Wifey and Baby Mama

Shun and Shannon discuss the give/take, ups/downs, and ebbs/flows of relationships and keeping a balance.

What is Wifey and Baby Mama?

After involvement with the same man, Wifey, Shun and Baby Mama, Shannon have formed a unique bond to keep their children and family united in spite of society norms that tend to pit one against the other.

Shun (00:38.606)
Hey, I'm Shawn.

Shannon (00:40.31)
Hi, and I'm Shannon.

Shun (00:42.286)
And we're the host of wifey and baby mama. Happy Thursday family. Welcome back. Welcome back. Your favorite two hosts with the most of flying solo tonight. We know you guys have been spoiled with guests and I'm not going to lie. I was loving it. Shannon season three was the littest yet. But next week, next week, this season will come to an end. So tonight is our last official episode.

Shannon (00:48.31)
Yes. Yes.

Shannon (00:59.286)
Me too, me too. Yeah, yeah.

Shun (01:10.35)
So we decided to run it alone so we can give you, you guys assigned sound as advice possible to ponder until next season. Now, of course, you know, and true wifey and baby mama style will have a traditional so long episode next Thursday where we give you our farewell stats and updates and our, you know, our plans for the break and some good old fashioned well wishes and love. But we both agreed, yeah, that tonight's topic would be best to present for our grand finale.

Shannon (01:33.59)

Shun (01:39.662)
Because we want to end this season like we did the last one encouraging you all to go higher and this topic Help us arrive, you know to this secure peaceful loving place. We are in life So we fiddlingly call it even season And for clarity that's even e v e n season I need you all to catch that now because Until you enter that season in your life, you will not win

Shannon (01:45.046)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (01:54.582)

Shannon (02:02.166)

Shun (02:06.222)
You see we don't have a guest and I'll get to preaching but you know, go ahead get get step in now because you know I get to going

Shannon (02:11.638)
Now go ahead, go ahead, preach, preach. Stay on as my husband says, stay on, stay on.

Shun (02:14.766)
No Say oh no We just we want you guys to really catch that because until we're equally yoked and and like we said, it's not just in relationships You know all jokes aside you gotta you know, I gotta put the comedy in there But you know, I'm a little miss. I'm a little miss wired Shannon when I don't have you know, I guess to keep me calm

Shannon (02:39.19)
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.

Shun (02:41.358)
But seriously, we need you all to hear this. It's time out for getting more than what you're giving. And time out for giving more than you're receiving on a constant basis in love, marriage, family, friendship, even a career. Sure now, sometimes Shannon and scales are unintentionally in balance. We say that all the time. Yeah, we say that all the time. But some days you won't get what you put in, especially in a relationship.

Shannon (02:52.79)

Shannon (03:01.654)
Right, oh yeah.

Shun (03:09.262)
That's just the way the ball bouncing on certain days or even years. So, you know.

Shannon (03:09.654)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, as we know, right, things ebb and flow just like the river, just like life, they ebb and flow. A good example for me, which when I lost my father, I wasn't good for two years for anybody, not even my husband, you know, so he had to be the the everything, you know, he wasn't getting anything from me. I couldn't give him jack crap because I

Shun (03:29.23)

Shun (03:34.158)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (03:39.158)
didn't want to live. I didn't want to be here. I didn't know how to function. You know, so he had to step in and do it all. And thankfully he didn't walk away and say, wait a minute, this girl is so crazy. Cause some nights I know he slept with one eye open cause he didn't know what I was going through. Um, so yeah, but overall, you know, we are definitely even when it comes to, you know, our give and take, you know, um,

Shun (03:54.478)
Right. Right.

Shannon (04:08.758)
he lost his sister. Yeah, he didn't suffer as much as I did with my dad, of course, but he would go through his periods and where he would lash out or, you know, didn't want to talk and, you know, and I had to, I had to be okay and try to make sure he was okay. So those things happen in life or, you know, we haven't ran into this situation, but we know plenty of people who, um,

You know, one person is out of a job for a while and someone has to carry the whole load, you know.

