The Lucas Skrobot Show

Stop gestating human units . . . and turn your mini-units over to the state because they know best.

Show Notes

Time Stamps:
Intro monologue 00:00:07
Ukraine v Russia v Nato  00:05:24
Yield Curve Rings warning bells 00:15:28
What is a woman according to the WEST and the MIDDLE EAST 00:18:34
A woman is someone who identifies as a woman. 00:26:13
Fundamental difference between west and east on view of women. 00:36:42
Yeah that makes sense - Antinatalism - Don’t have kids. 00:40:04
Why is having kids still celebrated? 00:41:49
A lot of humans wish they were never born 00:43:09
Have kids is far from a personal choice. 00:43:49
Life may be worth continuing but is it worth starting 00:45:11
Woman can be whole without becoming a mom 00:45:35
We are the most invasive and overpopulated species 00:47:18
Stop Spreading Intergenerational Trauma 00:47:26
what is one unselfish reason to have children? 00:48:42
Why bring kinds into a world you distract yourself from? 00:49:15
Not bringing someone into existence can be an act of love. 00:50:00
Abolish the family. 00:50:46
Value for value 01:06:01
Weaver and Loom - Dealing with Grief. 01:07:09
Get more from this show. 01:12:27

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The U N a proxy for global socialism
and a shield for corrupt nations

who disregard human rights this
week decided to ignore war crimes.

And Ukraine were people.

Thousands of civilians have died.

Women and children raped, murdered
and rolled over by tanks because they

have a more pressing agenda to push
on the world to further destroy the

societies and nations of the world.

You see the UN was too busy,
launching their new campaign, unbox

me to promote and encourage gender
dysphoria in children stating.

Children all around the world must
be supported in expressing their

identity freely unquote, after all
it is not enough to protect children

with gender dysphoria from abuse.

In fact, we need to encourage gender
dysphoria in all children by effectually

confusing kids through media programming,
before they can even spell their names,

the Biden administration to rally behind
the UN the UN for trans gender day,

by saying, quote, we need to castrate
children and give experimental hormone

therapy to kids until they're 18 when they
are of age to make their own decision,

but can no longer make that decision
due to the irreversible surgeries and

hormone blockers that we gave them before.

They were even three years old
after all unquote, after all

sex and gender aren't linked.

We should make each child biologically
sexless by sexualizing and enforcing

stereotypical, stereotypical gender
norms on sex that we once called sexist.

Oh, Billy, it looks like you're cooking.

You must be a girl.

The world eagerly awaits the sequel
to the UN's programming, unboxed,

me and the UN plans to title their
sequel, adults or children to a

new ad that normalizes pedophilia.

This will be followed by the third
in the series called loving parents

are really manipulative authority.

Authoritarian slave drivers give your
kids to the state so that we can work them

as faceless units in our authoritarian
state driven utopia after all.

The U N an anti-human globalists.

No, that the world, the war in Ukraine,
isn't going to slim the population

down to 500 million quite fast enough.

And after 50 years, they have grown
tired of waiting for climate change and

the climate apocalypse to completely
wipe out humanity and their failed

attempt at creating a lab created flu
wasn't, which wasn't nearly effective

enough as bill gates in George Soros
might has hoped, might have hoped.

Clearly the only solution is to now
destroy the slave driving business called

quote unquote family, through making every
child ward of the state who can truly

love them as a faceless unit in identity.

Probably just sit number on a sheet.

And the state can finally help.

Five-year-olds explore their sexuality
by banning just stationers, AKA women who

give birth to children or mothers who for
CIS hetero, oppressive gender identities

on their children finally free in
society from religious norms that prevent

45 year-old adult children, because
adult adults are just children too.

From having secret sexual relationships
with kids, states of the ward.

After all, if climate change in the
flu, isn't going to stop out humanity.

The moral intellectual elites
will have to do it themselves.

What better way to stop humanity
then by using feminism to destroy.

And women do really need to be raced
according to the Biden administration,

which is why us, the USA took the first
bold step in this brave new world to

Institute the X gender on passports.

Although it fell short of the true goal
of removing male and female options from

passports and ID cards altogether, so
that we can create a truly androgynous

human race, which only blonde hair,
blue eyed anti-racist anti humans who

are loyalists to atheism and a green
new deal can be bred in test tubes.

It is a step.

At least it is a step and finally
seen world free of morality.

Hope, goodness, and godliness this way.

Hopefully we will see a hopeless world.

Where maybe people will
give up all on their own.

They'll stop gestating human
units and turn into aimless.

Amoral trans human droids.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot.

And you're listening to Lucas Skrobot
show where we uncover purpose,

pursue truth and own the future.

It is episode 277.

It is April 7th, 2022, and it
is a brave new world all around

the brave new world all around.

Now I have mixed feelings about the
UN you can't tell and on today's

show, we're going to be talking
about how there is an explicit.

It's not hidden.

It's not secret.

It's not in the shadows lurking somewhere.

There is an explicit agenda to destroy
family, and we're gonna be talking about

why, why they want to destroy the family.

There's a been a lot of.

Groomers and, and Disney, blatantly
pushing their, their alphabet agenda on

kids to confuse kids and their minds.

It's not confusing kids and their mind.

It is that the cyst normative
heterosexual gender identity has been

confusing kids for thousands of years.

And the family is forcing
that upon the kids.

So we're going to be getting into gender
and we're going to be looking at it from a

unique position in that the way that more
conservative societies in the world, such

as here in the middle east, the way that
they are viewing women is very different.

And we'll be covering this on
the show today, very different.

And I took a poll which really
exemplifies this, how conservative

societies are actually quite
pushing courts and are fighting

towards honor and dignity of women.

Whereas this heightened Islam.

Are actually trying to erase
women's existence on the whole.

