It's Where I Am with Zandra Polard

Join Zandra Polard in this engaging episode of the "It's Where I Am". Featured guest Nurse Kayla Cummings, co-founder, and host of the Dolls and Queens Talk Show, sheds light on the diverse world of body enhancements. From body image discussions to personal stories, Kayla creates a non-biased platform for individuals of any background to share their experiences with cosmetic procedures. In this episode, they explore the reasons behind body enhancements, touching on trauma, societal pressures, and the evolving landscape of beauty standards. Kayla also introduces the concept of the "Surgery Bar," where medical aspects of cosmetic procedures are discussed, emphasizing the importance of health and safety. Tune in for insightful conversations that go beyond the surface, uncovering the depth of individual stories related to cosmetic surgery.

What is It's Where I Am with Zandra Polard?

Its Where I Am focuses on the various mental health struggles that people all around the world face every day. Each episode covers a different facet of mental health with a new special guest. It's Where I Am airs on 91.5 Jazz & More every second Saturday of the month.

Speaker 1 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. You're listening to special programming brought to you by it's where I The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jobs and more University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Zandra Polard 0:51
Good morning Las Vegas, it's Zondra cologuard. It's where I am. Today's show is sponsored by coast to coast roasters from Arcadia, California. Thank you so much for your support. And our guest today is nurse, Kayla Cummings. She is the co founder and host of dolls and Queens. So we're going to talk to her about some of the things we mentioned last week, which was body imaging. Now, Kayla, you provide a support for those who have had, or who are thinking of getting body enhancements, right? Or who are who are looking to go under the knife for some type of augmentation. That is correct,

Speaker 2 1:45
Andre. And first of all, let me just say thanks to you for having me today in the K, u and v Public Radio. Hello, everyone out there. I really appreciate her having me and the K, u and v radio and for the support of the dolls in Queens talk show. Yes, absolutely. Zondra. That's what the dolls and queens talk show is all about. It's about allowing a non bias platform for people of any culture, any race, any sexual orientation or ethnicity, to come on and talk about body enhancements, what their feelings are, whether they've had it, or whether they want to have it or whether they just want to be educated or give their opinion about it. Okay,

Zandra Polard 2:22
well, that's a lot. Because, you know, last week, I think, West night and I who is my audio engineer, he was in studio, and we were kind of given our personal opinions about it. Right? Not educated on it. No background on it. Just personal opinion. Right. And what we have learned is that a lot of times, people are thinking about getting these enhancements. Yes. It's not always just because they want to be the cutie with the big booty, right? They want to have, you know, the Barbie doll. Breasts. Right? Sometimes there's some trauma attached to that.

Speaker 2 3:04
Absolutely, absolutely. And that's why the platform for the dolls and queens talk show is so much needed. And it's such a great platform, in retrospect that we do try, I try to definitely uncover, I say, the depths of why they did it, or why they even want to have it done, such as what you're referring to as a traumatic possible experience that they've had in their life that has nonetheless forced them to either have a body enhancement or, you know, just everyday living. We go through so many situations in life just to be accepted in society. And I always have to curtail off of the fact of the social media platform that's present right now, in this day and age that wasn't present. So many years ago,

Zandra Polard 3:54
right, right. And this is the first I've ever heard of this type of support group for people out there. So I think this is wonderful.

Speaker 2 4:01
Well, thank you. I'm excited. I love to do it. And just the guests come on, and they have such an amazing time. And I think that like I tell everyone, if I have helped one person out of the millions of you guys out there that are listening, or the millions of you guys that are going through the same situation, then my job has been completed.

Zandra Polard 4:21
Okay, so what do you see often what are people talking about? They want to enhance the most, I would think it would be the derriere, because I'm seeing a lot of that. But what do you what do you say? Well,

Speaker 2 4:32
yeah, that is a popular area for women and actually men as well, man. Oh, yes. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. Some some of the men out there that are of other communities. They want to

Zandra Polard 4:45
have me non African American. What do you mean? No,

Speaker 2 4:49
I mean, non African Americans, all Americans, that are, I would say in the community or whether or not in the community that don't practice of heterosexual

Zandra Polard 5:03
sexual acts anxious LGBTQI That is correct. That's correct. Now I'm clear now. Yes, yes,

Speaker 2 5:09
yes. Uh huh. And the other area, I would say, um, that's really blossomed and taken off a lot has been the teeth area, a lot of people are now engaging in the teeth and the Botox. So those are most of the three prominent areas that I've seen most of the cosmetic plastic surgery, be mostly about the top three areas, I would say the butt, the teeth, and then of course, the facial the Botox. Those are the most three prevalent areas that I've seen most of the people have.

