The Jonathan Kogan Show

"To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process."

We play Dr. David Martin's unbelievable speech at the European Parliament, which is a must listen to at the end of the episode. Also, we cover other topics, such as, Russell Brand, Stock Market concerns, Empire State Building antics, Darien Gap updates, Regulatory Capture insights, Depleting the SPR again, and recent changes in election integrity.

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What is The Jonathan Kogan Show?

The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda.

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Jonathan Kogan:
We're live. What's up everybody. Welcome to The Jonathan Kogan Show. I'm your host, Johnny K. Let's get right into it. So happy to be with you. Hope you're watching. This probably won't be on YouTube for obvious reasons. Cause we are doing the forbidden. We're telling the truth. Just like Biden said, get vaccinated. We are telling the truth. You know? So speaking of the topic of vaccination. This is absolutely, we got, we got a lot to get into actually. And if you wait to the end, you're going to hear an incredible speech by Dr. David Martin, who I've shared countless times on this pot. Okay. Unbelievable presenter. You don't want to miss it. It'll be the last segment. He visited the EU, uh, and he, he understands what happened with COVID better than anyone else. Full stop. Okay. He's a biological patent expert. This is what he does. He built a company around it. He has all the documents, all the receipts, and he calls out the WHO, everybody with details and facts and precision. And he's so good at articulating it. It's just cold hard facts and data. I'll play that at the end. But speaking about getting vaccinated, the Empire State Building has a Twitter account or an ex account and on September 16th, we're behind, usually we're ahead, but we're behind on this pod for today. It's on the screen. If you're watching on Rumble. blue and what is it? Kyant Cyan cyan. Kyant is what color is that blue and Kyant like Kyant Pepper tonight in partnership with I Heart Ready in honor of a new vaccine. Is there hope for America? Is there hope for humanity? They're lighting up the Empire State building to look like a Pfizer booster. And it looks like, you know, because at the top, there's like a needle on the top of the Empire State building. So it just looks like the tip of a shot. So they're trying to make it look like a Pfizer branded booster. They're turning the empire state building into a booster. Okay. Now, if that isn't propaganda and seeing who really controls the strings, big pharma, the elites, I don't know what else does because just days after that, if you go up on their ex account, excuse me, let me clear my other, uh, you will see on September 18th, which is yesterday. Empire State Building blew tonight in partnership with Clean Global in celebration of Climate Week and the Clean Global Initiative. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't like the whole Clinton nonprofit not work out so well, did they get caught like smuggling children out of Haiti and just things didn't go well? And now they're back and they're lighting up the Empire State Building for it. Are you kidding me? What is that? It's unbelievable. You literally you go from a Pfizer booster shot, just making the empire state building, imitate a booster shot, which by the way, you can get a booster, the RSV and the flu vaccine all at the same time in whatever arm you want. You could put it all in your butt. If you want, you want to put it on your neck, just get them all baby. It's safe. Every, every, and who's it for? Well, everybody's really different. Obviously you, you know, we're all individuals and we have different biologic, all this stuff, but. Nope. This is the one thing that works for all humans. six months and older, no questions asked. If you ask questions, you should be deplatformed. You should be labeled a disinformation conspiracy theorist. And perhaps you should be sent to the Gulag. Perhaps. But we'll, we'll just let the future take care of itself. Okay. FEMA can't free you in about three years. I mean, come on, this is ridiculous. So you got Pfizer and then Clinton's like the Clintons who's behind everything weird, okay, like I saw a picture of, uh, of, uh, Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, Secretary of the Treasury, and Hillary Clinton and like the caption was it was like from the Democrats or something, some crazy ex account, and saying, what two people have done better for the world than these two women? And I'm like, Hillary Clinton and Janet. First of all, Janet said in 2017, we will never see a financial crisis ever again. We'll never see it ever again. Well, And then Hillary Clinton, well, let's not even get into that. Just the children and the steel dossier, putting our, like literally committing treason in the United States of America against a sitting president. That's not defending the sitting president, but when you create a whole fake dossier to say the sitting president is an arm of Putin and it's all made up and it goes to the media and there's investigations and every single night is about Russia and Trump and it was all made up from you and you knew it and you briefed the previous president Obama on it, he knew it. That's just