But before that

breaking news updates from around the
world and Ukraine, I would be amiss to

not talk about Ukraine on today's show,
as it, in some ways it looks like Russia

has completely lost the war in Ukraine.

There are retreating in different areas,
but in other ways I strongly doubt.

I strongly doubt that this
is the end of the war.

It is more likely eight regrouping.

So I want to hit a couple
of different headlines.

First of all, there have been massacres,
uh, over the last week in Ukraine

stories, photos coming out of mass
graves, civilians, hundreds of civilian.

And in villages killed in the
streets, women and children

raped, uh, horrific stories.

Now, of course, the pro Russian
media sources are saying this

all false flags, it's all fake.

Um, yeah, I'm not buying it.

I'm definitely not buying it.

I do know there is so much
misinformation, disinformation out there.

It's hard to tell what is real and what
is fake, but the images, the stories

that are coming out from these areas of,
of Ukraine, horrific, terrifying, uh,

Zalinsky went to the UN and called the UN,
asking them to wake up and pay attention.

And he said, either pay attention
and begin to do something.

In Ukraine and stop this humanitarian
crisis is war that's happening.

Stop downplaying this war,
or totally disband yourself.

Now, as I said, I'm not a big fan of the
UN there's, but there are some things that

I do like about the UN it's a mixed bag,
just like everything else, but things.

So once he gets right, I think the
UN should disband itself regardless.

There is a case to be made for Zelinsky to
call upon the powers in the U S and the UN

and NATO to enter into this hot war, this
armed conflict, it is within their right.

If your family was being attacked, if
your nation was being attacked, of course,

it is your responsibility as the leader
of that nation to ask for help in your

time of need while you're being attacked.

But that does not necessitate.

NATO's response.

There's not an agreement.

There's not an allied
between NATO and Ukraine.

Ukraine is not part of NATO.

So there's not a necessity as
far as contracting or agreements,

treaty scope for the U S or any
other nation to get involved.

But really what this is turning into
is a, another proxy war is a proxy war

between NATO and the west and Russia.

And that is how Putin and
others are seeing this conflict.

They are seeing it as a, a
conflict between the west and U

S and Western allies and Putin.

This is from Bloomberg Bloomberg
says that the United States and its

Western allies failed to understand
that from president Vladimir Putin's

perspective, they're already at war with.

This is according to a former
head of UCO spoil and was

once Russia's richest person.

He goes on to say, Putin has said from
the very beginning that this war includes

NATO, Houdin thinks NATO is weak and
that they will not defend the Baltics.

If Russia attack those nations,
all former members of the Soviet

union, if that plays out, he said,
Putin believes NATO will collapse.

And that means America's
global influence will plummet.

Again, we've been talking about
a new world order, not from some

globalist elitist conspiracy
theory, but it's what we're seeing.

We're seeing a shift right now on global
macro order and, and power in the way.

We saw it with Afghanistan, the
pulling out of Afghanistan, we saw

it with with the new Alliance to
give nuclear submarines to Australia.

We we've sought with the Russian trade
or Chinese, um, new silk road and the

waterways and railways and pipelines.

We've been talking about the
shifting on a global stage that

can, will eventually most likely
undermine America's global influence.

We've talked about how the us
dollar in many ways is imperiled.

Maybe, maybe not in two years, five
years, but maybe in 10, 20 years, there

really could be a massive macro event.

Causes people to abandon the U S
dollar as a store of wealth and

currency and adopt something new.

I do not believe that
currency is on the Sr.

I do not think it's the Ethereum
or Bitcoin or the, the wan I

don't think so, but there will be
something that's coming, which leads

us to this other 0.2 more points.

One, another headline from world news
says that Vladimir Putin wants to build

pro a pro Russia empire from Vadis
stock to Portugal all across Europe.

They're looking to establish
a new order to dismantle the

west power and NATO's power.


And establish a new hierarchy within the
world where Russia and China is on top.

This is what they're pushing
for, whether it happens or not.

We'll see.

But I, I think that this conflict
calling a conflict, but it's a war.

This war is far from over.

I really do believe that we're seeing
the beginning of international conflicts.

And this is even what the one of
the top U S generals has said.

And it was published on CNN top EWAS
general potential for significant

international conflicts is increasing.

The headline goes top us.

Military officer told lawmakers Tuesday
that the world is becoming more unstable.

And the potential for significant
international conflicts is increasing.


And what we're seeing right now in
Ukraine is only a, a beginning of

unrest is what we saw in Afghanistan.

It's the beginning of global uncertainty.

And in that time of global uncertainty,
other powers seek to make their moves,

to establish greater trade dominance
and economic dominance in the world.

And as a global superpower,
the United States is waning

with 2020 $4 trillion of debt.

80% of the us dollar has been
printed in the last two years.

There are major, uh, warning signs
and flags in the U S economy that

we've touched on in the show.

So there is indicators
that that unrest is coming.

There's indicators that instability.

And so what do we do when
we see those indicators?

So what do we do when we all
of a sudden realize, Hmm, there

might be a famine in the land.

There might be, there might
be stormy waters ahead.

We don't just sit back and do nothing.

We don't just sit back and
say, well, Casey, Ross, RA.

I hope, I hope I'll be okay.

I hope that God takes
care of me in shawl law.

Crochet, inshallah.

No, we take action.

We prepare when you hear that
there's a famine coming to the land.

You build store houses.

When you hear that unrest is coming
into the land, you strengthen

your, your, your family unit.

You strengthen your troops,
you strengthen your borders.

You prepare.

If you see a storm coming, you prepare.

So don't sit back and be passive.

Take steps.

Learn, educate yourself and prepare
for instance, that yield curve that we

talked about having a dipped and become
inverted the 10 to two year yield curve.

