Perfect Mode

This is all about "The Other Side of Creation" - It may not be all you realize. Tune in for a mind-blowing journey that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew!

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher. With my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor, let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

Troy Washington:

What up? What up? Welcome to perfect mode. And first off, let me start by telling y'all that we love y'all. We're grateful for the opportunity to be anywhere sharing our thoughts, hopefully, in helping you realize that you are perfect.

Troy Washington:

And the only reason and, I mean, the only reason that you think that you're not is if you're looking at this person on the side of you and saying, I'm not them. But guess what? You are you, and that's all you need. And, of course, it's yours truly, Troy Washington. She's your friendly neighborhood realtor.

Troy Washington:

And I have my boy, J Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher. And we about to jump on here and talk about the other side of creation. I guess I should say the other side of creation. Yeah. I got that, bud, baby.

Troy Washington:

Let's go. What's up, J?


Yeah. Yeah. What up? What up? Happy Sunday to all my Sunday people in a perfect place at the perfect time doing perfect things.


Shout out to sis Muhammad. Peace and blessings, family. Appreciate that. Well Yeah. I'm I'm happy to be here.


And and before we started, I just I just wanna I just wanna give a nod to last week's episode back to the basics. Man. That episode, go back and watch it. I can't stress it enough. I kinda had a perfect week this week as far as, like, being the most productive I've I've been in a while without sacrificing any of the cool, fun things I wanted to do and just being on track with with everything I wanna be on track with, and this is it's cool.


And, and also, I wanna shout out our, Patreon, our patrons. So check out the link in the description. You wanna support perfect mode and all that. But, but, yeah, man, let's let's let's get into this.

Troy Washington:

So, you know, beef so so number 1, I didn't wanna kinda reiterate what you said about last week's show. You wanna talk about your boy being locked in, boy. Your boy was locked in last week and all week. So, you know, I, I'm always definitely appreciative. And I also wanna say this to, you know, everybody that's listening.

Troy Washington:

You know, though we do this show and we share with you our thoughts and the the thing that we believe and hopefully hopefully helping you realize your profession, but this is more, helpful to us than I think it could be to, you know, anybody in a lot of because, you know, a lot of times and this is just my personal coming out. You know, a lot of times, you know, we are, looking for, people to give us guidance and lead us, but you gotta always remember that you within yourself. And that that you're willing to share is also to follow to help you overcome anything that's in front of you. And that's the reason why I emphasize perfection and how perfect you are. But, Jay, the the other side of creation, bro, where was you at, man?

Troy Washington:



Yeah, man. Other side of creation. So as we know about creating, we can we can understand our divinity. We can we can make something a new and understand the power that we possess given to us by our creator. And by by stepping into that, sometimes we might, you know, craft the song, dry, draft the paper, do anything.


We work with our hands. But the other side of that is our imagination, and we don't always give it the the fullness or the gravity that it that it deserves because we do it automatically. Like, we don't realize that the world that we're interacting with are the belief systems we each hold in our imagination. So even me and you, we both live in different worlds. We interact on certain areas of it, but there's so many things we see differently built based on the constructs we have in our mind, in our imagination about what means what what means that.


And so by paying more attention to it, we can direct our imagination in such a way that we can live the life that we want. It doesn't always have to be on the outside. It doesn't always have to be we we have to take this outside action. The action just reinforces that what's with with within. So the the action is a part of the equation, but the the one of the most important parts of creation is starting in our imagination.

Troy Washington:

You know, the funniest thing about this synopsis that you just gave, bro, like, it it it's funny how how this world works. So number 1, this is just a thought that I had to myself. Right? And, and and and it's definitely about living in my own imagination in a world that I feel like is the most fruitful and valuable world that I possibly could enjoy. Right?

Troy Washington:

And then I thought about all the outside forces that that, you know, everything from without that again, something that I created. I know everything with without I created, but I also, how I allow it to influence the creation. And what I mean by that is, as an example, you I have tons of forces around me that have always said, Troy, don't forget about yourself. Right? And the reason why they say these things is because they see how enthralled I am in my children.

Troy Washington:

Right? And so what ends up happening when I hear these things, it makes me think that I forgotten about myself. When in my imaginary world, all that I do for them are included in myself. Right? And so it's and and, again, I'm I'm trying to paint the picture to show you that, a part of this other side of creation is allowing other people's imagination to dictate dictate the way that you live in your own creation.

Troy Washington:

But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. And and it's it's so much it it it's so much in that, like, we don't realize something comes up. You know? Something comes to the surface, a thought, an idea, a situation.


And quickly we we attach so much of our imagination to it already. We and and again, we we don't realize it's just second nature. It's just like, oh, this means that. Uh-oh. I gotta be scared weary of this because maybe I'm I'm having this trouble or maybe this life event is gonna change because of this.


Like, we're we're already attaching so much of our imagination reactively instead of saying taking a step back and say, okay. I am the creator of my, of sorts of my world. How would I have this be? What would I have this mean? How can I see this situation?


So, like like you said, like, your everything with with you and your children are involved in one thing. Like, it's it's not a separate thing in your mind, in your imagination. And so reality has to bend to your imagination because, again, it already does. We do it reactively, and we say, see, I knew it, but it's because, yes, you did know it. You you are the the source of it.

Troy Washington:

So to your point and, again, that that point that I gave or the example I gave is about something that I've already decided. Right? And then talking about forces coming in trying to, I guess, limit or put a restriction on how far my imagination can grow within that. And I think that's what happens is when now I'm a I'm a take other people out of it. Right?

