Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Stepping into our wholeness and feeling into the KNOWINGNESS!

We don't always feel resolved and resolute, but goodness, doesn't it feel golden when we do?!?!
Often the clarity you’re seeking simply requires a little bit of willingness to truly embrace exactly where you’re at.
A willingness that won't judge, criticize, or allow intrusive thoughts to take over.
This week Kate chats about how aligning with our Sacred Soul System and choosing to live, and be, true to who we are can invite us to feel resolved and resolute.
Kate invites you to have a little more compassion for where you're at and is here to support you as you explore any indecisiveness or feelings of lack or fear.

Sacred Soul System E-course
Or find all Kates offers on her website

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Golden Light!

We don't always feel resolved and resolute, but goodness, doesn't it feel golden when we do?!?!

Often the clarity you’re seeking simply requires a little bit of willingness to truly embrace exactly where you’re at.

A willingness that won't judge, criticize, or allow intrusive thoughts to take over.

Aligning with our Sacred Soul System and choosing to live, and be true to who we are, invites us to feel resolved and resolute. These feelings don't have to be fixed and our choices and decisions don't have to be forever. In fact, the best way to feel "clear" "resolved" and even “ready” is to fully inhabit this truth...Nothing is fixed...We are fluid beings...Things will change, we will change, our mind will change… and it's ok.

It's more than ok - it's Golden!

Try having a little more compassion for where you’re at. Explore any indecisiveness and see if it’s coming from a place of lack or fear and if it could be made clear with some love, reassurance, a divine breath in this moment… even a hug!

We’re all brave, resolute, and golden warriors and I’m here for ALL the resolved and resolute feels that you’re ready to put out into the arena.

Does this feel too hard basket? Let me help! Getting you from confused and not knowing, to resolved and resolute, is one of my superpowers - send me an email for one of the many ways we can work together!

I love you and I love you!

In Golden light,

Love Kate xoxo

You'll find more ways to feel resolved and ready below...

The Sacred Soul System E-COURSE

The Golden Collective

ENERGETIC MASTERMIND - GRADUATE ... - reply to this email if you'd like all the previous recordings and to join this sacred and very golden space!

Or send me an email to learn more about The Annual Pass or my three month Accelerate space.

I’m so excited to be supporting you soon!

Love Kate X