The majority of the time that the yield
curve has been inverted, where the

interest rate on a two year bond or note
becomes greater than the interest that

you can get on a 10 year note, when that
becomes inverted within six to 24 months,

there is a very, very strong correlated
likelihood that you will see a recession.

And so the yield curve inverted for a
moment a couple of weeks ago, and then

it stayed inverted for about a week.

That is a strong sign that in
the next 24 months, 2023, 2024,

we would likely see a recession.

So that gives you.

That gives you time to
actually do something about it.

Another question though, when it
comes to America, this is by the wall

street journal, will America will the
youth of America fight for America.

If it's invaded, they did a poll.

Were they asked, I guess, gen
Z, if America was invaded,

would they stand and fight?

And the majority of Americans
said that they would not.

They said that they would likely
a high percentage said that they

would likely flee the country.

Now there's not an exact one-to-one ratio.

You don't exactly know what people end up
doing in the midst of wartime, but many

said they would not fight for the country.

They just flee the country,
which is not a sign of.

Not a sign of strength.

Well, these, these toxic
and I really do mean toxic.

I really do mean destructive ideas
of destroying the family and the

family unit and having a sense of
not unhealthy pride, but a sense of

pride in who you are as a nation, who
you are as your ethnic or cultural

identity, who you are as a family and
your family name, your family heritage.

Those have been systematically chipped
away in America over the last number

of decades, systematically from,
from agendas, from the top down from

CRT, from education systems media,
they all are pushing in this identity

of victim, hood and oppressors.

And if you are of a certain.

Makeup a population immediately.

You become an oppressor.

And there's great shame in that.

There's not a lot of virtue in that.

There's not a lot of currency that you
can Curry with those around you in that.

So you begin to adopt victim
mentalities, victim identities, because

that then aligns you as a victim.

And if you are in a victim in America, you
have status, very dangerous place because

people who have victim mentalities are not
the people that you want building society.

Cause you're not going to
build a healthy society.

They're going to build a society out of an
orphan spirit and feeling like a victim.

So there's a strategy that has been
propped up against Judeo-Christian

Western culture and Western values.

And that all stems from
the family, the strength.

Societies any society is in the family
unit, individuals, individuals then

come together and build families.

And within that family unit, you have
a level of cohesiveness and health.

And the health of the family units
then creates health of communities.

Health of communities then
create health of cities and

then creates health of nations.

Now, two families on different, different
parts of a city or a nation or community

might not be identical, but there is a
level of shared value within that culture.

And there should be healthy,
pride, healthy, gratitude, healthy

appreciation for who we are as a
society, who you are as a society.

And I know from living here in the middle
east, it is, is actually looked down upon.

When someone isn't at least proud of
their ethnicity or heritage, whatever

that is, whether it's Romanian or
Polish or, uh, from Pakistan, people

are proud of their family heritage,
but in the west, in America, there's

something sick that is going on.

And by sick, I mean, there's
something mentally wrong.

That's going on, where we're completely
ashamed of even good things that we have

accomplished as an American society.

Of course, there's a lot of horrific,
horrific atrocities that have been

committed by American society, but
there's also a lot of good things

that has come about from it as well.

And that's something we can be proud of.

Of course, just like in our family,
there are things that we can feel

shame about from our, our family
lineage or history or our parents.

There's things that we don't like
that we want to change and break,

but there's also areas that we can.

Our families and honor our parents.

Well, this attack is focused directly
focused directly at destroying family

units and gear Joe 62, just left
a comment on the YouTube stream.

Seeing people forget, come
your Rouge, separating children

to indoctrinate them family.

First family, always a hundred percent,
Joe, this is a hundred percent right?

What you're saying?

They attack the family, separating
children from the family because it's in

the family that values are passed down.

That they're strict.

So they're attacking the family.

How were they attacking the family
right now in the west, but by attacking

women by explicitly, explicitly trying
to erase women, the U S government

just put an X gender on their passport.

I mean, if that's not a clown move, I
mean, what are, what are nations around

the world going to think, when you show up
at their border with your passport, that

allows you to travel internationally and
you show up at their border and you're

like, yeah, I'm an X, I'm an X person.

They're like, oh, what's that?

Well, I'm, I'm an ex what happens
when you're across the world

in a totally nother country.

And you think now you have the right
as a man to enter a women's bathroom.

It's it's literally, it's
just literally erasing.

I posted a question on, on
the ground just this week.

And I asked what is a woman?

And the responses I got were really,
it was really fascinating to see the

difference between how the majority
of people from the west answered this

question and the majority of people from
the middle east answer this question.

So I'll start with some
answers from the west.

First answer was a woman with a vagina.

That's a human with a vagina is a woman.


Now the issue may be with that statement
of defining a woman in that manner is

that well, if a man gets reconstructive
surgery to have something that looks like

a vagina, does that make him a woman?

I, no.

A human, a human as a woman.



Having a period is a woman.


This is a good.

Because we say that men
cannot men straight, right?

This whole idea that it's birthing
people, it's gestures, just stationers

that it's, you know, it's not
man or women who can give birth.

It's just, people will know a person
who has a period is a woman, but

there are women who hit menopause
and no longer have periods.

There are, there are women
who have to have hysterectomy

and no longer have periods.

They are still women.

Here's one in 2022, only a
multi-faceted logical conflict, too

complex to manifest itself in nature.

A woman is a multifaceted,
logical conflict to complex

and manifests self in nature.

I don't even know what that means,
but it's evident that this is what the

mindset of what a woman is in the west.

A woman is someone who identifies as.

We recently heard from the top
of the Supreme court, who is

likely to be nominated a woman
saying I'm not a biologist.

So I can't give a definition for a woman.

I'm not a biologist.