Troy Washington:

And go back to the point that you're making when you said, once our imagination kicks in, we allow it to branch out and create all these different scenarios or all these different things that potentially could happen. Right? But along with that, with there there starts you create limits within that as well. But a lot of those limits are created based off what you believe other people or other forces have an effect on your creation. And and I think that's part of when it comes to limitation and the limitation of our thinking or not allowing our imagination or as, sis Camarria said, never stop dreaming.

Troy Washington:

You you you will halt your dream because of what you think. Go ahead, Jay.


Right. Exactly. Like, those those limitations are important. Even within our imagination, like, again, like, our our imagination is is without ends. Like like, there are people, who what's the guy?


Tesla? I've heard that he made parts in his imagination. Like, he he's so cultivated his imagination that that was his favorite playground. And so in doing that, he would attract the physical components to his life where he knew exactly what he needed to create these things that we still use as the foundation of of our technology today. Even, there's a, let's say, Napoleon Hill.


He's an author, study successful people, author of Think and Grow Rich. He talked about how he had a counsel, and he said that you can do the same thing, like a counsel of people in your imagination, dead or alive, whoever you want to counsel with. And just imagine it, like, you have your your weekly meetings. You have the round table. You speak to them, how you would speak to them.


You receive information from them, and this is all in your imagination. But the thing is, like, we we think imagination is just, like, the separate thing that has nothing to do with reality. And it's the truth is it actually has everything to do with reality. And it's important that you you cultivate it, so that you so that you won't become a what do you call it? Like, under its heel because you let it run wild, so to speak.

Troy Washington:

The the crazy part about this, though, bro, is the fact that we we don't actually I mean, I think that we all cultivate it in our own ways, but the problem is we cultivate it with limitations. And so there's a a magical world that we, we we we try to say that we would not allow ourselves to live in. Even though the construct of our mind is based off of belief. Like, anybody that has any kind of religion or spirituality or anything, there is a a place that we try to separate ourselves from even though we're saying that we believe in it. That's number 1.

Troy Washington:



But that's

Troy Washington:

the reason why I like to simplify things to the smaller things. And and you're 100% right. Like, nothing is done without imagination. And if you think about the stories of, you know, many, quadriplegics or paraplegics who lost the the, the movement of their body parts. Right?

Troy Washington:

And then they were able to start doing it again. A part of that was them envisioning themselves doing something that they could not do at that moment. And, again, that's, you know, on a small you know, that's I guess that's a big scale, but I'll even break it down even more. Like, some people cannot get up out the bed in the morning, man. Like but a lot of us know we're gonna get out the bed in the morning, which is the reason why we do it.

Troy Washington:

Like, that is a like, we cultivate our imagination only to the point of disbelief. And, let's read what, Candice said. Candice said, we we're so focused on critical thinking that we forget about the importance of our imagination. 100%. Go ahead, Jay.

Troy Washington:



And I I I love what Candice said because yeah. Like, critical thinking, a lot of times, is based on what is in a sense of not not even what is, what has happened so far. And but imagination is, like, it doesn't matter what happened. We can always create a new we can always create it how we would have it be. And that that's the that's the most important key.


Like like, if you can if you can think critically from that standpoint, like, it doesn't matter what has been. It doesn't matter what what people have deemed true or not true or fact of fiction. Like, you can you can create worlds and it's it's it's amazing to see, when you how do I say this? When you live your imagination in such a way, and then you see people respond to it without you even verbally letting them know. Like, it's it's the most magical thing.


And this is just a reminder. Like, we all know this, but we need to we should take the time to to to to align with it in a way that we want that we want that we should direct it. There we go.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And, again, that's, again, that's the the crazy part about it for me is that I know that we're literally doing it. And a lot of times, we're doing it, receiving things that we claim that we don't want. Right? But we are facilitating it happening.

Troy Washington:

And, again, just to kinda give example, there have been plenty times, bro, where I'm you know, in the in the past where maybe I had been upset with somebody. Right? And prior to being around this person, I could like, I literally could imagine that. Again, this is not something that's happened. I can literally imagine the way that the conversation is gonna go.

Troy Washington:

I can imagine we're gonna each other. And then the moment when I get around this person, it literally plays itself out that way. Even I'll even break it to current time. There have been plenty times where if me and my wife had a disagreement, it's like predicting the future, but you're actually bringing it to full because you can create whatever lane of life you want. And, literally, I could speak exactly what she's gonna say before it happens.

Troy Washington:

And I'm pretty sure she can do the same thing, but we're not realizing the power in it. We're not realizing that, hey. In the moment's time, I can go out to, you know, just hype it that I can go out to this business. They're going to say this to me. They're gonna give me this much money because our belief limit us because of the magical portion of, the the the the the forces that we feel like we have in us, we don't feel like are that capable even though we do it every day.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Right. Exactly. Like, even now, even even with this awareness, I sometimes catch myself in an imaginary argument or an imaginary discussion where, oh, I can say this to make sure that I win. I I I wish somebody would come at me like this because this is exactly what I'm a say. And it's like, no.


No. No. Why would I even build that kind of framework in my imagination? Why not have one of open communication where it's harmonious? It's harmonious communication.


We both come out feeling like we gained something, or that we we enliven each other in another way in all conversations. And because that that's more of, like, if if I get to choose and direct my life, that's what I would want. And so, like, I I I have to be diligent that I'm not creating these other facets of things that I have no business thinking of if if this is what I truly want for my life.

Troy Washington:

Real talk. And and Candice said it's like we're relying on the imagination of only a few people in the world. And to to that point as well, like, even to your point, Jay, that imagination of other people becomes a a statue in our lives. So when I say that, I mean limitations. Like, we will hold on to limitations, and then we will shun on limitations.

Troy Washington:

So, again, like, if somebody says you can do anything, there's always somebody around that's saying, you can but. Right? And so what we are hold on to is you can but, and not that you can do anything. And so now that we move is we're looking for the but because we've allowed that to be the statue that we're willing to hold on to. And, again, even with that being said, there are millions of examples of things that have been created or done that have never been done before.

