand new with tags, you know what I mean? So you want them for seven quid. And I don't, I understand

You know, but we've, it's up, it's incumbent on those as the seller to go, we've got to move away from that target audience of resellers that wants them for seven quid cause they're going to sell them for 20 and even go more towards people that prepared for 15 quid cause to buy them for themselves. And it's still a good deal. So target audience is a huge element and that's going to be determined by your, your product. So who was that?

Bradley has put in, I struggle with eBay in description. Is that meant to say, but I, I have, I have sold a few football shirts for 40 to 50 pound of vintage, and priced it off eBay and then Paul's put, yeah, money I make is invested in more higher priced items as I feel like I'm a busy fool. So I'm finding the balance. Absolutely. I say quality over quantity, but definitely go for quality if you can.

just list, list, list. It's better to one, one, private jet than it is. One pair of I think it's still too close

Sorry, what was that? I misheard

don't know. Who was it that's talking there? didn't hear. stepdad in the background. and as regards to struggling on eBay with the description, and obviously we can help you with that. Any, any advice you want just asking the discord and you know, calm or one of us will jump in and, know, explain how to list things, how

Things are obviously we've got the videos in the Revive .team that shows how to do that. yeah, eBay is not complicated. Once you've figured out how to do it, it's actually relatively easy to list, but it does look complicated on the face of it when you've got all the item specifics and all that that you think you need to fill in, but you don't have to fill all that in. Most of the stuff in the description is taken in the photos because you're going to photo any marks. You're going to photo your measurements.

So all you really need to put in description box is the measurements, look at the photos and just write down. can reiterate any marks or flaws in it there and then, and then just be returns policy and that's it. Yeah. But a lot. Yeah, it's fairly straightforward. It's just getting it getting started and getting in the swing of it. But, but yeah, you're going to get, say football shirts. You could, you could put man United football shirt.

and a photo of it and if it's a vintage one or even if it's anyone a Man United fan will find that and they'll buy it you know what mean because you don't need to over complicate necessarily certain items if you've got a vintage 1980s Man United shirt with the shark logo and everything believe me as soon as you put that on if you under price

somebody will come and snipe it from you. If you put listed that for 20 quid, it would be sold within like 10 seconds because somebody would find it even with just Man United shirt description and a photo because people are on there looking for bargains and they know what they're looking for. So just the photo alone of highly in demand items, you know, you can chuck a Stone Island jacket with the bad showing on a bed crumpled up in a

Put Stone Island jacket in the description and somebody will buy it. You don't need to do a pretty photo and an amazing description, but of course we're professionals, we're building a business, so we would do an amazing photo and a great description. But great items will sell without that. You know, that's the difference between a quality item and a quality listing.

So that's something to think about, know, the higher quality of the item needs it, the less description it needs. literally there's millions and millions of people on eBay and they will find these things. If you put a 1962 Polo Ralph Lauren jacket on there and just put Polo Ralph Lauren jacket and list it at 40 quid, believe me, it will be sold within five minutes cause it's a 500 quid jacket.

and somebody would find it straight away, you

So yes, Brad says, I feel like I can get overwhelmed with seeing all the stuff to fill out on eBay. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And, and, and most of that stuff is not required, Brad. So, a lot of it is just to give it eBay information, but it's not going to help the sale. So you don't have to fill most of the item specifics

Yeah. yeah, Paul just reiterated that I spent 20 minutes posting a Stone Isle and it sold in two minutes on vintage for top money. You know, good items sell quick, you know, and you can look at that. You can see that the sell through rate and, and all that kind of stuff and like football stuff is great. So it's, it's, you know, focusing on finding quality items. Any business is going to be based, especially a sales business, anything that you're selling something to something it's going to be based on the quality.

on the quality of the product, right? The better quality of the products that we can deliver, the better it's going to be. So, definitely thinking about quality and who your target audience is and seeing grass is greener on the other side, I'll do other things because maybe I only know football, but I'm going to go and try and do something else. Why not just double down on football, you know?

There's absolutely no reason why you can't do that. So in fact, I would encourage it to be quite honest and niche down into that one thing, but maybe just open your knowledge up in that area. Cause I'm sure there's, you know, a lot of things that you probably need to learn in, know, what, what goes well, what, what's a vintage shirt look like? What's, vintage tags that I need to be looking for. And funnily enough, when you know that. Like I look at a vintage football shirt when we were getting the Italian stuff.

We were getting vintage Italian football shirts. I'm going, I remember that football shirt from like 1990s world cup. And I go, now I recognize that Kappa tag for that's from that era. So then I'll see a Kappa shirt from that era with the same tag was to use the same tag. So now I know that that's a nineties tag. That's a nineties night tag. That's a nineties adidas tag. And you start to learn the, the, the, the tags and recognize something vintage when you see

car boot sale, that extra knowledge is always going to come in handy. So building your knowledge up, building that database up, is, is a, you know, something that we should be doing constantly. And I, I think I spend more time doing that than I do anything else personally, just learning new brands and learning what's on trend. If you're going to niche down into just football shirts.

Football shirts don't go down in value, they only go up. So unlike a pair of Levi jeans that you've got that one second bias, it's a 34 waist and a 30 leg. Levi jeans are just going through the floor at the minute. If you're doing football shirts, you're doing rugby shirts, they're just going up. Increasing value, they're another year older. if football shirts are your passion, you know where to get

to football shirts and if you do want to move to something else move to rugby shirts because some of them are worth a lot of money as well. just sold one today for 200 quid yesterday. So you're business if you know where to get your football shirts from a decent regular supplier you're going to make more than enough money just football shirts and you're going to enjoy what you're doing because it's feeding your passion as well as feeding your wallet. Yeah.

But you met one thing that you mentioned in there, which is key is can you find that product? That's the only reason why you would tend to want to go outside of the niche that you're in is that I just can't find enough supply. That that's going to be a sticking point when you do try to niche down into one area. But if you've got supply, you can find that type of products. But by the way, when you niche down and then you're ultra focused on just looking for that one product.

then you will find it. And again, it comes back to calls we've talked about before. When I moved from the initial month when I started reselling, looking at the car boot and looking at everything on every stall, trying to find bargains to go on, no, I'm just going to look for clothes. And then I will ultra focused on just going from stall to stall to stall, looking at clothes and ignoring everything else. Now, obviously I was looking for things that I thought was worth value as well.

when I'm looking, but I was very focused on clothes. So therefore I was able to go to the car boot and fill my car with clothes every single time. Because while everybody else was looking on every single stall, I'd already been, I was already halfway around car boot sale and from clothes stall to clothes stall to clothes rack to clothes rail and just hyper -focused on clothes. So if you're hyper -focused on, for example, football,

then you will start looking for football. But if you're looking for everything, your lens is too wide. And then you kind of look for everything and see nothing. Does that make sense? With finding football shirts, you won't find a bulk, I don't think, in this country. Because the whole side is not a of wholesalers will do the football shirt bundles. And the ones that they do, they've taken all the good ones out. It's not a company in whole where I go to, Braham Pick.

He runs the number one football shirt that will that football shirt company. And before those barrels are open, all the football on upstairs. Yeah, because the net because football's a great niche. This is insane. If you can find this stuff, it's great. He's selling them on his own website. Yeah. Other wholesalers are doing the same in the UK. Well, I mean, even I've got a supply and they do do great football shirts. But they've got.

I spoke to him last time I was there and said, I could do with football. So we'll try to get your football shirts, but we've got one guy who buys all the football shirts and he buys everything. So we kind of feed, you know, we're not going to not feed him just to give you some stuff. So yeah, there's, it's highly in demand. So it's hard to get ahold of. But it comes down to what we're talking about with Beth networking, finding connections.