crazy. That is literally you spent an entire term of a president over something that was totally made up by the person that the sitting president ran against out of vengeance. That's insane. So we're never, we're never going to see a financial crisis anymore from the other woman sitting there, which was Janie Ellen. Is that right? Janie Ellen? Well, things in the markets are looking, how do I put this mildly? Interesting. Okay. We've been talking about it for a long time. You got people de-dollarizing, but listen, we just what's happening. Well, permanent strike. So you got there's a few things going on. First of all, actually, yeah, let's get let's get the first things first. Well, permanent strike is from zero hedge. Ford lays off 600 workers due to the UAW strike as there's as a result of the auto worker strike, 600 Ford employees. will now be taking a permanent strike. Okay. So then they got laid off, but I don't think these car manufacturers, automakers are too concerned because you have millions and millions of illegal immigrants coming through the border. So, so usually in the past, having illegal immigration and then people pushing down wages, they come in the work for like a dollar, and then these corporations can have these people working factors like 40 hours a day or 23 hours a day. and make like three bucks. That was always a historically a right wing thing by the Koch brothers. That was a Koch brothers thing. That was associated with the Republicans and right wing. Now everything's foot flopped and now it's a left thing and perhaps they're bringing in all these people. So actually the Daily Wire reported they flew over this new city that's being created by this real estate developer that holds 40 to 75,000 people about an hour north of Houston. Okay. And they're creating this village for illegal immigrants to live. And this real estate developer is giving them the loans and the money, uh, that then they're going to basically own these people to work wherever they want. So they're creating new towns for people who are breaking the law coming in so that they can work for these corporations and big businesses for much lower than minimum wage. And so perhaps what's happening is, is you're going to have middle America lose more and more jobs. You've seen tons of layoffs. They're going to lose more and more jobs because these people will work for cheaper. Okay. And they'll probably do more hours, all this stuff. And you're onshore and a lot of production from China. So we're seeing a lot of factories, you know, put here for chips and stuff. We need people working in those factories. So perhaps you're going to have the middle class lose their jobs to these people. And then the middle class therefore will go for unemployment and be dependent on the government. Okay. And then perhaps the Biden and Democrat administration come out and say, Hey, We want to give you more STEMI checks. We want to give you more money. We want to make sure we want to give you universal basic income. And so then they win voters from both sides. Is that possible? Then they have the illegal immigrants. If they ever are able to vote, like in Pennsylvania, it just passed. I love how they spin it. Uh, they're like, now when you turn 18, you're auto enrolled to vote auto enrolled. Boom. So we can have maximum amount of votes. So even if you don't show up, we can use those votes. We can use them, but we're doing it because we love America. It's the sketchiest thing ever. Okay. The governor of Pennsylvania saying, I said, I'm going to approve auto, you know, we're going to, we're going to save taxpayer money so we don't have to register people. It's all it's, it's a crock. It's a crock of poo. Okay. It just, if you want to become a dictator, that is what you do. You'd be able to have as many votes as you can send whichever way you want. It just looks so sketchy. Why? Oh my God. There's so many things. Why can't we just have the people vote? and just leave every big, you know, Google stops swaying the results and tilting the scales by curating information to push a political agenda. Just let things be a meritocracy where people are able to just vote based on equal information. It's all 50-50 and people make the best decision. But instead you have like Facebook and Google, which like 80% of the country gets their news from skewing results and then therefore altering millions of votes. There was this guy, Dr. Epstein, who was just on the Jimmy Doris Show talking about how powerful this is. They're trying to create the same system to then make this process transparent and catch these corporations and out them in the public, and then they'll stop because they'll be outed. But what's happening is you got Facebook, you got Google working. Why are all these people for one particular party, which is all the Democratic Party, why is that? Why? How does that help everybody? I don't understand. You would think that would like hurt businesses, perhaps, you know, the ones that want to tax you more, all this stuff. It's all weird, right? But they all, I think really they're just exploiting the hatred for Trump to just go 180 dictatorship the other way. That's seemingly what's going on. All right. Auto enrolling, it's just chaos. Um, and so, uh, in honor of that, we're going to light up the Empire State building with a