Photo Breakdown

Ever wondered how a 58-year-old Mike Tyson fared against the young and brash Jake Paul in the boxing ring? Could this fight have lessons for your photography business that you didn’t anticipate?

In this episode, Scott Wyden Kivowitz navigates the much-hyped bout between boxing legend Mike Tyson and YouTube sensation Jake Paul. Scott dissects the fight's dynamics and draws intriguing parallels to the world of photography. What can an uneventful, yet highly anticipated, fight teach us about staying relevant, attacking the market, and adopting new tools in your photography business? Tune in to find out.

“In your business, in your photography, you have to attack. Don’t hesitate to adopt the tools you need to succeed.”

Ready to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of photography? Don’t miss this episode! Listen now and learn how to sharpen your business tactics, just like seasoned fighters adapting to their opponents. Subscribe to Photo Breakdown for more episodes that merge the art of photography with real-world insights.

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Creators & Guests

Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Father, Photograper, Community Builder, Podcaster

What is Photo Breakdown?

Photo Breakdown is a podcast in which we explore the world of photography with a trusted guide, host Scott Wyden Kivowitz. His expertise and passion bring the industry to life as we explore the stories, trends, and ideas shaping it today. Join us as we dissect everything from incredible photographs and creative techniques to the latest gear releases and hot topics in the photography community.

In each episode, we break down what’s happening behind the scenes - whether it’s making a powerful image, a candid discussion on industry trends, or a reflection on the tools and technology changing how we make photographs. You’ll get insights, expert opinions, and a fresh perspective on what’s top of mind for photographers right now.

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It’s more than just photography - everything that makes photography tick.

Fearless Photography Tips from the Tyson vs Paul Fight

[00:00:00] Scott Wyden Kivowitz: So here's the interesting thing about the Jake Paul Mike Tyson fight that.

[00:00:06] You can only make you better. As a photographer.

[00:00:11] As a photo business owner.

[00:00:15] Yeah. Mike Tyson and Jake Paul.

[00:00:18] What was that?

[00:00:21] What was that? Oh, okay. So if you didn't know if you're.


[00:00:27] Scott Wyden Kivowitz: how do you under a rock and didn't know.

[00:00:31] Mike Tyson. At 58 years old.fought a, 27 year old.

[00:00:38] Mike Tyson came out of retirement. For this. Now.

[00:00:43] You, you have to know who my Tyson is.

[00:00:47] He may not know who Jake Paul is, but you have to know who Mike Tyson is the greatest boxer of all time.

[00:00:52] He hasn't been taken down by many people, They call them the iron Mike for a reason.

[00:00:58] And there's so much [00:01:00] anticipation. Between. All the marketing efforts from Jake Paul. Tyson had some marketing efforts, but it was more Jake Paul. This is his show. And then of course Netflix was like, Going. Going nuts on promoting this thing.

[00:01:17] And.

[00:01:19] There was so much anticipation. The thing started 8:00 PM Eastern time. The Tyson. All fight didn't happen until about 12:30 AM or so. I don't normally stay up or boxing matches. I don't normally watch. Boxing matches. But. It was a chance to see. What could be. A really good bite. And. Have Netflix. So it didn't cost me anything extra to watch this.

[00:01:47] I was happy about it.

[00:01:49] So I stayed up, and. To my surprise. It was not what I was expecting. I was expecting. Either.

[00:01:59] Paul to [00:02:00] dominate.

[00:02:01] Just because. He's going after a 58 year old who was retired and not training. And then you had to retrain and get into good shape for that fight. Or did he.

[00:02:16] Or is expecting. Tyson to. Attack. Big Paul and basically take them out with one shot.

[00:02:27] Neither of those things happen. Yes. Jake Paul through a lot of punches.

[00:02:35] I think it was, I don't remember the stats, but I think it was almost triple the amount of punches that Tyson through. However.

[00:02:43] It was almost a fight that you could have been in the ring. It was almost no fighting. It was almost no fighting for. They also did shorter rounds. They did two minute rounds instead of three minute rounds. They did eight rounds instead of 10 rounds. And. [00:03:00] They use thicker boxing gloves.