Zandra Polard 5:42
You know, this reminds me of a story. I went somewhere to get something done. It wasn't any kind of enhancement, however,

Unknown Speaker 5:51
are you sure I'm positive? Okay. Okay.

Zandra Polard 5:53
Okay, online. I went to this place. I won't name the name of the establishment. But I went to get some, like, Body Sculpting done? Yes. Yes. So I went for a consultation. And all of a sudden, they were talking about my face. And they were telling me oh, you know, her jaw falls? What do you mean my jaws? So they're trying to like, you know, reel you in for your informal talks?

Speaker 2 6:24
Well, your face is beautiful. And just as I see, watching you, I don't see no need for Botox. But anyway, again, I can't tell everyone what to do and what not to do with their body because I do practice a non biased platform. And I feel that everyone's beautiful in their own way. And however they see beauty whether they want it or not. They're still beautiful. I love

Zandra Polard 6:45
that, you know, is not putting shame into someone to make $1. Bet you need more done? That's correct. We're ever thinking of right? Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. Yes. Awesome. So tell me more about your show. So I see here. It's just because she came bearing gifts. From

Unknown Speaker 7:04
course. Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

Zandra Polard 7:06
I love it Hollywood style, the only way to be doors and queens surgery bar. So what is the surgery bar,

Speaker 2 7:15
the surgery bar is the medical aspect of the show and the medical aspect of the platform. Because when you see the show, actually, I'm located on the YouTube they can go to dolls and queens DQ surgery bar on the YouTube on my YouTube platform at the beginning of each show, I give a medical surgical fact about some type of body enhancement procedure, okay, because you are a nurse because I am a nurse. And that's the part about the surgery bar that we talk about. Now in reference to that as well. Sometimes I've recently I've had a medical spot on my show, and we were talking medical about some of the side effects of having cosmetic surgery or lipo per se, during a system called the lymphatic system. So that is where the surgery bar came in at the dolls and Queens. I came up with that simply because, you know, when women or men, usually women become have their bodies done. They're always considered a doll with an S. And I like the letter Z. Because to me, you like z, of course. Why wouldn't you like and I liked the letter Z because I just feel it's not only at the end of the alphabet, but sometimes the best is the last is the best. That's right. So I guess you are one of the best. That's why I'm here with you. Because you know, as long as Absolutely. So the dolls came from that and then the Queen's Of course, for those men that either dress as drag queens or men that have had sex change or something like that they're now usually considered a clean Okay, so I wanted it to be a platform where it represented both genders and everybody so and then the surgery bar came about simply because again, by me being a nurse and me wanting to also educate people on cosmetic surgery and different aspects that was related to cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery, meaning the side effects the UPS the downs, the pains, everything that evolved around it. I wanted to some way tie in a medical aspect because saying dolls and Queens Medical show oh people are like oh my gosh, medical another one of those shows right right now so I thought you know at let me put it here a surgery bar, you know, so everyone will say oh, what's that? Right and withdrawal interest. So that's where I came up with everything. I love it.

Zandra Polard 9:45
Well, it drew interest for me definitely. So also I want to talk about some of the guests that you've had on your show. Absolutely. So you have one titled AJ nothing but a number. Yes. And then you have also have another one with As a member from the LGBTQ community, it's called shades of pink shades of pink. And so I want to I want you to talk about those two shows because I found those the most interesting. Well,

Speaker 2 10:12
let's start with the age is nothing but a number eight minutes. We said ain't right. No, eight supposedly isn't a word, but it didn't know. It's a word now. And it's a catchphrase for everyone. So that particular guest that was on she is 7076 years old.

Zandra Polard 10:29
She's 17 She's

Speaker 2 10:30
76 No, she's 67 Pardon me? Oh, go kill me if she knows that. She was six. She's 67 years old. And she's actually years ago was a horror H O R O R and with my accent. I can't really say that very well. But a horror actor here in Las Vegas years ago. Back it up. Explain that. She was in film and TV. Okay.

Zandra Polard 10:55
Though daughter horror? Yes.