I'm not a biologist, another clip that
we're going to actually play here.

Who's a woman.

A woman is someone who
identifies as a woman.

How sick, how cyclical is that?

A woman is someone who
identifies as a woman.

So I could be a woman and
you, anyone could be a woman.

All you have to do is say, I identify as a
woman and therefore I am woman here is a,

uh, a clip from Charlie Kirk, uh, talking
with a feminist that a college about just.


What does a woman, uh, somebody
who identifies as a woman.

So can I become a woman?

Do you have dangerous for you thankfully?



Oh, but so only if you have gender
dysphoria, you can identify as a woman.

It's a medical condition.

It's a medical condition.

So anyone at any time can become a woman?

Uh, no.

Well, anyone could have gender dysphoria.

It's use claim it upon yourself.

I, you know what I am, I'm
actually thinking I might, I might

actually have gender dysphoria.

So can I become a little, I wish
you the best in your transition.

And I hope that society accepts you.

So let me ask you a question.

So one fascinating point here,
this feminist is admitting that

transgendered ism is a mental disorder.

It, it is a disorder.

If someone, and this is
where my empathy does.

If someone has bipolar or schizophrenia
or has actual diagnosed depression

issues, or they're actually
struggling with something, they

actually have a mental disorder.

I'm going to be compassionate.

I'm going to love that person.

I'm going to care for that person.

But what I am not going to say is that,
you know what, it's normal having voices

in your head and, you know, you should
just embrace the voices in your head.

You should just embrace them and
just listen to whatever they say,

whatever those voices in your
head say, you should just follow

it because that is who you are.

That is your identity.

No, that's not what we do.

If we, that's not what we do with
mental disorders, what we do with

mental disorders, we say, you know what?

I recognize that you are going
through an identity crisis.

I recognize that there's pain.

There's wounds.


With legitimate mental disorder that
is going on, we are going to help

you overcome this mental disorder,
but with transgenderism, because it's

attached to a greater agenda to destroy
womanhood and destroy the family unit,

we no longer say, let me help you.

We say that is who you are.

And in fact, we want to make sure
that everyone has a chance to

get sick with gender dysphoria,
starting with little kids.

And instead of helping little kids, we're
going to ban people from helping kids.

The moment that a child might one day
say, Hey, look, Hey look, teacher.

I'm a girl.

Hey look, teacher.

I am a boy.

The moment that it's opposite of
their actual actual biological X, X,

X, Y gender, they say, ah, that's it.

We need to switch it.

But I thought gender was fluid.


Why are you all of a sudden forcing
gender norms on biological sex?

If they're detached to now a boy, one
time calls himself a girl, and now

you need to do a bottom surgery or
girl calls himself a boy, and now you

need to bind and do a top surgery.

I thought they weren't connected.

So why is someone all of a sudden
the opposite of what they are?

Why is that was trying
to be pushed as normal?

And if it is, and it is a mental disorder,
why don't we train to help people out

of it rather than trapping people in it?

Oh, oh anyways, here's the following clip.

Oh, oh, in this clip as well.

Got dimension.

Here's Kirk saying, well, so anyone can,
and this young, very kind young woman

says will know not anyone can won't
bet anyone can have gender dysphoria.

And she kind of resigned to that
point and she says, oh yeah.

Well, I hope you have happy transition
if you have genders for you.

So it literally means anyone can
be a woman at any point of time

when it's convenient for them,
because gender dysphoria is fluid.

It comes and goes.

Here's the rest of the clip.

So, so you're a feminist.

And you, you say anyone who has
gender dysphoria can transition

to become a woman at any time?

That's that's your position?



Do you think chromosomes have anything
to do with determining what a female is?



So then where does the gender
dysphoria come into place?

I think that sex and gender are different.

Things are different.


But then what is a woman?

Somebody who identifies as a woman.

So anyone can be a woman
at any single time.

You've asked me this question.

It's still now got it.

And you're a feminist.

I am.

Who are you trying to protect?

What women are you trying to be?

Women, all women that you regard
regardless of, of, uh, whether or

not they've transitioned, whether
or not they've transitioned well.

Um, I wish you well in the coming
situation, where now as a feminist,

you're going to have to live under
the tyranny of men who we think there

are women enter the clip cut out.

So now you're going to have to live
under the tiring of men who think

they're women fascinate a couple of
fascinating things in this back and forth.

First, when you, when you define
a woman, as anyone who identifies

as a woman, you still have an
identified what womanhood is.

And she's saying, well, I'm going to
defend I'm, I'm trying to defend all

women, whether they've identified
as transitioned as woman or not.

So that would mean any.

She is looking to defend any and
protect any man who at some point

in their life, maybe identify as
a woman is totally lost the entire

thread of the feminist movement.

Now, if there's a lot of things,
clearly the progression of the feminist

movement has become extremely toxic.

Uh, I, I love women's suffrages.

I love the fact that we fought that many
people fought for women to be able to vote

and work and be treated as equal to men.

But something strange then began
to happen where it wasn't that

women and men should be equal, but
it was women should become men.

Women should be, as
men should be the same.

And the moment that that happened,
it began to distort the identity of

what a woman is and what womanhood is.

And it's gone to its logical conclusion,
which will then a man can identify as

a woman and that as a woman, because
a woman is anything that you identify

as, and now women are being placed
underneath the tyranny of the men that

they're trying to be protected from,
by them calling themselves swimming.

It is, it is actively working to
erase the woman identity by using and

weaponizing feminism against women.


Well, here are some of the
responses from listeners and

viewers from the middle east.

I'm seeing what a woman
is and there, there is.

It's a stark difference
from the first half.

The second half, is this a woman
is a mother, a wife, a sister, a.

She's caring and listening.

