Perpetual Success

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Perpetual Success Podcast, where host Ondine D embarks on an enlightening journey with listeners, exploring how to achieve and maintain success in every aspect of life. This episode is perfect for go-getters, creative visionaries, ambitious artists, innovators, and trailblazers seeking a roadmap to enduring success.

In This Episode:
  1. Understanding the Challenge: Ondine discusses the ephemeral nature of success and the pitfalls of associating success solely with significant achievements, highlighting the challenges of motivation and the risk of burnout in the relentless pursuit of success.
  2. Exploring the Perpetual Success Podcast: Preview of upcoming topics including the science of motivation, success stories, and practical tools to transform your life.
  3. Mindset Shifting Questions: Reflective questions designed to shift your perspective on success, focusing on the journey rather than just the peak moments.
  4. Introducing the Perpetual Success Compass: A unique tool developed by Ondine to guide listeners towards sustainable success, featuring essential elements like Awareness, Growth, Vision, Grit, and Wisdom.
  5. Practical Application and Coaching Tips: Insightful guidance and actionable strategies for applying the principles of the Perpetual Success Compass in daily life.
  6. Compass Check: Key takeaways and an invitation for listeners to observe how Awareness, Growth, Vision, Grit, Opportunity, and Wisdom play a role in their daily lives.
  7. Promotion of Private Coaching Sessions: Information on how to book private sessions with Ondine for personalized guidance.

Call to Action:
  • Share your journey with the hashtag #PerpetualSuccessJourney.
  • Download your free Perpetual Success Compass at PERPETUALSUCCESS.COACH.
  • Book a complimentary Empowerment Pathfinder Call with Ondine.
  • Tune in next week for an episode on Overcoming Limiting Beliefs.

Connect with Ondine D:
Remember, success isn't a destination; it's a journey. Join us as we navigate this path together, towards a state of perpetual growth, joy, and fulfillment.

Subscribe to the Perpetual Success Podcast to not miss any future episodes!

Music Credits: Rebirth, AdobeStock; Meditation healing, AdobeStock
Production Credits: Produced by Ondine D.

Creators & Guests

Ondine D.

What is Perpetual Success?

Chart your path to an extraordinary life of endless achievements with practical tips, powerful insights, and inspiring stories in each episode led by Mindset Transformation Leader, Ondine D.. Let's set our compass for Perpetual Success together!

Have you ever reached the peak of succes but felt uncertain if it would last. You are not alone, every successful person has experienced this.
Or maybe you feel you don't have the energy to keep going and you're wondering if true success is for you. Have you ever experienced that?

Welcome to the Perpetual Success Podcast, where we explore the remarkable journey of attaining and sustaining success in every aspect of life. I'm Ondine D, your host, and I am thrilled to join you on this life-changing expedition. Whether you're a go-getter, a creative visionary, an ambitious artist, an innovator, or a trailblazer in search of everlasting success, this podcast aims to empower, enlighten, and motivate you in your pursuit for greatness.

Segment 1: Understanding the Challenge

Not too long ago I was watching the documentary "The last dance" that follows Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in their last season together. I love watching documentaries for work inspiration. In one of the first episodes of "The last dance", Coach Phil Jackson says “You're only a success at the moment you perform a successful act... you have to do it again”.

Have you ever questioned the temporary nature of your achievements?

Success is super hard to maintain because we are continuously in the pursuit of the next successful act. It's a never ending treasure hunt, but every time you find the treasure you get to celebrate for an evening or two and then someone takes it away from you and you're on to finding a new treasure. That's exhausting.

Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to make success a constant companion?

Personally, I wondered "Why are we associating success only to big successful acts?". Here Phil Jackson was specifically referring to winning a Championship, nothing less. If you do something amazing like getting a standing ovation, selling much more than usual, winning a competition, creating a breakthrough new product, then you're a success. If you screw up something, you're a failure. And anything in between is neutral, welcome to boredom land. That, to me, is a very wrong definition of success, don't you think?