Troy Washington:

And and we could, I guess, uphold and yell that stuff to the mountain, but yet and still, the budding prominent things in our life. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. To that point, like, I I got a line on one of the songs where I say, they think that you're the devil when you tell them you're a healer. And and it's crazy. Like like, if somebody shows you a way that you can instantaneously heal, you might as like, no. That's not that's not of God.


That's not, you know, like but it's like, why would you even think that when when God is aligned with light and love and healing and and certain things, but we limit ourselves. Maybe even because of the avatar that's bringing it to us, we've judged against that. And then also to what Candace was saying of, like, we we rely only on the imagination of a few people. That's so true. Like, right now, you know, it's it's the political land because because the the elections and stuff are coming up, and a lot of them are using fear tactics.


Like, I got something in the mail that that they will highlight what they think people think is the worst possible outcome just to spark you into action. But the action is based on a fit on a fear reality when it's like that doesn't have to be a reality. If you're gonna take action, take action on the reality that you want. And that that's all we're saying. Like, just take time out to to see what you to decide what you want, and then make make sure you take the action and and do the necessary steps to align with that.

Troy Washington:

Now, again, even to that point, bro, like, we can read the whole message, but there's still only something that we're going to pick out. You know, it's a video that, they always I guess they use it in trainings and talk about how we have a lack of focus, I get, in a sense. And a part of that is a lack of focus within ourself. That's what I'm a start by saying that. But there's a video, and these people are on the screen, and they're just playing around and doing all of this different stuff.

Troy Washington:

And then a monkey kinda walk a man in a monkey suit walks behind them, and then he kinda walks back and does all this stuff. And then you never see him because you're so focused on the limitation, I guess. Like, there's no way that a monkey could walk across the screen while I'm watching. I would not allow that to be something that I can capture within my belief. I allow the stuff that's in the front to be the leading factor for everything that I got going on.

Troy Washington:

And, again, that's that's not think about our imagination. Like, you can dream of flying. Right? And then, in the forefront when you wake up, you will see everybody in planes or you'll, see people jumping off a building and hitting the ground or there's all these different that are set to offset your belief. And I'm not telling anybody to go jump off a building, but I'm just letting you know that at the at at a part of this is about belief.

Troy Washington:

Right? You know, if you wanna use the Bible as as, an example, you know, when Peter was it Peter that was walking on water?


Yeah. I think so.

Troy Washington:

It was him. And then he, you know, he was fine at first, and then all of a sudden, he, you know, he he stopped believing, and then he, you know, ended up go you know, that's that's how we are. Like, that limitation, we don't realize how crippling it is. And, again, even if you take it to the smallest examples, like, my sons play basketball. Right?

Troy Washington:

And, again, I know I'm a, I'm guilty of telling him all the time. Nobody makes all their shots. And I hate it because there's a belief in me that says that somebody is gonna come along one day and make every shot that they shoot. Right? But I so I'm held to that belief.

Troy Washington:

Right? So I tell my son this type of thing all the time, which I'm he's starting to like, based on what Candice said, he's starting to allow that to be a statue in his life. Right? Now the way that I kinda offset that or counter that is where he shoots and he misses it. I make him say to me out loud, I'm a make the next one bad or I'm a make the next one coach because I'm trying to help him to instill in himself that not it doesn't matter what anybody said to me before.

Troy Washington:

The next one is good. And, you know, again, he had this whole, you know, while put up because of me and all the other constructs around him that make him that that are statues that tell him the opposite. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. And and which brings me to to my next point with that, with cultivating your imagination on the other side of creation is if you're not firming it yet, if you're still kind of working out the details and you know that it's it could be a stretch from the current reality, don't be so quick to share it with the world. The reason I I say that is because some people may combat it instantly. And so now you're you're you're stuck in a loop of trying to prove why it does work while also hearing reasons why it doesn't work.


And why it doesn't work doesn't matter. All that matters is if you can see it and fill it and taste it and touch it, like, all of this within your imagination, it will come to fruition. And so until you're strong enough to to share this vision with with others, don't or just share with the few that you know that they won't judge or they they won't go against the grain or that they will support you in holding that vision because then it, of course, it makes it easier. And then Candice Candice said, preparing for the worst possible outcome. I've held myself back because of this mindset.



Troy Washington:

Bro. And then also to your point, like, about not sharing it. And, again, I and I and when you say people that are, are close to you, I would still encourage you not to share it. And the reason why is because you have to listen to your heart, man. You you gotta listen to your heart in these things.

Troy Washington:

And I think that somewhere whispering to us all the time, my heart is telling us that anything is possible. I I believe it because I've heard it. I've heard it myself. Right? And the reason why I bring it up is because there have been times where I've shared a disbelief to someone, and then inside of me is saying you know that's not true, don't you?

Troy Washington:

And I feel some type of way about it. I feel like and I hate it in in in the and the craziest part is there's an internal confrontation that happens in these moments. And that's when you're talking about when when Candice is talking about, preparing for the worst possible outcome, though that doesn't have to be yours. And that worst possible outcome starts to shout louder than your heart telling you, ah, you got this mug. You got this mug.

Troy Washington:

And it's it's, I would never speak it out even though I and I I'm not saying that I don't do it because I do it today. Right? I'm not trying to exclude myself. I do this that Candice said and that you said. But I'm saying that I wish that I would, and I'm gonna be more mindful of it because I understand that even though in the core of me knows it's not true, I'm making it more and more real every time I do it.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So so check this out. Like, normally, when people create for themselves, I I'll I'll I'll align with it. You know, if I know if that's what they truly want. But if somebody kinda curses themselves, like, I'll be quick to say, that's not true.