Speaker 2 10:57
Okay. Yes. As in scary movies. I guess that's what I should say. Pardon me? Um, yeah, she was a actor in scary movies years ago, here in Las Vegas. However, I ran across her and an establishment. And she just continued to follow me and called me and said, Hey, I want to talk to you, I really need to air some dirty laundry per se. And I said, Well, what are you talking about? She said, I have had so many surgeries. And so many things go on in surgery, and I need to tell everybody about it. So she's had multiple surgeries, I mean, from head to toe, literally.

Zandra Polard 11:35
And I'm from Los Angeles, and she does not look like she's been under the knife to me at all. She

Speaker 2 11:42
looks great for her age to have had all these surgeries. And she told me she's going back for more. So I will be bringing her back probably next year, sometime as a follow up on the show just to see where she's at and what she's done. But she came on the show and she was telling me about her veneers that she's getting ready to have done in her teeth in her mouth, of course. And when you see the clip or see the show, she was Toothless at the top of her teeth. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I just couldn't believe it. But she said she's gonna have more and she doesn't care. And she said, age is nothing but a number. And don't let that stop you from having surgery if you're healthy. So I guess that's something I'm putting out there to you guys. Don't let it stop you if you're healthy and age doesn't matter, you know? So that was that. That's what she was talking about. Wow. Well, she

Zandra Polard 12:31
definitely was a doll and a queen. Yes. Yeah, she had it going on? She did she did you know, teeth are so very important. Because they affect your, you know, your diet, your diet, your diet, not only your diet, but the way that you are. What is it called digesting? What you're chewing that all affects our bodies.

Speaker 2 12:54
Absolutely. And not only that, but as they say A smile is worth a million bucks. So some people won't even deal with you. If you're don't have any teeth, you know, they just, they won't, they just won't deal with you. And then also your presence and your appearance. It's just very, very important. And

Zandra Polard 13:14
we have gone so far beyond just the etiquette of going out of the home. Yes, yeah. So when I was younger, we learned, you know, you don't go out the house with rollers on, you don't go out the house. You have to be presentable. Absolutely. You know, and this is the reason why I don't shop at Walmart because I don't want to see that. Absolutely. You know, and that's just my personal I

Speaker 2 13:36
mean, well, and I agree with you, I mean, I was brought up under the same roof, the same umbrella, you know, you didn't leave the house unless your hair was combed in you had your your your hair, combed your clothes were ironed, you just did not walk out the door period.

Zandra Polard 13:51
And now we've gone beyond that to, you know, I have to have a certain look or image, you know, to be in public? Well,

Speaker 2 14:00
and again, I have to say that that has, in my opinion, and this is just my opinion guys out there. I just feel that it has a lot to do with social media and presentation. Kind of if you don't look the part you're not going to get the part right. And that's just what it is. Appearance just seems to be everything in today's society nowadays. You're judged on how you look. Not even so much how you act because you can look the part and act and they'll still they won't even regard the fact how you're acting. They're like oh, she's prettier. Oh, he's, he's he's debonair or he looks really good or he looks clean. Let's hire him. Let's do this. Let's do that. And that is another reason why you know on the show that I've talked to some of my guests and they've told me that they've had traumatic situations in their life. They weren't they were not accepted either. Even some of them by their parents. There's a show that effect It's Zonda. Of course, of course, um, bring up when I first got started, it's called the gentleman His name is Ethan Zaza. And it was when I first got started. And as everyone knows, I just want to let put this out there to everybody that the 1000 Queens talk show just really officially started the season in spring of this year. Okay, I've had three episodes that I filmed last year, just to kind of put it out there and see where you guys were. And if you were interested in the bus has just been crazy. Everyone is just really loving the shows of the platform. And it there's nothing like it. That's yeah, that's what I'm hearing and the gentleman had lip fillers. And his name was Ethan. And it's a last year show. So you guys would have to go on to the YouTube channel, of course and watch that show. But basically, he got lip fillers, simply because all of his family members had big lips, and he was teased as a child. Now, don't get me wrong, he is of the LGBTQI community he is of that. But I don't know if maybe that prompted him that something that simple could have prompted him to even go towards that route. You know, I don't know. There's so many taboos about people in that community. And I love everybody. So definitely, there's no stereotype. I don't care what alphabet letter you're from ABCD 123, you can come on the show. I love everyone. So that has nothing to do with it. But I'm just saying that. In his case, he was teased by his family. Right.