Shun (04:44.366)
Well that that in my marriage has went both ways at one point. So yeah, it's a it's a it's a real thing and not even Shannon just death, you know morning or life I mean our finances sometimes it's just it's just life, right? So for instance when I was writing the when I was writing my book, you know Or starting a long trial at work or it's my intake week or you know, even recently Negotiating TV deals like my husband was left like foot in

Shannon (04:48.118)
Yeah. Yeah.

Shannon (04:59.318)
Oh yeah.

Shun (05:11.214)
Most of the financial costs for all of my projects in these last two years and sometimes even the housework shannon I I could I can come home with good intentions. Like i'm on a cook dinner i'm gonna do laundry and shannon i'm so wired for work and you know intake in 30 freaking new cases and getting those put together for the week for trials or You know just writing a book and this chapter needs to be edited It was a lot right? But the book when I was going through the book phase, you know, thank god. I was mostly not at this job

Shannon (05:15.478)

Shannon (05:21.526)
Mm -hmm.


Shannon (05:33.366)
Right, yeah.

Shun (05:39.214)
Matter of fact the book was complete but now I won't go from one phase to another from writing to now taking on this new position that I have to learn and that I have to you know jump into and become great at It's a lot and I would say I'm gonna just do laundry I'm gonna do it Saturday because now the week has been too full Saturday comes and Shannon all I want to do is sleep because now I'm beat down from the week and I could tell tensions were rising between us, you know, because I was built busy building a brand and I checked out a lot, you know, I

Shannon (05:49.558)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (05:57.494)
Yeah, right, right.

Shannon (06:05.878)
Mm -hmm. Right.

Shun (06:08.462)
But then let's flip that years ago. I was the breadwinner, you know cooking cleaning working take care of a newborn our son who was totally unexpected to us That wasn't prepared. So he had a brand new high booster, baby That was his child and he was out in these motorcycle streets living his best life, you know So I had to I had to look at him sideways like Negro you realize you got a kid a baby in here or you know family because he checked out on his responsibilities, so I

Shannon (06:12.95)

Shannon (06:19.99)

Shannon (06:27.67)
Uh -huh. Uh -huh. Yeah. That's right. That's right.

Shun (06:37.55)
We both at some point were on different wavelengths, but it wasn't intended to hurt the other person. That just meant it was a conversation that needed to be had. And thankfully, before any of our stuff gets too bad or got too bad in the past, we were able to sit down and be like, hey, what's happening here? And we were able to refocus on each other and what we needed. And what we're saying here in this episode to you audiences, just don't let people make it a habit of shortchanging you, no matter who they are.

Shannon (06:53.718)

Shannon (06:57.75)

Shannon (07:04.374)
Exactly, exactly. Yeah, don't don't. You know, people will show you who they are and you will show people who you are and recognize it. And we talked to think season one about red flags and you know how people go around collecting red flags and put them in their pocket instead of, you know, walking away. But the.

Shun (07:16.206)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (07:22.894)

Shannon (07:33.11)
I guess the danger in some of that is you'll have people on the outside looking in, pointing at stuff, saying, oh, girl, I wouldn't put up with that. Or, oh, man, what's she doing? So you have to be careful that it's something that you really can't put up with or someone is trying to convince you on the outside that you can't put up with this. Because sometimes it's not that serious. It really isn't. Yeah. And it. Mm -hmm.

Shun (07:45.326)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (07:57.358)
Absolutely. It's just like I said, Shannon. It's just a conversation. Sometimes it's just a conversation. That's right.

Shannon (08:02.262)
Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Because one thing I do deal with, I deal with with my husband because I'm not the talkative one in the relationship. He's the talker. He's the center of attention. He's the one that got to have the spotlight at all times. But every now and again, as you guys can hear sometimes on the show, I will want to talk. I'll get on a tangent or whatever. But it's not that often.

Shun (08:27.342)
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.

Shannon (08:28.855)
But one thing I have to remind him when it does happen every, you know, six months or eight months or whatever, let me talk because what he tends to do is like, oh, I'm moved on to the next conversation. I'm like, hold up. I'm not done saying what I'm saying, but he's so used to it being all him that he forgets to let me have a word or let me let me vent. Yeah. Yeah. I said, I listened to him vent. Right. Yeah.

Shun (08:37.134)
That's right.