Like, you you done this, you feel it in this way. But but with that, one one of the coolest things that I've started to witness, and maybe, you know, everyone watching has witnessed it too, is when someone says something, but they're so strong with it. And but you and your soul knows it's not true at all. And you it it it it's not not anything that they're lying about. Like, they they just truly believe that that's true.


And so you come like, no. I like it's true because blah blah blah. And then they just switch. And it's it's amazing because they didn't necessarily switch because they now believe it's the truth. They switch because they believe in you.


They believe they see how much you believe in it. And that's what happens when when you're aligned with your imagination even if it's not in reality yet, but you know it to be true. Everything and everyone would just switch and be like, oh, I guess this is true.

Troy Washington:

So quick confession real quick, though. Like and and you are 100 about that for straight up, though. Like, because our minds have changed because of somebody's belief before. That's number 1. It's we knew that heartedly was in it.

Troy Washington:

It made us open our eye, not to say necessarily say change our mind, but it it opened our hearts to see different than what we're seeing. And that's what happens with what you're talking about. But this is the confession part of it. Right? Before you and I you our show today, I was watching Captain Marvel.

Troy Washington:

I told you this. Right? And there was a song, right before we came on, and the song was I'm only happy when it rains. Right? Now this is the funniest part about this confession.

Troy Washington:

Right? When I started singing a song before you even heard me, I I literally thought what you said to me. And I'm a tell everybody what you said to me when when when we came on. Right? But I thought to myself what you said.

Troy Washington:

Right? And then I thought to myself, if I sing this, when JK comes on, he gonna say something to me about this. I knew you were I knew you were going to. And so it was really a test for myself. Right?

Troy Washington:

It was a test for myself to disprove what I know is not true. Right? And then it was also a test for myself to see if the the alignment that I put in my life, is it gonna stand up the way that I know that it will? Right? And so when I came on so for everybody that know there's there's a a movie called Captain Marvel.

Troy Washington:

It's it's in the Marvel Universe. I've been catching up on the Marvels, trying to keep up with my kids. And they were singing a song that says, I'm only happy when it rains. So when J Clay is just talking about, whenever somebody's saying something that he does not feel to be true or he feels that is, and so what not helpful to someone, he's gonna always speak up. And I did this purposely before I showed to see if he was going to speak up.

Troy Washington:

And I sung the song, and he said, what? You only have it when it rains? Then you no. Don't say he he literally told me, don't say that. And I said, oh, man.

Troy Washington:

That's from a movie. And this is this is the funny thing about this whole show, bro. The other side of creation, when you talk about imagination and creating to, verify and make true what you want to be true. I knew you were gonna do this. I knew you were gonna say that.

Troy Washington:

And I almost verbatim and it wasn't verbatim because I wanna tell the truth, but it was almost verbatim what I thought you were gonna say. And the the word that you used was curse. Right? And that's what I thought. And, I I I said that to say that I created a world to to make true what I wanted to be true, and you helped me to do that.

Troy Washington:

So, salute to you, bro, for a big


Yeah. Yeah. No problem. Yeah. I I might've used curse.


I might've used spells or something. But but I mean and and just for those that are wondering, like, you know, we we all say stuff all the time that that we know might not even be true. But the thing with songs, like, songs add a whole another power to it. It's like it it has a resonance to it. And even though we may not agree with certain things of a song, if we sing it long enough, it affects us in certain ways.


Like, I mean, you know, like me and you, we grew up on on hip hop and still some of the most craziest songs may be our favorite songs. And we don't think it has an impact, but it it's just slight ways where we might look at someone sideways because we've been indoctrinated by these ideas when it might not even be that serious. Like, they they could just be looking for love, and if we just show it to them, then it doesn't have to be this conflict with these new groups of people that we've encountered. I mean, just just little stuff like that. So so I I know we kinda digressed a bit, but I but I wanted to just say that that, like, that that song is, like, belief times 10.


So, like, e even in cultivating your imagination, cultivating your beliefs, make up songs within it to to reverberate throughout your whole essence so that it makes it easier for you to remember and align with these things.

Troy Washington:

But I I I and and, again, I I don't want to even say we die because I think it it's important. When we talk about the other side of creation and and in your imagination, the things that you say, the things that you align with, the things that you allow to be a part of your core, because, again, it's your belief are going to be what rises to the top of your imagination. And, again, using song as the example, shout out to it's the technique. It's my little cousin. He had a song one day, and he said, grown a man, dog.

Troy Washington:

I don't wear a man's. Right? And from that time forward and I'm not a person that if somebody say go shoot somebody in the song, I'm gonna go do it. You never know if I listen to it enough. You just never know, I guess.

Troy Washington:

Right? But I I use that example because of the influence that it had on my life. I literally believe that as a grown man, I shouldn't wear a band at that point. And I never bought any. And whenever I you said give somebody a side eye.

Troy Washington:

Whenever I saw somebody in them, I was like, are you a grown man? You don't need to wear no band. Right? And it was something that was ingrained in me in a way that wasn't necessarily the best thing. And, again, I'm using that as an example because it's just shoes.

Troy Washington:

Right? But the reality of it was, now I've craft I've crafted a world where number 1, I can't ever wear them if I like them. Number 2, I'm gonna be judgmental of someone even if they like them. And now I can limit the limitations when it comes to creation on how far or they can go. Because I'm gonna make sure I verbally or, emotionally or, or or telepathically, you know, you know, you know, show them that this is not the way that it's be.

Troy Washington:

And it's I hate to minimize that thought process. That's the reason why I said it's not a digression. It's the truth. And it it was so hard for me to come back from that. Something so small.

