Advent with the Angels

Do you see the stars at night - the planets, the
milky way, your galaxy ? Do you see how many
more stars can be seen from Earth ? Do you
ever wonder how all this can be a stable whole,
staying mostly as it is during your whole life
time ?

Yes, the stars and moons move, the planets
also, and the sun is alive, but there is a certain
stability keeping it all together.

This is where we come in. We have the job of
keeping the movements of all the stars and
planets going. We monitor and take care that
all is in order, in rhythm, creating a stable
environment for you.

Is that one of your personal jobs as well, to
keep everything going as it is, allowing for
changes but holding it all together ?

This is one of the powers you receive from us -
when everything is pulled into the periphery,
you keep hold of all the strands.
If ever this job gets too much for you, call on
us and we will help you.

As you hear by our name, we help you sit
securely on your throne while holding onto the
different strands of your life.

They seem to pull you in all directions, but
there is a trick for not getting pulled hither and
thither: Sit into your neutral place, you will
find it behind your sternum.

This is your throne, your neutral power - and
nothing can move you or pull on you when
you sit safely in that space.

Any word spoken from this place is heard by the whole universe.
Remember this when you meet resistance,aggression, doubt, judgment or any kind of strife. This neutral place is not just balanced, it is the pure place of
your power.

Here you will find balance, yes, but also peace,humour, appreciation, a sense of understanding and meaningfulness.
Be the peaceful and powerful being that you are !
Take a seat on your own personal throne.

This is your magic wand of empowerment.

What is Advent with the Angels?

Messages for you from Angels and Archangels

19 December

The Thrones

Do you see the stars at night - the planets, the
milky way, your galaxy ? Do you see how many
more stars can be seen from Earth ? Do you
ever wonder how all this can be a stable whole,
staying mostly as it is during your whole life
time ?

Yes, the stars and moons move, the planets
also, and the sun is alive, but there is a certain
stability keeping it all together.

This is where we come in. We have the job of
keeping the movements of all the stars and
planets going. We monitor and take care that
all is in order, in rhythm, creating a stable
environment for you.

Is that one of your personal jobs as well, to
keep everything going as it is, allowing for
changes but holding it all together ?

This is one of the powers you receive from us -
when everything is pulled into the periphery,
you keep hold of all the strands.
If ever this job gets too much for you, call on
us and we will help you.

As you hear by our name, we help you sit
securely on your throne while holding onto the
different strands of your life.

They seem to pull you in all directions, but
there is a trick for not getting pulled hither and
thither: Sit into your neutral place, you will
find it behind your sternum.

This is your throne, your neutral power - and
nothing can move you or pull on you when
you sit safely in that space.

Any word spoken from this place is heard by the whole universe.
Remember this when you meet resistance, aggression, doubt, judgment or any kind of strife. This neutral place is not just balanced, it is the pure place of
your power.

Here you will find balance, yes, but also peace,humour, appreciation, a sense of understanding and meaningfulness.

Be the peaceful and powerful being that you are !
Take a seat on your own personal throne.

This is your magic wand of empowerment.