booster, uh, unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. So, oh yeah, this is what I want to get into, speaking about how the economy, you would think that big businesses would want the economy to be great, but perhaps they want to just eliminate all their competition and just create a monopoly in every sector and they don't care if prices go down as long as they have a monopoly and a barrier of entry, like with AI and stuff and nobody else can get in, like they're just too far ahead. They know, these big businesses know that if they capitalize on AI, they can get so far ahead of the pack that No small business or startup can catch up. It's the one technology that can just make it a runaway victory. Run away victory. So listen, I think they know that. I think they're going all out. They're going. Google's going for ownership for the rest of the world. Like they are just going for all out. We are going to win. We're going to be a monopoly and we're just going to team up with the government. And it's over. I don't know. It's what it seems like. So. But the economy isn't good. And so therefore earnings will go down. And now we're seeing the results of these jacked up interest rates that were, it takes about a year for it to go through the economy. And now we're approaching that. And so what happened, and I'm just looking for it right now. Oh, in fact, I did retweet it. So let me just pull it up real quick. So treasury 10 year yield rises to 4.365%, which is the highest since when? Two thousand and seven. Two. 2007 do you know what happened soon after that? The world blew up the financial system blew up the great financial crisis happened Destroyed everything the whole world fell apart and we've just been inflating away since that date So we are now the 10-year yield is that this at the highest has been since 2007 it's going up fast. You're seeing drastic changes over the past week. It's unbelievable and on top of that what's really crazy is This is from the Financial Times. Hedge fund bets could spark turmoil in U.S. treasuries, the Bank of International Settlements warns. And the Bank of International Settlements is the central bank of central banks. So short positions in the two-year treasury futures reach record highs in August. So hedge funds are actually shorting the two-year treasury. Okay? And asset managers are going long on the 10-year. They're going opposite directions. But the hedge funds usually know what's going on. And if they're reaching record highs of shorting, they're shorting the bond market. They're saying, hey, the bond market might blow up. And what do we have tomorrow? The Fed meeting. And what might happen? They might increase another 25 basis points. And if they do that, this stuff takes time to go through the economy. We're most likely going to have a hard landing of hard landings. Just think about walking to your car and you're just minding your, you're looking at your phone and then you get a uppercut from Mike Tyson in his prime. That's probably what we're looking at, but don't worry. Trust everything that you're told. Don't ask questions. Sit down, close your mouth and live in a FEMA camp. Peasant. Okay. I just want you to know what's going on now. By the way, if you know a lot of people have been laid off or you've been laid off, let me know in the comments. I'd love, I'd love to hear, or just add, tweet at me. at K.O.G.Z. Also subscribe wherever you get your podcast to the John the Cogin Show. Five star rating would really, really help on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Thank you so much. Appreciate you being a fan. So so much to get into. Oh, speaking of the chaos. So it really does seem like the current administration, this is not a political statement. We're just observing facts and calling it out that the current administration seems to be doing everything that is opposite of what's best for American citizens. sending all of our money to overseas countries that people would never even talked about seven years ago. Like they could have picked any random country and been like, we need to save democracy. Send them a hundred billion dollars. It could have been like, I don't know, Uganda. They would be like, oh my God, people would have their flag in the back. It'd be crazy. Okay. It'd be a cult. It's so weird. Like you can't pick a more random country than Ukraine. It's one of the most random. It's really incredible. Like the propaganda is strong. That's only against Ukraine at all. Obviously. I'm just saying. That's incredible how powerful the propaganda is. Well, guess what? In addition to that with oil prices, the price per barrel is actually going higher. I think it was a $92. It might be shooting up, which by the way, the higher it goes, the better Putin can fund the war, the more money he makes. So he wants prices to go up. And so Saudi Arabia is weaponizing oil. Russia, they're weaponizing oil. They're trying to increase the prices and drain the West. Okay. All of our weapons are leaving. And obviously Biden for a few votes in the midterms depleted the SPR, the strategic petroleum reserves. Well, guess what he just said. Biden says depleting SPR is on table. Wall Street Journal reports the strategic petroleum reserve. The SPR was created in the 1970s to prevent this from happening again. Gas lines that created havoc in the U S economy. But today the definition national emergency has been expanded to mean Biden's reelection. So if necessary, drive the SPR to zero. If this means a total economic crisis between 2025 to 2028, there is no problem as long as Biden wins in 2024. We're at the lowest level since like 1983, it's unbelievable. Should the SPR go to zero, the engineering says refilling is prohibitively expensive, but a cheap solution is to designate drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve, the ANWR, as the new SPR. But what happened two weeks ago? They canceled that very thing. So they're getting rid of all of them. They're getting rid of the SPRs, possibly. And then they're getting rid of the safety valve. And I'm not saying they should, you know, they should drill in Alaska. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just pointing out that they're shutting down all. We have more energy, natural resources in America than any other place. We don't rely on anybody. Totally can be energy independent. But instead we get it from Venezuela. We get it from Saudi Arabia. It makes no sense whatsoever. All right. No sense. We could be totally independent, but we choose not to. If they deplete the reserves and they probably will, and they eliminate this Alaskan wildlife option, which means that they have no options. What else are you supposed, what conclusion you're supposed to come to besides the fact that it seems like they're trying to hurt or weaken America. It's unbelievable. By the way, that was from Jim Bianco. Great. macroanalyst, finance guy, Bianco research on X. So please give him a follow up. I can't believe this. This is bananas. Okay. This is, you know, we live in an upside down world. If you've been listening to The Jonathan Kogan Show, you know, left is right. Up is down. Everything's opposite, but it's getting crazy. And you know that things are going to get more crazy before they become somewhat normal, which they've never been. But at least I was living in the matrix and it's felt like. You know, everything was organic. It felt like there was no orchestration behind the scenes. It felt like it was just a happy world and everyone's just chilling. You know, I enjoyed being in the matrix. I loved it. It was great. I had no idea I was being controlled. I had no idea. Every single behavior I did was influence and psychologically, uh, it was psychological war against me and that they weren't even my own impulses. They were like subliminal messaging from like massive multinational corporations telling me to buy seed oils and stuff and kill myself. Slowly and so I could rely on Big Pharma for the rest of my life. I didn't know that but I loved it I loved it. Now I see the whole world as it is and man, it's nasty out there. It's nasty out there I mean everything's on full display half the world sees it half the world doesn't that's why it's so polarized because half the world's awakened Half the world is not particularly in the West just the West But that's why we got to share this podcast. So people know what's going on. I mean, it is crazy. So so much can do so You know, let's get into Russell Brand real quick. Russell Brand. So Russell Brand is being accused of sexual assault, rape, um, you know, hurting women, and this just came out. It was done by like the three largest, uh, news providers, like in London. They all teamed up to do this, like channel four, the London times, all of them. They all teamed up to do this investigation. Now. What I'm about to say has nothing to do with the validity. of those claims, of those allegations. Even if they're true, they're from like 2006. I think the latest one is from 2013. I just have a question. Why did you not expose this and do this same due diligence in 2014? What about 2015? How about 2016? How about 2017? 18? 19? How about 20? What about 21? 22 is good? No, 23. Why not all those years? Why not all those years were you looking for this? So even if they're true, it is extremely sketchy and suspect that when this man who is actually the, he was, he was loved in the press. He was beloved, particularly by the people who own the press, which is the left. Okay. This isn't me speaking of political issues, the left love him. Okay. They said he was like communist and he's amazing. And he was just such a darling. of the news as I, all right. Now he is a recovering addict, sex addict and drug addict, and has a family and is speaking out about against COVID vaccines, government, uh, the most powerful people in the world, one of the most outspoken and successful in the past couple of years, anti-establishment critics in the world. One of the, one of the top. He's been one of the most destructive forces in truth in the last few years. And now you're going to go after him for all this stuff. Now let's say it is true. Terrible. He should be in trouble. You know, you should, uh, there should get, um, adequate senses and, you know, he should be in serious, serious trouble. That is no joke. We don't mess around like that on this podcast. Yes. A hundred percent. We care about the merit of the claims. If it's true, you know, if you're innocent or guilty. and then the correct punishment based on that result. But you have to ask yourself, when you start speaking about the topics you're not allowed to talk about, and then you have a coordinated attack from the largest news organizations, which by the