Troy Washington:

And it it just show you the power or and how it will influence your imagination. But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And, not only music, like, of course, TV shows and movies as well because, like, certain narratives stand out to us for a reason. It resonates with us more than others. And we might start believing in in the importance of certain conflicts, and we might start saying, oh, that's wrong that they did this, without even questioning. Is it really wrong?


What makes it wrong? What's what's what's so bad about it? What's so good about it? But but but in that, we start associating, like, conflict in in these soap opera type stuff with affluence, with with with, what when you call it success because, you know, we see it on the big screen, and so we manifest that within ourselves. If somebody does the slightest thing that's might even close to it, but not close to that thing, but not exactly that thing, like, we might impart that on them so that we can feel more important.


Like, we we're we're crafting this soap opera where we're the one who got taken advantage of. So now we can be the one that seeks rep retribution or revenge or all this other stuff. And and again, it's it's it's not always that way, but unless you're paying attention to it, like, that that's the thing. Like like, being aware of these certain things that you're not bringing in these narratives and then assigning them to others in your life when it shouldn't be there, when you can assign a happy narrative, a peaceful narrative, one of harmony, so much so that it it actually changes the programs that you like watching because you like, I don't wanna this does nothing for me anymore. They're just doing this to to get a reaction out of me or or to make me focus on this missing the humanity that's that's like, in the video you talked about where the bear was was moonwalking or something.


But yeah.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. And and, again, you know, I think a part of that too. So so number 1, what I hear you saying is subscribe to that which you want to believe or that that you in in the ways that you want your imagination to grow because this is the true reality of this conversation. It doesn't matter what we say. Some people's boundaries within their imagination are set.

Troy Washington:

Right? They're they're not going to be willing to when see they see somebody so passionate about something to open up their heart to see something new. Right? But for those that are, subscribe to that you you want to be true. You know, for myself, you know, I that's the reason why I like sci fi.

Troy Washington:

Right? And the reason why I like watching sci fi stuff is not because I wanna go play with aliens or anything like that, but it's to open my mind to understanding that I don't wanna give myself any earthly bound limitations. And, again, I'm not trying to go to space. I don't wanna go to space. You know?

Troy Washington:

Because I'm fine where I am. But I also know that, you know, when we go to, you know, Mexico, jumping outside of the pool to the other side of the pool might be something that I might be fearful of because of limitations here. And the reality of it is you've seen me do it before, but that's only because I was free to not be afraid. And that's the reason why I love the fact that you used the the fear terminology because a lot of our, imagination is hampered by fears that we have seen. Or, again, what Candice was saying earlier, you know, the the beliefs of other people relying on somebody else's imagination to dictate where we are or what we can do.

Troy Washington:

And so, but but go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Like, yeah, like like, we shouldn't let fear be the creative spark of our imagination. And and and a lot of times that's when people utilize their imagination is in times of fear. And and which is why, like like, some people, they enjoy that because, you know, they they feel people are easier control to control because they're under the belief system that that's the best way to live, but only because, again, they're not tapped into their own power. And and I and I wanna make one one small, possible correction to what you said about, like, some people would you said some people would never, like, listen and break through and change their beliefs, but I don't I I don't I don't believe that necessarily, because I know how adamant I can be in my beliefs.


And still, people get through, ideas get through. And it's like, wow. I never thought of it like that. Like, this is this is amazing. The the why why have I not added this to to my imagination before or my collective set of beliefs before?


And because and and because of that that same thing is the reason why once I decide something to be be true for myself and and I'm I'm okay with it. Like, it's not it's not I'm not teeter tottering about it. I'm sure with it, I'm able to share with the world now because it makes it easier for them to reinforce this belief because now it's our belief. It's not just my belief. Now it's it's a group belief.


And again and when you see, that's what everyone is doing anyway. Some people may be using it to bring disharmony or separation where I choose to bring it to to remind us of our oneness, of our, uniformity in a sense and how we're all in this together and how much easier and more fun things will be if we align in that sense. But go ahead.

Troy Washington:

No. No. No. I I co sign what you're saying and the correction. And the reason why is, because my real heart is saying everybody has it everybody has their time.

Troy Washington:

And that's really, the way that I convey I I should've conveyed that. And and, again, I the reason why I know that is because I had my time. You know what I mean? And I I remember the moment when, you know, some people might say you wake up, but I remember the moment when I started to realize what I realized today. And, again, I also understand and realize that, shout out to you, Candice.

Troy Washington:

We appreciate you joining us for the show today. But I also realized that, you know, there's always more that I'm gaining, which is the reason why we do the show. So, yeah, you 100 with that. And, you know, I I I just want to, again, just kinda jump back on it and and talk about, you know, those limitations again. And, you know, why are we so afraid to just let go?

Troy Washington:

And that's the question. But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And to that, it is because, like, again, the reason we're afraid to let go is because we already create again within our imagination. We might not be conscious of it, but we always do it. And so this world is our creation. This world is our baby, so to speak.


It's like, this is this is of my own making. I love it. Even though it's imperfect, I still love it as it is. And you don't want that to change because it's almost like, okay. I invested so much of myself into this.


Who am I without it? Because I I I didn't believe in myself. I believed in this, this new thing that has me in it instead of me being the thing that created it. And so we're we're afraid because we think we lose ourselves. We think that we we ourselves would be lost in the process, which isn't true.


And we think too that there that we can't create a new like, we think that what's what's created is it. That's the end of it, and it's that's furthest furthest from the truth. So so once you accept those things, it's like, oh, I could let go a 100,000,000 times if I want to. It doesn't matter.

Troy Washington:

So it's 2 things that I think about when when you say it there. Right? So number 1, I know it to be true. And the reason why I know it to be true because I have a friend that's walking the path is what I'm a gonna call it. Right?