Shun (08:43.662)

Shun (08:49.486)
Uh -huh.

That I have a voice too. Yeah, I have a voice too, opinion.

Shannon (08:58.71)
I can listen to him then all day every day and that's what he does all day. He has to talk about what they did at his job, what they did. I rarely talk about things with him with my job, mainly because it's not that important to me unless it's something big. And, you know, Sean, I'll talk to you a lot, you know, when it comes to certain things about work. Yeah, yeah. But his is on a daily. So recently,

Shun (09:18.99)
Right. And when it's a big thing, that's right. Mm hmm.

Shannon (09:27.99)
the company I worked for, they had several months of layoffs. And I thought I was going to be in the number simply because, you know, I'm not in a location where I can go to an office. So I work from home. So they were looking at a lot of the people that are remote or permanently remote. There's not an office within, I think the closest office is about three hours from my home.

Shun (09:49.966)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (09:55.702)
So I thought it would be me. And so every time the date would approach for these particular layoffs, I'd want to chat about it a little bit. And he would get to the point where just you can't look to the mirror, just wait and see if it happens. Of course, I got to wait to see if it's going to happen. But I just want to chat a little bit about it to say, what do you think? Or start to plan. Yeah. Yeah. So I can sleep at night. Yeah. So yeah.

Shun (10:15.374)
I just want to get it off my chest. Right, right.

Right, but my thing is I listen to you every single day. So if I want to vent about this then I need you to listen I get it but but can I redirect or can I revert back to something you said about red flags? Totally off the subject of of life But do you remember when Porsche from the housewives first married her husband and I talked about it Red flags are not for me. He had red flags, but a girl they divorced him. Did you hear it?

Shannon (10:26.518)
Yeah. Uh huh. Uh huh. Right. Right.

Shannon (10:43.766)
Oh yeah.

Shannon (10:50.358)
Oh, are they? No, I didn't hear that. Hmm. Wow.

Shun (10:51.79)
Um ma 'am and No one has given A specific reason i'm not they're not in their life. I don't like to speculate or judge I simply want to bring up one thing because we said red flags It just brought the conversation back to my mind this video she put out Oh his red flags and for me. Let me tell you something that could be so true shannon because My husband had a lot of red flags too. I guess if you look at it naturally it has to be the right person The person got assigned for you

Shannon (11:10.678)

Shannon (11:17.269)
Mm -hmm. Right.

Shun (11:21.166)
But let me tell you, and again, I'm not judging, cause I'm gonna tell you something, Porsche is my girl. Love her like a play cousin. But you took that man, honey, when he was married to somebody else, you got to be careful. And then you go and you say, well, his red flags aren't for me because I was just the one, he was with the wrong woman. Baby, let me tell you something. My mama taught me the same way you get them, most of the time is the same way you lose them. And if his red flags was flagging for the last wife, they're gonna be flagging for you. You know, but.

Shannon (11:25.91)
I know, yeah, yeah.

Shannon (11:30.902)
Yeah. Yeah. Mm -hmm.

Shannon (11:38.966)

Shannon (11:43.862)
Yep, exactly.

Mm -hmm. Right. Right.

Shun (11:51.022)
Again, not don't know the ins and outs of it. But yes, ma 'am I just want to bring that to your attention when you said red flags Usually when they are flagged they flagged for a reason and I guess from what I'm hearing in the news and social media is he was lying about as well He had several last names. He just basically Wasn't who he said he was and I want to just revert to another old -school saying Usually when something is too good to be true Shannon. It usually is it usually is

Shannon (11:57.014)

Mm -hmm.

Shannon (12:06.934)
Uh... Oh wow.

Shannon (12:15.414)
To be true. Yeah. Yeah.

Shun (12:18.798)
So we have to wait and see how this thing turns out Simon, God bless you. I don't know, I'm not there, but I'm just telling you, the streets, you know, the streets is, those are the street standards of why they're divorcing, but actual fact that she did a five -fold divorce. Ain't that crazy?

Shannon (12:22.71)

Yeah, yeah.

Shannon (12:35.83)
Wow, that is crazy. Yeah. And I guess another part of that too is like you said, it was too good to be true. Cause a lot of times when you're going into a relationship in the very beginning and people will disagree with this or they really don't see themselves. No one is really real, but you hear people say, oh no, I'm real, I'm real. They always gonna get the real me. That's what you think, but no.