Cause one deal, one connection can change your life. And then you can just sell football shirts. Bradley has put, yeah, I picked up a 2007 Japan rugby shirt for three pounds and flipped it for 45. So I know what to look for in the field now. Yeah. I'll show you this one. I've just posted it

That's literally gone out in the post today. That's it. Can you see that? Was that 261? Yeah. So 1997 British lions. Nice. So that's all today. I literally posted that today. so yeah, there's big money in rugby shirts. So as Cam said, stay relatively within the niche.

And you can also get the bread bits and bread and butter stuff that are related to that niche as well. know, football scarves, football shorts, football, footballs, you know what I mean? Some footballs actually fetch a lot of as it sounds. so yeah, I would encourage most people to niche down, but it does come down to that key element that we've spoken about, getting the supply to be able to do grow your business.

to the size that you want to grow it. Depending on what that is, up to

Yeah, the pleasure of the the joggers fly out. thing is finding that supply and once you've found it, don't tell anyone who it is. Yeah, keep it to yourself. Yeah, for stuff like that. Yeah, because it's hard. Once you've made that connection and you've found that stuff, then it's printing money. Printing money. If you do find somebody, a wholesaler in the UK says, yeah, I've got football shirts. How many do you want send them to?

Don't let them send him to you. Go down there and have a look. No matter where he is in the country, take the day off work or whatever, drive down there because the last thing you want is you spending 500 quid and him sending you all the junk. So you want to go see what he's got. If he's telling you he's got football shirts, vintage football shirts, there and see what he's got. Is it Leidman's? Leidman's Soft? Yes, it's Canterbury Joggers. Yeah, Canterbury Joggers fly

Yeah, rugby is a good niche. Rugby is a good niche on its own.

Yeah, I can't simply do, I think the more, the more around rugby, but yeah, I think they do do some cricket stuff as well. All the NRL bucket hats from your live dads. haven't, I haven't a clue about sold free for 12 to 15 pounds each within hours. So I've learned to list them for more. Yeah, there you go. You know, I said massive amount of rugby fans. rugby in New Zealand and Australia is huge. Rugby fans are massively passionate. You have a bit.

You ever seen the rugby fans at Twickenham? When I went to a rugby game, it was the semi -final from Bath, so the Bath and the Sharks, I want to say. And my God, it was absolutely mental. I went in at Bath and there was like, I've never been to rugby games before, but there was like a whole parade, right? As soon as you come out of the train station and everything. Yeah.

and it was just absolutely not. didn't think bath was that I didn't think rugby was that big until I just went to run for rugby games. And I realized they actually do more than football. that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. for sure. You see this certain parts of the country that are more rugby than they are football. mean, like West Yorkshire, massive rugby league area. So they're into rugby league, not union. So, but like down bath and.

Leicester and around my area, huge, rugby club following. So yeah, rugby is huge. I, I sold, I sold that, but I've sold lots of rugby shirts around 80 to a hundred pounds. And I sold an England one and England 2003, 2003 rugby shirt, which was a,

player issue one, which just means that the like the ones that the players wear, it's similar to what the players wear. Obviously 2003 was the year England won the world cup. So that shirt went for 350 quid and sold very quickly as well. look at rugby shirts, look at part of Ralph Lauren rugby shirts, they're easy 30 quid. If you can pick them up, hand pick or whatever for five, they're 30 quid apiece. Even

of the night rugby shirts will go for 27 30 quid so if you're picking them up for three or four quid because normally well you know i've gone to the whole side as i've looked through the the bails of rugby shirts the the sporting rugby shirts are always mixed in with the Ralph Laurence and the the Tomlis and everything else because they just bundle them in as rugby shirts yeah so what putting out a spring box one and a England low two one and they yeah Bradley i find this find especially bad

The sport has big events, the price flies up. the Euros vintage England shirts flew out. And layman's loft, I used to play rugby at county level and it's crazy. of the money they were willing, they are willing to spend on gear. Bradley bath rugby is a good day out. I live 40 minutes away. I agree with that one. Layman's loft, even the training shirts I've sold for up to 50 pounds dependent on color, et cetera.

Yeah, yeah, definitely.

So it's just to go show that rugby is a great niche. And like said, there's good niches out there and, but it comes down to again, having a target audience that wants something and knows the value of what they're paying for. I, when I, again, it was the building up of knowledge. started getting a lot of rubbish shirts, started listing a lot of rubbish shirts. And then once you start handling that stuff, I started learning about what was good, what was vintage, what type of stuff sells quickly.

It was luckily that I was just researching and there's a, there's a good couple of sites on line. I think there's one called rugby shirts, classics or something like that. And another one, and I was just looking on what they had and they had one of these England 2003 rugby shirts. And I then I learned what, what a player issue shirt looks like compared to like the, just the normal replica shirts. and luckily I looked at

I was just about to list it and I was, I would have listed it like 30 or 40 quid and then I realized it was like a 400 quid shirt. So, I listed it for like 350 and it sold pretty quick within a week or two, you know, so amazing. I didn't think that would be shirts went for that amount of money. And then like I said, just saw that one yesterday. I've had that for, I've had that for a while. It's took a little bit of time to sell probably.

six, eight months, something like that. I've had it, but 200 quid for a rugby shirt, you know, not complaining. getting it comes down to buying the right stuff, getting the right type of quality stuff and, you know, just displaying it in a professional way, which is the easy part. can all learn the fundamentals of how to do a quality listing, whether it's on eBay or vintage or wherever it might

But most people don't even take the time to do that and figure it out, which is why resellers struggle. Reselling is hard enough in the first place if you don't actually learn how to do it correctly. So there's a lot, a lot, a lot of people out there reselling. Unfortunately, there's a lot of people struggling at reselling because I know in order to make enough money to make a living at it, to actually do it as a business, you have to hone down and really treat it like

go, right, this is, this is something I need to learn the ins and outs of. need to learn all the details and, you know, focus on how to create a quality listing, how to find quality items and how to build your knowledge up over time. So after a year, two years, three years, you know, more, more than most people do, but you like say you never stopped learning. Just last six months for us has just been

so many brands that I was never, I didn't even know they existed, you know, and just from going out there and sourcing different types of items, because we've had to move shift, you start to learn new things. luckily everybody's got the opportunity to jump on what not what shows listening to the luxury pickers, listen to dead stock, listen to us. We've got knowledge, you know what I mean? So we can impart a little bit of

on people and then you go and you handle that stuff yourself and and you learn the stuff that you know like probably Bradley knows a lot more about football shirts than I do you know but that that's the key of mastering one niche and then still try to pick up knowledge as much knowledge as you can in other areas but use that knowledge within your niche that's great advice what I would say

If you've got that one niche of football shirts where you just know it's going to go up and up, you don't get lured in by other things. You're quite happy to walk past a standard Adidas jacket. Once I've got to pick that up and make a couple of quid on that, you're focused on something. The key is the difference though, it? It's knowing the difference between, I want to walk past that and I want to pick that up. Sometimes the difference can be quite subtle.

You know, a few watts past to, I mean, we're having a party. A few watts past the Nike hoodie and a basic Nike hoodie with a little swoosh on the side. You might think, I'm not going to pick that. Let's say it was 15 quid and you was a reseller. You think, well, I'm not probably not going to pick that up because I can probably only sell it for 15 to 20 quid on eBay.

But if you realize it was a vintage one with a center swoosh and they go for 200 quid. Now all of a sudden that same hoodie is worth picking up at 15 quid. And you might just walk past it because you didn't have the knowledge of the subtlety of the detail. Now, how can you have that knowledge if you're trying to get knowledge in everything? It's lot more difficult to get knowledge in everything than if you was focused on just sportswear.

Nike hoodies, you know, you would probably know that information more, or you just the type of person who was just constantly searching for information and being able to good at memorizing that. But again, a lot of the stuff we forget because we don't handle it and we don't pick it up ourselves. You tend not to forget it when you've held it in your hand and you've seen the tag and you've, you know, the difference.