Troy Washington:

And my friend, like, literally I mean, like, verbatimally said that I want to have that, but keep all this. That's what they said. And so they told me that they did not want they were they didn't say afraid because I don't wanna use that word, but they said that they don't they they're weary of losing this and going there because of what they know. Right? So that's that's one thing.

Troy Washington:

But the other thing that I think about is, you know, successful what we have deemed to be successful people when it comes to finances and money and businesses and things of that nature. And the way that they think or something that we should adopt. Right? And the one thing that I know about the majority of successful people that I've studied again, I'm only talking success when it comes to, businesses and, you know, financial gain. Right?

Troy Washington:

They all have failed, or they all have started over multiple times. And so you look at people like Warren Buffett or all of these billionaires that have or or or you can even say Donald Trump, right, who have, you know, 20 different failed businesses. Right? But they never were weary of the creation of something new because they knew that they could do it again. They knew that they could recreate.

Troy Washington:

They knew that they could, climb whatever hill, whatever their their ground level was or they decided to well, they could always get back to that no matter what. And that's what I or how I feel or what I feel that you're saying, and I agree. You know, a lot of times, you're you're right. We're so attached to, well, I mean, even ourselves deemed as the success that we've wanted. Right?

Troy Washington:

And I'm all I'm only I'm only defining as what you want. Because within the world that you created, a lot of times, we're seeking more. That could be information. That could be things. That could be money.

Troy Washington:

That could be whatever. And we feel like if we step away from or for, you know, lack of words, lose focus on what we have our attention on right now, then we would not have it anymore, or we are losing and we can't get it back. But go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So so I I I guess my question is, like, I have an idea in in my mind, and I I'll tell you afterwards. But, how would you say we cultivate? Like, we go back. Like, if we if we had to have, like, some a step system step by step, whether it's 1 step, multistep, like, how how do we begin to take control of our imagination and our creative forces in that regard and start to direct them toward the life we want?

Troy Washington:

You know, funny, I'm gonna quote you, and say change your thoughts, bro. But the reason why I say that is because my answer is honestly hold on to the thought or the belief that you want to grow, and don't allow previously or preconceived thought processes or other people's ideas dictate how you feel about it. And so what I mean is, again, I'm a use Wright Brothers as an example. Right? The Wright Brothers decided that they wanted to fly.

Troy Washington:

Right? This is what what it was. Yeah. But everything around them said that you cannot fly. Like, it just it it it it won't happen.

Troy Washington:

And held our thought regardless of what anybody said. And, eventually, they flew. Right? They eventually were flying. Right?

Troy Washington:

And so I think that holding on to a thought regardless of what those pre previously thought restrictions or boundaries are is very important. And actually going through, the the fire again, that's the best way I can think of it, and coming out of the other end. And and and regardless of what how hot the fire is, just allowing yourself to just, you know, endure. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So okay. A few few things. 1st, real quick on the on the Wright Brothers. I read somewhere that for years after, like, they figured out flight and stuff and planes, it didn't catch on to the general population because people just didn't think it was possible.


Like, even if planes were going in the sky, they just disregarded it because they they just couldn't wrap their minds around it. I think that's that's crazy. But but it's true because there are so many things. Once we became aware of it, it's like this was here the whole time. I've never seen this in my life, but it's evident that it was always there.


Okay. So secondly, one of the things that I was thinking about how to cultivate this is really taking time out. You know, like I take time out to make music. I take time out to do all these other cool things that I like, but I don't always take time out to cultivate my imagination, to see it in my mind's eye. But then when you say what you said, it was like a light bulb.


You said the perfect word. You said, hold on to the thought that you want to grow. And so that got me thinking about how, you know, we take a seed or or more than one seed, because a lot of things come with more than one seeds because they know. And you you have these ideas, you plant them, it's in the dark, so you're not sharing them with anyone yet. You're just planting these seeds, and then you you water them and you kinda wait.


So, like, water them is like you you might go and read over it, after you wrote it down. You might visualize it a bit, and then you you step away from it. And then you come back and check the progress of it, and you say, oh, I do have this belief now. And you may have a company beliefs with it, like, more beliefs that that are similar to that, but you didn't have before. So it's it's kinda growing.


It's it's sprouted a bit. And so you, you know, you you put it in the light a little bit. You give it some some sunshine. You step back. You go about your business.


You come back, same thing, and it grows. And so that would be my step. And that that's actually something I'm gonna try. I'm gonna I'm going to pick I'm a start with, like, I'm gonna say 7 7 seeds of just ideas. And I'm gonna water it and then take a step back, come back, get it into the light, share it with y'all once they've once certain ones have sprouted.


And, yeah. I'm I'm I'm looking forward to that. But go ahead.

Troy Washington:

So I'm I'm gonna tell you the only reason I even use that phraseology, which, again, I wanna give you some process because you're the person that said cultivate. And when I think about cultivating, I always think about growing. I always think about, you know, things sprouting. And I I wanna go even a step further. And, again, this is just my belief.

Troy Washington:

I don't know that it's true. I just saw it somewhere. But they said, I was looking at something online one day, and they said, do you know how a tree grows? And, essentially, they did a, a a little I guess, I I wanna kinda dive they did a video, and they kinda diagrammed how a tree grows. And they said a tree grows underground the same way it grows on top, so it kinda mirrors itself under.

Troy Washington:

And they said, once you put the the seed into the ground, the trees it starts to go straight down, and then it starts to spread out into roots. And at the top, it does the exact same thing. And so the way that I think about that in in the terms of what you're talking about is we're planting the seed within our and the you allow it to grow on the inside, the more it'll grow out, externally, I guess I should say. The more you will be able to other people will be able to witness it, and you'll be able to see it with your own eyes. But I think a part of that is that a lot of times we plant all these seeds, and we don't hold that belief or that thought or it's on there.