way, you're taking business from, because people like you and others who listen to this podcast listen to Russell over Channel 4, because Channel 4 is lying and spitting out propaganda and telling you to cheer nuclear war. and die and eat seed oils and kill yourself and become obese and just give yourself a booster every two months, you know, like it's Christmas. Um, and, uh, and Russell is, has been speaking truth, especially since 2019. You can't deny it. And he's been disruptive and they can't have that. You can't do that. You cannot call out Klaus. You can't call out your favorite software developer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, Bill Gates. You cannot call out these heroes. Okay. Because all they want to do is save the world and all you need to do is keep your mouth shut while they save the world and then everybody will be saved. And everyone will be six feet under and the whole world will be ran by about 300 people. And they're going to have all the land they want. And guess what? They save the environment because they decrease the population. Just like the degrowth agenda since the seventies, too much population, not enough resources. We've got to get rid of the peasants. And now they're actually becoming successful. I mean, excess mortality is still higher than average than below the pandemic levels. No one's talking about it. No, no one's talking about it, but they are telling you to get your booster. They're going to give you a booster until you start pooping out boosters. Okay. You're going to be able to reuse or give your friends boosters from your poop because they are just going to form like a booster from having so many boosters. They're not going to call them booster. Cause the goal was, I don't mean to get sidetracked, but the goal was they had to create an adult schedule. The childhood schedule was so lucrative, but they maxed it out. They got one. They're still going. They have 77 on there. They're going to, they're going to go forever. It's just in perpetuity. The business model says it has many vaccines on there. They're going to have 4,000 in the next, you know, 10 years while they need another business line, another revenue string, adults, let's create an adult schedule and that's what this is baby. And there are people out there that are adhering to it and thinking that these people are heroes, even though they're all literally serial criminals, which you're going to hear at the end of this podcast. So Russell Brand there now they did try to make one of the text messages, which is legitimate and not good. Looked like it was something that it wasn't. So one of it read was that, uh, when a girl, like when I say no, it means no. And it was kind of portrayed like, Oh, you know, she said no to having, uh, sex and he raped her. What it was actually referring to and this still is not good and could still be criminal is not using a condom. Okay. She wanted to use a condom. Uh, he didn't and he didn't do it. And so then she went to a rape center and got tested and has all the documents supporting it. And that is bad. And that's criminal. And if that's true, he needs to be held liable for those actions. But the, that, that is honestly as important as that is. for the magnitude of what's going on in this world and who's shaping it and the just insanity that's going on in front of our eyes, the underlying most important issue on this topic is why now and why the perfect coordination and why is he on the cover of every mainstream news over the weekend at the same time and everybody's saying the same thing like clockwork. It's exactly the cancel culture attack from the matrix. You can't deny it. Again. If it's true, it's true and he needs to be reprimanded and get in trouble. Absolutely. But that is second to the fact that what is going on? They need to take him out. That means he's making a dent in the narrative. They will eventually come for everybody and Russell's a big target. And so they put a lot of resources on, you know, destroying him. Are they going to win? Now this is going to be a big test. Is this community going to stand up for one another when one gets attacked? Let me tell you why they do this. They do this in the hopes that someone who doesn't follow the news like we do and tell you the truth. They just hear it, you know, kind of like, you know, hearsay from somebody else or in the background on TV. And so therefore they'll never go look at his content or listen to anything because he, Russell Brand bad, Russell Brand rape. And they'll never, they'll never ever look into the content. That's the goal of this attack. Never go listen to Russell Brand. Rape, bad. Do not listen to him. Will it work? I think that's up to everybody. Whenever the media says, do not listen to this person, this person is the worst person, I immediately go listen to their full catalog of stuff and I realize that they're 99% probably telling the truth and it makes perfect sense. It's like, wow, what is going on? The world's backwards. So hopefully more and more people are seeing like this, but that's the goal of the attack. There's no question this is a matrix attack. We're not talking about the validity of the claims. We're talking about the fact that this is orchestrated and done. This is an attack on the peasants from the elites. We are under attack from all angles. And this is a