Seeing somebody else talking about it on YouTube, it might go straight above your head and not really sink in. So, but knowledge is power, but the right type of knowledge. It's no good if you're a club in Sala. What's the point in knowing about, home be trains. I don't know, not about home be trains, right. But there's lots of money in home be trains. Yeah. If you want to be a home, home be train guy, learn about

You know what mean? But you know, if you start kind of going to outside the field of knowledge of, of a niche, it's a lot harder to learn things. It's a lot harder to, to focus and make your business run smoother.

Paul has put, yeah, I join your shows, but I cringe when the sports stuff comes on. So I'm not a part of the audience yet in sports, but I will learn my niche. I'll learn my niece knows more than me. We work together and Bradley, I'm so shit at this. Sorry guys.

It's like the time I bought a hat for one pound because I liked it and thought it had a four on the front, but it was a Y and the brand was called Yeller and it was a spinny and flipped the hat for 30 quid. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. then now you know, right? That's the key, right? Now you know that Yeller is a brand that you're to pick up again because you handled it and you sold it and then figuring out that fold, you know? So I'm going to buy it again.

You know, this is that's for the learning curve. and the more you do with the more you handle that for us, we went into the whole handle as many things as possible. and make a lot of mistakes in, in that way, but, you also learn a lot quickly. So like falling forward. Bradley, yeah. Now it's the knowledge that I have for that brand. you say, They were going to have to some moderator training for, Beth.

So we've realized that over the last few days that my body has not been up some controversial modern I have. Has anybody got any other questions? Any more questions to tackle or any top topics that you want to kind of go down? Obviously.

I've question, Daz, just sort of links into what we talking about, about the higher end stuff. as you know, like I've said before, that'd be my ideal, but I have to be realistic. I got some Purdy stuff a while ago. I think you're, I remember putting you up as a brand. When you were asking what brands you wanted to, that people wanted you to source, I stuck Purdy in the chat and I think you were familiar with

So it's basically hunting gear, it's high, really high end stuff. So got some a while ago and I've had some leather purdy vests that were, the original RRP was about 1200 and I've sold them for between five and 600 and I sold one last week. And the point I'm getting, I'm getting onto the point in there. My issue with, this one came back before and because it's a, know, obviously it's an expensive item.

that really hit me at the time because so you get the return and then I suddenly was in the like 500 quid in the red for the next week because you've already spent it sourcing something else and yeah yeah so that's I found that's a bit of a problem at my level because I can't absorb that sort of thing very easy I'm sort of working week to week and putting as much money as I can into sourcing stock and what was going to leading on to what I going to ask is because returns

We get returns as everyone does, guess. And I find it really frustrating because I have streamlined my listings since we talked about, that's been a great help. But I still try to put things like the pit to pit, depending on what it is, know, measurements so people can be really informed, especially if it's high value stuff. Yeah, definitely. But in my experience, people just don't read the listings. And it's really frustrating when you get stuff sent back, just when that's the reason.

And I mean, have you, have you found a way to minimize for town? I you're always going to get some, is there. mean, obviously with us, a lot of the stuff that we were listing was relatively low value. And because we had quite a lot of volume, you, know, if something comes back, that's 20, 30 pound, you know, and you've sold 200 pounds worth of stuff that day, you can kind of live with it. it did hurt when you sold that one, the expensive thing that you had.

And then that came back, you know, you know, that's a killer. And so I totally understand that the only thing you can do, I would say to minimize that and maybe cam can come in on this one is, just be conservative and go, I'm not going to spend that money until, know, I know it's been delivered and, and the customer's happy, you know, at least a week or two weeks. And I'm getting lots of returns at the minute. Reasons always doesn't fit.

And that's what I'm getting and they come in spades you you have nothing for a few weeks or one or two and then all of a sudden It'll come in and you'll get loads coming back. I'm getting I've got a guy He bought a pair of brand new attack Berghaus trousers at the 34 waist Didn't fit seven back asked for the 36. I said the 36 you're sending them back today because they're too big

two lots of postage and two lots of return postage. I'm out on some out over what's that now 10 12 quid in postage. It's very frustrating. But there's nothing do about it except for wearing. And there's a thing it's fascinating it is demoralizing especially when you when sales are down anyway because of the time of year a minor write down a minute and then stops coming back you're just thinking for Christ's sake.

I guess there's no magic pill, there's no real solution to it. It's just going to happen. the measurements, you can put it in the iron condition box, please check measurements. You can put the measurements in the description box as well. So you've got it in three places. Yeah. They'll send it back to the district. Yeah. Difficult. It's a difficult one because like I said, these are the pins have been in business and you know, obviously pins have been a reseller.

and you know, if you haven't got, if you're kind of leaving yourself, tight with your cash flow, you know, cashflow is one of the killers. mean, it's, it's been the bane of our lives for the entire duration of our business. Go on then, at least we've got the opportunity to resell. Whereas if we were one of the high street shops, a lot of them.

bigger shops don't put it back on the shelf in burn pallet boxes so they're losing the money completely on it. A lot of the high street companies have literally gone bust because of the amount of returns that they're getting you know but they haven't got any way of dealing with that I mean like some I think did I hear that somebody said Amazon have got like 40 % returns or something like that?

A crazy amount of returns anyway. I'm not sure exactly what the number is, but really high level of returns. Obviously they've got a lot of cashflow. They've got a lot of money. It's usually other people's stuff anyway, so they're not bothered and they're just discarding. But for us, yeah, we're trying to grow a business from, you know, relatively small amount of money. Generally, that's why most people get into reselling because the,

not earn enough money in other areas of the life and the one who earn some more money. That's what most people get into it for. But unfortunately that leaves us all in like this position where cash flows tends to be tight, especially at the beginning. I'm not very conservative. So if I've got money and there's stop to buy, I'll go out and buy it. So we've always kind of pushed our limits with cash flow. So I totally understand that the only advice really

you just got to be more conservative, which is difficult to do. the only way to grow, isn't it? If you push and I guess take risks a bit. But you can do it just like you said, you know, I've waited and hoped that I was going to get positive feedback on eBay about that one, but it's been delivered for a few days and I haven't heard anything yet, but I haven't done anything with the money. I argue it was an expensive piece.

It's always worth waiting a week or so before you do anything with that money, just in case. Yeah. think a week's good enough because if there's generally, generally people will let you know straight away. Like if you bought something and you got it and you tried it on and it didn't fit, you'd immediately get back in front in touch with the seller. You won't leave it two weeks, three weeks. Unless, generally more needed. long time. Some people do, but I think in general

Most you would hear back within a few days. Yeah. You know, but yeah, I mean, it's always possible. you, but, you can't wait forever just for, you know, for the 30 days to run out or whatever. You can even say, think a week's a fairly safe, safe kind of time. Okay. From it getting delivered to going, right. Yeah, I think I'm safe now. I can take the money. I can go and use

always follow up with the message after they received it saying, it okay? Does it fit? there any chance you can leave? Yeah. Yeah. You can do that, especially with an expensive item, you know, different levels of business. If you're selling a hundred items a day, then obviously you can't do that. But if you're only selling two or three items a day, or you're selling one expensive item like that, then absolutely do what Cam does. 10 minutes and

You know, I'm just going to message, make sure, and actually you can do it in a positive customer service way and say, no, I'm just following up. I see you've got it. I hope you're delighted with it. Please let me know if there's any issues. We're here to help. and usually they'll just come back and say, no, everything's amazing. Thank you. then you. Yeah. Yeah. They get, they get the gold standard treatment

know the messages before. Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. That's what I would do. But yeah, I mean, like other than that, there's no, there's no real way around it because, you know, returns are just part of the game. You don't have to offer 30 day returns. can offer 14 day returns. That's what I Yeah, that's what, that's what I do on mine. But I don't think that, actually holds water though. Does it, if, mean, eBay would just, would eBay not just make you.

days you get 14 days to repay UK Consumer Law. thought the UK Consumer Law was 30 days if you buy online. No I think it's 14 days if you buy online. I'm not sure on that, thought it 30 days as well. Yeah I think it's 30. But I'm sure Consumer Law when I looked into it it was 14. That's why eBay offer you the minimum 14 days.