Shun (12:39.534)
Eh -eh.

Shun (12:44.718)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (13:05.326)
That's right.

Shannon (13:05.654)
It really gets real when stuff goes to the left and you see how people react when things go to the left. If everything is all polite and everyone's, you know, being careful of each other's feelings and not stepping on toes and walking on eggshells and, you know, oh, I got to be careful what I say about this. No one has seen the real you or you haven't seen the real them. And then when stuff really goes off the rails.

Shun (13:09.87)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (13:33.654)
You're like, oh, they're crazy or they're calling you crazy. And then someone's out the door and you know, it's like, yes, you're going to have a honeymoon period when you first meet someone. Yes, it's going to be all rosy and you know, everything's beautiful. But try. I really. Oh, yeah. First day. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I love this job. Yeah.

Shun (13:51.342)
Yes, that job is going to be the best you ever had the first two weeks. This is it This is life Uh that church that new church the people so nice to me and then you walk up on a meeting honey when they Uh, how many pastors say I eat pork you walk in there on eating the whole pig But you know, it's everything. I what it seems all the time what we're saying. It's not always what it seems. Yeah

Shannon (14:03.094)
Oh that man can preach

Shannon (14:10.07)

Yeah. All right. Right. Exactly. Speaking of which, you make a good point when you bring up church. So I tried a different church probably about a couple of years ago. And when I tell you, I walked in that building and when I was like, oh, this is for me, this is just wonderful. I'm like, this is the best place I've ever been. And it is for some people, I'm sure. But.

Shun (14:26.126)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (14:35.15)

Shannon (14:43.03)
After I sat there for about, it took probably a good three months, four months, and because the pastor had been away, well, he was there initially, then he had went away to a trip in Costa Rica or somewhere in South America. And then he came back and he really was into, you know, some, I guess, what was given to him while he was away. And I don't want anyone to think badly of me, but.

He preached against reality TV shows and telling people in his congregation, if you're watching reality TV, you're committing a sin. He preached about against Disney World. If you take your kids to anything to do with Disney because of their LGBTQ, you know, stamps or whatever, if you support them, you're committing a sin. You know, just stuff to me that I'm like, wait a minute.

Not that I've never been Disney World not that that's him not that that's here there But my thing is I would never tell anybody not to go to Disney World. We're in the Bible You know because I'm very very Bible based and if you can't show it to me in the word anywhere and in the reason he said Exactly, it preached it and and the reason he said reality TV shows were you were committing a sin watching those is because

Shun (15:53.454)
Mm -hmm.

Shun (15:57.326)
You can't forbid it or preach it.

Shannon (16:09.686)
You're judging those people. You're either laughing at them or you're looking at them, calling them stupid. You're just sitting around judging. He says then Christian shouldn't judge. And that's all you can do when you're watching reality TV.

Shun (16:23.246)
Sir, it's TV. It's entertainment sir. You're gonna laugh You're gonna laugh a judge a cry when you watch any movie. Are you not? Oh, yeah, baby I hope you got there long if you did it, please be doing so please be doing so

Shannon (16:24.086)
So it's entertainment.

Shannon (16:32.534)
That's what I said. So yeah, I did. I did. I said, OK. I was like, no. I mean, I like y 'all. I like everyone there. You guys are some cool folks. And y 'all can jump and clap and shout amen to all of this. But it's just not for me. And not saying you're going to like everything a pastor says. Even the church I go to now, there are certain things he says that's, yeah. You're like, nah.

Shun (16:55.086)
And yeah, I was just about to yeah I was just about to say now you're not gonna find a perfect church now Let me let me have it be on that but let me tell you something the worst thing you can do is church hop Because let me tell you something if let me tell you what determines for me if the word being served, baby I don't care about nothing else going on because I know how to go get my word and go right on home But the word has to be being served now We can't we can't play with the word and like you said what he's talking about ain't in the word so I can't play with you, but I want

Shannon (17:03.094)
No, that's true.

Shannon (17:07.926)
That's right, yeah.

Shannon (17:13.334)
Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah.