She's the reason for our existence,
notice that dignity and honor

and respect and pride that is
being put into what a woman is.

Here's here's one that is
actually very biological nature.

I know who this one's coming from.

He said X X, when being mature, that's
a great definition of woman, someone

with two X chromosomes and as a mature
adult, meaning that they've, they've

transitioned from girlhood into womanhood.

Another one, everything
we can't be as a man.

Again, bringing honor and dignity
to women, empowering women, creators

of new lives, opposite version
of X, Y creator of new life.

Again, empowering women seem
to push women up to a place of

honor status, dignity, and power.

Now their answer.

God's gift to man.


God's gift to man women is it
was the, the last species species

species is the right word.

The last thing to be created, according to
biblical narrative, God created the world.

The soul was good created, man.

So that was good.

And then, mm something's still
missing and created woman instead.

That's very good.

And all men agreed.


So it's, it's it really is
the pinnacle of creation.

Uh, in many ways.

Next answer was one who understands
a woman is able to solve everything

that's point taken that's that's true.

A woman, his life, one person's
answer was only a poet is able to

describe a woman essentially saying
it's simply that poets, right?

And talk about because there's
a mystery, there's something

powerful in who a woman is.

The last one was someone who
raised a man that a real woman

is someone who raises up men.

And this is true mothers.

I've said it multiple times during
the show, mothers are the most

influential person in society.

It's a mom who raises their children so
influential in each and every one of ours

lives for the better or for the worse.

But the big overarching theme that
I see, the difference that I see

between these two sets of answers is
that the west has gone so far that it

has begun to smother what a woman is
and now people are having to fight.

Do you define in an elementary way?

What is, and isn't a woman because
a woman has become nothing.

According to the feminist
definition, a woman is someone

who identifies as a woman.

What is that?

And when you go on to ask within w
you know, what does a woman, they

say, well, you can't identify a
woman because if it's such a broad

spectrum that it's undefinable.

So now in the west, we are fighting to
bring back a level of definition so that

we can give proper dignity to real women.

Instead of men who are, are
co-opting the title woman.

So they can be of a victim class and
further oppress women in sports and

prisons and locker rooms in the west.

It's just amazing.

Amazing what progress, um,
atheism has made in the west.

Uh, amazing.

However in the middle east,
they're really on a broad scope.

I mean, you look at
Afghanistan, perfect example.

They're still fighting for women to
be able to go to school in many, in

some places, it was only recently
in some countries that women here

in the middle east were allowed to
drive, allowed to vote equal pay.

There is truly in many parts of the world,
a great disparity of rights between men

and women, and the answers portray that
from the way that people in the middle

east responded to what is a woman?

A woman is someone who has this dignity
and honor, and they're looking to push

an elevate, a woman's status in society
to, to bring them honor and power and

dignity in the rightful place as an equal
in society with men while maintaining.

They're their unique
identity in womanhood.

This is a good thing just as we need
to maintain our unique identity as men

in men hood, it's the same thing, both
women and men, but instead the west is

pushing for all of humanity to become act
grogginess, asexual beans, who, who have

no relational ties to any one person,
but everyone is shared by themselves.

And this is what Huxley wrote
about in brave new world.

This is the world that they
are blatantly pushing for.

And it's not it's, it's not, it
is definitely not a hidden agenda

in a post-truth society where we've
exchanged the truth, rabbis and reasons

for reason for postmodern irrational.

The absurd finally makes sense.

And one thing that is particularly
absurd is a movement that is connected

to everything that we've said.

If of erasing, do you race your of women,
which is antinatalism, we've mentioned

antinatalism multiple times on the show.

Anthem naturalism is the
belief that is immoral.

That is amoral to have kids and bring
kids into the world and this deep sense

of guilt and shame of bringing kids in
the world and actively seeking to persuade

humanity, not to procreate, not to bring
children in to the world in stating that a

family is a toxic slave driven institution
that we need to totally abolish.

So here is, uh, here are some images.

From a new movement.

It's not a new movement.

It's actually, I wouldn't say old,
but it's been around for a while.

Uh, entitled stop having
children stop having kids.

And I've pulled a series of images from
their website of banners that people are

holding up on street corners, trying to
encourage people, not to have children.

I thought we'd read through some
of them as it's quite insightful of

where they're going as a movement.

Now, if you're listening on a audio
only version, not on a video version

and you have a podcast, 2.0 certified
app, you'll probably be able to look

down at your phone right now and
actually see some of these images right

there on the cover of your screen.

So here's, here's the first one.

Why is having kids still celebrated?

They w they literally want you to
stop celebrating your children.

Stop celebrating, having kids, because
the ideology says that kids are in

human beings are destroying society.

They're destroying the environment
that we, the humanity is the virus.

Humanity is the virus.

And finally in 2020 nature, the world was
able to rest from the plague of humanity,

crushing nature, crushing mother nature.

This movement wants you to
stop celebrating children.

It stops valuing children, even
though they say, well, actually

we're valuing children even more.

No, they do not value kids.

They want you to stop having kids.

They believe that humans are
the source of all problems.

Another one, a lot of
humans wish they were never.


Yes, there are a lot of humans who
struggle with depression who wish they

weren't born, but I would bet a lot of
money based on what we read from the

stories of the Holocaust, that there
are many people who want to live.

And many of those people who
wish they were never born.

If they were put in a life
and death situation, they

would fight for their life.

They would clean onto their life, even
though there's problems and troubles.

Having kids is far
beyond a personal choice.

This is true, which is also quite
contradictory to when they say my body,

my choice as a woman say most of my
body, I'm going to control my body.

I'm going to have my choice and
I'm going to kill the baby inside

of me because it's my personal.

So this is a contradictory statement
within their worldview, and yes, it

is far, far beyond a personal choice.