I thought it was a bit odd they offer you 14 days when legally it's 30. It seems crazy. I remember reading somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. You might be right. I think you might be right. Actually. Yeah. So if it goes, if that is the case, and then it goes beyond the 14 days, then there's no obligation for you to return. eBay will ask you if you want or accepts the return to encourage you to take the return, but you can just decline that and say

Another reason I'm sure it's 14 days is because if the buyer hasn't sent it back within 14 days, eBay automatically closes the returns case. I found them up and spoke to them about that. They said, yeah, they get 14 days to put it in the post. That's it. We don't want be hanging around. We don't want to be hanging around with our bit of the money away. 14 days is UK law. They haven't sent it back. If they open up a case tomorrow, they're on the 30 days.

They only get 14 days to return it, to send it back. they haven't sent it, put it in the post, and that 14 days, eBay will shut down the return. Yeah, I mean, that's really interesting you say that, because I've got my business, my returns policy, with the policy that I've created, I've put 14 days, but I have had a couple of returns that have gone nearly to the wire with the 30 days and eBay have just pushed it. And I haven't had an option to not accept the return.

And I've had some real generic responses back and things like that. So, you know, I'll have to take that back, back up with them. Yeah. Yeah. On the return policy, then you don't have to accept it. It should give you an eye that option to decline the return. Absolutely. so we've got Paul says, yeah, new sell up, not selling parcels open on the stream. So either return on delivery items missing ones, I copy and paste.

I copies and pastes of professional message after delivery to get money as soon as possible, is good advice. and Kenny says, must offer a refund to customers. They told you within 14 days of receiving their goods that they want to cancel. They have another 14 days to return the goods. Once they've told you much refit refund the customer within 14 days of receiving the goods back. They do not have to provide a reason.

Now one, one little thing on top of that is even though there is a period of time where eBay, once you've received the goods back, you will get enough notification that you've received the goods and then you've got a time limit to pay them back. But be careful because I had this with that bloody England shirt that the guy bought off me for the England game. Then he sent it back and then he immediately got in touch with

eBay and I've had this a few times and asked for them to open a case and they closed the case straight away in his favor, even though it was still within the refund time limit. So I ended up with a defect on my account. Now I could probably phone eBay and get that sorted. can't be asked, but, but yeah, just be aware of you've got somebody that's like a bit hyperbolic who wants to complain.

I'm like, it's been, I can see tracking it's been delivered back and then immediately getting in touch with eBay. eBay will sometimes just close the case on their behalf if they get the right rep at that, their end. just be careful on that. you get into that habit of want, as soon as you get it back refund straight away or as quickly as you possibly can. Yeah. I tag you in the giver. What giving? are you talking

In America, the way I always, that the way I always win the game. I tag you in. Go in. there you go. He is in. Multi streaming. Multi streaming. It's like, what's he called? Where's my tag guys? I feel left out. What's going on? Don't want you to win on. I know. I'm just getting used to getting banned from lives at the moment. That's been, that's been my expertise at the moment. Well.

Have you been banned from from a life in bed? Of course she has, she's always getting banned. It's bad. Once a facial modding down to it. Yeah. trouble on whatnot at the moment. I got banned from, yeah, Paul got banned as well. Yeah. So I heard, yeah, yeah. I don't know what that was all about. So, that was a bit of a strange one.

Paul got banned from somebody's stream, which is not nice. I don't know what that's all about. but yeah, there's a, there's just a little bit of drama going on in there on the platform at the moment. people have a bit of drama, don't they? It's like Coronation Street, isn't it?

Yeah, I noticed this last night, was, there seemed to be a few streams where everyone was just chatting rather than listing item. There was a quite a few new sellers. So if you're after some stock, stuff was going for peanuts last night with the new sellers. Yeah, it was a bit of, there's a couple of, I think a wholesaler on there now also as well. Yeah, like all in all,

This is a conversation I've had with Daz and Paul recently. All in all, Whatnot can be an absolute amazing place, absolutely amazing for the buyers and sellers. However, at the moment, it's just getting a bit negative and there's nothing you can do. If you go against the negativity, you're then in fire and line. And if you go with the negativity, it bombards everything you do.

So it's just like you just you're I'm not winning giveaway at the moment. So I'm just going to. Coming from me. No, it's not. You know, it's We know it's not. Come on. You know, it's not. No, because I honestly just be too busy to even take notice of it. That's not that's my.

I'm just like, I'm too busy for any of these. can't be bothered. everyone. The only one now placed is the revived stream, which is now a safe zone because they will never have this problem ever. No, no. Thanks to Beth and her modding.

There is that button on there, know, where you can just leave. Yeah. Yeah, people don't seem to understand things like that. It's like this. That's the internet mentality, and it's the trolls and the fight to give hate to people. It's a weird dynamic that the internet's brought into the world. But I stopped the trolls yesterday, finally, on Dazzle Pooey Show

It was very controversial, but I did it and now they're not going to get any more. So yeah. Yeah. But yeah, anyway, we've moved away from all the drama to get back to actually trying to help people make some money, which is obviously the main point of being in business. Yes. And you just, again, like we've spoken about this a million times before, you find your

Busy bit. Yeah. And I think I think that's the main key. I think there's so many people on what not now that you find your crowd and you find the people who you gel with and you enjoy their lives and you're not going to enjoy everyone's life. It's just inevitable. You don't you don't like everybody. So you don't. And that's not me saying I don't like everyone, but it's just saying, like, in general, you don't get on with everyone. So you're not going to get on to most like a lot of people's lives.

And there's actually a lot of new sellers coming on who are quite, are really good and their lives are absolutely brilliant. So it's been quite good. Last few days I've been in a few new lives and it's been absolutely brilliant. And the people are absolutely like, they're brilliant. So, and the bargains that's to be had is unbelievable. So I think that's a really positive. I think we've got like,

over the Royal Mail thing now we've got the sellers who only know Royal Mail. So there's none of that anymore if that makes sense. Yeah, no, I know what saying. Yeah, I agree with that. I think that end of day is good. There's new sellers coming on. doing some people doing well. I've seen people getting some good numbers on the shows. I mean, I personally don't spend that much time on whatnot outside of our own shows. And as I said, you know, I follow a few people who are kind of above where we are.

who I want to learn from, who I'm trying to take, you know, inspiration from, you know, but, you know, when you see new people coming on, you check them out and go, actually, yeah, they're really good. Yeah. Someone yes. jumped on one yesterday. can't remember who it was, unfortunately, but there was really good, you know, and you're going, they're going to smash it. They're going to do really well, you know? Yeah. So, and that's what we want. And you encourage everybody to do that. And I

the split between the UK and America is slowly closing. More people from the UK are going over to America and more people from America are coming into the UK, which I've noticed, which I think is really good. It's also given us more of an insight of where people are in America, because obviously they're about 18 months in front of us. it's good to see people and not just on whatnot. So like I've been going on to people's lives and then going to find their Instagram.

or going to find other platforms that they're on to sort of see a bit more about them and where they've come from. And one of them was that Katie Ko. And I went onto her Instagram and I was just like, you're absolutely smashing it for a 19 year old. You're absolutely smashing it. Now she's only at the start of her journey, really. Well, she is Beth, but do you know how long she's been doing reselling? No. Since she was 12.

Wow. She's got six years of experience. She's doing over a million, probably 2 million plus a year now is Katie. She was doing a million a year or so ago when we first was introduced to her. well, I found out about her, obviously not introduced to her, but found out about her, watching her. She's great. She's, she's got everything you need to think about. She's, she's also my mate. You might, lot of people might not like her.