Right, exactly.

Shun (17:24.75)
I'm happy we brought that up because we didn't even say, you know, in our initial we said we talked about church family, you know, home career. We never mentioned that same thing with church, you know, people go, oh, I ain't going back to that church because they hurt me. Well, somebody get hurt and talked about their job every day. Are you switching? Are you switching jobs every week? Honey, gonna get your word and go on. So, so please don't confuse what we're saying here, you know, and I just want to say something really quickly as far as us talking about even relationships. This is this just does not apply to one thing.

Shannon (17:33.717)
That's right.

Shannon (17:39.126)
That's right. Nope.

Mm -hmm.


Shun (17:54.766)
For those of you who follow me on social media, you know, I recently started a program called the Great 48. You know, it focuses on redirecting and engaging youth, you know, that may be on the wrong path or hanging with the wrong crowd or just, you know, needing guidance in general. It's no particular criteria. We just address any need identified. But, you know, anyways, I was asked recently by someone who runs a similar program for young high school ladies, youth to come and speak for Women History Month.

Shannon (18:02.07)

Shannon (18:10.998)

Shun (18:24.366)
on love and relationships and my final thought you know to them was know your worth in ad tax and That's how we want everyone here listening to this podcast tonight to move from night from now on I guarantee you you'll feel so much better about yourself And someone in the crowd goes what what does ad tax mean? So in case you want to know what that means, you know, here you go ad tax to me is Whatever you think you're worth. God thinks that we're ten times We're worth ten times more

Shannon (18:40.31)

Shun (18:53.966)
Okay, he thinks 10 times more of us and that's why What we walk in doesn't even need to be compared to our own standards because Shannon sometimes we're hard on ourselves Sometimes we judge ourselves too harshly, you know, and that's what we need to walk in God's vision of us You know what he thinks of us not the watered -down version the world or people even want to give you, you know, because people can't see your vision or understand your purpose and sometimes

Shannon (18:54.23)


Shannon (19:06.614)
Oh, yeah, that's true. That's true.

Shannon (19:14.454)

Shannon (19:18.326)

Shun (19:23.726)
We can't even see our vision or our purpose, but we just got to keep walking in what here We got to keep just walking in what got what what my grandma said again. Well thus says the Lord

Shannon (19:26.518)
Mm -hmm.

Shannon (19:34.198)
Yes, this is the Lord. Yes.

Shun (19:36.302)
That's what we got to walk in guys so remember that you know it's our even season you get you got anything else to add Shannon before we wrap it up here

Shannon (19:48.246)
No, nothing else to add.

Shun (19:51.214)
All right. Well, we'll wrap up with it. You know make it short and sweet Be sure to take our advice guys and require people to handle you like the king or queen you are and like Shannon stated in our conversation our discussion Don't let people decide who you are. Don't let people take Oh God, man, I wouldn't put up with that or I can put up with that girl or your lady single friends Tell you I believe my husband. They ain't got no man You walk in your own truth you walk in your own season?

Shannon (20:15.702)

Shun (20:20.398)
Walk around with the S on your chest and not concededly but confidently. Your S can stand for saved, it can stand for solid, it can stand for sure, it can stand for show enough, it can stand for any of those words that you'd like it to stand for. But the key is to remember not to allow anyone else to define it for you.

Shannon (20:23.318)
Yes. Right.

Shannon (20:43.03)
That's right. Amen. Stay on. Stay on.

Shun (20:47.118)
All right, baby mama, this is the last time this season we gonna bring you guys the audience in bag, so let's go

Shannon (20:51.542)

Shun (21:01.39)
All right, our audience invite song title for last week was John Doe by public announcement. Shannon, do you remember that song? Please don't please don't make me take you. Oh my God. I'm gonna have to take your South card. So you got to come out of the South and go back to South Dakota, baby, because there's no way you need to be living in the South and not know public announcement. Who is the guy that called you? I don't know. Who is the girl I saw you with?

Shannon (21:10.326)
No, I don't. I don't.

Shannon (21:21.782)
Wait a minute. Sing it a little bit.