Success is not a binary choice where the opposite is Failure. This definition causes you to think of yourself as not worthy when nothing extraordinary happens in your life - which is probably 70% of your time. This definition promotes a hustle culture where we continuously look for a bigger, more challenging objective to take on. Both combined and you have the perfect recipe for burnout. And if you're lucky enough not to experience burnout, you're still experiencing disappointment because you don't have that rush of internal and external validation that comes with doing something exceptional.

So if you're a high performer, an innovator, or an artist who's looking for ways to achieve sustainable success and overcome the challenges of motivation, then this podcast is for you. Keep listening and subscribe right now to this Podcast to make sure you don't miss any episode.

Speaking of episodes. What's on the menu? In the Perpetual Success podcast, we'll be diving deep into the science of motivation, the biology of beliefs, and the power of your brain. I love science, I love books and my favorite activity is to share what I've learned. The theory is nice but not enough, so we will also be talking to successful people from various fields and industries to learn about their journeys, mindsets and habits to success. We will be talking about the challenges they faced along the way, and the strategies they used to overcome them. And I'll share with you some practical tools and exercises you can apply to transform your life.

Segment 2: Mindset Shifting Questions

Let's shift our gaze inward. Ponder on these questions:
"Is success just about the peak moments for you?"
I've worked with a lot of people and I noticed that the happiest one define success as the process rather than the results.

"How do you handle periods of calm in your journey?"
Do you see periods of calm as a moment to regroup for the next big adventure? Or rather it is part of the adventure for you? Or do you feel uncomfortable by the lack of intensity?

"What if every step, every challenge, could be an opportunity for growth and learning?"
I know it's a cliché you're heard a million times, yet finding opportunities along the way is the path to Perpetual Success as we'll discuss in the next segment of this Podcast in which I'll introduce you to a dear instrument I have crafted to navigate our journey.

And here's your special mission: If you're finding value in today's episode, share this podcast with your friends or relatives who you believe would benefit from the Perpetual Success mindset. Let's spread the message of empowerment and transformation together. Remember, together we can chart the path to perpetual success!

Segment 3: The Compass

Are you ready to unlock your potential, embrace limitless possibilities, and create a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and extraordinary achievements? If you answered yes, then you're in the right place.

If you're the type of person who loves the thrill of challenging yourself to do more, better, and faster, then you know the exhilaration that comes with it. But you also know the feeling of hitting a wall and feeling drained, which can tempt us to give up. Well, what if I told you there's a way to experience perpetual success—a state of constant satisfaction and exceptional achievements?

Perpetual Success is the place where you can set up camp and achieve long-term success without falling into deep holes of negativity and self-doubt. It's a land where success becomes your responsibility. Some days, the journey is pleasant, and other days, it's steep. Some days are so incredible that words fail to describe them, while other days, the road is blocked, and you must find a new path. But through it all, you refuse to blame the blockages, and you keep going after what you desire.

Tip: application

In your journey towards achieving and maintaining sustainable happiness and success, it's crucial to always have direction and clarity. This is why I've crafted the Perpetual Success Compass, a beacon in the vast landscape of success, ever ready to guide you. You can obtain your free copy of the Perpetual Success Compass from my website, PERPETUALSUCCESS.COACH. Drawing inspiration from travel, adventure, and exploration, I often liken perpetual success to a vast land waiting to be discovered. And in this land, to navigate, you'd need a reliable compass.

Now, imagine holding this compass in your hands. Its needle, symbolizing Opportunity, shows you that every situation is ripe with potential and growth. This compass isn't just symbolic. If at any point you feel astray, you can look at this compass and quickly ascertain which direction you need to refocus on. This is transformative!

First, let's talk about Awareness. This is where you cultivate an intrinsic understanding of both yourself and the surrounding world, free of judgment. It’s about embracing the uniqueness of every individual, including yourself. By understanding your strengths and potential hurdles, you can strategize effectively. No longer do you brand yourself with limitations. Instead, you view emotions and reactions as natural responses, equipping yourself with strategies to handle them.