Troy Washington:

And so there the the sprout is not growing within. It does not sprout. It does not it does not, you know, spread its roots within us, and it doesn't never allow it to grow on the outside. And, again, this is something that I I just, again, I hold on to and I know to be true because there are things that I've started that I just planted the seed, and I never held the thought, and it never went anywhere. And there are things that I continuously held my thoughts on, and I've witnessed them.

Troy Washington:

And I'm literally witnessing them grow with the amount of attention I give the roots. And so yeah. Man, I I wholeheartedly believe it, and I agree with you. Go ahead, Jay.


And and and saying, like, I've had things that once they came into the light even a little bit, I stopped letting it grow within because I was looking for it to grow only within the light or with without, so to speak. And so, yeah, I'm glad we're having this conversation because, yeah, it's it's important to hold that. Like, our imagination should be so strong that we can see as clear as we see what we see right now. We can hear as clear as we can hear what we hear right now and sense and all like, all of these senses. And, again, it's funny that the word is called sense because sense is not necessarily no.


It's just you're you're sensing you're sensing it, but within, you can know it. And so it's very important that we do know these things. And, yeah, I'm I'm I'm with it. And, shout out to to, sis are you pronouncing your name again? Kamaria?


Kamaria. Kamaria. Okay. Yeah. We we are on YouTube.


We're actually streaming this on YouTube live right now. So, yeah. Perfect mode. Just search perfect mode channel, and, yeah, we're we're we're on there.

Troy Washington:

You know, and again, just going a step further, bro. Like, when we talk about the imagination and, again, I saw this imagery online with the tree growing. And now that I, you know, just spoke it out, then I I I started to imagine, have I seen the things that I'm building growing within me? Like, have I saw the details of it? Like, what it actually looks like?

Troy Washington:

Like, did I see myself passing the real estate exam? I did. Did I see, you know, myself having kids that grew up and played basketball? I I literally I I I I was able to envision these things before. And when I think about holding the thoughts, I think about thinking about the detail.

Troy Washington:

How much detail am I willing to internalize in order for me to witness it on external? And, you know, it's just it's something that I I I I'm definitely, glad that we we really touched on. I'm a go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And sometimes I I've seen this happen with myself where I get a new belief, like or a new thought comes through, and it it completely changes my reality. Like, it's like it's like in that one instance, I destroyed a few were worlds or not destroyed, but I let them go. And I created new worlds for myself because now it's like, oh, I never thought to envision myself in this space too, but I can see it. I can totally see it.


And it it starts to reality starts to to reshape and reform, and it's a beautiful thing. And and and again, like, this should be a regular part of our of our regimen. Like, we we go out about and we we try to create outwardly, but how often do we try to create inwardly? And it's important that we take and make the time to do so.

Troy Washington:

And and I wanna touch on that shattering or letting go of worlds. Because, like, you the thing is, I said earlier, we're always cultivating, but the question is what we're cultivating. And I think it's important that we have to be able to recognize what it is. What worlds are we letting go or what worlds we are we cultivating. Right?

Troy Washington:

And the thing that came to my mind when you said letting the world go or shattering, I'm a use that same word, was I remember when I couldn't swim. I remember. And I remember when there was a core belief of for for myself. Right? So I I always thought that I was going to drown.

Troy Washington:

If I get in water, I'm going to drown. That was what I believed. To the point when my mom pushed me in the water, I thought I was gonna die. And then the moment when I swim, I know I can't even imagine myself drowning today. You get what I'm saying?

Troy Washington:

Because I can only imagine myself swimming. I can all I can't I can't even imagine I I it it it it's not even realistic to me. Right? And I think that's a part of, you know, letting a a thought go or or letting, or shattering a world. And, you know, we have to look and recognize what it is we're holding on to and the reason why we're holding on to it.

Troy Washington:

And then allow ourselves to envision something else and allow that world to let to let that world go. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I I I think that's key. You you nailed it when you said, you can't even imagine yourself in that other reality. And and that's how you know, like like, if you can't imagine something that you want, then that means you have work to do. But it is but if you can't imagine something that you don't want, don't worry about it.


You're good. You're you're you are perfectly aligned with where you wanna be. And, again, the work I know, like, work for some people, that's a tough word. Work can be fun work. Work can be easy work.


Like, it's it's all in what your imagination allows it to be. And and so all we mean is just well, all I mean by by work at it is just make some time for it and and and act it out.

Troy Washington:

No, bro. Like, I I love I I I'm glad that you said you got work to do because to be, what I think about when you say at work is not, it's about applying more thoughts to something. Because at the then you don't have any idea how to do it anyway if it's something that you wanted. You haven't been able to figure out. You're you're bound by the limitations.

Troy Washington:

I remember the first time I grew a plant in my house, and I remember how frustrated I was. Like, I I went and got all of this stuff. I got the seeds. I got the little pods to put them in. And for whatever reason, I could not get this the seed to sprout.

Troy Washington:

I could not get it, but I was looking at it every day. And I just kept doing the same thing over and over again until I was able to get a seed to sprout. And that's kinda what has to happen. You have to when I said you gotta be able to endure. Like, if it's something you want, you have to be willing to endure the process of yourself realizing it.

Troy Washington:

And that is not necessarily work, but it is. It's it's it's it's, to be willing to work your own form, cultivate your own land, cultivate your own heart, cultivate your own beliefs. Like, allow yourself to grow so that way you can realize whatever it is that you wanna realize. Go ahead, Jay.


So so take this out. Like, maybe 13 years ago, I had, I had taken, like, taekwondo for the first time, and I I started liking it. I was moving up in ranks, and I think I had got to, like, blue belt or something. And I was like, man, for me to be blue belt, I'm not as good as I think a blue belt should be. So I was like, man, I gotta I I gotta I decided at that point to get better.