But she's like you said, night she 18 or 19 now. Yeah. 19 now. 19 skilling it's doing millions a year. And it just goes to show that should be inspiration to people. It was very much like. she, I was like, that's the quite kind of selling I like to do. So to me, I was like, that's someone I'm looking at. Cause obviously I come across, daily refinement and I'm like, sometimes I'm

they sell really good items, but their selling technique is so far from mine. And Rinzi, again, I feel like that's, I look at him and go, that's your sort of route, if that makes sense. But when I looked at her, I was just like, very fast paced, very loud, very go, go, go. And I thought she was absolutely brilliant. I was like, she's inspiring me to want to do that more route.

And obviously we were having a conversation the other day that it's kind of a harder route because of the fact that, it's more you, you're buying liquidation stocks in a hole and getting them gone. then she didn't start off doing that. Remember, you know, she's at that level now, but she didn't, she only started doing that maybe a year ago. Yeah. She's progressed to that, you know, it's through the stages of, of, she started off a thrifting going out.

Charity shops and selling stuff on Poshmark initially, she used to sell on Poshmark live. And then she moved on to what not only about. Probably 18 months ago, she's been on what not she hasn't been on, she's only been doing, and she's, you know, she brought some people over from Poshmark. So she already had a following and social media on Instagram and Tik Tok and stuff like that already. But within 18 months, she's killing the game

She's one of the people that we follow and one of the people that we take inspiration off. She's 18 years old and there's a you remind me of her name? Yeah, it's Patey Cole. So it's C -A -I -T -I -E -C -O. Put it in the chat there at the bottom. I can't see that. She's great. And she's very, very similar to

ones that you like are not as kind of from ready let's say but loud and shouting and she's very much she's similar to Pooey actually in that way yeah very much and she's because i obviously like that i like thou from i like thou she i think she's brilliant as well but it just shows that

anyone can do it because the amount of people are on there at the moment. There was a lad, I don't know what his name was, but it just like he was, I can't even remember what he was selling. Cause I was only on for like five minutes, but he was to get to Raiders live, you have to, and to get a shout out so you can read his life. But if you want a shout out, you've got to sponsor something. And it was like, that's the state it's got to in America.

Can you imagine where we can progress to? So I was just like, that's a massive, that's like a, it's a game changer. That's the word I'm looking for. Game changer in that sense. But there's so many people in America, absolutely smashing it. Yeah. Well, can say Katie Ko, who works from home. think she's, her parents have got a big place in the Midwest or somewhere and she's got like a barn where she was using.

I don't know whether she's still in there and watched the shows for a while, but she was working from home up until a couple of months ago, at least. Rinsy works out of his basement. He's doing two million a year. is the husband and wife team, you know? Yeah, Chris, at Daily Refinements, a different level. He's doing a different thing. He's going into huge business. It all depends on... she's moved house now, says.

There's a, there's a model for everybody. There's that stay at home and do it from home model. There's a build a big warehouse and big company model. All depends on what you want, but there's still a significant opportunity based on, you know, what your goals are. If what not is the route that you take. And like I said, stick to one. Don't, don't be, there's mill, there's multi -million

people building multi -million pound or six figure, seven figure, eight figure businesses on eBay. People building six figure, seven figure, eight figure businesses on whatnot. There's nobody building seven, eight figure business on both. No. It's really hard to do, you know? So you might build six figure businesses on both, but if you're to really hone in on building something, build something first.

And then you can do that when that's running about all by itself, which is what I our plan was for eBay. And obviously didn't quite plan out because when I have the people that I could pass that man onto, I hope in my son would be able to come in and do the eBay and he's well capable of doing it. just didn't want to do it. So, and we didn't have the resources to build a whatnot business. I'm building eBay business.

At the same time, we've only got the ability to do one and you know, we was doing what? 25 grand a month on eBay. Now it's down to seven, 8 ,000 a month on eBay. But in that the swap offers now we'll just on a 50 ,000 pound month on what not. So focusing on what just what not as loud as to grow exponentially.

If we was trying to do both, there's no way we would have done what we've done this month or whatnot. Did you hear that, Cam? He's only doing 7 ,000 a month. Bless him. I don't know how you managed to buy food with that, Des. I didn't mean it like that, but I mean, we were doing 21 ,000 a

All the people who are always building eBay and now we are going to rebuild eBay, but I'm going to do it in the way that we talked about at the beginning the live. It's going to be a place where we might do a hundred K a year, but it'll be very easy. We're not that much listing and we can always, because we've, the beautiful thing about it is, is building the skills up. Yeah. Always go back and I can start listing a hundred items a day on the, of what not suddenly was not the place for us to do and live selling didn't work

We just go back and start doing eBay again, the same way as we were doing it before. And we know we can build that back up again. So it's like a fair amount of work because it's time consuming, but it can be done. So building the skills is valuable. Do you think at some point you would, because obviously you said focus on one and you've obviously let the eBay side go down a bit. Do you think that you will get the eBay up to the same net it was before?

I would say we're doing it differently from an income perspective, absolutely, because I can show somebody how to do eBay and list on eBay. At the end of the day, all we need is somebody to list. We need to get the stock that we want to put on eBay, which was, as you know, from being on these calls historically, the difficult thing was splitting the stock because every bit of stock comes in. was hard to filter some over to eBay.

When we could just go and sell it on what not. So there was a real clash of like which, where does the stock go? So the, that now it's got to be like, if you've got eBay, eBay has got to have its own stock and what not's got to have his own stock. And at the time we didn't have the resources to do that. I'm available for four hours a day or three days a week. You should be doing your own buddy listing. yeah, but

But yeah, I mean, we could, you know, I brought my son into the eBay business and from, with no computer literacy experiences, not familiar with computers at all, no eBay experience at all. Within two weeks, we had him listing a hundred a day.

So our system... you want to trick Lewis up and take him? Yeah, if he wants to come down I can show him how to do it. Honestly, because he... I am so determined on whatnot, but he likes the method of eBay. He likes the method of eBay, but I'm so not going that way. So I think that... Because he said he would have been so happy. He was like, damn it, if I was down, I would have gone to work with Daz and Buri.

So, but he, he would, he would easily come down and work with you. Yeah. Yeah. So Paul says his mindset has changed. my mom was on this call and everybody was talking about zip sale, but it slowed me down. Exactly. so your time is better spent. then that was something that we talked about, you know, when we was just doing eBay is the time that it takes to list another item, what to cross list

vintage, especially at the speed that we could list, we could list another item on eBay. We felt it was a lot better bang for our book again, opportunity cost to list more multiple items on one platform than it was to list the same item on multiple platforms. Cause now if you've got the same item on three platforms, you can, you still only got one item. Yeah. You've got more eyes on it. It might sell quicker maybe, but actually most of the eyes are still

eBay eyes, you know what I mean? Or vintage or wherever that one platform. But if you can list three items on eBay instead of one item on three platforms, surely you're better off having three items up for sale than one item up for sale. Don't make no sense to spend the time listing that same item on multiple platforms, unless your time, you've got loads of time and not enough stock. And then it makes sense.

If you haven't got enough stock coming in, I might as well try to list it on multiple platforms because I've got loads of time available. But you should be moving your time to where you are getting enough stock and therefore listing more items. The advice I'm getting now is if it hasn't sold in the first week, take it down and relist it. Which again is totally time consuming.

Is that the best use of your time? Always is the question that you should be asking yourself. Is this the best use of my time? And you'll find that as you level up your business and whatever it is, you'll find that the things that were the best use of your time are no longer the best use of your time. At the beginning, the best use of your time might be cross -listing. But eventually you're going to go, now that's not the best use of my time anymore.

My best use of use of my time is listing more items on eBay. then the best use of my son might be sourcing better items on eBay for eBay. And then the best use of my time is finding new suppliers that gives me better stock to list on eBay. So the use of your time element will shift as you become more knowledgeable, as your network grows, as you learn more things that will shift.