You're bringing another human being
into the world and that child, even

though, even though the world is filled
with suffering pain and vulnerability,

there is beauty and pleasure in it.

There is beauty in our struggle in,
in our suffering, in our hardships.

There is, there is a
level of beauty that comes

when we look at our heroes, our heroes
are all people who have overcome,

who have persevered time and time
again, and the come out overcoming.

So yes, it is far beyond a personal
choice because it's between two

people and you're bringing another
human into the world, but it is.

And we were creating eternal beets.

Here's one life may be worth
continuing, but is it worth starting a

contradictory, contradictory statement?

If life is worth continuing, why
wouldn't it be worth starting?

Why would you not want to give
someone else the beauty and

the pleasure of experienced in
the world and an opportunity to

make the world a better place?

Women can be whole without becoming a mom.

100% women can absolutely be
whole without becoming a mom.

However, many women as maybe in your
young twenties, they say, I don't want

to become a mom, but many women as they
grow older, they begin to have an urge.

And psychologists talk about this.

Jordan, Peter talks,
Peterson talks about this.

As they grow older, they
begin to have an early.

Within the mint and the desire
within them to have a child.

If a woman can't have a child,
that doesn't mean she's not old.

It doesn't mean she's not a real woman.

If someone chooses by by choice not
to have a child, it doesn't mean that

she's not whole, it doesn't make her
less than it doesn't mean that she

should experience shame or condemnation.

But it is to say that in many, not
all, but in many women, there is a

desire in many men, there's a desire
to have kids and it is a God given

desire, be fruitful and multiply.

And I believe our family, like, I believe
that having kids is what will make the

world a better place, especially when you
look at these movements that are so anti.

If they are saying don't have kids
and you're like, I disagree with

pretty much your entire philosophy.

And then you say, don't have kids.

It makes me think.


I don't know why, but I
probably should have more kids.

It's probably is the
solution to your problem.

Here's another one.

We were the most invasive
and overpopulated species.

Again, humanity is the virus.

Stop spreading intergenerational trauma
instead spread inter generational

genocide instead, make sure that
you don't pass on your human genes.

I mean, this is, this is
Darwin at its greatest.

If these people who believe this anti
Nautilus, if they cease to procreate.

And we ceased to give them a
voice in indoctrinating our

own children, our own families.

Then this movement will inevitably die.

And I really, I really hope it does die.

And I hope it dies.

One of two ways.

One by people who believe this getting
touched and healed and becoming a pole

from their trauma, from their pains, from
their wounds that they've experienced as

children from their families or wherever
it comes from from their suffering, that

they find real healing in their grief
and or by a society waking up to the

fact that this is a toxic, dangerous
ideology that leads the leads to genocide.

Here's another, what is one
unselfish reason to have a child?

I do not know if this individual, this
man holding the sign has ever had.

But, uh, I can for sure say that raising
children is quite an unselfish act.

If I want to be a good parent, I
have to be unselfish and I have to

be selfish, selfless to care for my
children and pour in time, money and

resources and energy into loving my kids.

Why bring kids into a world
you distract yourself from?

Well, first I would say, if you are
distracting yourself from the world,

you probably need a vision for your
life and you probably need to focus

your life to make an impact and purpose.

Define that rather than being passive in
escapism and turning to entertainment.

Um, why bring kids into a world
that you distract yourself?

Because the world needs people who
aren't going to hide their heads in

the sand, not bringing someone into
existence can be an act of love.

This is home.

I mean, goodness, this whole
movement is just so toxic.

You don't need a mini me.

Let's stop dumping our problems
onto future generations.

Make love, not babies.

Think beyond yourself, why play
Russian roulette with someone else's

life it's this whole worldview of
hopelessness is this whole worldview

of hopelessness and insane that
the family is, is a toxic thing.

Here's that as we go into the,
the rest of the segment, there's

an article that we talked.

I think we talked about this
article, maybe a number of times.

From Harvard magazine calling for
the abolition of family, total

destruction and ending a family.

And it's not just a hypothetical
fear-mongering risk that people have

on the or fear that people have on
the right or conservative movements.

It is something real that is written
about, and there's a vast amount of

literature in history that points to it.

Uh, we even, we talked about this at
length of what's happened in China,

uh, with the cultural revolution and
those back in episode 1 55 to 1 59

in that series really continues on to
episode 1 64, where we're talking a lot

of the Marxist black lives matter, uh,
socialist communist agenda and ideology.

So here's a clip from turning point USA
where this very insightful young woman.

Totally hitting the nail on the head
when it comes to why we actually

should take the left after word.

When they talk about
abolishing the family.

What are they going to do when you say
that the world's going to end in 10

years and the world is overpopulated.

So to solve the problem, we
can't be having as many kids just

seeing the way that they connect
all these issues in their minds.

It makes me really worried because
in communist China, they literally

forced abortions onto anybody
who had more than one child.

Then they forced sterilized all the
women that dared to get pregnant.

So women were secretly having their
kids and then keeping the kids in little

tents and, and barns and the countryside.

So this is not us like
freaking out and creating some

hypothesis of what could happen.

This is actually what
leftist regimes do, right?

Especially when they start
running out of resources.

We now have the Biden food shortage
coming, and this is a classic stepped

after leftist policies destroy a
country after they had the famine

in China, they had no resources and
it resulted in the one child policy.

So this is disturbing.

Leftism is evil, it's satanic,
and I'm not surprised at all that.

Now they're saying don't have kids.

Leftism is evil and it is satanic
in China, different policies,

manmade human policies that.

To mass famine in the USSR, there
were policies that took stripping

farmers from their land and putting
in people who didn't know how to farm.

And then when they did farm, they didn't
receive any portion of their crops.