Shun (21:31.214)
No You don't know John Doe public. Okay now Shannon you got to go listen to that that oh It was way back in the day girl. I think I was in college, but that was my jam. That's the whole point We got to give you yeah, we got to give you every genre every every we got you know I tried to bring all flavors about the country little gospel so I you know the whole point of this segment was to put some flavor in your ear, you know and last week's title was needy or greedy

Shannon (21:34.358)
Oh my god, what year was this?

Shannon (21:42.486)
90s? Yeah, okay. Yeah.

Shannon (21:51.382)

Shannon (21:55.222)

Shun (21:58.83)
Now y 'all born and raised, y 'all city folks, y 'all might not know it, but Shannon need to be ashamed of herself being in the South that long. But I'm gonna give her a pass. But any of you other country people.

Shannon (22:07.158)
Well, no, mine, but it, uh -uh, no, it's not that even. It's in the nineties, eighties, nineties, early two thousands. I was nothing but hip hop. I can name every hip hop, whatever. Yeah, that's right. I was popping and lopping, locking. I wasn't into R &B. You couldn't play any R &B unless it was, you know, had a hip hop flavor like Mary J. Blige, you know, that type of stuff. But.

Shun (22:17.582)
Oh, I forgot she was breakdancing my bad. I forgot she was breakdancing. So, you know me I was then

Shun (22:32.974)
Oh, no, baby. I was then will always be will probably die baby in love. I love me some love songs So, um, yeah, I was always heartbroken and speaking of which I got some exciting news about being broken hearted But we don't say that we don't say this. He was about to let me jump ahead of myself But anyways, I love I save it for next week. I love love But anyways all my peeps from the Tennessee line down to Florida. I bet y 'all better know every line. That was my jam, baby and

Shannon (22:35.19)

Shannon (22:43.99)
Oh lord.

Shannon (22:47.99)
Oh yes, say that for next week.

Shannon (22:58.326)

Shun (23:00.366)
And it was some realness when I was in them streets, baby If you don't know I don't either find you somebody to play with John Hey, if they razzled I dazzled that was my jam, baby I don't know either but anyway, so That was you don't know. I don't know John though. Y 'all go check it out. Okay. I thank God for grace y 'all hear me I thank God for grace, but anywho I'm saved now that took me back a little bit to my grandma porch You know plotting on these ninjas?

Shannon (23:03.766)



Shannon (23:18.358)
You got that right, yeah, yeah.

Shun (23:28.238)
But you know if y 'all want to know that song about had me in the headlock go listen to it in its entirety after this episode and if you're feeling that song Or any of the tunes we dropped this season. This is your official invite for our last week to hit us up Next week we have you know, if you get it, we'll announce it also if you have a segment idea or a topic You want us to break down next season? You are officially invited to email us at wifey and baby mama at gmail .com

Shannon (23:32.086)
All right.

Shun (23:57.166)
That's wifeyandbabymama at gmail .com. All right, baby mama, it's all you.

Shannon (24:01.942)
Yes. All right. On to the last segment of our night. The one we like to call, The Fictional Family I Am Feeling.

All right, the fictional family I'm feeling tonight comes from the sitcom, The Neighborhood. We've talked about them before, and the family is the Butler's, Calvin and Tina Butler, played by Cedric the Entertainer and Tachina Arnold. So in this particular episode, Calvin, who is Cedric the Entertainer, he has sold his auto repair shop for whatever reason.

So because he sold his shop, you know, he's now an unemployed house husband and he's getting on Tina's nerves, his wife. So in this episode, she walks in and she says, you know, hey hun, and he's like, you know, oh, love me and more because he's watching so much TV. He's learning Spanish and you know, all these things sitting around the house watching TV.

and watching cooking shows, watching Lifetime, all this stuff. And so he says, oh, let me more guess what I'm cooking. And he says, paella. And for those who don't know, that's a Spanish dish full of seafood and, you know, crusty rice and stuff like that. And he says, it's the authentic recipe. We learned it in Barcelona. And she says, well, you could say Barcelona like.

an American. He says, no, I want to say it like the Bartholomians. And then so she says, OK, well, you know, Calvin, you don't have to make paella every day. I still haven't finished the paella for my lunch, my lunch paella. And he says, well, you must have had a busy day. And.