[00:03:04] I don't know. I feel like. Almost like they both went into it. this is easy money. Let's just not fight.

[00:03:12] Jake Paul would go in, throw a punch to Tyson's. Torso. Sometimes to his head. And. Then back up to the point where Tyson. Can't even like back up to the point where Tyson would have to run after him in order to attack. 58 year old is not going to run after him to attack.

[00:03:34] So anyway.

[00:03:37] One thing for sure is the photographers that were photographing that event. Probably got some really good photos. So that's cool.But.

[00:03:47] What has taught me is. First of all.

[00:03:51] Just because. There was no winner, right? Jake Paul one. Okay. Jake Paul won that fight.

[00:03:59] Just [00:04:00] buy the idea that somebody has to win. But nobody won that fight. Jake Paul did not win the fight. Even though he technically won the fight, did not win the fight because he didn't really like. He just threw a punch and ran away. And then on the other hand, Tyson. Couldn't win the fight because Jake Paul was running away. Depo even said that he was scared. Afterwards.

[00:04:24] He was saying that he was scared. And that's why he kept running away.

[00:04:28] not that I want to get in the ring with either of them, because Jake, Paul is a pretty good boxer for, somebody who's still fairly new to the boxing world. And Tyson is the greatest of all time. Not that I want to get in the ring with either of them. Anyway, but. There was no actual winner of this. Yeah. It was just a very neutral. Thing where they both made millions of dollars for doing almost nothing. Okay.

[00:04:56] So the whole point of this. Is the [00:05:00] point of this rant and this. Yeah.this is my mind is blown. I can't be my state up for that.

[00:05:05] In your business, in your photography, you have to attack. It doesn't matter, especially if you're a business has been around for longer and you've got new photographers coming up. That are. Younger than you that are fresher than you. You need to have new tools in your arsenal to. Win and compete against. The newer photographers in your niche and in your local area and stuff like that. You need to be prepared. Whether that's using modern tools. Modern cameras like physical tools or using modern software.

[00:05:43] So for example, There are a lot of photographers that were hesitant to switch to mirrorless. And then all these new photographers came out that were mirrorless and it changed the game for many photographers. And then when the, What unquote older generation of photographers. That's myself included.

[00:05:58] Finally got to switching [00:06:00] to. To mirrorless it again with a game changer. So don't hesitate to attack by adopting. The tools you need to succeed. And this also goes for software, right? There's a lot of photographers still hesitant to use AI in their work. The AI is only going to make you compete better, make you perform better because allows you to focus more on the creative aspects and let that tedious, then that boring stuff to just. Happened automatically.

[00:06:29] And it's still you, right? It's still training on you. So.Adopt. Adopt an attack. Don't hesitate. Don't. They back don't run. Just adopt right. And if you see photographers coming with a pricing model that. Scares you, right? Because it's really attractive to your. Your potential client. I'm up with a new structure for yourself.

[00:06:56] That's even better than there's not necessarily going cheaper. Maybe [00:07:00] going more expensive. make you the luxury brand. you're better. You have more. Talent you have more experience. You have, better team, right? You better staff.

[00:07:14] Show your value, right? yeah. That is what. The. For lack of better words. Hoop show. Of the Tyson. All fight was. Taught me and is just. Don't.

[00:07:30] Don't hit and run.Attack. Don't hesitate. Tyson could have, if he was, if he had better legs, better knees. And he was wearing a knee brace. Again, he's 58 years old. But he's now probably in the best shape of his life. Or his age that when he could be right, from all the training he did for this fight,

[00:07:51] But.

[00:07:53] Don't.

[00:07:56] Don't hesitate to attack. Because if

[00:07:58] You know what you got to do, [00:08:00] So anyway,

[00:08:02] If you haven't watched the fight, it is on YouTube at this point. Hours later. So you can watch the fight. It goes pretty fast at 20 minutes.

[00:08:12] And you'll get an idea for what I mean. Easily, even if you don't know what boxing. You don't follow boxing. You don't watch boxing. If you don't understand it. You'll have an idea of what I mean. Anyway, this has been photo breakdown.

[00:08:26] Talking going about Tyson. And Paul. It happens.