So it depends on where you are on your journey. But the question you should always be asking yourself is, is this the best use of my time? Could I make more money if I were doing something else? For us, it's simple, right? We can iron clothes, put them on hangers, organize the warehouse. But the best use of our time is finding quality items to sell and then being alive on whatnot to sell them items.

more time we're on stream selling, we're making money. When I'm hanging things on rails or taking things out of packets or packing them, we're not making any money. It's got to be done, but that's all stuff that you can leverage other people to do eventually. And the best use of my time right now is to go out and find stock. Maybe even the better use of my time would be to be create content to build our brand.

Bill and the Revive as a brand. That is probably the highest dollar.

use of my time right now. But again it's just figuring out the skills to do that. I ain't got the skills to do that right now. Something that again that we're learning.

so Brad, no worries. This will be re this is recorded and I will drop the recording in the discord. So if you want to go back and re watch it, the replay will be posted. any audio use just on the outside listening or probably was just got home from work. you can, you can list that listen to the whole thing. but yeah, that's, know, this is basically what our calls.

go like as well for the union people. This is what we talk about. This is this kind of strategies, the things that we discuss and how to get stronger, how to get better. know, everybody's on different platforms. Most people be on eBay. So, you know, we can talk a lot about that. Obviously my focus and Pui's focus right now is whatnot. And we're strategizing on how to do that. We're learning. Like we are the,

hamsters on the wheel right now trying to figure out how to do this so i'm not saying that we know yet still trying to figure it out but hopefully we can pass our mistakes on to you guys if if that's what you want to do if you want to build a business and like we've talked about this katiko these all these examples of people on the other side of the pond who are a year 18 months ahead of us

that we can use in examples and go like that, there's opportunity here. We just got to figure out how to use that opportunity and figure out how to actually do it. Cause it's hard, it's not easy.

I was heartbroken that one person was gonna go

I will take it, but then a part of me was like, no, that's mine. Next time I come down, that's going to be snuck away quite swiftly and put behind my chair, if you know. Yeah, Pooey is still alive, sister. I'm still alive. He not killed me yet. I thought I'd have to have a funeral. Why, what happened? I ain't seen anything yet. So, a chance. that a Jew? Is that a Jew, Len?

ATTV? Who's ATTV? that's Soul. Soul. I'm still okay, The bomb was in... Is legendary. I thought I was gonna be dead. I'm not. I'm still alive. I told everybody if I'm dead, just please go to my funeral with the really bright and colourful of clothing.

Don't go. think we'll all be saying it. We'll all be saying a three to one. They're going to be back alive. What is called a thing? Who is says, don't worry. Katie caught struggled massively as well. She had to stop selling certain products as she was losing money. Yeah. I mean, it's hard. I said that, you know, there's this is, this is why we're, we're moving towards that higher price model on that higher priced items.

because it's difficult, you know, it's, it's hard when you've spent a lot of time going out sourcing products that you think's decent, we're going to sell for decent money. And then it sells for less than what you paid for it. So it's like, that's, that's the danger of what not and then one pound starts. And what we've spoke about previously on the calls is we don't want to be gambling. We shouldn't have to be gambling with our money, with our product. so.

It doesn't make sense as a business model to be gambling. The gambling comes on the other side where you get the customers are bidding. Maybe, maybe there's a little bit of an element of gambling, but the sellers will not be gambling of whether they actually make any money or not. That's not a great business model, you know? So George Ross has brought out a new video tonight about how much he's making on what not.

He said, I paid a pound for this. It's sold for a pound. He said, I'm at a loss of 44p on it. He says, and he's pulled out a couple of bits, just explaining how the fees work on it and whatnot. I he's starting to realize that he's not making as much money he he was on there. Yeah. Well, again, it's with George, had a little bit of a, he had a little bit of a boost at the beginning, obviously he's well known.

It evens itself out on whatnot over time. You know, a bit of a YouTube following or whatever is not going to sustain you over the longterm. You've to bring quality items. You've got to bring quality shows. you've got to be consistent. You've got to do all the things that's necessarily to build a business. So eventually people will go, yeah, I like George, but so -and -so has got better, better items on their show and it's, it's faster moving

more pace, it's more fun. I'm going to jump over to them and then they lose the thing. So the initial light, shine wears off and you know, it's difficult because this some days where things go really, really well. And then there's some days where things go really, really shit and you've got to able to deal with them days when it goes really, really shit. And the same thing with, you know, you know, Cam, yeah, he started to do quality items. Now he did a,

night tech show the other day or was it last week and he was getting his night tech jackets so he made money on that one I think it was just his latest one that he was saying that he might not have made as much on it but he's real I've seen he's put he started to start things at a higher price which is what you've got to do yeah he's hit that learning curve now where he knows he's got to be quality he's got to start at a decent price and he's made money at it simple as absolutely

The trend over over in the U S is now starting higher prices. We're, we're trying to push that trend here as well. There's got, it's got to be a balance where obviously the items are still cheap for the, people to buy because the dynamic of what not is that they're showing, you're showing somebody an item and it's got to be such a good deal that they're going, I don't want to miss that deal right now. That's too good deal to miss. Why

It start with people starting at a pound. Why did it start like that? I don't know. Is that that's where this stems from where the problem stems from. If you're trying to get higher prices is because people were used to stuff starting at a quid at the start when it all first started. Yeah, I don't know. mean, like there's a counterintuitive elements to starting at a pound. Sometimes starting at a pound gets you more money depending on the item. It's crazy. Sometimes a five second auction is better than a 15 second auction.

There's dynamics at play as well. Human psychology that you've got to figure out. But in general, that's when you're looking at individual items, some things might work better, but we can't do that as a business. We've got to go right as a business. How can we have a stable environment where we can do a show and know we're going to make some money on it? One particular item or not, either way, it ain't going to make the difference over a whole show.

So when you start everything at a pound and everything starts going super cheap, less than what you've paid for it, then you're losing money and you can't sustain that. And then that's not good for the seller and it's not good for the buyer as well because then the buyer loses the opportunity to buy the item at a good price because either the sellers jump off and quit and go back to eBay, which a lot of done we've seen, you know, seen a lot of that happening or you have to put the prices

Or you stop sourcing stuff like I mentioned earlier. I'm not going to put certain things on whatnot. I don't think I can get a decent profit on them. So that's taking that opportunity away from the buyer to be able to have that even buy that item when the there's going to be buyers that do want that. But if the, if the overall trend is like, can't sell that on what not because it ain't going to fetch a profit.

You know, and by the way, when we're talking about a profit, the average profit on what not is 20 to 25%. It's not a lot of profit. So when you, my mom came to me today and she found the supplier and she said, would this be interesting to you? says, but I think it's a bit too high. I says, look, just be aware that the margins on what not are really, really low. So you, when we sell something for 30, we've probably paid 20 for it. And we're probably making six or seven quid on that item.

So when we start something at 29 quid, then we've probably paid 18, 19, 20 quid for it, at least. You know what I mean? Or we're hoping that we're starting at 29 and we'll get a couple of extra bids to make it. Remember it's an auction that we're starting at 29. Especially with represent. Well, yeah, we went like last week was a good example because on the Shundi show we've run all the even good stuff starting at 19 quid. So now it's like starting a pound auction again, because some of it was worth

8 ,000, 9 ,000, know, what would hope to get for it? Like the represent stuff. And, know, we have to pay like, I don't know what the whatnot crowd believe, but we can't get represent hoodies for less than 50 quid. So like the 170 quid in represent or on funnels or wherever you buy that stuff. So the fact that we can get them for 50 quid is a really good deal,

If we run them for a pound, there's a good chance that I've seen some fetch 30, 35 quid and you're 20 quid down on a hoodie. It's like, so not so. So then we've got to turn down and say, well, even at starting at 50 quid and we get one bid, we might as well not have bought it. Yeah. So then you start thinking, well, we might as well not buy it. That's when your accountant looks at you and goes, what the hell are you doing? What's that all about? So then you go,

Why aren't you wanting to represent? Because I have to buy it at 50 quid and when I run it, you don't want to pay for more than see that as well. We're not going to bring it anymore. So he saw that represented for 50 quid today. That is is he's losing money on that

because we, because we know the price of the, yeah, I where he bought him from and I know exactly what he paid for him. So, he's buying them from the same place. So I was, and I chose not to buy them because of that. know that he's going to get it. I know that they go for around 50 to 60 quid generally. Sometimes you might get a bid up a little bit higher. I'm not going to pay 50 quid to sell something for 54 quid. I've got to spend that, go out and buy.