Shun (25:54.254)

Shannon (26:04.566)
Or she says to him, I'm sorry, you must have had a busy day. And he says, oh, yeah, I have. But speaking of getting busy, you know, we haven't done that since this morning. And she ignores him, of course. She's so annoyed with him being in her space all the time now when she's home. So she's looking through the cabinets in the kitchen. She says, Calvin, where's my favorite mug? And he says, oh, I threw it out. Yeah, I was watching Jennifer Hudson's show this afternoon. And.

They did a feng shui episode and the feng shui expert said that you should replace any chipped or broken things in your home and Tina says but my mug was not broken or chipped. He says well I broke it when I was trying to feng shui the kitchen and oh by the way Magnum P .I. thinks we should get a reverse mortgage. What do you think? I don't know if you've all seen it's not really Magnum P .I. Well that's the character he played.

Shun (26:58.99)
Yeah, Tom Selleck

Shannon (27:01.462)
What do you think we should do and she says? Yeah, tom's telling that's right. Um, and she says kevin I know you've had a lot of time on your hands Um, I you know, I hate that you still showed sold the shop, but you got to stop watching daytime tv How about you just get out of the house do something outside of the house? anything

He says, baby, I'm doing things. I do a lot of stuff. My schedule's full. He said, watch. So he says, Alexa, what's on my calendar for tomorrow? And Alexa says, you have a 3 PM haircut. And that's it. And he says, see there? I'm busy. And she says, wait a minute, didn't you get a haircut yesterday? He said, yeah, but I'm a very hairy man. She's like, well, no.

Instead of just getting your hair cut go play golf go do something with the guys. He says no I I can't do that all my friends work They all at work I can't you don't have nothing to do he said wait a minute. Are you trying to get rid of me? She says no no no, baby. I Just think it's very healthy for man I don't well. I don't think it's healthy. I'm sorry She said I don't think it's very healthy or productive for a man just to stay at the house all day watching TV

Shun (28:06.126)
Thank you.

Shannon (28:26.39)
or his wife might kill him. And he says to her, oh, I just watched a Lifetime movie about that. And you know what? The lady got away with it too. And she's like, OK, as if she's plotting. So right. Right. So although he had been the breadwinner for many years being a shop owner, he's now sitting at home. And of course, they end up working it out.

Shun (28:40.398)
fight like I'm thinking about it.

Shannon (28:55.094)
of course, you know, because it is, you know, TV, but based on real life, I'm sure as well, because in this situation, I'm sure the wife would not have killed him or let that marriage in. It just goes to show, as we talked about tonight, some things will be uneven at times, but overall, it, you know, must be in sync when you look at the grand scheme of things.

Shun (29:14.958)

Shun (29:20.142)
And it was and it must not be intentional. That's this. That's the key. Yeah, that's the key to that scene. He was just bored because he sold his shop and had nothing to do. He wasn't saying, you know, I'm just going to sit at home and get on her nerves. But that still doesn't mean he wasn't getting on her nerves. So sometimes, again, it's just a conversation. Great fictional family.

Shannon (29:24.15)
It must not be intentional. That's right. Right. Yeah.

Shannon (29:34.39)

He wasn't getting on her nerves. Yeah. Yeah. And look at, he was making her paella every day. And I'm sure she didn't appreciate that.

Shun (29:44.622)
And he was doing his part And he was doing his part That was a great fictional family to end our season But again, remember we'll be back with our farewell, but officially this is our last Conversation that we will discuss a official title. We want to thank you all in case you don't join us on the next week We want to thank you all for this ride on season three and we hope you stay around

Shannon (29:50.422)
Right, right. Yeah. Yeah.

Shannon (30:03.158)

Shun (30:10.19)
for our farewell so you can hear all the up and coming things that we have going in. If you wanna email us and share with us what you'll be doing on your spring break and summer break, hit us up at wifeyandbabymama. We'd love to hear from you.

Shannon (30:22.678)
Yes, and once again, as I say every week, thanks to everyone around the globe. We love our international audience as well as our folks here in the states. We look forward to sharing, you know, our thoughts and lives with you every week. So until next week.

Shun (30:33.998)
Absolutely. Absolutely.

Shun (30:44.974)
Love you all. Bye.