representation of that. So let's see if, you know, he's guilty, but the most important thing is. At least in America and the West of freedom, you are always innocent until proven guilty. Let me, let me, let me, let me repeat that. Ready? Innocent until proven guilty, beyond a shadow of a doubt. So you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Not guilty to proving innocent. Okay, this is in North Korea. You're innocent to proving guilty. And YouTube immediately on the back of these claims that comes out and then the next day, boom, YouTube demonetizes his channel for saying he's a threat to the community, a bad influence, all this stuff. Everybody is piling at the same time. Channel four, YouTube, everybody is playing the same game. And if you are, if YouTube is going to play this game of being guilty. until proven innocent. That is a dangerous precedent. That is so dangerous for them to demonetize based on allegations. That means anyone you don't like what they're saying, you just go out, don't go to the cops or anything, just make an allegation to the press and get their revenue, their income as a human, destroyed. Get them demonetized. You just, anybody who's alternative media, if you're the mainstream media, you should set up every single top news. Whether it's Kim Iverson, you know, whether it's a Crowder whether it's Russell Brand Whether it's Joe Rogan. That's what that one's a little tougher, but any of them Just get them all Every one of them even if it's not true, whatever that'll be proven later Get get allegations that they all did sexual assault. They're all guilty They'll all be demonetized and by the time the truth comes out that they didn't do it. They have no money. It's over Because the mainstream is losing They're not the mainstream. The corporate press is losing all their power and they're hanging on and so they're shooting for everything. They are trying to wipe out alternative media. They will not wipe us out. They will not wipe you out. We need to support one another. Okay? Instead of buying a cable package, give $5 a month to a creator that you listen to. Go to their locals and support them. Give them a thanks with a money sign on YouTube. Go to forward slash ownership economy and donate to the pod. Things like that. This is the time. Community matters more now than ever. I can't express that enough. And so why are people questioning this stuff? Well, Viva Frye, I'll pull up his tweet and it, you know, brings up a pretty good point, why people are questioning this. He goes, Donald Trump alleged sexual assault from 25 plus years ago. And the woman, Eugene Carroll or whatever, is that what her name was? Carol. When she was on CNN with Anderson Cooper. He was like, yeah, rape. She's like, yeah, that's sexy. Cooper, you're fascinating. It was the weirdest interview of all time. Like, okay, maybe there's some sketchy stuff to that case. Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court judge, alleged sexual assault from 30 plus years ago, Julian Assange, alleged rape, which was all false. It was all to slander his name. Get people, you get them locked up, get rid of WikiLeaks, too powerful, doing too good of work. Get rid of Julian Assange, create fake rape cases. Elon Musk, alleged anti-Semitism and alleged sexual harassment. Joe Rogan, alleged racism. Tucker Carlson, alleged racism. Russell Brand, alleged rape from 15 plus years ago. Andrew Tate, alleged rape and human trafficking. Steven Crowder, alleged psychological abuse. Matt Gaetz, alleged sex trafficking. He says the blue pill will look at this list and say, see, they're all bad people. The red pill will see a very different common denominator. Edit. Added Joe Rogan and forgot about the sexual harassment allegations against Elon Musk, also missing word. So it's fair to question you after everything that's happened. Everything should be questioned. But the most important foundation is your innocence to prove it guilty. No actions can be taken until you are guilty. And so the present YouTube is setting is they are going after alternative media. They're going to come after us. They're going to come after everybody. And we must band together for brothers. We are thou. I just made that up, but you know, it sounds good. Okay. So, uh, man, so much again to do. So speaking about, this is basically regulatory capture to some degree. Okay. It's big government working with big business to give rid of the small guy, the small player so that they can just have a stranglehold is actually what the real definition of fascism is. The store, the fusion of, of state and corporate power. That's literally what this is. like YouTube teaming up with the U S government, Google teaming up, you know, with the Congress to skew votes and all this stuff, fixed elections, even though they're safer than ever most safe election of all time. Don't question it. Okay. Um, so, uh, speaking of regulatory capture, there was a great piece. I'm going to play a little bit for you. And then again, we're going to play the incredible video by David Martin, at least some of it, and then you can listen to the rest, but it's incredible. There's a lot. Oh man, we're not going to get into all this. Um, Well, before we get into that regulatory capture, I do want to just give you an update on something that has happened. So remember the intelligence officials that