National Health Executive News

The latest from National Health Executive

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Daily News from National Health Executive

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And here's today's news from National Health Executive on Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024. The cost of replacing outgoing doctors could rise to £5,000,000,000 in England alone. That's according to a new report from the British Medical Association. This is after figures show that between September 2022 September 2023, as many as 23,000 doctors could have premature left the NHS. Responding to the report, NHS providers deputy chief executive, Safran Cordray, said there are many factors behind the figures.

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She added that for the NHS long term workforce plan to succeed, the government needs to tackle the long standing challenges throughout the system, including recruitment and retention backed by the requisite training and support. The Information Commissioners Office has released new guidance to improve the transparency in health and social care. The new guidance provides organizations with regulatory certainty on how they should handle data transparency. The ICO says the guide is for policymakers, health care providers, suppliers, universities, and more. The publication includes feedback from experts across the sector following the culmination of a public consultation earlier this year.

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And the NHS digital weight management program is proving to be a crucial public health tool after new research revealed the initiative has helped some people lose more than £8. As of March this year, there have been almost 300 and 60,000 referrals to the service from GPs. Public health minister, Andrea Leadsom, said we know that 2 thirds of adults are overweight or living with obesity. So I'm delighted to see how effective the NHS digital weight management program is in helping people live with obesity to lose weight and improve their health. And that's the latest.

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