So it all went back to the state and it
led to a massive decrease in production

and mass famine across the USSR policies,
lead to manmade famines in the policies

that we're seeing, that the policies
that we've seen over the last two

years have led to food shortages, high
gas prices, and massive inflation.

These are things that have been driven
by decisions by policies, from leftism

that is having a certain ideology,
one that is against free markets.

And one that is against family units.

One that is for the, the state to own.

Individuals and own
children, not the family.

So in may, June, 2020 Harvard comes
out with a article where they're

calling for that evolution, the
abolition of family, and seeing

that families are nothing but slave
driving units that are indoctrinating

children with SIS oppressive,
hetero, normative, uh, ideology.

And the way that they're making this
argument to attack families is by

saying homeschooling families, raising
their kids and educating their kids

rather than allowing the state to
educate their kids is dangerous.

The reason that they say
that it's dangerous is one.

We now see a lot of people because
of the indoctrination of the left and

the attack on children in schools.

Poor performance of public school system
are pulling their kids out of schools.

And even kids are questioning the
university system because it's is

a, an industrial complex for the
indoctrination of leftist ideology.

And people are saying,
you know what, really?

We don't want that.

We want our kids to learn math.

So read and write and to think
critically not to be indoctrinated

with leftist theories.

So they're pulling them out,
which of course is dangerous.

It's dangerous to leftism,
which wants to control society.

Leftism wants and sees not people
as individuals, but everyone is

a unit with in the whole and it's
everything is done for the good of.

There is no such thing as individuality.

There's no such thing as morality.

There's no such thing.

As someone being unique, everyone
is there to serve the greater good.

And if you don't come into alignment,
there's no such thing as a reeducating,

you it's, you're broken because
this is how you are chemical.

You're just like sack of chemicals.

And the way that you think is the way
that you think in that can't be changed

because that's a chemical makeup.

And so what they did in the USSR
is send people to blogs and they

sent them to the brick wall in
the back with a shooting range.

This is the progression.

This has happened within the last
hundred years, bless 50 years.

This is recent history.

These very ideas being
played out in recent history.

So homeschooling is dangerous
because that means the state is

not able to school their arguments.


And we've mentioned this article
before Bartlett says that while this

is isolating children, it's isolating
children and we can't really follow up

and there can be cases of child abuse.

However, studies show that child
abuse among homeschoolers is lower

than child abuse that happens
within the public school system.

And based on empirical evidence, quote,
based on empirical evidence to date,

there's a remarkable rate of abuse of U
S school children by school personnel,

AKA teachers, coaches, bus drivers,
administrations, and custodians.

And these are the people that they
want to oversee education, man.

And a very small fraction of abuse within
the school system is reported by school

personnel or as being reported to law
enforcement or child welfare personnel.

The idea that someone who doesn't
know or care about your kid is going

to take better care of them than
you birth them and raise them and

nurse them, and got up at three in
the morning to take care of them.

The idea that some stranger is going
to do a more caring job to take care of

your kids and hundreds of others, kids at
the same time, as they sit in some desks

somewhere as an administrator is absurd.

This idea of centralization of power
to largely unaffected unelected

officials, anywhere in the world is a
bad idea, which is why the family unit

is such a good idea because now that.

It's broad and decentralized,
and you don't have the ability

of one person abusing hundreds of
people throughout decades because

it's broadened decentralized.

Each family unit is able
to look after its own.

And if there is an infraction, there's
a higher percentage that that's going

to actually get dealt with within a
family unit and gives more protection.

The real reason, the real
deep motivation behind this is

quote surveys of homeschoolers.

Show that a majority of such families
by an estimate estimate of up to

90% are driven by conservative
Christian beliefs or quote unquote

extreme religious ideology.

Oh, my, they have values.

They believe that marriage
is between a man and a woman.

They believe that.

It's an individual with an X and a Y
chromosome and a man can not become a

woman and a woman cannot become a man, no
matter how much reconstruction, surgery,

or hormone blockers or identifications
you say that you have, why would you,

and again, th the contradictory thinking
here Barlett says, quote, the issue is,

do we think that parents should have 24,
7 essentially authoritarian control over

their children from ages zero to 18?

I think that's dangerous.


So who should have that control here?

Here it is.

I think it's always dangerous
to put powerful people in charge

of the powerless and to give you
authority of powerful ones and give

the powerful ones, total authority.

So because of that, we are going to set
ourselves up as the powerful ones and

we are going to be completely powerful.

All zero to 18 year olds and will
become the powerful authority.

Rather than that authority being
distributed across millions of parents.

We're going to concentrate that power
among a few educators and administrators

who have government positions

final bit from this article, she says she
urges that we forbid concerned parents,

the loving act of educating their own
children, replacing them instead with

government approved powerful people.

It makes no sense, but this, this feminist
theory expands far beyond that and

they want to abolish the family because
they want to abolish capitalism and

capitalism and family go hand in hand
because when you have a strong family

unit, you're able to pass on generational
wealth from person to person, to person,

generation, to generation to general.

And if you can destroy that,
that transference of generational

wealth, then you can cause people
to be reliant on the government.

The government can take power.

The government can have power
and the government can Institute

the policies that they want.

This is socialism, this is
capitalism or communism, excuse me.

And it has killed hundreds of
millions of people, hundreds

of millions in recent history.

So should think twice when you hear
these ideas of abolishing the family

and ask why, why, why what's the real
agenda of them wanting to indoctrinate

children with the alphabet agenda
from a very young age and say that

parents have no rights of how their
child is educated and that's dangerous.

Why is it really?

Because they want to groom your child.

Yes, but not necessarily sexually.

They want to groom the mind of the
next generation to adopt these ideas so

that they can have a revolution and see
the downfall of Judeo Christian values

and conservative values worldwide.