10 represent hoodies for 500, 600 quid to get five or 600 quid. And by the way, 54 quid, 10 % whatnot fees and two is five pound, six pound nearly off that. You're losing money on that. No, actually this time these really pay more, it, Darren? Last week. No, they always go for about the same. Like generally, generally the...

The hoodies go for around 50, 50 pounds and the t -shirts around 40 quid. So it's like, it's hard to make money on that stuff. We only usually buy it just so we can have to use it as advertising. It's the only reason why we buy it. we, so we, it's like a lost leader to bring people into the show because we were very rarely make money on it. And there's a lot of brands like that.

You know, in order for us to actually make money on that, we've got to start at £75 and then it'll be crickets again. It'll tumbleweeds again. You know what I We tried doing it and it was like tumbleweed. I think Paul bought one at like that higher ass price, which obviously we appreciate when anybody makes that one bid and buy it. But we started at a price that we wanted, but we tried that for a couple of weeks and it went back on the rail.

As much as everybody wants it, they want it for 50 quid. like, the black one, the black t -shirt, the shirt. remember. But you know, this is the reality of reselling. we, you know, we buy things with the hope it's going to make a profit, but the more knowledge you get on that particular platform or that particular genre, we know pretty much what represents going to represent, what is going to fetch.

whatever price we start at, because there's kind of been a limit being set by our shows and Mike's show, because we're the only ones that are generally bringing that brand. So we can look on both shows and go, well, we can see generally what price them items go for. And we know what we're paying for them.

This is the thing, like when it comes to the customer is like, well, you won't represent, but we have to pay 50 quid for that. How can we sell it? is that finally see your face? Yes. I'm walking the dog. It's always good to see your face. See faces gets poor. Paulie going to put your face on.

Paul, come on. You're trying to see my face and then I can't see your face. Don't let him bully you, I always bully him, because it's so personal as well.

Yeah. Yeah. And that's the thing. Our aim now is not to, like I've said on the show, we're not here to feed resellers with stock. If you can get a deal that you can resell, we love that. great. you live too close to be telling us the story. can't he said that to me. Shut

You're in trouble. I was going to send him the Louis Vuitton tour bag. I'm not going to send it anymore. Look at that one. You can send it to me. I'm not sure whether that's even real. It's real. It's real to sell the real things. It's just a cloth, isn't it? It's cloth. It's tour bag.

It's not a top. It's a dust bag. Dust bag, by the way. It's a dust bag. I'll swap it for a mow -boo belt. No, I won't.

Yeah. Mulberry is not a fast seller. Nice brand, not a fast seller. That's for sure. So has anybody got any other questions? forgot. I've completely lost track of what we were talking about now. You always lose track when period. I know. She scares me. That's why I'm like, what, Are you kidding me? Honestly. Guys, that in front of the camera, he always do that to people thinking that I'm a scalar.

You are more scary than that. Behind the scene he's really really bossy and he's really taken me off all the bloody terms. That's not true. Don't be silly Poo, we know you're the boss. Yeah barely. We all know you're the boss. god absolutely. If anybody's funeral is gonna happen it's gonna be mine not hers. You won't even get a funeral you'll be buried under the...

What do you say, Kenny?

What did Kenny say then? I he just like weapon.

honey. All right. It's been a fun, fun call. Let's see your face. Is Paul going to actually show his face? Yeah, he will. guys are... Come on, on. Come on. Come on, Everybody's on to you now, Paul. Don't do it out of spite. That's what I'll do. You need to be lovely.

I would just point He's absolutely like refusing, isn't he? He's gone. He's quiet now. He don't know what's going on. He's never quiet. He's probably in... he's on, he's on. It's going off. Very good. What a handsome fella. Nice to see you. Nice to see your face.

Welcome to We're seeing loads of new faces tonight. I know, that's nice, isn't it? Nice to see the face. Really. This is the Revive team, guys. Has everybody had a good night? you learnt anything? How many people have you been banned? Me? Or Both of you? Or and you? I've about I've seen the house needs to be getting banned. I know. I've seen the house needs banned. you have,

Yeah, between me and Paul, we've been getting a few bands recently. Bradley, Bradley, don't get anybody banned you. I'm behaving, especially when you're here. That is the correct answer. That's the answer both of them want to hear. But tomorrow you'll just see another account saying 3153 with another three on the end. So what's the point? Exactly.

I won't ban you Paul, don't worry about it. Out of everyone, it's going to be me who gets banned first. Yeah, you'll never be banned on our show Paul, but might be. Yeah, but Beth might be. She's pain in the bum. Best luck she's already been banned. know, she is. Especially after some of my antics. She has to come and collect all her stuff as well. So many things. I know, I have to go do the walk of shame and go and collect all my

I don't pay for postage but I live close enough now that my postage is free so I've just been building up a stockpile. need to find you with a stock. I need to charge you for the stock here. rental. Yeah storage. Storage. Storage. Your two boxes there, a big one. So I need to charge your storage as well. Can we slowly hand it over without Lewis knowing?

because he doesn't quite know I'm at silver yet. He doesn't think I'd buy anything. So can we just say it was stock you nicely gave to me? Just tell him that I've been gifting you. I'll just say, Paul's been gifting me all this. just have to go pick it up. Yeah, Paul, give you the nice bag. Paul, give you the nice bag. A nice bag. yeah, the adult...

It fits Delilah perfectly. It's like a miniature gym bag for her. It's absolutely brilliant. Yeah, but Pui, I've put it on vintage for her so she could easily buy it for a pound. pound? Yeah. And then somebody else bought it. No. Within about 10 seconds. No way. Adidas bag.

and it had a photo of a red bull and Adidas and I was like, Paul, why does it already say so? Father, you're so slow, man. He's tried to do your best things ever and you're still ignoring him. You're so bad. Honestly. Reorder and then redo it. I think George is definitely at the end of his tether. won't know. He was

Don't come and kill her next time, don't. She's bandit. What I bad? Because you poor be nice to you and you still like being horrible to him not being quick enough to somebody for somebody else to snipe on that back for a quit. That's absolutely... Just start using her stuff as giveaways, please. Exactly. I know, I know. was... The Red Bull still came cold. I was quite impressed with the packaging.

It was was quite up there. So what was you saying Cam? So I think George is losing the end of his tether with what not. I'm just watching that video again for the second time. He said he spent a thousand quid on brand new with Tag Stop for his birthday. Put it on broke even. He says he gets the stuff washed and steamed and he's getting the same prices as if he just pulled it out of the bag crumpled. He can see

in his face, because obviously I've got subtitles on, seeing his face, he doesn't know what to do. I think you should... He needs to join revive .team. Yeah. Well, we'll sort him out. Yeah. He's got that on his face, so he really has nowhere to go with what not now. He's tried newer tags, he's tried getting stuff washed in the steam, he's tried upping his game on it, and he's just breaking even, breaking even all the

Yeah. think to be honest, that's the story of a lot of people. They're trying to still, they're still trying to figure out how to make this work. And we are only figuring it out by sheer body mindedness and sheer like consistency and, and, you know, trying what works and trying multiple things. just keep kind of turning up and doing the same thing over and over again and hoping it's going to get better. It's just not going to happen.

