Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Tuesday the 28th May 2024.
A new report has been launched to encourage all political parties to commit to the development of a new National Carers Strategy.
This comes from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Carers, which has stated that the development of a new National Carers Strategy would better recognise the significant challenges that are faced by carers. A new strategy would also support improvements to carers’ health and wellbeing, finances, and access to care and support.
There has not been a new National Carers Strategy published by the government since 2008, with no cross-government approach to the supporting of carers since the Carers Action Plan 2018-2020 ended.

The Public Accounts Committee has published a report into the government’s progress on decarbonising home heating methods.
As one of the biggest challenging facing the government as it looks to achieve net zero carbon emissions, almost 28 million UK households will be required to engage in the transitioning process, however the Decarbonising Home Heating report has found that government progress has been unconvincing.
In the summary of the report, the Public Accounts Committee said that the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero “needs to be realistic about levels of consumer demand, raise public awareness of heat pumps and work with industry to make heat pumps more affordable.

As part of a push to improve quality of life and boost economic growth, the Mayor of the West Midlands has laid out his vision for creative and cultural sectors across the region.
Over the course of the next two years, £15 million is being committed to supporting the ambition and capacity of the two sectors. This comes alongside the launch of the West Midlands Ownership Hub, which is aiming to support an increase in the number of co-operative and employee-owned businesses.
As well as the hub, the £15 million commitment from the West Midlands Combined Authority will allow grants to unlock wider funding, with the aim being to improve physical facilities that can support innovation across the cultural and creative sectors.
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