said that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. They all signed the paper before the debate between Trump and Biden. It was all lie. They knew it was a lie. They had the laptop, I believe in 2019, they knew it was Hunter's and they literally signed it and lied. The CIA people. Well, breaking the Biden, this is from Kenico with a great, incredible ex account, breaking the Biden administration has appointed James Clapper, John Brennan and Paul Kobe, former intelligence officials. to a DHS Homeland Intelligence experts group handling national security issues. Interesting, year before the election. These individuals signed the fraudulent October 2020 letter deceptively asserting that Hunter Biden's laptop was likely Russian disinformation. This falsehood significantly impacted the closely contested 2020 election decided by a mere 44,000 vote margin in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin. Why select intelligence officials who intentionally spread disinformation? to sway a US election for a role in a DHS expert group tasked with national security. Shouldn't they be losing their security clearances? And then here's a clip from Homeland Security website. Secretary Mayorkas announces establishment of Homeland Intelligence Experts Group. He's letting anybody come through the border illegally. I don't know why people is, why? I don't understand, I still can't understand the logic of letting illegal people who we know nothing about just to go anywhere they want in the country. We don't know what's going to happen. Millions. It's bizarre. But whatever John Brennan, James Clapper, Paul Coppola, they had lied. They intentionally lied to deceive the public. They're being rewarded. Remember the way to succeed is that the more wrong you do, the better pay, the better promotions you get the establishment is opposite day. So do bad and we will do good for you. That's what's happening. It's insane. It's absolutely insane. So speaking about this regulatory capture, Bill Gurley, uh, presented at the all in summit. A great presentation. I highly recommend you go listen to all of it, but I'm going to play just one example of how this all he talks about, how, how the regulatory capture with the COVID tests and how it's all corrupt. And so there's multiple examples. And so please go listen to the all in summit. Bill Gurley presents 2,851 miles presentation on the all in podcast, but I'm going to play one example it's Epic, the healthcare records company. That's private actually. how this corruption and how deep it runs. It's ridiculous. So I just want to play one for you because you probably haven't heard it. And it's so good. So here's one example of how corrupt the establishment is. And this is the top venture capitalist of all time, Bill Gurley. Here we go. Let's put up the volume a little bit. I promise you, this is worth listening to. I'm just trying to play one clip from it that you'll enjoy so that you can go listen to the rest. So take a listen. So then he goes on and talks about many, many more. I highly implore you to go listen to it. It's really, really good. It's very informative. You're going to enjoy it. I promise. You know I only recommend the best. That's why you come to the pod for the best of the best. All right. So, yeah, we're going to do the Daring Gap, but we're going to end with this. I'm going to play the beginning of David Mard. I wasn't going to do this, but you need to hear it because if you haven't heard it, it's probably one of the most important talks. I mean, his other ones were... pretty important, but I just want to make sure you've heard this. I'll play the beginning of it. Maybe I'll play the whole thing. You do not want to miss this. This is probably the most, this is definitely the most important part of this podcast episode, Dr. David Martin. I mean, I'm literally speechless. It's so important. I'll read what this guy said in X is from Blake. Most important video on the internet. Dr. David E. Martin calls for total destruction of the World Health Organization, WHO. for crimes against humanity and bioterrorism. This is from September 13th, 2023. This just happened. He bravely exposes the criminal cartel. Who? Planet Funded, created, deployed, and profited from it. And I'm just gonna play it. I'm not even gonna get into what else he said in the X, the tweet. So here we go. Take a listen to his presentation. Make sure it loads properly. I'm on. just to make sure it's going. the so sick in vivo. It's loading. And just in case you're listening. It's about 12 minutes and 26 seconds through. wrapping up here. Wow. Dr. David Martin. Unbelievable. You heard the whole thing here. I had to share everything with you. That's why this podcast is here. You very rarely hear the truth. Please share this with everybody you know, at least the last part. You could put a timestamp on and share in the link so it starts at that point. They don't need to listen to the nonsense in the beginning of this episode. This can't be on YouTube. Share this globally. Do it for the people. This is we're all in this together. Unbelievable presentation by Dr. David Martin. And I'm just gonna leave you with that. We had other stuff to talk about, but we'll catch up on it tomorrow. That's unbelievable. So for The Jonathan Kogan Show and your host, Johnny K, I'm out, I'll see you another day. Bye.