I think I, I found a DVD of, like, skills to practice, and I I practiced it and stuff. And I bought a book that told you how to get faster, how to just be, like, throw faster kicks and all of this. And I was reading a book. They had me doing breathing exercises, and they were having me visualize being faster. Now at that time, I didn't know any of what I feel I know now.


And it was like, what? Well, like, shouldn't I be working hard? Shouldn't I be, you know, outwardly practicing some things to to get faster? But I was like, well, maybe I don't know. Let me try it anyway.


And so, like, only after a few times trying it, because I wasn't completely sold on it. I remember the next time I went to class and was doing things like the one of the top students and the instructor was like, he got better, did me? And then, like, I I felt good in my like, inside, like, I was just I was doing better, but that other part of it that we don't always give enough attention to can change everything. Like, even on on certain cartoons like Dragon Ball z, I think it's cool that they would have him train sleep in his mind while he was healing so that when it was time to to get out and go and and and be in action, he was ready to go. So yeah.

Troy Washington:

Nah, bro. And, again, these are things that we do anyway. We're either training ourselves for or against. It's just kinda how it go. And, again, you you think about all the people that go interview for jobs.

Troy Washington:

Some people, they just sit and they imagine an interview. They imagine what they're gonna say. They imagine how they're gonna answer things. They imagine how they're gonna look. They imagine their body language.

Troy Washington:

They do all some people that say, you know what? I don't interview good. And so now they're imagining not interviewing good. I don't do this. Like, they literally do things, and you are creating or crafting exactly I'm not gonna say what you want in that instant, but what you believe is true to be of yourself.

Troy Washington:

And when you do that, you make it you make it real. Go ahead, Jay. Yeah. Yeah. No.

Troy Washington:

That that


that that's the essence. Like, people would just like like, people would just make that judgment as if that's it. Like, I I don't do this well or I'm not good at this. So I'm not that type of person. Even though they may want to be and it's like, well, can you be that type of person just for 5 minutes?


Because if you that that's really all it takes. You don't have to be this person for forever. Just be this person for 5 minutes and you can you can make the most of this opportunity. I heard Jay z do an interview where he says, like, before he goes on stage, he visualizes, like, certain things. I do the same thing, now.


Like, my my last talks and performances, I visualize people being engaged, people being impacted by me being liven enlivened by it, and it always happens. And then not to say that it it wouldn't happen if I didn't do that, but I don't wanna take that chance because I know the the power that I have, and this is the reality that I want to live in.

Troy Washington:

No. I I love that because to me, that's again doubling down on I'm going to hold the thought for the belief that I want to be true. And it's it's something that we all do every day, but the thing is we don't recognize why we're doing it or what we're doing it for. And I just challenge everybody that's listening today or anybody that's gonna listen later to, you know, take a second and think about what you visualize or what you imagine for yourself. Think about what you what beliefs you have within those things that you imagine, what boundaries, what restrictions you have within those, and then allow yourself to determine what you want it to be regardless of what you think about or what you thought about it prior to.

Troy Washington:

And then once you think about what you want it to be, hold that thought and and be willing to endure. You know, that I I use the, you know, the story about me replanting the seeds over and over again because at that time, I knew no matter what, I had already told my kids that we were gonna grow some bell peppers and tomatoes. I had told them. And the one thing that I did not want to do was fail in front of them. And so I held the thought that no matter what, it was going to happen.

Troy Washington:

And, eventually, it happened. And, eventually, I made true what I knew to be true in the first place, and that's what we have the power to do. You know, everybody is is, is is easy it is to think that everybody does succeed this way. Everybody doesn't choose to succeed this way because sometimes people say, you know what? These seeds are just not gonna grow.

Troy Washington:

And they choose not to cultivate or hold that thought anymore. But go ahead, Jay.


And the the beauty of it too, though, is, like you said, we can always replant. We can plant new seeds. And and sometimes because, like, all seeds don't sprout. And some of the reasons that if we're real with ourselves and going into our imagination, when we plant that seed, we might be planting the opposite seed too, not realizing. And so they're canceling each other each other out.


That's why it's important to to be real with ourselves. By, like, rewording certain beliefs that we want to have, we can be in more harmony with it because it might be too much of a stretch from where we are now. But there's always a happy medium. There's always a starting point that you can use to break through so that you can get to that next point. And so don't don't be discouraged if the seeds don't sprout right away.


Just just just pay attention and and plant the ones that you harmonize with that are in that direction.

Troy Washington:

Bro, I gotta say this before we get out of here, man. We've all heard the saying. I believe we have anyway. Planting a seed of doubt. Have you heard that before?

Troy Washington:

Yes. Planting a seed of doubt. And the thing that came to my mind when you said what you just said was believing in something that you think that you want, but having a doubt in it before you plant your seed, and you end up planting a seed of doubt. And that's the reason why that thing didn't sprout. Man, you hit that.

Troy Washington:

So, don't plant seeds of doubt, man. That's what I say, man. And, I'm grateful for everybody that joined us today. You know, without y'all, we wouldn't be here. We'll be doing something, but we definitely would be here.

Troy Washington:

But we hope that, you know, us giving you our life and the way that we see things help you realize that you are perfect. And don't base your profession on anybody else besides yourself. And go ahead, Jay. You can take us out, baby.


Yeah. Appreciate all y'all that that joined us. Again, we we we stream live on, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram every Sunday at 12 central time, 12 PM noon. And, yeah, just remember, you're a perfect creation made by a perfect creator, so you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode. If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection?


Welcome to perfect to perfect to perfect to perfect to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher with my cohost Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect. Let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.