So you've got to, you've got to figure out what strategies are working again. Like I spent a lot of time studying what other people are doing, what's working, what isn't working. You know, as Paul said, Katie Koh is a good example. She's had times when it's been a struggle. She's had times when she's been flying. We was watching her, had 300, 400 people and then all of a sudden the views dropped, they too? Like 60, 70, 40, 50. Because she's saving all the things. Because she tried bump, she tried going

that to the higher price starts and everybody didn't like it and dropped off. But really she probably needed to just stay consistent and keep doing that. And people would have come back the same as what Rinsy did at the beginning when he shifted from the $1 start to the $40 start. His views dropped off, but now the views are back up again now. Took a month or two to do, but the profitability at the higher price

We're prepared to sell less items, but for more money. it makes more sense with we, we've, as you know, guys, we, we, we calculate, we put numbers down. We, understand the analytics. We're looking at what works, what doesn't work. And the profitability on the shows when we sell less, but sell for a higher price is just works out better. it's sometimes frustrating because. You know, you get used to selling everything.

But you got to find the strategy that works. unfortunately for somebody like George and for a lot of other sellers, George does one show a week. It's hard to then get enough knowledge in the bank because you can't try enough things. We've gone out there every single day and listed thousands and thousands of items and tried loads and loads of different ways of doing

to try to find what works and what doesn't work. And still some days, some things work one day and then it doesn't work the next day. So you got to have multiple options. Believe me, it's bloody hard. Resigning in general is hard, whether it's eBay, whether it's whatnot. There's no easy route to making a decent living or above that, beyond that. But like I always say, there is a massive

upside to if you can figure it out, you know, we're seeing that result for us this at the moment, how, how the potential is and where we've got still so much growth room to grow that, know, if we keep trending months like this, we're looking at 600 grand a year and we're we've doubled our turnover nearly in the last couple of months. Again, the regular people on the show know we had a 20 ,000 month

which seemed like a massive target for us. And then a 30 ,000. And then I challenged us this month to do 50 ,000 and we've done it. So, and we know that somebody like Rinzi does 15 ,000 a show. We saw somebody the other day who was $70 ,000 show. Yeah. 70 ,000. And one show. So the upside is there, but the work to get to the upside, most people don't ever want to put that much effort in and much work in timing and fail.

multiple times in order to... He realizes that he's got to move away from the one pound stats. Yeah, I think that's key for a lot of people. The problem with him is he spends all his week in charity shops and boot fairs. So he's up for some of his stuff, you know, but, you know, with the contacts he's got on his Instagram and he's following, know, wholesalers would probably be bending over backwards to supply

you because he's got that reach. I think that that's you've got to have a decent wholesaler if you're going to do what not because you're just, you know, he's spending, he could do two or three shows a week if he wasn't spending every day in a charity shop, which is fine for his niche and he's a successful with that. But like you said, you know, whatnot is a different kettle of fish. Yeah.

But again, it comes down to what we talking about, right? Opportunity costs. Where's the best use of your time? And it's the best of use of time controlling around charity shops to try to find 10, 15, 20 items, to do a 50 item show and whatnot. And realistically, you're not going to make that much money doing that. So there have ended up being quite a lot of time spent. And I think with George, and maybe, and a lot of people, I think this is in general, actually.

is people just don't value the time as much as what they should. The time is ultimately the most important thing and how I'm spending my time and the best use of my time should be factoring in to your thinking when it comes to growing any type of business or making money in any type of way. So, you know, and I think we failed at that multiple times. Like I said, I always look at the people who have

spent time on social media, Becky Bazaar being a good example of that, right? So she spent her time on making videos and you think, well, what's the result of making 30 second videos for TikTok? But you can now see the result of it. know, once you've built that following up, so that's a good use of time. it's not an immediate source of money, which forces most of us normal people to go.

I'm not gonna earn anything today if I do that, but if I list something on eBay today, I'm gonna make some money. And that's kind of how our thinking was. And when you need money, you've gotta do the things that make your money right now.

But hopefully you can progress along the, the, the thing. This is why I'm big on setting goals, having a direction going right. This is where I want to go. There's going to be stepping stones along the way to that, to that ultimate goal. but I need to know where, what path I'm going on in order to be on that path. You know, if you don't even know where you're going, you're just wandering around all over the place, hoping that something sticks. And I think that's what a of people do.

So staying focused, like I said, niche, one platform, get good at it, figure out the type of thing that you want to sell and then go and get a supply for that. And then as you progress, we went from Rag House, which, well, from car booting, which was where we got most of our eBay stock for the first two years, I say a year and a half. You what, tell me. We car boots.

When we were building eBay, most of our stock came from car boots. Yeah, half. Yeah. Car boot and charity shop. We buy everything, the things from charity shop. If we see something like two or three quid, just to buy it, even just to get a couple of quid on eBay. Because we wanted to build the store up as much as we can, as big as we can. And a lot of people just like, they come

come across to us in the other big events in the UK. So, and then they keep an eye on us as well. we actually came in really, really fast and going really, really fast as well. that our selling is going. But again, most of the items come from cardboard and the charity shop. we moved over to an actual supply. Yeah.

which then the charity shops and the car boots became not a good use of our time anymore. But a better use of our time was getting items delivered to us and listing more items. And then the rag house was another stepping stone where we was getting really good stock at a really cheap price, but there was a lot of work involved. And obviously when we started doing whatnot, it was a good stuff. But then all of a sudden that

Not the best use of our time anymore because we started progressing to, you know, better quality stock. So all the time you're stepping up along the stepping stones to where you eventually want to be. and that's the bet. That was the best, the best use of our time at the beginning was to go to carbo sales, but that suddenly became not the best use of our time. So it's like figuring out right now where I am in my business, what is the best use of my time? We've said to Cam.

Stop getting wholesale, start sourcing on vintage and start sourcing on whatnot. Spend a lot of time sourcing, getting quality items and maybe less time trailing around or prepping or getting stuff from wholesalers that just don't sell. But there's a learning curve in that obviously, and it takes a little bit of time for things to start kicking in. Yeah, it's, it's, it's a journey and.

Every single step of the way the thought process is this the best use of my time, I would

We're getting late guys. 10 to 11. Last topic, subject, questions before we jump off. Can I ask a really quick question? Yeah, of course, Matt. Is RealTree a brand or is it a style? Because everyone seems to put RealTree into everything. It's a copyrighted camouflage pattern that's copyrighted out

Other brands to use. Right. Okay. So will it have real tree somewhere on the tag if it is the real tree? Be stamped on the design. Have a look around the design on the actual camouflage and it be in there with this little logo real tree. Right. Okay. And if it's not, can't obviously use that. Real tree. they'll. Is there any, is there any evidence come of any veros against? No.

So like you might be all right listening, but you must be aware. If you start hearing that people get in V road for it, then obviously just be careful of that. But I'd never heard of anybody getting V road for it. that's real true. So they, they licensed a lot of patterns and those patterns go out to these, these manufacturers. Right. Cool. Thank you. And some brands, some, some

copyrights, I'm going to be more protective of their copyright than others are not bothered if it's kind of generic across multiple brands and you know, it's probably not. Yeah, he gets the rear against it because people buy it, sell it and then buy some more. It does sell quickly. Like if it's price, right. Yeah. thank you. No worries.

Right guys, so we'll call it a night. Thanks for everybody for being on everybody who's new. Hopefully it's been a good experience and we maybe picked up some information. But yeah, this is revive .team. This is what we do on a Monday and a Wednesday. We're gonna, I'm just figuring out what the development of the paid platform is. So just keep, keep your.

ears to the ground in discord. Unfortunately, I am busy so I don't get to spend much time, but the cam's always in there answering questions for people. If you've ever got any questions, just jump in and if anybody's stuck, then obviously I'll try and jump in and answer anything that I can add to. But yeah, just ask questions in the group because everybody's supporting each other. So if you've ever got any questions, just feel free.

And then we will do more of these where everybody's invited in, in the future.

Alright guys, thanks for jumping on and we'll see you on the next one. good night everyone.