Next, there's Growth. Think of it as a testament to your commitment to continual evolution. Here, every situation becomes an opportunity to challenge constraining beliefs and embrace boundless growth. When faced with challenges, instead of yielding, you seek to grow from them, breaking them down, managing your responses, and rallying support where needed.

Then we move to Vision. This is your personal canvas, where you paint a vivid tableau of your aspirations. It's about visualizing, in intricate detail, the steps you undertake, the growth you experience, and the milestones you achieve. You can envision the partnerships you forge, the feedback you integrate, and the success narratives you construct.

Our next direction is Grit. Beyond just determination, this embodies the spirit of resilience, tenacity, and unwavering commitment. Here, setbacks aren't deterrents; they're just a part of the journey. When faced with obstacles, you pause, reassess, and continue with renewed vigor, fortified by your past experiences and an unwavering belief in your journey.

Wisdom, the jewel bearing of our compass, ensures that your compass points true. It stands for the balanced blend of past insights and knowledgeable counsel. This is where you question, assess, and decide, ensuring each choice is in sync with your overarching vision. It's about challenging potentially limiting beliefs and viewing situations clearly to make informed choices.

To conclude, always remember that the spirit of Perpetual Success thrives on seeing Opportunity in every situation. Regardless of life's curveballs, approach every moment with the belief that it's a stepping stone towards growth. With your Perpetual Success Compass in hand, you're equipped to navigate this expansive land of endless possibilities and successes.

At which cardinal point does your Compass currently point? Is the key to unlocking your unique opportunities a deep-dive in Awareness, Vision, Growth or Grit? A mix of some of them? Or do you need to adjust your Wisdom bearing? I am a very curious person, I want to hear about your journey! Share your progress and breakthroughs. Post a quick update on your social media and tag me @ondine.d, or use the hashtag #PerpetualSuccessJourney. Let's celebrate your steps towards perpetual success together!

Segment 4: Compass Check

Now, here comes the exciting part. Throughout this podcast series, we'll explore ways to explore each measure of the compass in-depth so you can always find your way and remain in the land of Perpetual Success. We'll dive into practical strategies, share inspiring stories, and provide actionable steps that you can implement right away to elevate your personal and professional life.

For now, I invite you to observe how Awareness, Growth, Vision, Grit, Opportunity, and Wisdom play a role in your daily life. Make it a game to identify how much you're using each measure and maybe which one can be your area for improvement for the coming month. By embracing the measures of the Perpetual Success compass, you'll embark on a transformational journey towards sustained success in all aspects of your life. It's not about reaching a peak and calling it a day; it's about creating a life where success becomes a way of being—a state of perpetual growth, joy, and fulfilment.

Wait, before you go! If today's insights resonated with you and you're looking for deeper transformation, consider this your personal invitation. Join me for private coaching sessions tailored to navigate your unique challenges. We'll uncover your true aspirations and calibrate your Perpetual Success Compass towards lasting accomplishments.
Are you Not sure if coaching aligns with your needs? Let's find out together. Schedule a complimentary Empowerment Pathfinder Call with me. It's a no-obligation opportunity to connect and discern if coaching is your next step. Visit PERPETUALSUCCESS.COACH today and click on "Book your free call". Together, we'll chart a course for unparalleled achievement

Closing Segment
Remember to download your free copy of the Perpetual Success Compass from my website, PERPETUALSUCCESS.COACH.

Thank you for joining me on this inaugural episode of the Perpetual Success Podcast
-- Next week we will talk about Overcoming Limiting Beliefs.

And one last thing: if you want me to do a deep dive on a specific challenge you are facing, drop your topic ideas directly on the Podcast page of my website PERPETUALSUCCESS.COACH.

Chart your path with your Compass to remain in Perpetual Success today and everyday!