That is, that is why, well, this ties into
a quote unquote, radical queer politics.

And this is from a feminist theorist,
Sophie Lewis, who has a new book that

is rethinking the ideas of pregnancy
and the idea of family and seeing that

family is essentially just slave labor.

And in her, in her book, in this,
uh, interview, she doesn't call.

Women mothers.

She calls them just stagers
or people who carry fetuses.

I mean, if that doesn't sound
industrialized to you, then I don't know.

What does adjust Stater no longer?

Are you a mother who loves
and cares for your children?

You are adjust Stater.

You are somewhat, it's the act of
having a baby is just the act of labor.

And you are one unit
within the unit of society.

She, she goes on to say that it is, she
says, quote, that is why it is so valuable

to de naturalize, the mother, child bond.

She talks about how there's these
cases of mothers abusing their children

or cases of, uh, times where mothers
aren't mentally well and harm their.

And therefore making the argument
that we need to de naturalize,

the child, mother bond, and that
the just Stater has the baby.

But that quote and I quote, this is
what she said, trying to find this

quote right now, children should belong
to no one, but themselves children

should belong to no one but themselves.

So when the mother gives birth that the
parents aren't over the child, aren't

caring and tending for the child.

We need to sever and break the bond.

We need to break the ideas,
quote, unquote, the idea that

babies belong to anyone and.

Babies belong to themselves.

And if a child just belongs to themselves
and who do they really belong to?

Again, they belong back to the state.

They belong to a group of people who
have been elected or unelected who

then make decisions for everyone else.

Did it makes decisions, how society
as a whole is going to what values

are going to be put in place.

And those values are currently
in the west anti life anti-human

anti-God anti-conservative values
of atheism so that people will be

continually dependent on the state.

The state plays a role.

The state is something that is good.

It is to maintain justice, the rule of law
and to protect nations and defend nations

and their people from inside and outside.

It has its role.

It has its place.

And I'm grateful for all, for
the governments of the world.

I'm grateful that we have a system of
the state and of government, but it is

not to overstep its bounds into taking
total control over the family unit.

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We are going to be right back with
our closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver.

Aluma part of the show where we
take ancient wisdom and we weave

it in with our everyday lives
so that we can own our future.

And we've our destiny.

You're talking about.

Antinatalism on today's show, which.

Really hopeless worldview, where
we believe that it's immoral to

bring children into the world
because of the state of the world.

How can you bring a child into
the world when it's so broken?

So hopeless, so dark, and I can identify
with those feelings many times in my life.

Uh, I've mentioned a few
different times recently.

How in the last number of months, we've
suffered two different miscarriages,

one early on with the first five weeks.

And second one was, you know, into
the second trimester, 14, almost 15

weeks along, we suffered a miscarriage.

It was quite painful.

Uh, lots of grief, lots
of questions asking, okay.

If, if God is good, God
cares for us and God sees us.


Why do we still suffer?

If I have these promises,
why do I still have pain?

Why do I still suffer with.

Go through these trials and hardships
and you begin, I have begun to think

and realize, reflect even on the
Holocaust of how there are many people

who were righteous and upright who loved
their families, did the right thing.

And they still ended up in Auschwitz.

They still ended up being shot
in the middle of the street.

That suffering is
pervasive around the world.

And those are hard, hard
things to wrestle with.

And my wife and I, we were, she's
reading this book entitled prayers in

the night, and it's by Trish Warren.

And she's talking about suffering.

She's relating her own stories of
suffering through miscarriages.

And so my wife's reading this and
being greatly encouraged by it.

And she reads me a couple of passages.

I too was greatly touched excellently,
written very easy to read poetic

in its format in many times.

And, uh, Trish said something that really
struck me and I'm going to paraphrase.

Oftentimes when we're in this
wrestling and we see the hopelessness,

the depravity of mankind and the
suffering of mankind, we turn to God.

We say, God, if, if you were
good, why do bad things happen?

Why do we suffer?

Why are we vulnerable?

We want an answer.

But even if, even if we were given an
answer in the form of words, it would

just be more words to battle with and
suffer with and fight against because it

doesn't take away from our pain and to
paraphrase, she says, God does not keep

us from vulnerability and suffering.

Instead, he steps down into our
vulnerability, into our suffering,

and that was, uh, it really hit home.

It really touched my heart, um,
not in a cliche way, but it really

made me realize that what you know,
life is filled with vulnerability.

Life is so fragile from our
kids, from our, our life, you

know, here today, gone tomorrow

and we're not going to do away
with suffering or vulnerability.

We're not able to keep our kids safe.

We can make them to be strong so they can
face hardships and vulnerabilities in a

strong way, but we can never take away the
vulnerability that are our kids facing.

By and large powerless to protect our
kids from every threat to protect our

family or our nation from every threat as
we've seen in the last couple of years.

But God, he steps down into our frugality.

He stepped down into our vulnerability and
he walks with us in your relationship as

a father throughout it so that we're not
alone in it, but he identifies with it.

He knows our sorrow.

He knows our pain and that brings me
and I hope it brings you great comfort

in knowing at the answer may not be in
words, but the answer is in his nearness

and his closeness and his love for you.

No matter what your circumstances may be.

And in the end, he does
make all things new.

Well, that's all for today's episode.

Thank you so much for tuning in.

If you want to get more out of the show,
share it with your friends, because it

gives you something to talk about or fight
about, which can be entertaining depending

on what sort of level of personal
interpersonal conflict you like to have.

That is all.

Please go out this week, hug your
kids, give your friends high fives who

are having babies and, uh, encourage
them in their, their motherhood.

Encourage your parents.

Thank your parents for raising
you, uh, and go out and seek truth.

So you can own the future and build
a strong, healthy family in society.