Zandra Polard 16:33
I was teased for being stung. So he

Speaker 2 16:37
got he got lip fillers. Yeah, it's always something. So he got lip fillers. And that's where his journey started. So to answer you, and then you did ask me, I'll just talk briefly about the shades of pink. Yes,

Zandra Polard 16:48
I do want you to speak about that. And I also want you to talk about some of the entertainment that you can see on the show as well.

Speaker 2 16:54
Okay, okay, just the the shades of pink was a person. Her name is the other pink. She's a actual pink impersonator here in Las Vegas. And she was a guy growing up, and she will tell you on the show that she knew exactly who she was at a young age. And she felt sometimes it's more testosterone more. What do we call what do we got women, estrogen, estrogen, thank you, girl. More estrogen. That's in the mix. I think that also contributes to our chemical makeup. I mean, that's again, that's just my opinion. But she came on because she was like I said she was a young boy. And she said she knew at an early age where she was who she was, which, of course was woman. So she went through the entire process of getting a sex change. Now, of course, she you, when you watch the show, you'll see what all she does reveal. I don't want to give it away, because I want you guys to watch. But she did reveal some of her physical changes that she made. And she did a performance on the show. So we have more, lots more shows coming. I'm telling you guys just hang with me.

Zandra Polard 18:09
I have an idea. Now, do you have one that deals with? Women, older women? who are who have never been under the knife who have never gotten any type of body enhancements? Do you have one that deals with? Just, you know, okay, so for instance, like me, I now get the gray hair. And so for me, it's important to color my hair. Correct, you know, every month. Okay, like that. But I've never had anything done. But I often think about it, not because everyone else is doing it. But because I'm transitioning right? In life. I'm an older person. I'm no young no longer, you know, the 22 year old looking in the mirror only

Speaker 2 18:56
in the number. That's right. It's a mind Sanjay, nothing but a number. That's right. It's a mindset. Right.

Zandra Polard 19:01
So do you deal with anyone? Or have you had a show? Are you thinking of having a show, dealing with someone who's had nothing done? And is now contemplating the idea? That would be you

Speaker 2 19:13
that's gonna be your shows on that is going to be your show. So we will make arrangements to have you on the dolls and clean. So yes, I will have that in the near future.

Zandra Polard 19:25
Because, you know, I feel like you know, okay, I would like to get few little things done. Ah, but my husband is just like, No, you don't need that. No, you don't need that. And it's like, that's just your opinion. I mean, I want to do this for me, not for you. And I'm sure you'll like it. Anyway,

Speaker 2 19:41
that's that's a whole nother topic. When it comes to the men. Yes. Because you have some men that say just what your husband said. And for whatever reasons, I don't know. If it's because some people have told me it's because the guys say, Oh, I don't want guys really looking at you or you You feel I don't know. It's just Well, that's a whole nother a whole. Yes, because you're beautiful, definitely. But that's a whole nother topic matter that definitely, I think will evolve on the show at some point as well, because I've actually worked with a young lady who's so depressed, simply because her husband does not want her to have it done. And she said, if she hasn't done he's already told her he's going to divorce her. Oh, so it's went to an extreme with her. And she's like string like you, she said, she just wants to do it for herself. She's had children. And you know, she just wants to upgrade herself. Purcell, let me

Zandra Polard 20:37
tell you this. This is an example. He's like, you can do all of that with exercise. And it's like, I am exercising. I've had four children, and I'm not exercising that much. Right. So we know that a lot of people are yes, you know, going to the other side of getting enhancements, because not that they don't want to be physically active. But because it's a help or it's an aid, right? Well,

Speaker 2 21:03
the exercise only helps to a certain degree. And again, for those out there. I also give everybody the opportunity and I don't have to give it to you, you just who you are you but you everyone has an opportunity for what they say it's choice, whether to do it or not to do it. But I do know that I've heard multiple, multiple stories of women like yourself saying that they exercise, they run they do this, they do this, and they still just can't get rid of either the gut, or the buttocks. Don't tighten up the glutes don't tighten up as much as they want, right. Or they don't jiggle, wiggle, whatever, you know what I mean. Lots of things that still go on that the body has basically just at that age has just said, You know what, we're not gonna, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing that. Yes. So I do agree with you that having this surgery sometimes is a speed up process to it. However, just going into the surgery, again, I just have to always refer to certain shows that I've had, on my platform. I have a show, again, on my platform that I've talked to people and it says My first encounter under the knife. And again, those of you that are listening, take notes to all of these shows that I'm mentioning, because my first encounter with the knife, I was in New York, and I was being interviewed by a lady by the name of play girl who used to work for Bad Boy Records. Bad Boy entertainment, not everybody out there is familiar with that. But that has to deal with Bad Boy Records, Puffy Combs and Diddy and all of them. But anyway, she interviewed me and it was called named the show my first encounter under the knife, because I went on there and I made some several valid points to everyone out there. As far as prior to having the surgery, some important things that you need to do. It's just not a matter of just picking a doctor and going right,

Zandra Polard 23:06
you still have to prepare this is where you have to prepare. And exercise. That's

Speaker 2 23:11
where we're going Yes. And just because you have money, fame and fortune, or you don't have money, or you save your money, and you know, it's it doesn't matter, health. And safety is number one priority is regardless to the cost to the cost period, whether it's expensive or not expensive. That's the first priority. Now

Zandra Polard 23:32
I want to change subjects a little bit because I got this talk about this little gift, okay. And in this gift, there is a shaper, yes. Tell me about the shaper. How do I use the shaper? Because when I put it on, and then I put my clothes on, you can see the shaper. So what do I do? Someone was saying, wear it around the house, you know, while you're cleaning up or, you know, doing your day on the outside of your clothes. And then it's supposed as it was supposed to magically pull me in two or three inches, like explain it to me. Okay,

Speaker 2 24:06
well, basically what I've given you is just just that a shaper, it's no compression, it's just something that kinda, it's not the same. There are multiple garments, there's what they have out there called compression garments. And then there's body shapers, and compression garments, meaning they are more they fit more tighter, and they do constrict you. More so with movement with your body, your limbs and things like that. And those are usually the items that most women get after they've had surgery post op or postpartum. They've had a baby. And then of course, everyday people, some women where I'm just to go workout, and it causes you to sweat. Oh, so what you have there's just a little nip and tuck just kind of like hey, if you want to just tuck it in temporarily just a little bit. You can wear that so I got not compression.

Zandra Polard 24:58
Okay, but I can wear this shirt Paper when I'm working out,

Speaker 2 25:01
absolutely. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. See how that salutely? Yes. So

Zandra Polard 25:05
I want to thank you again for coming on the show.

Speaker 2 25:09
With all this wonderful time was just so short. Oh, my goodness.

Zandra Polard 25:13
Oh my gosh, it's only 30 minutes. But you must come back.

Speaker 2 25:16
I will. I will. And thanks for having me. Absolutely. But

Zandra Polard 25:19
you know, before I let you go, I do want to thank our mutual friend, Trey, from talent lb, who brought us together. He's an awesome, awesome friend. And I want to thank him for recommending you to be on the show.

Speaker 2 25:33
Yes. And I'd like to thank him too, for for introducing me to you and allowing me to have this opportunity.

Zandra Polard 25:39
And for our listeners, can you please provide your information so that they may reach out to you? Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 2 25:45
You can find the dolls and queens talk show on YouTube at dolls and queens DQ surgery bar. The YouTube channel has all of my shows on there and the interviews as well as Instagram. You can stay tuned to the Instagram, and that's Instagram and Facebook. It's dolls DL L L z the letter in quen Z. And that's the Instagram and the Facebook handle. And actually on Instagram, there's a link that they can click and see the shows and the YouTube channels. And I'm sure to entertain we have so many shows coming on in the upcoming weeks. Different things we have. Just to tell you guys I have a lady coming on that's going to talk about CBD oils and CBD and teach us about how they alleviate pain. I have a Sophia Stuart coming on the mother of matrix. I have a couple more celebrities coming on talking about things and just regular general everyday folks. So you don't have to be a celebrity. But I say everybody that comes to the 1000 Queens talk show is definitely a celebrity, because I wouldn't have nothing less than the best.

Zandra Polard 26:52
All right, which means I'll be on there soon. So now I want to thank Oh my 91.5 Jazz and more listeners for yes. And thank you all if you have missed any portion of this broadcast, you can find me on your major podcast platform. I'm there. It's where I am with Zondra. Also, you can find me on social media. It's where I am LV and also if you are wanting to be a sponsor, or a guest on the show, it's where I I'm here every Saturday at 7:30am and I'll talk to you all next week. But

Unknown Speaker 27:36
bye Thanks

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